Res 1993 - 45 Approving Final Plat for Foxwood PlatCity of 1liiendota gieights Dakota County, 1Vla�esota H\d��lJ6J HB�la dV�e 7�� 4J IZESOLUTION AP�ItOVING �'BNAL PLAT FUR �OI�OOD ��AT WHEREAS, an final plat for Foxwood (formerly Somerset Place), has been subanitked to the Council; and �VHEREAS, the City Council has redi�wed said final plat. NOW THEREFORE IT IS HEREBY ItFSOLVED, by the City Council of the City of Mendota Heights, Minnesota, as follows: 1. That the fmal plat of Foxwood subanitted at this meeting is hereby appmved. 2. That the appmpriate City officials be and they aa�e heaeby authoaized to ex�ute the imal plat on hehalf of the City of 1Vlendota �Ieights. Adopted by the City Council of the City of Mendota �Ieights this 7th day o� Septeuiber, 1993e CTTX CO�JNCII. CI'%'Y OF IVIEI�iDOTA I�ICaHTS �y �..,�. f. G�l. .��' Cha►�les E. Mertensotto, 1Vlayor A�TEST: /yl ��.� Ka� een M. Swanson Ciry Clerk AUG 30 '93 14�44 ARCHITECTURAL FORUM FOX�40D DESCf2IPTI0N OF SCFNIC EASEt��ti RESTRICTIONS HEREBY It�06ED tJPON THE LAt�, the acts which the Grantor avvenants to refrain from doing upon the land, and the rights in use to the 7and granted to the City of Mandota Haights, Minnesot,a, by the Grantor, Thanas Yue et al., are as follows: P.z 1. The general purpose of this Scenic Easerrer►t is to retain the land and w�.fi.er predominately in their natural, scenic, open or wooded condition, or as a suitab7e habitat for fish and wild 1 ife, 2. The iand shal l not be e�sed for publ ic �xti l ity purposes, otner then is necessary for drair�age improve�nent w�ich connect t�o the pond through the sceizic easert�ent. 3. Structures permanent and teRparary, trailers, fences, advertising s-igns, road, itiard surface improv�ts are prohibit,ecl. 4, Dunping or p7acing of soil or other substance or msterial as lar�dfill, or �rping or placing of t�ash, wasrte or unsightiy or offensive materiai is prohibited. 5. The t,opography of t#�e land and water line sha77 be retained in its nati.��al condition, and no grading aiternations, excavatior� ar t,opo�graph i c changes shal l be rr�ade unl ess author- i zed i n writing by the City of Mendota Heights, Mint�esot3. &. Vegetation rr�y be p lantsd on the land �that is i ndi gi t�ous to the 7and and appropriate ta the natural pond edge environment. Vegetation wi th in the easem�t rrey be maintained to prevent disease, maintain sc,enic views and maintain variety of natural plant species. 7. Activities detrimental to dra.iriac�e, f7ood oontrol, water conservstion, erosion oo�t,rol or soi 1 corti.servation, or f ish and wi ld 7 ife habit,at preservation are prohibit,eci. This ea.serrient shall not be constr�ed as granting the qubliC any right to �ter flr use #he 7anti for any purpose, r�or shall this Scenic Easgr�ent effect any regular use of the 7and by the effect,ed owr�ers exceprt uses r�oncons istent wifih the restr i ctiorts 1-7 expressed i rt 't,�'� is Scen i c Ea.,errient .