Res 1993 - 55 Deferring Paymenf of a Portion of Assessments (Improvement No. 93, Project No. 2)�
Caty o� I�e�nclo� ��i�tt.s
Dakot� C�uaa�, I�ann�sota
g\lIJ17�lSd8J 1S11�dV l�d�e �e�� JJ
WHEREAS, the City Clerk, with the assistance of the City Engineer, has calculated the
proger amount to be specially assessed for Improvement No. 93, Project No. 2, construction o�
waterinain improveinents; and
WHEREAS, the owners of the properties submitted a petition and waiver oi hearing; and
�RE�, the pm�osed assessa�ent roll for said improveffients vv�s duly ado�ted by
the City Council on Septeanber 7, 1993; and
WHEREAS, the City Council has deteimined that it would be in the best interest of the
City of Mendota Heights to defer the payment of a portion of the assessments with respect to
the above referenced impmvements ia the following amounts and as to the following parcels
situated in Dakota County, Minnesota, to-wit:
�'ax Parcel wn D f
27-03600-010-78 W. Raymo�d & Itoxanna 53,640e00
�� S, that portion of each of the above assessments indicated above as being
deferred would be defened with the understanding that said amount, plus interest accnied from
October, 1993 at the rate of seven percent (7 %) per annum, would become immediately payable
upon the sale, future development or connection to the City watermain, of the parcel to which
said defened assessment relates.
NOW T�RF,FORE, IT IS H��X RESOLVED by the City Council of the City
of Mendota �Ieights, as follows:
1. That the assessment roll for Impmvement No. 93, Project No. 2 be corrected as
set forth above.
2. That upon the sale, future development or connection to the City wateranain
� regarding the above descaiLbed parcel, the deferred amount of said assessment
against to the property, as more particularly set forth above, will be immediately
due and payable, together with interest at the rate of seven percent (7�) per
annum fmm October, 1993a
3. That the City Clerk is hea�by dir�ted to file a certified copy of this resolutio�
in the office of the County Auditor �d County Recorder mf Dakota County,
Minnesota so that any future �urchaser or party interest relative to any o� �he
above described pazcels will be on aaotice relative to the deferred assessments
� described above.
Adopted by the City Council of the City of 1Vlendota FIeights this � day of Septeinber, g993.
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Charles E. 1Vlertensotto, Ivlayo�
d� �,��--
K thleen M. Swanson, City Clerk