1983-12-20� �,.t. CITY OF MENDOTA HEIGHTS DAKOTA COUNTY, MINNESOTA AGENDA December 20, 1983 7:30 P.M. l. Call to Order. 2. Roll Call. 3. Approval of Minutes, November 29th and December 6th. 4. Consent Calendar: a. Acknowledgement of Engineering Status Report for November. b. Acknowledgement of Treasurer's Report for November. c. Acknowledgement of Fire Department monthly report for Nove d. Approval of the List of Claims. e. Approval of the List of Contractor Licenses. End of Consent Calendar. � 5. HEARING - on Amended Program for Lexington Heights Apartment Pr ject and Issuance of Mortgage Revenue Bonds. (See attached he ring notices and proposed Resolutions). 7:30 P.M. 6. Old Business a. Discussion on R. Parranto request for escrow fund. (See att�ached letter from Mr. Parranto). � 7. Communications a. Letter from Dakota County H.R.A. requesting execution of Co perative Agreement for Block Grant Program. (Representatives will b present). 8. New Business: Public Mayor City Administrator a. Memo on Cooperative Efforts Between,School District and Cit: b. City Council Salary Analysis Memo. City Administrator Designee a. Memo on Adoption of Pay Plan. f.�r..,_., . 0 December 20, 1983 Agenda Pa�e Two b. Memo on Salary Adjustments for Part-Time Positions. c. Memo on Park Use Agr.eement BeCween City and Lunda Construct: d. Memo on FEMA Disaster Preparedness Seminar. Councilmembers City Attorney City Engineer Public Works Director a. Oral report on Status of Watershed nistricts. City Clerk a. Memo on Completion of Probationary Employment Period. 9. Adjourn. �on Co. C C W Page No. 1927 November 29� 1983 CITY OF M ENDOTA HEIGHTS DAKOTA COUNTY STATE OF MINNESOTA Minutes of the Adjourned Meeting Held Tuesday, November 29, 1983 Pursuant to due call and notice thereof, the adjourned meeting of the ity Council, City of Mendota Heights, was held at 7:30 o'clock P.M. at the City Hal , 750 South Plaza Drive, Mendota Heights, Minnesota. Mayor Lockwood called the meeting to order�at 7:30 P.M. The followinglmembers were present: Mayor Lockwood, Councilmembers Hartmann, Losleben, Mertensotto and Witt. CAPITAL Administrator Johnson gave a brief presentation on the preliminary IMPROVEMENT Capital Improvement Program proposed for 1984, thr ugh anticipated PROGRAM 1988 needs. � Fire Chief Noack reviewed the proposed Fire Depar ent program. Equipment needs for 1984 proposed needs, including air pac modification, purchase of 25 additional pairs of b nker pants, a new 110/220 volt generator and a portable, floatin pump. He also reviewed a proposed replacement/maintenance s hedule for hoses and nozzles. i Chief Noack advised the Council on the inadequac pager equipment, and indicated that the $12,000 is intended for replacement of. the existing comm Both he and Police Chief Delmont explained the d the overall City communications system. Several Council expressed their reluctance to consider a communication devices for the Fire Department wi a comprehensive study of communications needs. of the existing posed for 1984 cation devi�es. ciencies of mbers of the isition of ut benefit of Chief Noack also reviewed anticipated need in 1984 for installation of Opticom at TH 110 and Lexington Avenue, and a n w Chief's wagon, and projected needs in 1985 for a ladder tr ck in 1986 for a grass rig and in 1988 for a new pumper. With regard to the Opticom proposal, Councilman Me tensotto wonder- ed what justification there would be for Opticom.a the proposed intersection. Councilman Losleben felt that TH 11 /I35-E should be considered rather than at TH 110 and Lexington. With regard to the ladder truck proposal, Councilm n Mertensotto felt that contracted use of such equipment from an ther community would be more appropriate, since such a vehicle is needed on a very limited basis. He pointed out that the $350,000 c st, if financed with equipment certificates, would be payable over only a five year period, costing the community $70,000 per yea . After considerable discussiom it was the general c ncensus that the Fire Department CIP is appripriate but that pa er replacement and Opticom are to be optional: a study on city-wi e communication should be prepared before pager replacement and op icom at TH 110/35E C Page No. 1928 ' -- November 29, 198� should be included in the CIP with determination on installation of either or both of the opticom devices to be made by the CounciJ in 1984. . Administrator Johnson updated thP Council on the negotiations for a new lease for the City offices and police offices. Police Chief DPlmont reviewed the pYoposed Police Department CIP, particularly with regard to purchase of squad cars outside of the joint purchasing arrangement used for the past several years. Public Works Director Danielson reviewed the proposed Public Works Department CIP. PERSONNEL Administrator-Designee Frazell presented, reviewed and explained for the Council a comprehensive compensation plan for non-union employees. The document as presented included several parts: a proposed organization chart; a grade and step pay matrix, an internal comparability position evaluation system, detailed analyses of all non-union positions, individual position descriptions, and a summary of the financial impact of the salary recommendations. There was considerable Council discussion over the proposed organ- ization chart, particularly with regard to the Police and Fire Departments, and to the several parts of the proposed plan. Councilman Mertensotto complimented Mr. Frazell on the document but stronqly felt that a classification and compensation plan should be prepared externally, by a private consulting firm. He stated that adoption of a plan would be a major policy step and felt that external preparation of a study would provide a more appropriate basis for a change in policy. Councilmen Mertensotto and Losleben both expressed dissatisfaction with the Stanton Survey and did not believe that Stanton Survey comparision should be considered. Councilman Hartmann stated that his only concern with using Stanton Survey information was whether the internal job descriptions match those in the Survey and whether the City positions are properly classified. Mayor Lockwood asked how salary costs, if the schedule were adopted, would compare to other communities on a per capita cost basis. There was also considerable discussion over whether the salary schedule, if adopted, should be made retroactive to July lst as were five adjustments adopted in October. Mayor Lockwood stated that he will vote against retroactivity. Councilman Mertensotto indicated that he will vote against adoption of the plan. It was the concensus of the Council that the ' cafeteria plan for insurance contribution, described in the Admin- istrator-Designee's memo should be adopted and that department heads should be evaluated on a merit rather than longevity basis. Administrator-Designee Frazell was directed to prepare a finaliz�. plan for inclusion in the December 20th agenda. ADJOURN There being no further business to come before the Council, Council- Ayes: 5 Nays: 0 ATTEST: Robert G. Lockwood Mayor 0 C Page No. 1929 November 29, 1983 man Hartmann moved that the meeting be adjourned. Mayor Lockwood seconded the motion. TIME OF ADJOURNMENT: 11:15 o'clock P.M. Kathleen M. Swanson City Clerk � � Yage No. ly.SU Uecember 6, 1983 CITY OF MGNDOTA HGIGHTS DAKOTA COUNTY STATE OF MINN�SOTA Minutes of the Regular Meeting Held Tuesday, December 6, 1983 Pursuant to due call and notice thereof, the regular meeting of the ity Council, City of Mendota Heights, was held at 7:30 o`clock P.M. at the City H 11, 750 South Plaza Drive, Mendota Heights, Minnesota. Mayor Lockwood called the meeting to order at 7:30 o`clock P.M. The following members were present: Mayor Lockwood, Councilman Mertensotto and Cou cilwoman Witt. Councilmen Hartmann and Losleben had notified the Council that they ould be out of town. APPROVAL OF MINUTES Ayes:3 Nays: 0 MINUTE CLARIFICATION Ayes: 3 Nays: 0 Councilwoman Witt moved approval of the minutes November 15th meeting as presentrdto the Council Mayor Lockwood seconded the motion. of the this evening. Councilwoman Witt moved to clarify the motion on Page 1923 of the November 15, 1983 Minutes relating to the p oposed new f ire station to indicate the intent of the majority f the Council so that the motion as clarified shall read as foll ws: "After considerable discussion, Councilman Losl approval of the preliminary plan as presented w of options for shelling some amount of f inishin administration areas, shelling to be recommende approved by the City Council, and add-alternate in four-foot increments to the size of the bay Mayor Lockwood seconded the motion. Mayor Lockwood seconded the motion. Ayes: 3 Nays: 2 Mert Hart CONSENT CALENDAR Mayor Lockwood moved approval o£ the consent ca submitted and recommended for approval as part agenda, except Item C, along with authorization all necessary documents contained therein. ben moved th the addition in the by staff and for additions rea. sotto m _endar as �f the regular for execution of 1. Adoption of Resolution No. 83-104, "RESOI.UT ON ACCEPTING 4JORK AND APPROVING FINAL PAYMENT, IMPROVEME T N0. 81, PROJ�CT N0. 2." 2. Adoption o.f Resolution No. 83-105, "RESOTUT ON ACCEPTING WORK AND APPROVING FINAL PAYMENT, IMPROVEME T N0. 81, PROJECT N0. 3." m P<�ge No. 1y31 December 6, 1983 3. Acknowledgement oE the Code Gnf.orcement mc�nthly report for November. � 4. Approval of the list of contractor license�s, granting licenses to the following: � Blaine Heating, Air Con- ditioning & Elect., Inc. Blaine Heating, Air Con- ditioning & Elect., Inc. Complete Air Heating and Cooling, Inc. Complete Air Heating and Cooling, Inc. Dave's Builders Doody, Inc. Doody, Inc. Kimmes Masonry, Inc. Steve Kroiss and Sons, inc. Kuehn Excavating, Inc. Signature Enterprises David and David Sewer and 47ater, Inc. Gas Pipin Heating & ? icense Gas Pipin Heating & License General C Gas Pipin Heating & Masonry L General C Excavatin General C Excavatin 5. Approval of the List of. Claims dated D totalling $187,954.31. INDUSTRIAL R'EVENUE Mr. Marc Cella, from United Properties, and M FINANCING - UNITED from Juran and Moody, �oere present to request PROPERTIES $860,000 in Commercial Development Revenue Bon of the Mendota Heights Business Center. Fina Shau�hnessy stated that the issue will be sec credit, that all of the papers are in order, approval of the f.inal resolution. Ayes: 3 Nays: 0 License ir Conditioning License r Conditioning tractor License License ir Cond. License tractor License License tractor License License er 6, 1983 and Len Champer, inal approval for Phase III ial Advisor ed by a letter d recommended of of Councilwoman Witt moved the adoption of Resolu ion No. 83-106, "RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING A PROJECT UNDER THE MI NESOTA MUNICIPAL INDUSTRIAL DEVELOPMENT ACT AND THE ISSUANCE OF COMMERCIAL DEVETOPMEDTT REVENUE BONDS TO FINANCE THE PROJE T(MENDOTA HEIGHTS BUSINESS CENTER III PROJECT)." Councilman Mertensotto seconded the motion. MISCELLANEOUS The Council acknowledged and discussed an Ass of Metropolitan Municipalities Bulletin regard in the comprehensive plan/zoning ordinance loc requirements. The Council directed staff to r AMM indicating that while the City has had no the conflict represents a potential problem, a indicating that the Council has no suggestions does not believe a solution through legislativ appropriate step. ciation ng a conflict 1 approval spond to the roblems yet, d further for a solution but action is the COMMUNICATIONS The Council acknowledged receipt of a letter f om Mr. Phillip Kra; regarding an accident on Lake Drive in which h s daughter's vehicle was involved. Administrator Johnson i formed the Council that the letter has been re.ferred to the City` insurer. � CO?�I I S S I O DI REPORTS CASE N0. 83-35, DORNBURG Ayes: 3 Nays: 0 Pagc 1932 December 6, 1983 The Council acknowledged receipt of the minut� of: the November 22nd Planning Commission meeting. • Mrs. Judith Dornburg and her contractor were p esent to request approval of a five foot variance from the rear yard setback at 739 Pontiac Place. The contractor, John Parko , described the lot configuration and proposed addition, notin that because of the shape of the lot, approximately four feet f the proposed addition will intrude on the setback at the no thwest corner of the addition. After discussion, f.ive f.00t variance 739 Pontiac Place. Councilwoman Witt Councilman Mertensotto moved from the rear yard setback seconded the motion. DAKOTA COUNTY The Council acknowiedged a memo from the Publi� STATE BANK SIGN regarding a request from the Dakota County Sta approval of a sign permit for replacement of tl located at the southwest corner of the shoppins Mr. Dave Shannon, representing the sign compan� it is planned to remove the middle portion of i and replace it with a larger time and temperat� He presented and reviewed a drawing of the pro� The Council also noted that staff has recommenc authorize an expenditure of up to �1400 to rep: Off ices portion of the sign. Ayes: 3 Nays: 0 approval of a -equirement at Works Director e Bank f or e existing sign center site. , stated that he existing sign re display. osed sign. ed that Council ace the City After discussion, Mayor Lockwood moved approva of the issuance of a sign permit for replacement of the Dakota County State Bank sign in accordance with plans presented this e ening along with authorization for an expenditure of up to $140 for replacement c the City's portion of the sign. Councilwoman GJitt seconded the motion. MISCELLANEOUS The Council acknowledged receipt of a letter f om Richard Parrant along with a memo from the City Administrator elative to Mr. Parranto's request for refund of a$750.00 escrow deposit for a planning application. Ayes:3 Nay s : 0 Councilman Mertensotto moved to acknowledge thE the R M. Parranto request for refund of a plant to direct staff to submit copies of the report Mr. Tom Curley, advising them that the matter i the December 20th City Council agenda for fina] Mayor Lockwood seconded the motion. � staff report on �iing escrow and to Mr. Parranto an rill be placed on I. consideration. / . Page No. 1933 December G; 1983 LEXINGTON HEIGHTS The Council acknowledged a proposed resolution APARTMENTS a pu�lic hearing relative