Res 77 - 81 Extract of Minutes of Meeting of the City Council of MH (9/20/1977)'�,��;� ' � 9o��T�ev ?7- � � � � , EXTRACT OF MINUTES OF MEETING OF THE � • CITY COUNCII, OF THE CITY OF . MENDOTA HEIGHTS, MINNESOTA HELDe September 20, 1977 • , . •r •, ' , ' ;. �Pursuant to due call and notice �hereof, a regular meeting of the City Council of the City of Mendota Heightso Dakota County, Minnesota, was duly held at the �-� � �.City Hall in said City on the 20th day af September, � ��- 1977, at 7:30 o'clock P.Me for the purpose of opening and con- sidering bids for and awarding the sale of $1,295,000 General Obli�gation Improvement Bonds of_197'�, Series 20 of said City. � The following members were present: Robert Lockwood � ' James Losleben, Russ Wahl, James Schaberg and the following were absenta Chuch Mertensotto ' The Clerk presented affidavits showing publication ., of notice of call.for bids on $1,295,000 General Obligation Improvement Bonds of 1977, Series"2, of the City, for which bids were to be received at this meeting, in accordance with the .. " � resolution °adopted bg the'City Council on August 16, 19770 ' Said affidavits were examined, found to comply with fihe provisions of M�.nnesota Statuteso Chapter 475, and were -, approved and ordered placed on fileo . The Council proceeded to receive and open bids for , the sale of said bonds. The fo7.lowing bids were received: Bidder Interes� Rate Net Tnterest Cost � � s.�.,���, P,1nSt;?�F.Ci,I��J:D � . �TTI' O1' MP:ND�TA ifliI�IfTS �1,, 2�5, 000 I2��'Pn�71;PtL'iIT 1;Oi3DS Sept. 2C1, 1977 ACCOU:IT P.ATI;S FIRST NEITI�IVAL BANh 3.70% 197$ St. Paul, P1inn. 4.20 1979-1983 FIRST NATIOPIAL PAI�K G. 30 1984 `finneapolis, P-7inn. 4.40 1985 T'AI�dE 41F.EI;FR TAC1:SOtd CURTIS 4.50 1986 "tinneaPol�.s, aiinn. 4.60 1987 C?I1?ROi,:EI: ST/�TT ]DA11i; 4.70 1988 �t. Paul, ?tinn. 4.8Q 1989 -� 4.90 1490 5.00 1991-1992 r 5.1Q 1993-1994 ' ' 5.20 1995--1997 DALd I�:ALP�Q & QL'[lIL 4.20 1978-19£32 T•iinneapolis, itinn. 4.30 19�3-19�i4 PIPLR .TAT'T'R/1Y & H()PWOOD INC. 4.40 19fi5 `Iinneapolis, P�tinn. ALLISQ�I ?�TILI.IAAtS C0. 4.50 1986 'tinneapolis, �tinn. 4.60 19f37 F:,?J.B!1IR.D F� C0. 4.7� 1988 "ilt•�aul:ee, [�1isc. 4.80 1989 . 4.90 1990 5.00 1.991-19�32 5.10 1993-1994 5.20 1995-19�?7 I:.,T.PR�SCOTT E: CO 4.10 197 ;-1�82 }�inneapolis, Minn. 4.25 1983 ?•1/1P��lit:TTE P:ATI()P7AL �iAtJK 4.3� 198�+ 1(inneapolis, ;�tinn. `� � "' 4.40 1955 r;�hLR� s c��:TLr.snta C�. 4.5� 19s6 �`inneapolis, 1�?in� . 4.60 19$7 � 4.7Q 1988 4.80 " 1�89 �F . 9� 199� 5.0(l 1991 5.10 1992 5.15 i993 ' S.20 1994 5.25 19y5 5.30 1996-1997 UAivK P��FT}i[�II,ST `-Sinneapolis, A1inn. C.P.PNII•d & r1Alt(;OTTTa 'Tinneapolis, P1inn. t [�'IIITr TdrLD & C� . Chicag,o, I11. �1"IrI;ICAid NATIO�df1I. I�A;:i�: & rRUST St. Paul, ?1inn. , `�ILLF:R SCl{P�ODrR SFC. ; tinneapol is , Ptinn. RLY;IOLDS SrCtIRITIES C0. ,�ew York, i].i'. 4.25 4.50 4.b0 4.70 4.80 4.90 5.00 5.10 5.20 5.25 5.30 5.40 1���-l�sr 1982-1986 19i37 i�s� 1q$9 i��o 1991-1992 1993 � 1994 1995 19�36 1997 � llISCOtii�lT $12.950.00 r, 12, 777.1�4 12,95�.�0 12,95�.00 �C�ST $561,745.�Q 562,3G2.G4 %RATL: 4.8614% 4.$L6S 564,39�.�� ��.8843 5G9,950.�0 4.9324 Cn;ITIP3�i3�TIE1I., IL�OIS id��TIO.iAL 3.70� q1978 �3A��x & TP.LST Cnp���1� 4. 60 1979 12, 947.14 `%5�)3;15�3.63 - 5.1333`, ChicaQo, I11. 4,70 198�-1985 r . 4.75 1986 � ' 4.80 1987 4.90 1�3F�S 5.00 19fl9-199D 5.10 1991 • 5.20 1992 5.30 1993 - 5.40 i9�4 5.45 1995 5.5Q 1996-1997 A[�t�RD T•JADr TO TIIB rIRST NATI0�IAL �ANK t1CC�LTt�T �.. .� 7 7_ 8 � The Council then proceeded to consider such bids. After the bids had been considered and discussed, member Losleben • introduced the following resolution and moved its adoptione , ' � ,� RESOLUTION ACCEPTING BID ON SALE OF � ' �� $1�295�000 GENERAL OBLIGATION IMPROVEMENT ,• BONDS OF 1977, SERIES 2 �.