1976-02-230 r 4. I CITY OF MENDOTA HEIGHTS Dakota County, Minnesota AGENDA February 23, 1976 8:00 P.M. SPECIAL MEETING Somerset School �-v� Call to Order. Rr�ll Call. Hearing: Feasibility hearing on proposed Northeast area street and drainage improvements. (See attached letter to r sidents, notice of hearing and maps.) 'djourn. (School reserved until 10:30 P.M.) ; N ' -� > > ��l 750 SOUTH �f �'l�er�ddt� .�e�g�tts BANK BUILDING � DRIVE � MENDOTA HEIGHTS, MINNESOTA 55120 TELEPHONE (612) 452-1850 ar Mendota Heights Resident: January 30 , 1976 The attached Notice of Hearing is the notice required by State t inform you of a hearing concerning certain public improvements : a ea. The language is required by bonding and finance people in o� s tisfy the various requirements of bonding attorneys. The facts < f'gures as stated in the notice include some details not applicable a 1 home-owners. The plans cover all aspects of the proposed proje b t the practical affect of the project and Council policies conce� s ch improvements are not explained in the official notice. I am taking this opportunity to briefly outline some findings o servations of staff people. In acldition, I am including some po p actices that your elected officials have used in assessing prior p oject costs. Z'he attached notice lists the total estimated cost s veral improvements but does not advise you of the anticipated ho c st impact. The following comments reflect past assessing practi s ould give you some idea of how the project would affect you. law i your ier to to t -- ing cy of the -owner s and The hearing is being conducted by the City Council members to eceive c mments in an official and orderly manner. Obviously, before you an r spond in an intelligent and knowledgeable manner, you must have idea o the cost and any other effects this project would have on you an your p operty.� Please consider the following statements. Basically the project consists of street reconstruction and s provements. Past experience has proven that without proper drai cilities, permanent streets that are constructed using the best nstruction will fail long before their expected life. As a resu oposal includes drainage improvements and permanent street const e Council is considering the installation of a storm sewer colle stem that will eliminate the unsatisfactory drainage ditches and rmanently place most of the run-off in an underground pipe syste ncrete curb and gutter is proposed on the streets in order to ch e water into catch basins and thereby protect the permanent surf ce it is installed. The cost estimates reflect the cost of streets with concrete c d gutters. The feasibility and cost study, prepared by the City dicates that permanent bituminous streets with concrete curb and 11 cost approximately $25.00 per assessable foot. This includes storation and shaping of boulevards, by grading, seeding and sod� der to make a complete, finished project. rm sewer ge ality , this ction. or ill ne 1 e rb ngineer, utters he nq in 0 -2- January 30, 1976 : is anticipated that this cost could be spread on tax payments o er a - :n year period at 7� interest on the unpaid balance. The anticip ted cost = the storm sewer collector system will, in all probability, amo t to well rer $0.07 per square foot. However, when the several contributin entities iamely Mendota Heights public streets, county roads and state hig ways) are �nsidered and absorb their proportion of the benefit, it is antic'pated that ie cost to the home-owner will be approximately $0.06 per square oot (this :ans $0.06 for each square foot of lot area for your property). his could : spread on tax payments over a nineteen year period at 7� intere t on the ipaid balance. The official notice includes other cost estimates. The small r amounts hich include sewer and water services are applicable only to seve al special ots on Sprinq Street and John Street and any other undeveloped va ant lots. figure of $100,000 is included in the estimated cost for future 'mprovements ownstream in the valley. It is necessary that this be included a part of this earing because the additional fast run-off will require future im rovements. t is anticipated that these "downstream" improvements will not be assessed gainst the properties included in this project. I trust that the foreqoinq information will give you a brief xplanation f the practical and most likely form of cost impact if the projec is ordered n. As most of you know, it is the City Council's duty and obliga ion to plan nd build public facilities to serve the residents of the communit . Your esponse and your comments at the hearing will aid the Council me ers in aking a decision as to the need and urgency of these improvements. , J:kms Very truly yours,� ��-� � Orvil J. h on City Administrator 0 s �L��� �� �3�9�'!