to the proposed Lexit ment complex. Administrator Johnson also dist� a Metropolitan Council staff review of. the Cit� revenue bond plan for the proposed pro.ject. Ayes: 3 Nay s : 0 establishing gton Heights Apar ibuted copies,of 's housing Mayor Lockwood also read a letter r.o the Metropolitan Council for his signature con.firming the City's intent to up-date the Comprehensive Plan relating to housing. The C uncilmembers concurred that the letter should be signed and submitted to the Metropolitan Council. Mayor Lockwood moved the adoption of Resolutio "RESOLUTION SETTING PUBLIC HEARINGS AND RATIFY NOTICE THEREOF ON PROPOSALS THAT THE CITY t1MEN MUI�TIFAMILY HOUSING DEVELOPMENT UNDER CHAPT�R HEIGHTS APARTMENT PROJECT" AND THAT THE CITY I FAMILY HOUSING MORTGAGE REVENUE BONDS TO FINAN SAID PROGRAM". Councilwoman GTitt seconded the motion. No. 83-107, G PUBLISHED ITS "PROGRAM FOR 2C - LEXINGTON UE ITS MULTI- A PROJECT UNDER MISCELLANEOUS Assistant City Attorney Tom Hart, updated the C uncil on negotiations for acquisition of the j,Tarnke prop rty and on the status of the Krajniak easement. MENDOTA HEIGHTS Councilwoman Witt moved the adoption of Resolut'on No. 83-108, ROAD VARIAI�ICE "RESOLUTION HOLDING THE STATE OF MINNESOTA HA ESS FOR GRANTING THE CITY OF MENDOTA HEIGHTS A VARIANCE," from t e MSA road width requirement. Mayor Lockwood seconded the motion. Ayes: 3 Nays: 0 HUGHES LOT The Council acknowledged and briefly discussed DIVISION the City Engineer and City Clerk relative to t: Lot 16, Block 1, Ivy Falls West 2nd Addition. that conditional approval of the division had' on July 7, 1981, but that the division had not ` because the conditions had not been met. Coun that the park contribution has been received a easements have been prepared and recorded, sat quirements placed on this division approval. Ayes: 3 Nays: 0 Councilman Mertensotto moved approval of the d: Block 1, Ivy Falls West 2nd Addition, in accorc summary dated November 12, 1980, confirming Coi taken on July 7, 1981. Councilwoman Witt seconded the motion. reports from � division of It was noted een granted been recorded il was advised d the necessary sfying all re- vision of Lot 16, ance with a ncil action `' . MINUTE CORRECTION Ayes: 3 Nays: 0 r � ADJOURN Ayes: 3 Nays: 0 ATTEST: Robert G. Lockwood Mayor � Pa�e No. 1934 December 6, 1983 Mayor Lockwood moved the adoption o.f Resolution No. 83-109, ' "RESOLUTION CORR�CTING MINUTES OF OCTOB�R 18, 1 83 MEGTING", to correct the title of a resolution relating to ingsley Estates improvements. Councilwoman Witt seconded the motion. There being no further business to come before Mayor Lockwood moved that the meeting be adjou Councilwoman Witt seconded the motion. TIME OF ADJOURNMENT: 9:25 o'clock P.M. Kathleen M. Swanson City Clerk Council, - � _ __- t� � N o o i � �--1 �, � � � '�s ��1G �f�1t�.(��rJG_� S�'���.15 R�. �0 1Z"�' � 1'R.o_ F � ��hs���u � _ ���a.«�,a.s �sr, -`-o ��, % co� P, � ..� r ...�sr�Mk-��. ��o �.���. ��,�T �oST T��s -��r�... I M gt-cfl �a� ��L _ -s�+t�� i o � 2 ��.RIa9 �.t�1DfiJG NoJ�-P,��,Z 3or�y �3 � - -�'Z�-MA2K.� '\ � / pT a q ,\ .-- NO�'�.,/�F:O �,07� O�J�� �4z�484 �� 1001�%6� f� 1 1� 1�� NO LIFkIJloE {�YLa�M �hST Mol-� rFF �t2�JF � -�--- I M e 8 i-z --_ �1�!�6-S $ U�`( �-ncj ----5 S,�,S, -- It 1, h �.� 'J �S $21�, 443� — - 2 � .� _ - , 000 70.0 �'d },io c.t+�aaca� �n-c�..� 1.��,T MourN I T k Q��+�. r+-` 'r1+►.T h 11 ��'�.. �.J �-�. o p�-cz t S � a r�R.�T�.o �� -�-,�� p a.�� �.�.T. 'I�eJ,S�o �n� U�7a� D�}�'E - �A'('F_ �+�. �t2t-�( fi�P� 15 ff'{ - 5j-d � F d S�ti � P l) �--1 rJ G � ft.� P� l..F M S. I-4 a+� rL i v c� y-��. � o v�,2 -j-� .Th►J . I'.7l +'� �il f F MC.� w�'�-N M'f�J 90 � A Go � AX.1-_ IJo J� 1 5. �"1 1 X t P (Z �.S u L.�S . 1J c��ry-►t-�-rt. h�T i o,J u,a -�-, � � n n, ,.� c� �. I.t)o2K- .r,J �r��rz.�SS . �s��-rL L��cS �o� 42� °y So a�� � I Dq o00 °4 �O.o � Co►n ���-T�-o, _Cou'`iZAc-To2 S�h2-�-� nlcq o� _ l W h t� M a. �►J S. -F�ns,���.�Y 2�0�.� Co►.,,Y��-�, _���np�. �5 0 � —_ — — w,�� 13� ���z5����. _�Fs�.uis�o.� ���-�-- �iJo ' J hru h rJ c.�s. .. __.. M_�.. �., � o Y h, �--I �. l G�; S .� -� ff��.Y 2 0�� • -- -��G.if.iG�.R1�JG � `J�' P�`T�-'� ��. �a r�T _ `P�.R�oo �.uotsa� ����,��� � ��5.�. �__..�t2o �c. F�Eh516iur`�' �au�R��Ta7-S �Sj� '�'�a n�. % Con,P, __ . � C '�zfir���[�- �to �«� ��j�.j �os� T�+ts �hjc_.. �� �I�.�-Matz.�c.� . —t.�,�_�3_-4_.___ ... __. . - ��=-r�,�R�,� �(aou. — — — �-,, G ,� � ;� c� �`� �''rz�a��c.5i�un,�., c�T-� �Nf�. J�� .�Yc., �, o� ,.�cs o� Z`�-ti `�' b J� �'= Tt�. tto --M��oTa !hs Ro. c� � S�ar�.� s.}�t�ca.«s>.,��_-. �`�' 2�,000 "- _ o Y h4 I 4 �T"rLU,��� cJk ����i�o�J �T Zo2� «� o� T.H 14q " }�.� �'itt F. fu � C�C,�a.�.i A � a �. fi�..+4 g� Y�7 c,� ��-� a�..-� i ��h'��" ' � t� '�2o c.�-s 5 a�- A���-1 rj 1c. '�orL. �cx�,0 �p 5T'�'��- �r1 P�JNOS �a �..av�-Y�.. C�'r"'Y 5 "5 H'Af'� a �—o S , � �-��F � pz1�.. �,.� � w�-�a M� l� o � , — t"�� ao�,.� t� 'o �.T� � h,� a�.a -ra tr�n rz.�. � �1h �� n ti 1 6 4, f " Sfti+-�E... h�. �1 P.Sov.�.. 0 a • . sk� , CITY OF MENDOTA HEIGHTS 'PREASURER'S REPORT - NoKember, 1983 DAKOTA COUNTY STATE BANK Checking Account Savings Account C.D. Due Rev. Sharing Savings Special Police Savings 3-29-84 @ 9.36$ Gen. Fund Spec. Savings TOTAL Collateral - Bonds 300,000.00 Govt. Guar. 100,000.00 CHEROKEE STATE BANK . C.D. Due 1-28-84 @ 9.66� 400,000.00 C.D. Due 1-9-84 @ 9.4� 300,000.00 C.D. Due 12-7-83 @ .625$ 125,000.00 C.D. Due Spec. Park Savings 3-5-84@ 13,952.59 9.56� TOTAL Collateral - Bonds 1,300,000.00 Govt. Guar. 100,000.00 MINNESOTA FEDERAL SAVINGS & LOAN C.D. Due 3-12-84 @ 9.7� Collateral,Govt. Guar. FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF ST. PAUL C.D. Due Collateral - �Bonds ..� Govt. Guar. 100,000.00 U.S. TREASURY BILLS Due 3-24-84 570,000.00 (AM) $521,430.30 3-8-84 655,000,00 (lst) 624,402.77 3-29-84 650,000.00(lst) 630,008.89 5-17-84 425,000.00(lst) 406,611.67 11-1-84 850,000.00(lst) 777,257.71 Balance $118,891.73 360.12 25,000.00 144,251.85 838,952.59 100,000.00 TOTAL FUNDS AVAILABLE: $4,042,915.78 Collateral 400,000.00 1,400,000.00 100,000.00 100,000.00 L. Shaughnessy � MENDOTA H�IGFI'1'S I'IRE llLPAR'I'h1L•'N'1' MONTHLY REPORT Fire Calls Ho. 83-119 Thru 83-132 Number of Calls FIRE ALARMS DISPATCHED 14 Month o� November 19 83 I .. TYPE . N0. STRUCTURE CONTENTS MISC. TOT�LS TO DATE Commercial Residencial 4 300 350 Vehicle Fires 1 500 Contract Fires (All ) 5 3500 Vehicle AcCidents 1$ 300 $ 350 $ 500 Monthl Loss To�als Men Ht s Rescue (no fire) All Fires All Areas 4650. $ Grass, Brush&No Va1ue Men Hgts Only Struct/Contents False Alarm Criminal Men Hg�s Only Miscellaneous False " Commercial 1 Men Hgts Total Loss to Date $ False " Residencial _� B�LLING FOR SERVICE Good Intent Calls _�, Aqency 'This Mont TOTAL CALLS 14 Mn:DOT � LOCATION OF FIRE ALARMS To Date Last Yr. Milw RR Mendota Heights g 105 98 CNW RR ' Mendota ' 4 2 Others Sunfish Lake Lilydale Other TOTAL WORK P'.;RFORMED Fire Calls Meetings Drills Weekly Clean-Up Special Training Administrative Fire Marshal TOTfILS 1 7 7 TOTALS $ 5 15 9 550. 1450. 1200. 33500. 36700.00 2000. 1200. 3200. To Date $ none 1 1 FIRE MARSHAL'S TIME FOR MONTH 14 132 117 Inspections 1.5 Hours To Date Last Yr. Investigations 276 2353 2053 F.ire Calls 28 304 352 . , 56 580 529 Meetings 17 293 263 Drills, Training 12 383 253 Miscellaneous 18 156 210 39 473 431 Total 12.0 7.5 4.0 14.0 39.0 446 4542 4091 Remarks : See other ide of this sheet for monthly s nopsis. . - • . �, �. ;� :, - � , SYNOPSIS OF FIRE CALLS: � The department received 14 calls during the month of November. Four of the calls were �o homes, Qnly ane required extinguishment by members of the de,partment. This call was an November 21, to 1795 Vico�ria, a clothes drier full of clothes caught on fire. The f3ames remained in the drier and were extinguishecl by the first two firefighters on the scene. They userl a hand extinguisher carried on their vehicle. The house wa� vented with clepartment equipment. There was one structure fire in our contract areas. On November 18th we were call- ecl to the Diamand 3im`s complex. A heating contractor was servicing the unit heat- ers when one o£ the uni�s caught fire. The fire traveled inside the duct work and went up into an airconditioner on the raof. The fi.rst firefigh�er on the scene extinguished the fire.with �wo hand extinguishers and the department ventilated the ._:� _ struc�ure. MONTHLY TRAINING SYNOPSTS : The regular twc+ hour session was used to set up a pumping problem �re ci�y wa�.er waulcl not be available. The tanker drop tank was used to supply water ta pumper 2281 which relay pumped to pumper 2287 located 700 feet away. The same drill was perfarmed on the Saturday make-up drill. The special rescue drill was on Monday the 28th. OPTICOM: The new traffic signal systenn at hiways 110/149 was completed during November. i'he new Opticom system for that intersec�i.on was pi.aced in service a� the same time. The system is working very wel]., members of the depar.tment mad.e several runs through the interseetion using the Opticm equipment. They found that they cauld trip the system when they reached Sauth Plaza Drive. � .�. .,�: . t Y FIRE pEPARThtEN'r MON'1'HLY WUItK PERFUf2MANCE hion h OV ,19 3 . Calls�far� - Fire Fire F�r- Clean ' Mot�th= �us. Off'r" Spec O�her Othe r � ���ntih /� Calls Call.s cent � � 1� Meet � Meet Uril� Act'y Act' "ear Total Att'd Att'd Att'u� 'p i�ril� ing ing �tgScu � Date /301 . Month Year Year Hrs / Flrs ,� Hrs I•lrs [irs Hrs Hrs Lero Noack. Ch1e }CX � e4dmi Gene Lange .Asst Ij . .�' iC I�Hrs t. ,7ahn Maczko ' 6 Faul Dreelan 3 b 3 �t -•----- ?c Mike Coanan _ � 7� S/, __� '>c Gox'd Skj erven o 7� f x Ed Adrian r 3 ..-- Fat Knight (`o _ yS' iC � Allen Va].encaur � �/_ `' %� x� i-�— � .v_ � Capt. Steve i Paul Ma� . r� : T 1 P+L Marc Connolly Dick Zwixn _ - ].2�Vi.yG l9Vu�. Ted Husnik 3amie Lerbs 4 .. :. . � . � �����1� III�����IIIIIII�I�� .�-- • - - - ! �� .0 .- - - � •E� ! �• i � • � � � - . - ���1�:#��y�� . - • _ � "' i%2i�� •�� _.. . � !,[%�� ii • • � . �- a i �r. FtunsPerMan .. rer _ MenPer Run Tatal Attende�� Tot. Man Hours i T 's M L M` �. / 3 jg • aa j2, S3.o7 >�. S' x a 12/20/83 CLAIMS LIST CH=CK Q=�I�T� R 4��'CUAT V=i�OC� 40.62 � COAST TO COAST 40.62 * 1 ,206.00 1 ,2C6.00 +►� 2?9.00 239.00 *� 492.44 492.44 *: 25 .0 0 5.00 �C.�O *� 93.44 93.44 *% FC0.00 4�7.70 3Z.20 1C1.50 i ?�.60 1 •500.J0 *. 616.00 516.n0 *.� 95.90 789.66 95.90 3g1 .46 *� 29.42 29 .4 2 * � 1,5C0.00- 2�279.95- 45,SS8.9Z 41 �$1R.97 *i 497.7.7 497.27 • � 480.00 480.U0 �� Z40.OQ •240.00 ; 3►273.C�0 JAMES R H ILL IPJC KZLSBY R03ERTS KRENER SPRG&ALIGfti MAMA C/0 CAROL MANA C/0 CAROL MINN=SDTA EiEARING N�CDYS IAVESTCRS M�CDYS INU�ST�RS MOC�YS IN1itSTORS NOCDYS I�VESTCr�S MOCCYS IhUESTCRS ... LEtNAP.O P;RR0�1 _ � SUBURAANT IRE CO SUEU� 8'A�IT IRE Cv SUEURBt�NT 7RE CO EL�CTR�N�C CNTR�IP�C M&MSE�IERR�NTR M&MSEkt�RBUTR M&MSEWERBMTR MORT01�1 SpLT CO ��H INC AM=R RODYI��OUIP pRN�SGf`1 �l1EL GIL SUC Dept 10-Admin uept 15-Engr 20-Police 30-Fire 40-Code Enfc IT��'�1 DESCRi�TjO`l COFFr c F Ci PROF SV��I83-4 CARBGiI D CN RPR/PARTS� INTL LIT?G�TI C�! SEM 'l984 DUcS PART 304/3�f3 SANOLRS BCAJD KAT;11G BOND P.AT?hG BCNO RATi�\G BCt`J� RA7IAG BONC �ATIhG PLG�iI fvG1 1 /23128�L29 _ T�RES/MTG TIR�S/M7G T:RES�MTC B�CTT�R I= c I.IGU?DAT=� OAMAGES RETAINER 2 83-5 PYMT 2 83-5 S�F�-7 SAIT TRAFFIC COUhT�RS REN�w VESTS REGUL:+R .1-xaa� rsLiuyes } �-Utilities �-Parks �-Planning �-Animal Control n�C�UPT 110. :!�� 01-4490-11Q-10 87-4235-i312-DC� C1-43C5-O50�5? C1-433C-490-70 C1-44G0-1'1 0-1 � '11-44(�4-1)0-10' 0"1-4330-490-5� 16-4 226-Qf�G-ii� 74-4226-f?CO-OJ 74-422h�810-G0� 74-4226-313-Ou r 74-4226-936-GJ �i -4268-5u0-3Cy 01-433a-440-2G C1-433�-440-2J 3�1-4330-44G-?t� C1-43t15-�ZO-2� 74-2 020-000-� �; �74-Z020-U00-G(' 74-4460-813-GO Q1-4421-�50-SO 01-4268-05U-5u C1-441u-020-'L�� , Li-iz�o-000-oo E .� :��GUtiT 1 ,05Q.00 3,3�8.QD 7,710.00 *• ?0.50 56.1 6 50.74- 10.'! 2 25.40 72.44 *,., 3.25 3.25 3.24 9.74 *' 4.60 4.60 *� 2�.76 17.73 7.21 17.52 �3.38 �9.41 '1 49.01 * 11.37 �.10 1.i30 6.73 21.56 4�i.56 *� 74 .1 5 118.65 59.32 2s2.12 *.- C}i�CK K=t:IJT�P. VE ��pC? ART�ES��`d FUEL �IL SVC ARNES O�t F UEL OI L SUC F33,J AUTc� SPLY B&J 4UT�C SPLY 68J AUTC SPLY B&J AUTi9 S?LY B&.f AU7 � SP LY BD NAT�'P. COMMISS3t7�J ED 4JATrR COMMISSIO�! EO 41AT�R COMMISS�Otr' BRONN PH�' � � C?TY MOTC� SUPPLY CTTY MOTC� SUP�LY CITY MOTCP, SUFPLY CITY MOTO� SUPPLY CITY ;NOTC�t SU�P�Y CITY N�TG? S�F�LY CCAST TO COAST CQAST T�0 COAST CCAST TO COAST CCAST TC COA�T COAST TO Ct�AST CCNT�� CR C�7RP C CNT_ [. CR C QRP C ONT� L CR CORP :TEM 0�'��Ri?T:�`d OIES�L "J� LcAD �;UTS/SCR�iJS BMTTcRY R�TA RATTERY �IL FILT WIP�R� aCCGU1!T �`JC. =;�E1 Q1-1210-LO � 01-432t7-02� _� 01-43�75-050-5C � L1-4330-440-2G G1-433C-44Q-2G 01-433Q-490-50 07-433t�-49�'-Sii �;�v SVC r1-4L25-310-5� NGV SVC G1-4425-310-7�'� NOV SUC 15-4425-310-bC FINISHING NISC PAR 7S ANCO KC FILTtr�� BJL'3S B�L3SITOCL P�,RT 501 SCRAPERS WR�NCH/CLAN.G CGRDS M?cC SFLYS LOCK SET t�EC LEASE 0� C LEA�E D�C LtASE 1,183.a0 CAF-LGR�N HQWAP.G dS�C fvCV qtTAIi�t� 4a5.20 DAfLG�cN HOaARD aSSO RE �ISP NAC FR�P �1-43Q5-020-2� C�1-4330-440-2� 01-4330-4b0-3Q G1-4330-49C-SJ G1-433D-49�-SC� C1-433D-490-5Q Ci-433G-49C-7G �1-4305-;�20-2C :�1 -4 3�5-USr-S[: C1 -43u5-07�-7C� G1-43�'S-U70-7� 2�-44�aG-J00-OG 01-4210-�?ZO-2U �1-4210-110-1� 45-4 210-10 5-1 5 G7-42?_1-135-;:. 16-42 20-8(7 2- uu � CHECK REGIST�R AMOUNT _ . _ ..__.__VENOOR_ ___. ____ _ _ ITEM, DESCRI�T�fltu ,SE8.20 *� _�8._0{l_ _ __ __DAVI.S,....ELECT.RONIC__SNC PARTS 58.03 DAVIS ELECTRONIC SVC REPAIR/PaRTS 23,79 DAVIS ELECTRONIC SVC REPAIR/PARTS ._.20.t7i1. .._.. _0�1VIS ._ELECT$ONI_C. SVC_____ RE.PAIR ONLY . _. 1 19 . �i 2 *� . 805.25 OICTAPHONE C�RP. DICTAMITE/TRANS 8 CS_.2 � _*... . _ - - ------ --� -- -----. _._.� 7.70 ELVIN SA��TY SUPPLY CYL VALVE 7.70 *! ;;CCOU�`JT fdG. _Tt�V� Gi-4330-45G-30t � �1-4330-450-30; ; G1-4330-45D-30 � 01-4330-450-3:J� � ; $ » . . __.._ .. s Qi —4 620-11 0— 7 0 � C1-4330-460-30 � i . 107.7D._...__ _ I.CMA_RC--`-.- -_-_--_----.._ --_0�_F..C�MP11J2.5&12/9DR_ 01-2t�72-�00-00�- 148.06 ICMA RC DEF COMP FRAZ�LL �]-4480-110-1Q; 255.76 :� ° � -- - -. .._... — _ _ �- - - - — --- - -� - — ------_— ._ --- - ---- . ... _ _. .. ._. _. _ . . 875.00 IDS LIFE �NS CO DtC ANNUITY 01-2Q72-0�0—�JO ' 875.00 */` • 'f 50.0,0 _, . _.. _.__I�1�T.�TUTIDNAL .SALES__ __ __ .__SECY. CHA IR 165.00 INSTITUTIONAL SALES EXEC SWI1tEL CNAIR 315.Q0 *� ' 22.Q0 _ _._ _. __KISH�_L ED�iAR.O 3.52 KISHEL �DNARD .