• � PROVIDING FOR THEIR ISSUANCE AND LEVYTNG '- . A TAX FOR THE PAYMENT THEREOF AND CALLING FOR REDEMPTION OF $925v000 GENERAL OBLIGATION , TEMPORARY INlPROVEMEI�TT BONDS e SERTES 1975 , WHEREASo , A,e The City Council of the Ci.ty of Mendota Heights by resolution adopted September 20 2975 has authorized the issuance and sale of $9250000 General Obl.igation Temporary Improvement,.Bondse Series 1975 of the City (hereinafter !'temporary improvement b.onds �' ) to provide interim f inancing . of the construction of sewer, wa�er and street improvements in the Cityo • Bo The .temporary improvement bonds are subject to redemption and prepayment on 1�ugust 1P ].977 at par and accrued interest, and the City deems it desirable and in the best interest of the City to redeem said temporary iiaprovement bonds on February 1, 1978, � C. The City Council deems it necessary and expe- dient to issue $1,295,000 General Obligation Improvement Bonds of 1977, Series 2, to refund the $925,OOO.General Obli- `'-� � gation Temporary Improvements BondsP Series 1975, dated � August 1� 1975 and to defray the expense of the con- struction of various improvements•in the City, NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED by the Council of the City of Mendota Heights, Minnesota as fallows: Io That the bid of First National Bank of St. Pa�ul � ' to purchase $1,295,000 General Obligation Tmprovement Bonds _w �,. -'��� of 1977, Series 2, of the City, in accordance with the notice of bond salea at the rates of interest hereinafter set forth,' '"1 � and to pay therefor the sum of $� _��050.00 zs hereby found, ', ,, ' • determined and declared to.be the most favorable bid - received, and is hereby accepted and said.bonds are hereby ." awarded to said biddero The City Clerk is directed to a � xetain �.he depasit of said bidder and to forthwi�h return �he good faith checks ar drafts ta the unsuccessful � bidders. Said bonds sha11 be payable as to princ3,pa1 and inte�'est at '�'irst National �Bank� o� �St. Paul. Minnesota: . . . . . . . .r . � ,� , ' or any successor paying agent duly appo n�ed by the City. � 2e The $1a295,000 negotiable cc►upon general obligation bonds o� the City shall be dated August 1, 19i7 and shall be issued forthwi.th� Said bonds shall be 259 : in number and numbered from 1 to 259, both inclusive, in the denamination of $5�000 eache Said bands sha11 mature seri.ally, lowest numbers f3.rst� on Augus� I in the years and amounts as follows; $50,000 $90oQ00 $$5,000 $75,000 $70,Op0 $50p00� $45,004 $40,QQ0 $208000 in the �rear 3,978; a.n each of the years both inclusi.ve{ in each of the years both inclusive; in the year 2987; a,n the ye ar 19 8 8; in each af the years �both incl.usive; in the ye ar �, 9 9 4� in each of �he year� and in the year x997o �979 t�o 1�83; I984 to Z�$6o 1989 ta 1993, Z995 and 1996; � 3q Said bonds sha11 pravide funds for the constructian o� variou� improvements in the Gity and to refund the $9250{}00 General Ob2igation Temporary �rnpraue- ment Bonds, �Series 1975, dated August 1, �,975. •The total. cast of said improvements,, ar�d sa�.d refundings which shaZ1 include all costs enumerated i.n M3.nnesota Statutesy Section 475.55P is estimated to be at least �qual to the amount of the bonds herein authorizedo Tn7ark�on the " improvernents sha11 praceed wi�.h due diligence to comple�iono � 4, The bond� of said issue maturing in. the year� and beari.ng the seria3 numbers set �orth beZaw sha1,1 bear interesto payable February 1, 1978 and semiannually' therea�'ter on August 1 arzd February 1 of eac�t yearp at the respective rates per annum set opposite said maturity years and serial numbers: • m s. r •• y � Maturity Years Serial Numbers Interest Rates LC&'� . L L) . 1978 1-10 3.7% 1979-1983 11-100 4,2 ; 1984 , - - :� 101-11Z - r -. _• .4.3 � �� �5;985 - _ -- � � " _ �].'� 8-:!'34 , � '` � ' �- 4.4-- � ._ ._ 1986 �� � �.., 135-151 —� " �� 4.5 1987 152-166 4.6 . • 1988 167-180 4.7 • • 1989 181-190 4.g � 1990 191-200 4.9 ' �. 