Res 1979 - 81 Approving Plans & Specifications for Marie Avenue Bridge Repairs & Ordering Advertisement for Bids Therefor<y titi 4 � City of Mendota Heights Dakota County, Minnesota RESOLUTI4N N4. 79-82 RESOLUTI4N AFPROVING PI:AN5 AND SPECIF�CA- TIONS FOR MARIE AVENUE BRIDGE REPATRS AND ORDERTNG ADVERTISEMENT FQR BIDS THEREFOR WHEREAS, the City Engineer has submitted his report ta the City Cauncil with respect to the proposed constructian �or certain correction and repair work to the Marie Avenue Bridge, and WHEREAS, the City Council has here�a�ore directed that the Ci�.yr Engineer proceed with the prepaxatian a� plans and specifications �.herefor, and WHEREAS, the City En.gineer has prepared such plans and specificati.ons for said improvements and has presented such plans and specifi.cations �o the City Council for approval, and WHEREAS, the con,structian o� said impravements is to be attended to in accordance with the Minnesota Municipal Sta�e-A3,d Street provisions of the Minnesota Statutes, and WHEREAS, the City Engineer reported that the prapased improvements and construction thereo� were feasible and desirable and �urther reported on the proposed costs of said improvements and canstructian thereof. � NOW THEREFORE, IT I8 HEREBY RESOLVED by the City Council of the Ca.ty af Mendota Heights, Minnesota, as follows: 1) That it is advisable, �easible, expedi,ent and necessary that the City of Mendota�Heights canstruct the above-described improvements, and it is hereby ordered that said impravements be made. 2} That hereaiter, said improvemenis shall be known and designated as Improv�ement No. 79, Project No. 5. 3}� That the canstruction of said improvements shall be �� attended ta in accordance with the provisions of the Minnesota Municipal State-Aid �treet provisions af the Minnesota Statutes. 4) That the plans and specifications for said improve- ments be and they are hereby in a].1 respects apprc�ved. 5) That the City Clerk, with the aid and assa.stan:ce af the City Engineer, be and is hereby autharized and directed ta adverti.se �or bids for said improvements,