Res 1992 - 66 Ordering the Preparation of Assessment Roll for Ivy Falls Creek Storm Improvements (Improvement No. 91, Project No. 6)City of 1Vlendota Heights Dakot� CounLy,lVlfinnesota RESOLUTION NO. 92- 6b + OLTJTION QRDERING T�E PREPARATION OF A5SE5SMENT R4LL FOR IVY FALLS CREEI� STORM ]MPROV�.'MTNTS (IlVIPROVEMENT NO. 91, FROJECT NO, � .. . WHEitEAS, the Mendota. Heigh�s City Council deems it necessary that the fa]lawing improvement be constructed; and The construction� af storm sewer unprovements to sezve Ivy Falls Creek and a@jacent areas (which impmvements have heretofore been known and designaied as Impravement No. 91, Project No. 6), YVHEREA►S, the Mendota Iieights City Council deems it necessary that the assessment roll be pxegared for presentation at the Feasibility/Assessment Hearing. NUW TSER,EI+'ORE, IT IS +'+$Y RESQLV�D by the City Cauncil of the City of Mendota. Heights as fo]lows: � l. That the eost of the above described impmvements_shall be assessecl against all -- properties benefitted by said improvements. � 2. �'hai the City Clerk wi.th the aid and assistanc� of ihe City Engineer be and is herehy authorized and directed to prepare the separate assessmeni mll for the above described impmvements showing the pmper amauni to be assessed against each of the lots, pieces ar parcels af iand benefitted by said impravements. ' Adopted by ihe City Couneil of the City of Mendata �ieights ihis 6�� day of Octobear, 1992. Ci'1'Y COUNCII. CITY QF MENDtJTA HEIGI3TS By .��-� �' ,�'��,�' Charles E. Mertensatto, Mayor ATT YT; r /�1 �tiv-�...E-�... Katbleen M. Swanson, City Glerk