1987-03-03� � . CITY OF MENDOTA HEIGHTS DAKOTA COUNTY, MINNESOTA AGENDA MARCH 3, 1987 - 7:30 P.M. 1. Call to Order. G 2. Roll Call .� C�Q,Q � � � o'- Y`S� '� � _ 3. Agenda Adoption. -- � 4. Approval of Minutes, �'�b �ary 17, 1987 and Joint Workshop of February 24. � �(� /�- 5. Consent Calendar: .- � a. Acknowldegement of Feb. 24 Planning Commission Minutes. b. Approval of Radio Purchase for New Fire Pumper. c. Approval of Purchase of Fire Department Breathing Apparatus. d. Resolution Revising Fee Schedules. (Resolution No. 87- 15) . e. Approval of CAO 87-02, Katz, Modified Site Plan. f Approval of List of Claims. (Available Tuesday). A ov 1 of List of Contractor Licenses. �' ��'����'� -�.�=�' End� of on en T Calendar. 6. Proclamation 0 a. Designation � Chamber of Commerce Week in Mendota Heights. 7. Introductions 8. ; 9. a. Presentation of Certificate of Appreciation to Mary Jeanne Schneeman. - ��,�� b. Tax Abatement - A� sta t County Assessor eterson will be present. _ �/ �G�� �" ��` Public Comments - (� /��-✓� Hearinas and Bid Award a. Feasibility Improvement He rin P rk P ce - 7:45 P.M. (Res lut'on o. 8 -16) . -,.��.������ b. Bid Award for Deer rail Hills - e olutio No. - ( s� ��). ' ,k� �'l, 0 7Y.�-o 3 ' �a�� ''�� c. Bioc�ard for ` dakota Estates -(Resolu�ion No. 87-18). �� — �3793�`�,9y d. Sale of Tax Anticipat�ion Certificates. (Bids and Recommendation Available Tuesday. Resolution No. 87-19). �f. a �/ � �.��..�.; . / J CTTY OF MENDOTA HEIGHTS DAK4TA COUNTY, MZNNES�TA 10. Un�ini�hed and New Business: a. b. � Country Club Building Permit Request. ��,I�f , 1 Discussion with MnjDOT�officials relative Mendota Interchanqe and Victoria/TH 13 Proj ects .����,,,� `��� c. Appointment of Representative to NDC4. (Applicants have been invited to be present). SEE ADDITIONAL LETTER RECE��D��DAY AFTERNUON FROM R.E. ROGQSHESKE..,. d. Feasibility ��far S atford Woods. (Re�olution No. a7-2 0 ) . — /� .� . c�.�� . --G� 1 — � Y.� � e. Plans and Specs for Spring Creek Acres and Valley�u �rve Es�ates. (Resolutions No. 87-21 and 87-22). ^� ^y f. Reso�+Calling far Parks Band Referendum. _ (Resolution No. 8i-23). � , g. Resolution of Intent rega�i�r�c�, Sc�Farest Site. (Resolutiari No. $7-24). �/! i , h. Dump Truck Specifications. —� r,";7 �.: AMM Fis al D�s arity �olicy. -' ,�y� C�..�,��""' _ � `y1, 'i�.c.ey . G-� �����c..e �.. ^ r .r�/i�.��T . - Tax Far`f�z rPragerties. - �'y�t�*"'-� ,�� , ,� � �� /-`�� l���� - 1. City Slogan Entries.— j�r�� o�d� • °� `�. Gj,,J 10 . Re�pon�e to Council Comments . ` � I""' r�� is. 12. Cou.ncil camments. Adj ourn . "" � ; � O � T :� • CITY OF MENDOTA FiEIGHTS To: Mayor and City Council From: Kevinf���_"_��ity Administrator Re: Add-On Agenda far March 3, 1987 � � March 3, 198'7 Three items are recommended for addition to this evena.ng's agendaj two af them for the Consent Calendar. 3. Aaertda Adaption Tt is recommended that Council adopt the agenda wi.th the addition of Item 5.h., Building Activity Report for February, 5.i., Approval of La.st of Claims, and 10.j.1/2., Discussion of legislative issues. 5.h. Buildina Activitv Report for Februarv Please see attached report. 5.i. Approval of List of Claims Plea�e see attachad List of Claims (and notice the new "easier to read" farmat!). 10.-i.l� Discussion of leqislata,ve issues Attached is a Legislative Action bulletin from the Associa�ion of Metropolitan Municipalities, a�king their members ta contact local legislators concerniang four rel.evant and timely issues. ACTION REQUIRED , Council should consider these issues, and if it desires, dir�ct �taff to correspond or contact our legislative delegation regarding our position in these matters. � 0 rscria t�AT�: February 27, I987 .� �. � T0; Atayor, City Council and City Ad���� tor ✓ F£tOFt: PauZ R. Berg Code Enforcement Off icec . SUB,JECT: Building Activity Report for February, 1987 CURRENT ti0NT1I YEAR TO DATE -?g�l N0. VALUATION FEE CQLLECTED NQ. VALUATIQN BLDG PEREiITS � � � s�'� 13 1,913,017.59 15,105.79 17 2,423,342.61 APT O O 0 O Q c/i 9 1,531,100.00 10,113.8� 12 1,580,85p.00 rtzsc. 8 80,244.92 1 43Q.33 � 2 SUB TOTAL 30 3,524,362.51 26,250.00 4I 4,098,746.53 TRD PERtiITS Plbg 15 363.OD 24 Wtr 13 65.00 21 SW�' 9 157.50 12 Htg, AC. 6 Gas Pip�36 4 SUB TOTAL73 5,909.50 97 . LICENSING Conttactorts Lfcensee �3 1,075.p0 176 FEE COLLECTED 18,425.6Q 0 10,760.89 �a,43a. is 603.00 105,00 21Q.QQ 5,556.50 6,474.50 YEAR TO DATE - 1��� NQ � VAI.tIATION Q $36,111�,34 3 413,000.00 19 1,389,256.73 14 10 5 �7 r FEE CC3LL�CTED 5,57�.66 2,I48.31 9,621.56 294.O�J 50.00 105.00 4Q7.00 : • li e s i TOTAL 146 $3,524,362.51 $33,234.5Q 314 �4,098,746.53 $41,304.68 189 $1,3$9,256.73 $13,752.56 NOTE: All fee amounts exclude Sac, Wac and State Surcharge. Amounts shown will reflect only permit, plan clieck fee and valuation artCaunts. + � 3/3/87 CL7�liM5 LZST �r 3 Albinson T 4iibT 3 $oard of Wat�r Comm _ • i Chapin Publ 's 3amas E Dnni*laon i DCR Corp 1 ! Duennis D�lmor�t Deot 10-eWqtin Dept 54-RdsBridqe Unpaid D�tailad Check Reg+starZ��� 15-Engr BO-Otilities Pa4Q Z City of Msndota Heights � 26-Po2ice 708Par`ks . 30-Fire 80-Planninq 40-CEO 90-Animal Con oice Invaice P.O. Check t� Num6Qr ..Ftumber Finul Data Rccount CodQ Amour�t 363241 6 u1.;4„a0510Si5 46.17 Invoice Tatal 46.i7 364841 E 0543Gr510S15 9.90 Invaica Total 56.07 Check Total SB,a7 E @24220071Li0 7.36 E 014$1002@20 3.96 Invoice Total 11.32 Chack Total i1.32 E 014k2531050 iQf.3B E 014k85310?0 12f.38 E 154,42531fdfarD lfd, 09 E 014k2531530 7&.25 Znvoice Total 10�.40 26420 E 284460637rt0 1,739.38 , Invoice Total 1,846.78 26433 E 01420047030 8�955,ID0 Invcico 7ata1 10�801.78 26443 S 2S430SII6fd60 i25.0fl Invoice Total 10,926.78 Gheck Totel 10�928»7$ 62842 Q 31424083900 78.00 Invoice Total 76.00 Check Total 78.00 E 1844i50@000 25.ss E 314�415839(30 3.99 E 32441S840Q10 p,62 E 05441510515 39.95 E 15441S06tB60 5.25 Invoice Total 69.24 Checft Total 89.14 ` ' E 01420060010 1�601.00 E 01420060020 90;�.00 E 0542td060013 i, 664, 00 Invoiea Total 4,370.00 1 Check 7ota1 4,170.00 E 01441302020 12+D.00 Invoicr Tatal 120.00 - - -_ --r:ar Mr ' .�.�.:. - 9�;.•«..:r-_z.�.�r:::.,:-_<.sr,:,- - '' - " �.,.v._ :_.'''"..». .h...... _ .<..... ._,...,.-�.,r .. . . . Exacuton Sys4ems Kevi» FrazQil ICMq Paul Kaiser �om K»uth Lakeland Fard Langula Hdwa I.ELS LMCI7 HP CIO EHP 1 l ll»paid D�tailed Check RsgistQr City oP Mrndota Hwights Znvaica �P.Q. Check - - Numbar Number Fina2 Date 43457 � 26734 26�57 04133 • _ • Accour�t Codra Check Tatal E PJ143�049020 Invaic� Total Chack Tatal E 01441511+320 Invoice Total Check Tatal E 01440211020 Invoic! 7ota1 Ch�ek Total E fd1426815030 Z»vaice Tota2 Ch4ck 7ota1 E 2?44i383600 E @14415@4040 E QJ$441510515 E 0�44152fl51S Ir�voice Toiai Ch�xck Tatal E 01433046030 Invoice Total Chsek Total E 014620ID7070 Znvoioa Total Check Total Ci 012+D75 Invoic� Total Check. Total G 012074 ` E 01413102020 6 012074 E 01413i02020 Invoica Total Chtek Total Rage '' Invoice pmount 2�0.00 36. 95 36. 9� 36. 95 275.00 - 275. 00 i�s. a�a 37. 9�a'i 37. '35 37. 95 981. 50 981.50 981. 50 7. 14 3. 99 14. 26 1 @. 00 35. 4I 35. 41 i�124.a3 1 y 124. 33 i� 224.33 10� Yb04. 0$ 10, 004. 0@ 10� 004. WCb 14$. 4fQk 148.W0 14$. @Qf 7. 36 369. 43 2 57. 4? 92. 58 626. 86 626. 86 L�C�IS 1739 E 1�421406060 42.00 ' � s^'' ' *t s .:w':.a'.:.u�k.::i.iiilnvont¢'af.wi:'+.s',LAi+•' ��c�.z••t�;l...«,:..r.:.'i�asi�a3iv's��:.:N'.�:r.'� «»i�..-�s�..s+.. :L'.i �...m �...�...�.+..w»s.,_.:...........�.-.-... z.r:;dii�,r.=.. �..+.,...o.. . �npaid Dtbaiied Chec� R�giat�r Page 3 City of M�ntlota Heights t Znvoice � P.�. Ch�ck Invoice �r w Num6er Number Final Uat� �CCOUTt Cadc Amount Znvoice Total 4i.00 Check Total 42.00 i Msndata Nghts RubbisH 37 E@i428031050 24.35 E 014280s2070 24.35 ' E 15428031060 24.15 Invoice Total 72.45 Check Total 72.45 T M�tro Waat� Contro2 3934 E 15444806060 49,337.30 R 143573 833.33c R 173575 �,083.33c Invoice Total 46,420,64 Check Total 46,420.64 3 Mi»n Eir� Znc 53934 E 01433049020 26.00 Fnvofce Tota2 16.00 Check Total 16.00 Minn Mutual L3fe Ins 23198 � 0120�4 ii.90 E 01413311010 5.10 � - � � E 01413102020 10.20 - E 25423106Qb0 1.T0 6 01413107070 1.70 H 0541311051� 1.T0 Invoice Total 32.30 Check Total 32.30 3 Norther» States Power E 01421232530 620.36 E 01421235050 8s1.93 E 15421231060 831.93 E @142123107� 831.93 E 0i42223207@ 225.84 6 15421240060 17.44 E 01421131530 372.12 E fl1421231050 209.T9 E 15421231060 209.79 E 01421131070 209.78 E 01421142050 113.46 � � E 01421132070 's93.95 E 13421140060 " 43.77 E 1�421140060 196.38 Fnvoica Tatal 5.087.92 � Check Total 8.087.92 3 Northwastern Hs12 TelQpho»a E 02422012020 288.a0 E 01421002020 172.80 E 0542101051� g7•61 r,�e:»�'+��.ie.a.3.`Luri.s�'��.s:_�.,: �-:i�.: �'�r d.�..t:,��_�:.�.z_�;_�:`..,..:�:i�r �.v3a._�,....,�....-� .,}:u,�- - - '"' =� :..:::...r�.r,: ...,..........,-.... v>� u...,.z=.._,.:�.::.-_, . � -r � Oakcr�st !(snnels Public Empi Rat Rssn e ` U»oaid DQtailed Cheak Registgr City of Msndqta H�igt+ts Invoicc P. �. Ch+�ck Number iVurobQr Final Dat+a Recount Cods E 0142100707Q1 E iD1421R103030 E 01421Q10505@ E 15421G106060 Invoics Total Check 7ota1 E 0142?280090 E 0142$5B009fd Invoice Total Check Tota2 G 01206� E 024134iI01Qt E 01413A02020 E Q1141340212Q1 E 01413403@30 E 014f3404040 E 01413405051d E 0141340707Q1 E 15413406t35tD • E 0542342�525 � E 23413402323 s Page 4 Invoica Eimaunt 128. �0 �` i16. i0 37. 73 37,73 838.�7 83B. 57 215. �D0 �s, am 190. 00 390. 00 �� 221. B6 255.28 1�350.89 771,09 8. 50 5@. 12 176.38 100.25 60. Z4 24ta. 9S 52. 8B - • ' � Invoica Total 5,187.74 Cheek 7otal 5,187.74 SbT Office Products B"51553 E 014300@3030 5.75 Znvoiae Total 6.75 8�1907 E 01430003030 28.09 � invaice TotaF 34.84 858083 E 05430Q110515 24.07 Invoice Tota2 58.91 F 17593 E 0143QI00202+D 9. 45c Invoice Total 49.k6 F20596 E 014371003030 58.88 Invoice Total 107.74 P29636 .. E 05430010515 12.G14 � Invoiae Total 119.76 F29949 E t31430011010 6.75 Invoic� Tota2 �126,53 F31724 E 0143fb01101Q1 10.37 Znvoic� Total ^ Is7.I0 F32242 E 01430011010 10.68 . ..- - " �---: -. . .. .: �- • - ... .: s:�x�t•rm`'t+'Gsr.�xia'a'�f'o.iaiu�t,..�sckt�stai�i-1_te.8::r'�'.�� a�tEi-�"Y.:,,: . . , ..- ` - -- - _ - - - - - _ �.f+,::. � _ .. . . .,.::::3Y�".:.:i�.�c_r;l•..,:,.,x ._,... �..._... . _''-:.� ' �"'.,�"`.:�..w;�.: ."»...._ ..»w'-=::.,;>i..'v :.o ���::�n :: ' '�•i __ __ -- __ _ -.. .......rs �.-....... .._ c Unpaid Drtail�d Check Regist�r City of M�ndota Heights Pag� S Invoica P.O. Chock � Invoice �r NumbQr Numbar Final Datg � accaunt Cada � Amount � Tnvoiae Total 147.78 Fk3342 E 05430010515 2.23 . E 0143@005050 9.14 � I.nvoice Total 159.05 � Check Total 159.05 � Duans S�Iander E 0244IS20@70 40.00 Invoice Total 40.00 - Check Total 40.00 ! L E Shaughnessy Jr E 0142w013210 979.�0 E 0542C@13215 84.75 H 21422t31s20@ 338.95 E 164224323200 209.60 E 03428013200 65.95 E 1442"'cP11320PJ 701.75 E 25422013260 174.30 Invoice Total 2�355.00 ChQck Total 8i355.00 igrral Car Wash 2117 E 01443002020 „�47.84 . Invoica Total 47.64 + Chack Total 47.84 ! St paul 9ook b Stationery 73500 E 05430010515 59.17 E 014300110101 94.67 Invoiq� Total 153.84 73502 E 0543QJ010�15 4.2;5 Invoice Totai 158.04 Check Total 1�8.09 t St Paul Diapatch PP 287599 R 013615 81.00 Invoice Total 81.00 2876td0 f2 013b 2 S 90. 06 Invoice Total 171.00 " Check Total 172.00 i Sun Newspwpera 7a'024 E 31424083300 33.06 Invoice Total 33.@6 1 � Chrck 7oia1 33.06 3 Un'sforms Unlimited 59058 H 02430502020 30.18 Invoics Tota2 50.28 � *��uit�.'3i.;:r ��� "�: - ' e:' " . rc "i�"""«`afck'i.rr+,i.^:.'���:V::i+ "....-..,.:+'�=.',::::k��::'w ,_ .......... r=.a�x. _...._...c^�. _ U»paid D.tailad Check Rggistar City of M�ndota Heights Invoic� P. �. Cfieck - Number rlumb�r Fi»al Data 60143 6I73$ 61B75 68922 United Cer�tral Truste�e 16976 lnited Way St Paul Western Life Znsurancr Co 32914 fi T b T Cammzssianer af Trspt Govt Husin�es Syst�ms 1 Govt Trng Svc �01$5 6k8 1 Account Cade E ti114.?0.."�,+D20�4! invoice Tota2 E 01441VJ02020 Zr�voics Tota2 E 01441Qi02020 Invoica Totel E 41144100202$ Invoic� Total Check Total Ci 01207i E 014232+D2t32Q1 E 014132W5050 E 1541.'T.80606Q1 E 01413207070 Snvoicae Total Check Total Ci 02207Q! I,pvoice Total ` Check Tatal E 01413203130 Invoico Total Chack Total E 0F421IIt2101rD E 0142100202fA E 014210030321 Invoic� Total Check Total B 02421242150 Invoice Total Check Total E 01430011010 � Invoic� Total Check Total E 01440QI0202Q! Fnvoic� Tatal Check Total Page 6 Invoice Amount 36. 01D as. ia 92. iQl 17$.28 107.85 286. 13 334. 4a 620. �3 62fl. 5a 78.6B 30.67 24.10 12.05 22. 06 157. T6 157. 76 91 » 00 9�.Q10 92. 03a 127. 10 227. 10 127. 10 2£a. II/7 19. 32 1. 22 36.60 36. 60 42.44 41.44 41. Gk " 57. 57 57. 57 57. �7 100. $0 106.00 100. 00 ..: t� _. . "'^sv' =�ctz' .3^""�+".' - ;. � ,%e��.:;,:r_",;.. �.:,,,. . .._ .. . .. ...,_ _� ,. . � : ,... _��..,.-.�.-r - ...�,_,._ �. . .._� �r � D C Hey Ca i John Maczko ; Nqrth Star Chapter ICHO ' Northarn Dakota Cty CC � 5 L S Enterprises � 5t Paul Stamp Work� U»paid DQtailed Ch�ck Registar Citiy af Mendota Heights Invoice P.O, � Check Numbar NumhQr Final- Date 1405�? 8060 54601 � — hfriPIUAL CKECSCS 22337. 22.68 Qsar2es Whelan 11332 95.00 U a£ M 15334 4,816.50 Commissioner of Revenus 11335 7�851.04 Dakota Cty State Sank 11336 SSO.p4 " 11337 3,514.29 SCCf7 1I,338 26,351.68 City M.H. Payroll Acct 11339 100.00 LMC Leg Conf 11340 243.q0 Ca�eunication� Center ii.341 225.00 Fazethonght Znc 11342 69.00 U af M 43 , 738.1'i G.T. 134,746.66 � 1 Account Coda E 01433049@3@ Invqice Tata1 Check Total E Q11440003030 Invoice Tota2 ' Check Totai E 014400040k0 . Invoic� Tatal Check Total E 024k001202�D E 014k0010909 Invaic�r Tota2 Check Total E 01430002020 Znvoic� Tota2 Check Total '� 014k9tdQ8Q180 Invoic� Tatal Chack Total Grand Total Mtleage Regz Clk Conf Ij30b 2/13 SZT 2/13 FIT, FICA, MEDICARE 2j23 Payroll Deductions 2/13 xet Payzol2 Regr Frezell, Witt E. D. Eq Program P.D. Winter Wkshp Paas 7 Invoic� qmount 143. 01 14:,. �li 143. al 92.56 s�. ss 9c''. Sfs 1S. @0 15. 00 15. 00 21. 50 2i. sv� 43_ 00 4.�. 00 15. 3� 15. 38 15.35 14. 60 14. 60 i4. 60 4I008. 49 fI�7�"+3"�'�'^�f�f:' = ��C'.:.7L�S-, �;=-_�:9`..i��:l:a�ii.:wa�..CiS`�.rt.%- ..w.:,�".�.�`��'n.��,:�"�a'�"�'.J:.�rr .:oy-r..��P.�.�.�.,e...�.a..�....,.....r�-..-.,�..._........ -........��...�......- - — ..�....�,,:....... �l � � asso�iation of met �o.po�i�an mun c pa � e� Fehruary 26, 19$7 TQ: AMM Member Cities FROM: AMM Staff RE: CRITICAL LEGISLATIVE ISSUES WHICH NEED YOUR ATTENTION -6� SALES TAX ON LOCAL GOVERNMENT PURCHASES This is an obva.ous attempt on State Government's part to reduce aid to local units and help salve its prablem at our expense. It equals approximately 2� of your tatal annual budget and will be a reduction in serviee or a pass through property tax increase if levy limits are relaxed which is unlikely. Please take this �ssue seriously.. Wi�hout your help to defeat it -- it will likely pass � -MQTOR VEHICLE EXGZSE TAX (MVET) The Governor's proposal to leave this over $244 mil.lian in the General Fund cames at a time when highway and transit funding are in eritieal need. Ths highway system cannot be maintained under the current funding seheme mueh less with the deletion af i�IVET. ° The Metropolitan Area is in desperate need for impraved/upgraded highways and mare transi� alternativelopportunities nat less. Other funding schemes, ie. increased gas tax, do not aid transit anly ha.ghway. The MVET is needed, it was promised, don't let them take it away without a battle. A good transportation system �, is needed to continue economic gra�rth, -TRANSIT , The Governor has suggested that about $5 1/2 million per year be � deleted from the Regional T.ransit Board's state appropriation request and be added to the property tax, Variaus studies have � suggested that the property tax sugport 35� of the Transit cost. It now sup.ports over �5�. How mueh more can it handle? MVET is needed for transit. The metro area eauld be as bad or worse than L.A., S.F., Chicaga, N.Y., ete. -- with traffie eonjestian by � the year 2000 if we allow transit and highway funding to be redueed. Gas tax does not support transit, only the generai fund , or MVET daes. Highways alane cannot do the job. A working transit system is an absolute must. 183 university avenue east, st. paul, minnesota 55101 (612� 227-5500 � ��-� - -198? LGA � . The Governar's budget proposes a reduetion of the already certified 1987 LGA by $5 million. This seems like an unnecessary - punitive position at the beginning of a biennium. ACTION REQUESTED: _ Please call and write your legislators individually. Many have eommented that they are not hearing from the Polks at home on these four important issues. PLEASE let them hear about this soan Far mare information cali Roger Petersan ar Vern Peiersan at 227-5600. Distribution Note: This Bulletin has been mailed �a AMM member Mayors and Managers/Administratars on1y. Please distribute to ather offieials in yaur eity as you deem agprapriaie. , -2- � Page No. 2388 February 17, 1987 CITY OF MENDOTA HEIGHTS DAKOTA COUNTY STATE OF MINNESOTA �+�Iinutes of the Regular Meeting Held Tuesday, February 17, 1987 Pursuant to due call and notice thereof, the regular meeting of the City Council, City of Mendota Heights, was held at 7:30 o'clock P.M. City Hall, 750 South Plaza Drive, Mendota Heights, Minnesota. ; Mayor Mertensotto called the meeting to order at 7:30 o'clock P.M. following members were present: Mayor Mertensotto, Councilmembers IBlesener, Cummins, Hartmann and Witt. at The AGENDA ADOPTION Councilmember Hartmann moved adoption of the agenda � for the meeting, including items contained in the add-on agenda. � Councilmember Cummins seconded the motion. Ayes: 5 Nays: 0 I APPROVAL OF MINUTES I Ayes: 5 Nays : -0 Ayes: 5 Nays: 0 Ayes: 5 Nays: 0 Councilmember Blesener moved approval of the minutes of the February 3rd Special Council meeting. Councilmember Hartmann seconded the motion. Councilmember Hartmann moved approval of the minutes of the February 3rd regular meeting with corrections. Councilmember Blesener seconded the motion. Councilmember Blesener moved approval of the minutes of the February 5th special meeting. Councilmember Cummins seconded the motion. CONSENT CALENDAR Councilmember Hartmann moved approval of the � consent calendar as submitted and recommended for approval as part of the regular agenda, along with authorization for execution of all necessary documents contained therein. ` a. � c. Acknowledgment of the Engineer's Project Report for January. Acknowledgment of the Treasurer's report for January. Acknowledgment of the Fire Department monthly Page No. 2389 February 17, 1987 report for January. d. Approval of the sale of surplus City vehicles and an impounded car to those �ersons who submitted the highest sealed bids, as follow: � Harry Kirchner, 1984 Dodge Diplomat, $1,266.99; Harry Kirchner, 1984 Dodge Diplomat, $895.99; - Harry Kirchner, 1976 Monte Carlo, $100.00; Tim �- Fjelstad, 1978 one-ton Chevrolet, $1,899.00. e. Approval of the purchase of three 1987 Chevrolet Caprice squad cars from Thane Hawkins Chevrolet as bid under the Ramsey County bid process, for a total net cost of $33,030. f. Approval of the List of Claims dated February 17, 1987 and totalling $157,196.31. g. Approval of the list of contractor licenses dated February 17, 1987 and attached hereto. Councilmember Witt seconded the motion. Ayes: 5 Nays: 0 PUBLIC COMMENTS Mrs. Carol Damberg, 975 Caren Road, was present to discuss concerns over proposed development in Lilydale. Mayor Mertensotto placed the matter on - _ the agenda for discussion later in the meeting. LEGISLATIVE MATTERS Councilmember Witt, as League Legislative Coordinator, informed the Council on highlights of the Governor's tax reform proposal and the position of the League of Minnesota Cities relative to the proposal. Representative Bert McKasy and Representative Art Seaberg were present to discuss