Res 1993 - 58 Ordering the Preparation of Assessment Roll for St. Thomas Academy Fire Protection Improvements (Improvement No. 92, Project No. 7)City of Mendota Heights Dakota County, Minnesota �SOL�J'�'IOl� NO. 93- 5s RE50LUTION ORDERING THE PREPARATION OF ASSESSMENT ROLL FOR ST. THOMAS ACADEMY �IItE PROTECTION IMPROVEMENTS (IlVIPROVIIVIEN� NO. 92, �'ROJECT NO. 'n �V7�S, contracts have he�etofoa�e been let for the constnaction of the following descx�bed i�nprovement: and �e consta�ac�ion of fire pxotection impxovements to seave St. Thomas Acadeany (wluch imp�oveanents have hea�etofore been lrnown and designated as �pxoveanent No. 92, Pxoject No. '�. WHEREAS, the construction of said improvements has been completed completed. NOW 1'HEREFORE, IT IS HEREBY RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Mendota Heights as follows: 1. That the total cost of the above described improvements shall be assessed against all properties benefitted by said improvements. 2. �hat the Caty Clerk with the aid and assistance o£ the City Engineer he and is hereby authosized aud directed to paepare the separate assessment roll for the above described improverrients sho�ving the proper amount to be assessed agaunst each of the lots, pieces or p�cels of �d benefatted by said improvements. Adopted by the City Council of the City of Mendota �-Ieights this Sth day October, 1993. CI'�i' COUNCIY. CI'I'X OF MENI�OTA �IEIGHTS By ,�.,,� � LG1.�-.� Charles E. Mertensotto, Mayor ATTPST: ��x�.�e� /� �a��-- Kathleen M. Swanson, City Clerk