Res 1979 - 62 Calling for Public Hearing on Improvements to Serve Royal Redeemer Lutheran Church Property & Adjacent Areasw Z�a- � ,4„ �. �, � WHEREAS, the Council with improvements City of Mendata Heights Dakota County, DZinnesota RESQLUTION N0. ?9-�� RESOLUTION CALLING FOR PUBZIC HEARTNG ON IMPROVEMENTS TO SERVE ROYAL REDEEMER ., . LUTHERAN CHURCH PROPERTY AND ADJACENT AREAS City Engineer has submitted his repart ta the City respec�. to the proposed canstruction of the follawing ta serve Royal Redeemer Lutheran Church Praperty and ad�acent areas, to-wit: The construction o� an extension to the Ca.ty's sanitary sewer system, including appurtenances and incidentals thereta, and the acquisition o£ easements, and the recon- struction where necessary af streets in the area hereina�ter more particularly described. The can�truction o� a storm sewer system including appurte- nances and incidentals thereto and the acquisition of easements, in and �or �he area hereinafter more particularly described. W�-IEREr�S, th� area praposed to be assessed for said improvements is situated within the City of Mendota Hea.ghts in Dakota County, Minnesota, and is more particularly described as follows: All property within the fallowing described line: Cammencing at �he intersection of Lexing�an Avenue tCounty Road No. 43) and Vail Drive, thence easterly along the southerly line af Vail Drive extended easterly ta the west la,ne of Wagenknecht's Addition, thence southerl.y along the west line of Wagenknecht's .�ddition extended ta the frontage road (which is the extension af Victoria Avenue), thence westerly alang the northerl.y side of the frontage road to Lexington Avenue and there terminating. WHEREAS, in said report said City Engineer reported improvements and constructian thereof were fea�ible and further reported an the proposed costs of said NOW �IiEREFORE, T2' IS FiEREBY � Z— that �he proposed and desirable improvt�znents . RESOI,VED, �.hat the report of said City Engineer be and is hereby recea.ved, and �