Res 1979 -116 Machine-Signed SignaturesE�
IUMiER `�..r�a.r�.��9�..
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I��St�L�.J7'IUI� rUi�. ��AGI-�INla-S1GN � � Slt.;NA1'UI�lES
ICathleen t1. Swanson
G i tY of tlendota tle i ghts
' � City Council
Gity Clerk
, S�ecretsr}t oi
, do hrrcbr certity that at a
' fteaular f}� �{_==�=-rt-�------ f C i ty of tlendota tiei.c�hts
mccting c� It c ��an o irecwrs o
( Fit�ular�S�ucial }
duly an� r.gularly .alicd, a��t he,lcl .�t thc c�(Cicc i�f thr «�r��uratian at
750 South Plaza drive
an thr S� xth _�xy uf � tJovember , � q 79 , th�•rc bcing a t�uoruin c�f s�id fioaed
pn�sent, tht foiiciwing rtsc�lution was una�imously paasrcl a� a�racara frum thr rrcords ol :aid cc�r�wcatian
ar�d is now in futl f��«e .inci ct�rct;
, . .
R�:SC)t_VF:t7. '1'hit Dakota County State Bank aa � dcsignat��d de��os tary af this corpar-
�ti<�n k�c ac�c! it is hrr�•hy req��csted, autncar��ru anu u�rccrccf ta hc�nar ch.�rks, c�rafts or othcr �rd4rs for tht
rayn1rnt «1 m��tti,g elrawri ia tlYii cc�r�x�ration'x nan�c, ineludinR tlivsr �3rawn tu tier �indivieiva! c�rcicr of
any �xrs��n ur ��cr���ne whusc n.�nir <�r nai�ics a��{uar lhcrrc�n ts siKn��r u� si}�nres tl�erccif, when b�asing ;?s
ru��x�rting to hca� thr facsimiT�r �siy,�i.��urc(s) of a��y on� u( th� f�,11��winK:
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aiiil~ Dakota Count St�te Bank sli.�l! t�. rniitl��cl t�� hun<�r and tc� charge this car�oratit�n for
ati sunc �heckx, JraftaYi or othcr ��rcicrs, �c�ardlcss �ti( by wh��m or hy ���h�C mcans thr latsimilr siunature ar
�ig�asi�r+�s thrrrc�n r:},iy h.ivc 1�crn 4�fCixc<1 thcrcio, if such farsin�iic sivn,�turr r siRnaturrs n�kmblc th.
(acsiRi�ile s��crimcil5 titi�}� ccriificc! tc� c�r filcd wiih Qakat� County State �ank }�y thc Srcr�t. ry;
c►r i►�I�.�r t�i(i�cr o( �hi� tur�wi.�liuu. �
i�i: t't' T�Uit"1'i ii:it iti:S(�31.Viit). 'i'1�a� :�nv ancl atl �csc�lution� h�rctufurc acl.��
-. f?irrct�>rs cti! tlyic {':c�t�x�r.�t<<��� a:ti�! rrttiti��<f t<i .i . �`
��s�rt�l���n c�( thit C;�}rt���t.tti��n's .ic����u�it (s1 witli it. h�� a�t�! .�tc hrrrl�y tc�titta►tc��1 �a i
��z�c�+� .i� thc s.rmc �rray hr �ul�a�liiryrntc�i ur muclifi���l hy Ihr (arcKu�ng j�,tri ��( this r
(iV Wti�Nt:SS VJi[t:itt:t)i=� i hivc hrrri�n�o suhscrihcci my namr as Sctrctuy
c�,r��ratc , of said corpc�r�tiun Ito t�c hrrtunt<� alfixecl �hi� S i xth J�►y of �
R U 3�i � w I
, --�-; s�s�.
�, Ci Clerk
� � �i
t���l hy thr Ru.ird af
ac �c�vcrninK thr
t�t� f�,rcr ant� �
,��t,luti�,�►. �
and h�ve caused thc
lovamber ..