legislative issues with the Council. Representative McKasy informed Council on the effect the Governor's proposal would have on Mendota Heights properties. Representative Seaberc� also discussed,the tax proposal. Council also discussed the effect implementation of pay equity will have on the City. LILYDALE DEVELOP- Mrs. Carol Damberg, 975 Caren Road, stated that she MENT PROPOSAL was present on behalf of several residents from Victoria Road and Caren Road relative to concerns over a proposed development, Victoria Place Patio Homes, on Victori.a in Lilydale. She stated that the developer proposes to construct 23 units on 2.16 acres of land abutting Mendota Heights. Mrs. Damberg stated that the residents are concerned over the density of the proposed project, requested Page No. 2390 February �27, 1987 setback variances which wau3d bring the structures very close to Mendota Heights homes, and the impact of increased trafizc at the intersection of Victoria/T.H. 13/I-35E, She �uggested that the proposed develapment would generate 3Q0 more trips per day at thi� already dangerous intersection. Mrs. Damberg s�ated that the matter is scheduled to be considered b� the Lilydale Planning Commissian at 3:00 P.M. on Februar� 19th, and that area residents plan on attending the meeting. She asked that the Council support the residents in their opposition to the proposal. Mr. Brett Larsan, 985 Caren Road; Mrs. Anita Stackton, 969 Caren Road; and Mr. & Mrs. George Bergh, 996 Caren Court, were also present to ask for Council's support in opposing the proposed development. � � Mayar Mertensotto indicated that the Council has no control aver development in Lilydale but daes have a measure af contral in this instance because sanitary sewer service must came �rom Mendota Heights. He stated that he cannot conceive of a density of 23 units on 2.16 acres. Councilmember Blesener stated that be�ides the den�ity issue she is very concerned over the traffic hazard at the Victoriaj23/35E-interse�tian. Cauncilmember Witt mov�d to dzrect staff to prepare a Ietter o£ objection and to �resent the letter to the Lilydale Planning Commiss�on at its February 29th meeting. Councilmember Hartmann seconded the matian. Ayes: 5 Nays. 0 SOS SIGN PERMIT Representatives af the SQS Convenience Mart were present to request approval oE a permit to install a Union 76 sign and a price sign, for a tatal sign area af 38 square �eet, on the existing sixteen foat pylon. After discussion, Councilmember Cummins moved approval oi a�ign permit for installation o� the two signs as propased at a maximum height af 23 feet fram the ground to the top of the praposed Union 76 sign. Councilmember Blesener seconded the mation. Ayes: 5 Nays: 0 Page No. 2391 February 17, 1987 COUNTRY CLUB Mr. Ronald Lagerquist, project architect for the WAREHOUSE proposed Country Club Markets warehouse, was present to review a revised site plan and request approval of a building permit for a new warehouse building at 1460 Sibley Memorial Highway. Mr. � Lagerquist stated that as the result of discussion at the February 3rd meeting, the applicant has agreed to eliminate some of the parking area to provide more green space. He stated that all of the possible roof area will drain off the roof to the green area at the back of the structure instead of to the hard surface. In response to a question from Mayor Mertensotto, Mr. Lagerc�uist stated that the paved area adjacent to the building will not become a parking area for semis, that there will be four loading.positions used during the day plus a truck maneuvering area. Councilmember Blesener stated that she still does not like the plan, that the applicant is proposing a great big parking lot with a block building and Council is missing the opportunity to see that the property is enhanced with more landscaping and less blacktop. Councilmember Witt moved approval of the building permit based on the site plan submitted and subject to approval of the building plans by the Code Enforcement Officer. The motion died for lack of a second. Mr. Lagerquist stated that he feels the owner has complied with all setbacks and reduced the parking area. He pointed out that there is a timing problem and asked that the permit be approved. Councilmember Cummins stated Council's direction at the last meeting that landscaping should be provided to shield the structure from the road. 'Further discussion on the matter was tabled to March 3rd. • VALLEY CURVE The Council acknowledged and discussed the ' ESTATES feasibility report for proposed public improvements to serve Valley Curve Estates. Mr. George Spanjers, owner of the property, was present for the discussion and informed Council that of the three options for serving the property, he prefers Option 3. Councilmember Cummins moved adoption of Resolution � Page Na. 2392 February 1'7, i987 No. 87-23, "RESOLUTION ACCEPTING ENGINEER'S REPORT, ORDERING IMFROVEMENT AND PREPARATION OF PLANS AND SPECIFICATIC?NS FQR SANITARY SEWERS AND WATEF:MAINS TO SERVE VALLEY CURVE ESTATES (IMFROVEMENT NO. 86, PROJECT NO. 5)," exercising Option 3 at the request of the property awner. � Councilmemb�r Witt seconded the mation. Ayes: 5 - Nays: d _ RECESS Mayor Mertensotta called a recess at 8:40 P.M. The meeting reconvened at 8:46 P.M. SOUTHEAST AREA Mr. Dick Putnam, from Tandem Develapment, and Mr. DEVELOPMENT -- Tom Boyce, from Centex Homes, were present ta TANDEM C4RP. discuss the proposed deveZopment of the southeast area of the City. Mr. Putnam stated that the twa firms are 1.00king at implementing the Southeast Area P1an adopted by the City in 2985. xe described the area of the property which is either owned or under option by the two firms as the third phase of the Copperfield Addition, the 38 acre King praperty, the 120 acre Riley property which includes �he Owens and Laukka- Beck properties, the 9.3 acre Clark property, and the ten acres awned by Opu�'•at the intersectian af Dodd Road and Mendota Heights Road. Mr. Putnam descrilaed the pro�osed davelapment plan, which will be presented informally to the Planning Commi�sion in March. He also described two�proposed neighborhood parks and a trail system. Mr. Putnam stated that the structures proposed within the develapment area would be owner-occupied and described a pos�ible :� mix of housing types with an overall project density of slightly under five units per acre. The Council heard and responded to camments from the following members of the audience: Mr. Lou Eschele, 2118 Aztec Lanej Mr. Dick Bancro�tr a member of the Sunfish Lake City Council; Mr. Chuck Banga�ser, 2223 Copperfield Drive;'Mr. Ultan Dugc�an, 823 Hazel Gourt; Mr. B�rnard Friel, 750 Moh�.can Lane, who a1.so submitted a copy o� a petition which had been presented to the Cauncil in 2985 relative to the Southeast Area Plan and Comprehensive Plan amendments; Mr. Paul Spangler, 795 Hokah; and Mr. Robert Emery, 1183 Dodd Road, The Council acknowl�dged three �etitians �'rom residents of Sunfish Lake reiative to their concerns over development of those areas of Mendota Heights ilnmediatel.y adjacent to Sunfish Lake. Ayes: 5 Nays: 0 RECESS COMPUTER PURCHASE Ayes: 5 Nays: 0 PERSONNEL Ayes: 5 Nays: 0 PARK PLACE FINAL PLAT Page No. 2393 February 17, 1987 Mayor Mertensotto informed the audience that no action would be taken on the matter this evening. He further informed the audience that the Metropolitan Council's model aircraft noise ordinance, adoption of which by the City would have an effect on development of the Southeast Area, is available and will be considered in the near future. - After discussion, Councilmember Cummins moved that the Model Aircraft Noise Ordinance be referred to the Planning Commission for public hearing. Councilmember Blesener seconded the motion. Mayor Mertensotto called a recess at 10:10 P.M. The meeting reconvened at 10:17 P.M. Police Chief Delmont was present to review bids received for the acquisition of an Apple MacIntosh computer system for the Police Department. After discussion, Councilmember Cummins moved to authorize purchase of an Apple MacIntosh computer system as described in the computer quotation form submitted by Police Chief Delmont, from First Tech, in accordance with their bid and for a price not to exceed $13,000. ' - � Councilmember Witt seconded the motion. Councilmember Witt moved to approve the permanent appointment of Donn Anderson as Police Sergeant effective February 1, 1987. Councilmember Hartmann seconded the motion. Mr. Michael Halley was present to request approval of the final plat for the Park Place addition. Mayor Mertensotto felt that three conditions should be placed on plat approval: that there be a signed develo�er's agreement satisfactory to both parties; that the City be given deeds for the two outlots; and that the plat should be modified to widen the right-of-way for the islands. City Attorne� Hart informed Council that there is a gap in the title for some of the land on which public improvements are to be installed and recommended that the developer should submit quit Page No. 2394 February 17, 1987 claim deeds for the public improvement right-of- way. Mr. Halley also requested approval of the Iocation of street lights and a proposed �treet light d�sign. It was Council consensus that Council cauld agree with the proposed locations, if one of the locatians is moved onto the praperty line, but that it would reserve ap�roval on desic�n until. a residential street lighting policy is �n place. Mr. Ha11.ey stated that if approved, the lights would be installed by the develapers and the homeowners association would p�y �h�� �a'inteiia�nce 'a-rid �lectricity costs. Councilmember�Hartmann maved adaption af Resolution No. 87-14, "RES4LUTION APPROVING FINAL PLAT FC}R PARK PLACE," subject to receipt of an executed developer's agreement, quit claim deeds far the outlots and public im�arovement areas, and modification af the final plat to widen right--of- way for the islands. Councilmember Cummins seconded the motian. Ayes: 5 Nays: 0 PARK BOND The Council discussed a memo fram Treasurer REFEREi�DUM Shaughnessy regarding the Park Bond Referendum and c�ave staff direction relative to the amaunt o� the issue, date of the referendum, election haurs and polling places, type of bal2at and Ianguage for the ballot question. GOAL SETTING Councilmember goal setting 8.30 A.M. Councilmember Ayes: 5 Nays: 0 Cummins moved to schedule a Council sessian for Saturday, April 22th at Har�mann seconded the motion. ANIMAL HOSPITAL Dr. Tom Koepke was present to request Council to consider amending the Zoning Ordinance to allaw kennellinc� at an animal hospital as a conditianal use. Iie Zndicated that the police wou3d like to use Midwest Animal Services for anintal control., and that approval of the ordinance arnendment would allow �he Mendota Heights Animal Haspital to pravide kennelling services for animal� picked up by Mzdwest. In response to a question from Mayar Mertensotto, Dr. Koepke stated that if an injured animal is brought ta him by Midwe�t, he will treat the animal Page No. 2395 February 17, 1987 and the owner would be liable for the cost if the animal is claimed. Councilmember Cummins moved that the matter be referred to the Planning Commission and that staff be directed to prepare a�roposedFordinance amendment for the Commission's review. Councilmember Hartmann seconded the motion. Ayes: 5 - Nays: 0 JOINT MEETING It was the consensus of the Council that the proposed Joint Council/Planning Commission meeting be conducted at 7:�0 P. M. on �?etrruary -,24-;. in the Engineering Conference Room. COUNCIL COMMENTS Councilmember Cummins raised several zoning issues which he felt need to be addressed: the front yard setback for houses in areas where sidewalks are installed; the language defining how houses are aligned, particularly on cul-de-sacs; consideration . of re-defining single family zoning to make the minimum lot size 20,000 square feet, particularly on the school district properties. Councilmember Blesener suggested that the term "high-density" should be eliminated from use, since 8 units per acre is not really high density. . ,. Councilmember Witt informed the Council that she will be late for the March 3rd meeting. PARK BOND ISSUE Administrator Frazell asked the Council for direction on preparation of a draft memo of understanding with the School District regarding the proposed Henry Sibley Athletic Complex. He brought up three issues: appraisals on the Hildebrandt and West properties are necessary; the School District owns only 3 rather than 8 acres of land as they had indicated; what should be the ownership interest of the City and the School District. The Council concurred that the total cost should be limited to $1,392,Oa0 and that the City should order appraisals of the Hildebrandt and � West properties. Council also discussed and gave Administrator Frazell direction relative to ownership interest. ADJOURN There being no further business to come before the Council, Councilmember Hartmann moved that the Page No. 2396 February 17, 1987 �djourned, sr Witt seconded the motion. )URNMENT; 11:22 O'c1oCk P.M. Kat een M. Swanson City Clerk LIST OF CQNTRACT{)RS TO BE APPROtTED BY CTTY CaUNCIL ON FEBRUARY 17. 1987 Excavating License: Hea�.ing & AC Cant.: Fuhr Trenching Hinding Htg. & AC Husting and Engstrom, Inc. Smith Htg. & AC Lakeside Sewer and Water, Inc. Twin City Furnace M. M. Miller Brothers Excavating, Inc. United 8heet Metal Schulties Plumbing, Inc. Gas Piping License: Arne�on Heating Service Company Doody Mechanical, Inc. Gopher Heating and Sheet Metal, Inc. Hinding Heating and Air Conditioning 2'win City Furnace Company 5mith Heating and Air Conditioning General Contractor's License: Air Seal Company � American Estate Homes, Snc. Banaszewski Construction Company, Inc. Brelje Construction, Inc. K.W. Dahm Canstructa.on Company, Inc. Gustafsan and Associates Houle Canstruction Kee Construction, Inc. Kraus-Anderson Construction Company Keystone Builders Corparation Kropelnicki Construction Merle's Construction Campany Steph-an Homes, Inc. Twin City Storm Sash Company, Inc. Viking Automatic Sprinkler Company Heata.ng and Air Conditioning License: Allan Nlechanical, Inc. Cherokee Re�rigeration, Inc. Dahms Heating, Inc. Gopher Heating and Sheet Metal, Inc. Masonry Licenset Eckert & Son Mas. M.F. Fleischhacker G & R Construction Doug Novy Const. Simon Bros. Cement Peter Schlagel Mas. Theisen-Fischer Plaster/Stucco Lic: Quality Drywall Siding Licanse: ABC Seamles� CITY OF MENDOTA HEIGHTS MINUTES, FEBRUARY 24, 1987 JOTNT MEETING WITH PLANNING CQMMISSION & CITY COUNCIL The special warkshop meeting with the City Council and Planning Cammission was held at 7;fl0 P.M. irt the Engineering Conference Room, on Tu�sday, February 24, 1987. The - following members were present: Mayor Mertensotto, CounciZmembers Biesener, Cummins, Hartmann and Witt. Planning Cammissioners present were Chair Morson, Commissioners Henning, Anderson, McManic�al, Duggan, and Krebsbach. Burke had notified the Commission that he would be unable to attend. Mayor Mertensotta began by stating his feeling �hat important issues in pianr�ing cases should be aired and thoraughly discussed at the Planning Commission 1.evel, rather than at the Council level. He said that he thought there were too many peop2e who ignored the Pianning Commissi.an, because they felt that the real decisions were made at the Council level. Councilmember'Cummins suggested that public hearing notices advise the reader in bold face print when the anly public hearing will be at the Planning Coxnmission level. Mayor Mertensotto said the Planning Cammissi.on shauld feel free to attach conditions or state concerns in making its approvals, so that the Council. has benefit of that thinking when it i� called upan to make a final decision. It was also agreed among all present that th� Planni.ng Commission should feai fres to take an extra month to iron aut problem�, rather than �ending items on to the Council. with unresalved issues. Planning Cammissioner Hen�ning said that if the Commissian feels that the Cauncii is c�bing to re-plan the � work that i� already dane, it is diffa.cul�. for them to know when a groject has ever gatten to the point of "perfection". Planning Chair Jerry Morson added that the Commission could 4never pre-determine what the Cauncil would want. Councilmember Cummins suggested that aesthetics was one area where the Planning Commission and the Cauncil had been somewhat aut of sync, and there was an agreement that even at the sta�f level, more �mphasis should be put on aesthetic concerns. City Administrator Frazell cautioned everyane to remember that aesthetics i� a subjective thing, and that even if the staff and Planning Gommission begin to �ut �nore emphasis on that area, the Council is still c�oing to have it� own ideas and preferences when the planning �.tems come to thezr agenda. Mayor Mertensotto then raised a concern that had been expressed to him about the fact that the City is proceeding with a parks bond issue, prior to amending its Comprehensive Plan to delete the desi�nation for a community park in the southeast area of the City. It was agreed that prior to successful gassa�e of the referendum and an agreement with the School District for the Henry Sibley complex, it would be premature to amend the Comprehensive Plan. However, it was agreed that the Council could �ass a resolution of intent to redesignate the property for single family development when the bond issue is passed. Meeting was adjourned at 7:35 o'clock P.M. Kevin D. Fraze City Administrator ATTEST: C ar es E. Mer ensot o Mayor � CITY OF MENDOTA HEIGHTS PI.