�8 KISHEI EONARD .88 .- --. K�SH�L _.ED4IARD 27 .28 *� 1.7b KNUTH TON 5.72 ic�l,'T}� TON 60.94 KNUTHTTOM 68.42 *i --.- .M_I T H R U 1�/ 1_ 2-- MI THRU 12/6 MI THRU 72/6 MI THRU �2/6 MIO TTHRI: 12/14 MI THP.0 12/14 _ . �.-MI THRU 12/i 4 1.76 KULLANO�R GUY __ ._, _ MI THRU 1Z/9 15.18 KULLANOER GUY MI THRU 12�9 16.94 * � �1-4b00-910—iQ ' . ..Ci-4b0�-110-1G . . . 05-4415-1_Q5_-_15, 74-4415-813-00 74-4�.15-936-�Q 91-4415-817—OQi . - ; �5-4415—i05-15 16-4415-85C-04 � 74—�4415-813—D0� _ OS-4415-1i75-15� 74-4 41 S— 81 3—DD �� « � CH*_CK REGIST�R ' 3MOUNT_ _ _ . VENDO� • _._ iTEM DE�C'?IPTiON 8.50 Lc£F BROS TNC - --,_8.50 -- ----LEEF.._H�OS INC $.50 LEEF BRO� INC 25.50 �- � ___ACCOU"iT _N0. :Z�� NOV SVC 01-4335-OSO-S�� � _ NCV SVC __ _,_�1-4_335-070-7:� _ . ._ - -- � ---- -- NOV SUC 15-4335-060-b.t i ,0�1..�_3 _-. ----. __LOGI.S.__._.__.- -- -------- NOV_ SVC . ._ . -- - .-.----�1-42�14-11.0-1.[ 130.57 LCCIS NOV SVC 15-4214-060-6[ �,272.3U *r . - -._b14.50 - _--.—.._M�DCEhTFR�.,HP _--._.---. DtC INS1�/H .- ---. _. _._.. ._._0.1_-2_C74-000-0L 725.D5 MEOCENI`ERS f�P OEC PREM 01-4245-020-2[ 352.05 MEDCENTERS HP Dc"CPREM 01-4245-021-2f _. . 438.55 . _.._�EDC.EhTERS HP _ _. _ ._ O�C PREM __. _ ._.(l..'L-4245-050-5:i 224.10 MEDCEkT�ERS �P JcC PREM 01-4245-070-7{ 4;7.10 MEDCENT�RS HP Dc"C PREM 01-4245-i10-1C - ----- �40,.00--------..__._.1''�R���lTE.RS_+�P___. _.... .._._..__. __NOV/DECP��M_FRAZEL.L- -----.01-44K0-1_i.0-1[ 472.05 MEDCENTERS HP DEC PREM �5-4245-105-1' 1?S.flO MEDCENTERS NP D�C PRcM 15-4245-O60-bt 3 a b_�8 .4_0 ..*' . _. _ - ---- -�--� - --� - -----�- ._ . __ _._..... ___ _. ...- -- . ._. _ . . . � - �-� - - � ---- -- _--- --- - - _ �__ �. ___...--- - - �- -- 13.33 MEND H6TS RUBBISH , i3.33 MEi�D HGTS RU88I SH _ 15.'00 . .. _Mcf1(�_.#lGTS. RUBBISH _ 13.34 M�ND �iGTS RU88I SH 55.�70 *_ - ___ ---- - --- ----� ---�---- --___..._..----_ _ . NOUSVC 01-4280-310-5;. NOV SVC D1-42 EO-31 0-7( NG�V _SVC _ ._ ... _. . __.___.U1-4280-31 5-3.t �OW SUC 15-4280-3i 0-6T S�.ip0.00 .._ .._ _.METR�_.�AST� CONTROL___... __NOV. SAC_�HGS __ , . _ _ 01-4448-110-iC 51.OU- METRO NASTE CONTROL 1X ADMIN FEE 15-3320-d3L'0-U� 5,049.00 �'� _ 58,90 NID C�NTRAL FIRE_INC. AMKUS OIL.�CAPS....._. ... _ Q1-43�5-03D-3� 58 . 9 0 *-�' 54.64 MINN DEPT OF REV NGV FUEL TAX 54 . 6 4 +�•�' . . - - - - - -. _ . _ . . �• 100.20 MINN FTRE INC ABC PO�IDER �5.00_____ _ ___MINN FIRE INC ..__ __ _.,.�_ DRY CHEN 1 25.20 *,- � fl1-432�De050-St 01-43Q5-0- 3� _ _ 01-43D5-0�_ 3C . . .. . . .. . . .. ____. . . . . . . _ . . i. .. . ; CHECK R�GISTiR AM�U�T __ _ _VENOOR _ ______ ITEM DESCnIi'7TON ACCOU�.T tVO. I�JU. � 149 .25 ___ _ _.. MINH...7EAMSTER-LDC32D_ . _DEC DUES . fl1-2U75-0�0-Q� � 'l41.25 � - - - - - �- - -- - ---- _ __ ___.- - - -- --- --.� � __. _ _ _ _ _ .. -- 283.76 I�ORTHERN ST P��ER CO DEC SVC 01-4217-3i�0-50 187.48 ,-_---..._ .I�QRTHERN_ST_ P_OkER_ CC _. .__ DEC SVC . 01-4291-310-5Q ;.. 187.47 KORTF�ERN ST POwER C� DEC SVC C1-4211-3�0-7G _ '�0.47 NORTHERN ST POUER Cfl DEC SVC 01-4211-315-30 _ 33..59 ____ __ AORTf��RN ST P�WER-C.0 .-------DEC. SVC- -- --____ ._ . .. --. - _G1_-4_211_-320-74_# 172.90 ItiORTH�RN ST PO�iER C� DEC S11C 01-421'1-420-50 • R20.�4 NOR7HERN ST POWER CO DEC SVC 01-4212-370-54 � S2Q.�15_ .. . .fi:.�RT.tiE�N_�ST._.P_C��E�? CC .____._D_EC SVC_._. __. ...__. _ . . ..C1-4212-31.D-7L�.� 9p5.3$ �OR7HERN ST POWER LO DEC SVC 01-4212-315-30- 72.59 NOR7HER�N ST POiJER CO DEC SVC (11-4212-320-70 187.48 --`----.AORTH_RN ST__POiiER_._CO ___,DEC _SVC_. _. _.__.----. -- -15-4211_-310-60 ,- 246.89 �ORTHEfiN ST PC�tER �C DEC SUC 15-4211-4.D0-6Q = 820.04 NORTHERN ST POHER CO DEC SVC 15-42�2-310-60 4 � 8 2 8 . 0 fi_...*� - - •, -- -- --�--- �- -- -- ---------- �---- --- � - - -�-- - � - -- - .� _ : - - �--- --- - - - ---�--------- --- ._..---_. _ --------- --- - - - � --__. .._. . _. _._�- 53.85 NORTHIIESTERN B�'LL DEC SVC 01-42'10-OZO-20 T 27.94 NORTI�WESTERN BEIL DEC SYC C1-4210-050-5C�' --�..7_•93.---- .. __._�C�TH�I�ST_�R_J�._��LL--- . ----._.. DEC SUC _._..._._ _._ . ._ _ .. Oi-421D-070-70 ; 20.67 NOR7HI�ESTERN B�'LL DEC SVC 01-4210-3'15-3Q i9.50 NORTFI1dESTERN BrI.L DEC SVC OS-4210-105-15 _ 293.68 __ ___. _ NORTH,Ir1ES.T�RN_EIEIL ..._... _._.__ _DtC SVC____________ ___, _ . 15-421_0-i760-b0 , 443.57 *�- ' 17?'.00 OSWALO FIR£ HOSE HOSE RPRS 1 7i3.00 *� 16.02 CXYGEI� SERUICE CO OXY 3.75 _. Ox_YGFA SERVICE_ CO ___ _____.DEMURRAGE_THr.Z..l, 1 i1'!S 19.77 *_. 5.76 S&T OFFICE �ROD RBR B�ND� .. 5 . 7 6 *�-- - - - - - -� - - -- - -- _. _ .._ ._.. _ 175.Ofl SAiELLYTE INDUST INC � '!/2 D�ST SAT 175.00 *� " i ,4�'0.00 _ .. _SHAUGFiNESSY L E JR. ,.._ KCV__.TIME __ __ .__ 1,460.D0 *�� 01-4330-4b0-3G 7 -- . _. p1-43C�5-030-3G �1 01-43�5-05�-50;2 � i , -- - � 01-43Q0-110-10#7 - - - - -� � 3 E ._ �, J1-4200—b10-70;4 . � x 1 oi-4z�o—i32—ia� . : ; 1 4MOUNT CH�.CK REC?ST�R i _ . V�'N04R _ _ _ ,_ . .ITEM OESCRIFTION A.CCOUn.T NC. IA:b . _28.10 ._ SNIELOS .GqSBELECTRT.� ,..._. SVC CQ.LL _ FURN _ _ _ G1-4335-31� ,fl 28.10 SHIELOS GASb;�L�CTR�C SVC CALL FUR�1 01-4335-310-70 � 28.10 �NIELDS GAS&ELECTRIC SVC CALL FURN 15-4335-310-6G 84.30 *: ...__.._ .._..__ ..._._ ._..._. -- -.- - . .- -._._�_ . . _ _ ..--.--_ . 100.00 SHIELY J L CO CONV BELT?NG J�-43Q5-O50-50 ' 62.28 SHIELY J L CO FILL SA �C C'1-4422-OSC-SO ' - - '162.2$--'-=- ..-- - �- -.._ _ _ _ ._.._ .._ _ _- - -- --..�-- -- �------------- - ---� - ------ - -- -_. . --�- --_ . .__.... _ _ _ . __ 8.90 � SNYOER DRUG STORES SCRAPtR 01-4305-050-5G 8.90 */ . _ 1 ,9�.b.1 6 ___..._. . _. ST _TRE�.�_r ERA. -.---.- - P£RA _�i!#t 12/9P.R 1•173.12 ST TREAS P�RA 12l9PERA 491.70 ST TRE.4S P�RA 12//9PERd 16.45 ST TREAS P�RA 1Z�9P�RA -- - - -51.3b- --- �- -�- ST T�tEAS pLRq-__._--.--._--______"12/9PERA 20b.13 Si TREAS PERA 72/9PERA --_117.64.__-.---•---_--._ST_TRE9.S _PE.RA - .----- ------. 12/9PERA.- 31b.02 ST TREAS PERA 1219 PERA 3�5.72 ST TR�AS PERA 12/9PERA 7Z.16 Si TR�AS ?ERA 12/9P�RA - - - -- --_._ ---- -- ---- -_ ___�_ .__.._---� . 4 � 6 � 6 .4 5 �.,.�. --- -�- - •--- -- - - - � - � - � - 4.81 _ 10_. 5 4-. - - 9.33 10.46 . ... 11 . 5 2 _._ 10.68 14.61 71.95 *i SUN NEUSPAPERS RP7 NOT - S U N. (V E.4�I S F.4 P E R S ------, __ _. . 0 R D_2 0- i- -- -- - -, SUfV NcWSPAPERS CRD204 SUN NE�iS��PERS aRDZD2 _SUh _�l�WSFAPERS _ _ _____. __. ORD203 __. SUlV NEWSFAPERS PUB HRG LEX HGT SUN NE4�SFAPERS HRG NOT LEX HGT 188.90 UNIFORMS UNLIMITED 124.90 UNIFORMS UNLIMITED - - 313 . R 0- -�"f - - ------ - 34 �944.25 _ . A�2.11 1 �88�i.00 1 �Z10.92- --- 25.29 21 .56 --. _.Qi-Z062-0�0-0� C1-4 406-tJ20-2C 01-4406-02i-20 G7 -440b-030-30 G�-4405-040-4G 01-44a6-O50-50 __ 01-4406-070- 'fl _, 01-44G6-711 ) G5-4406-105-�5 15-44Jb-ObO-b� Q1-4240-110-1L� - -- ---01-42 40.-1 1 0-1 � _ 01-42 40-1 10-1 D 01-424Q-110-10 . ._ 07 -42 40-1 i 0-10 z1-4240-000-00 21-4240-000-OG MISC EiLACKF��LNER 01-4410-020-20 MISC ANOERSOPJ 01-4410-020-20 _.._ _ FUNO 01 TOTAL GENERAL FtlND _. _ _._._ FUN�J OS TOTAL EPJGR EN7ERr'RISt FUND 15 TOTAL SEWER UTIIITY FUND._ 1�_TOTAL_. ___. ___,...____ TAX _,Il�1CR EMENT D.I SiRIC T_ FUND �1, TOTAL � i�lDUSTRI1lL D�VELOPM�NT FUND 23 7QTaL CABLE 711 FR,��CHIS� . _ ._ .__._ _... ._..._,� __. .. .r __ _ _._ ... .._ .�_ _ . . . _ .. ... _ . __ - -- - -. ..._ . _... ,. CH�'CK R Er, IS T�R _ oM�U�IT __ _ _ ._ .__._Uc.NOCR _.__ _ ITEM U�SCRIP7IO�J _ _ aCCJUf�T NQ. Ii`� . 42�599.49 FUND 74 TOTAI I78-4/b-79-4/8IE'1-1 ` 1,206.00 _._ _... .FUNQ_87_TOTAl.--.—.- - ;83-4_GRYC._EROJ__.--_ _-- -.___.._ _..____.__...__ > ` .88 FUNQ 91 TOTAL I83—BMWCC SUR IMP MEi�D � _ 82.�.778.50-�----�--------TGTAL------_. __ - __ .-- ---' - - ' �• � — - -..._ ._ ...__ _ - ------ - - - ,—... --- - - _. _ -- - - -� �- �-� - ��- MANUAL CHECKS 10401 1,189.56 Wm Strub Refund escrow balance. _ __.,_ .__ ,_ .______,__,___ _ _.�_ ---. -�.. _- - --- � - � - --� ---._ ___.__.�.-� - - - � - - - �- ---- 10405 500.00 US Post Ofc Refill postage meter = 10406 6,009.31 Comm Rev SIT W/H 11/25&12/9 PR i 1040? _ _ 4,697.98 ___ St Treas_PERA, PERA.PR_,11/25. -- _• _-. - --_ •- --._.._..._..----.. _.__ __..._:.. 10408 v 5,829.17 Dir Int Rev FIT W/H 12/9 PR 10409 9,917.63 City MH Pr Net Payroll FD 11/30 � 104�Z0 50. 00 Dak Cty St Bk_ Payroll_ded 12 , 9_ __ _,__._.__. __ __ __ __ - - • --- - --•--•- . __ __--• — -- - � - - - - - - - --•- -- - -- 10411 200.00 �" " 10412 847.75 St Cap Cr Un " - 10413 22,358_l9__ .__.City Mh_ PR _Net Payroll__p/e 12/9 _ . _ _. ___._,...__ __.._. _. __ : . __. _ . . � - ---- - --�--- ------ --- -- ----- _.__. _ _._. _.. _ _ . _ _-- - - - --- - .. .- - -- - - �--�--- 51,598.69 ^ . - - _ __._..__.__ ._�.--- - -- -- .. _. .---- - ----- - ------ - - - - - - -- _ _ ._ ___..._-- -- �--� GT $ 134,377.19 - - - - - - ---- ---- - - . . _. _. _ _ . _ _ .. _.- -•- - --.. . - - - - `- - - ------- - - ----... __._ �_ -----• - - • -- • - - --- . .. . _ _ . _} . i . _ -- �-------. ..._.. _ .. . _.. _._ ... . _ _.....-- -.._ .___ �____.__._.. _ _ _. _. --- ..._--- --� -- � a � a Y _- "�"' _ �' �. . . . � i L � � 1983 CONTRACTOR`S LICENSES TO BE APPROVED BY CITY COUNCIL ON DECEr American Aluminum Products, Inc. A. Deutsch Masonry, Iric. Hess Company Langenfeld Masonry McDonald Homes Theissen-Nonnemacher, Inc. 0 General Contract Masonry License General Contract Masonry License General Contract General Contract ER 20, 1983 r's License r's License r's License r's License � LIST OF 1984 CONTRACTORS TO BE APPROVED BY CITY COUNCIL ON DECEMB�� 20, 1983 Air Comfort, Inc. Al1an Heating and Air Conditioning, I�ic. Ames Construction, Inc. Andretta Brothers Lawrence Signs, Inc. Befort Roof ing, Inc . The Birch Company The Birch Company Boehm Heating Company Carl Bolander and Sons Company Como Specialty Company Da ily & Son Blacktopping Co., Inc. Eagle Fire Protection Company East Central Builders Gilbert Hamm Construction Company Harvey Homes, Inc. Hogar Construction Company JHL Construction Jedneak Construction Company A. Kam ish and Sons, Inc. Steve Kroiss and Sons, Inc. Minnesota Exteriors, Inc. Northeast Sheet Metal Northeast Sheet Metal James Peters Excavating Ralph's Plumbing, Inc. Sapletal Construction Sun Formations, Inc. Theisen-Fischer, Inc. Tilsen Homes, Inc. Twin City Storm Sash Company Viking Automatic Sprinkler Company Wayne Construction Weierke Trenching and Excavating Company Zanmiller's Heating & Aii C Heat ing & Air C Excavating Lice Masonry License Sign Erection L General Contrac Gas Piping Lice Heating & Air C Gas Piping Lice Exc ava t ing ;;L"ic e Heat ing & Air C Asphaltic/Concr General Contrac General Contrac General Contrac General Contrac General Contrac General Contrac Masonry License Excavating Lice General'Contrac General Contrac Gas Piping Lice Heating and Air Excavating Lice Excavating Lice General Contrac General Contrac Masonry License General Contrac General Contrac General Contrac Masonry License Excavating Lice Gas Piping Lice itioning License itioning License e ense r's License e ditioning License e e d it ioning Lic ens e e License r`s License r's License r's License r's License r's License r's License e r's License r's License e itioning Licensi e e r's License r's License r's License r's License r's License se se � Exhibit A NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING ON AN AMENDED PROGRAM F4R MULTIFAMILY HOUSING DEVELOPMENT UNDER CHAPTER 462C - LEXII�GTC}N F3EIGFiTS APARTMENT PROJECT CITY OF MENDQTA HEIGHTS, MINNESOTA � NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the City Counca.l of th o£ Mendo�a Heiqhts, Minnesota {the "City"} will m Tuesday, December 20, 1983, at 7:30 o'c].ock P.M. a� th Hall, 754 South Plaza Drive, in Mendota FIeights, Minn for the purpose of conducting a public hearing on a pr that the Ci�.y amend its "Pragram €or Multifami].y H Development Under Chapter 462G - Lexington Heights ciates Apartment Project" sa as to substitute Lex: Heights Associates, a Minnesota limiterl partnershz.p Developer and as to certain other matters. , � City �t on � City 'SO'�c"i r �posal ,using Asso- . ng �on s tiie All persons interested may appear and be heard t the time ana place set forth abave, or may file written co ments with the City Clerk between the hours of 9:00 A.M. an 4:p0 P.M., Monday through Friday priar to the date af the hearing set �orth above. BY ORDER OF THE CITY C Ka�.hleen Swanson Ci�y Clerk IL N �. Exhibit B NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING ON THE ISSUANCE QF HOU�ING MORTGAGE REVENUE UNDER MINNESOTA STATUTES� CHAPTER 462C CITY OF MENDOTA HEIGHTS, MINNESOTA NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the City Caunci.l of th of Menc3ota Heights, Minnesota {the "City"} will mf Tuesday, December 20, 1983, a� 7:30 o'clock P.M., � City Hall, 750 South Plaza Drive, in Menda�a xeightsf sota, for the purpose o� aonducting a public hearin� proposal that the City issue its Eiousing Mortgage R Bands pursuant to Minnesota Sta�utes, Chap�er 4b� finance a portion of the cost of a proposed apartment ect. The proposed project will consist o� the dGt�tI1S construction and equiping o� 225 apartments uni.ts by L ton Heights Associates Limited Partnership. The p will be located a� 2300 Sou�h Lexington Avenue i City. The aqgregate principal amount of �he propose issue is expected to be $1I,,000,000. The bands sh� limited obligations af the City and the bands and in thereon shall. be payable so7.ely from the revenue pled the payment �hereof, except that such bonds may be s by a mortgage and ar other encumbrance on the projec� holder of any such bands shall ever have the right to any exercise af the taxing power of the City to p< bonds or the interest thereon, nor to enforce p against any property of �he City except the project. � City et an t �he iinne- on a �venue :, to proj- .tian, �x ing- �aject � the bond 11 be :erest ed to �cured . No :ompel y the ivment All persons interested may appear and be heard t�he t�.me anr3 place set forth above, or may file written co ents with �he Gity Clerk between the hours of 9:00 A.M. an 4:00 P.M., Mc�nday through Friday prior to the date of the h+earing set farth above. I BY ORDER OF THE CITY Kathleen Swanson Ci�.y Cl.erk IL � _. CITY OF MGNDOTA HEIGH'1'S DAKOTA COUNTY, MINNESOTA RESOLUTION N0. 