Res 1979 - 58 Extract of Minutes of Meeting of the City Council of MH (5/5/1979)r 7/ ✓ V EXTI2AC'.0 OF MINUTES OF MEETING OF THE • CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY UF � MENDOTA HEIGHTS, tyIINNESOTA HELll: JUNE 5, 1979 Pursuant to due call and notice thereof, a meetinc� of the City Council of the City of Mendota Hei�g� � llakota County, Minnesota, was cluly held at the City Hall in �`� said City on the 5th day of June, 1979, at 7:30 o'clock P.M. for the purpose of opening and considering bids for and awardiny the sale of $1,500,000 G.eneral Uuligation Temporary Irlprovement Bonds of 1979 of said City. The following members were present: �arles PTerte�sotto James Losleben, Elis:abeth WiCt, John Hartmaan and the followirig ��ere absent: Rob�rt Locicwood The Clerk presented affidavits showing publication of notice of call for bids on $1,500,000 Geiieral Ubligation Ternporary Improvement Botids of 1979 of the City, for wtlich bids were to be received at this meeting,'in accordance with the :resolutivn adopted by the City Council on April 17, 1979. Said affidavits were exanlined, found to comply with the �rovisions of Minnesota Statutes, Cha�ter 475, and were approvec� ancl ordered �laced on file. , , , , The,Council proceeded to receive and open bids for the sale of said bonds. The following bids were received: Bidder . Interest Rate Net Interest Cost � Bids Received $1,500,000 Temporary Improvement Bonds City of Mendota Heights So1d June 5, 1979 � ACCOUNT BANK NORTHWEST Minneapolis, Minn. Cronin Marcotte Minneapolis, Minn. Merrill Lynch-White We1d Capital Minneapolis, Minn Dean Witter Renyolds Company Minneapolis, Minn. Miller Schroder Municipals Minneapolis, Minn FIRST NATIONAL BANK St. Pau1, Minn. First National Bank Minneapolis, Minn. Novick Company Minneapolis Minn. Cherokee State Bank St. Paul, Minn. DAIN KALMAN QUAIL C0. Minneapolis, Minn Piper Jaffray & Hopwood Minneapolis � P1inn. Allison Williams Co. Minneapolis, Minn Moore Juran & Co. Minneapolis, Minn. R.W.Baird Company Milwaukee, Wisc. 1�TE 5.60� 5.60� 5,65� Award made to the Bank Northwest Account. DISCOUNT $ COST $7,485.00 $259,485.00 7,500.00 259,500.00 �G RATE 5.7663� 5. 7667�C 7,395.00 261,645.00 5.8143% •� . The Council then proceeded to consider such bids. After the bi�s had been considered and discussed, member .tAme,a T.oQiehen introduced the following resnlution and rnoved its adoption: RESOLUTIUN ACCEPTING BIU ON SALE OF $1, 5 0 U, 0 0 U G�:NERAL 0�3LI GAT ION TEy1PORARY INIPROVEI�IENT BOIIDS OF 19 7 9 AND PROVIDING FOR THEIR ISSUANCE BE IT RE�5ULVE17 by the Couilcil 'of the City of Mendota He iyhts, I�Iinnesota, as follows : l. Tha t the bid of Banc Northwest to �urchase $1,500,00� General Obli�ation Temporary Improvement Bonds of 1979 of the City, in accordance ��ith the notice of bond sale, at the rates �f interest hereinafter set forth, and to pay therefor the sum of $1.492, 515.00 is hereby found , determined and declare� to be the most favorable bid received, and is hereby accepted and said bonds are hereby awarded to said bidder. The City Clerk is directed to retain the deposit of said bida�r an�i t� forthv�ith return the. good faith checks or drafts to the unsuccessf ul bidders. Said bonds shall be �ayable as to principal and interest atNorthwestern National i3anlc of Minneanoli�., Minn , or any successor paying agent duly appointed by the City.• 2. The $1,500,000 negotiable coupon general obliga- tion bonds of the City shall be dated June l, 1979 and shall be issued forthwith. Said bonds shall be 300 in number and nui�lbered from 1 to 3U0, both inclusive, in the denomination of $5,000 each. All bonds shall mature on June 1, 19£32. ' 3. Saicl bonds shall pruvide fur�ds for the temporary financing of various improvements in the C:ity. The total cost of said improvements, which shall"include all costs enumerated in I�Iinnesota Statutes, Section 475.65, is� estimated to be at ' least equal to the arnount of the bonds herein authorized. 