Res 75 - 80 Extract of Minutes of Meeting of the City Council of MH (10/7/1975)� ��', � 7S- �"b EXTRACT OF MINUTES OF MEETING OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF ^1HE CITY OF MENDOTA HEIGHTS, MINNESOTA HELD: OCTOBER 7, 1975 Pursuant to due call and notice thereof, a regular meeting of the City Council of the City of Mendota Heights, Dakota County, Minnesota, was duly held at the City Hall in said City on the 7th day of October, 1975, at 8:00 o'clock P.M. for the purpose of opening and considering bids for and awarding the sale of $300,000 General Obligation Improvement Bonds of 1975 of said City. The following members were present : Huber, Lockwood, Gutzmer, Wahl, Losleb,�n and the following were absent : Radabaugh (Clerk) The Clerk presented affidavits showing publication of notice of call for bids on $300,000 General Obligation Improvement Bonds of 1975 of the City, for which bids were to be received at this meeting, in accordance with the resolution. adopted by the City Council on September 2, 1975. Said affidavits were examined, found to comply with the provi- sions of Minnesota Statutes, Chapter 475, and were approved and ordered placed on file. The Council proceeded to receive and open bids for the sale of said bonds.� The following bids were received: Bidder Interest Rate Net Interest Cost � � ���ur�oN y�, The Council then proceeded to consider such bids. After the bids had been considered and discussed, member Lockwood introduced the followin� resolution �and moved its adoption: RESOLUTION ACCEPTING BID ON SALE OF $300,000 GENERAL OBLIGATION IMPROVEMENT BONDS OF 1975 PROVIDING FOR THEIR ISSUANCE AND LEVYING � A TAX FOR THE PAYMENT THEREOF BE IT RESOLVED by the Council of the City of Mendota Heights, P�Iinnesota, as follows: - 1. That the bid of Juran & Moody, Inc. & associates to purchase $300,000 Genera:l Obligation Improvement Bonds of 1975 of the City, in accordance with the notice of bond sale, at the rates of interest hereinafter set forth, and to pay therefor the sum oi � � �97,000.00 (��cx�x�c�€��gx�c ) is hereby found, determined and declared to be the most favorable bid received, and is hereby accepted and said bonds are hereby awarded to said bidder. The City Clerk is directed to retain the deposit of said bidder and to forthwith return the good faith checks or drafts to the unsuccessful bidders. Said bonds shall be payable as to principal and interest at Northwestern National Bank of Minneapolis, Minnesota , or any successor Paying Agent duly appointed by the City. 7�s =�'d 2. The $300,000 negotiable coupon general obliga- tion bonds of the City shall be dated August l, 1975 and shall be issued forthwith. Said bonds shall be 60 in number and numbered from 1 to 60, both inclusive, in the denomination of $5,000 each. Said bonds shall mature serially, lowest numbers first on August 1 in the years and amounts as follows: $30,000 in �25,000 in $10,000 in each of,the years 1976 to 1979, both inclusive; each of the years 1g80 to 1983, both inclusive; and each of the years 1984 to 1991, both inclusive. 3. Said bonds shall provide funds to refund Tem- porary Improvement Bonds, Series 1972 dated November l, 1972 of the City. The total cost of financing said refunding, in- cluding legal, financial and other professional charges, publication and printing costs, and all other costs neces- sarily incurred and to be incurred in connection with the financing of said refunding, is estimated to be at least equal to the amount of the bonds herein authorized. -2- �! m 4. The bonds of said issue maturing in the years and bearing the serial numbers set forth below shall bear interest, payable February 1, 1976 and semiannually there- after on August 1 and February 1 of each year, at the respec- tive rates per annum set opposite said maturity years and serial numbers: Maturitv Years 1976-�979 lg8o-1-82 1g83-1g8�+ 1985 1g86 1g87 1.g88 1g89 �ggo-199� Serial Numbers Interest Rate 5•5� -" 5•75 _- 6.00 � . 6.10 6.25 . 