83- A RESOLUTION APPROVING AND ADOPTING AN AM MENT TO THE PROGRAM FOR MULTIFAMILY HOU DEVELOPNiENT UNDER CHAPTER 462C - LEXIN HEIGHTS APARTNIENT PROJECT, A PROGRAM FINANCE THE COST OF A MULTIFAMILY HOUSING VELOPMF:NT PROJECT, TO BE DEVELOPED BY LEXIN HEIGtiTS ASSOCIATES LIMITED PARTNERSHIP WHEREAS, the City of Mendota Heights, Minnes "City") is authorized, pursuant to Minnesota Statutf Chapter 462C (the "Housing Act") to develop and ac multifamily housing programs pursuant to a Housi which may be financed by the issuance of housing bonds of the City; and " 1D- CNG "ON TO )E - ' ON ta (the �, 1982, ninister g Plan, revenue WHEREAS, the City has adopted the City of Mendota Heights Housing Plan (the "Housing Plan") after public hearing thereon and review and comment by the Metr politan Council pursuant to and in conformance with the pr visions of the Housing Act; and WHEREAS, the City has previously adopted a mul ifamily housing revenue bond program entitled "Program fo Multi- family Housing Development Under Chapter 462C - L xington Heights Apartlnent Project" and has submitted such pr gram to the Minnesota Housing Finance Agency for review and pproval pursuant to and in conformance with the Housing Act; and WHEREAS, the City wishes to amend the program to substi- tute Lexington Heights Associates Limited Partnership, a Minnesota limited partnership, as developer of the Project (as hereinafter defined) and to reflect certain revi ions to the design of the Project (the "Amended Program"); a d WHEREAS, under the Amended Program, the City wi its multifamily housing revenue notes and/or b finance the acquisition, construction a•nd installati approximately two hundred twenty-five (225) unit mul housing development (the "Project") to be develope� and operated by Lexington Heights Associates Limit� nership, a Minnesota limited partnership and to be at 2300 Lexington Avenue in the City; and WHEREAS, the Project will be reserved for rental by persons of low and moderate income, with at : percent of the units held open for occupancy by fam individuals with adjusted gross income not in exce: percent of the median family income estimated by th States Department of Fiousing and Urban Development .l issue �nds to �n of an :ifamily , owned d Part- located in part east 20 lies or s of 80 � United for the � � Minneapolis/St.•Paul Standard Metrapolitan Statisti�al Area; and WHEREAS, the Amended Program is i,n conEormance Iwith the provisions of the Housing Act; and �IHEREAS, the City has held a public hearin on the Amended Pragram on December 20, 1983, after at east 15 days' notice thereof published in a newspaper enerally circulating in the City; and WHEREAS, the Council and the staff of the City viewed the Amended Program and believes that the Program will increase the supply in �he City of decE and sanitary residential dwellings at rentals whicr and families of low ant3 maderate income can afford, the Amended Program i� in furtherance af the haus icies o� the City; has re- Amended nt, safe persons and that �ng pol- NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Ca ncil of the City of Mendota Heights, Minnesota: � Sec�ian l. par�. of Exhibit City. The Amended Program, attached her�to as a A, is hereby approved and adopte by the Section 2, The staff of the Ci�y is hereby aL and directed to take all steps necessary and desi proceed to develop the Amended Program and th� f therefor, and to prepare for implementa�ion of the Program at the earliest possible date, provided, that no bonds shal2 be issued puzsuant �o �,he Amen gram un�il (i) the City Council sha].l apprave the and the issuance of bonds there�or, and {ii� a11 n approvals of the Amended Program shall be received Minneso�a Housing Finance Agency. PASSED AND APPROVED this 20th day of December, ATTEST: ' City Clerk KathZeen M. Swanson - 2 - :horized abie ta .nancing Amended �owever, ed Pro- Projec� �cessary rom the 83. Mayor Raber� G. Lockw od CITY CGUNCIL OF THE CITY QF MEND4TA HEIGHTS, MINNESQTA Resolution No. 83- A RE50LUTION OF THE CITY OF N�NDOTA HEIGHTS, DAKO'i COUNTY, MINNESUTA, AUTFiQRIZING THE ISS[iANCE t $11, p00 , Q00 AGGREGATE PRINCIFAL AMOUNT CITY C MENDOTA �iEIGHTS, MINNES{)TA, FiOUSING MORTGAGE REtTE NUE BONDS (LEXINGTON HEIGHTS APARTNiENTS PROJECT) DATED AS OF DECEMBER 1, 1983, AND APPROVING TF FORM AND AUTHORIZING THE EXECUTION QF NECESSAF DQCUMENT� , R E C I T A L S: Wi�EREAS, the Gity of Mendota Heights, Minnesoi '"Issuer") is authorized, pursuant ta Minnesota St 1982, Chapter 452C {�he "xousing Act") to devel administer multifannily housing programs pursuant housing plan, which may be financed by the issuance housa.ng revenue bonds of the City; and WHEREAS, the Issuer has adopted a Hous3.ng Plr "Housing Plan") after public hearing �hereon and rev comment by �he Metropalztan Council pursuant ta and formance with the provision� oE the Housing Act; and WHEREAS, the Issuer has prepared and approc "Amended Program for Multifamily Housing Development Chapter 462C - Lexa.ng�on Heights Apartment Projec� "Program") as a program of the Housing Pl.an �.o finan acquisitian, construction and instal].ation o£ an a� mately 225 unit multifamily rental housing developmen "Proj ect" }, to be located at 2300 �outh Lexington Ave �.he City, to be constructed, owned and operated by Le�+ Heights Associates Limzted Partnership, a Minnesota 1 partnership, and whereas the City Council has approv Pragram; and t {�he tutes, p and to a �f �.he {�he and con- ea an Under " (the ce �he �proxi- t (the nue in ington imited ed the WHEREAS, the Program provides for the Issuer to issue its Multifamily Housing Revenue Bonds (the "Bonds") to pro- vide financing for the acquisition, construction and in- stallation of the Project; and WHEREAS, the Project will be reserved for rental in part by persons of low and moderate income with at least 20 per- cent of the units held open for occupancy by families or individuals with adjusted gross income not in excess of 80 percent of the median family income estimated by the United States Departn►ent of Housing and Urban Development for the Minneapolis/St. Paul Standard Metropolitan Statistical Area; and WHEREAS, the Issuer has conducted a public hearing on the issuance of the Bonds and the Project, after at least fourteen days public notice thereof published in a newspaper of general circulation in the Issuer, at which all parties were provided an opportunity to express their views with respect to the Program and the financing of the Project; and WHEREAS, on the basis of the information received by the Issuer to date, the Issuer has tentatively determined that the Project will increase the supply of decent, safe and sanitary residential dwellings available in the Issuer at rentals which persons and families of low and moderate in- come can afford, and has further determined that financing of the Project pursuant to the Program will be in further- ance of the housing policies of the Issuer; WHEREAS, pursuant to a Regulatory Agreement, the City and the Trustee will cause the B orrower to covenant that it will comply with all requirements of Section 103(b)(4)(A) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1954, as amended, and the regulations thereunder, and with all requirements of the Act and any rules and regulations of the Agency; and WHEREAS, the Issuer proposes to enter into an Indenture of Trust, dated as of December l, 1983 (the "Indenture"), with First Trust Company of Saint Paul (the "Trustee"), to provide, among other things, for the issuance of the City of Mendota Heights, Minnesota, Housing Mortgage Revenue Bonds (Lexington Heights Apartments Project), dated as of December l, 1983, in the aggregate principal amount of $11,000,000 (the "Bonds"), by the Issuer, and the Issuer and the Company have proposed to enter into a Loan Agreement, dated as of December l, 1983 (the "Agreement"), so as to, among other things, loan the proceeds of the Bonds to the Company to be used to acquire, construct and install the Project; and the Company and First National Bank of Saint Paul (the "Bank") have proposed to enter into a Standby Letter of Credit and - 2 - Reimbursement Agreement, dated as of December l, 198' "Reimbursement Agreement"), relating to repayments of drawn under the Letter of Credit (as hereinafter de} and the Company and the Trustee have proposed to entE a First Combination Mortgage, Security Agreement and F Financing Statement, dated as of December 1, 198: "Mortgage"), so as to secure the performance of th pany's obligations under the Agreement, and the Comp� the Trustee have proposed to enter into a First Assi of Rents and Leases, dated as of December 1, 198 "Assignment"), whereby the Company assigns, grant transfers to the Trustee all of the Company's right, and interest in and to any present and future leas rents or agreements covering all or any part of the F as further security for the payment of the principal interest on the Bonds and the performance of the Con obligations under the Agreement; and the Issuer, th pany, the Trustee and Universal Title Company, as dist agent, propose to enter into a Disbursing Agreement, as of December l, 1983 (the "Disbursing Agreement"), F the Bond proceeds will be disbursed to the Company; a Issuer, the Trustee and the Company propose to enter Regulatory Agreement, dated as of December l, 198: "Regulatory Agreement"), which assures compliance wi requi•rements of Section 103 (b) (4) (A) of the Internal F Code of 1954, as amended (the "Code") and Minnesota 1� WHEREAS, the Bonds issued under the Indenture w secured by a pledge and assignment of the loan repayme be paid to the Issuer by the Company as required Agreement (the "Loan Repayments") and other revenues d by the Issuer from the Project and the Issuer's right cept certain rights as to indemnification and reimbur of expenses) under the Agreement and the Mortgaged Pr under the Mortgage (the "Mortgaged Property"), and, pu to the Assignment, all present and future leases, rent profits of the Project, and the principal of and inter the Bonds shall be payable solely from the revenues p therefor, and the Bonds shall not constitute a debt Issuer within the meaning of any constitutional or sta limitation nor shall constitute or give rise to a pec liability of the Issuer or a charge against the Is general credit or taxing powers and shall not consti charge, lien or encumbrance, legal or equitable, up� property of the Issuer other than its interest in said ect; and � WHEREAS, under the Agreement, the Company is to the Issuer sufficient moneys each year to pay the pri of and interest on the Bonds issued to finance the Pr and the Company is to provide the cost of maintainin� Project in good repair, the cost of keeping the P properly insured and any payments required for taxes; - 3 - 3 (the moneys �ined) ; �r into 'ixture 3 (the e Com- .ny and gnment 3 (the .s and title es and roj ect of and �pany' s e Com- �ursing dated �hereby nd the into a 3 (the th . all ,evenue 'w; and 11 be �ts to y the �rived � (ex- ;ement ►perty �suant � , and �st on .edged f the .utory �niary �uer' s ute a n any Proj- ay to cipal ject, said oject nd WHEREAS, as an inducement to Juran & Moody, In "Original Purchaser"), in Minneapolis, Minnesota, i chase the Bonds, there has been issued an Irre Standby L etter of Credit, dated as of December 1, 19 "Letter of Credit"), by the Bank, in f avor of the T to secure payment of the principal of and up to 28 interest on the Bonds (less moneys on deposit wi Trustee in the Reserve Fund created under the Indentu . (the o pur- �ocable 33 (the :ustee, � days' th the :e); NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COU�TCIL OF THE CITY OF NIENDOTA HEIGHTS, MINNESOTA, THAT: � Section 1. The loan to the Company under the Ag eement to finance the acquisition, construction and installation of the Project be and the same is hereby authorized. Section 2. For the purpose of financing the cost acquisition, construction and installation of the P there is hereby authorized the issuance of the $11, aggregate principal amount City of Mendota Heights, sota, Housing Mortgage Revenue Bonds (Lexington Apartments Project), dated as of December l, 1983 Bonds shall be issued in fully registered form, shal such denominations, shall bear interest, shall be nu shall be dated, shall mature, shall be in such fc shall have such other details and provisions as ai scribed by the Indenture. The Bonds shall have � maturity date of December 1, 2006. Section 3. The Bonds shall be special obligat' the Issuer, payable solely from the revenues received Issuer from the Agreement, in the manner provided Indenture. As security for the payment of the princ and interest on the Bonds, pro rata and without pre of any one Bond over any other Bond, the City Council Issuer hereby authorizes and directs the Mayor to e and the City Clerk to attest under the corporate seal Issuer, the Indenture and to deliver to the Trust Indenture and does hereby authorize and direct the ex� of the Bonds by the facsimile signatures of the Ma� the City Clerk and the affixing of the corporat thereon and does hereby provide that the Indenture provide the terms and conditions, covenants, rights, � tions, duties and agreements of the holders of the the Issuer and the Trustee as set forth therein. All of the provisions of the Indenture, when e: and delivered as authorized herein, shall be deemed i part of this Resolution as fully and to the same exi if incorporated verbatim herein and shall be in ful] and effect from the date of execution and di ' - 4 - of the oject, 00,000 Minne- eights The be in bered, rm and � pre- final ons of by the in the pal of 'erence of the :ecute, of the �e the �cution or and � seal shall �bliga- Bonds, ecuted o be a ent as force livery N thereof. The Indenture shall be substantially in t on file in the office of the City Clerk with such ne and appropriate variations, omissions and inserti permitted or required or as the Mayor, in his disc shall determine, and the execution thereof by the shall be conclusive evidence of such determination. Section 4. The Mayor and the City Clerk are authorized and directed to execute, attest and deli� Agreement, the Disbursing Agreement and the Regi Agreement. All of the provisions of the Agreemen Disbursing Agreement and the Regulatory Agreement, wh� cuted and delivered as authorized herein, shall be de� be a part of this Resolution as fully and to the same as if incorporated verbatim herein and shall be i force and effect from the date of execution and d� thereof. The� Agreement, the Disbursing Agreement � Regulatory Agreement shall be substantially in the fc file in the office of the City Clerk with such necess� appropriate variations, omissions and insertions a mitted or required or as the Mayor, in his discretion, determine, and the execution thereof by the Mayor st conclusive evidence of such determination. Section 5. All covenants, stipulations, obligati< agreements of the Issuer contained in this resoluti contained in the Indenture, the Agreement the Disk Agreement and the Regulatory Agreement shall be deeme� the covenants, stipulations, obligations and agreeme the Issuer to the full extent authorized or permit law, and all such covenants, stipulations, obligatic agreements shall be binding upon the Issuer. Exc otherwise provided in this Resolution, all rights, and privileges conferred and duties and liabilities � upon the Issuer or the City Council thereof by the sions of this resolution or the Indenture, the AgrE the Disbursing Agreement or the Regulatory Agreement be exercised or perf ormed by the Issuer or by such n of the City Council or by such officers, board, b� agency thereof as may be required by law to exercis powers and to perform such duties. No covenant, stipulation, obligation or agreement contained or contained in the Indenture, the Agreeme Disbursing Agreement and the Regulatory Agreement sh deemed to be a covenant, stipulation, obligation or ment of any member of the City Council or any officer, or employee of the Issuer in that person's individual city, and neither the City Council of the Issuer n officer executing the Bonds shall be liable persona the Bonds or be subject to any personal liability countability by reason of the issuance thereof. - 5 - e form ;essary �ns as etion, Mayor hereby er the latory t, the n exe- med to extent 1 full livery nd the rms on ry and > per- shall all be ns and �n and ursing to be zts of �ed by ns and �pt as powers mposed provi- ement, shall embers >dy or � s uch herein nt the all be agree- agent capa- �r any Lly on �r ac- Section 6. 