1991-1992 201-220 5.0 -� 199�-94 221-239 5.1 ' 1995-97 5. � A11 bonds of �i�s�issue maturing in the 5•2 ,' years 1991 to 1997, both inclusi�ve (bonds numbered 210 to 259, both inclusive), sha11 be subject to redemptian and prepayment at the option of the City�in inverse order of serial numbers, on August �., 1990 and on any interest payment date thereafter at par and accrued interest. Published notice of redemption sha11 in each case be given in accordance with law, and mailed notice of redemption shall be given to the bank where said bonds are payable and to any registered holders, provided that published notice alone sha11 be e�fective without mailed notice. Holders deai�ir.g to rPce�ve mailed notice must register their naines P acidresses and borid numbers with the City Clerk. - _ ... _ 6e The bonds and interest coupons to�be issued hereunder shall be in subs�tantiaZly the following form: � �"� No. UNTTED ST�TES OF AMERICA STATE OF MINNESOTA DAKOTA COUNTY CITY OF MENDOTA HETGHTS GENERAL OBLIGATION IMPROVEMENT BOND OF 1977 $5,000 KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS that the City of NTendota Heights, Dakota County, Minnesota, certifies that i.t i.s `indebted and �or �Va1ue received promises to pay to bearer the principal sum of FIVE THOUSAND DOLLARS on the first day o� Z�ugust, 19 and to pay interest thereon from the date hereqf until the principal is paid at the ra,te of ........• ...�.,.... .. ,.,. . ..... percent (•� per annum, payable on the first day of February, 1978 and semiannually thereafter on the first -._ day of August and the first day of February in each year, interest to maturity being represented by and payable in accordance with and upon presentation and surrender of the interest coupons hereto attached, as the same severally become due. Both principal and interest are payable at .. .. . , ., .. .. . . . � or any successor paying agent u1y appointed by the C�.ty, in any coin or currency of the United States of America which at the time of payment is legal tender for public and private debts. Al1 bonds of this issue maturing in the years 1991 to 1997, both inclusive (bonds numbered 210 to 259, both inclusive), are subject to redemption and prepayment at the option of the City in inverse order of serial numbers, on August 1, 1990 and on any interest payment date thereafter at par and accrued interest. Published notice of redemption sha11 in each case be given in accordance with law, and mailed notice of redemption shall -- be given to the bank where said bonds are payable and to any registered holders, provided that published notice alone shall be effective without mailed notice. Holders desiring to receive mailed notice must register their names, addresses and bond numbers with the City C1erk. a ' '' 5 ' < .J ►� This bond is one of an issue in the total principal amount of $1,295,000 a11 of like date and tenor, except as to serial number, maturity, interest rate and redemption privilege, which bond has been issued pursuant • to and in fu11 conformity with the Constitution and laws of the State of Minnesota for the purpose of providing money for various improvements in the City and to refund the $925,000 General Obligation Temporary Tmprovement Bonds�,•Series 1975, dated�August lF 1975r.and is payable out of the General Obligation Improve�►ent Bonds of 1977 1lccount of the Citye This bond constitutes a general obligation of the City, and to provide Tnoneys for the prbmpt and full paymen-E of said principal and interest when the same become due, the fu11 faith and credit and taxing powers of said City have been and are hereby irrevocab7.y pledged. IT IS HEREBX CERTZFTED AND RECITED that a11 acts, canditions and thi.ngs rec�uired by the Constitution and Taws of the State of Minnesota to be done, to happen and to be performed, precedent to and in the issuance of this bond, have been done, have happened and have been performed, in regular and due �orm, time and manner as required by law, and this bond, together with a11 other debts of the City outstandi,ng on the date hereof and the -- date o� its actual issuance and delivery does not exceed any constitutional or statutory limitation of indebtedness. IN WITNESS WHER,EOF, the City of Mendota Heights, Dakota County, Minnesota, by its City Council has caused this bond t� be executed in its behalf by the facsimile signature of the Mayor and the manual signature of the City Clerk, and the corporate seal of said City having been intentionally omitted as permitted by 1aw, and has caused the interest coupons to be executed and authenti- cated by the facsimile signatures of said officers, a11�as of August l, 1977. • City Clerk Mayor �� {Farm of Caupan} No. • $ On the first day of February (Augus�), 19 , �� unless �.he band described below is called for earZier _ redemption, the City o� Mendota He3.ghts, Dakota Cc�un�y, , Minnesota, wi11 pay to bearer at � . . -� . " � � -� , or any successor pay�.ng agent du].y appoznted by the City, the sum showan hereon �or interes� then due on its General Obligati.an Improvernent Bond of 1977 No. '•�� • dated August 7., 19770 � '/'s� � �Facs�imile � ' ' � � • � • • �`s'/ Facsa.mile • � • . ; Ci.ty Clerk Mayar . i ' '�. ' .� . - 7o The bonds sha1.1 be executed on behalf of the City by the signature of its Mayor ana. the signature of its Clerk and be sealed with the seal of the City; provided, that one•of such signatures and the seal of the City may be printed facsimiles; and provided further that the corporate seal may be omitted on the bonds as permitted by lawo The interest coupons pertaining thereto sha11 be executed by the printed, engraved or lithographed facsimile signatures of the Mayor and Clerk, 8o The said bonds when so sha11 be delivered by the Treasurer tlzereo� upon receipt of the purchase purchaser sha11 not be ob7,iged to se application thereof, prepared and executed to the purchaser price, and the said e to the proper 9e There has heretofoXe been created a tOSi.nking Fund Account1B in the "General Obligation Temporary Tmprove- ment Bondso Series 1975 Fund.'o �aid account was created solely �or the purpo.se of p�ging the principal and interest on the�J"temporary improvement Y3onds authorized in the resolution creating sa3.d account, Of the proceeds derived from the bonds herein authorized, "$ 925,,000.00 �� � . sha11 be credited to the Sinking� Fund Account of the General Obligation Temporary Tmprovement Bondso Series � 1975 Fund (which sum, together with sums already held �.n said Sinking Fund A,ccount, is su��icient to pay a11 princ�.pa1 and i.nterest to become due on $925,000 GeneraZ Ob].igati,on Temporary Tmprovement Bonds, Series 1975 which are being called for redemption prior to maturity on February 1, 1978)o Upon discharge of said t�mporary i;mprovement b'�nds, any balance in and all uncollected special assessments pledged to said Sinking Fund are hereby pledged and sha11 be credited to the Debt Service Fund of the General Obligation Improvement Bonds of 1977 13ccount hereinafter establishede� l0o There is�hereby created a special account to be designated�"General Obligation Impravement Bonds of 1977, Series 2 Account'°�to be held and administered by the City . Treastarer separate and apart from� a11 other accounts of ��' ���- the City. � Said Account sha11 be maintained in the manner herein specified until a11 of the bonds herein authorized and the interest thereon have been fu1ly paid. In said • Account there sha11 be maintained two separate funds, to be designated as the "Construction Fulld" and the��"Deb� Service Fund", respectively, The proceeds of the sale of ' the bonds herein authorized, less the $ �- �� � credited to the Sinking Fund Account of�t e�' eneral � t- Obligat�on Temporary zmprovement Bonds, Series 1975 Fund, less any accrued interest received there�n, and less any amount paid for said bonds in excess of $1,282,050.00o and less capitalized interest in the amount of $I8,500.00 (subject' to such adjustments as are appropriate to provide sufficient � funds to