6. �+o � 6.50 6.60 6.75 � 5. All bonds of this issue maturing in the years 1g87 to lggl, both inclusive (bonds numbered 51 to 60, both inclusive), shall be subject to redemption and prepayment at the optian of the City in inverse order of serial numbers, on August 1, 1986 and, on any interest payment date thereafter at par and accrued interest. Published notice of redemption shall in each case be given in accordance with law, and at least thirty days prior mailed notice of redemption shall be given to the bank where said bonds are payable and to any registered holders, provided that•published notice alone shall be effective without mailed notice. Holders desiring to receive mailed notice must register their name�, addresses and bond numbers with the City Cl�erk. 6. The bonds and interest coupons to be issued hereunder shall be in substantially the following form: -3- � UNSTED STATES OF AMERICA STATE OF MINNESOTA DAKaTA C{�UNiY CITY OF MENDOTA HEIGHTS No. $5,000 GENERAL OBLIGATIQN IPnPROVEMENT .._ BQND OF 197� � KNOW ALL PERSONS BY THES� PRESENTS �ha� �he City�of Mendota Heights, Dakota County,.Minnesata, cer�ifiesa�ha'c it is i.ndeb�ed and for value received promises ta pay �a bearer �he principal. sum of FIVE THOUSAND DOLLARS on the fa.rst day of August, 19 and �o pay interest thereon from the da'ce hereof un�il the principal is paid at the rate of ; per cen� { %} per annum, payable on the fa.rst day of February, 197b�and semiannually �hereafter on �he f'irst day of Augus� and the . first day of February in each year, in'cerest �a matur3.ty being represen�ed by and payable in. accordance w�.th and upon present- ation and surrender of �he interest coupons hereta attached, as �he same severally become clue. Both princ�.pal and in�erest are payabl� at or any successor Paying Agent duly appointed by the City, in an:y coin or curren.cy of �he United States of America which. at the time of payment is legal tender ior public and private debts, � All bond� of th�s issue maturing in the years 19$7 to y99z, ba�h inclusive (bonds numbered 51 to 60, both inclusive), are subject ta redemption and prepayment at the � option of the City in inverse� arder of serial numiaers, on , August l, 1986 and an any interest"payment date thereafter at " par and accrued �.nterest. Publ�.shed natice of redemptian sha11 , in each case be given in. accordance wi�h law, and at leas� thir'�y days prior ma�.led no�ice of redemption sha�.l be given �a �he bank where said bonds are payable and �o any registered holders, provided that publa.shed no�ice alane shall be effec- "' tive without mailed notice. Halders desiring �o receive mailed. notice must regi.ster their names, addresses and bond numbers with �he City Clerk. This band is one of an issue in the total principal amount of $3Q0,000 all af like dat� and tenor, except as to ser3al number, maturity, in�erest ra�e and red�mp�a.an privi- 1.ege, which bond has been issued pursuant �o and a.n full con- formity with the Consti�ution and laws af the State of Minnesota � for the purpose of providing money to x�efund Tempo�ary Im- provement Bonds, Series 1972, dated November l, 1972, and is payable out of the General Obligation Improvement Bonds of 1975 Fund of the City. This bond constitutes a general obli- gation of the City, and to provide moneys for the prompt and full payment of said princip�.l.and interest when the same become,due, the full faith and credit and taxing powers of said City have been and are hereby irrevocably pledged. ,,. IT IS HEREBY CERTIFIED AND RECITED �hat_all acts, conditions and things required by the Constitution and laws of the State of Minnesota to be done, to happen and to be performed, precedent to and in the issuance of this bond, have been done, have happened and have been performed, in regular and due form, time and manner as required by law, and this bond, together with a7.1 other debts of the City outstanding on the date hereof and the date of its actual issuance and delivery does not exceed any constitutional or statutory limitation of indebtedness. , IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the City of Mendota Heights, Dakota