Res 1993 - 44A Adopting & Cofirming Assessments for Water Improvements to Serve the Biel & Kennedy Properties (Improvement No. 93, Project No. 2)� �' City �� I���atl�� ��a�� Liakot� C�un�,1V�a�eso� E�SO��OIV I�O. 93- 44A RESQLUTION ADOPTING ANU CONT�'.YRMII�TG ASSESSMENT� � F4R WATER IlVCPRU�EI.V�NTS T4 SETtVE TAE BIEL ANI� I�:EIti11�lEDi� �OPER�ZES �d�� tl.6dStlAl•ad�V b A�l�e 3'e7y �DeA��.rd 174/e �, � BE IT RESOLVETJ► by the City Co�ar�cil af th� City of 1V�endota. Fleights as follo�evs: VVSTREAS, the City Clerk, with the assistauce of the City Engineer, has calculated gh� praper amount ta be s��ecially assessed far the casts incurred to date with res��ect to Ampro�eanent No. 93, l�roject No. 2 canstruction �� water improvements to seave th� follmwing des�rribed paagexty situated in the Ci�y af IV�endat� �eights, Dalcota County, I�Iinxi�s��a, a�or� �a�tacularly desc�b�d �s follo�vs: Farcel No. 27-03600-010-7$ �d ParcellVo, 27-036Q0-q20-7$ ,, � WI3E�REAS, the proposed assessme�t mll has be�n on f�2e with the Clerk and at ai1 tun�s since its filing has been open for public insgection; and that the property own�rs �f t�e abo'v� described �axcel hav� sign�d petatio�s a�d �v�d�� of he�xing; az�ti NUW �'I�I;REFORIE, ihis Cou�cil, �ds $ha� �ach of the 2ois, �ieces and parcels s�f Iand enumerated in the proposed assessment roll was and is specially benefitted by the constr�actio�. of said improvements in nat less than the amount af the assessment, as corrected, set opposite the description of each such lot, piece and parcel of land, respectively, and that such amount so set out is hereby Ievied against each of the res�ctive lots, pieces and parcels of land therein des- cribed; and BE IT FURTHER RFSOLVFU, that the �roposed assessment roll is hereby adopted and canfirmed as the proper special assessment for each of said Iots, pieces and parc�Is of land respectivelp, and the assessment against each parce�, together with interest at the rate of sever� percent (7°b} per annum accruing on the full amount thereof from ti.me ta tune unpai.d, shall be � lien conc�rrent with general taxes upon such �aze�l and all thereof. The total amou�nt of e,ac4� such assessment as to watermains shall be �ayable in equal amounts extending over a pea�iod of nineteen {19) years; the fust of said installments, together with interest on the entire assessmen� commencing thirty (30) days from the date hereaf to December 31, 1993, to lae pay�bl� �►3t� general t.axes for the year 1993, coll�ctibl� in� 1994 (now designated as rea1 estate taxce� �ayak�l� in 1994), and one of each of the remaining installments, together with one year's interest on that and all other unpaid installments, to be payable with general taxes for each consecutive year thereafter until the entire assessment is paid; and BE IT F[JRTHER �tESOLVED, that p�ioa� to September 17, 1993, the owner of auy lot, piece or parcel of land assessed hereby anay at any time pay the whole of such assessment, withou� inteaest to the City Taeasurer; �d BE I'� FiJRTHER �SOLVED, that the Clerk shall prere�are and transmit to the County Auditor a ceatiiied duplic�te of said assessa�ent roll with each then unp�id installment and interest set fortla separately, to be extend�d upon fi�e proper tax lists of the County, and the County Auditor shall thereafter collect saud assessffiea�ts in the manne� provided by law. Adopted by the City Council of the City of Mendota I'leights this 17th day of August, 1993. AT'�L�ST: K thleen M. Swanson, City Clerk � CI'd'X COUI�CII, C�'I'1' OF 1VIENDOTA �IG�S �y J�'� -,�.�, � G�i(o�—� Charles �. 1Vlertensotto, 1Vlayor