�INNTNG COMMISSIQN MINUTES, FEBRUARY 24, 1987 The regular meeting of the Mendata Fieights P3anning Commission was called to order by Chairman Morson at 7:48 o'clock F.M. The following members were present: Morson, Duggan, new member Burt Anderson, Henning, Krebsbach and McMonigal. Burke had notified the Cammission that he would be absent. Al�o present were P3.anning Consultant Fioward Dahlgren and Public Warks Directar Jim Danielson. ELECTZON OF OFFICERS Ayes: 6 Nays: 0 APPROVAL OF MINUTES Aye�: 6 Nay�: 0 Commissioner Duggan moved to re-elect Jerry Morson as Chairman and Stu Henning as Vice-Chairman. Commissioner McManigal seconded the motion. Minutes of the January 27, 1987 meeting had been submitted previously, except Commissioner� xenning and McMonigal stated they did not receive a copy. Cammissi.oner Fienning moved that approval of the minutes be tabled to the next meeting. Cammissioner McManigal seconded the motion. PRESENTATICJN Mr. Richard Putnam was pre�ent to explain Tandem BY TANDEM CQRP.and Centex Corporation's propasal for dev�lopment in the �outheast area of the Gity. He began by discussing the proposed noise ardinance and its - impact an th�e praposal , He then discusseci the history of the southeast area comprehensive plan amendment. iie then exp].ained his proposal by first addressing park schemes for the development. He noted that there will be two new neighborhood parks and a trail system throughout the development. Mr. Putnam e�lained that he has been conducting neighborhood meetings ta present his plan to affected neighbors, and that he has modified his plans to address their concerns. In par�icular, he has addressed the concerns of the Patrick's who purchased the Pierce Bu�ler residence and residents af Sunfish Lake who desire to have single family homes alang their border an Delaware. Mr. Pu.tnam e�Zained that an Environmental. Impact 5tatement is mandatory for the Centex site and that that process takes �rom 4-6 months. They plan to begin the EIS process immediately and hape that City approvals could be sought concurrently and be made canting'ent on successful completion of the EIS. Mr. Putnam then described and presented drawings of the various bui].ding types, including single £amily homes, townhouses, manor homes, condominiums and 0 CITY OF MENDOTA HEIGHTS PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES, FEBRUARY 24, 1987 apartments. He noted they would be built in a wide price range from starter homes to more expensive townhouses. He then presented his commercial proposal for development at Dodd Road and Mendota Heights Road. Commissioner McMonigal asked where the pipelines are that run through the property and what problems - they could cause. Planner Dahlgren noted that despite the recent accident in Mounds View, the pipelines really are a very safe way to transmit volatile liquids. Commissioner Krebsbach asked what kind of market study has been done and Mr. Putnam responded that no matter what a market study says, there is a great risk,in single family development, however, Centex is completing a market study at the present time. Commissioner Duggan expressed concern about traffic on Mendota Heights Road. Mr. Putnam referred to the traffic study that was done for the southeast area. Commissioner Duggan then expressed concern over the density. Mr. Putnam explained that the density was established with the southeast area study and the reason he made the preliminary proposal to the City Council is to reaffirm their committment to the Comprehensive Plan change. - He does not want to fight the battle of the guide plan change over again. Commissioner Duggan then asked what will happen if the Metropolitan Council continues to hold up development. Mr. Putnam responded that he will go to the Metropolitan Council and the Governor if needed, to get the Metropolitan Council to "stop holding Mendota Heights hostage." Planner Dahlgren noted that Tandem would have good cause to go to the Governor because this hold up has been excessively long and totally unreasonable. � "� Mr. Dahlgren went on to say that densities for the southeast area are really very low by other communities standards and that Mr. Putnam's proposal is lower than planned �or in the southeast area study. He also stated that there will not be a traffic problem on Mendota Heights Road. This was pointed out by Traffic Consultant Jack Anderson, in the southeast area study. The road system has been well planned to handle traffic in the area. Commissioner Krebsbach asked about having noise 2 CITY OF MENDnTA HEIGHTS PZy�NI�TING COMMISSION MINUTES, FEBRUARY 24, 2987 wa31s installed along 494. Planrter Dahigren responded that Mn/DOT will not construct noise walls aiter the fact. The homes must already be in place at th� time of raadway construction to have a wall installed. Commissioner Duggan asked that if the southea�t area is not acceptable for single fami3y dwellings, why is it wise ta put in more residential units? Mr. Putnam respanded that it is wise �'or twa reasons: 2. The people who live in multi-�amily homes have a different life style than single family dwellers. a, They are not outside as much. b. They want to be where tlie action is, close to freeways, so they can be more mobile. 2. People would nat build as expensive a home alonc� a freeway, so if the area were developed as szngle family, it would be a lawer ciass development. Planner Dahlgren stated that the best use for the site would be cammercial and that is what Eagan has done an their side af the freeway.- _ - After Mr. Putnam Ieft the meeting, there was a con�inued discussion among the Commission members with member Duggan generally speaking against the development, He ultimately stated that he realized that high density residential development would be approved for the area, but that he was going to continue ta press for higher quaiity and lawer den�ity development. VERBAL REVIEW Public Work� Director Danielson gave a verbal review of cases that had gone before the City Cauncil. MISCEZ,LANEflUS Chairman Marson stated that he had noticed that the remaining Strub property was for sale and asked what could be done'with the property. Planner Dahlc�ren explained that the Strub site was iocated within an appraved PUD area and if the property was not to be developed according to the approved pZan, it would need to have a totally new PUD approval process. ADJOT.TRN There being no �urther business ta come before the Comrnission, Cammissioner McMonigal moved that the 3 y CITY OF MENDOTA HEIGHTS PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES, FEBRUARY 24, 1987 meeting be adjourned. Commissioner Duggan seconded the motion. Ayes: 6 Nays: 0 TIME OF ADJOURNMENT: 10:10 orclock P.M. � _ � 4 . , MEMo February 25, 1987 T0: MAYDR, CITY COUNCIL, AND CITY A��y°,�`ATOR FROM: JOHN MACZKO, FIRE CHI � SUBJECT: PURCHASE OF BREATHING APPARATU� � TORY I N 19Sb THE FI RE DEPARTMENT BUDGETED $3600 FOR THE PURCHASE OF F4UR NEW PIECES OF BREATHING APPARATUS FOR REPLACEMENT OF 1NORN E�UIPMENT. THIS EQUIPMENT WAS TO BE PURCHASED 4FF OF THE MI NNES4TA F I RE AGENC I ES PURCHAS I NG CONSORT I UM CONTRACT, BUT TH f S CONTRACT WAS NOT AWARDED UNTIL JANUARY OF 1987. ��IE��ii�� (N JANUARY OF 1987 BIDS WERE OPENED BY THE F(RE CONS4RTIUM GR4UP FOR THE BREATHING APPARATUS AND AINARDS WERE MADE F�R VARIOUS Ti'PES OF BRE�ATHIN� APPARATUS. ONE OF THE MODELS OF BREATHING APPARATUS THAT WAS AWARDED IS �F THE TYPE THAT OUR DEPARTMENT WI SHES TO PURCHASE. I N DECEMBER OF 19861NE SOL I CI TED BIDS ON THE SAME BREATHING APPARATUS THAT IS CURRENTLY AVAILABLE THROUGH THE FIRE CONSORTIUM C4NTRACT. THE L0INEST QU4TAT14N THAT WE RECIEVED ON THE EQUIPMENT WAS FOR $1001.00 ea. WE FELT THAT THIS �UOTATION WAS TO HIGH AND DECIDED TO WAIT UNTIL THE PURCHASING CONSORTIUM CONTRACT WAS AWARDED. THIS TURNED OUT TO BE THE R I GHT DECI S I ON BECAUSE THE F I RE CONSORT I UM B I D F4R THE SAME EQU I PMENT i S$898.45 ea. TH I S i S A SAV I NGS OF OVER $100.00 ea. FROM OUR PREVIOUS QUOTATION. IN ADDITION TO THE F4UR PIECES OF E�UIPMENT DESCRIBED ABOVE WE NEED TO PURCHASE SIX ADDITIONAL UNITS FOR THE NEW FIRE PUMPER THAT HAS BEEN ORDERED. THESE SIX PIECES OF BREATHING APPARATUS WERE INTENDED TO BE PURCHASED WITH 1�Ht TRUCK, BUT BECAUSE WE FELT ThIAT WE COULD PURCHASE THE EQUI PMENT CHEAPER THAN WHAT A CONTRACTOR WOULD BID, WE LEFT THEM OUT OF OUR SPECIFICATIONS. � �rr .�• � IT IS MY RECOMMENDATION THAT WE PURCHASE TEN SELF CONTAINED BREATHING APPARATUS OFF 4F THE FIRE CONS�RTIUM C�NTRACT FR4M 0 � FIRE SAFETY & COMMUNICATIONS C4RPORATION (F1SC4) FOR A PURCHASE PRICE OF $898.45 PER UNIT. tBID N0. 0487-M) F4UR OF THESE UNITS (PURCHASE PRICE OF $3593.80) WOULD BE FOR THE REPLACEMENT OF THE WORN 4UT EQUIPMENT AND PURCHASED WITH MONEY BUDGETED IN 1986. THE REMAINING SIX UNITS (PURCHASE PRICE OF $53yU.tU) WOULD BE PURCHASED FOR THE NEW F I RE PUMPER. TH I S EQU i PMENT WAS ANT i CI PATED F4R THE NEW PUMPER AND THERE IS MONEY AVAILABLE IN THE TRUCK BUDGET TO C4VER THIS EXPENSE. t � IF COUNCIL AGREES WITH THE ABOVE RECOMMENDATION THEY SHOULD AUTHORI ZE THE PURCHASE OF THE TEN P I ECES OF EQU i PMENT OFF OF THE FIRE CONS�RTIUM CONTRACT (BID N0. 0487-M) FOR A TOTAL PURCHASE PRICE OF $8984.50. NOTE TO COUNCIL: The $3,600 'appropriated in 1986 is�from Equipment Certificates, and therefore, still available. io cc: Bill Lerbs, Assistant Chief Pat Knight, Truck Committee Chairman , �, � � MEMO February 25, 1987 T4: MAYOR, CITY COUNCIL, AND CITY A Nj�'��TOR FR4M: JOHN MACZKO, F I RE CH I E SUBJECT: PURCHASE OF RAD 10 F4R NEW F 1 RE PUMPER ` �1L'i' � _. THE PURPOSE OF TH I S MEMO I S TO OBTAI N COUNC I L PERM I SS I ON TO PURCHASE THE NECESSARY RADIO E�UIPMENT FOR THE NEW F(RE PUMPER THAT WAS AWARDED TO CUSTOM FIRE APPARATUS IN JANUARY. THIS APPROVAL IS NECESSARY BECAUSE THE PURCHASE i4M0UNT I�S 4VER THE $2500.00 LIMIT THAT MaY BE APPROVED BY THE CITY ADMINISTRAT4R. DISCUSSION: WHEN THE SPECIFlCATIONS FOR THE NEW FIRE PUMPER WERE WRITTEN, THEY SPECIFIED THAT "THE CONTRACTOR WILL INSTALL CITY FURNISHED RAD14 E�UIPMENT." THIS WAS DONE FOR TW�O REAS4NS: 1. WE WANTED TO �BTAIN THE SAME EDUIPMENT THAT WAS PURCHASED AND i NSTALLED I N OUR CURRENT F I RE DEPARTMENT VEHICLES AS PART OF THE RADIO STUDY. 2. WE FEL f I HA f WE COULD PURCHASE THE EQUI PMENT CHEAPER THAN WHAT A CONTRACTOR 1NOULD BID F4R THE SAME EQUIPMENT. THIS IS BECAUSE �VE CAN PURCHASE THE E�U I PMENT WE NEED OFF OF THE M I NNESOTA F I RE AGENC I ES _ _ PURCHAS I NG CONSOR�f I UM. , THE NECESSARY RADIO, A MOTOROLA, EIGHT FREQUENCY SYNTUR X MOBILE RADIO WITH EXTENDED REAR CONTR4L, ANTENNA, WEATHER PROOF SPEAKER, EIGHT CHANNEL SCAN, AND ALL MOUNTING ACCESSORIES HAS RECENTLY BEEN AWARDED BY THE F I RE CONSORT I UM AS B I D N0. A5839-M TO MOTOROLA COMMUN I CAT I ONS & ELECTRON t CS I NC. FOR A B I D PR I CE OF $2745.00 _ I T I S MY RECOMMENDAT I ON THAT WE PURCHASE TH I S RAD I 0 OFF OF THE F I RE C�NSORT I UM CONTRACT (B I D N0. A5839-M). TH I S I S THE EXACT MODEL � G � OF RADIO THAT WAS RECENTLY INSTALLED IN FIVE PIECES OF FIRE APPARATUS AS PART OF THE RAD 10 STUDY. MON I ES ARE AVAI LABLE I N THE PUMPER BUDGET T4 ALLOW THIS PURCHASE. : �. � � ;. � IF COUNCIL AGREES WITH THE ABOVE RECOMMENDATION THEY SHOULD AUTHOR�ZE THE PURCHASE OF THE RAD14 FROM MOTOROLA COMMUNICATIONS � & ELECTRONICS OFF OF THE FIRE CONSORTIUM CONTRACT (B1D N0. A5839-M) FOR A PURCHASE PRICE OF $2745.00 � cc: Pat Knight, Truck Committee Chairman , 0 CITY OF MENDOTA HEIGHTS � February 25, 1987 TO: Mayor, City Council and City ���trator FROM: Kathleen M. Swanson City Clerk SUBJECT: Fee Schedule On April 2, 1982, the.City Council adopted a resolution establishing a schedule of fees for administration and engineering services. Since the adoption of that resolution, costs for providing such services have continued to increase. We are therefore requesting that the City Council adopt a resolution revising the fees set in 1982. ACTION RE4UIRED: If Council concurs with the staff recommendation they should pass a motion adopting Resolution No. 87- , RESOLUTION REVISING SCHEDULE OF FEES FOR ADMINIS'�RATIVE �ND ENGINEERING SERVICES. , .� CITY OF MENDOTA HEIGHTS DAKOTA COUNTY, MINNESOTA RESOLUTION N0, 87- RESOLUTIQN REVISING SCiiEDULE QF FEES FOR ADMINISTRATIVE AND ENGTNEERING SERVICES � WF�REAS, the City af Mendota Heights adopted Resolution No. 82-33, "ResoZution Establishing Schedule of Fees for Administrative and Engineering Services" on April 6, 1982. WHEREAS, the cost af services rendered is ever-increasing; and WIiEREAS, it is appropra.ate that fees be revised to cover the increasing costs in providing the serves; � . NOW THERg'ORE, IT IS HEREBY RESOLVED, that the following Schedule of Fees is hereby approved and adopted: TYPE QF SERVICE & MATERIAIS Address Map Asses�ment Search Assessmen� Split - As-built Plaris $ase Map Base Ma.p Certifica�ions City Ordirtance Boak Comprehensive Plan (Each Part) Comprehensive Pla.n {Plates 2-19) Critical Area Plan CriticaZ Area Ordinance Criticai Area Map Election Filings L�and Use Map Legal Description (Written} Photo Copies PSats Police Accident Reports SZZE {Inches) 30 X 36 �t1A N/A 24X36 30X36 60 X b6 N/A N/A N/A 30 X 3b N/A N/A 30 X 36 N/A 30 X 36 NJA FEE SCKEDULE $ 5.00 xo.00 25.00 Base + Engineering & Clerk time 3,00 S.QO I0.00 5.00 45.00 7 . 50 5.00 7. 50 3.Q0 5.00 2.00 �� f� {1 to 2 pgs.) .25 Larger jobs, time and materials .04 per gage plus $12.50 per hr. of tim� necessary far reCreival and copying. 24 X 3b 3.00 N/A 5.00 Sanitary Sewer Maps 60 X 66 10.00 Storm Sewer Maps 30 X 36 5.00 Storm Sewer Maps 60 X 66 10.00 Streets 30 X 36 5.00 Streets 60 X 66 10.00 Subdivision Ordinance N/A 5.00 � Topographic Maps up to 24 X 36 - 5.00 per acre+ � 9.00 service charge Watermain Maps 30 X 36 5.00 Watermain Maps 60 X 66 10.00 Wetlands Ordinance N/A 2.00 Wetlands & Storm Water System Map 30 X 36 5.00 Zoning Ordinance with Map N/A 15.00 Zoning Map 30 X 36 5.00 Park Contributions N/A Established by Council Resol. Industrial Revenue Financing N/A Established by Council Resol. Research of Records, Files, etc. N/A $5.00 Base fee plus staff inem- ' _ member's hourly plus copying material costs, if any. , Adopted by the City Council of the City of Mendota Heights this 3rd day of March, 1987. , ATTFST: Kathleen M. Swanson, City Clerk � CITY COUNCIL ' CITY OF MENDOTA HEIGHTS By _ Charles E. Mertensotto, Mayor 0 CITY OF MENDOTA HEIGHTS MEMO FEBRUARY 27, 1987 TO: Mayor, City Council and Cit d��rator FROM: Paul R. Berg, Code Enforcement Officer SUBJECT: CAO 87-02, Katz, Modified Site Plan Review DISCUSSION Mr. Paul Katz, 1855 Hunter Lane, has made application to construct a swimming pool in his back yard. His lot falls within the boundary of the Critical River Corridor area, so staff has completed a critical area ordinance review on the proposal (see attached plan). Staff finds that the proposal conforms totally to the CAO requirements. RECOMMENDATION Staff recommends that the permit request be processed under the Modification Section of the CAO, which allows by- passing the Planning Commission for minor development and ' allows City Council to grant the CAO modified site plan approval. • ACTION RE�D If Council wishes to implement the staff recommendation, they should pass a motion approving the CAO review. PRB:madlr attachment � , � � �y� � �i�f� �.������ �� � � � �1.��� ���''����'r' �,;��'' ,� � . ���� ,, ��,,�r.�f� .�.� f ,r � ; � � � l,�l�%'� �' 1 rrf�'�;; � . . - �.� � � �' ./ � �"� b 1 a� �tb � � J � . ��,� � . �S �`o o•' -.�- -:u�„ ��� ' d1i �--- - . ^ • , ' i�fs:y: i �/ � .: . !8£� � � F;, �r +�+ ` ! J �. � j } . ,G-L �,� I�. /' i• • , . � � �" _7) _ - '�bt , 1,,.. • � � yr � 1 . '�,* � • S ; r'r%7 7 :s s � � . �u� ye ��� ' �SY r ` ,: a u � � � �i .�� � - —I�., -" nr" _ . �� X : i�� i ` - " t ( o LIST OF [�)NTRACTDRS TO BE APPROVED BY CITY t�i.q�iCIL. OiV 3bARCH 3, 1987 Excavating License: Dasen Contracting Eo., Inc. Imperial Developers, Inc. J. J. Charles arai Sa»s Excavating Minne�ota Hame Sewer Zdrazil Excavating Gas Piping License: Cedar Valley H�ating and Air Cond. CoQI Air �techanical, Inc. Dependable Heating and Air Corrd., Inc. Pre�ir Heatir�g and Coaling, Ir�c. Valley Aire, Inc. C"eneral Contractor�' � Licer�se: Cartnor� Fire and Safety B��arklund Gons�ruction Company, Inc. �ellert Canstructian Compar�y - Enebak Corrstruc�ion Campany Ferron Canstruction Hauen�teir► arfd Burmeister, Inc. Haughton Enterprise�, Irtac. J, R. Ho�s, Ir�. Steph�n Kroiss �ampert Yards, Ir�c. P1� Allister Construction Co. M and N Garrstruction 8pecialists Minrtesata Package Rroducts tPacific Poois) Premier Huilders, Inc. Heating and Air Canditioning License: Cool Air Mechanical, Inc. Cedar Vailey Heating and Air Carxliiioning Masonry Licen�e:- � Day Ga Cancrete Ca. Kozitza Canst. bletro Masonry, Ir�c. Unitetf Sheet Metal PlasterlStucco Lic: 5carniia Stucca Ca. Sign Er�ting L.ic: �ad-Tracy Signs 0 e I s t !i 1 • FEBRUARY 25, I987 TO: Mayor anc� City Council FROM: Kevin D,� r � City A in��ator � SUBJECT: Request for Designation of April 21-25 as Chamber of Commerce Week in Mendota Heights By the attached letter, our 1ocal Chamber of Commerce is asking us �o proclaim the week of April 21-25 Chamber of Commerce week. I have composed the attached for a Mayoral Proclamation. � February 19, 1987 NORTHERN DAKOTA COUNTY CHAMBERS OF COMMERCE Serving t� �� Eagan Chamber of Commerce �L$ � e �� Mendota Heights Chamber of Commerce West St. Paul Chamber of Commerce and the Cities of Lilydale, Mendota and Sunfish Lake 1301 Corporate Center Drive #116 Eagan, Minnesota 55121 612-452-9872 � Mayor Charles Mertensotto City of Mendota Heights 750 South Plaza Drive Mendota Heights, Minnesota 55120 Dear Mayor Mertensotto: � � The Chambers of Commerce of the State of Minnesota are sponsoring a State—wide Chamber of Commerce Week. This celebration week will be held April 21 — 25, 1987. We, as a Chamber, will be doing everything we can to publicize how our Chamber serves your city. We have been requested by the State orgaxti.zation to' ask you, as mayor, to proclaim the week of April 21-25 Chamber of Commerce week in Mendota Heights. If you would then furnish your proc7.amation to the respective newspapers, it would be appreciated. Yours very truly, C. W. Escher Executive Director CWE:db � � . CITY OF MENDOTA HEIGHTS PROCLAMATION OF CHAMBER OF COMMERCE WEEK, APRIL 21-25 _ I, Charles E. Mertensotto, with the power vested in me as Mayor of the City of Mendota Heights, do hereby proclaim the week of April 21-25, 1987, as Chamber of Commerce Week in Mendota Heights, and call upon all citizens to recognize the contributions of the local Chamber and its member businesses to the quality of life in our community. Proclaimed this 3rd day of March, 1987. Charles E. Mertensotto � Mayor , 0 e CITY 4F MEND4TA HEIGIiTS MEMO FEBRUARY 26, 1987 < / T4: Mayar, City Cotzncil and Ci A���trator FROM: Mary Ann DeLaRosa, Deputy Clerk SUBJECT: Certi�icate af Appreciation As Council is aware, Mary Jeanne Schneeman is nat �eeking another term to the Park and Recreation Commissian. 5he was originally scheduled ta receive a cert�ificate of appreciation at the February 3 Council. meeting, but had just returned home from surger� and was unable to attend the meeting. She wili be avazlable an March 3rd to receive her certificate of appreciation for her six years of service on the Park and Recreation Commission. ACTION REQUIRED Mayor Mertensotto should present Mary Jeanne Schneeman with a certificate of appreciation�for her six years of service on the Park and Recreation Cammission. , ABATEMENTS-- Daniel & Mary Caruso 27-30700-090-00 Mendota Heights, City February 19, 1987 When Mr. Caruso's house was reviewed in the spring of 1986 this vacant lot of was also reviewed and the value dropped. However the lower value was not indicated on the field card, therefore the vlaue is being reduced now. The estimated market val�e should be reduced from $18,700 to _ $12,500 and the assessed value should be reduced from $5,236 to $3,500;for 1986, taxes payable in 1987. e CITY OF MENDOTA HEIGHTS MEMO February 25, 1987 TQ: Mayor, City Council and City �i i��or � �. FROM: James E. Dani.elson Public Warks Director - SUBJECT: Sewers, Water, Streets Park Place Job No. 8625 Improvement PIa. 86, Proj ect No. 12 DISCUSSION: Mr. Mike Ha11ey received approval for a 49 lot subdivision, to subdivide the Wachtler praperty and petitianed the City to inStall pub2ic improvemen�s. The Ci�y is unable to waive hearings on this request because there are two other parcels Iacated on the sauth af the subdi.vision that wi�.l alsa be served. These parcel.s are Iarge single fam,ily iots and could be subdivided to produce 4-5 more new lots. We natified these ].andowners by the offic3.a1 public notice, and sent each of them a personal letter explaining the praposal artd of�ered ta mee1� wi�h them in advance of the hearing. Mr. Ph.illip Nelson, one of the owners, did come in and meet witfi staff ahead of time. After tha� meeting, Mr, Nelson seemed ta be understanding and accepting af the proposal. Mrs. Zwach is the a�.her affected owzier. She is oId'er and sta�ed over th2 phane that she is not interested in subdividing. Please bring your feasibility reports to the hearing (distributed at th.e February 23, 1987 meeting). RECOMMENDATION: Staff conti.nues to f eel that it is feasible to serve the Park Place Subdivisian as described in the January 24, 19$7 feasibil.ity report and reco�►ends that the plans and specifications be ordered. ACTIQN REQUIRED• Canduct the required public hearing, staff will be prepared �o give a short public presentation�describing the project, and if Council then desires to implement the staff recommendation they shauld pass a motion adopting Resolu�ion No. $7- , RESOLUTION ORDERING IMPROVEMENT AND PRE- PARATION OF PLANS AND SPECIFiCATIONS FOR SANITARY SEWERS, WATER, STORM SEWERS AND STREET CONSTRUCTIQN TO SERVE PARK PLACE SUBDIVISION AND ADJACENT AREAS (IMPROVEMENT N0. 86, PROJECT N0. 12) L � City of Mendota Heights Dakota County, Minnesota RFSOLUTION N0. 