Res 78 - 8 Regarding Interstate Hwy System in MHCITY OF MENDOTA HEIGHTS
Dakota County, Minnesota
WHEREAS,the City of Mendota Heights is required by law to prepare
and update its Comprehensive Plan adopted in 1962;=and
WHEREAS,said plan is required to conform to the Systems Statement
issued to the City of Mendota Heights by the Metropolitan Council
according to law; and
WHEREAS, such Systems Statement is for the express purpose
of maintaining the integrity and continuity of certain Metropolitan
Systems Facilities, including transportation, waste disposal, open
space, and airport facilities as specified in the law; and
WHEREAS, the Systems Statement for the City of Mendota Heights
and Saint Paul designates 35E from Interstate 494 to Interstate 94
as a primary arterial; and
WHEREAS, the Metropolitan Council requires that such primary
arterials interchange with other primary arterials; and
WHEREAS, the City of Saint Paul, did on December �7, 1977
vote to limit the function of 35E as a primary arterial in Saint
Paul from Seventh Street to Interstate 94 as a "parkway", and
without a firm committment to connect the "parkway" to Interstate
and without a firm committment for the routing of truck traffic
not allowed on the "parkway"; and
WHEREAS, this substantial reduction in the standards of design
for that area of 35E in questions does not conform to the standards
required for a principal arterial as defined by the Metropolitan
Council; and
WHEREAS, such limitations in design destroys the continuity
of the=Metropolitan transportation system in violation of the intent
and purpose of the law; and
WHEREAS, this unauthorized change in design of 35E in Saint
Paul creates a burdensome traffic condition for the City of Mendota
Heights and other communities along alternative traffic routes; and
WHEREAS, excessive vehicular traffic (not able to be
accommodated on the;"mar av" and all truck traffic)
be forc�e_d toour around"Saint Paul on Highway 110, Interstate 494,
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and other local routes in the City of Mendota Heights causing a
deleterious impact on prime residential areas of the City of
Mendota Heights and other communities affected.
NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the City of Mendota Heights
urgently requests that the Metropolitan Council perform its
coordinating functions as defined by law in the service of all
metropolitan communities, and that the Metropolitan Council transmit
to the City of Mendota Heights their statement of policy and
answers to the following questions as expeditiously as possible:
1. Does the Metropolitan Council intend to perform
its function as a coordinator of transportation
facilities in the metropolitan area as it relates
to the aforementioned sector of 35E? -
2. Will the Metropolitan Council demand that its
Systems Statement issued to the City of Saint
Paul be followed?
3. Will the Metropolitan Council take action to
protect the integrity of the Systems Statement
as issued to the City of Mendota Heights and
otherraffected communi ti es 1 view of t? -e act -off
of the City of -Saint Paul?' ` F
4. Can -the Metropolitan Council condone the action
of the City of Saint Paul without firm committ-
ments for revisions for the resultant excess
traffic to be rerouted in accordance with good
planning principals?
5. Where does the Metropolitan Council intend the
excess traffic, and particularly the truck traffic
(diverted from 35E from Seventh Street to
Interstate 94) to go?
6. Will not any diversion constitute a circu Wus�
routing resulting in excessive waste of energy
and vehicular time?
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that unless satisfactory answers are
received forthwith, the City of Mendota Heights shall seek relief
from the adverse impacts of traffic diversions caused by the City of
Saint Paul's decision to limit the function of Interstate 35E from
Seventh Street to Interstate 94, and if the Metropolitan Council will
not perform its coordinating functions as defined by law, the City
shall seek legal courses available to it to seek relief from excessive
traffic diverted through the City; and
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BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the City of Mendota Heights shall
disavows its Systems Statement requirements as it affects transporta-
tion in its planning program, unless the integrity of that system
is protected by the Systems Plan for Transportation in the contiguous
City of Saint Paul; and
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the City of Mendota Heights
requests the Metropolitan Council to perform a strong leadership and
coordinating role in effectuating its established policies and
Systems Statements relating to establishing an efficiant transporta-
tion system in this sector of the Metropolitan Area; and
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Metropolitan Council be aware
of the reluctance of affected communities to absorb traffic diverted
from the Saint Paul sector of 35E, and that such communities may
well take similar actions to that of Saint Paul to reduce the deleterious
impact of increased traffic volumes in their respective communities.
Adopted by the City Council of the City of Mendota Heights this 3rd
day of January, 1978.
Ka leen M. Swanson
. y
By 44EA d L �
Robert G. Lockwood