'Excep� as herein otherwise expressl vided, nothing in this Resolutian or in the indentur press or implied, is intended ar shall. be construed Eer upon any person or firm or corparation other th Issuer, �he holders of the Bonds issued under the pro of this Resolution and the Indenture and the Trust righ�, remedy or claim, 1ega1 ar equitable, under reason of tha.s Reso].ution or any provision hereoE or Indenture or any provision thereof; this Resalutio Indenture and a1.1 of their pravisi.ons bei.ng intended anr� being for the so3e and exclusive benefit of the and the holders from time to time of the Bonds issued the pravi.sions of this resalutzon and �he Indenture. Section ?, In case any one or more of the provis: this Resolu�ion, the Indenture, the Agreement, th bursi.ng Agreement, the Regula�ory Agreement ar any Bonds issued hereunder sha�.l for any reasan be hel.d illegal or inva].id, such illegali�y or invalidity shc aff ect any other provi.sion ot this resalutian, �he ture, the Agreement, the Disbursing Agreement, the � tory Agreement or the Bond�, but this Resolution, t denture, the Agreement, the Disbursing Agreement Regulatory Agreement and the Bonds shall be constru endorsed as if such ilZegal or inva].id provision h been contained therein. Secta.on 8. The Bonds sha].]. contaa.n a recital. tt Bands are is�ued pursuant to the Act, and such recita: be conclusive evidence of �he validity of the Bonds < regulari�y of the issuance thereof, and that all act: ditions and things required by the.Constitution and tl of the State relating to the adoption of this Resolut: �he issuance of the Bonds and ta the executzon of t denture, the Agreement, the Disbursing Agreement a Regulatoary Agreement to happen, to exist and to be pe� precedent to and in the enactment o� this Reso].uti preceden� to the issuance of the Bonds and precedent execution of the Indenture, the Agreement, the Disi Agreemen� and the Regulatory Agreement have happen exist and have been performed as sa required by Iaw. Section 9. The officers of the issuer, attornE other agents or employees of �he Issuer are hereby rized to aa all acts and things requi.red of them by connection wa.th this Resolution, �he Tndenture, the ment, the Disbursing Agreement and the Regula�ory Ag. for the £ull, punctual and complete performance of t terms, covenants and agreements cantained in tihe Bonc Indenture, the Agreemen�, the Disbursing Agreement < Regulatory Agreement and this Resolution. � pro- e, ex- o con- n the isions e any nd by of the , the to be Issuer under ons of � Dis- �f �he to be 11 not Inden- egula- �e I n- , the �d and �d not at the shall nd �he , can- e laws on, ta he In- �d the f ormed >n and t4 ��'l� ursing �d, do ys and autho- or in Agree- �eement 11 �he Is, �he nd the . Section 10. The Issuer hereby approves the form of the Official Statement on file in the office of the City Clerk, and hereby ratifies and confirms its use and distribu ion by Juran & Moody, Inc, the Original Purchaser, in con ection with the sale of the Bonds; however, the Issuer makes no representations with respect to and assumes no re�ponsi- bility for the contents of said Official Statement. Section 11. The Trustee is hereby appointed as Agent for the Bonds pursuant to Section 702 of the ture. Paying Inden- Section 12. The Mayor of the Issuer is hereby desig- nated and authorized to act on behalf of the Issuer as the Issuer Representative (as defined in the Agreement). The City Clerk of the Issuer is hereby designated and aut orized to act on behalf of the Issuer as an alternate Issuer Repre- sentative. Section 13. This Resolution shall be in full fo�jce and effect from and after its passage. � Adopted by the City Council on December 20, 1983. [SEAL] ATTEST: City Clerk Kathleen M. Swanson - 7 - Mayor Robert G. Lock ,00d REALTOR� R. M. PARRANTO CO., INC. �i���rr�l - J�Yj�r Xa�aI�,�L 1803 UNIVER$ITY AVENUE. $T. PAUL, MINNESOTA 6b104 TELEPHONE: (81E� 848-E838 December 13, 1983 The Honorable Mayor Members of the City Council City of Mendota Heights Minnesota Gentlemen: n _ SOCIETY OF o REALESTATE APPRAISERS p �" �i .�, � I have received a copy of a memorai dated November 22, 1983 from Orvil J. Johnson, City Admin: trator, this morning. May I apologize to the members of i Council for the amount of their time this matter is takin< I retained an architect to design type building he felt would best utilize the site East of Furniture Company which land would be purchased by me, to with partners. Preliminary plans for an imposing structu presented to the City Planner with a request for variance cause of the size of the structure, we were told by Mr. D that an additional $750.00 would have to be deposited to the Planner's time in analysing the site and building pla total of $1,000 was deposited with the City. i9gs aum s- he Curley ether e were Be- hlgren over s. A We were next asked to delay our re�uest while a new ordinance was submitted to the Planning Depar�ment and City Council for approval. We were told that many ap lica- tions for large buildings in Mendota Heights had been rec ived by the Planner. Mr. Dahlgren felt that it was time for a new ordinance. He did not ask us to pay for that ordinance. He asked for a delay until the ordinance could be drawn. We were next asked to appear befor Planning Commission to discuss our development. We then that we were to appear to request the ordinance. Until t did not know the ordinance was being prepared for us sole When the Planning Commission declined approval of the ord we elected to proceed no further. We did not take the Co time to appeal the Planning Board's decision. Our intere in a building permit, not a new ordinance. the earned en, we Y• nance, ncil's t was We were then billed $120.00 as an verage exp:ense beyond our $1,000 deposit. To date, the plan has not been analysed, considerable time has been consumed and th invest- ers have lost interest. City of Mendota Heights Page 2 Rather than take the council's time in making a personal appearance, I ask you to consider this matter and hope that you will refund the $750.00 spent and waive the $120.00 fee for which I have been billed. These funds were advanced to me by the land owner who's land would benefit from the variance if granted by the Council. The amount advanced would be added to the pur- chase price of the land which sale was contingent upon Council approval. I thank you for your consideration in this matter. Yours very truly, Ric r . arranto 67. rAU{. MPlS. • * MA111N4 OAIftliA 01tNST ■�: � FROM: �D�.0 l; j:�<: . l,t �i li II 'I' � 1 I.; II �►1 �'tJ T' �' •DAKOTA COUfV7Y GOVERNMENT GENTEIZ I5Sp HWY. SS • HASTlNC,S. MINNESOTA 55033 Orvil Jahnson, City Administrator City of Mendota Heights Carol Schultz, Executive Director ��������G�� Dakota County Housir�g d edev�lapment,Authoriiy {423-4800) and Jeff Connell, Director��•-�� /!=",,j._, ,��' Dafcota County's Depa�m r�� of �ys�a3 Planning (g37-Q225� SUBJECT: Execution of Cooperation Agreement for the Dakota County Comnunity Development Block Grant Program DATE: November 29, 1983 We are pleased to announce, an behalf of the Dakota County Board af Commissioners, that with Gongress' recent passage of a Nousing 8i11 on 18, 1983, Dakota County papulation has been recognized as eligible for Caunty to set up an Entitlement Canmunity Development Block Grant (CDBI for the cities and townships in Dakota County. ihis wili provide appr+ $1.3 to $1.6 million each year for a variety of community development-� activities, as r�ay be requested by local governing bodies. A task for� representative from several of the cities and tawnships has been set u� recammend to the County Board how these funds should be distributed, a� there will generally be more dollars requested by various local gavernr available for any 12-month period. A list of the Task Force members i� to this mema for yacsr informatior�. Their first meeting has been schedi December 7th. Up until this time, cities and townships who were interested in securi Community Develapment Block Grant {COBG} f unds had to apply under the petitive Small Cities CDBG program which is now administered by the St many of the cities and townships are aware, competition is fierce for funds and the competitive ranking and rating system limits the kind of ties that are competitive. For example, this year's State Program wi] ortly about $l� millian to award, with at least 150 applicaiions from t the State expected. Fram this number, only abaut 35 are expected to r funding, Clearly, the Dakata Gounty Entitlement Pragram wauld offer y better chance of funding, and would permit many more potentially eligi vities than the State competion allaws. Because the Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD� cannot b; aliow you to submit applicatipns for CDBG funding under both programs, County needs you to execute the attached Coaperation Agreement which e� ac�Cn�wiedges that if you are interested in appl�ing for C08G funds, yoi su mit an applicatt6n under the County program instead of the State. November the �) program fximately �ligible ;e of � to su�ni ng ients than , attached rled for te. As hese activi- hav� roughaut ceive u a much le acti- � law the sentially i wi 11 -2- Application submission is, of course, at your option, but the Cooperation Agreement needs to be executed whether or not you intend to apply for funds. The County must have all the executed Cooperation Agreements by January lst, according to HUD. We apologize for the short notice on this, but trust you will agree that the eligibility of Dakota County as an Entitlement County for CDBG funds will be of great benefit for the cities and townships in Dakota County. We request that this Cooperation Agreement be placed on your December 20, 1983 agenda. Carol Schultz with the Dakota County HRA will be present at your meeting to explain this further and to answer any questions you may have. Thank you for your anticipated cooperation. Attachmentso NOTE TO COUNCIL: � This concept has been "in process" for several years; now Congress has approved it for Dakota County. I strongly suggest that you look for the favorable benefits that can develop from this Program. Recommend that Mayor and Clerk be authorized and directed to execute the Agreement. ' O.J.J. 12-2-83 0 J Dakota County Corrxnunity Development Task Force Members: Name Don Levens Dean Johnson Gerald Stelzel Michael Falk Larry Thompson Richard Kelly Patrick McGarvey Thomas Noban Gary Brown Liz Witt Roger Franzmeier Jeff Connell Representing South St. Paul Rosemount Empire Township Burnsville Farming�on Apple Valley Lakeville West St. Paul Hastings Eagan Coates Dakota County CiK3�"�ER1�T��N AfREEMENT FOR THE DAKt�T� �C}�i�T'f ��liR�l�TY DEICELOPMENT BLOCK �tA�1� PRE�R�M THIS AGREEMENT made and entered into by and between the COUD DAKOTA, State of Minnesata, her�inafter referred ta as °COUNTY" and 1 CITY/70wNSNIP OF , hereinafter reff "COOPERATING COMMUNITY'", said parties to this Agreement each being gc units of the Siate of Minnesota, artd is made pursuant to Minnesota S1 Section 471.59. W i T N E S S E T Ei : �Y OF te �red to as �ernmental �tuteS, WHEREAS, Title I of the Housing and Community Development A t of 1974, as amended, provides far a program af community�development 61ock gr nts; and, WHEREAS, Dakota County, Minnesota qualifies under said law s an "urban county" eligible to receive cammun�ty develppment block grant funds; and, WHEREAS, the County's population, amang�other factars, is a determinant af the eligibility of the County and the amount of resaurces which m y be made available'to the Caunty to undertake activities under the afore-refe enced law; and, ; WHEREAS, part 570, Chapter V of Title 24 af the Cade of Fed ral regula- tions sets forih reguiations gaverning the applicabiiity and use af unds under Title i; and, ll��lS �`�uno� ay� '��H �q p��{s�L4��.sa sg s�uau�a.��nbaa uac���i�.c�.au ���.r sE a�npa�as aiu�s au�. 6u�rno��o� �'�una� ay� o�. �'�.�unu�wo� 6u��.�eaadoo� ayl � po i.�ad uma6a.�d a�a�' aaa -- ` u�. � uaaan� au�. }o pua a�{� �� an ��.�a��.a aq o�. u �o a�i�.� u ua���aM ssa�un poE.zad �up,�6aad .�paf-aaa�� �.uanbasqns ���a �`^�ii �Mt uani6 s� ���u�waa�. .zo� rC� ��� -��.�wo�.np papua�.xa s ��uawaaa6y s� yl � a�pp � an i�.�a��.a au�, o�. �.uanbasqn panaadd� �.unou�e �uea6 ��s�q ay�, ao�. UOt�.P�t�CICIp ay� �'q Paaano� .