Res 1992 - 69 Accepting Engineer's Report & Calling for Feasibility/Assessment Hearing on Ivy Falls Creek Drainage System Improvements (Improvement No. 91, Project No. 6)� City of Mendota Heights Dakota County, Minnesota P.ESOLUTI(JN NQ. 9 2-69 �:ESOL�i�'i'IQ1Y ACC��PTIlYG ENGINEFR'S R�PORT A►ND CALLING F4R FEASIBILITY/ASSE5SMENT BEARING ON IVY FA►LIIS CREEB DZ2AIlVAGE SYSTEIir� IlVIPRUVF�SITS �� (IMPROVEML'NT NO. 91, p'�.tOJ]EC7C NO. b� W�IERFAS, the City Engineer has submitted his report to the City Cauncil with respect to the propased cansi�uction of the following improvements to serve. the Ivy Falls Creek aud adjacent areas, ta-wit: � � The constructian of a storm sewer and drainage system including appurtenances and incident��ls thereto and the acqnisition of easements, in and for the area hereinafter mare particularly described. ' ' ' ' WHCERI,.AS, the area far the proposed impmvements and to be assessed far said improvements is situated wi.t�in the City of Mendota Heights in Dakota Coun€y, Nlinnesota and is more particularly described as %llows: Portions of Ivy Falls Addition, Ivy Falls 2nd Addition, Clapp-Thomssen ivy Hi.11, Ivy Falls West 2nd Addition and Bauer's Acx� Lots, Mendota Heights, Dakata County, Mannesota W++.AS, in said report, the City Engineer reported that the proposed improvements and construction thereof were feasible and desirable and further re�rorted on the pmposed costs of sauid improvements; and .r WH �+ AS, the City Council., with the aid of the City Engineer, has determined the � total costs expected to be incurred for the constiuction of said improvements. NOW TT�TR�:FORE, IT IS SE1t�BY �CF.SULVED by the City Cauncil. of the Ciiy af Mendota Heigl�ts, Minnesota., as follows: 1. That the feasibility report of said City Engineer be and is herel�y accegted. 2. That ihe cost of the abave des�ribed improvements shall be assessed against al1 properties benefitted by said impmvements. 3. That a public hearing on proposed impmvements/assessments be held on liiesda.y, November 17, 1992 at 8:Q0 o'clock P.M[., or as soon as possible ther�;after, at the Mendota. Heights City Hall at 1101 Victoria Curve, in the City af Mendota Heights, and � �r � 4. That the Gity Clerk; with the aid and assistance of the Ciry Attamey, is hereby authorized and directed to prepare and attend ta the publication and mailing of the necess��.ry not'rces of said hearings all in accordance with the applicable Minnesota Statutes. 5. That the City Clerk shall file in her offiice far public inspection the pmposed assessment roll for the above described impravements. Adopted by the City Council of the City �of �1Vlendata Heigbts this 2t}th day of Octaber, 1992, �.,�.�.. ,�t �..�,�--- thleen M. Swanson, Ciry Clerk CTTY C4UNCIL CITY OF MP.NDOTA HEIGH'TS By ��-� � � Charles E. Mertensotto, Mayor