County, Minnesota, by its City Council has caused this bond to be executed in its behalf by the signatures of the Mayor and the City Clerk, and the corporate seal of s�aid City to be affixed hereto, and has caused the interest coupons to be executed and authenticated by the facsimile signatures of said officers, all as of August l, 1975• City Clerk Mayor (Form of Coupon) No. , �..... . On the first day of February CAugust�, 19 , unless the bond described below is called for earlier redemption, the City of Mendota Heights, Dakota County, Minnesota, will pay to bearer at , or any successor Paying Agent duly appointed by the City, the sum shown hereon for interest then due on its GeneraZ Obligation Improvement Bond of 1975 No. dated August l, 1975. /s/ Facsimile /s/ Facsimile City Clerk Mayor F^ 'J' .'� 7. The bonds shall be executed on behalf of the City by the signature of its Mayor and the signature of its Clerk and be sealed wi�h the seal of the Ci��; provided, �hat one of such signatures and �he seal of the City may be printed facsimiles. The interest coupons pertaining there- to shall be executed by the prin�ed, engraved or lithographed faes�mile signa�ures of �he Mayor and Clerk. ' $. The said bonds when so prepared and executed sha11 be delivered by the Treasurer to the purchaser thereof upon receip� af the purchase price, and the said purchaser shall not be ab�ig�ed to see to the proper applica�ian thereof. ..r ynr+�......�. A . ....,.. .. . , �. There has heretafare been crea�ed a Temparary . � Impravement Band Fund of'the City. Of the praceeds derived from the bonds herein au�hara.zed � 2g7,000.00 shall be credited to the Temparary Improvement Bond Fund of the City. Said sum shall be sufficient to pay a1.1 principal of and interes� on the $340,000 Temporary Improvement Bonds, Series 1972, dated November l, 1q72,�ma�uring on November 1, 1�75. � 30, There is hereby created a special fund. to be designated General t�b3.i.ga-�ion Improvement Bands af 1975 Fund to be held and administered �y the C�ty Treasurer separa�e and apart from all other funds of �he City. Said fund shall be maintained in the manner herein specified until all of the bonds herein authorized and �he interest ichereon. have been fully paid. There is hereby pledged and there sha11 be credi�ed to the Genera3. C}bligatian Improvement Bands of 1g75 Fund, all accrued interest received upon dela.very af sazd bands, all funds paid far the bonds in excess af �297,000, capitalized interest in the amaunt of $ `�' , collections of all taxes herein levied for �he payment of said bands, and all funds remairaing in the sinking fund account of �he Temporary Tmprovement Band, Series 1g72 Fund after payment of all princi-- pa1, in�erest and premium due on the bonds payable from such ;; sinking f�und account.., There is also hereby p2edged and there shall be credi�ed �o said General Obl�.gation Temporary Impravement Bonds, Series 1972 as herein provided, all re- maining special assessments here�ofore levied or covenanted �o be levied and pledged to the sinking fund account of said � •r bonds. The General Obliga�ion Improvemen� Bond� af 1975 Fund shall be used solely to pay principal and interest on �he bonds issued hereunder and any o�her general ablgiation bonds of the Ci�y hereafter issued by the City and made payable irom said account. � � 11. I��is hereby determined that special. asse�s- men�s have heretofare been levied t,rith respect to the im-- provemen.ts financed by the Temporary Improvement $onds, Series 1q72 and reiinanced by �he bond.s herein au�hor-- ized. The balance of said assessments payable from and after January l, 197b is payable in equal, consecutive, annual installmen�s, with general taxes far �he years shown below and with interest on deferred balance of all such assessments at �he rate of 7% per annum. :_ '� • . , - To�al Estimated Amoun�Y_ Improvement� of Unpaid Assessments Desi�na�ion as af January l�lg7� A. Temparary Improve.ment Bonds, Series 1972 l. Mendo�a P1aza (a) Sanitary Sewer {� } S�orm Sewer (c ) UTater (d) Stree� 2. Pagel Road {a} Sanitary Sewer (b) Storm Sewer {c ) Water r (d) Stree� 3. Ragers Lakeside Eas� (a) Sain�ary Sewer (b} S�arm Sewer (c) Water (d} S�ree� $ �7,940 �-3, �5 � 57�7�+0 1�+, 7�0 lOfl,.580 Levy Years 1976-g3. 