87- RESOLUTION ORDERING IMPROVEMENT AND PREPARATION OF PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS FOR SANITARY SEWERS, WATER, STORM SEWERS AND STREET CONSTRUCTION TO SERVE PARK PLACE SUBDIVISION AND ADJACENT AREAS ( IlKPROVII�IENT NO . 86 , PROJECT N0. 12 ) WHEREAS, a public hearing was held on the 3rd day of March, 1987, _ at 7:45 o'clock P.M. in the City Hall of the City of Mendota Heights, Minnesota pursuant to resolution duly adopted by the City Council of the City of Mendota Heights on the question of the proposed construc- tion of the following described improvements: The construction of an extension to the City's sanitary sewer system, including appurtenances and incidentals thereto, and the acqui- sition of easements, and the reconstruction where necessary of streets and easements in the area hereinafter more particularly described. The construction of an extension to the City's water distribution system including appurtenances and incidentals thereto, and the acqui- sition of easements, and the reconstruction where necessary of streets and easements in the area hereinafter more particularly described. The construction of a storm sewer system including appurtenances and incidental thereto and the acquisition of easements, in and for the area hereinafter more particularly described. The construction of street improvements consisting of the acquisi- tion of easements and the grading, stabilization, drainage and bitumi- nous surfacing, and the construction of concrete curbs and gutters on the streets to be situated i.n the area hereinafter more particularly described. WHEREAS, due publication of the notice of public hearing on said pro- posed construction has been attended to; and WHEREAS, mailed notice of said hearing has been mailed more than 10 days before the date of said hearing to the owners of each parcel ., situated within the area proposed to be assessed, all in accordance with the applicable Minnesota Statutes, and WHEREAS, the City Engineer reported that the proposed improvement and construction thereof were feasible and desirable and further reported on the proposed costs of said improvements and construction thereof; and WHEREAS, the area proposed to be assessed for said improvements is situated within the City of Mendota Heights in Dakota County, Minnesota and is more particularly described as follows: The area West of Wachtler Avenue, North of Wentworth Avenue, East of Valley Park, and South of Cherry Hills 2nd Addition. V WHEREAS, the City Council then proceeded to hear all persons interested in said improvement and all persons were afforded an opportunity to present their views and objections to the making of said improvements. NOW THEREFORE, IT IS HEREBY RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Mendota Heights, Minnesota as follows: 1. That it is advisable, feasible, expedient and necessary that the City of Mendota Heights construct the above described improvements, and it is hereby ordered that said improvement be made. 2. That the City Engineer be and he is hereby authorized and directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement. 3. That said improvement shall hereafter be known and designated as Improvement No. 86, Project No. 12. Adopted by the City Council of the City of Mendota Heights this 3rd day of March, 1987. CITY COUNCIL CITY OF MENDOTA HEIGHTS By Charles E. Mertensotto, Mayor ATTF�ST : Mary Ann DeLaRosa, Deputy Clerk CITY OF MENDQTA HEIGHTS MEMO Fet T0: Mayor, City Council and Cit��s�ator FROM: James E. Danielson � Public Works Director SUBJECT: Sewers, Water, Streets Deer Trail Hilis Job No. 8623 Imgrovemen.t No. 86, Project No. 10 DISCLTSSION: ry 23, 1987 Bi.ds were apened February 19, 1987, for the Deer Trail Iiills project. Th3.s praject is Larry Shaughnessy's 12 lot subdivision and 'i� located just west of Evergreen Knolls, There were f ive bids receivec3 {see resolution}. Th.e low bidder, Larry's Excavating, is from Red Wing, MN and has not done work in the matxo area bafore. I called referen.ces in the Red Wing area, including the City and they a11 spoke very highly o£ the f irm. Mr. I�arry KuII �he owner of the firm said-Red Wing is abaut a�5�minute drive fram Mendota Heights and that they would be commuting to the job s3.te fram Red Wing every day. RECOMMENDATIQN: Staff recommends that Council. award the contract for Improvement N`o. $b, Project Na. 14 ta Larr.y's Excavating for their Iow bid of $8�,074.5�. ACTIQN RE�UZRED; If Counczl wishes to implement the staff recommendati.an Chey should pass a motian adopting Resolution Na. 87- , RESOLUTION ACCEPTING BIDS AND AWARDING CONTRACT FOR CONSTRUCTION OF SANITARY SEWER, WATER, STORM ` SEWER AND STREET CONSTRUCTION TO SERVE DEER TRAiL XIZ.LS {IMI'ROVEMENT N0. 86, PROJECT N0. 10� City of Mendata Heights Dakota County, Minnesata RESOLUTION N0. 87- RESOLUTION ACCEPTING BIDS AND AWARDING CONTRACT FOR CONSTRUCTION OF SANiTARY SEWER, WATER, STORM SEWER AND STREET CONSTRUCTI4N TO SERVE DEER TRAIL HILLS (IMPROVEMENT N0. $6, PROJECT NQ, 10) WHEREAS, pursuant to an advertisement for bids for the proposed constructzon of sanitary and starm sewer, water and street, curb and gutter improvements to serve Deer Trail Hill.s and adjacent areas (which improvements have heretofare been known and designated as Improvement No. 86, Projec�. No. 10), bids were received-, opened and tabulated accordzng to Iaw and the following bids were received com- plying wi�h said advertisement: NAME OF BIDDER Larryts Excava�ing Red Wing, MN Tatal Asphalt Cons�.. Ca. S t. Pa uI , MN Kolst F�cavating, Inc. Frescott, WI Aanner, Inc. Inver Grove Heights, MN Preferred Paving, Inc. Wacan�.a, MN and AMOUNT OF BID $81,074.50 $86,287.50 $87,325.00 $90,134.00 $99,251.00 WHEREAS, the City Engineer recommended that the low bid submitted by Larry's Excavating af Red Wing, Minneosta, be accepted. NOW TFIERE�'ORE, IT IS HEREBY RESOLVED by the Ci�.y Cpuncil of the City of Mendota Heights, Minnesota, as follaws: 1. That the bid af Larry's Excavating of Red Wing, Minneso�a, submitted for the constructian of the above described improvemenGs be and the same is hereby accepted. 2. That the Mayar and Clerk are hereby authorized and directed to execute and deliver any and all contracts and`documents necessary to consummate the awarding of said bids. Adopted by the Gity Council of the City of Mendota Heights Ghis 3rd day of March, I.987. CSTY COIINCIL CITY OF MENDOTA HEIGHTS By Gharles E. Mertsensotta, Mayor ATTEST: Kathleen M. Swanson, City C1erk CITY pF MENDOTA HEIGHTS MEMO February 27, 1987 . T0: Mayor, City Cauncil and City ABuYifzi tr r FROM: James E. Daniel.san / � Public Works Director SUBJECT: Sewers, Water, Streets Mendakota Estates Job Na. 8621 Improvement No. 86, Project No. $ DI.SCUSSION: Bids were apened at I.0:00 A.M., Friday, February 27, 1987, fox the Mendako�a Estates pra,�ect. There were nine bidders (see attached resoluCion). Lake Area Utility Contrac�.ing was the low bidder with a bid af $379,347.99. The Engineer's Estimate far the project was $456,000. Lake Area has not warked in Mendota Heights before so I called several municipalities where they have done work to get their comments. A11 the refer- ences I spake with thaughtvery highiy of thair work. . � RECOMMENDATION: Y Staff recammends awarding tha Mendakota Estates contract to Lalce Area Utility Contracting, Inc. for their low bid of $379,347.99. ACTION REQUIRED: If Council desires to implement the staff recommendation they should pass a motion adopting Resolution No. 87- , RESOLUTION ACCEPTING BIDS A"ID AWARDING CONTRACT F4R CONSTRUCTION OF SANITARY SEWER, WATER, STORM SEWER AND STREET CONSTRUCTION TO SERVE MENDAROTA ESTATES SUBDIVISION (IMPROVEMENT NQ. 86, PROJECT N0. 8). 0 � • � � City of Mendota Heights Dakota County, Minnesota RFSOLUTION N0. 87- RESOLUTION ACCEPTING BIDS AN� AWARDING CONTRACT FOR CONSTRUCTION OF SAIVITARY SEWER, WATER, STORM SEWER AND STREET CONSTRUCTION TO SERVE MENDAKOTA ESTATES SUBDIVISION (IMPROVEMENT N0. 86, PROJECT N0. 8) WHEREAS, pursuant to an advertisement for bids for the proposed con- struction of sanitary and storm sewer, water and street, curb and gutter improvements to serve Mendakota Estates (which improvements have heretofore been known and designated as Improvement No. 86, Project No. 8), bids were received, opened and tabulated according to law and the following bids were received complying with said advertisement: NAME OF BIDDER Lake Area Utility Contracting, Inc. Hugo, MN Austin P. Keller Construction Co. St. Paul, MN Opus Corporation Minneapolis, MN Preferred Paving, Inc. Waconia, MN Holst Excavating, Inc. Prescott, WI G. & L. Contracting, Inc. Hopkins, MN Arcon Construction Mora, MN Nodland Construction Co., Inc. Alexandria, MN Brown & Cris, Inc. Lakeville, MN and AMOUNT OF BID $379,347.99 $383,755.00 $395,794.80 $399,966.50 $401,120.00 $407,300.60 $410,723.59 $436,137.00 $459,479.90 � WHEREAS, the City Engineer recommended that the low bid submitted by Lake Area Utility Contracting, Inc., of Hugo, Minnesota, be accepted. 0 NOW THEREEORE, IT IS HEREBY RFSOLVED by the City Council of the City of Mendota Heights, Minnesota, as follows: , 1. That the bid of Lake Area Utility Contracting, Inc. of Hugo, ' �} Minnesota, submitted for the construction of the above described im- provements be and the same is hereby accepted. 2. That the Mayor and Clerk are hereby authorized and directed to execute and deliver any and all contracts and documents necessary to consummate the awarding of said bids. Adopted by the City Council of the City of Mendota Heights this 3rd day of March, 1987. ` CITY COUNCIL CITY OF MENDOTA HEIGHTS By Charles E. Mertsensotto, Mayor ATTEST : Kathleen M. Swanson, City Clerk 56UA-2 EXTRACT OF MINUTES OF MEETING OF THE CITY COUNCIL OH' THE CITY OF MEIVDOTA HEIGHTS, MINNESOTA HELD: March 3, 1987 � Pursuant to due call and notice thereof, a regular meeting of tne City Council of the City of Mendota Heights, Dakota County, Minnesota, was duly held at the City Hall in said City on the 3rd day of [�Iarcn, 1987, at 7:30 P.M. for the purpose of authoriziny the issuance of and awarding the sale of $50U,000 G�neral Ubliyation Tax Anticipation Certificates of 1987 of said City. The following members were present: and the followiny were absent: i�lember introduced the following resolution and moved its adoption: RESOLUTION PROVIDING F012 THE ISSUANCE AND SALE OF $500,OOU GENERAL OBLIGATION TAX ANTICIPATION CERTIFICATES OF 1987 WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Mendota Heights has heretofore determined that it is necessary and expedient tn issue $SUU,OUO General Obligation Tax Anticipation Certificates of 1987 pursuant to Minnesota Statutes, Section 412.261 and Chapter 475 in anticipation of the collection of taxes levied for the yeneral fund and not yet collected by the City; provided that the total amount of all certificates issued against the general fund for the year and the interest to accrue thereon to maturity, toyether with all'orders outstanding ayainst the general fund may not exceed the total current taxes for the fund uncollected at the time of issuance plus the cash on hand in the fund. WHEREAS, in accordance with Minneso�a S�atutes, Section 475.6Q, Subdivision 2(3). the City Council has heretofore solicited two or more ofEers for t4is sale o� $500,U00 General Obli�ation Tax An�icipation Certi�icates. NOW 'THER�FORE B� IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of [�endota Heigrits, Minnesota, as follows: � 1. Tnat the oEf er of , in , Minnesota (the "Purchaser") to purchase $500,000 General Ubligation Tax Anticipation Certificates of 1987 of the City in accordance witn �ne �erms and a� the ra�e o� interest hereinaf ter set forth and to pay therefor the sum of S plu� �nterest accrued to settlement is hereby accepted. Said certi�icates shall be payable as to principal and interest at ., i n , c�linnesota or any successor paying agent duly appoin�ed by the City. ' . 2. The $Sq�,OQU negotiable general obligation tax anticipa�ion certificates of the City shall be dated i�arch 15, 1987 and shall be issued forthwith. The certificates shall be in the denomination af $S,Ofl 0 each and shall be one hundred (l0U) in number beariny �he numbers 1 ta 1U0. The cert%ficates snall mature, without option of prepayment, on March 15, 1988. . �. Tne certificates shall pravide funds in anticipation of �he callection of taxes levied �or �he general fund and not yet collected. The total principal amount of the certi�icates �lus trie in�erest accruing thereon ta maturity does not �xceed $ , which amount is the total current uncollected taxes levied far the general fund plus any cash on hand in the general fund, There are no arders outs�.anding against the yeneral �und. 4. The certificates mature on March 1.5, 1988 and bear interes�. payable at maturity, a� the annual ra�e o£ percent { �). 5. The certificates to be issued hereunder shall be in substantially the follawing �arm: � � � 6. The certificates shall be executed on behalf of the City by the signatures of its Mayor and Clerk and be sealed with the seal of the City: provided, that one (or both) of the si�natures and the seal of the City may be printed facsimiles (if trie certificates are also signed manually by at least one sucfl officer); and provided further that the corporate seal may be omitted on the certificates as permitted by law. 7. The certificates when so prepared and executed shall be delivered by tne Treasurer to the purchaser thereof upon receipt of the purchase price, and the purchaser shall not be obli�ed to see to the proper application thereof. 8. The proceeds of the sale of the Certificates herein authorized, less any accrued interest received thereon, shall be credited to the Capital Account, from which the proceeds shall be disbursed to pay expenses of the City for which the taxes, in anticipation of which the Certificates are issued, were to be used. Any accrued interest received upon delivery of tne certificates shall be credited to the "1987 Certificates of Indebtedness Debt Service Account" hereinafter created. ' 9. T� �rovide for the payment of principal and interest on the Certificates, the City shall retain all taxes levi�d by it for the general fund in 1986, payable in 1987 (the "Taxes") received by the City until there remains unpaid Taxes in an amount e��ual to 110� of the principal and interest due on � the certificates on March 15, 1988. Thereaf ter all Taxes shall be paid over to the "1987 Certificates of Indebtedness Debt Service Account" (the "Debt Service Account") hereby created, until tnere is on hand in the fund an amount equal to the principal of and interest on the certificates due on March 15, 1988. Thereafter the City shall be entitled to receive and retain all Taxes and apply them to purposes for which they were levied. The moneys in the Debt Service Account shall be used solely to pay the principal of and interest on the certificates or any other certificates hereinafter issued and made payable from the DeDt Service Account. Any sums from time to time held in the Debt Service Account (or any other City account which will be used to pay principal and interest to become due on the certificates) in excess of amounts which under the applicable tederal arbitrage regulations may be invested without regard as to yield shall not be invested in excess of � the applicable yield restrictions imposed by the arbitrage regulations on such investments after taking into account any applicable "temporary periods" made available under the federal 5. J arbitrage regulata.ons. In addition, money in the AccounC shall not be invested in obligations or depasiGs issued by, guaranteed by or insurel by the United States or any agency or instrumentali�y thereof if and to the exCent that such investmen� would cause the Bonds ta be "federaZly guaranteed" within the meaning of Section 149(b) of the Internal Revenue Code of I986, as amended. For the prompt and full payment of the grincipal and interest on the certi£icates, as the same respectively become due, the full faitl�, credit and �axing power� o£ the Ci�y shall be and-are hereby irzevocab2y pledged. 10. The City shall eamply with requirements necessary under the Internal Revenue Code of 1986, to establish and maintain the Bonds as tax-exempt under Section 103 thereof, including withou� limitation requirements relating to temporary periods far investments, lima.tations on amounts invested at a yield greater than the yield an �he Bands, and the rebate ot excess inves�ment earnings ta the United States if the Bonds� �agetiter with other obligatians reasonably expected to be issued in tha.s calendar year, exceed the small-issu�r exception amaunt aE $Sr00flr044. For purposes of guali.iying far the small issuer exception to the �ederal arbitrage rebate requiremenGs, the City hereby finds, determines and declares �hat the aggregate face amoun� of aIl tax-exempt bonds {ather than private_activity bonc3s) issued by the City (and all subardinate entities of the City} during the caiendar year in which the Bonds are issued is not reasonably expected �o exceed $5,000,000�, a1i witi�in the m'eaning of Section I4$(f}{4j(C} of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986. 11. In order to qualify the Certificates as "gualified tax-exempt obliga�.ions" within the meaning of Section 265Eb}{3} af the Internal Revenue Cade of 1986, as amended, the City hereby makes the f ollowing factual statements and representations: {a} the Certificates are not "private activity bonds" as defined in Section 141 af the Code, (b) the City hereby designates the Cer�ificates as "qualified tax-exempt obligations" , � for purposes of Section 265(b)(3) o� the Code; ^ , . � r_ (c) the reasonably anticipated amount of tax-exempt obligations (other than private activity bonds) which will be issued by the City (and all subordinate entities of the City) during calendar Xear 1987 will not exceed $10,000,000; and (d) not more than $10,000,000 of obligations issued by the City during calendar year 1987 have been designated for purposes of Section 265(b)(3) of the Code. The City shall use its best efforts to comply with any federal procedural requirements which may apply in order to effectuate the designation made by this paragraph. 12. The City Clerk is hereby directed to file a certified copy of this resolution with the County Auditor of Dakota County, Minnesota, together with such other information as he shall require, and to obtain from the Auditor his certificate that the certificates have been entered in the Auditor's Register. 13. The officers of the City are hereby authorized and directed to prepare and furnish to the Purchaser of the certificates, and to the attorneys approving the legality of the issuance thereof, certified copies of all proceedings and records of the City relating to the certificates and to the financial condition and affairs of the City, and such other af�'idavits,� certificates and information as are required to show the facts relating to the legality and marketability of the certificates as the same appear from the books and records under their custody and control or as otherwise known to them� and all such certified copies, certificates and affidavits, including any heretofore furnished, shall be deemed representations of the City as to the facts recited therein. The motion for the adoption of the foregoing resolution was duly seconded by member and upon vote being taken thereon, the following voted in avor thereof : and the following voted against the same: Whereupon said resolution was declared duly passed and adopted. FI � CITY OF MENDOTA HEIGHTS MEMO FEBRUARY 25, 1987 TO: Mayor, City Council and City i/h�rSJ�tor v FROM: Paul R. Berg, Code Enforcement Officer SUBJECT: Country Club Building Permit DISCUSSION Staff and Councilmember Blesener met with Country Club Market officials and his architect on February 23, 1987 to discuss modifications to previously submitted site plans. Attached is a letter describing the proposed changes requested and a copy of the new site plan. ACTION REQUIRED Consider amended site plan and determine if it meets the �Council's expectations for the granting of a building permit. PRB:madlr � attachments , 305 minnetonka ave. so February 24, 1987 wayzata, minnesota 55391 City of Mendota Heights 750 Plaza Drive Mendota Heights, N1�1 55120 Attn: Mayor and City Council RE: Produce Warehouse Country Club Markets 1460 Sibley Meraorial Highway Mendota Heights, NII�1 Letter of Request - Building Permit Approval / kilstofte associates architects 612•473•0277 irwin h.klstofte president ncarb certificate The Site Plan is being resubmitted to show change discussed at a meeting with Councilperson Blesener and the City Staff on February 23, 1987. The following changes were made: 1. 