Res 1991 - 29 Calling for the Inclusion of Aircraft Noise Abatement Measures as Part of the State Financial Assistance Package to NW AirlinesC�TY OF MEND�TA �EIGHTS DAROTA COUNTY, MINNESOTA RESOLIITION NO. 91-29 A RESOLUTI4N CALLING FG1R THE INCLUSION OF AIRCRAFT NQI3E ABATEMENT MEASURES A3 PART OF THE 3TATE FINANCIAL A3SISTANCE PACRAGE T{? NQRTIiWEST AIRLINES WHEREAS, the City of Mendota Heights is located immediately adjacent ta the Minneapolis/St. Paul Interna�ional Airport (MSP) and is heavily impacted by the intrusion of aircraft naise, and WiiEREAB, it is an accepted fact that aircraft noise intensity over southern Mendata Heights has become seriously detrimental to human health within the past iaur years� and WHEREAS, by the sheer volume and nature af the airaraft aperations at MSP, Northwe�t Airlines is the prime contributor of aircraft naise af�ecting Mendota Heights and o�her communitie� surro�nding MSP, and WIiEREAS, the U.S. Congress recently enacted a Law which requires alI United States Airlines ta meet fleet canversion goal� to quieter aircraft by the year 1999, and WHEREAS, the State of Minnesota recently authorized a financial assistance package to Northwest Airlines in conjunction with the si�.ing of �.wo additional maintenance facilities within the Stater and WHEREAS, the provisions af the iinancial assistance package are subject ta a number of details being negatiated wa.th Narthwest Airlines by various State Commissions and Agencies, and WHEREAS, �he City of Mendota Height� believes that aircraft noise reduction is a valid and legitimate issue for consideration in negotiating the details of the financial a�sistance package. N�W THEREFfJRE BE IT RESOLVED by �Ghe City of Mendota Heights, Dakota County, Minnesata, that efforts be made by the involved State Commissions and agencies to include provisions in the final financial assistance package which positively and aggressively address the aircraft noise concerns o�' the metropolitan area, and BE IT FURTIiER RESOLVED that said pravisions should at a minimum require Narthwest Airline� to meet an accelerated fleet conversion schedule to Stage III Aircraft, and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that this Resolution be transmitted to the Minnesota Congressional Delegation, the Governor, the State Executive Council, the Legislative Commission on Planninq and Fiscal Policy, the Inter-Agency Task Force charged with analyzing the Northwest financial package, the Metropolitan Airports Commission and other various committees and agencies involved in the negotiation of the Northwest Financial Assistance Package. Adopted by the City Council of the City of Mendota Heights this 4th day of June, 1991. CITY COUNCIL CITY OF MENDOTA HEIGHTS By .�-� �/�,�,��.� Charles E. Mertensotto Mayor ATTEST: A�A�� athleen M. Swanson City Clerk