Res 78 - 122 Extract of Minutes of Meeting of the City Council of MH (12/5/1978)� � � �, ja �
`_...��_ . , _ ��
Pursuant to due call and notice thereoi, a
rneeting o� the City Council af� the City of Mendata �Ie�..ghtsr
Dakota County, Minnesota, was du1.y held at the Gity Ha11.
in sai.d City on the 5th day af December, 1978, at 7:30
o'clock P.M. �or the purpase af and considering�bid�
for and awarding the �a3.� of ��.,�oa,o�a General Qbli.gation
Improvemerxt Bcinds 1978, Series A of said City.
The foZlowing members were present:
and the folloraing wer.e ab�en�:
Th� Clerk presented af�idavits publication
of notice of call for bid� on $I,100,000 Genera7. Obligation
Improvement Bon.ds 1978, Series A of the City, for which
bids were to be received •at �Ghis rrceeting, in accordance with
the re�olutiorz adopted by th� City Council on November 6, 1978.
Said a�fidavits were examined,�found to comply with the '
provisions of Minnesota Statutes, Cha,pter 475, and were
appraved and ordered placed on
The Council proceeded ta receive and open bid� for
th,e sale o� said bond�. The follo�ring bids were received:
Bidder � Interest Rate Net' Tnterest Cost
The Cauncil then proceeded to consider such bids.
After the bids had be�n considered and discussed, member
introduced the following resolution
and moved its adoption; �
BOND� 1978, SER�ES A
BE TT RE�OLVED by the Conncil af the Ci.ty o�
Men.dota Hea.ghts, Minnesota, a� follo�rs :
l. That the bi.d o� �'��� �
to purchase $�.,100,000 General Ob�.igation zTnprovement Bonds
1978, Series A of the City, �n accordance �,�rith. the notice of
bond sale, at the rate� o� �n�.exest hereina�ter �et forth,
and to pay there�ar the sum o� $'� ��� i� hereby found,�
determined and decl,ared ta be the most �avorable bid received,
and is hereby accepted and said bonds are hereby awarded to
sai.d bidder. The City Clerk is directed to retaa.n the
depasit of said bidder and to foxthwi�h return the good faith
checks or drafts to the"unsuccess�u�. bidders. Said bonds
sha].l be �ayable a� to �rincipal and a.nterest at
or any sucaessc�r �aying agent duly appointed by the City.
2. The $1,100,000 nego�.iable coupan general obli,c�a-
tian bands of the Gity shall be. dated November l, 1978 and
shall be issued forthwith. Said bonds shall be 22f� in number
and numbered �rom l to 220, both incl.usive, i.n the denomin-
atian of $5,000 each. Said bands sha2l mature serially,
lowest numk�ers first, on Augu�t 1 in the years and amounts
as fol3.ows : '
$70r004 ir2 the yea� 19791
$90, 000 a.n .each of the Xears
$85,000 in each o� the year�
both inclusive;
$65f000 a.n the year 1988;
$45,p00 in the year 1989;
$40f000 in each a� the year�
both inclusive;
$35,OQ4 in the year 1994; and
$30,000 in the year 1995.
1980 to 1982,.
Y983 to 1987,
1994 ta 1993,
�. �aid bonds �hall provide funds to refund at
maturi.ty the $1,1Q0,004 General 4bligation zemporary Improvement
Bonds, Series 1976, dated June 1, 1976. The to�al cost
of said refunding, which �hal1 include all casts enume�ated
in Minnesota Statutes, Section 475.65, is estimated to be at
least egual to the amount of the bonds herein authorized.
4. The bonds o� said issue znaturing in the years
and bearing the serial number� set forth below shall bear
interest, payable August l, 1979 and semiannually there-
after an February 1 and August 1 af eacfi.year, at the resp�c-
tive r�tes per annum set oppasite sa�d matur�ty years and
serial numbers: •
Maturity Xears � �Serial Numbers Tnterest Rate
5. AI3 bonds o� this issue maturing in the years �
1989 to 1995, both incTusive (bonds numbered 167 to 220,
both inclu�ive}, shall be subject to redempt�an and prepaXment
at the option o� �he C�ty in inverse ord�r a� ser�al nu�bers,
on August l, 1988 and on any interest payment date thereaf�er at
par and accrued interest. Pt�blished notice of redemption shall
in each case be given in accardance with law, and mailed natice
of redemption Shall be given to the bank where said bonds are
payable. '
6. The bonds and interest coupons to be issued
hereunder �hall be in substantially the following �orm.
