Res 1979 - 45 Extract of Minutes of Meeting of the City Council of MH (4/17/1979)ic� - �_ i= ' � �i'�% EXT.RACT OF MINUTES OF NIEEr1'ING OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF MENDOTA HEIGHTS, MINNESOTA HELD: APRIL 17, 1979 � Pursuant to due call and notiee thereof, a regular meeting of the City Council of the City of Mend ota Heights, Minnesota, was duly held at the City Hall in said City on the 17th day of April, 1979, at 7:30 o'cl�ck P.M. The following membe.rs were present : Lockwood, Witt, Losleben Mertensotto, Hartmann and the following were absent: none Member Losleben introduced the follow- ing resolution and mov.ed its adoption: RESOLUTION PROVIDING FOR PUBLIC SALE OF $1,5fl0,000 GENERAL OBLIGATION TEMPORARY IMPROVEMENT BONDS OF 1979 BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Meridota Heights, Minnesota, as follows: 1. It is hereby found, determined and declared that this City should issue $1,500,000 General Obligation Temporary Improvement Bonds of 1979 to provide funds for the temporary financing of various improvements in the City. 2. This Council shall neet at the time and place spec.i�ied in the form of notice hereinafter contained for the purpose of opening and considering sealed bids for, and award- ing the sale of $1,500,000 General Obligation Temporary Improvement Bonds of i979 of said City. 3. The City Clerk is hereby authorized and direct�d to cause notice of the time, place and purpose of said meeting � to be published in the official newspaper of the City and in Commercial ��Jest not less than ten days in advance of date of � sale, as provided by law, which notice sl�all be in sub- � stantially the forrn set forth in Exhibit A attached hereto. , ' �I , � 4. The terms and conditions of said bonds anc3 the sale thereof are fully set fort�h in �he "Official Notice of Bond Sale" attached hereto as Exhibit B and incorporated herein by reference. ' f The motion for the adioption of the foregoing - resolution was du1y seconded by�member �i�* and upon a vote being taken thereon, the following voted in favor thereof : I A11 qea { and the following voted ayainst� the same: none Whereupon said resol� anc� adopted . �;tion was declared duly passed 0 0 .. . .._ . • ' ' --.' -' ..,. - . .. �- . . .. ....... ... .. .� -- ' - . . _. ..__... . ._ _. . _. _ . �..._� ., _,..,....--.�.....�.� . ... STATE OF NIINNESOTA COUNTY OF DAKOTA CITY OF NIENDOTA HEIGHTS I, the undersigned, being the duly qualified and acting Clerk of the City of Mendota Heiqhts, Minnesota, DO HERE- BY CERTIFY that I have carefully compared the attached and foregoing extract of minutes with the original minutes of a meeting of the City Council held on the date therein indicated, which are on file and of record in my office, and the same is a f ull, true and complete transcript therefrom insofar as the same relates to the proposed sale of $1,500,000 General Obligation Temporary Improvement bonds of 1979 of the City. WITNESS my hand as such Clerk and the offi.cial seal of the City this �,�,o day of ,/%%,fr�/ , 1979. _ � �y � • City Clerk • EXH IB TT A NOTICE OF BOND SAI,E , $1,, 500, 000 CITY OF MENDOTA HEIGHTS DAKOTA COUNTY � MINNESOTA GENERAL OBLIGATION TEMPORARY IMPROVEM�NT . BONDS OF 1979 ' These bonds will b� offered �uesday . June 5 , 1979, at �:�� o'clock p.M., Central Time, at the City Hall, in Mendota Heights, Minnesota. The bonds will be dated June 1, 1979 and interest will be payable December 1, 1979 and semiannually thereafter. The bonds will be general obligations of the Issuer for which its unlimited taxing powers will be pledgea. The bonds will mature on June 1,1982. All bonds are subject to prior payment on June 1, 1981 and December l, 1981 at a price of par and accrued interest. Sealed bids for not less than $1,492,500 and accrued interest on the principal sum of $1,500,000 will be accepted. The rate of interest and the ne�t effective average rate of the issue may not exceed 7$ per annun. An acceptable approving legal opinion will be turnished by Briggs and Morgan, Professional Association, of St. Yaul, Minnesota. The proceeds will be used to provide funds for the teilporary financing of various improvements in the City. � Dated: April I7, 1979 BY ORDER OF THE CITY COUNCIL /s/ Kathleen M. Swanson � City Clerk 6 . t EXH�BIT B 4FFICIAL TERMS 4F BOND SALE $l, 5�t�, Q0� CI'TY OF �1lENI}OTA �IErGHTS (DAKOTA COUNTY) . ' MINNESOTA GENERAL OBZ,IGATION TEMPORARY TMPROVEMENT B�NDS OF 1.979 These Bonds wi11. . be o�f.ered T,��s���. � �une 5 r 19 79 . Bids will be opened and acted upora. at �� o' clack P.M., Central Time, a� the City