2. Earth berms were added within the 20 foot front yard setback and distance between trees was reduced from 40 feet to 32 feet. Additional bituminous paving was removed to the north of the concrete slab at t�►e north end of the building. 3. At the west side of building - the parking areas were reduced to provide additional lawn and planting areas in front of the building. An additional 7,000 square feet of bituminous paving has been rernoved, added to the 12,570 square feet of bituminous paving removed before. All other items in our letters to the City of Mendota Heights dated January 21, 1987 and February 5, 1987 remain unchanged. Submitted by, KILSTOFTE ASSOCIATES� INC. Ronald Lage is , Project Ar ite f2L/sh Encl. �� CITY OF MENDOTA HEIGHTS MEMO FEBRUARY 26, 1987 TO: Mayor and City Cotrncil FROM: Kevin D. Fraz ,,�y� Administrator SUBJECT: Review with Mn/DOT District 9 Officials of Mendota Interchange and Victoria Avenue/TH 13 Projects At Council request, Mn/DOT District 9 officials have been asked to be present at the March 3 meeting to discuss latest plans for the Mendota Interchange project. Specifically, we have been concerned about the access of Acacia Boulevard to TH 55, and Council will want to focus on that issue with the Mn/DOT officials. We have recently learned that District 9 and Dakota County have come to an informal agreement about upgrading and re-alignment of Victoria Avenue. Specifically, we understand that the County will acquire the right-of-way to reroute Victoria west around the-Standarcl Station and Mn/DOT will pick up the construction cost. Council will also likely want to discuss this project with the Mn/DOT officials, since it reflects on the thinking of the Joint Mendota Heights/Lilydale Committee, and impacts the proposed Victoria Place Patio Homes project that the Caren Road neighbors are opposing. KDF:madlr GITY QF MENDOTA HEIGHTS MEMO FEBRUARY 26, 1987 To: Mayar and City Council. � FR4M. Kevin D. Fraze3l ��ui��%Administratar ✓� SUBJECT: Appointment o� Representative to Northern Dakota County Cable Communications Commissian (NDC4} The City needs to appoint a representative ta NDC4, as a replacement for Dave Zemke. Three names, those of Judy 5koglund, Mike Sokol, and Bob,Fischer, �iad previous3.y been �uggested to us. I sent letters to �aeh of the three inviting their application. Letters of int�rest from Ms. Skoglu.nd�and Mr. Sokol are attached. Mr. Fischer has indi.ca�ed to me that he is already involved in the production end of cable televisian, and feels it might be somewhat af a conflict to be on the regulatory commi.ssion. A natice inviting applicatior� was also placed in the Iocai newspapers. Two calls were received �rom interested par�ies, but neither af them resided in Mendc�ta Hei.ghts. Both M�. Skoglund and Mr. Sokol would appear to be excellent candidates for appointment. By capy af this mema, I am inviting them to attend the City Cou.ncil meeting. ACTION REQUIRED To consider the quali�'ications and interest of the two applicants, and to pass a mation appointing one a� our representative. KDF:madlr attachments cc: Ms. Skoglund Mr. Sokol LAW OFP'ICES 1V.LICHAEL B. SOKOL 1800 F'09HAY TOWER 8Y1 MARQUETTE AVENCTffi MINNEAPOLIB. MINNESOTA 55408 - OFP'ICES IN MINNEAPOLIS �e14� 333933s AND MF.NDOTA F3EIGHTB 0 February 11, 1987 The Honorable Charles Mertensotto, Mayor City of Mendota Heights 750 South Plaza Drive Mendota Heights, MN 55120 Re; Northern Dakota County Cable Commission Dear Mayor Mertensotto: Mr. Kevin D. Frazell, City Administrator, has informed me that there is an opening for a citizen volunteer to represent Mendota Heights on the Northern Dakota County Cable Communications Commission. I wot�ld welc8me the opportunity to be of service to � the City in this capacity. My family and I reside at 1847 Faro Lane, Mendota Heights, and I am currently a member of the Northern Dakota County Cable ~ Communications Commission's committee on public access. I have locally been involved with KTCA Television as a volunteer, and with other media in the past. I feel that I have some knowledge and expertise which will allow me to assist with the present focus on the promotion of local programming. I will also endeavor to learn the various nuances of the system in order that I may be of broader• support and represent the City's best interests. ` Thank you for your consideration. Ve y; tru �ours, � , t�_ ichael B. Sokol MBS/cej cc: Mr. Kevin D. Frazell Ms. Vicky Long �� FE � �; � � 4��� 687 Apache Lane Mendota Heights, MN 55120 February 24, 1987 � _ Mayor Chuck Mertensotto City of Medota Heights 750 Plaza Drive Mendota Heights, MN 55120 RE: Northern Dakota County Cable Commission Dear Mayor Mertensotto: This is to express my interest in filling the opening for a Mendota Heights representative to the Northern Dakota County Cable Commission. My response is a result of a letter sent to me on February 6, 1987 by Kevin Frazell, and a telephone discussion with Kevin about the position. . My relevant experience in the corporate sphere includes three years of research into two-way cable and videotex as a marketing vehicle, and experience working with a corporate video studio producing training and communication tapes for a sales force. My community _ involvement in Mendota Heights includes the ECFE Advisory Council and Garlough PTA Board, Both organizations might benefit from use of the public access channel. I look forward to hearing from you about this opportunity. I can be reached at 454-6733 or at my home at 687 Apache Lane. Sincerely, J y P. Skoglund CC: Kevin Frazell ✓ � M 5c�lr'i� t��UIL �Ul`�LIC 5C�'1C]C�LS �.� � � �ENT(�AL NIGH S�HOOL -� � ,��;. 275 NCJRTH LEXINGTON PARKWAY SAINT PAUL, MINNESC.3iA 55104 TELEPHONE (612} 645-9217 �► -• •: The Hanorable Charles E. Mer�.ensotto, Mayor City of Mendata Heights 750 Plaza Drive Mendota Heights, MN 55120 _ Dear Mayor Mertensa�to: � i wauld like to be cansidered for the pasition open ta a citi.zen of Mendo�.a Heights on the Northern Dakota County Cable Co�.i.ssion. As a representative af this ccx�anunity I-would strive to main�ain t.he low cost, high quality provi�ion of audio/visual services we have come to demand, and also encourage the po�itive grr7wth and develo�nent we �pec� in this area of mass media cc�um.anications . Enclosed is my resume which briefly describes sc�ne of my experience. I am currently a me�nber of 8�. Paul Schaols Cable Advisary Baard, and am invalved in the develoFxnent of progrannni.ng far the school on the cable channels designated for St. Pau�. I am sure sane of �y �..Xperience would prove valuahle as we establish relationships here in Mendota Heights. I teach television production cla�ses at Central in St. Paul, for Distric 625, Inver Hill� ccx�rnunity eollege and Film-in-the-Ci�ies, and am i.nvolved in program develo�anent on a daily basis. I am convinced I could meet the requiremen�s for the position, ar� believe I would be able to provide knawledge arid ir�ormation, based on e�erience, to the Board. Thank you i.n aclvance for your consideratian. , Sincerely, I 1�� y .. Ron E. Rogosheske, Chaircnan Depar�ment of Performing Arts � 0 � NA1�4E : ADDRESS: TELEPHONE: Ron E. Rogosheske 2333 Rogers Avenue (612) 452-9222 II�iPL01fi1.F�ilT AND PROFESSIONAL E�TERIENCE: �Iendota Heights, NIN 55120 '�riter/Producer half-hour doc�nentary on the Peer Counselor Training Project, Univ. of Mr1, National Institute of Mental St. Paul Health, broadcast Fall of '80 on h'TCA and Winter '81 on KSTP Minnesota Television/Radio Instructor, A/V producer, media consultant St. Paul Public Schools 1974-'8b Chairman, Performing Arts Department, Central High School: responsible for purchase and insta.Ilation of industrial quality television studio for vocational program, coached Debate and Speech activities, directed. mainstage productions Santa Fe Currici�.lwn writer, Learner Outcomes Project, St. Paul Schools 'Nebster Magnet School Media tiYorkshop: supervised staff in teaching TV production, film animation, radio production, photography and cartooning. VJrote and produced video tapes, 16�n films and slide/tape presentations on programs and course offerings at Central, Webster and Swruner Sessions 1977-81 Actor/Writer ten childrens' Iiterature programs for ETV/KTCA Advertising Representative for the New Mexican New Mexico Producer/Director multi-media doctunentary for Ford Foundation on training program at Institute of American�Indian Art 1972-'74 Chairman, Lobbying Conanittee, Assistant Director, Corrnnon Cause 1�� Los Angeles Teacher/Video producer, Los Angeles City Schools California Coordinated the purchase and installation of �'� B�W 1969-'72 television studio for district use. ��.• �� _ � _ � Republic 1968-'69 Introci.uced. and developed creative drama.tics techniques , and a multi-med.ia approach for teaching ESL Editor/Photographer Peace Corps Magazine Teacher Trainer and English as a Second Langueage Instructor Peace Corps Minneapolis Actor, P•Zinnesota Theatre Company, Tyrone Guthrie Theatre Minnesota 1963-'65 �dio Announcer, KUOM, University of Minnesota Ronald E. Rogosheske VOLUNTEER jVORIC: Member, Cable Television Advisory Board, St. Paul Public Schools Member, Central High School Image and Recruitment Committee Member, Central High School Sex Equity Cor.mittee _ Chainnan, Co�rurnmications Crnmnittee Editor, newsletter Common Cause, Ati.nnesota L�Ianber, Board of Governors . . •._�...T ,. . . Assistant Directar � � Cha.irn�n, Lobbying Committee Corrmon Cause, New l�iexico Editor, photographer, Peace Corps magazine � Teacher tra�.ner Peace Corns, Dominican Republic Teacher of English as a foreign language . E�.TCATIONAL TRAINING: 1965 B.A. P�fajor: Radio-Television Minur: Journalism University of AZinnesota, Minneapc�lis ' - - Graduate Studies _ , .. _ _ , . « 1967 M.T.A. Pasadena Playhouse College of Theatre Arts, Pasadena, Calif. 1968 Spanish, Fducation, California State College, Los Angeles 197I Teaching English as a Second Language, Education University of California, Los Angeles ._ 1972-73 Graduate Preceptorial and Institute in Liberal Education St. John's College, Santa Fe, New ?iexico � . - , � TRAVEL ABRQAD : . . �. ' -� � . _ - • _ _ _ • , � _ ..... , .. � .. Canada, 1960; Mexico, 1967, 1968, 1972; .Dominican � � --- Republic, 1968-69;� Haiti, Puerto Rico, Curacao, 1969 ; �. -.. . �. . _ � LANGUAGE CCA�PETENCIES: --_.. :,Spanish �- _�_�-p•� t .; .r.. L µ ..0 . • .• . �t ^ _.p • i ��.w�. r � t y ..� �. .� •• . . � •� r � CITY OF MENDOTA HEZGHTS MEMO February 25, 1987 TO: Mayor, City Cauncil and City A i ator FROM: K2a�ton X. Eckles Civil Engineer SUBJECT: Sewers, Water, Stratford Woods Jab Na. 862& Improvement No. INTRODUCTION Streets 86, Project No. 13 The purpose of this report is to determine the aosts necessary to serve the Stratfard Woods subdivisian with sanitary sewer, watermain, storm sewer, and streets. The Subdivision consists of 13 new single �amily lots. The averac�e lot size is appraximatel.y 21,000 square feet in area. In add�tion to the 13 lots in the subdivision, a 1.4 acre parceZ owned by Ange].ine McDonald will also be served. On the �lat this parcel i� shown as an exception. The follawing is a detailed discussian of-the cast�s associated with each o�' the utilities, followed by an examinatian of the method of assessing the costs. UTILITIES Sanitary sewer wi11 be i.nstalled ta serve aIl 13 lots and tha McDonald Iot to the south. The only �'easible method of serving the lots is by extending the sanitary sewer at th� end o� Stratford Raad. Approximately 850 feet of' sanitary main will be required. The cost to install the sewer main, services, and appurtenancesf will be about $49r260, including overhead, fees, and contingencies. Watermain must alsa be instai.led to serve the subdivision. There are existing watermains at�the end of Stratford Road, and along Vzctoria Road, and a watermain to serve this develapment will connect up to both to form a loop. The cost of installing a watermain systern to serve the development as �hown on the attached plan, will be approximately $48,270, including overhead, fees and contingencies. Due ta the existinc� terrain features, an extensive storm water drainage �ystem will not be required. It will only be necessary to install several catch basins in the street, and storn� 0 pipes to carry the water north to the existing holding pond. An easement from the north edge of the development to the edge of the holding pond will be required for this storm sewer pipe. The total cost of constructing the storm sewer as shown on the attached plan will be approximately $25,410. In order to �rovide access to the development, a through street and cul-de-sac will be constructed as shown on the attached drawing. The streets will be standard design, 33' wide with concrete curb and gutter and a 60' right of way. The position of the street allows for future development of the McDonald lot at the south east corner of the subdivision. The total cost of street construction will be approximately $69,370. CONSTRUCTION COST SUNIMARY ITEM COST Sanitary Sewer $49,260 Watermain $48,270 Storm Sewer $25,410 Street $69,370 TOTAL $192,310 ASSESSMENTS � The entire cost of constructing the utilities for this development will be assessed against the Subdivision and against the McDonald lot. Standard assessment procedures (total front footage and area) will be used for dividing the assessments among the Stratford Woods subdivision and the McDonald property. Based on the calculated front footage, the per front foot cost will be $27.11 for sanitary sewer, $26.56 for watermain, $32.92 for streets. The cost of the storm sewer, based on the total square footage, will be $0.0756 per square foot. The following is a table of the Total assessments: PARCEL ASSESSMENT Stratford Woods $166,820 McDonald Property� $25,490 TOTAL $192,310 PER LOT ASSESSMENT $12,830 * 13 lots divide into 2 or 3 In addition to the above assessments, there are deferred assessments already on the Stratford Woods parcel. The total amount due on the deferred assessments is about $9,000 in principle, and $9,000 in interest. The developer has requested that the these deferred assessments be spread out evenly against the 13 new lots. However, City policy stipulates that the total back charges of interest be paid at the time of replatting, and that all deferred assessments be paid, except for the amount that would be the balance if there hadn't been a deferment. Thus, the City can spread the final three years of the asse�sments, which have been deferred far 26 years, but this amounts ta only about $l, 500. RECOMMENDATION Based an the informatian contained in thi,.s report and the attached drawings, it appea.rs that it is Eeasible and desirable to serve the Stratfard Woads Subdivisi.on and surrounding areas with publzc utiiities in the manner shown on the attached drawings, and Sta�f recommend� Council ta order a public hearing for the project. Staff recommends the pubZic utilities be funded 100a by assessments, and these assessments be computed ba�ed on the �ront footage served. ACTION REQUIRED If Council wishes to implement the staff's recommendatian they shauld pass a motian adopting Resolution No. 87- , RESOLUTION ACCEPTING ENGINEER'S REPORT AND CALLING FUR AEARING ON PROPOSED SANITARY SEWER, WATER, STORM SEWER, AND STREET IMPRt�VEMENTS TO SERZTE STRATFORD WOC;DS AND ADJACEN2 AREAS (IMPROVEMENT NO. 86, PROJECT NO. 13). � City of Mendota Heigh�s Dakota County, Minnesata RESQLUTTQN N0. 87- RESOLUTION ACCEPTING ENGINEER'S REPQRT AND CALLTNG FOR HEARING ON PROPOSED SANITARY SEWER, WATER, STORM SEG7ER, AND STREET IMPROVEMFNTS TO SERVE STRATFORD WC?ODS AND ADJACENT AREAS {ZMPROVE(�NT N0. 86, PROJECT N4. 13) WHEREAS, the City Engineer has submitted his report to the City Council with respect to the proposed construction of �Ghe following improvements to serve Stratford Woods and ajacent areas, to-wit: The constructian af an extension to the City`s sanitary sewer system, includi.rag appurtenances and incidentaZs thereta, and the acquisition o£ easements, and the reconstruction where necessary of streets and easemen�sin the areas hereinafter more particularly described« The construction af a storm sewer system including appurtenances and incidentals thereto and the acquisition of easemenGs, in and for the area hereinafter more particularly described. The construction of an extension.ta �he Czty's water distribution system including appur�enances and incidentals thereto, and the acqui- sitian of easernents, and the reconstruction where necessary of streets and easements in the area hereinafter more particularly described. The construction a� stre�t improvements consisting of the acquisi- tion of easements and the grading, s�abilizatian, drainage and bitumi- naus surfacing, the construction of concrete ct�rbs and gutters on the streets in the area hereinafter more particularly described. WHEREAS, the area proposed to be assessed for said improvements is situated within the City of Mendata Heights in Dakota Caunty, Minnesota, and is more parti cularl y de scribed as fc�1 iows : The praposed suhdivision is located aZang tfie west side of Victoria Avenue, 1300 feet south of Marie Avenue, 260 feet north of Kay Avenue, and south and east of existing Stratford Road. WHEREAS, in said report said Gity Engineer reported tha� the proposed im- proveraents and construc�ion thereaf were feasible and desirable and further repor�ed om the proposed costs of said improvements. NQW THEREFORE, ZT ZS HEREBY RESOLVED by the City Cauncil. of the City of Mendota Hei.ghts, Minnesata as fo2lows: 1. That the repor�. of said Gity Engineer be and is hereby re- ceived. 2. That a public hearing on said improvements be held on Tuesday, Apri1 1, 19$7, at 7:45 a'clock P,M. at the Mendota Heights City Hall, 750 South Plaza Drive in the City af Mendata Heights. 3. That �he City Clerk, with the aid and assistance of the City Attorney, be and is hereby authorized and directed to prepare a notice of said hearing and to cause said no�ice to be published and mailed �.o �the awners of the property situated within said area, alI in accordance � with applica ble Minnesota S�.atutes. _ Adopted by the City Council af the City of Mendota Heights �his 3rd day - of March, I987. - ATTFST : Kathleen M. Swanson City Clerk CITY COUNCIL CITY QF MENDOTA HEIGHTS By Charles E. Mertensatto, Mayor 1 � , rCl Q --- li � -- - J�` � +Q � v�O\ �Y8 %� 1;\ I `� E G L E / �E � '� ;� '' / �-� ,�._`�� ��\\ _; �,`7 , BUROW \\ . 