pay interest due on the bonds on ar before �ugust 1, 1978), plus any special assessments 2evied with respect �� to improvements f�nanced by �the bonds (other -�han improve- ments financed by said t�mporary improvement �nds} and �.. collected prior to complet�on of the improvements and . payment of the costs thereof, shall be credited to the Construction Fund, from which there sha1Z be paid a21 � ,� •costs and expenses of making said improvements listed in paragraph 10, including the cost of any construction ' contracts heretofore 1et and a11 other costs incurre� and ,� - to be incurred of the kind authorized in Minnesota Statutess �; Section 475.65; and the mone�s in said fund shaZl be used � - for no other purpose except as otherwise provided by Iaw� ,. provided tha� the bond proceeds may also be used ta the � extent necessary to pay interest on said bonds due prior to the antici.pated date of commencement af the collection of taxes or special assessments herein 1e.vied or covenanted io be levied; and provided further that if upon completion of said improvements there 5ha11 remain any unexpended _ balance in said Construction Fund, said balance (other than any speci,al assessments) may 3�e transferred by the Council to the fund of any other improvement instituted pursuant to Minnesota Statutes, Chapter 429; and provided further that any speci,a7, assessments credited to the Construction Fund are hereby pledged and sha11 be used . only to pay principal and interest due on the bondse� There is hereby pledged and there sha11 be credited to the Debt Service Fund (a) all collectior�s of special assessments herein covenanted to be levied and either initially cred�ited to the Construction Fund and required to pay any � p�incipal and interest due on the"bonds or coZZected subsequent to the completion of said imgrovements ancl. - pa�rmen.t of the costs thereof; (b) a11 accrued interest recei�ed upon de].ivery of said bonds, (cj a11 funds paid . � for said bonds in excess of $1,282,050,00, (d} capitaiized . interest in the amount of $18,500.00 (subject to such adjustments as are appropriate to provide sufficient funds . to pay 'interest due on the bonds on or before August IR , 1978), (e) any collections of a11 taxes herein levied � for the payment of said bonds; and (f) all funds remaining ` in�said Construction Fund after completian of the improvements and payment of the costs �thereo�e not so transferred to the fund of another improvement� and (g) upon discharge of �said tamporary iinprovement'bonds any func3s remaining in and � all uncollected s�ecial assessments p7.edged to said Sinking Fund Accounto The Debt S�rvice Fund herein created shall be used solely to pay principal and interest and any premiums for redemption on the bonds issued hereunder and any other general obligation bonds of the City hereafter issued by the City and made payable from said Fund. . 11, Tt is hereby determined that no less than 20� of the cost of each improvement project financed hereunder to the City within the meaning of Minnesota , Statuteso Section 475,58P �ubdivision �(3) sha11 be paid . by special assessments to be levied against every assess- abl.e lot� p�.ece and parcel of land benefited by said improvements. The City hereby covenants and agrees that it will do and perform as soon as they may be done, all acts and things necessary for the final and valid levy of such special assessments, and in the event that any such assessment be at any tizne held invalid with respect to any loto pi.ece or parcel of land due to any error, _ defect, or irregularity, in any action or proceedings taken or,to be taken by the City or this Council or any of the Ci,ty officers or employees, either in the making of such assessments ox in the performance of any condition precedent thereto, the City and this Council will forthwith do all such further acts and take a11 such further - proceedings as may be required by law to make such assessments