Res 77 - 28 Approving Preliminary Plans for the Improvement of Hwy 13- RESOLUTION NO. 77-28 � r`w� RESOLUTION APPROVING PRELIMINARY PLANS F i-'•inn. i� Ci 2.521 (12�76) . R E S 0 L�J T I 0�; At a(rE_r;v3ar� (special) meetin�3 of the City Co�ncil of the City of Meridota Heights cluly helu on the 19th day o'r April , 19�_, the following Resolution was offered by C. �tertensot�Q, � Councilman � seconued �iy J. Losleben � Counca.lman ; to-;�it: !�'HEREAS the Commissioner of the Jepartrlent of Transportation has prepared preliminary plans for the improvement of a part of Trunk Nighway Nur!her 19�a renumbered as Trunk Nighway hlo. �,g u.�ithin the corporate lim.i�s of the City of . tiendota Hei�zh�e � f�� at C,3.A�ii. �5 �� ; an�i 4;HEi;EAS sai� preliminary plans are on file in the Office of the Uepartment of Trans�ortation, Saint Paul, ��innesota, being marked, labele�, anrl ider�tifie� as Layout Ao. 1 S.P. 1902-2i (13�194) s� C.S.A.H. �i5 9 anr3 41NEREA� copies of said preliminary plans as so marke�i, labeled, anc! ioer,tified are also on file in the OF'fice of the City C1.erk; and !°JHEREAS the term "said preliminary plans" as hereinafter used in the bo�tiy of this resolution shall be deemed and inten�ed to mean, refer to, and to incorporate the preli�inary plans as in the foregoing recitals �articularly identiPied and describe�; `� P!OJ, TNEl�l, SE IT RESOLUED that sai�i preliminary plans for thP c,..= i:nprovement of Trunk Higt��vay ;Jumher 194 renumberec� Trunk tiighway ��u�ber 13 within the lirnits of the City of Mendota xei�qhts be anci hereby are approved. ~� � � W. � F .Y fviinn. i? GT 2521 (17_-76) U��on the call of the roll the folloving Councilmen � voted in favor oP t�e ResolutionMayor Lockwoad, Councilman Mertensotto, Councilman Losleben, Co�cilman Schaberg, Councilman Wahl. The following None vote� against its adoptions � vhereupon the ftayor an� presiding offic�r cieclarecJ.the Resolu�ion adopted. UateJ April 19 , 19 77 Atte STF�T� [F ;'iIl`���ESOTA ) � C QJi•1TY Of Da�cota ) `" . ) CItY OF Mmndota IIeights ) � � . . � � �,� . . , ,.� I�o hereby certify that at a regular mee*ing (at�_s�eci.a.l_meeting_oE_ uc�iirJzsls�.�rui 1 a{�a 1 nn} i r-�.�ua.s�}iuen�. of the City Council of � i��inneso{:a, on the 19th day of April , 197�_, at which a ma jori y of the mer:bers of said Council were presenl:, the f orec�oinc� resolution was adopted . +�iver under my hand and seal this 19� 0