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Danielson Public�Works Director SUBJECT: Sani�ary Sewers & Water Services V�lley Curve Estates Job No. $617 Improvement No. 86, Praject No. S Sewers, Water, Streets Spring Creek Acres Job No. 8703 Impravement Na. $7, Project Na. 2 DISCUSSION: Because the Spring Creek Acres (Dodd & Marie} and the Spanjers (Wachtler & Marie) Subdivisions are; 1) so close to each other and 2) so small, staff _ has de�ided to bid them �oge�her. Thi.s way we wiil avoi.d fiaving ta work wzth two small contractors at the same time, an.d worlcing in �he same location. It will also be more effi.cient ta administer orte grqjec� instead of twa. We will keep �he costs for each job totally separate by doing them an two segarate schedules. . RECOMMENDATION• Staff has attached the plans and will have the specif ications available the night af the Caunc�l mee�ing. We recammend Coun.cil apprave the plan.s and specificatians and authorize staff to take bids. ACTION REQUIRED: _ .. If Cauncil desires ta implement the staff recommendation they should pass a motion adopting Resolu�ion No. 87- , RESOLUTION APPI2QVING FINAZ PLANS AND , SPECIFICATIONS AND AUTAORTZING ADVERTISMENT FOR BIDS FOR IMPROVEMENTS TO SEBVE SPRING CREEK ACRES (IMPROVEMENT N0. $7, PROJECT N0. 1) and Reso�utian No. 87- , RESOLUTZON APPROVZNG FTNAL PLANS A�7D SPECZFICATIONS AND AUZ'FIORZZING ADVERTISEMENT FOR BIDS FOR IMPROVEMENTS TO SERVE VALLEY CURVE ESTATES (IMPROVE- MENT N0. 86, PR03ECT N0. 5) � City of Mendota Heights Dakota County, M3.nnesota RESOLUTION N0. 87 - RESQLUTIQN APPROVING FINAL PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS AND AUTHORIZING ADVERTISEMENT FQR BID� FOR IMPR4VEMENTS TO SERVE SPRING CREEK ACRES (IMPROVEMENT N0. 87, PRQJECT N0. 1) WHEREAS, the City Engineer reported �hat �he proposed i.mprovements and construction thereaf were feasi�le and desirable and f urther reported on the proposed eosts a� saz,d improvements and constructian thereaf; and WHEREAS, Che City Council has heretofore directed that �he City Engi-- neer groceed with the preparation of plans and specifications thereof; and WHEREAS, Che City Engineer has prepared plans and specifica�ions for said improvements and has presented such plans and specification� to the City Council for approval, NOW 'I"IiEREFORE, IT IS HER�BY RESOLVED by the Ca.ty Council of the City of Mendota Heights, Minnesota, as fallows: 1. That the plans and specifications for said improvements be and they are hereby in all respects approved. 2. That the City Clerk wi�h the aid and assistance of the City Engineer be and is hereby at�tharized Snd directed ta adver�ise f or bids for said improvements a11 in accardance with �.he applicable Minnesota Sta�utes, such bids to be received at the City Hall af the City of Mendota Heights by 10:00 o`clock A.M., Wednesday, April 1, 1987, at which time they will be publicly opened in the City Council Chambers of the City Hal1 by the City Engineer will then be tabula�ed, and w3.II then be considered by the City Coun�il a� its nex� regular Council meeting. Adop�ed by the Gity Council af the City af Mendota Heights this 3rd day of March, 1987. , CITY COUNCIL _ CITY OF MENDOTA HEIGHTS , By Charles E. Mertensotto, Mayor ATTFST: Kathleen M. Swanson, City Clerk �r� . '�. City of Mendo�a Heights Dakata County, Minnesota RESOLUTTON N0. 87 - RESOLUTIQN APPROVING FINAL PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS A1VD AiTTHORIZING ADVERTISEMENT FOR BIDS FOR ZMPROVEMENTS TQ SERVE VALLEY CURVE ESTATES (IMPROVEMENT N0. 86, PR0.3ECT N0. 5) WHEREAS, the City Engineer repor�ed �.hat the pxoposed improvements and constructian thereo£ were feasible and desirable and further reparted on the proposed costs of sai.d impravements and construction thereof; and WHEREAS, the City Council has heretofore direc�ed Chat the City Engi- neer proceed w3.th Che preparation of plans and specifications thereof; and WHEREAS, the City Engineer has prepared pl.ans and specifications far said improvements and has presented such plans and specifications to the City Cauncil for approval. NOW THEREF4RE, IT IS IiEREBY RESOi,VED by the City Gauncil of the City of Mendata Heights, Minnesota, as follows: I. That Che plans and specifications for said impravements be and they are hereby in all respects appraved. 2. That the City Clerk with the aid and assistance of the City - Engineer•be and is hereby authorized and directed to advertise f or bids for said impravements a1.1 in accordance with the applicable Minnesota Statutes, such bids to be received at the City Hall af the City af Mendota Heights bp I0:00 o'clock A.M., Wednesday, April i, 1987, at which time they will be publicly opened in the City Council Chambers of the City Hall by the City Engineer wi31 then be tabula�ed, and will then be considered by �he City Council a�G its next regular Council meeting. Adapted by the City Council of the City af Mendata Iieights this 3rd day of March, 1987. ATTFST : Kathleen M. Swanson, Ci�y Clerk _ -CITY COUNCIL CITY OF NIENDOTA HEIGHTS By Charl.es E. Mertensatto, Mayor 540T EXTRACT OF MINUTES OF MEETING OF THE CITY COUNCIL UF THE CITY OF MENDOTA HEIGHTS, MINNESOTA HELD: March 3, 1987 Pursuant ta dcae call and notice thereaf, a regular meeting of the City Council of the City o£ Mendota Hea.ghts, Minnesofi.a, was duly held at the City Hall in said City on the 3rd day of March� 19$7� at o'clock _.M. The follawing members were present: and the following were absent: Member in�.roduced the following resolution and maved i�s adopta.on: RESOLUTION CALLING FOR AN ELEGTION ON $1,860,QQ0 GENERAL QBLIGATIQN s BONDS OF 1987 - BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Mendota Heights, Minne�ota, as follows: 1. This Council has inve�tigated the facts and does hereby find, determine and declare tha� it is necessary and expedient ta issue a.ts general obligation bonds to finance the acquisition and betterment of parks for the City. 2. The prapo�ition of authorizing the issuance of $1,860,000 General Obligation Band� for said purpose �hall be submitted to the qualified electors o£ the Ci�y at a�pecial election to iae held an April 21, 1987. Said election shall be held between the hours of seven o'clock a.m. and eight o'clock p.m. '�he polling places for each precinc� shall be as follows. � � First Precinct: Somerset Elementary School 1355 Dodd Road Second Precinct: City Council Chambers, City Hall 750 South Plaza Drive Third Precinct: Mendota Elementary School - 1979 School Road Fourth Precinct: Sibley High School 1897 Deiaware Avenue Fifth Precinct: Royal Redeemer Lutheran Church _ 1960 South Lexington Avenue Sixth Precinct: Mendota Heights Fire Station 2121 Dodd Road 3. The Clerk is hereby authorized and directed to post according to law a Notice of Election and Ballot, and to prepare ballots for use at said election, which notice and ballot shall be in substantially the following forms: , NOTICE OF SPECIAL ELECTION NOTICE IS HEREBY GZVEN tha� a special election will be held in and for the City of Mendota H�ights, Dakota County, Minnesota, on April 21, 1987j between the haurs o� seven o'clock a.m. and eight o'clock p.m.. at which time the fallowing ques�ion will be subrnitted: "Shall the Ci�y a� Mendota Heigh�s, Minnesota, be authorized to issue i�s fully registered gen�ral obligation bonds in an amaun� not to exceed $1,860,Q00 to d�'e�fray the, n e o th.� e�cg� i����an be�terrnent of -}� s-,:� %��.,,� �`-.,�� � � The polling place for said election wi1l be as fo3,low�: First Precinct: Second Precinct: Third Precinc�: Fourth Precinct: Fifth Precinc�: Sixth Precinct: Samerset Elementary Schaal 1355 Dadd Road City Council Chambers, City Hall 750 South Plaza Drive Mendota Elementary Schaol 1979 �chool Road Sibley High School 1897 Delaware Avenue Royal Redeemer Lutheran Church 1960 South Lexington Avenue Mendota Heights Fire Bta�ion 212I �odci Raad , at which place all of �he qualified electors of fihe City wi�hin tha� precinct may cast their ballots. Da�ed: March 3, 1987 BY ORDER OF THE CITY COUNCIL /s/ Ka�hleen Swansan City Clerk _ , � MEMO CITY QF MENDOTA I�EIGIiTS February 25, 1987 To: Mayor az�d City Council - Fram: Kevin Fra , �`ity Administrator Re: Resolution af Inten� Concerning De�ignated Use of School Forest Property a.n the Southeas�. Area BACKGR{3UND The City's existing Compr.ehensive�Land Use P1an shows a parcel of property in the �authea�t part o�f the City as designated for future development of a community athletic facility. The area is referred ta as the Schoal Forest site. According to the 1979 Plan, this �acility was to be complimentary ta another an the Wachtler property in northern Mandata Fieights. The Park designation of the Schoal Forest site wa� replicated in the Southeast Area Plan amendment adopted by Cauncil in 1985, althotzgh it was acknowledged that the property might never be put ta that u�e. Over the pa�t two years, the Farks Commission a�►d Council, assisted by consultants from Bartan-A�hman, have completed an in-depth review of community recreatianal facility needs, and alternative ways to meet those needs. The result is a specific develapment program to be put before the voter in a bond referendum on April 22st. The Barton--Aschman study analyzed seven potential sites �or a community athletic camplax. The recommendation from this study was to pursue a joint develapment effort with School District 197 on the Henr� Sibl�y cau�pus. The advantages were several, including creating recreation opportunities for Sibley students, generally goad topography, several faci3ities already in place, excellent acc�ss, and most importantly, potential for very signi�icant cost savings, bath in initial development and in an-going maintenance. Specifically, going with the Henr�r Sibley site will save roughly $500,000 oE land acquisitzon costs aver any ather site, including the School Forest area in sauthea�t Mendata Heights. DISCUSSION A question has been raised as �o whether the bond referendum program as planned is in canflict with the existing .. Comprehensive Plan, since deve2apment of the Sibley site would mean the Schaol Forest site would not likely ever be developed, and whether the Comprehensive Plan should be amended prior to the band referendum. My answer is na, �or the following reasons: 1. The Henry Sibley campus in shawn on the Comprehensive Plan as "School", and the land - zaned R-2, Residential and R-2A, Rural Resislential. Parks and playgrounds are an allowed use in all residential da.stricts. Also, although the existing Plan di,d nat contemplate a communa.ty park at Sibley, the text does express an ideal for locating parks adjacent to school facili.ties. 2. It wauld be premature to change the Comprehensive Plan designatian until. we are sure that the Sibley Gomplex will became a reality. Not anly do we need a successful referendum, but we have yet to enter a final agreement with the Schaol Di�trict. Should the Henr� Sibley alternative '"fall through" the Parks Commis�lon and Counci.l will have to reconsider the community athletic complex opportunit�.es, including the possibility af the School Forest site. . � 3. We understand that Schoal District 197 is contemplating the sale of a porta.on af their property (84+ acres}, but reta�.ning same, � possibly the "Park" site, as a potential future location �ar an el.ementary school. Until the District has zuade that date'rminatian, it would be impossibla to decide which partion, if any, of �he praperty shauld remain de�igrrated for "Schoal." The School board will be consi.dering this matter in the near future. ' As Cauncil is aware, the Parks Commission is planning an extensive publi.c education campaign, including neighborhood meetings with slide show, the distribution of a brachure, a special edition of the Heights Hilites, and numerous press releases. All voters w�ll have ample opportunity to become familiar with the proposal prior to April 2zst, so it is doubtful that the change from the existing Comprehensive Plan will Iead to any serious confusian. Ma�ror Mertensotto has suggested that in arder to allay neighborhood cancerns about the future use of the School Forest property if it does not become a Park �ite, that the Cauncil adopt a resolutian statinq its intention to process a Plan amendment redesign.ating it far Single-Family Residential or Schaol, This would be cansist�nt with statements made by the Council at the time of adopting the Southeast Area Plan in the Fall of 1985. Such a resolution M1} is attached for yaur consideration. ACTION REQUIRED If Gouncil concurs with the Mayor's recommendation, it should pass a motion adopting the attached resolutian. - � CITY OF MENDOTA HEIGHTS DAKOTA COUNTY, MINNESOTA RESOLUTION NO. 87- RESOLUTION EXPRESSING INTENT TO CONSIDER AMENDMENT OF t THE COMPREHENSIVE LAND USE PLAN WHEREAS, the City's existing Comprehensive Land Use Plan, including the Southeast Area amendment passed in October, 1985, designates an approximate 32 acre parcel (indicated on the attached map) known as the School Forest site for future development as a community athletic facility; and WHEREAS, based on the recently completed Parks study, it has been determined that a preferable and much more cost effective alternative is joint development of an athletic facility on the Henry Sibley High School campus, done in conjunction with Independent School District No. 197; and WHEREAS, the City will be holding a parks bond referendum on April 21, 1987, with a portion of the proceeds therefrom to be used for the Henry Sibley site development; and WHEREAS, if the referendum is approved on April 21st, and the City and School District proceed with the Henry Sibley development, there will be no need in the forseeable future to develop the athletic facility on the School Forest site. NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Mendota Heights that, by this resolution, the Council expresses its intent that, if the referendum passes and the Henry Sibley development proceeds, the Council will immediately initiate a Comprehensive Plan amendment to re- designate the School Forest site for Low-Density (i.e., single family) Residential use or School use. Adopted by the City Council of the City of Mendota Heights this 3rd day of March, 1987. ATTEST: Kath een M. Swanson, C erk CITY COUNCIL CITY OF MENDOTA HEIGHTS By Char es E. Mertensotto Mayor � a CITY OF MENDOTA HEIGHTS MEMO e February 27, Z987 T0: Mayor, City Council and Cit �' i�ator x � _ FR.OM: Tom Olund Public Works Superintendent SU$JECT: 5pecifications for: Equipment Contract Na. 1- Truck Cab & Chassis �'qu ipment Contract No. 2- Dump Body & Appurtenances DISCUSSION: In 1986 money was budgeted far a new 33,000 G.V.W. single axle dump truck. to replace a 1970 model, We wauld lilce to advertise far bids. As yau recall we did receive bids in October. The specifications had bean: written around a 1985 demo truck. After opening bids we decided to reject them and rebid a I987 model which wi11 be approximately the same price. Estimated cost for the truck is $65,000 and funded by equipmen.t certif icates. Attached herewith are specifications for the truck and dump body and appurtenances. The truc:c aad the dump bady and appurtenances will be bid separately, hopefully to receive better bids. • ` RECO�NDATZON: S�aff recammends that CounciZ approve the s3eci.f icaCians and authorize staff to advertise for bids. ACTION REQUIRED: If Councii concurs with staf� recommendation they should pass a motion approving the specifi,cations and authorize staff to receive bids until 10:00 A.M., Tuesday, March 24, I98?. , CITY OF MENDOTA HEIGHTS 750 SOUTH PLAZA DRIVE MENDOTA HEIGHTS, MINNESOTA 55120 454-4059 OR 454-1086 E[�UIPMENT CONTRACT N0. 1 SPECIFICATIONS FOR TRUCK CAB AND CHASSIS March 3, 1987 CITY OF MENDOTA HEIGHTS DAKOTA COUNTY, MINNESOTA NOTICE OF BIDS Sealed bid5 wi31 be received unti2 10:0@ A.M., C.B.T., Tuesday, March 24, 1987� at the office af the City Clerk, �50 South Plaza Drive, Mendata Heigh�s, Minnesata 552209 after which time the bids will be publicly apened and read aloud at the City offices for furnishing: Equipm�nt Cantrac� N�. 1: Equipment Co�t�act No. 2: 33,0@0 G,V.W, Cab �nd Chassis Dump B¢dy, Nyd�aulic�, Sn�w Plow, Side Wing, Tailgat� Sander, and Hitch. Bids must be accompanied by a certified check or bidder'� bond in the amaunt of five percent {SX} of the bid and made payable ta the City af Mendata Heights as a guarantee that the equipment will be furnished as specified. Specificatians are available at the City of Mendota Heights Engineeri»g Offices, 750 8outh Plaza Drive, Ro�m �14, Mendota Height�� MM 5512@ between 8:0� A.M. and 4:30 P.M., Monday through Friday, 7he proposal must be submitted in sealed envelope an farms attached ta the specificati�r�s and marked "33,000 G.V.W. Cab ar�d Chassis" ar "Dump Body and Appurtenances." Cash paymer�t to be made upon delivery and acceptance as �pecified, Na bid may be withdrawn for 30 days a€ter bid apenir�g except by City C�uncil .acti¢n. - The City reserves the right to re�ect any ar all bids, t� waive any infar- malities iherein and to award the con�ract in �he best intere�t of the City. BY ORDEFt {3F THE CiTY CDUNCIL Kathlee» M. 8wanson, City Cle�^k City af Mendata Meights 750 Sauth Plaza Drive Mendota Heights, Minnesata 5512tD , CITY QF MENDOTA HEIGNTS MENDOTA HEIGHTS, MINIVESOTA TRUCK SPECIFICATIONS A. INTENT It is the intent of these Specifications ta describe a new, current production model truck, G.V.W. of 33�tb�0, cab ar�d chassis, these specifications are inte�ded �o describe: A L8000 Ford or Approved Equal. - B. OUALIFICATIQN OF BIDDERS/APPROVED EQUAL To gain consideration as an "appraved equal", the prospective bidder must make avai2able to the Gity far its use the �amQ model of the piece of equipment it intend� to bid as an "approved equa2". This equipment �hall be furMished at least five f5) working days prior ta the oper�ing date of bids. A piece af equipment must be avail- ab2e far demflnstra�iar� by the City during tha� peri�d so the Ci�y can evaluate zts performance. In additian, the pro�pective bidder shall furni�h a list af cities in the State af Mirrneso�a, preferably ir� the seven county i!!E'tl^t�E'#4� 1'��3Yt area who are currently, aperating the model �of machine intended to be considered as an "approved eqR�al". F�llowing the review nf the unit and the infarmatian furnished, the City will notify the prospective supplier of aM "approved equal" unit whether ar not it wil2 be accepted for bidding and whether or not it meets 5pecification�. This �o�ificatiarr shall be given at least tw�+ f�} day� priar �o the opeMing of bids. THE FO1.L.OWING ARE THE RERUIREMENTS. G. V. W. 33, @00 �hs» Mir�imum, _ • FRAME Truck factory assembly with single channel or "L" a»gle sectians of high tensii steel section madulus 15.9 minimum. Ro11iMg bending m�avement 1141, 000 inch-pounds minimum. Furni�h with 16 inch inegral frame extensian of high ten5il steel ta accommodate a crank shaft driven hydraulic pump. Sectiarr modulus 15.9 minim�um, Rolling bending mavement i, 749, Q��D� inch-pounds minimum. Frame to include tow hooks and a frant bumper. DYMENSIONS Cab ta axle dimensions 84 inches. Wheel base 162 inches � rnaximum, Bumper to back of cab nat less than 105 inches. . � CAH Cab ta be three t3) man canventiorial type of the latest desigri. Tilting hcod with 6ut�erflv apeni»�os. Tinted safety glass on alI window�. Matching driver and passenger air suspensi�n seats. {N€ITE. There must be r4om between seats for hydraulic valve bank). hEetal buckle quick detacha6le type safety belts far driver and passenger seat safety t�elts to be flaor or frame an- chored as per SAE 5taridard A.S.B.I. Metal grab har�dies on each 51Cl2 of cab exterior. A.M. Radia. West coast type rear view mirrors on left and right side plus separate mounted fi inch diameter convex mirrors an both sides. Largest available fresh air, hot water heater, defroster. Dual electric 2-speed windshield wiper with washers. Manufacturers standard self canceling turn signals with reflectors conforming to SAE Class A Standards. Emergency flashers conforming to Minnesota State Specifica- tion E12.19. � Dash maunted speedometer and tachometer. Mechanical type dash mounted temperature, ammeter, oil pres- sure, air pressure and fuel gauges which are direct reading and lighted. Warning lights for temperature and oil pressure. Engine haur meter. Dual sun visors. Dual arm rests. Back-up lights to be supplied self canceling when taken aut af reverse. Inside-Outside air intake on air cleaner. ENGINE 225 Caterpillar Model 3208T Diesel or approved equal, with power take off adapting flange on front of crank shaft. � Manufacturer's standard gavernor. Manufacturer's standard oil filter for engine, one quart spin _ an type minimum. Manufacturer's standard dry type air cleaner. Heavy duty radiator with Coolant Recovery System. • EXHAUST TRANSMISSION ELECTRICAL AXLES SPRINGS FUEL TANK Horizantal muffler. Left mount vertical stack. 