a valid and binding lien upon such property, Subject to such adjustments as are required by conditions in existence at the time�said assessments are levied, it is hereby determined that the assessments sha11 be payable in equal, consecutive, annual instal.lmentsp with general taxes for . the years shown below and with interest on the deferred balance of alZ such assessments at the rate of at least 7 •�• per annum o Improvement Designation• 76-1 Brompton Court 77-2 Emerson Avenue 77-1 Mayfield Heights 75-3 Ivy Hills Stage 3 Amount $50,000 22,000 180,000 110,000 Le�vy Years 1979-97 � 1979-88 � 1979-97 '.. - 1979-97 . At the time the assessments are in fact levied the City Council sha11, based on the then current estimated collections of such assessments, make any adjustments in any ad valorem taxes required to be levied in order to assure that the City continues to be in compliance with Minnesota Statutes, Section 475o61p Subdivision lo In addition, there has heretofore been levied special assessments for improvements financed by said temporary improvement bonds. The balance of said special assessments collectable in 1977 and thereafter sha11 be payable in equal, consecutiveP annual installments, with general taxes for the years shown below and with interest on the deferred balance of a1� such installments at the rate of at least 7� �er annumo Improvement UncoZlected Designation• ' Amaunt • Levy Years �3- 2 Street $63,359 27,041 1977-95 �4 �2 Street 0 326,827 1977-95 74�� Street 45,550 29,861 1977-95 � 5� 2 Street 130,869 164,149 1978-96 12. To provide moneys for the payment of said principal and interest there�is hereby levied upon a�1 of the taxable•property in the C�ty a direct annuaZ ad valorem tax which shall be spread upon the tax ro11s and collected, with and as part of, other general property taxes in said City for the years and in the amounts as follows: � Year of Tax �Levy • 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 1985 1986 1987 1988 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 A Year of Tax Collection 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 1985 1986 1987 1988 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 Amount -0- 2,500 4, 000 3,500 6,700 8,000 2�200 5,700 7,000 8, 800 17,600 7,200 7,700 8,000 3,100 3,500 3,700 -0- 20,100 7,500 � a s.• r Said tax levies are such that if coll.ected in full they, together with esti,mated collections of special assessments and other revenues herein pledged for the payment of said bonds, wi11 produce at least five percent in excess of the amount needed to meet when due the principal and interest payments on the bondso .- Said tax levies sha11 be irrepealable so long as �,. any of said bonds are outstandinc� and unpaid, provided �- �_ that the City reserves the right and power to reduce the .` levies in the znanner and to the extent permitted by Sec. . 475,61(3) MeSeAo - � � - For the prompt and �u11 payment of the principal of and interest on said bonds, as the same respectiveZy be- come due, the fu11 faith, credit and taxing powers of the City shall be and are hereby irrevocably pledged. �f the balance in the Debt Service Fund is ever insufficient to pay all principal and interest then due on the bonds payable therefrom� the deficiency sha11 be promptl� paid out of any other funds o� the City which are available for such purpose� and such other funds may be reimbursed without interest from the Debt Service Fund when a sufficienfi balance is available therein, 13e The $925,000 General Obligation Temporary Improvement Bonds, Series 1975 0� the City �shall be redeemed and prepaid on February 1, 1978 at par and accrued interest to the date o� prepayment and the City Clerk zs hereby authorized and directed to cause Notice of C�I.1 ta be published i.n Commerca,al West prior to February l, I978� the date of prepayment, and to give mailed Notice of Call 30 days prior to said prepayment date to the bank where said bonds are payable and to the holders of the bands, i� any, who have registered their names, addresses and bond:::� numbers with the City Clerk, but published notice shall be effective without mailed noticeo Said notice shall be in substantially the form set forth in Exhibit A attached hereto and incorporated herein by reference. 