6Jork on the improvements shall proceed with due diligence to completion. . ' 4. All qonds of saicl issue shall bear interest, � payable December 1, 1979 and seniannually thereafter on June 1 and Decemk�er 1 oi� each year, at the rate of �q.y� $�ld �ix T��z~,.:�-1��^ percent ( 5,(p � o) per annum. S. All bonds of this issue shall be subject to redemption ana prepayrnent at the option of the C�ity in inverse order of serial numbers, on June 1, 1981 and on December l, 1981 at par and accrued interest. Published notice of redemption shall in each case be given in accordance with law, and mailed notice of redemption shall be given to the bank where said bonds are payable and to any registered holders, provided that published notice alone shall pe effective without mailed notice. Holders desiring to receive mailed notice must rec�ister their names, addresses and bond numbers with the City Clerk. . 6. The bonds and interest coupons to Ue issued , hereunder shall be in substaritially the following form: � � � �- � - � , " ' . , . - - � , • a -. . . .. : r � ,�: � � event that any such assessnent be at any time held invalid �eith respect to any lot, piece or parcel of land due to any error, defect, or irregularity, in any action or proceedings taken or to be taken by the City �r this Council or any of the City officers or employees, either in the making of such assessments or iii the performance of any condition precedent thereto, the City ancl this Council will forthwith do all such further acts and take all sucii f urther proceedings as may be required by law to make such assessments a valid arid binding lien upon such property. Subject to such ac7justrnents as are required by conditions in existence at the time said assessments are Ievied, it is hereby determined that the assessments shall be payable iii equal, consecutive, annual installments, with yeneral taxes for the years shown below and with interest on the deferred balance of all such assessments at the rate of at least 7 o per annun: Improver�ent llesianation Rolling Green 78-1 Go1d Madellion 78-5 N.E.Area Dainage Eide Deleware Crossing 77-10 Amount $550,000 250,000 290,000. 250,000 150,000 11. Said special assessrnents collected in f ull they, togetner with other revenues hereiri pledc�ed for the will produce at least five percent in needed to meet when due t�ie principal the bonds. .Levy Years 1980-1999 1980-1999 1980-1999 1,980-1999 1980-1999 are such that if estimated collections payment of said bonds, excess of the amount an� interest payments of on For the prompt arid full payment of the principal of and interest on saic� bonds,'as the same respectively become due, the full faith, credit and taxing powers of the City shall be and are hereby irrevocably pledged. If the balance in the Debt 5ervice Account is ever insufficient to pay all principal and interest then due on the bonds payaUle therefrom, the deficiency.shall be promptly paid out of any other funds of the City which are available for such purpose, and such other funds may be reimbursed witnout interest from the Debt Service Account when a sufficient balance is available therein. �- : 12. The City Clerk is hereby directed to file a � certified copy of this resolution witli the County Auditor of Dakota County, Minnesota, toyether with such other information as he shall rec�uire, and to obtain from said Auditor his certificate that said bonds have been entered in the said Auditor's Bond Reyister. 13. The officers of the City are hereby authorized and directed to prepare and f urnish to the purchaser of said � bonds, and to the attorneys approving the legality of the issuance thereof, certified copies of all proceedings and � records of the City relating to said bonds and to the financial condition and affairs of the City, and such other affidavits, certificates and information as are required to show the facts relating to the legality and marketability of said bonds as the same appear from the books and records under their custody and control or as otherwise known to them, ancl all such certified copies, certificates and affidavits, including any heretofore f urnished, shall be deemed representations of the City as to the facts recited therein. � ,� The motion for the acloption of the foreyoing , . resolution was duly seconded by :member g�izahetN Witt , and upon vote beiny taken thereon, the following voted in favor � thereof : , . , A11 Yea , � �,� �i and the following voted against the same:°` -� None - Whereupon said resolution was declared duly passe�. .ana ad�pted . ' . • � � ' ' - '_ ` , ' i6 . ' � s 0 c �� r ST[�'1'�; UF N1IIINESUTA COUNTY OF D[�KOTA CITY OF NIEiVVOTA HEIGHTS I, the undersigned, beinc� the duly qualified and acting Clerk of the City of Mendota Heights, Minnesota, DO HERE}3Y C�RTIFY that I have compared the attached and foregoing extract of minutes with the original thereof on fi,le in m�r off ice, anc7 that the same is a full, true and complete transcript of the minutes of a meetinc� of the City Council of said City, duly called arid held on the date therein indicated, _ �orr�ee�EinrG 2�s�fu--��o��8-�'8•mv�le��nG insofar as such minutes relate to�the opening and considering I� P re-U � vyi �� y-- ti�- l, - of k�ids for, and awarding tYie sale of $1, 500, 000 General Oblic�ation Tem�orary Improvement Bonas of 1979 of said City.) WITNESS my hand and the seal of said City this � day of �,c�� , 1979. " , �� r � "� .3 � � � ;' _ - ��� -( S�;AL ) ' - t_ ' : r',, , � � b! i'�l� � � � 4' • � � �� City Clerk � 0 0 r � Na. iIIdITED STA`I'�S OF AMERICA STAT� OF MINNESOTA DAKOTA COUNTY CITY OF MENDOTt� HEIGHTS GENERAL OBLIGA`I`ION TEi�PORARY IMP�OVEMENT � � BOND OE' 1979 Iit KNQ�d ALL NIEN BY THESE PRESENTS tha� the City of Mendata Heights, Daxota Coun�y, Minnesota, cezti�ies that i�. is ir�debted an� for value received promzses to pay to k�earer the princi�al sura of FIVE THUUSAND llULLAkS on the first day of June, 19�2 and tU pay interest thereon �rom the c�ate hereof until the principa3 is paid at the rate af percent ( �} per at�iiuTn, payable on the first r�ay of Decemi�er, 1979 and serniannually thereaf ter an the first c3ay of June and the first day of December in each yea�, intere�t to maturity being re�resented by and payable in accardance with anc� u�on �resentation and surrender o� the interest caupans hereto � a�tached, as the same several.ly becorae due. Both principal and interest are payable at , ar any �ucc�ssor paying aqent cluly ap�ointea by the City, in any coi.n ar currency af the Uniteel State� o� Ai�ierica wnich at the time of payment is legal tenc�er far �ubiic and private del�t.s. r�ll bonds of this issue are subject to redeinp�ian and prepaynent a� the op�ion of the City in inverse order o� serial numbers, on June lr 1981 and on L�ecems�er l, 19�i1 at par and accru�d interest. Publi�hed notice of redernption shall in each case be given in accardance wiLh law, and maa.led notice of redernption shall be given ta the bank ��here said bonds are �ayable and �o any r�yistered holder�, provi.ded tha�. published r�otice alone shall i�e effeetive wit�l.out u�ailecl notice. Kolders desirinc� to recei.ve mailed notice must reyister their names, address�s and i�ond numbers witn �he City Clerk. This bond a.s ane af an issue in the total princi��al arnount o� �1,500,000 a17. of like date and tenor, except as to serial n�lber and i�iterest rate, which bana has been is�ued pursuant to and i.n f ull conforrn.zty with the Con�titution � . and laws c�f �he State of MinnesQta far �he purpose a� praviding money for the temporary �inancinc� of various improvements ir� the City, and is payable out af the General Obligation Temporary Improvernent Bonds of 1979 Fund of �che City, to which func� there has i�een a.rrevacabl� �ledc�ed the special assessments to be leva.ed in res�ect to the improvements financed by sair� issue and in�.o which funa there are t� b� paid the �roceeds of the definitive improvement bonds which the City is required by law to issue at or prior to the maturity of this bond fcar �he �ur��se of refunding the sane if the special assesstlents � theretofare collected, or any other municipal funds which are pro�eriy available anci are appropriated by the City for such purpose, are not suf�icient �or the payment thereof. This bond canstitutes a yerYeral abliga�ion of the City, and ta provide money� fc�r tlxe promp�. and full paymen-t of said