�E2iC lU2a oad pa�y� a��. �.o Pua a�{�. upy� .�auoos ou 6ui�.Pucw.�a�. pue ` �o ,�gp an ���a�.,�a ay�. uo 6u ��uau�uo� po �aad e ao�. s ��.u�waa.�6ti s i us �n �u.�a� a� � A. "1'he Act" means the Hausing and Com�unity Develapr�ent Act of 197A, Title I, of Public Law 93-383, as amended (42 USC 5301 et se .). B. "Regu3ations" means the ruies and regu3ations promulgated pursuant to the Act, including but not limited to 24 CFR Part 570. C. "NUD" means the Uni�ed Siates Department af Housing and Urban Development. D. "Cooperating Community° means any city or tawnship in Dakota Gounty which has entered into a cooperation agreement which is identical to this Agreernent. , � E. "Dakata County FiRA" means the Hausing and Redevelopment Authority of Dakota County which will pravide administrative services for the County under this program. The regulations contained in 42 USC 5302 of the Act and 24 CFR 570.3 of the Regulations are incarporated herein by reference and made a part hereof, II. PURPOSE The Cooperating Community and the County have determined that it is desirable and in the interests of its, citizens that the Caunty qualifies as an urban county within the pravisians of the Act. This Agreement contemplates that identical agreements will be exeeuted between the Caunty and other cities and s townships in Dakata Caunty and such numbers will enable the Gounty to sa qualify _ , � � under the Act. � " ' � The purpose of this Agreement is to authorize the Caunty to cooperate with The Cooperating Community in undertaking, or assist in undertaking, various co�nunity develop�tent activities pursuant ta community develapment black grants as autharized in the Act and the Regulations. III. TERM OF AGREEMENT � a -3- provide written notification to The Cooperating Community of the Comn right to "opt out" and terminate this Agreement at least thirty (30) to the "opt out" date. Notwithstanding any other provision of this Agreement, this shall be terminated at the end of any program year during which HUD 4 its designation of Dakota County as an Urban County under the Act. iunity's days prior greement thdraws This Agreement shall be executed by the appropriate officer of The Cooperating Community and the County pursuant to authority granted t em by their respective governing bodies, and a copy of the authorizing resolutio and exe- cuted Agreement shall be filed promptly by The Cooperating Community in the office of the Dakota County HRA Executive Director, and in no event hall the Agreement be filed later than . IV. METHOD The Cooperating Community and County hereby agree that they will cooperate to undertake or assist in undertaking desired community de elopment activities. The County shall prepare and submit to HUD and appropri te reviewing agencies, all necessary applications for a basic grant amo nt under the Act. In making the application, the County shall address the g als and needs of County as developed in meetings between the Community, its itizens and the County, and also addressing the Act and other relevant Minnesota and/or Federal statutes and regulations. The parties agree to cooperate fully in tablishing_priorities and in preparation of the application for au� u� suo��.��n6a� ay� pup ��y ay� �o s�uawaa�nba,� a�q����ddE aay�o �� I��LM pup tiL6i �o ��d �uawdo�anap �'�.�unwwo� pup 6u�snoH ay�. �.o gpj uo���as `g 6TZ �aPaO an��n�ax3 `896T �o �d S�u6�� <<n�� au� �.o IIIA aL��l `ti96t �o ��d S� 6�a <<n�� au� �o I� al��l `696t �o ��ti ���Lod �p�uawuoa�nu3 �euo��pN au� �.o- suo< <noad ay� y��M �'�dwo� o�,suo��.�� paainbaa ��e a��� o� aaa6� �'��En�nw sa��aed au •suo��p�n6a� p�� �.�y ay�. aapun paainbaa s� awo�u� um a6oad 6u��insaa oue slunowe suea6 ��s�a au� �n ��innp C ♦ �� V. SPECIAL PROVISIONS Nothing in this Agreement shall be construed to prevent or.atherwise madify ar abrogate the right of The Cooperating Community or the County ta sub- mit individual applications far discretionary funds in the event Gounty does not receive designation as an urban county entity under the act. The Cooperating Cammunity and the County mutually agree to indemnify and hold harmless each other from any claims, losses, casts, expenses or damages resulting fram the acts or omissions af their respective officers, agents and employees relating to activities conducted by either under this Agreement, the Act ar the Regulations. In the event that there is a revision af the Act and/or Regulations �Nh1Ci1 would make�this Agreement aut of campliance with the Act ar Regulations, both parties wi11 review this Agreement to renegotiate those items necessary ta bring the Agreement into compliance. 8ath parties tanderstand and agree that the refusal to renegoiiate this Agreement will result in the effective termination of the Agreement as of the date ii is no longer in compliance with the Act and/or Regulatians as amended. All funds received by the County under the Act shall be deposited in the County treasury. The Cooperating Cammunity and the County shall maintain financial and other records and accounts in accordance with requirements of the Act and Regulations. 5uch records and accounts will be in such form as to permit ` reports required af the County ta be prepared therefrom and to permit the tracing of grant funds and pragram incame to final expenditure. � . The Cooperating Community and the County agree'to make available all recards and accaunts with respect ta matters cavered by this Agreement at all reasanable times to their respective personnel and duly authorized federal offi- cials. Such records shall be retained as provided by law, but in no event for a period of less than three years from the date of campletion af any activity � funded under the Act or less than three years from the last receipt of program income resulting from activity implementation. The County shall perform all -5- use of basic grant amounts. Nothing in this Article shall be contruei� or abrogate the County's responsibility to assume all obligations of � cant under the�Act, including the development of applications pursuan 570.300 et se . IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties have caused this Agreement t cuted by its duly authorized officers and delivered on its behalf thi of , 19 Upon proper execution this agreement will be legally valid and binding. Assistant County Attorney Date: APPROVED AS TO EXECUTION: County Attorney Date: CITY MUST CHECK ONE: COUNTY OF DAKOTA, STATE OF� : And: to lessen ,n appl i - � to 24 CFR � be exe- day MINNESOTA Chairman of its Countjy Board County Administrator City/Township of (Strike One) By: Its: � CITY OE' MENDOTA HEIGHTS MEMO TO: City Council FROM: OrviI. J. Johnson Ci�y Administrator December 12, 1983 SUBJECT: Cooperative Effor�s Between the School District and Ci�.ies The attached memo from Bruce Anciersan of 5choal District #i97 is self-explanatary. School. District personnel are a�tempting to find a use for the pool/gym complex at �he Grass Junior High. You will note mission statements and the suggested participants. i somewhat future their It would seem that members af Mendota Heights should participate� in this exercise £or two reasons: 1. To become more thoaroughly acquai.nted with the thoughts prevailing amongst School District personnel. 2. To advise the Mendota Heigh�s City Cauncil as to the practicality of fu�ure financing. I wau.ld recammend participation and cooperation an this venture attaahment ,�'nd�endeni Sc�iooC 1�isirict No. �97 I037 Bidme�l S�rc.c t ZUesl St. P���l, M���,resvt�� S51/d' /6/2/ 457- 9575 _,,_.� L' C,. ;� : n �� • . T0: Mr, Tom Hoban, City Manager, West Saint Paul Mr. Orvil Johnson, City Manager, Mendota Heights Mr. Kevin Frazell, City Manager Designate, Mendota Heights FRO�i : DATE: SUBJECT: Bruce R. Anderson, Superintendent of Schools �'�� � � ��j/LG November 30, 1933 Cooperative Efforts Between the School District and Cities Let me thank you again for the spirit of cooperation that you have demonstrated during our first year of working together. In line with ou"r recent discussions, it appears it would be most productive to begin our analysis of greater cooperative efforts by focusing initially on the pool/gym complex at the Grass Junior High complex. Following please find a suggested mission statement for our joint analysis, recommended participants and suggested time line: Mission: Identify program uses for the pool and the gym during the day, evenings and weekends which will meet the communities and school district needs. Identify cost sharing formula for the respective bodies for the pool and gym complex and the results of the application of the formula for the forthcoming year. Suggested Participants: Two elected officials from each group The two city managers and the superintendent A staff person from each body Recommended Timeline: Begin Mission By: Target Date for Conclusion: BRA/lm Peter A. Nasvik, Chainnan Joycc D. Walker, Clcrk Bruc�: L Klughcrz, Treasurr:r January 31, 1984 April 1, 1984 Bruce R. Anclerson, Su��eiintendent u( Schools "WF_ ARE A MEMBER O(-' A.N EQUAL C)PPORT(IP✓l��Y COrv1MU�Vl I'Y" (6) (3) (3) Alice A. De3lauw, ��irector Thomas Ryei,on, Direct<�r Mary Andlei, DiieCtor � ` ` CZTY OF MENDOTA HEIGHTS x • December 7, 1983 T0: City Council FROM: 4rvil J. Johnson City Administrator SUBJECT: City Council Salary Analysa.s At Che time of Che 19$4 budget discussions, some comments were ade concerning adjustment of elected officials salaries. Abaut that sam time, we received an Elected Offi.cials Salary Survey from the Assaciation f Metropoli.tan Murcicipalities. This survey was dated July 21, 1983, a d Iists Che community size, meetings per month, and salar3.es of mayars and c uncil- members ior most of the municipalities in the metro area. We have taken the data for the several Dakota County municipal'ties and tabulated it as shown an the attached salary survey. One bit af additional information has been shown, namely that of the effective ear of the Iast salary increase. You will note that the salaries for Mendota Heights officials the same as in Rosemount and sli�htly higher than those in Inver Gro Other than that, �he salaries in Mendota Heights are cansiderably 1 all the ather communities aver 2Sd0 population in Dakota Caunty. Fur.ther analysis af the information will reveal that: a. The median salary for these communi�ies {excluding Mendota Heights) is; I Mayors: $3,600 annually Councilmembers: 3,400 annually b. The average salary (excluding Mendota Heights) is: Mayors : $3, 702 annuall,y Councilmembers: 2,784 annna�ly Tt wauld seem that a minimum salary shauld at least be: Mayor: $3,Q00 annually Councilmembers: 2,400 annually You may wanC ta can5ider other factors and compa'rables"and arri at same ather rate of. compensation. Heights. r than As you may recall, there is statutory language cancerning incr�ases for cauncilmembers. An excerpt from the League af Minnesota Ci�ies "HandJbook for Statutory Cities" is as follows: � � � . . -.....�-.. . ,. _ . - 2 - _ , ,� _. ." _ ' ,. "This law permits the council to set its salaries at whatever amounts it deems reasonable subject only to the limitation that except for initial salaries immediately after incorporation, a change in salary does not become effective until after the next regular municipal election." As you are aware, the next regular Council election will be conducted in November, 1984. Action on the salary increase sometime in the near future would be appropriate, timely, and in conformance with state statutues. An Ordinance establishing a new rate schedule will be prepared for your consideration and adoption if there is concensus for such. Community App.l.e ��all ev Burnsville Ea�an Farmington Hastings In. Gr. Hts. I.akeville Rosemount So. St. Paul W. St. Paul �Iendota Hts. SALARY SURVEY - ELECTED OFFICIALS Dakota County Communities, Population Over 2500 1980 Number of Regular Population Monthly Meetings Zi,sis 2 35,674 2 20,532 2 4,370 2 12,827 2 17,171 2 14,790 2 5,083 2 21,235 2 18,527 2 7,288 2 Eff.ective Year of Last Increase 1983 .1979 1981 1982 1981 1981 1983 1979 1979 1979 1981 Annual Salary i�avor Counci]. $4,800 4,200 4,800 3,600 � �,.�e-- 3,360 2,640 3,000 2,400 1,980 1,740 4,080 3,060 2,400 1,800 6,000 3,000 3,000 2,400 2,400 1,800 0 � � ^ �ly T0: City Council rt � � CITY OF M�NDOTA HEIGHTS I�l��(�] FROM: Kevin D. Frazell City Administrator Designee SUBJECT: Adoption of Pay Plan INTRODUCTION December 5, 1983 On Tuesday, November 29th, Council met in a workshop to consid proposed compensation plan for the City's non-organized employees. to that review, staff was authorized to prepare the plan for formal adoption. The attached resolutions provide for: 1. Adoption of. an organization chart for the City. 2. Adoption of. a pay plan for non-organized employees. 3. Adoption of salaries and a health insurance contribution non-organized employees for 1984. a bsequent uncil ate for 4. Adoption of retroactive pay adjustments (to July l, 1983) or positions found by the pay study to be in need of adjustme t. 5. Authorization for implementation of the cafeteria approach to payment of cash fringe benefits. Following is a brief discussion of the componenC parts. The r ader should refer to the agenda materials of November 29th £or a more det iled treatment. THE ORGANIZATION CHART At the November 29th workshop, Council reviewed a proposed org nization chart for the City, to be adopted concurrently with the pay plan. T review briefly, the major policy issues included in that chart are: 1. That all department heads and consultants report to the Ci Administrator. 2. That the full-time positions of Police Chief, Public Works Director, and City Clerk would be considered as department heads wit all other employees reporting throu�h them. 3. That the volunteer Fire Chief should also report to the Ci 4. That the police patrol officers should all report to the S� who in turn reports directl.y to the Police Chief.. ry Administrator. �rgeant, - 2 - ------- - � n 5. That the Police Captain is responsible for investigating both criminal and fire cases, and for assisting in the development of departmental �`�y policies, and for acting as Chief in the latter's absence. ' 6. That the administrative clerical and accounting staff should report to the City Clerk. 