�E tliY OF i.ift744TA tiEiGtiTS DAKOTA COUIiTY, +ate+NESOTl� NOTICE OF HEARING ON PROPQi@D CON- �iiAUCitQN OF SATfiTARY SEWfR ANO WATER 3FRVltf tdNti£CitONS, Att [X- TEKSION 70 7N: CtTY'S WATER DIS7RICU• 710N SYSTEM AND OF S7REET, CUAB I.NQ GtJTTER tMPAQY£l+diti7S AHO Of A 57QRt+i SfWER SYSTEtit AND 07NLR SURfACf WATER tONTROL MEASUAiS TO SERVi 711E !lORTtiF.xST ARER O� 7HE CI7Y OF MEN- DO'tA 4tFi�t2iS. 70 N`}{p�t IT 2.(AY COAICERN: 1�'HEREA5, thc City Councf! of thr City af hiettdota Ffeighcs, Dafiota County, tiin:ia- sota, deems it necessa�ry and desi�ab2e to eonaldrr construceion of the Improvements Leretnafter dcecritwd. NOW THERF.FOP.E, natice is hcreby s3ven that ch� City Councii oE the City of Mendnta Hefghts wlil hald a pu4llc hearing on sald improvements at che fallowing dme and pSaee within the said Ctcy. Date and 1ime: Mfonday, Fcbruary 23, 7976, 8:00 o'clack P.M. Iacadon: Somenet t2elghu £lementacy SShool, 2355 27odd Road,'+iendata Heights, 'biinnesota Yhe general nature of tn_ improvement tsc 'Iite eonstructSon ot sanitary sewer and waCer eervlCe conneCttons. ilre construction o: a seorm se:+er systern incIuding ap�urtanances and ine'sdentals thereto Including the construcUon of can- trot structures and other surface water eonero2 measures and thr acqcisision of rasements and the recansttvcUon whem necessary of stmets ln ehe nre� herelm after more particularly described. The construction af an ezesnsion to the City's wacer �fiscribution syscem ittictuding appurtenances and incidentals tli>reto, and the acquisiciun of easements, and the reconstructian where aetcssary of streats' In nc� area heminat'ter nore particulazly descdbed. The conscruction o£ streee improvem�nts consTsting of tht grading, stabilization. drainage and bitumJnous surfacing, and the constxuction of concrete curbs and gutters on thc streets to be situated in the arca hrreinafce: more particulaziy de- ecribed, and The acea ptol�.osed ta be assezsed for sa[d improvemetrts is situa�ted xithin tht City of biendota Heights 1n Dakota County, Aiinnesota, and is mare pazt5culazly da- SCZ1tiCd 33 �0�4w5: Ali propertg within an area boundes] Dy the following drscribed Une: Commencing �t the centerl3ne oC Dela- waza Avenne and Fteehe Aveaue, thenca northward atang the ceritertine of Lict�- ware Avenue approximatrly 2,250 feet, thence westezly along the North lot linz oF Lots 2 and 13 of PR 1icDanneils .iddi- don to the centez oC Chip;sewn A�•enue, diencc northcrly along the centertine of Chtppewa A�enue apgro.ein�uteiy 750 {eei, thenee ivrsterIy nnd sautlnvcsterty along the ho; th line aC Slock ] Gwidalupe HeiFhts Addition ta the centcrline oC Suy;cr�a Scrcct, thencr ��SICC center o° thc [nterstttion ai SUeet and 17ercc Street, thcu wcstcrlY and U�cn southwrste� Sot l4ne at I.ot 21 and northwe: thett soi�tt�westeily on the tot tin ail In ChcruS:ce Park Hefghls to the wuthcastrrty right of �ti• Sibicy lfemoriai NighKay C thence EOUI}IK'[S:crly apyroxlrr feet to the Sou�l� lirle uf L.ot h Svb. No. 9, thence eastezty Sautt: line oC'tlie above menttc appsnxlmately 530 foet co t}ar line of l.o� 15, Dlxk 4 Guad;du� Subdivisfan, thence sautherly oi Gne of aLove nrentIoned Lot South linc �f Ln: 15, thence e !he Suuth line of 1.oR 15 [o th 1'sne oi I.at Et l.anutiF Add. I�2a. aoutherly along the westedy ll; 8 and 9 Lan�etti Add. No. 2 to tos line oi Lat 5, Block 2 i:trcl thence iststerty atang the Norc the �4est linc ot sald Blak 2 to i line oE I:irchner Avenue and Streti, theace �vesttrty a2onR t line o! hici�anatd Street ta she of Lot 5�Sechanic's Add., then+ ly along �he West lina eF Lo�s 5, 58 of hiethanic's Add. ta Butlz 'thence westcrly atong she ce� Suden c�enue to Ivy liiU Dri an the cence: of Jti•y liitl Drive appm�maicly I50 feet soui easttrly to the center.of Parti thence southeasterly alonq tha of Paztiuon Road ta thc I�torth g, Btocl: 8±Ssrchner Add. ehe easttrly along the Narth llne thmugh ]G af sald Block B to th o; satd 3.at l6, tlsence southeas �he East linc of said I.ot 1 G centerline of Dodd Road and 1 nue, thencc southeaster2y alon criine of Reebe Avenue to the of LIc1aH•aze Avenue, and ther� inp, at the point of beginning. � The totat estin�ated tost oF e: bnpravements Ss as foIIows: Sanitary Sewcr & 19a�er Setti'iceConncrtions........ $ Storm Sa4ce :................ Water Distribution System... . Streets, Concrete Curbx and Gutscrs . . . . . . ........... It is praposed to assess ever�� 1 parcel oC land beneCued by sa3 ments H9techor abutting thern based upan he:ieiics received � gard to cash eat'vaYion. Persans desirins �o be,haazd ence ta the proposed imgrovem� be prasent as thSs hearing. This Councit proposes to pm and pursuant to the au[horiry �finnesoca Statutes, Secdon 529. Dated tt:is 73ch day ot 1an�ary. TiY OFI)F.R O� TkiE C1TY G1L8.�.'R'f 1.i. RAAASAU Citt Cierk City of Aiendata Hrights L��\��1��" L EUG'cNIA � :a t W ' SCALE 1"• 200' > • a LEGEND v W . �o p �'�'i Z � _ � ��_ � _ i j a :;._'��" RECONS7RUCTION o � �� i �, � u � -'`� �� ; � b�"- - � � __ _ ��� NEW CONSTRUCTI ON � /�/���'. .. - - � � • ' '�i � C�OU .! 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