5 speed Allison automatic transmission, Model MT653 or ap- praved equal with heavy duty external transmission oil coaler and filter. 3-625 C.C.A. capacity batteries minimum 90 ampere heavy duty alternator and regulator system. Twa-speed rear axle to have a minimum rated capacity of �3,000 lbs. Rear Axle. Gear ratio to maintain 60 m.p.h. at engine governed speed in high range. Front axle to have a minimum rated capacity of 16,�00 lbs, with stemco wet seals front hubs. , Rear springs to have a minimum capacity of 23,000 22�0 L. B. auxi 1 iary springs. Front springs to have a minimum capacity of 16,00@ lbs with lbs. 1-50 U.S. gallon capacity fuel tank, left side maunted, step tank style. BRAKES Service brakes to be full air cam type. Parking brake to be spring set. The unit shall not be equipped with anti-skid equipment. WNEELS TIRES STEERING RUST PROOFING MANl1ALS PAINT WARRANTY _ DELIVERY DATE System to have 12 cubic foot per minute air compressar. Cast spoke 8.25 X 22.5 front and rear. One spare rim 8.25 X 22.5 to be furnished. 11 R X 22.5, 14 P.R. tubeless type first line steel belted radial truck tires. Front tires to be highway tread. Rear tires to be mud/snow tread. Good Year preferred. Factory installed power steering. Cab rust praofing conforming to State of Minnesota Specifica- tion (Tropical). Complete set of service manual(s) for upkeep and maintenance af vehicle on delivery. Mn/DOT Orange Standard Mlanufacturer's warranty must be provided, and will nat be less than 12 month, 12,0@0 rnile full warranty. Hidder shall state earliest date of delivery F.O.B. City of Mendota Heights, Minnesota. DELIVERY Each unit is to be delivered in first class aperating candition with acceptance sub�ect to the Public Works Department inspectian and approval. BIDS- Camplete manufacturer's specifications, illustrated descriptian and campleted questionaire, each in duplicate, shall be submitted with each bid. Insufficient descriptive infarmation shall be cause for re�ection af bid. COMPLIANCE On request, the vendor shall f�rnish a cert,ified copy of SAE Engine Test Form GDI curve sheet, completed for engine proposed, and other detailed information required for verificatian. No deviation from the terms af this Specificatian is acceptable. The undersigned Hidder proposes to furnish equipment in accordance with this specificatian. DEDUCT ALTERNATE The City presently has a 1970 International Harvester Model 18'30 twith Garwood Body) truck cab and chassis, complete with snow , plow, and sander. Wlriq and Standard not included. The City intends to cansider trading this truck in as a credit towards the new truck to be purchased. The truck is availatrle for inspection at the City Public Works Garage, 2431 South Lexington Avenue. Phone for appointment: 454-4059. PROPQSAL FORM SINGLE AX�E TRUCK CAB AND CHASSIS .}►- Bids are due at the Office of the City Clerk, City Nail, 750 �outh Plaza 'Drive, Mendota Heights, Minnesota, 55120, na later than-10:00 A.M., C.S.T., on Tue�day, March 24, 1987. - In accardarice with your� advertisement for bids and in conformity with �he Speci- fications, I propose and agree to f�arnish, install and deliver; accQrding ta the fo2iowing bid price: ITEM �ID PRICE Furnish � deliver F.O.B. City 4f Mendota Height�, single axle truck cab and cha�sis. ' Manufacturer• Madel No.: � BID AMOUNT fThis is Basis of Award) E3 DEDUCT ALTERNATE N0. 1 Receive as "trade-in" existing dump truck wi.�th plow and sartder. � : � - • � In g�arantee oF sincerity of purpose in entering this bid, the undersigned enclo�es a certified check �r bidders bond in the amount of five t5) percent of the ivtal amount af the bid, which its agreed will be farfei�ed to the City in the event that the said cQntract is not executed as herein stipulated in the event that said praposal is accepted. � It is understood that the bid may not be withdrawn far a period of thirty t30> days after the date and time set far the opening of bids. It is understood that the City Council reserves the right ta retain the certified check or bici band of the three {3} lowest bidders as determined by the City Cauncil. for a period not to exceed thirty 4303 days after the date set for the opening af bids. We agree if thi� proposal is accepted, we will execute a contract for the work inv4lved. It I5 ►anderstood that the City Councii reserves the right to re,�ect any ar a21 bids and tn waive any informalities therein and to award the contract in the best intere�t of the City. Delivery will be made within calendar days of receipt of order. FIRM NAME �y: • Title: OFficial Addres�: Telephone No.� �� " s 1 c March 3, 1987 CITY OF MENDOTA HEIGHTS 750 SOUTH PLAZA DRIVE MENDOTA HEIGHTS, MIMVESOTA 55120 454-4059 OR 454-1086 EQUIPMENT CONTRACT N0. 2 SPECIFICATIONS FOR DUMP HODY HYDRAULICS SNOW PLOW SIDE WING TAILGATE SANDER HITCH , � 0 CITY QF MENDIITR HEIGHTS DAKOTA COUNTY, MINNE507A NOTICE OF HIDS , 5ealed bid5 will be received until I0:00 A.M., C.S.T., iuesday, March 24, i987, at the office of the City C2erk, 750 South Plaza Drive, Mendota Heights, Minnesota 5�i20; after whicfi time the bids wil2 be pubiiciy �pened a»d read alaud at the City office5 F�r furnishing; Equipment Contract No. 1: 33, 000 G. V. W. Cab and Chagsis - Equipment C�ntract N�. �: Dump Bndy, Hydra�llics, Snow Plow, Side Wirtg, Tailga�� Sander, and Hitch. Bid� must be accompanied by a certified check or bidder's bond in the ama�.�nt of five percent (SX) of the bid and made payable to the City of Mendota Heights as a guarantee that the equipment will be furnished as specified. 5pecifications are available at the City of Mendota Heights Engineering Ciffices, 750 South Plaza Drive, Room �14� Menda�a Heights, MiV 5J12@ betweer� 8:00 A.M. and 4:30 P.M,, Monday through Friday. The pra�c�sal must 5e submitted ir, sealed envelope on forrns attached to the specificati�ons and marked °33,000 G.U.W. Cab and Chassis" or "Dump Hody and Appurtenances." C�sh payment io E�e made up�rr deiivery and acceptance as specified. No bid may be withdrawM�far 30 days after bid opening except by City Caurrcil action._ - - • The Czty reserves the right t� re,�ect any or all bids, ta waive any infor- malities therein and t4 award the contract in the best interest of the City. BY ORDER DF THE CIiY COUNCIL Kathleen M. Swa»san, City Clerk City af Mendota Height5 750 �outh Plaza Drive Mendata Heights, Minriesota 55120 CITY OF MENDOTA HEIGHTS MENDOTA HEIGHTS, MINNESOTA HEAVY DLiTY DtIMP BODY A, INTENT It is the intent of these Specifications to describe a heavy duty dump body for mounting an a 84" C.A. chassis. Pair�t to match truck cab. - Box shall be mounied at lowest possible height �on truck frame. B. flUALIFICA3I0N OF �IDDERStAPPRQVED EQUAL To gain cansideration as an "approved equal", the prQspective bidder must make available to the City for its use the same model af the piece af equipment it interrds tc� bid as an "approved equal". This equipment shall be F�urni�hed at least five (5) working days prior ta ihe aper�ing date af bids. A piece of equipme�tt must be avail- able for demonstrati�n by the City d�.tring that perir�d sa the City can evaluate its �erfarmance. It� additi�n, the prc�speetive bidder shall furni�h a iist af cities in the State of Minnesata, preferably in the seven caur�ty metropolitan area who are currently aperating the model af rnachine intended to be c�nsidered as an "approved equal°. Following the review af the unit and the infor�matior� furnished, the Gity wa.11 nratify the praspective supplier of an "'appraved equal" unit whether or nat it wili tre accepted f�r biddirtg and whether or rrat it meets specificativrr�. This notificatic►n shall be given at least two (2) days priar to the apening of bids. TME FOI.LDWING ARE 7ME REGIUIREMENTS: - "_ : LENGTH 10' - �l° Inside WiDTN SIDES CAPACIiY F�OOR WELDS TAILGATE 30P RAIL WARDWARE �' - 0" Inside 10 gauge high tensile smooth side no vertical braces. 4 - 5 Gubic yards, '7 gauge high tensile. Continuous to prevent moisture eritrapment. Dauble acting tailgate, with spreader chains, quick release lever, sirrgle horizantal center brace, fully welded. Fully baxed type, with provi5ions for side boards. Upper Pin 1" �awer Pin 1 �� TOOL BOX Box sha31 have bui3t-in tool box mourtted in battom front of box. Tnol box �Mall be 12" X 15" and run full width of box. Too2 box shall have access da�ors at each end, and shall have an internal partitior� two feet from left side with a 1-f12 foat shelf, 10 inche� up from the bott4m. CAB SHIELD TAIL LIGHTS Si�F RAIL 5UE FRAME iYPE LONGSILLS GRQSSMEMBERS MUD FLAPS HOIST TYPE ' CYLiNDER BACK UP flLAR�i . PUMP 1/2 Cab design 10 gauge high tensile welded o�. Existing truck tail lights recessed inta rea� corner pasts. Pre- vide acces� panel for future repair of systems. All lights to meet federal specificatia�s. Norizontal bar stock added to outside of bax welded 6 inches above lower rub rail. Structurai inter3aced type. Str�etural 10° Deep. 5tructural 4" Deep - an 12" Centers. Front and rear of rear tires. Dauble arm type, law mount, Class 50 double acting, $" I?iameter X�0" strake with screw an head design. Ca�nf�rming to S. A. E. J9946 Ciass C SQurtd �evel. NY13RflU�ICS Front m�unted hydraulic pump of adequate capacity at low engine . R. F. M. to �upply dump body, front plow with pawer� turn, hydrau3 ic wing and sander. HYARAULIC Valves are to be frame mour�ted. Cantrol handles to be cab mounted VA�VES betwee� seats with cabies io valve bady, Nandle po�sitiat�s to 6e determined at time af assembly. De-dent positian to be supplied far glow, wing ar�d �ander va2ves. NYDRAULIC TpNK hlo less than 25 gallan tank, frame mounted. Return line filter tank mounted, with 10 �lic�^on eiement with irsdicatar gauge in cab. Tank must have magnetic drain plug, r�movable wire mesh suctian strainer,.. and 5 P.5.I. pressure fill cap. Tank to be pr�operiy baffeled t�r prevent cavitation and surge and mounted left side of truck frame. All hose lines sha13 be bracketed and or shielded where points of harm exist. f�uick couplers to be installed fo�^ removal of front pl�nw, wing, and sanding equipment, locations ta be determined at time of assembly. Hydrauiic system to be filled with "Dexr�+n II" fluid. LIGHTS & WIRING Two (�) 6" fag lights and ane 4-1/2" implement light ta be maunted on a removatrle cra�s bar on r^aof, wired ta inside of cab, using two switches, bath fog on one switch, wing light on other. Two t�) headlights rectangular style with side mounted park and turn ligFsts to be m�runted ar� plow hitch wired �o switch in cab and existing truck wiring with disconnect plug near grill for remaval. WARNING LIGHT OUICK ATTACH Strobe type - Warn - A- Lite Model 851, 12 volt double flash with i blue lense to be m�unted on self-leveling bracket on cen- ter, forward most part of 1/2 cab shield. HITCH Model: Frink Custom or approved equal. The plaw hitch shall be engineered and consist of a push frame of the size and strength to insure equal load dis�ribution exerted to truck frame. This frame assen►bly shall be secured to the vehicle frame with grade 8 6olts and shall have braces that attach to the push frame and to the underside of truck frame as n�ar to the axle as possible. The lifting device shall be of welded and bolted construction, and shall be pravided with not less than 4 inch diameter by 10 inch str4ke single acting ram, h�ving a hard chrorne plated piston rod, chevran type, packing seal, with glad and ad��lstable bronze packing nut. The main vertical members shall be from 1/2" plate, and the bottom crossmember from not less than 1/2" formed channel, or 8" X 4" X 3/4" steel angle. In addition, two (�) upper cross members from not less than 3" X 3" X 3/8" steel angle shall be furnished. Camplete hitch must be able to sccpport front mounted wing. Tor-Lok welded into custom side plate, plow portion to have "Pin on Tvpe" arraw. SNOW PLOW Furnish and install one til hydraulically aperated, power reversi- ble polyurethane type moldboard with two (�) six t6) feet in length steel cutting edges mounted ta a torsion spring loaded backer plate. This plow shall be furnished with all hydraulics, supparts and controls and be manufactured of new and unused mater- ials and meet all the minimum physical requirements specified as fc+llows: MQLDBOARD The m�aldboard shall be constructed of a one piece, unspliced 3/8" thick ultra-high molicular weight polyurethane material. This moldboard sheet shall be attached to a frame work assembly of welded steel angle and plate which shall include not less than e�ght t8) reinforcing braces in the vertical position which shall be not less than 3/8" thickness by three (3) inches in width and be electrically welded to the upper and lower horizontal frame assembly as to form one continuous frame. A. Length of Moldboard: 12 feet B. Height of Moldboard: 44 inches, minimum C. Minimum Angle, Left or Right: 35 degrees D. Path cleared at full angle: 9'6" E. Cutting Edge(s>: Two (2) A.A.S.H.O. punched steel i/2" X 8" X 6' long. F. Reversing Mechanism: Shall be warm type hydraulic motor � driven (cylinder type not acceptable). G, Cutti�g edge trip roecha�ism sha21 be of the one piece type with 6- 3/4 inch wire tarsions spring�. H. Plow Lift: Shall be of the ihree {3) paint type. SIDE WING FRON7 MOUNTED 7he front mounted wing shall be installed on the right side of the TRIR EDGE WING truek and sha21 be not Iess than li feet lang overail. 29" high at the fro�t end, 40" high at the rear end and shall have a - trippzng !!� X 8" A.A.S.H.O. punched, �eversible cutting edge. The c�tting edge reinforcement shall be nat less than 4" X 4" X 3t4" structural steel a�gle. The trip mechanism shall inciude, six (6) t�rsion springs, from not less than 3/4" O.D. wire having 3-3/4" O.D, with sixteen (2b) actual cails each. This mechanism shal2 ac�iv�te whe�eve� the cutting edge comes inta cantact with an obstruction on the pavement. The moldboard shall be from a miriimum of No. 8 U.S.S. gauge steel. It shall include nat less tha� six t6) vertical reinfarced ribs fr4rn 3/8" plate, two (�) drive ribs fram i/2" plate and a minimum of three t3? h�rizontal structural a»gle reinforceme»ts: �ne tl) top angle r�ot Iess than �-ft2" X 2-i12" X 318°, one. {f3 middle angle not less than 3-1/�" X 3-1/2" X 1/2" and one ti) lt�wer angle nat less than 4" X 3" X ilC". The two drive ribs shall not be less than 1/2". � FRONT OF WI�IG The wing shall be su�pported at the frc�nt af the truck by not less ATTACHtMElVT than a 7" °L" beam, c�mplete with self-contained P" bore X!9" strake double acting hydraulic cylinder far raising and lowering the frQnt af the wing. This past shall be attached to the plow push frame assembly by »ot less than a 5" reirtforced ship chanr�el and extra heavy pipe bracing. The cylinder shall be sheaved and reeved to provide t�ot 2ess th�n 3�" af vertical lift at the ft��nt of the wing. REAR WING Shall include not less than 8" X 4" X il2" vertical support angle ATTRCHMEIVT with fixed attachment points for upper and lower wing braces and cr�ss members fram not less �haM f" X 4° X il2" angle. Tw� heavy duty parallel wing brace� shall be furnished to support the rear of �he wing, They �hall be telescopic and sha21 have solids of not less than 2-3/8" diameter and tubing�not less than 3" diameter with 1!4" walls. They sh�ll attach to the fixed attachment points , at vertical supp4rt angle. One hydraulic cylinder not less than 3" in bore diameter with 31" strake shall be ir►corporated at wing brace5 to raise and 2�wer the wing to t�^ave3ing and warkirtg pasi- tions. The cylinder shall have a hard chrame plated piston rod, T-shields ar�d a lock ring, and a 2ack ring cantain ha�. The cylinder �hall be capable of providing not les� than 20'" vertical lift ai rear af wi»g for limited shelving operatir�ns. Full rais- ing and lawering af the rear of wing shail be achieved withaut use af cables or sheaves. HYDRAULIC TAILGATE SANDER 5elf cleaning, precision hydrauiic sing2e auger, self leveling spinner, under the tailgate material spreader. MOUNTING Shall be mounted so that it dr�es not interfere with normal d�ump body aperation and is indeperident of body tai2gate. Truck can be � used for its narmal work without removing the spreader hopper. It � shall have quick disconriecting pins far rapid mounting and removal of the spreader. �ne sander light shali be maunted at left rear corner wi�h switch in cab. - SPREADiNG RATTERIVS SPREADI�tG WIDTN AND RATE SPINNER 6UAi2D 4uick ad�usting spinner mechanism to permit material discharge tca ihe Ieft sicie, right side and to rear af truck. A spreading width of Qi' to 40' mu5t be available on deroand, cantrolled independent af the amaunt of rnaterial di�charged and bath are indepe�dent �f the engine speed. Fuliy ad,�ustable fa�^ pasitive control of width and right and left directi4n af material spreadirrg pattern. CAB COIVTROL D�tal pressure compensated flaw c�antr�ol valves which allaw irtdivid- ual selection �f auger speed and spinner speed. Provide� pa�itive and i»deperrdent con�ral �over rate �f material application and �preading width t0'-4Q'). Cantral unit alsa includes a seaarate Iever f��^ start at�d stoo cantral, This va3ve to be c�ordi�a�ed with hydra�lic cantrols in cab at time of assembly. RELIEF VALVE Built into the contral unit to proteei the spreader agaiMst daroage d►ae ta oversized materials and excessive hydraulic pres�ure. HYDRAULIC MOTORS Yndependent, heavy d�ty arbital type hydraulic motars for auger a»d spir�ner^ to clevelag t�igh t�srgue at a3I speeds for smaath and dependable operatian. Auger hydraulic mot+�r t�o be af the type which requires a short drive shaft, supported hy two self a3igning bearings. The entire assembly to be mounted on an ad�u�table bracket, accessable for ad,�ustment of auger chain externally with�ut r�em�,viMg chain guard. �ACi{ WALL Back wal2 �a be �f the ane piece, remavable �ype atrle to� swir►g aut far cleaning of hopper. Wall to be supported by spreader side brackets and Iacked in aperating pasitian by u�e of positive locking mechanism operated by a sing2e cor�trol Iever engaging or disengaging bath sides at the same time. While in closed pa�i- t io», aI I pins, 2evers, iever Iock mechar�isms to be stared in such a way as ta nat interfere with opening of tailgate outward or down with use af side chair�s far support. RllGER Auger to be 6" diameter with reverse F lights an 3eft szde tas install.ed an trr�ck) to prevent material buildup in box during operation. Auger and bearings to be 4 bolt an�ifriction self aligning type mouMted on out�ide of unit for ciea»Iiness ar�d ease of lubrication. REMOVAH�E SPINNER Spinner assembly and guard to be removable by use af quick disconnect pins. Quick discannect cauplings to be used at rear of truck to aid in rem�val. ni�co�nect to be mou»ted in ea�y to reach position, yet aut of road splash as much as passible. PAINT Mn/DOT Orarige shall be color of paint used on all body parts, plaw eQmpane»ts and sand spreader. C41or to match cab and - chassi�. Paint number and manufacturer to be supplied to City on delivery. MOUNTING AlI equipment to be mounted by ane vendor for �ervice-and warranty. - TO BE BUPPLiEI} Complete �ets �f service and par�� iist far wing, PI�w and sander an delivery. DEIIVERY DATE Bidder shall state earliest date af delivery F.O.B, City af Mendota Heights, Minnesata. DELIVERY Each unit is to be delivered in first clas� operating caridition with accepta�ce sub�ect t� the Public Works Department i�specti�n and approval. PRQPOSA� FORM DUMP BQDY AND SNOW PLOW EflUIPMENT ••�•� • � ADDRESB Bids are due at the Office of the City Clerk, City Hall, 750 5outh Plaza Drive, Mendota Hezghts, Mittnesota, 55lE0, no later than 10:00 R.M., C.S.T., fln 3uesday� March 24, 1'387. In accordance with y�+ur advertisement for bids and in canformity with the �peci- ficati�ns, I propose aMd agree to fur�rish, i�stall and deliver: according to the following 6id price: tChassis will be supplied by the City of Mendc�ta Heights> ITEM Furnish � deliver in�talled an singie axle chassis F.t#.