pri�zci�al anc3 interest when the same beco;ne due, the full faith and credit and taxing powers af said City have been and are hereby irrevocably �aledged. ' IT IS HEREL�Y CERTIFIED ANv REGITELI that a].l acts, conditions and things required by the Constitution and 1.aws of the State of Minnesota ta be done, �.a happen and to �ae performed, precedent to and in the issuance of this bond, have been doi�e, have i�appened and have been perfc�rmed, in regular and due form, tii��e azzd manner as required by law, anc� tl�is banci, together wi.th a11 ather debts af �he City autstandinc� an the clate�hereof and the date of i�s actual issuance and delivery does no�. exceed any constitutional or statutory limitation o� inclebtedness. . IIJ WITNESS �VHE�REOFr the City af i�endota Heigh�.s, Dakota County, Minne�ota, by its City Council has caused th3.s bond to i�e execu�ed in i�.s behalf by the facsima.le siqnature af the Mayor ana the manual signature of the City Clerk, the corparate seal o� said City having l�een intentionally omit�ed a� permi�ted by law, and has caused the interes� coupon� to be executed and authenticated by the facsimile signatures of said offiCers� al], as of June 1, 1979. /s/ Facsimi].e City Clerk � Mayor . � ( Form of Coupon) No. $ On the first day of December (Jutze) , 19_, unless the bond described below is called for earlier redemption, the City of Mendota Heights, Dakota County, Miiinesota, will pay to bearer at , or any successor paying agent duly a�pointed by the City, the sum shown hereon for interest then due on its General Obligation Improvement Bond of 1979 No. dated June l, 1979. /s/ Facsimile /s/ Facsimile City Clerk Nlayor ( Form of Coupon ) No. , � On the first day of December (June), 19 , unless the bond described below is called for earlier redemption, the City of Mendota Heights, Dakota County, Miiinesota, will pay to bearer at ► or any suceessor paying ayent duly appointed by the City, the sum shown hereon for interest then due on its General Obligation ImproveMent Bond of 1979 No. dated June 1, - 1979. /s/ Facsimile /s/ Facsimile _ City Clerk Niayor 7. The bonds shall be executed on behalf of the City by the signature of its lnayor ancl the signature of its Clerk and ue sealed with the seal of the City; provided, that one of such siynatures and the seal of the City may be printed facsimiles; and provided further that the corporate seal may be ornitted on the bonds as persnitted by law. The interest coupons pertaininy thereto shall be executed by the printed, engraved or lithoyraphed facsimile signatures of the t4ayor and Clerk. 8. The said boric7s when so�prepared and executed • shall be delivered by the Treasurer to the purchaser thereof - upon receipt of the purchase price, and the said purchaser shall not be obliged to see to the proper application thereof. 9. There is hereby created a special fund to be designated "General Obligation Temporary Improvement Bonds of 1979 Fund" to be held and administered by the City Treasurer separate and apart from all other accounts of the City. Said Fund shall be maintairied in tlie rnanner herein specified until all of the bonds herein authorized and the interest thereon have been fully paid. In said Fund there shall be maintained two separate accounts, to be designated as the "Construction Account" and the "Debt Serv�ice Account", respectively. The proceeds of the sale of the bonds herein authorized, less any accrued interest received thereon, arid less any amount paid for said bonds in excess of $1,492,500, and less capitalized interest in the ar►ount of $ 8¢. o 00 _ao ( subj ect to such adj ust- ments as are appropriate to provide sufficient f unds to pay interest due �n the bonds on or before June 1, 1980), �lus any special assessments levied with respect to improvements financed by the bonds and collected prior to completion of the improvements and payrnent of the costs thereof, shall be credited to the Construction Account, frorn which there shall be paid all costs and expenses of making said improvements listed in paragra�h 10, including the cost of any construction contracts heretofore let and all