Mendota Heights, Dakota County, Minnesota,
indebted and �or value recei.ved �romises to
the Qri,nci�al sum of
at the City of
certifi:es that it is
pay to bearer
on the first day a� August, 19 and to pay� i.nterest
thereon from the date hereof until the principal is pa,id
at the rate of
percent ( °s �er annum, payable on the first day
of August 1979 and semi.annually thereafter on the �irst
day of February and the �irst day of August i,n each year,
interest to maturity being represented� by and payable
in accordance with and upon presentation and surrender of
the interest coupons hereto attached, as the same severally
become due. Both princi�al and interest are payable at
. �
or any successor paying agent duly appointed by the Cit�,.
in any coin or currencX o� the United States o� America
which at the time of paXment is lega,l tender. �or public
and private debts. �
Al1 bonds of this issue maturi,ng in the years
1989 to 1995, both inclusive �bonds numbered 167 to 220,
both inclusive�, are subject to redemption and prepayment at
the option of the City in inverse order o� serial numbers, on
August l, 1988 and on any interest payment da,te thereafter
at par and accrued interest. Published notice of redemption
shall in each case be given in accorda.nce with la�,t, and
mailed notice of redemption shall be given to the bank where
said bonds are payable. •
This bond is one af an issue in the total principal
amount of $1,100,000 all af like date and tenor, except as �o
serial number, maturityr interes� rate and redem�tion pr�vi-
lege, which bond has been issued pursuant to and in �ull
conformity with the Constitution and laws o� the State of
Minnesata for tfie purpose of provzding money� to refund at •
maturity the $1,100,000 General O�l�gatian Temporar� Improvement
Bonds, Series 1976� dated June 1, 1976 0� the City, and is
payable out of the General Obl�gation Improvement Bonds
of 1978, Series A Account af the CitX. Tfiis bond constitutes
a general ablzgation of the Cit�, and to proyide moneXs for
the prampt and full payment of said principal and interest
when the same became due, the £ull ��%th and cxedit and
taxing powers o� said C�ty� haVe been and are hereb� irrevocably
pledged. .
�T TS HEREBY CERTTFI,ED AND i�EC�TED that a11, acts,
condita.ons and things required by� the Consti.tution a,nd laws
af the State o� Minnesota to be done, to hap�en and to be
per�ormed, precederit to and in the i.ssuance of -�his bond,
have been done, have happened an.d been per�ormed, i,n
regular and due form, time and marxner as arequired by law,
and this band, together with all otI�er debts o� the City
outstanding on the.da�.e hereo� and the date of i,ts actual.
issuar�ce and delivery daes not exceed any.constitutional
or statutory I.imitatian o� indebtedne�s.
I�N WTTNESS WHEREOF, the City o� Mendota I�e�,ghts,
Dakata County, Minnescata, by 3.ts City� Counci:l has caused
this band �o be executed in its beha3.� by the facsimile signa-
tu,re o£ the Mayor and the manual �ignature of the Ca.tX
Clerk, the corporate seal of said City havi,ng been znten�
tianall.y omitted a� permi�ted by� and haS caused the
interest coupons to be executed and auth.enticated by the -
facsimile signatures o� said officers, all as of Novembex 3,
/sJ Facsimile '
Ci-�y C1erk Mayor
CForm o� Couponj
No. ' • �$
On the first daX of August (February�, 19 , unless
the bond described below-is called for earlier redemption, the
City of Mendota Iiei.ghts, Dakota County�, Minnesota, wi11 pay to
bearer at '• ' � " �•' '�'�'��" ,
or any successor payin� agent�duly ap�ointed by the City, the
sum shown hereon �or interest tfien due on its General Obligat�,on
Improvement Bond 1978, Series A, No. � �, dated Noveznber l,
1978. .
/s/ Facsimile /s/ � k'acsimi;l.e
City Clerk Mayor
7. The bonds shall be executed on behalf of the
City by the signature of �ts Mayor and the signature of its
Clerk and be sealed with the seal o� the City; provided,
that one o� such signatures and the seal of the City may be
printed facsimiles and provided �urther that the corporate
seal may be omitted on the bonds as permitted by law. The
interest cou�ons �ertaining thereto shall be executed by the
printed, engraved or lithographed �acsiznile signatures of the
� Mayor and Clerk.