�. MeMdata Height�, MN. 5ingle Axle Dump Body(4-� yds.) with haist and hydraulic system. Manufacturer: Model �to.: and Trip-Edge �r�aw Fiaw and Hydraitlic Wing3 Manuafact�rer: Plow: Wing: ' hlr�de� No, : • Plaw: Wing: and Hydraulic Tailgate Sande�^. Manufacturer• Model �la• BID AMQUNT tThi� is Basi� of Award) BID PFtICE � In guarantee of siMcerity of pur�pose in enterirtg this bid, the undersigned er�closes a certified check or bidders bond in the amaunt of five t5) percent of the total amau�tt Qf the bid, which its agr�eed �iI2 he farfeited to �he City in the event that the said contract is not exec�ted as herein stipulated in the everit that said pr�oposai is accepted. It is understood that the bid may not be withdrawn for a period of thirty (30) days after� the date and time set f�or the openir�g of bzds. It is understaod that the City Council re�erve5 the right to retain the certified check or bid band af the three (3) lnwest bidders as determinec! by the Gity Gaurtcil for a period nQt to exceed thirty !30) days after the date set for the apening of bids. We agree if thi5 praposal is accepted, we will execute a contract for �the work invalved. It is �tnderstaod th�t the City Council reserves the right ot re�ect any or alI bids and to waive any informalities therein and to award the cantract in the best i»terest af the City. Delivery will be made within calendar days af r�ceipt of arder. Officiai Address; Telephane Na.: Date: 0 0 FIRM NAME By: Title• 1 i�b CITY OF MENDOTA HEIGHTS MEMO FEBRUARY 26, 1t987 TO: Mayor and City Council FROM: Kevin D. Fr 1Z�� Administrator J���� SUBJECT: Special ANIlK Membership Meeting to Adopt Policy on Fiscal Disparity INTRODUCTION When the Association of Metropolitan Municipalities held its legislative adoption session late last year, a policy on fiscal disparities was not successfully adopted. Since that time, additional committee work has ensued, and the Board of Directors has recently adopted a recommended policy which it would like to submit to the membership at a special meeting on Thursday, March 12, 1987. It is uncertain whether fiscal disparities will become an issue in this legislative session, but the ANIIK Board feels that we must have a policy in place so as to be prepared to respond in the event the issue does come up. The purpose of this memo is to alert Council to this policy, and give you an opportunity to comment. DISCUSSION Briefly, fiscal disparities is a tax base sharing program which was adopted for the 7-county metropolitan area in 1971. Under the plan, 40% of the assessed valuation from all increase in commercial and industrial property valuation in the 7-county area since 1971, is placed in a central � fiscal disparities "pot", then redistributed to communities on the basis of a rather complicated factor, including "fiscal capaci�y". Under the program cities can generally be categorized as "gainers" or "losers", and their feelings about the program generally reflect that status. Mendota Heights is a"loser" community, with a net assessed valuation loss of approximately $3.5 million. This results in us having to levy an additional .6 mill for City government. Complaints about the program, particularly from the "loser" communities have primarily been two. First, that value �rior to 1971 is exempt, which penalizes the newer communities that have had most of their c�rowth since 1971. Second, that the 40% contribution ratio is too high, and will grow dramatically over the next few years as the cities that d ^i are already the major contributors will continue to have much of the commercial and industrial growth in the metropolitan area. With this in mind, the ANIlK, and its subcommittees have worked diligently to come up with a compromise policy that remedies some of the most serious concerns. Attached is a description of the proposed changes and the proposed legislative policy. Major changes which would be of interest to us include: 1. A phase in of the pre-1971 base value at 5% per year for the next 20 years. 2. A 2% per year reduction in the contribution ratio for 5 years until a level of 30% (versus the current 40%) has been reached. 3. A phase in at ratio of 85%. Dakota County, currently the source of real other counties ratios. 3% a year to an equalized assessment This is of particular benefit to because our assessment ratio is lowest in the metropolitan area, and a contention with local governments in that have much higher assessment If Council has questions about any of the other provisions of the legislative policy, I will be prepared to answer those at the Council meeting. � The ANIIK Board adopted this recommendation almost unanimously last week. I personally feel that it is a very good compromise between the "losers" and the "gainers". The net effect will not be so much to reverse current patterns of contribution and gain, but to constrain the rate of growth in the contribution formula which would otherwise be there in future years under the existing legislation. Councilmember Blesener is our designated voting delegate to ANIlK, with Councilmember Hartmann the alternate. ACTION REQUIRED Council should ensure that someone is present to vote our position on the legislative policy, and to offer any comments it wishes to the voting delegate. KDF:madlr attachment Board of Directors President Robert D. Thistic Coon Rapids Vice President Neil W. Peterson Bloomington` Past President )ames A. Scheibel St. Paul Directors Mentor Addicks, Jr. Minneapolis Karen Anderson M innetonka Gary Bastian Maplewood Larry Bakken Golden Valley Robert J. Benke �w Brighton Mark Bernhardson Orono Walter Fehst Robbinsdale Edward Fitzpatrick Fridley Kevin Frazell Mendota Heights Carol )ohnson Minneapolis Jamcs Lacina Woodbury Gerald Marshall Brooklyn Park Eldon Reinke Shakopee William Saed Inver Grove Heights Benno Salewski St. Paul _eslie C. Turner Edina Executive Director Vern Peterson �0 ' � association of metro,politan munic�palities _ February 24, 1987 WHEN: TIME: SPECIAL AMM MEMBERSHIP MEETING Thursday, March 12, 1987 7:30 P.M. � WHERE: St. Louis Park Recreation Center 5005 West 36th. St. (Meeting Room B) St. Louis Park e (map on reverse side) PURPOSE: To consider a proposed policy on Fiscal Disparities (Tax Base Sharing) and discuss other Legislative items of concern. UPDATE: As you may recall, the Delegates at the last AMM Legislative Policy Adoption Meeting on November 6, 1986 considered a proposed policy dealing with Fiscal Disparities and sent it back to Committee for more work. After several meetings and many hours of work, the Committee YTas developed a revised policy proposal for your consideration. The new proposal was approved by the AMM Board on February 19th. at special meeting. PLEASE NOTE: A. This notice has been mailed to Mayor, Designated Delegates and Managers/Administratures. Copies of the proposed fiscal disparities policy have been mailed to the Chief Administrative Official only for distibution to Mayors and Councilmembers. B This issue effects all member cities and we would encourage each city to have representatives in attendance to cast your vote (or votes) on this important matter. 183 university avenue east, st. paul, mn 55101 (612) 227-5600 � T0: FROM: AMM Members Bob Thistle, President Walt Fehst, Chairman - Revenue Committee SUBJECT: Fiscal Disparities Recommendations 1. Background. Based on membership action at the November 6, 1986 meeting to refer Fiscal Disparity (F.D.) Policy back to the Revenue Committee, a small technical committee was formed by President Thistle and Chairman Fehst to form a recommendation for Revenue Committee action. 2. Committee. The committee, chaired by Neil Peterson, Bloomington, included Bob Bocwinski, Columbia Heights; Charles Darth, Brooklyn Park; Barry Johnson, Minnetonka; Gene Van Overbeke, Eagan; and Dick Asleson, Apple Valley. The committee met three times and was monitored by John Anderson, Shakopee; Diane Lynch, St. Paul; Larry Lee, Bloomington; Bill Barnhart Minneapolis, and Jeff Van Wychen, Minneapolis who also provided computer runs. � 3. Recommendation. The sub committee made recommendations to the -�' Revenue Committee which met and after some modification has - recommended the attached policy that has been changed as follows: a. The Committee reached an implied agreement that the program was intended to narrow the disparity in taxable base rather than'rates which imply mill rate which has variable meanings based on location and/or local options. Therefore tYie word BASE replaces RATE in the bold type policy. b. The Committee unanimously agreed to eliminate G-5 central administration based on the fact that Anoka County indicated a desire to continue administration and there is not evidence that a change is needed. c. Specific recommendation for F.D. factors were to modify the policy on TIF contribution and contribution rate. The contribution rate to be reduced by 2% per year for 5 years to 30�. Existing pre 1979 TIF value to be held harmless until the existing bonds are paid with only new value created through issuance of new debt to be subject to the F.D. contribution. 183 university avenue east, st. paul, minnesota 55101 (612) 227-5600 second policy issue is the rate of contribution. The AMM feels that 40� is too great especially if the base against which it is applied is expended. Each variable factor has a major impact on a certain subset of cities and thus changes must be done carefully. THE AMM MEMBERSHIP SUPPORTS MODIFICATION OF THE FISCAL DISPARITIES FORMULA THROUGH INCLUSION OF SEVERAL FACTORS AS A WHOLE. ANY CHANGES OTHER THAN THOSE REFERENCED IN AMM GENERAL FISCAL DISPARITIES POLICIES OR SPECIFIED HEREIN OR ANY DELETION OR SIGNIFICANT MODIFICATION OF A SPECIFIC FACTOR LISTED HE�EIN WILL RESOLT IN THE AMM OPPOSING ANY FISCAL DISPARTIY LEGISLATION UNLESS OTHERWISE AUTHORIZED BY THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS. FORMULA FACTORS: -PHASE IN 1971 BASE YALUE AT 5� PER YEAR FOR 20 YEARS FOR CONTRIBUTION PURPOSES. THE BASE VALUE FOR SOUTH ST. PAUL SHOULD BE THE CURRENT VALUE. -EXEMPT ALL VACANT LAND FROM CONTRIBUTION. -CONTRIBUTION YALUES SHOULD BE EQUALIZED TO 85� BY INCREASING THE PREVIOUS YEARS RATIO BY UP TO 3� OR THE CURRENT RATIO WHICHEVER IS GREATER. -THE SALES RATIO FACTOR SHOULD BE BASED ON A SAMPLE WHICH IS STATISTICALLY SOUND TO REFLECT ACCURATELY THE REALISTIC LEVEL OF ASSESSMENT. THIS MAY INCLUDE USING 9 COUNTY WIDE AVERAGE IF AN APPROPRIATE NUMBER OF SALES HAS NOT OCCURRED LOCALLY. USE OF THE MEDIAN RATHER TflAN AGGREGATRE RATIO SHOULD BE ADOPTED SINCE THIS MEASURE IS GENERALLY MORE REFLECTIVE OF LOCAL ASSESSING PRACTICES AND IS LESS SUBJECT TO WIDE VARIATIONS OF SALES. -REDUCE THE CONTRIBUTION RATE BY 2$ PER YEAR FOR 5 XEARS UNTIL 30$ HAS BEEN REACHED. ALL CONTRIBUTIONS THEREAFTER WILL BE AT THE RATE OF 30�. -THE FISCAL CAPACITY FACTOR SHOULD BE MODIFIED TO INCLUDE MANUFACTURED HOUSING AND UTILITY VALUE. -THE POPULATION AND TIMES TWO MULTIPLIER SHOULD BE REMOVED FROM THE DISTRIBUTION FORMULA gS MINIMUM DISTRIBUTION FACTORS. -THE TWO DIFFERENT POPULATION YEARS USED TO CALCULATE THE PER CAPITA MARKET VALUE AND DISTRIBUTION SHOULD REMAIN 6S THEY ARE CURRENTLY WITHIN THE FORMULA. -EXISTING VALUE IN PRE 1979 TIF DISTRICTS SHOULD REMAIN EXEMPT FROM FISCAL DISPARITY CONTRIBUTION UNTIL EXISTING DEBT HAS BEEN RETIRED. NEW VALUE CREATED WITHIN THESE DISTRICTS IN CONJUNCTION WITH NEW DEBT ISSUED SHALL BE SUBJECT TO FISCAL DISPARITIES CONTRIBUTION. G-4 TOTAL DISTRIBUTION There has been some suggestions made to utilize the fiscal disparity formula as a mechanism to create a separate transportation or development fund by only distributing 90� of the tax dollars raised. This would be a hidden property tax. THE AMM STRONGLY OPPOSES USE OF FISCAL DISPARITIES TO CREATE A METROPOLITAN TRANSPORTAITON, HIGHWAY, OR DEVELOPMENT FUND. I-G FISCAL DISPARITIES G-1 TAX BASE SHARING PROGRAM The basic premise for the need for a tax base sharing or tax base redistribution system in this Metropolitan Area, is that much commercial and industrial (C/I) development occurs based on location and/or availability of land or particular services. If the seven county Metropolitan Area were one political and economie unit, such as the Houston or Omaha areas, the growth of C/I development in any part would benefit the whole equally and tax base sharing would be unnecessary. However, in this area with 139 cities plus many townships and school districts that is not the case. Thus, there are many cities that because they are fully developed with no room for expansion, or they are located away from the center of activity without appropriate services, or have space but are inconvenient from major transportation facilities cannot attract C/I development. Whereas, others, more favorably located or serviced cannot keep C/I development away. This creates a situation, in general, where the tax base value per area, per household, or per capita is higher, and the taxing ability of the governmental unit greater, allowing a lower tax rate or collection of more dollars to provide serviee. This, also, creates a situation where two identical C/I facilities could have a large disparity in their property tax rates. THE AMM SUPPORTS A PROGRAM OR PROGRAMS WHICH CONSTRAIN TAX BASE DISPARITIES IN THE METROPOLITAN REGION WITHIN A REASONABLE RANGE WITHOUT STIFLING LOCAL INITIATIVES OR UNIQUE COMMUNITY NEEDS. G-2 OPPOSE DRASTIC CHANGE To compensate for these disparities, the 1971 legislature passed the Fiscal Disparities Act, with a rather complicated formula, whereby �40� of all C/I development and inflation growth from 1971 on is contributed to a Metropolitan Pot and redistributed based on population and fiscal capacity. After 15 years of operation, the magnitude of distribution values .both in terms of net value decrease and net value increase is significant for many cities. If fiscal disparities were repealed in total with no replacement or adjustments, property taxes in many cities would increase very significantly just as they would decrease in others. BECAUSE THE MAGNITUDE OF FISCAL NET VALUE INCREASE AND DECREASE AMM SUGGESTS THAT NO CHANGES BE YEAR SHIFTS IN PROPERTY TAXES. G-3 FORMULA MODIFICATIONS DISPARITY DISTRIBUTION IN TERMS OF TO MANY CITIES IS SIGNIFICANT, THE MADE THAT WOULD CAUSE DRASTIC SINGLE The Association of Metropolitan Municipalities has spent two years of committee work studying the fiscal disparities formula and the affects of variou.s modificications to that formula. There are basically two major policy issues that need to be dealt with in a package to accommodate the majority of cities. The first is a fairness or equity question that deals with issues such as the 1971 Base value exemption, equalization of the contribution, minimum distribution, etc. The -1- CITY 4F MENDOTA HEIGHTS MEMO February 19, 1987 T0: Mayor, Gity Council, City A ' iy��:�� FROM: Kathleen M. Swanson City Clerk SUBJECT: Tax Forfeit Properties INTRODUCTION The County Auditor annually notifies us of parcels of land within the City which are about to be �orfeited to the State for non-payment a�' taxes. We have just received the forfea.ture li�t from the Cozantyr along with their request for approval of' the non-conservation land classificatian so that the properties may be sold at auctian this spring. I have discussed the matter with Jim Danielson, and we concur that there i� no lega.timate publ.ic need for the properties, there£or ther� would be no legitimate basis for requesting that any af the properties be classified as conservatian for transfer to Gity owner�hip. INFORMATION All fifteen properties included on the list are within the Victar�.a Town Homes (PUD) p].at located on Victaria Road. t�nly one bl.ock of the plat has been developed into tawnhomes in accordance with the PUD, and tho�e three lots are the only ones within the plat which are nat on the farfeiture list. Roughly estimating, delinquent a�ses�ment and asses�ment interest payments due on each o�' the 15 lots are ap�roximately $8,000. The minimum sale pri.ce which will be established by the Auditor will exceed the assessment abligations, and the City will receive all delinquent assessmen�s on the lats which are sald. This is, of course, assuming that the current praperty owner does not make arrangements with the County Board far phased payment o� a11 delinquencies. To m� knowledge, this is the fa.rst time we have ever experienced tax forfe�.tures within a planned unit development. Auditor Narma Marsh has informed me that �nder �.he �arfeiture proceedings each of the Iots within the plat must be sold to the highest bidder. I have a�ked her to have her �tai�' inform anyone inguiring about th� properties that bu.ilding permits will only be issued far structures which conform to the approved PUD, Hopefully either the current owner will repurchase or a•developer will �urehase a11 af the lots. In any event, City staff will be given direction on how to respond to individual. inquiries. RECOMMENDATIONLACTION �UIRED I recommend that Cauncil approve the nan-conservation classificatian a� requested. If Council cancurs in the recommendation, it shauld pass a motion approving the cl.assification and authorizing Mayor Mertensotto ta execut� the County's Certificate af C1.assification o� Forfeited Lands. ' CITY OF MENDOTA HEIGHTS MEMO FEBRUARY 26, 1987 TO: Mayar and City Council _ FROM: Kevin D. Fra ��,1, JE�y Administrator �/ SUBJECT: City Slogan Entries 0 Cauncil reviewed the entries in the City slogan contest at the begi.nning o�' this year, and decided ta postpone further consideratian until some additional entries had been received. One of �he local newspaper�, the SouthWest Review, ran a shart article on the slogans, and the article did precipitate a�ew additional letters. The five entries received earlier are as fallows: 1. Mendota Heights ,.. For Progressive Town and Country Living, 2. Mendota Heights.., Progressive Family Living on the River Bluffs. • _ - 3. Mendota Heights... The Right Stu�f on the River Bluff. 4. "Mendota Heights - �uality Country-City Community." 5, Quality Personified - Spacious and Gracious, The new entries which have been received since the beginning of the year are as fol�aws: 1. Mendota Heights ... Heights Unlimited. 2. Scenic Pleasure. 3. Mendota Heights - The Beauti�ul Summit of it All - Nearest to Everything in Min'rieapolis and St. Paul. 4. Mendota Heights - Unparalleled Beauty - only Moments from Everything in the Twin Cities. 5. Mendota Heic�hts - The Summit of Beauty - Near Everything �n the Twin Citie�. ,. 6. Mendota Hezghts - The Pinnacle - Al1 Ways on Tap - Close to Everything in the Metropolitan Area. • i ' s To review these siogan entries, and decide whether � Council wishes to consider any further. KDF:madlr �,