14. The City C1erk is hereby directed to file a certified copy of this resolution with the County Auditor o� Dakota County, Minnesota, together with such other information as he shall require� and to obtain from said Auditor his certificate that said bonds have been entered in the said Auditor's Bond Register, and that the tax levy required by law has bee� made, � � � 15o The of�icers of the City are hereby author- ized and directed to prepare and furnish to the purchaser of said bonds, and to the attorneys approving the legality of the issuance thereof, certified copies of a11 proceedings "' � and records of the City relating to said bonds and to the � � financial condition and af.fairs of the City, and such other � affidavits, certificates and information as are required to show the facts relating to the legality and marketability of ��� said bonds as the same appear from the books and records under -- their custody and control or as otherwise known to them, and __ ' al1 such certified copies, certificates and affidavitso in- cluding any heretofore furnished, sha11 be deemed represen- � tations of the City as to the facts recited therein. � ' . �The motion for the adoption of the foregoing resolution was duly seconded by member ��W�hl �'� and upon vote being taken thereon, the followzng voted in favor thereof o All Yea � and the followi.ng voted against the sames None t�Thereupon said reso7,ution was declared duly passed and adoptedo !� » • � ST�TE OF �ZNNESpT� COUNTX OF D�KOT� CIT� OF MENDOT� HEIGHTS T, the undersigned, being the duly qualified and acting Clerk of the City of Mendota He�ghts, Minnesota, DO HER,EBY CERTTFY that T have compared the attached and fore- . going extract of minutes w�,th the original thereof on file in my office, a,nd th�t the same i,s a ful1, true and complete_transcri,pt of the minutes o� a meeting of the City Council of said Cityo duly called and held on the date therein indicated� i.nsofar as such minutes x�elate to the opening and considering of bids for� and awarding the sale of $1, 295, 000 Genera�l Obli.gati,on Improvement Bonds of 1977 of said City. WITNESS my ha,nd and the seal o� saa,d City thi.s • � • da of ' � • y ,- 1977. ': �,; ,�'�<<;�/ �,- `; f f. ,,Y � i' � � - �" ,� 't� �r�� �ti . �.r --- ' - i. ;�{SEA7 ) �+"` j ...,. �. : r .. . ��t `�~, �-; ` •r ,,�.� `;�. f .�`� - .-r�. � ;. ��` "�. , �. � , . �. .. w � EXHIBTT A NOTICE OF CALL FOR REDEMPTTON . $925,000 GENERAL OBLIGATTON IMPROVEMENT BONDS, SERIES I.975� CTTY' OF MENDOTP�, HEIGHTS � DAKOTA COUNTY � MINNESOTA NOTICE IS HEREBY' GTVEN that by order of ihe City Council of the City of Mendota Heights, Dakota County, Minnesota� there have been called �or redemption and�prepayment on February 1, 1978 outstanding bonds of the City designated as Genera7. Ob1i-� gation Temporary Improvement Bondso Series 1975, dated August 1, 1975, beari,ng serial numbers 1 through 185, having stated maturity dates of August 1, 1978, and totaling $925,000 in principal amount, The bonds are being ca7.led at a price of par plus accrued interest to February 1, 1978, on which date a11 interest on said bonds will cease to accrue� Holders of the bonds hereby called for redemption are requested to present their bonds �or payment, with February 1� 1978 and subsequently maturing interest coupon attached, at The First National Bank of Saint Paul in Ste Pau1, Minnesota, on or before February 1, 1978Q Dated September 20, 1977, BY ORDER OF THE CTTY' COUNCTL /`s/ - Gilbert 1�I. Radabaugh � City Clerk Additional information . may be obtained from: . Shaunessy & Coo, Inc. 151 Endicott Arcade Sto Paulo Minnesota