8. The said bonds when so prepared and executed
shall be delivered by the Treasurer to the �urchaser thereof
upon receipt of the purchase price, and the said �urchaser
shall not be obliged to see to the pro�er ap�lication thereof.
9. There has heretofore been created a Debt Ser-
vice Fund in the "General Obligation Temporary Improvment
Bonds, Series 1976 Account". Said Fund was created solely
for the purpose of paying the principal and interest on the
temporary improvement bonds authorized in th.e resolution
creating said �und. Of the proceeds der�ved from the bonds
herein authorized, $ shall be credited to the Debt
Service Fund of the General Obli�at�on Tmprovement Bonds,
Series 1976 Account ��h�ch sum, together with �ums already
held in said Debt Service �und, is su��ic�ent to pay all
principal and interest to become due on $1,100,000 General
Obligation Temporary Improvement Bonds, Series 1976, which
mature on �une l, 1979.� Any surplus �n sa�d Debt Service
Fund in excess of such xe�uirements �s herebX pledged and
sha11 be credited to the General Obli.gation Tmprovement
Bonds 1978, Series A Debt Service Fund hereina�ter established
and, upon determination o� such surplus all uncollected
special assessments payable to the General Obligation
Temporary Improvement Bonds, Series 1976 Debt Service Fund
are hereby pledged and shall thereafter also be credited
to the Debt Service Fund hezeina�ter established �or the
bonds herein authorized.
10. There is hereby created a special account to be
designated "General Obligation Improvement Bonds 1978, Series
A Account" to b� held and administered by the City Treasurer
separate and apart from all other accounts o� the City. Said
Account sh�ll be maintained in the manner herein specified
until all of the bonds here�n authorized and the interest
thereon have been fully�paid. In said Account there shall be
maintai�ed t�o se�arate �unds, to be designated as the "Pay-
ment Fund" and the "Debt Serv%ce Fund", respectively. The
proc.eeds of th.e sale o� the bonds herein autfiorized, less any
accrued interest received thereon, less any amount paid for
said Iaonds i;n excess� o� $l, 089, 000, and les� �$
to be credi.ted to tYie Deht Fund o� the General Obli-�
gation Temporary Improvement Bonds�, Series� 1976 Account,
shall be credited to the �aXment Fund, from which there
shall be paid al1 costs and expenses of issuing said bonds
and all other costs incurred and to be incurred of the
kind authorized in Minnesota Statutes, Secti.on 475.65. There
is hereby pledged and there shall be credited to the Deht Ser-
vice Fund (a) all accrued interest received upon delivery of said
bonds, (b) all funds paid for said bonds in excess of $1,089,000,
(c) any collections of all taxes herein levied for the pay-
ment of said bonds, �d� all funds rem�ining in said Payment
Fund after payment of the costs and (e) all funds remai.ning
in or payable to the Debt Service Fund of th.e General Obli-
gation Temporary Improvement Bonds, Series 1976 after pro-
vision for payment of all principal and interest due on the �
bonds payable therefrom. There is also hereby �ledged and .
there shall be credited to the General Obligation Im�rove-
ment Bonds of 1978, Series A Debt Service k'und u�on provi-�
sions of payment o� the $1,100,000 General Obligation Temporary
Improvement Bonds, Series 1976, all remaining special assess-
ments hereto£ore levied or covenanted to be levied and pledged
to the Debt Service �'und o� the General Okaligation Temporary •
Improvement Bonds, Series 1976. The Debt Service Fund herein
created sha11 be used solely to pay principal and interest
and any premiums for redemption on the bonds issued hereunder
and any ot�her general obligation bonds of the City� hereafter
issued by the City and made payable from said Fund as pro-
vided by law. Any sums �rom time to time�held in the Debt
Service Fund (,or any other City Fund which will be used•to
pay principal or interest to become due on the bonds) in
excess of amounts which under the applicable federal arbitrage
regulations may be invested without regard as to yield shall
not be invested at a yield in excess of the applicable yield
restrictions imposed by said arbitrage regulations on such
110 There has heretofare been leyi.ed ��ec�al
assessments �or �mprovements �inanced by said te�pflrary
im�rovement bond�. The balance of said special assess-
m�nts collecta�le �n 1�78 and there�fter shall be payable in
equal, consecutiy�, annual installments with general taxes
for. the XearS shown belo� and �,ri�h interest on the deferred
balance o� a21 suc� inst�Ilments at the rate of at least 7�
pex annum:
Designation �
Clement Vandal
Kopp German Lane
Buril H.olmes'
Riley Bancxqft
=�vy� �'alls hTes�.