197�-83 �.976-9� �97�-$3 3976-91 . i • + . : _ _,,, � . . I� �.s estimated �ha� �he'total amount of spea�.al assessments heretofore levied and uncol.lected with respec� ta said.im- provements and avai2able for purpose of paying principal and interest on. the bonds herein autharized is $ 291,535 12. To provide money� far the payment a�' said prir�ci- paI and interest there is here8y levied upon all of the �ax- able proper�y in the City a direct annual ad valarem tax which shall. be spread u.pon the tax rol.ls and collected with and as part of ather general praperty �axes in said City far the years and in the amoun%s as fallows: -7- : Year of Tax Lev 1976 1977 1978 1979 1980 1g81 1g82 1983 1g84 1985 1986 1987 1988 1g89 1990 Year of Tax Collection 1977 1978 1979 lg8o 19 81 1g82 1g83 1g84 1985 1986 1987 1g88 1989 lggo lggl Amount $ 5;900 5, 8� 5,600 - o- -o- -o- -o- -o- _ -o- �_ - -o- - - -o- s - o- -o- -o- -o- Said tax levies are such that if collected in full they, together with estimated collections of special assess- ments and other revenues pledged for the payment of said bonds, will produce at least five per cent in excess of the amount needed to meet when due the principal and interest payments on the bonds. Said tax levies shall be irrepealable so long as any of said bonds are outstanding and unpaid, provided that the City reserves the right and power to reduce the levies in the manner and to th,e extent permitted by Sec. 475.61(3) M.S.A. : For the prompt and full payment of the principal of and interest on said bonds, as the same respectively , become due, the full faith, credit and taxing powers of the City shall be and are hereby irrevocably pledged. 12. The City Clerk•is hereby directed to file a certified copy of this resolution with the County Auditor of Dakota County, Minnesota, together with such other infor- mation as he shall require, and to obtain from said Auditor his certificate that said bonds have been entered in the said Auditor's Bond Register, and that the tax levy required by law has been made. 13. The officers of the City are hereby author- ized and directed to prepare and furnish to the purchaser ----- of said bonds, and to the attorneys approving the legality of the issuance thereof, certified copies of all proceedings and records of the City relating to said bonds and to the financial condition and affairs of the City, and such other affidavits, certificates and information as are required to •show the facts relating to the legality and marketability of said bonds as the same appear �from the books and records under —8— � `� their custody and control or as otherwise kno��rn to them, and all such certified copies, certificates and affidavits, in- cluding any heretofore furnished, shall be deemed represen- tations of the City as to the facts recited therein. The motion for the adoption of the foregoing resolution was duly seconded by member Losleben and upon vote being taken thereon, the following voted in favor thereof : All yea and the following voted against the same: --none Whereupon said resolution was declared duly passed and adopted. . B � 0 �n ' � y STATE OF MINNESOTA COUNTY �F DAKOTA CITY OF MENDOT� HEIGHTS I, the undersigned, being �he duly qual�fied and acting Clerk of the Ci�y af Mendo�a Heights, Minnesota, DO HEREBY CERTIFY tha� I have compared the attached and fore- going extract of minutes with �he ariginal thereof on file in my office, and �hat the same is a full, true and camplete transcript of �he minu�es of a meeting of the City Caunc�l of said Ci�y, duly called and held on the date�therein � indicated, insofar as such minutes relate to �he opening and cansidering of bids for, and awarding the sale of $300,000 General.�Oblzga�ion Improvement Bands of 1975 of said City, WITNESS my hand and the seal of said City �his � day of � �,��,�... , i975. ` -la-