7. That Public Works have three subdivisions: Engineering, Maintenance, and Code Enforcement. The Code Enforcement Officer previously reported directly to the City Administrator but under the proposal, would report to the Public Works Director. The attached organization chart includes two changes from that seen by Council on November 29th. The position of "Accounting Clerk" has been retitled to "Accountant" and the volunteer firefighters have been included under the Fire Chief. These were inadvertent omissions on the earlier chart, and should have been included. Council approval of attached Resolution No. 83- iA), will accomplish adoption of. the organization chart. THE PAY MATRIX The pay system as proposed, provides for adoption of a twenty-five (25) grade, seven (7) step pay matrix. Each City position, except City Administrator and those in barpaining units, is placed on one of the pay grades. Grade placement was recommended, after comparison to salaries for similar positions in Twin Cities area municipalities,comparison of within City positions to one another for level of difficulty and responsibility, and consideration of other factors. The seven pay steps within each classification grade provide for the salary progression of an employee from entry level to fully trained status. Step ''E", the fifth step, is considered to be the equitable "target" salary for a fully trained, competent employee. Steps F and G are reserved for possible future merit pay. The normal sa.lary progression would be: , Step A- Beginning, at minimum qualifications. Step B- Six months, end of probation. Step C- One year anniversary. Step D- Two year anniversary. Step E- Three year anniversary. Step F - Merit. Step G - Merit. As stipulated in the attached Resolution No. 83 -iB), these timelines are suggested, and may be deviated from to recognize superior qualifications or deficient performance. The matrix included in the attached resolution is increased by 5% over that reviewed by Council on November 29th. This provides for the 1984 cost-of-living adjustment. Council approval of attached Resolution No. 83-(B) ,wil1 accomplish � adoption of the grade and step pay matrix for 1984, and for placement of each '' of the 15 non-organized positions on a pay grade. - 3 - 1984 SCHEDULE OF COMPENSATION AND HEALTH INSURANCE CONTRIBUTION Resolution No. 83-i�)adopts the schedule of compensation for 19 based on the new grade and step system. All employees are at their t salary step, Step E, with two exceptions. Clerk/Receptionist Kim Hen is at the six month rate of $11,220, since she began with the City ar July 1, 1983. On July 1, 1984 she will be eligible to go to the one- step of $11,781. Engineering Technician Guy Kullander, is shown at i year step, Step D, of $22,215. In November, 1984, his three year ann. he will be eligible to go to the target step, Step E. (See Footnote � 34, irget iing, >und �ear he two versary, �n page 5) . City Administrator Orvil Johnson has also been included in the 9g4 resol- ution, at a salary of $45,683. This includes a 5% cost of living inc ease on his base salary of $41,508, bringing it to $43,583, and continuing to "fold in" the $175 per month car allowance. Orvil was included at the Mayor's uggestion. The resolution also establishes a City health insurance premiu contribution amount of $135 per month, for non-organized employees. The amount was felt to be equitable in that the Public Works employees are already at $135 f r 1983, and we have offered the pol.ice officers $135 for 1984. Council approval of Resolution No. 83-(C) will adopt a schedule of salaries and health insurance contribution for 1984. � RETROACTIVE PAY ADJUSTMENTS FOR JULY 1 THROUGH DECIIrIBER 31, 1983 The proposed pay plan, tentatively approved by a majority of Co�uncil, recommends that the salaries for twelve of the covered employees shoulld be higher than they currently are. At the November 29th workshop, Council discussed whether to implement the recommendations retroactive to July 1, 1983. A majorit�y felt they should. � Resolution No. 83—(D) adopts a schedule of retroactive increas dictates that they will be paid prior to January 1, 1984. Most of t amounts are one-half the annual figure presented in the November 29t eptionist Kim Henning is not included, since the new beginning amoun position under the pay plan is less than she is already earnin�;. Ci Ed Kishel, and Senior Technician Tom Knuth, are deleted, since the s xecommended no increase in their salaries. Technician Guy Kullander to an adjustment only for the last 31 work days in 1983 since he re two year level. The adjustment for City Clerk Kathy Swanson, is red fact that she was on unpaid leave of absence for 144 hours during th months. IMPLEPIENTATION OF THE CAFETERIA PLAN As presented on November 29th, the cafeteria plan is essential employees to pay their portion of the health insurance premium, or a fringe benefit, with pre-tax dollars. Under the cafeteria approach, in the full premium and that amount normally paid by the City i as employer-paid, with a corresponding dollar-For-dollar reduction i salary. The dollars used for premium payment are then not subject t or State income tax. In checkinQ with PERA, it was found thaC both the employee do have to pay PERA and FICA on the gross. , and recommended memo. Rec- for her Engineer s entitled hed the ed by the affected y a way for y other cash the differencP picked up the gross federal he City and - 4 - Includ�d in the adopCing resolution is a s�ipulation tha� implemenCation of the cafeteria program for bargaining unit employees is conCinpent upon the signing af a letter of approval by the business agent and the ste��ard. Implementation of the cafeteria plan can be accamplished by Counczl approval af Resa2ution No. 83-{E} , RECO.NIMENDAT ION As noted in the earla.er m�mo reviewed by Council., the proposed compen- sation system which can be adopted by the attached resolutions, is nat perfect, It is doubtful that a per£ect pay plan could ever be designed. However, it is based on a careful review and analysis oP salaries for comparable positians in other citie�� andJar internaa. comparisions. It provides a ratianal, system- atic, and defensible method of compettsating Mendota Hei�hts' employees. Therefore it zs recammended for adoptian. ACTION REQUIRED WiCh the knowled�e that not all Cauncilmembers intend to vo�e for alI parts of the plan, the vehicle far implementaCion has been broken down into f ive sep- ara�e resolutions. If Cauncil wishes to adapt the organization chart, it shauld approve Resolution No. 83-(A). If Council wishes to adopt the grade-and-pay step plan, it shauld approve Resolutian Na. 83-(B). If Council wishes to adopt a schedule of. salaries and health insurance contribuCion for 198�, it shauld approve Reso3.ution No. $3-{C}. . Ii Council wishes to adap� the retroactive pay adjustments far Ju3.y 1 through December 31, 1983, it should approve ResoluCion No. 83-(D)» If Cauncil wishes to implement the cafeteria plan, it should approve Resolutian Na. 83-(E). Respectful.ly sub 'tted, `� � `-� • � � Kevin D. Frazell City Administrator Designee Attachments - 5 - Eootnote: The salary for Senior Engineering Technician Tom Knuth, in Re: No. 83-(C) is established at $27,468, rather than the $27,002, which normally be his target salary. As discussed in the job descriptioi on November 29th, placing Tom at the targetsalary for his compensatic would result in his receiving a cost-of-living adjustment substantia] that given other non-organized emnloyees. In recognition of his man} service to the City and the salary adjustments which were made by Coi October, it is being recommended that Tom receive the full 5$ increa: will place him mid-way between the salary grades of XVI and XVZI. Ii to fill this position with a new person, they would be placed back or salary schedule. olution would analysis n grade ly below years of ncil in �, which we were the CITY OF MENDOTA HEIGHTS DAKOTA COUNTY, MINNESOTA RESOLUTION N0. 83-(A) RESOLUTION ADOPTING AN ORGANI7ATION CHART WHEREAS, the City of Mendota Heights is organized as a Plan A municipality under Minnesota Statutes; and WHEREAS, under the Plan A statutes, the City Council has respo sibility to prescribe how the administrative functions of the City w be carried out; and WHEREAS, by Resolution No. 448, the Council has created the of City Administrator, and set forth the duties thereof; and WHEREAS, it is desireable that for the sake of administrative and efficiency, the Council further prescribes an organizational str for the City, delineating levels of authority and lines of accountab NOW THEREFORE, IT IS HEREBY RESOLVED by the City Council of of Mendota Heights, M innesota, as follows: 1. That the chart of organizational structure attached hereto entitled "City of Mendota Heights, Minnesota, Organization adopted December 20, 1983"> is hereby adopted. 2. That the City Council retains full discretion to amend s from time to time, as it may deem appropriate. �- _11 �ice of :larity icture Llity. � City and Chart, i chart 3. That nothing in this resolution or the attached chart is m ant to compromise full cooperation of all departments and employe s of the City, nor to preclude the as'signment of employees betw en departments as directed by supervisory personnel. Adopted by the City Counr_il. ofi the City of Mendota Heights, this 20t� day of December, 1983. CITY COUNCIL CITY OF MENDOTA HEIGHTS By Robert G. Lockwood Mayor ATTEST : Kathleen M. Swanson City Clerk CITY OF MENDOTA HEIGHTS, MINNESOTA ORGANIZATION CHART Adopted December 20, 1983 PARKS & RECREATION t � HEALTH OFFICER TREASURER C ITI ZENS �— COUNCIL � ' CITY AA'r1INISTRATOR I FIRE CHIEF POLI E CHIEF (Volunteer) I SECRETARY VOLUNTEER FIREMEN SERGEANT CAPTAIN/ I DETECTI VE/ PATROL OFFICERS FIRE MARSHALL PLANNER ION ATTORNEY PUBLIC WORKS'DIRECTOR l+ll i GlVV1lVGP.L� - ( ENG. TECHNICIANS SECRETARY PUBLIC WORKS STJPE �INTENDENT MAIN�ENANCE WORKERS CITY CLERK CODE ENFORCE"IENT OFFICER RECEPTIONIST ACCOUNTANT ADMINISTRATIVE SECRETARY CITY OF MENDOTA HEIGHTS DAKOTA COUNTY, MINNESOTA RESOLUTION N0. 83-(Bj RESOLUTION ADOPTING A PAY PLAN FOR CERTAIN POSITIONS OF CITY E."IPLOYMENT WHEREAS, the City employs several supervisory, professional, te and clerical employees who are not represented by an outside bargaini agent; and , � chnical, ng WHEREAS, Resolution No. 79-49 stipulates that such employees sl�all be compensated according to a schedule established by the City Council;land WHEREAS, it is desireable that the City have a systematic and �ational method for establishing such a schedule; and WHEREAS, the Council met on November 29, 1983, to review a pay plan proposed by the City Administrator which'classifies City positions o a graded schedule and provides for an orderly progression for individu 1 salary adjustments within the classified grades; and WHEREAS, that classification system was derived after comparis n of Mendota Heights' positions with similar positions in other Twin Citi s area municipalities, and after comparison of Mendota Heights' positions w th one another; and WHEREAS, the Council has determined that the proposed system i� a fair, equitable, and defensible method of compensating employees. NOW THEREFORE, IT IS HEREBY RESOL VED by the City Council of th� City of Mendota Heights, Minnesota, as follows: Grade and Step Matrix 1. Attachment A, entitled, "City of Mendota Heights, M innesot , Employee Pay Classification Schedule, Grade and Step Matri , 1984", is hereby adopted as the City's grade and step pay atrix for 1984. Said matrix will be reviewed annually hereafter for possible revision. Grade Placement of Positions 2. Attachment B, entitled "City of Mendota Heights, Minnesota, Position Pay Grade PLacement", is hereby adopted as the sc edule of placement of individual positions on the pa_y grades. Grade Placement Review 3� In recognition that the nature and duties of positions cha ge, an employee and/or the supervisor may request the review of a position for a change in grade classification. Such request will b reviewed 0 - 2 - by the City Administrator and a recommendation prepared for Council consideration. Step Pl.acement 4. The pay steps (A through G) provide for the pay progression of individual employees based on longevity and/or performance, within the assigned pay grade for their position. The City Administrator shall be responsible for recommending to the City Council the appropr�ate step for each employee. Normal progression shall be: Step A- Beginning, with minimum qualifications. Step B- Six (6) months, end of probation. Step C- One (1) year anniversary. Step D- Two (2) year anniversary. Step E- Three (3) year anniversary. Step F- Reserved for Merit. Step G- Reserved for Merit. However, the City Administrator may recommend, and the Council adopt, a higher beginning Step placement for an applicant with qualifications exceeding the minimum. Further, the normal salary progression is contingent upon a satisfactory performance evaluation by the super- visor and the City Administrator, and an employee's Step placement may be reduced to reflect unacceptable performance. Step placement for the Department Head positions of Police Chief, Public Works Director, and City Clerk are not subject to the time lines given above, but shall be solely based on performance, as evaluated and recommended by the City Administrator, and adopted by the City Council. Adopted by the City Council of the City of Mendota Heights, this 20th day of December, 1983. CITY COUNCIL CITY OF MENDOTA HEIGHTS By Robert G. Lockwood Mayor ATTEST : Kathleen M. Swanson City Clerk 0 � GRADE A RESOLUTION -- ATTAC[�1GN'f A CITY OF MENDOTA HGIGI�ITS, MINNF.SOTA Q�iPLOYEES PAY CLASSIFICATION SCE{EDULE GRADE AND STEP MATRIX 1984 ' STEP B C D I 10,686 Z1,'L20 II 11,220 11,781 III 11,781 12,370 IV 12.370 12,988 V 12, 988 , 13., 638 � 13,638 14,320 t�i 14,320 15,036 VIII 15,036 15,788 IX ' 15,788 16,577 g 16,577 17,406 XI 17,406 18,276 XII 18.276 19,190 XIII 19,190 20,149 XIV 20,149 21,157 XV 21,157 22,215 g� 22,215 23,325 XVII 2�.325 24,492 XVIII 24,492 25,716 ��g 25,716 27,002 XX 27., 002 28, 352 XXI 28.352 29�770 XXII 29•��� 31,258 XXIII 31,258 32,8 21 XXIV 32,821 34,462 XX V 34, 462 36,,185 . * Target Salary 11,781 12,370 12,988 13,638 14,320 15,036 15,788 16,577 17,406 18,276 19,190 20 ,149 21,157 22,215 23,325 24,492 25,716 27,002 28,352 29, 770 31,258 32,821 34,462 36,185 37,994 12,3�0 12,988 13,638 14,320 15,036 E * 12,988 13,638 14,320 15,036 15, 788 13, 38 14 , 20 15, 36 15, 88 16, 7 7 G 14,320 15,036 15,788 16,577 17,406 15,788 16,577 17, 06 18,276 16,577 17,406 18, 76 19,190 17,406 18,276 19, 90 20,149 18,276 19,190 20, 49 21,157 19,190 20,149 21,.57 22,215 20,149 21,157 22, 15 23,325 21,157 22,215 23, 25 24,492 22,215 23,325 24, 92 25,716 23,325 24,492 25, 16 27,002 24,492 25,716 27, 02 28,352 25,716 27,002 28,352 29,.770 31� 258 32,821 34,462 36,185 37,994 39., 894 27,002 28, 52 29,770 28,352 29, 70 31,258 29, 770 31, 58 32, 8 21 31,258 32,�21 • 34,462 .