Res 77 - 20 Approving Department of Transportation Preliminary Plans� i-:•inn. i� CT 2.521 (12=76) RESOLUTION APPROVING DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION PRELIMINARY PLANS R E S 0 L�_f T I Q^. No. 77-20 A't a(rec;ular) (speci�l) neetin�� oi the City Co��ncil of the City of Mendota Heighta :.luly helr; on ihe 15th day o'r' March , 19 77 , the following ?esolution was offered by Councilman Mertensotto , , seconcf2ci by J. Losleben , Councilman y to-uiit: �-'HERE/�S the Cormnissioner of the Jepartment of Transportation has prepared preliminary plans for �he improvement of a part of Trunk Nighway �!umber 194 renumbered �s Trunk Highway ��o. 13 �,�ithin the corporate limiL-s of the City of Mendota Heights , 9��d(� at Happy Hollow �Dt ; anrJ �:HEKEAS said preliminary plans are on file in t;he Office of the �epartment of Transportation, Saint Paul, tlinnesota, being marked, lahele�, an{� ider+iifie� as Layout �Vo. 1 S.P. 1902-28 (13=194) at Happy Hollow. anc� 4�1F{EREAS copies of said preliminary plans as so marked, labeled, and ioerrtified are also on file in the Of'fice of the City Clerk; and r1E�EREAS the term "said preliminary plans" as hereinafter used in the bociy of this resolution shall be deemed and inten�ed to mean, refer to, and to incorporata the preliminary plans as in the foregoing recitals �articularly identified anci describe�; - P!Q•�, TNEC�!, 8E IT RESOLUEU that said preliminary plans for the i:nprovement of Trunk F�iqh�uay PJumber 194 renumbsred Trunk Flighway �:urrber �3 within the lirnits of the City of Mendota Heights b� and f�ereby are approved. 9 f � � �i � (�! Y � i`i�.fiF}. �? �s� �'.�1��. ���—%{�} U��on the c211 of the roll the falioving counailmen votec3 in favar pf the F�esolu�,ion Mayor R.G. Lackwaad, Council.man Mertensotto, Councilman Gdahl and Councilman Lasleben T4�e follovting None voted against its adoptians t vhereu�on the i�ayor an� prssiding offic�r cieclared the Resolution adop�ed. Uaiecf March 15 , 19 %� Attest S3t�TE ff i��ilC:��ESCIi�i � } � CGJP,TY OF pAKOTA ) s`'. } ��7Y �' MENDOTA HEIGHTS ) i 1 , . � � � �" I do hereby certify that at a regular mee�ir.c� (e�-a-s�et��3 �►e�e���-e€ _ m�i�ei�-e�de-a��-�ega�-notrce-ma:�-giro�n�j af the City Cnuneil of Mendota Heights , iiinnesota, on �he 15th �ay af March , 19 7? , at �rhich a majoriiy af the members of said C�uncil were preseni:, the forec�oing resalutian was adapted. �iven under r�y hand and seal this Z�� � .