HaIJ., in Mendota Hei.ghts, Minnesota. The Bonds will be offered upon the foliowing terms. • 17ATE. ANL7 INTEREST FAYMENTS C}F TFiE BC}NI3S The Bonds will be dated June l, 1979 and will,bear inte.rest pay- able on each December 1 and June 1, �.o maturity, commencing December l, 1.979. TYPE AND PURPOSE dF THE BaNDS The Bond� wi�l be general obl.i- gations af the I�suer for which its full faith and credit and un- limi-ted taxin.g powers will be pledged. The Barids will be in bearer farm with interest coupons attached and wi11 be in the denor.ti- natian o� $5,000 each, unless other denomina�ions are reque�ted by the Purchaser witi3.in 48 haurs a�ter the award. The proceeds will be used to provide funds for the temporary �a,nancing of vara.ous irtprovements in the City. MATURITIES AND REDEMPTIUN AlI Bonds will mature December 3, 1982. At the option af the Is.suer all Bonds shall be subject to prioX � payment in inverse order of serial numbers on June 1, 1981 or December l, 1981, at a price a� par and accured interest. PAYING AGENT The Purchaser may, withi.n 48 hou�s after the sale, name the Paying Agent for�whas� services �he Issuer wil]. pay cu�tomary and reasonable fee�, An alternate Paying Agex�t may also be named provided that �here i.s no add�tianal cost ta the Issuer by reasan thereaf. _ . ,�_._.. . _ .�,.._.�.. _... __ .�,..._....�..,,....._.._.�.....�, ,_...._.�._..,,�.....,. ...�....�._..__._..�_.....__�._.._.,....,.._...._.... .. _ - .r..,.�„�.... ,. � CUS2P NUMBERS It is anticipated that if the Bonds qua].ify for assignment. of CUSIP numbers such CUSIP numbers wi.11 be. printed on the Bonds at tYie Issuer's expense, but neither the failure to print such nurriber on any Bond nor any error with respect thereto shall constitute. cause for.tailure or re- fusal by the Purchaser to accept delivery of the Bonds. The CUSIP Service Bureau charge for the assignment of CUSIP identification numbers sha11 be paid for by the Purchaser. SETTLENiENT The Bonds shall be delivered without cost to the Purchaser at a place mutually satisfactory to the Issuer and the Purchaser within 40 days following the.date of their award. Delivery will be subject to receipt by the Purchaser of an approving legal opinion of Briggs and Morgan, Professional Association, of St. Paul, Minnesota, which opinion will' be printed upon the Bonds, and of Customary closing papers, including a non-litigation statement. Payment for the Bonds m�ast be made by the Purchaser in Federal, or equivalent funds on the day of settlement in a timely manner so as to be available ta the Issuer on said day. At settlement, the Purchaser will be furnished with a certi.ficate signed by appropriate officers of the Issuer on behalf of the Issuer to the effect that the Official Statement prepared for the Issue did not and does not contain any untrue statement of a material fact or omit to state a material fact necessary in order to make the statements therein, in light of the circumstances under which they were made, not misleading. One copy of the Official Statement wil] be furnished without cost to any interested party upon request. Addi- tional copies of the Official Statement will be furnished without cost to the- Purchaser upon request i� reasonab�le quantity within a reasonable time of such request. TYPE OF BID Sealed bids for not less than $1,492,500 and accrued in.terest on the total principal amount of the Bonds and a certified or cashier's check in the amount of $15,000, payable to the order of the Treasurer of� the Issuer, must be filed with the under-� signed prior to time of sale. No bids will be considered which are not accompanied by the required certified or cashi�er's check. The certified or cashier's chec}e of the Purchaser will be retained by the Issuer as liquidated damages in the event the Purchaser fails to comply with the accepted bid. No bid may be withdrawn until the conclusion of the meeting of the Issuer at which�b3ds are to be acted upon. RATES .The rate must be in integral multiple of 5/100 or 1/8 of 1� and not exceedin< 7� per annum. Additional coupons may not be used. • � t R r A�aARD Award will be made on the basis of lowest dollar interest cost determined by the additior� of any discount to the total interest on all Bonds from their date to their stated maturity as computed on the basis of the schedule of � bond years in the Official State- ment published for the Bonds. The �Issuer reserves the right to reject any and all bids, to waive infor- malities and to adjourn the Sale. Dated: April 17, 1979 0 BY ORDEP OF TIIE CITY COUNCIL /s/ Kathleen M. Swanson City Clerk �