�2,, 821 34, 62 36,185 34,462 36, 85 37,994 36,185 37, 94 39,894 37,994 39, 94 41,889 39,894 41, 89 43,983 41,889 43, 83 46,182 ATTACHMENT B CITY OF MENDOTA HEIGHTS, MINNESOTA POSITION PAY GRADE PLACEMENT POSITION RECOMMENDED Clerk/Receptionist Engineering Secretary Police Secretary Senior Secretary Accountant Engineering Technician Senior Enqineering Technician Code Enforcement Officer Public Works Superintendent City Clerk Police Sergeant Police Captain City Engineer Police Chief Public Works Director GRADE I V V IX X XIII XVI XVI IXX IXX XX XXI XXI XXIII XXIII CITY OF MENDOTA HGIGHTS DAKOTA COUNTY, MINNESOTA RESOLUTION N0. 83-(C) RESOLUTION ADOPTING A SCHEDULE OF COMPENSATION FOR CERTAIN F�IPLOYEES FOR 1984 AND ESTABLISHING A CITY CONTRIBUTION TOWARD HEALTH INSURANCE PRF24Ii�IS WHEREAS, the City Council has adopted a grade-and-step pay certain employees of the City; and tem for WHEREAS, based upon recommendation of the City Administrator, Council has determined the appropriate placement of each City position on a rade, and the incumbent employee on a Step. NOW THEREFORE, IT IS HEREBY RESOLVED by the City Council of th;e City o£ Mendota Heights, M innesota, as follows: I 1. That the following schedule of salaries be implemented eff�ective January 1, 1984: � Employee Kimberlee Henning Carol Bakka Diane Ward Mary Ann DeLaRosa Shirley Shannon Guy Kullander Tom Knuth � Paul Berg Richard Ploumen Kathleen Swanson Dorance Wicks Gene Lange Edward Kishel Dennis Delmont James Danielson Orvil Johnson Position Clerk/Receptionist Police Secretary Engiczeering Secretary Senior Secretary Accountant Engineering Technician Senior Eng. Technician Code Enforcement Officer Public Works Superintendent City Clerk Police �Sergeant Police Captain City Engineer Police Chief Public Works Director City Administrator Salary $11,220 15, 788 15, 788 19,190 20,149 22,215 .�c�- z 27,002 31,258 31,258 32,821 34,'462 34,462 37,994 37,9�4 45,683 '�az se� r�/.zo /�%i rlu�� 2. That the City's contribution toward health and hospitaliza ion insurance premiums for all employees not covered by a labor contract shall be $135.00 per month for 1984. Adopted by the City Council of the City of Mendota Heights, this 20t� day of December, 1983. ATTEST : Kathleen M.- Swanson, City Clerk CITY COUNCIL CITY OF M ENDOTA HEIGHTS By Robert G. Lockwood Mayor s CZTY OF M�ND4TA iiEIGHTS DAKOTA COUNTY, MINNESOTA , i RESOLUTION N0. 83-(D) I RESOLUTION ADOPTING I9$3 RETROACTIVE PAX AD.TUSTMENTS � FOR CERTAIN EMPLOYEES i WHEREAS, during 1983 the City Council was requested by certain to consider amendments to the comgensation schedule; and WIiEREAS, selected employees received salary adjustmenzs in Oct which we're re�roactive Co July l, I983; and WHEREAS, Council has now reviewed and adapted a camgrehensive which in�creases the annual compensation for several additional emplo i WIiEREAS, Council wishes ta mak� these pay adjustments also ret July l, 1.9$3. NOW THEREFORE, IT IS HEREBY RESOL VED by the City Council of th Mendata Heights, Minnesota, as fallows: mplayees er, 1983, y plan es; and active to Gity of That reCroactive pay adjustmenCs to the fallawin� employees in the desi�;nated amounts are hereby authorized and adopted, and are ta be aid prior ta January l, 1984. i Employee Posi.tion Amount Carol Bakka Police Secretary $].38- Diane Ward Lngineering Secretary 13$- Marq Ann DeLaRosa Senior Secretary 138- Shirley'Shannon Accountant 1,4?1 Guy Kullander Engineering Technician 7.1' Paul Berg Code Erxforcement Officer 724 Richard�,Ploumen Public Works Superintendent 1,763 Kathleen Swanson City Cler3c 2,961 Dorance�Wicks Palice Sergeant 359 Gene Lange Police Captain 391 Dennis Delmont Police Chief 483 James Danielson Public Works Directar �3— 1 ��3 Adoptediby the City Council of lthe Ci,ty of M endota Heights Chis 20tt of December, �.983. ATTEST ;' I Kathleen M. Swansan City Clerk CITY COUNCIL CITY OF MENDdTA HEI By Rabert G. Mayor Lacicwaod day CITY OF MENDOTA HEIGHTS DAKOTA COUNTY, MINNESOTA RESOLUTION N0. 83-(E) RESOLUTION IMPLEMENTING A CAFETERIA PAY PLAN i I WHEREAS. IRS Code, Section 125, authorizes employers and emp to agree�to full employer payment of certain fringe benefits, with reduction of the employee's gross salary; and aes �ropriate WHEREAS, such a plan results in tax and financial advantages t both the employee and the employer; and WHEREAS, it is determined that implementation of a cafeteria p an would be advantageous for the employees. I NOW THEREFORE, IT IS HEREBY RESOVED by the City Council of the City of Mendota Heights, Minnesota, as follows: 1.! That the staff is hereby authorized to implement a program Iwhereby employees may elect to have the City pay the full cost of a health insurance plan, with a corresponding decre in the employee`s gross salary in an amount equal to the difference between the full cost of the insurance premium and the amount the City, by resolution or labor contract, I estabTishes as the usual City contribution for health insurance. 2•; That continuation of the cafeteria plan is contingent on i its continued legality under Federal and State law and i administrative regulations. 3.i That implementation of the cafeteria plan for those emplo represented by a certified bargaining agent is contingent � receipt of a letter of approval signed by the business ag I and the steward. , ise as �on Adopted by the City Council of the City of Mendota Heights, this 20thlday of December, 1983. ATTEST : Kathleen M. Swanson City Clerk CITY COUNCIL CITY OF MENDOTA HEIGHTS By Robert G. Lockwood Mayor �T � I CITY OF MENDOTA HEIGHTS MEMO T0: City Council December 14, 1983 FROM: Kevin D. Frazell City Administrator Designee i SUBJECT: Salary Adjustments f.or Part-time Positions l Subsequent to the preparation of the salary adjustments for the f time positions, we realized that we had neglected to draw up a resolut implementing new salaries for the three permanent, part-time positions the City� � Fire Chief, Assistant Fire Chief, and Recreation Director. Therefore,lthis is being handled as a separate agenda item and resolut The attached resolution implements a monthly salary effective Jan 1, 1984, which is 5� above that currently earned by the incumbents. T is the same percentage increase being extended as a cost-of-living fac to full-time City employees this year. In the case of the Assistant F Chief Gene Lange, this compensation is in addition to the annual salar $34,462, which he will be earning for his Police Department and Fire M duties. � ACTION REQUIRED: � If Council wishes to implement these salaries, it should approve attached Resolution. , Ll- �n in m. iry LS �r �e of :shall ie Respectfully submitted, . �V • � i • Kevin D. Frazell �' " � City Administrator Desig ee attachmentl - 0 CITY OF MENDOTA HEIGHTS DAKOTA COUNTY, MINNESOTA RESOLUTION N0. 83- RESOLUTION ESTABLISHING MONTHLY COMPENSATION � FOR CERTAIN PART-TIME POSITIOnTS I [+I�iEREAS, the City employs on a part time basis the positions of Fire Chief, Assi�stant Fire Chief, and Recreation Director; and WHEREAS, the monthly rate of compensation for these three part-tim positions should be adjusted annually at the same time as for full-time City employlees. NOG1 THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Me Heights, that the following schedule of monthly salaries be implemented effective January 1, 1984. Employee Position Monthly Salary LeRoy Noack Fire Chief $312 Eug�ene Lange Assistant Fire Chief 172 Duane Selander Recreation Director 711 Adopted by the City Council of the City of Mendota Heights this 20th da} December, 1983. CITY COUNCIL CITY OF MENDOTA HEIGHTS By Robert G. Lockwood Mayor ATTEST: Kathleen M.' Swanson City Clerk� ta � of � T0: FROM: CITY OF MENDOTA HEIGHTS M�MO City Council i i Kevin D. Frazell City Administrator Designee � SUBJECT: Park Use Agreement with Lunda December 14, 1983 Construction Company LundaiConstruction Company, of Minneapolis, has been awarded the b Mn/DOT for;construction of the new bridge on Trunk Highway No. 13. Lun approached ithe City with the possibility of locating a project field of on the northernmost part of Valley Park. i Lunda�expects to be on the property for approximately one year. S felt that a use fee of approximately $1,000 would be appropriate. Howe in further�discussions, Lunda and the City agreed that it might be pref to have Lunda make some kind of an ,in-kind contribution to Valley Park, as trail blacktopping, replacement of worn culverts, or construction an ment of a pedestrian bridge. by ice , aff er, rable such place- i Since�no particular project has been agreed to as of this time, th staff drew�up the attached Park Use Agreement, which calls for a$1,000 fee to be paid!to the City, "or in lieu of, some park construction to be ag eed upon by Lunda and the City". � The Park and Recreation Commission reviewed this proposed Park Us at its meeting of December 13th, and indicated its approval. The Park and staff are recommending Council authorization for the Mayor and Cit istrator to enter this agreement with Lunda Construction. Prior to thi the Park and Recreation Commission will have further discussions about possible iri-kind contribution from Lunda, and will be making a recomme to the Council. Agreement ommission Admin- spring, tion A representative from the Park Commission will be present at the D cember 20th meeting, to answer Council questions. i ACTION REQUIRED: Motion to approve the Park Use Agreement between Lunda Construct the City of Mendota Heights. attachment I cc: Jim Stein Bob Doff ing Respect.full ubm'tted . 6� . � � Kevin D. Frazell City Administrator Des and ee PARK USE AGREEMEPdT This Agreement, made and entered into this day of , 1983, by and between the City of Mendota Heights, Dakota County, Minnesota, (hereinafter called the "City") and Lunda Construction Company, wi h address at Twin Cities Office, 1631 East 70th Street, Suite 148, Minneapolis, Minne- sota 55420 (hereinafter called "Lunda"): ' WITPJESSETH : WHEREAS, Lunda has been selected by the Minnesota Department f Trans- portation to be the contractor to construct a new bridge on Trunk ighway 13 crossing C.S.A.H. 45; and WHEREAS, Lunda needs a convenient place to locate project field offices; and ! 41HEREAS, the northern most area of Valley Park is vacant and ould be made available for that purpose. � NOW THEREFORE, it is hereby agreed by and between the two par ies as follows: 1. Lunda agrees to indemmify, save and hold harmless the Cit of Mendota Heights and all its agents, employees of and from any and 11 claims, demands, actions or causes of actions of any nature or character a Iisinq out of or by reason of, in any manner'in the use of 1�alley Park as a pr`oiect field office site and further agrees to defend at their sole cost and ex ense any action or proceeding coRunenced for the purpose of asserting any cl im of whatsoever character arising as a result of the City granting them this use. 2. Lunda agrees to restore the park area to a condition equal better than it existed before their use of the area as a field offi Restoration to be completed on or before June 1, 1985. i 3. Lunda agrees to provide $1,000.00 as a fee to the City for this park or in lieu of, some park construction to be agreed u�on t and the City. This construction will be determined and completed E September 30, 1984. � � CITY OF MENDOTA HEIGHTS Robert G. Lockwood, Mayor Orvil J. Johnson, City Administrator to or ce site. use of Lunda ior to LUNDA'_CONSTRUCTION COMIPANY : i -� CITY OF MENDOTA HEIGHTS MEMO I December 7, 1983 � TO: City Council % %� � i %G 1/ FROM: Kevin D. Frazell �.� City Administrator Designee , SUBJECT:� FEMA Disaster Preparedness Seminar i This is to advise the Council that Police Chief Dennis Delmont I have been accepted to participate in a Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) disaster preparedness seminar. This seminar is put toq by FEMA and is designed to provide City Administrators with a basic knowledge of comprehensive emergency management, and to assist the ad trator and civil defense director in preparing an emergency preparedn plan for itheir community. and :ther inis- ss The seminar will be held June 3- 6, 1984, at the National Eme gency � TraininglCenter, in Emmitsburg, MD (right outside Washington D.C.) T ere is a$25.00 registration fee, and $66.00 meal charge for the team to ttend the seminar. Al1 other expenses, including transportation and lodgin are paid for ;by FEMA. � Respectful� submitted, I G�-�/ `� �+ I �� - ' �s�� �./ . i � � Kevin D. Frazell jCity Administrator Designee � 0 CITY OF MENDOTA HEIGHTS MEMO December 8, 1983 TO: Orvil J. Johnson and Kevin D. Frazell City Administrators FROM: ;Kathleen M. Swanson ICity Clerk i SUBJECT: Completion of Probationary Period � Kimberlee Henning In accordance with the provisions of the Personnel Resolution I submit herein an evaluation of Kimberlee Henning's performance during her first five months as Clerk-Receptionist. -- � Kim began her employment with the City on June 27, 1983. She h the basic elements of the position and perf.orms her responsibiliti s satisfactorily. Because of her relative inexperience, Kim has req i somewliat more supervision and more intense training than others wh her in the position. She does, however, respond well to supervisi n absorbs new information quite easily. Kim conducts her receptioni t responsibilities particularly well. I expect that Kim will meet, r some point perhaps exceed, the requirements of the position as she m and as she becomes more fully trained. I s learned preceded and at tures I recommend that Kimberlee Henning be given permanent employm nt status with the City, effective upon completion of her probationar period -- December 27, 1983. �