Res 1995 - 32 Approving a Conditional Use Permit for Accessory Structure & Setback Variance for 2371 Swan DriveCi'i'Y OF N�'�NDC?T�1 �[EIGHTS DAKOTA COUNTY, MYI!JNESOTA T:ESOI�tir'i'ION NU. 95- 32 A RESOLUTION APPROVIl�TG A C�NTIITIONAL USE PE1tMI'r FOR ACCESSORY STRUCTUl2.� AND SETBACI� VARIAN�E �C1R 2371 SWAN DRIVlE V4� + i A5, Tom and Sally McNamara, of 23'71 Swan Drive, have made applicatian for a Conditional Use Permit for Accessory Structure and a Front Yard Setback Variance to allow construction of a 384 sg. ft. starage shed, praposed ta be located fifteen feet (15') fram the property line abutting Lake Drive; and ��HE�AS, the 1Vlendota Heights Planning Commissian conducted a public hearing on June 27, 1995 to cansider said application; and �'VHE�REAS, based upan the public record transcriberi on 3une 2'7, 1995, the Mendota Heights Planning Commission vated unanimously (5-0) to recommend to the Mendota. Heights City Council that the abave described Canditional iTse Permit for Accessary Structure and a Front Yard Setback of twelve feet (12') be approved, with the following condition: 1. That the arclutectural design af the shed be revised ta match the e�sting stnzeture and that revised sketch elevatians be submitted to City Council for approval. WHEREAS, the City Cauncil considered said Conditional Use Permit and Front Yazd Setback Variance applicatian an July 6, 1995. NOW TIIEREFORE IT IS HEREBY RESOLVED by the City Council of the City af Mendota Heights that the proposed Canditianal Use Permit far Accessary Structure and Front Yard Setback Variance will have no adverse effect on the health, safety and general welfare of the citizens af the community and the surrounding Iand and that said proposed storage shed is not adverse to the general purpose and intent of the Zoning Oardinance. BE IT FURTIiER RFSOLVED that the Conditional Use Permit for Accessory Structure and a Front Yard Setback Variance of twelve feet (12') be approved to allow construction of a 384 sq. ft. storage shed, as revised, to be located eighteen feet (18') from the southerly property line, as revised for the July 6, 1995 City Council meeting, on file in Case File No. 95-11, with the following conditions: 1. � 3. That said accessory structure (shed) will be used only for storage of objects which would normally be stored in sheds; and That the shed may not be used to store passenger vehicles or trucks; and That a certified copy of the resolution be filed with Dakota County against the property, incorporating into the resolution the legal description of the property. Adopted by the City Council of the City of Mendota Heights this 6th day of July, 1995. ATTEST: � �� athleen M. Swanson, City Clerk CITY COUNCII. CITY OF MENDOTA HIIGHTS gy �.,�. � l/l•[t�-� Charles E. Mertensotto, Mayor �