Res 1993 - 82 Supporting the Dakota County Water Resources Education PlanCity of 1��Iendo� Heights Dakota Coaanty, MinnesoY� I�SOI,IIT'i'ION NO. 93- s 2 �SSOLU°1'IO1�T SUPPOI�T�TG THE DAKOTA COUNTi� WA� RFSOIJ�tCF,.S ED�JCA�ON PLAN WHF�tEAS, the protection of water resources in I�alcota County is essential to rnaintaining and enhancing the quality of life in the county; and WHEREAS, the citizens and units of local government in Dakota County participated in developing the Groundwater Protection Plan and the plans of the Water Management Organizations; and W�EREAS9 these plans identified education as a primary tool for the protect�on of water resources; and WH�REAS, a county-wide water resources education plan is cunently being prepared; and WHEREAS, water resources educa�ion will provide citizens with the knowledge, understanding, and motivation to protect water resources; and WHEREAS, water resources education can be most effectively delivered to all citizens of the county when it is conducted in a collaborative and cooperative manner; and WHEREAS, the participation of local governmental units, educational orgaivzat�on and other organizations involved in education is important for the development of a county-wide water resources education plan. NOW �'H�REFORE, BE IT R�SOLiVED, that the City Council of the City of Mendota Iieights supports the attached policy statement as a guide for its water resources education activities; and BE IT FiJRTHER ItE50LVED, that the City of 1Vlendota Heights will participate in the development of the county-wide Water Resources Education Plan by providing input throughout the planning process and review of the imal plan. CITY COUNCII. CITY OF MENDOTA HIIGHTS By �-� � � Charles E. Mertensotto, Mayor ATTEST: a� kGr,��tLa�- athleen I�. Swanson, Cir�y Clerk