other costs incurred and to be incurrec� of the kinci authorized in Minnesota Statutes, Section 475.65; and the moneys in said account shall be used for no other purpose except as otherwise provided by law; provided that the bond proceeds may also be used to the extent necessary to pay interest on said bonds due prior to the anticipated date of cominencement of the collection of special assessments herein levied or covenanted to be levied; and provided further tiiat if upon completion of said ir�provements there shall remain any unexpended balarice in said Construction Account, said balance (other than any special assessmeiits) may be transferred by the Council ta the fund of any other improvement instituted pursuant to Minnesota Statutes, Chapter 429; and �rovided furttier that any special assessments credited to the Constructa.a�i Accaunt are hereby �lec�yeci anc� sha1�. be used only tc� pay principal and interes�. due on the bonds. There is heret�y �pl.edyec� and tl��re shall be creciited to the Debt Ser- va.ce Account ( a) all col].ecti.r�ns of special assessments herein ct�vei�anted to be levied and �ith�r initiaily credited ta the CQnst�ruction Accc�unt and required to �ay any principal and in- terest due on the bonds ar collected suk�sequent �o the coM- pletion o� said impravements and payment of the costs thereaf; {�) all acerued interest receivec� u�on delivery cai said bonds, � (c} a11 func�s paic� for said i�onds in excess of $I.,492,500, {d} ca�italized inter�st in �he amount o� $�.Q.o�o_o a (subject to such adju�tnents as are apprapriate �a provide suff�cient f unds �o pay interest due c�n the bands on or before June l, 19E30 ), .{e} t}Ze proceeds of any ciefinitive itngrovement bc�nd, in an amount, toc�ether,caith other moneys then on hand and irrevocably appr�pria�ed to said fund, a� is necessary to pay the principal anc? interest due on �.he bond� { fj a11. func3s rer�aininy in saad Canstruction Account after completion of the im�rovemen�s and payr�tent of th� casts fi.hereof, na� so transferred to the accaunt of another im�rovemerit provic�ed, how�ver, th�t upon termina�ion - o� the Debt Service Accourit a31 collections of special asses�men�s herein cavenantecl to be levied and any other sums pledged and apprra�riateci ta �.he Ue�t Service Acco�znt and not u�ed for the �ayrient of said temporary bonds ancl intere�t thereon shall be �lec�g,ecl ar�d credited. to the extent nec�ssary ` to the Debt Service Account o� any definitive k�onds issued to - �ay in whole c�r- in part Said$ �t`��o�ry bonds. � The Debt Service • Account herein `created shall i3e used solel� �o pay principal. " and inter�st and any premiurns f�r redemp�.ion on the k�onds issuec� hereunder an� any other general oblic�ation bonds of �he City hereafter issue�3 by the City and mac�e payable £rom said . Account a� provided by iaw, Ar;y suin� frca:a �time to time held in the Debt �ervice Account (or any other City ac:count whi.ch wa.Il ,�• be used to pay principal or_interest to became due on the , �onds} iri exc�ss af anoui�:ts which unc�er the applicable �eder�l . • arbitrage reyula�kions inay be invested wi�hout reyard as to � yielci shal.l not be invested a�. a yield in excess of the . . � applicable yield res�.ric�.ion� imposed by said arbitrage regulatians on such investr��ents. . 1.0 . It is hereiay d�terizlined that no less �han 100 0 of the cost of �ach improvem�nt projecL financed izereunder to the City wiLhin the meaninq caf Minnesota Statute�, Sectian �75.58, Subi�ivision 1(3} sha1.1 be paid f�y special. as�essments to be leviecl against every assessai�le lot, piece and parcel o� land benefitec� Y�y said im�rovemei��s. The City here�y covenants and agre�s that it wa.11 1et all construc�ion contracts not here- tofore let wzthin ane year a�ter,ard�ring each ir�praverlent project�fi.nanced her�under unles� the re�olution ordering the im�rovement ,project ��ecifie� a different tirae liT�it for the letting a� construc�ion contrac:t� and will da an�t perform as soon as they raay tae done, all acts and tning� necessary for the final ar�c� val�.d levy of �uch special assessments, and in the