Res 1989 - 25 Approving a Lot Division of part of Government Lot 2City of Mendota Heights
Dakota County, Minnesota
WHEREAS, Jean J. & Pauline C. Chaput owners of a portion of Government
' Lot 2, Da.kota County, Minnesota, has requested from the City to divide that -�— ^
lot into three lots with the new lots being described as follows: �
` — - -- -- — — — — -- - - �
� - „ Parcc_ 1! � .
"`*at part of Lot I, Colliton Place, accocdinq to the recocde� plat tDereof, lyir.q south-of PhilliQs P.ill Addition, aecocdinq to
the reeo d.ed plai,thereof and that pact oE Government Lot 2,, SecEion 27 Towr.s.*.ip 28_, 'ange 2.3, nakota •County Minnesota
desctibe� as beeinning at the northeast corner of Lot"2; said ColYiton Prace• thence on an assumed bearirig`oE South: �8 d:ees 54
minutes 21 seaonds Kest along the nocth line of said Lot 2 a dis:ance of �6.Ob feet to a point �acked by a Judicial �I,ndAark;�
thence continuing gouth 86 degrees 52 mir.utes 21 seconds West alonc said norc!: line and its westerly eztension 795.36 feet Go a
point marked by a Sudicial Landcack; th nce continuinq South R8 dec*ees 52 minutes 21 eeconds West along said vesterll extension
of [he north line of Lot 2 a distance o� 1E.5y £eet to a point on E e east line of Va11ey Viev Oak accocdin9 to the recorded plat
thereof said point distant 28.23 feet south from ehe most nocthecly eo:ner thereof; thence Hor:h d degcees 33 minutes 00 �ecbnde
fiest aion9 said east line 2E.Z3 feet; thence northeastezly alona a nen—tanaential curve concave to ehe northvest havino a centtal
angle of 17 d rees 09 minutes 04 seconds a radius oi 381r97 :ee[ z chor9'bearin� �orth 36 degrees 06 minctes Sd seconds Eaat, a
�flistance of 16.34• feet; t]ott�i 27 degzees 3 :car.vtes ��1 seconds East, nd tangent to last desciibed cuzve 19E.93 Eeet;'
thence northec y along a tanaential eurve concave to the east havin4 a centrzl angle of O.deqzees 26 �rinutes 52,seconds a radius
of 954.?3 feet, a distance 3f .47 feet to the intessectior. with t5e south lir.e o£ the nort.. 214.50 feet o= said Government Lot 2
establ:shed crsuant to Distcict Court Ca e No. 1p3383• thence t�orth EA dearees 52,c:ir.ute� 21 seconds East alon said south lSne
of the no:Qh 214.50 feet e aistance o� 37.?9 feet Eo a ooint carke� by a Judicial Gar.d�cack set pursuant to �aid Distric' Cautt
case'No. 103393• ttence� continuina Nocth 8B dea[ees 52 minutes 21 seconds East along said scueh line of the nocth 214.50 feet a
di5tance of 1�5.92 eet to the no[thwest cczner of said ?hilli�e Eill Addition and macked by a Judicial Landna:k; Chence south
a�ong the vest line Qf said Philli sR;11 A�j@ tio0 tp the souehvest cozae[ tneteo' and mazked by a Judicial Landmatic• thence eaat�
atong the south line of said P.4iillips tiil� Addition to the southeast corner a: Cqt 1 Block � said Phillips Hili Ad3itiqn and,
marked bY a Judicial Landsark; thence cont=nuing east along said soutt lir.e of ?hillios §ill AddiEior. Co the east line of aaia ?.ot,
1 Colliton Place; tEence scutherly along said enst line oE Lat 2 to the point for bf beginning. Subject to easeaents foc Trunk
6�ghvay Dto. 13 anA Huntet Lane. �
Parce! 2 .
' part o� Govetna:ent Lot 2 Section 27, To�:r,'shio 28, Ranq e 23, Dakota Co�� t1lr,nesota, 1ving east of Valley Vier+ Oak, l
accozding to the [ecorded pla� thereof, lyine westecly�of Cbll:ton P'ace, accor3ina o the recorded plat thereof and lying betveen
ths westerly extensions of the north ar.d soufh lines o. Lot 2 said Cclliton P:ace, Judic?al Landracks having been placed at the(
northeast southeaet and southvest cocners theseof ar.d a�so placed at po�r.ts on [he north and vest lines ttereof respectively�
distant 1�.52 feet vest and 16.55 ieet ecuth from Ghe northwes: coraec thereo_. ,
Parcel C
�latjpart of Government Lot Z, gcction 2i Toxnahi2 28 Ranae 23. Dakota County Hinnesota, lvinv north o: Cak Point ac�ocdin to I
the reco:Zed plat thereof, lyin easE of vzll�� �Iiev Gak, acco:ding co ths recocded olaE thereof 1•+;ng vest s�y,o_ Coll�ton
F}ace, accar3ln; to the reeocdeci gl�at therenf and ?y_n5 aontL o! C�e ves..ecly eztension o_''the aout5 l:�e'o: Lot 2, said Coll:ton
P�ace, Judlciai Landr:szks hzvfno beer. �laced at t:�e noettease, eoutheaae,•s0�ehvest aad aorthr+est co:necs the:eof.
WHEREAS, said new lots are to be attached to the following lots and
used as open space:
1. Parcel A attached to Lot 1, Collition Place.
2. Parcel B attached to Lot 2, Collition Place.
3. Parcel C attached to Lot 3, Collition Place.
NOW THEREFORE IT IS HEREBY RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of
Mendota Heights, Minnesota, that the lot division submitted at this meeting
is hereby approved.
Adopted by the City Council of the City of Mendota Heights this 4th day of
April, 1989•
By }�G � C• �
Charles E. Mertensotto, Mayor
athleen M. Swanson, City Clerk