Res 1994 - 36 Adopting Recycled Product Purchasing & Waste Prevention PoliciesCITY OF MENDOTA HLIGSTS DAKOTA COIINTY, �lINNESOTA RESOLIITION NO. 94-36 A RESOLIITIOI�T ADOPTING RECYCLLD PRODIICT PIIRCHASING AND WASTS PRTsVLNTION POLICIES qPHEREAS, The 1991 Minnesota State Legislature identified waste reduction and reuse as the most desirable waste management method in the waste management hierarchy; and WHEREAS, Dakota County Community Landfill Abatement Funding Program Guidelines require cities over 2,000 population to adopt waste prevention and purchasing policies; and �PSEREAS, The City of Mendota Heights' interest is served by ma.king a more efficient use of natural resources by ma.ximizing recycling and preventing waste wherever possible; and �HEREAS, The City of Mendota Heights, through cost-effective waste prevention and recycling activities, can work to conserve landfill capacity, and serve as a model in this regard for private and other public institutions; and �1HERE�,S, by successfully preventing waste at its source, the City of Mendota Heights can achieve cost savings, increase operational efficiencies, improve the quality of our products and services, maintain a safe and healthy workplace for our employees, and improve the environment. NOOP THEREFORE BE IT HEREBY RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Mendota Heights that prevention of waste at the source is the preferred alternative and when waste cannot be avoided, we are committed to recycling, treatment, and disposal in ways that minimize undesirable effects on air, water and land. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the City of Mendota Heights should: 1. Buy products made with paper, plastic, rubber, or any other recyclable material whenever cost effective and economically feasible in order to assist in the necessary market development of recyclable materials; and 2. Specify that all printing require the use of recycled paper with at least 10� post-consumer waste whenever possible and economically feasible; and 3. Develop specific policies that support environmentally sound waste management activities, such as waste prevention, recycling and purchasinge Adopted by the City Council of the City of Mendota Heights this 7th day of June, 1994e CITY COUNCIL CITY OF MENDOTA HEIGHTS By �1.,� �. �r.,� Charles Ee Mertensotto, Mayor , .A..� : ATTEST: K thleen M. Swanson, City Clerk �