Res 75 - 88 Approving C.S.A.H. Designation� RESOLUTION APPROVING C.S.A.H. DESI�NATION
proposes to '
WHEREAS, the County Boord of the County of Qakota ,/, adopt a resolution designating
CounPy Stafie Aid Highway No. 8 , within the corporate Iimits of the City of
Mendota Heights as follows:
Beginning at a point in T.H. No. 13 which is approximately 1270 feet north �
� of the Southwest corner of Section 13, T28N, R23ir! and running thence along
the established centerline of the public road described as follows: �
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South along or near the west line of Sections 13 & 24, T28N, R23U! (GJachtler
Avenue) in the City of Mendota Heights to a point at or near the 4! 1/4 "
corner of said Section 24, thence east along or near the centerline of bJentworth
Avenue in said City to a point in Dakota County State Aid Highway No. 63 �
at or near the E 1/4 corner of said Section 24 this point being also east .� �
corporate limits of the City of Mendota Neights and there �erminating.
NOW TH�REFORE BE IT RESOLV�D, by �he Cifiy Council of thz City of Mendota
Height5 that said designotion is in afl fihings approved.
ADOPTED ���f�� ,,,�� , 19�
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C E R T I F I C A T I v N
! hereby cerfiify that the above is o true and correct copy of v resolution duly passeii, adopted
and approved by the City Council of said City on
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C�ty of Mendota Heiqhts