�Partia]. �
7 4 --•3
74 --3
7 5--.3
ZeYy Xears
].2. To �rqva,de amoneXs �or the payment of said
pxa.nci,�al and interes�. there �s he�eb� J.eyied� u�on all of
the ta,xab],e �xoperty i,n the City a darect annual. ad va7.orem
tax which shall�be spread upon the tax rolls and collected
with and as part of, otIier general property taxe.s in sai.d
City for �.he Xears and in the amaun�.� as �o1lov,r.� :
Xeax o� Ta�
� � Levy� �
s s
• � M
Xear o� Tax
��� �
Said t� levies axe such that if collected in fulZ
they, together wi�h estimated collection�� of s�ecial assess-
mants and other revenues herein �led�ed far the payment of said
bonds, will praduce at least �ive percent in excess of the
amount needed ta me�t when due the �rinci�al and in�ere�t .
pa�nents an the� bonds. .
Said ta,x
any of said bonds
. the City reserves
� in the manner and
levies shall be i,rre�ealable so Iong as
are outstandinc� a,nd unpaid, prov�,ded that
the right and po��r to reduce the lev�,es
to the extent �ermi.tted by� Sec. 475. 61(3�
�'or the prom�t and full �ayment of the principal
of and interest on said bonds, a� the sarne respectiyely be-
_ came due, the ful1. faith, credi.t and taxing pot�rers a� the City
shall be and are hereby i,rrevoca�aly� �1.edged. I� the balance
in th� Debt Service Fund is eve� insu��icient to pay all
pra.ncipa2 and interest then du� on the bon.ds payable there-�
from, the de�iciency �hal1 be prom�tlX paid out of any other
funds af the City which are avail.ab3.e �or such purpose, and
such other �unds may be reimbursed wi.thout �.nterest fram the
Debt Service Fund when a�uf�icient balance is
1�3. The City Clerk a,s hereby directed to file
a certified copy of this resoluta.on �rith the CountX Aud�,tor
of Dakota Count�, S��innesota, tagethex witll other in�or-
mation as he shall require, and to obtain from �aid Auditox
his certificate tha-t said bor�ds have been entered in the said
Auditar's Bond Register, and that the tax levy by
law has been made. .
14. The of�a.cers o� the City are hereby author-
ized and directed to pre�are and furnis�i to the purchaser
o� said bonds, and to the attorneys approving the legala.ty
af the issuance thereof, certified copie� o� a11. proceedings
and records o� the Ci,ty relating to said bonds� and to the
financial condition and affairs o� the City, anc1. such other
v~ w� '~'u
affa.dav5,ts, cert'i�icates and information as are requ�.red to
sho� th.e facts relating to t�ie legal�,ty� and marketabi.lity o�
sai.d bonds� as �.h,e same ap�ear �rom, the books and records under
their eustady and control ar as otlierw�se kno�n �o th�m, and
all such certi�ied cop%es, cert��a,cates and a�fidavits, a,n-
cludang any heretofare furrz�.shed, shall be deemed re�resen-
tations o� the City� as to tI�� ,�acts xecited therea�n.
The motion for the adop�.ion. af the foregoing
resolution was duly seconded �y member �' ' " '
and upon vote being taken therean�. the follovz�ing Yqted i�.
favar thereo�:
and the follawing voted ac�a?r�st th.e �ame:
�h.ereupon �aa.d resolution was declared duiy
passed and adopted.
tl J
� . � � .� r
I, the under�%gnedf bei:ng the duly�� c�uala..�i,ed and
acting Clerk o� the City o� Mendpta, Heights, N�innesota, DO
HEREBY CERTTFY� that T have. compared the attached and �ore-
going extract o� n�inutes witYi the original thereo� on �ile
in my of�ice, and that the same is a full, tzue and com�lete
transcript o� the minutes of a�meeti,ng o�� the Cit�r Counc�l
of said City, duly called and held an the date therein
indicated, insofar as such m�-nutes relate to.tYie opening and
considering of bids �or, and a�razding the sale of $1,100,000
General Obli,gation �mprovement Bonds 1978, Series �,, of said
WTTNESS my hand and the seal of said Ci.tX this
� day of �• , 1978.
��y%%Cle�s� .. .