Res 1982 - 13 Plans, Special Provisions & Specifications for the Improvement of Hwy 35E-494Mn/Dot 2523 (8-7$) 19$2-8�(35�=390i State Fro3ec� 1A85-7g(G.AL,=�93� Fed Pro� . �� ��35E 4: (157 ) R E S 0 L U T I 0 N At a meeting of the Citp Counc3.1 of the Citp of Mend No. 82-13 �Iei�h�s 2nd d,ay of February , 19 82 , the following Resolutian was (; �mri lman T,��1 ebPn > ; secoaded bq Witt ; to Wit: _, he3d an the 'fered by Councilwoman Wi�REAS the Commissioner a£ Transpartation far the State af Minnesota ha� prepared: plans, 390 special provi.sione, and specifications £or the improvement of Trunk Aighway No. 39 3 , 35E renumbered as Trunk FT�.ghway No. 494 , within the corporate limits af �he City o£ Mendo�a Heights, from-th� at Jct. T.H,.. 35E &�+94, aC 3ct�. T.i�. 35E i and 11.0 and a.t .Tct. T.H. 35E and 13. tg' and seeks the approval thereof: NOW, THEN, BE IT RESOLVED that said plans and special provisions far the,'improvement of said Trunk �ii.ghway within said corparate Iim3.ts of the City, be and hareby are approved including the elevations and gradea as showa and cansent is hereby given to any and a].1 changes in grade oeeasioned bp said canstruction.' .I BE IT FURTHER RESOLVID that the City does herebp agree to reQuire the parking of all vehicles, if snch park�.ng is permitted within the corporate iimits af said City, aaa said Trunk Highwaq, to be parall.el w3.th the curb ad�aceat ta the highway, and at least 20 feet from anp crosswalks on all public streets 3Atersecting said trunlc highway. ,� Upon the ca11. of the roll, tha fa2l+awing council members voted in favor af the Resolutian; Lockwood, Mertensotto, Hartmann, Losleben, Witt � , I 's 'I and, the followiag council members voted agsinst the adoption of the Resalution: NQNE � ' � ;� whereupon the mayox and/or the presiding officer declared the Resolution adopted, � ����� � I Dated :' February 2 , 19 8 2 ` . Maqor . ;� , .,` •� Attest . � -r-' STATE OF MINNESOTA ) ; �� �r ��tp C3.erk ) ; _�, -; � � COUNTY OF DAKOTA } ss. ' ' ' � - . � , � CITY OF MEI�DOTA IiEIG'HTS } I da hereby certify that at said meeting (of which due and legal no�ice was given} of the City Council of the Cit of � y MQ �, � n r a. ,Hp. � g h t s �, Minnesota, on the 2n� day of February �� 19��; at which a majaritp of said Council were present, the foregoing Resolution was adopted. Given under my hand and sea1. this 4th day af February members of 19_g 2____. Citv Clerk