1983-11-29r. CITY OF M ENDOTA HEIGHTS DAKOTA GQUNTY, MINNESOTA AGENDA NOVE�iBER 29, 19$3 - 7:30 P.M. Community Roam i. Call to Order. 2. Roll Call. 3. Capital Improvement Program D3.scussion -- CZP Sheets will be d�].ivered Manday afternoon. (Department representatives wi1l �re present}. 4, Discussion on Praposed Gompensation Plan. 5. Adjourrt. + 3 : t . � � � : ; . �/7�G�f'�! s'/7 �6 f'f� ./' , � PRELIMINARY CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM NOVEMBER 29, 1983 CITY OF MENDOTA HEIGHTS � � � November 25, 1983 T0: .City Council ���� FROM. Kevin D. Frazell � City Administrator Designee SUBJECT: Attached Report on Compensation The attached report is organized into a cover memo, four attac three appendices. We have left these different parts loose for yo during the workshop session. The job descriptions in Appendix C considered as semi-final drafts, since we ran into a time crunch a and supervisors have not had a chance to review my revisions. Fin tions will be prepared in time for Council adoption in December. Special thanks are due to Diane Ward and Mary Ann DeLaRosa for many hours in typing and compiling this voluminous document so that distributed to Cour_cil in a timely manner. nts and use uld be employees descrip- �p end in g it could be CITY OF MENDOTA HEIGHTS MEMO November T0: City Council FROM: Kevin Frazell � City Administrator Designee SUBJECT: Comprehensive Pay Plan Introduction I begin this memo with a philosophical premise, that personnel tration is more art than science, and what science there is is or as Orvil is fond of saying, "round people don't fit in squa holes." Yet there is no more emotional issue for an organization than 1- compensates it employees. Employees deserve, and in fact are d ding, that there be some rationality and predictability to any plan. What follows is an attempt to provide the City of Mendot Heights and its employees with a compensation schedule that prc those essential ingredients. It is based in part on "science", on "art", and hopefully a good deal of common sense. �2, 1983 dminis- perfect; w it man- ay ides in part The recommendation is that the City adopt a grade-and-step pay atrix that provides both for a rational classification of each City p sition on a particular salary grade, and for an orderly progression fo each employee from the bottom to a target figure within that grade. The recommendation, if adopted, would result in pay adjustments (in 1983 dollars) ranging from essentially $0, up to $6,874. The t tal direct salary cost of all adjustments would be $20,680, which w en compounded with variable fringe benefit costs of about 12.5%, w uld effect a net total cost (again, in 1983 dollars) of $23,265. A suming that the January 1, 1984 cost-of-living adjustment is S percent the gross cost in 1984 would be approximately $24,430 more than the City would be paying without the salary adjustment recommended herei . BackQround The project began by having each employee, and his or her super isor, prepare a job description. Finalized job descriptions, as amen ed by me, are attached as Appendix C. Simultaneously, I prepared a salary survey from the Stanton rep the purpose of making external comparisons, and developed a qua tive position evaluation system (attached as Appendix A) to pro some measure of the internal comparability of Mendota Heights p tions. I also developed a proposed organization chart, which i cluded as Attachment A. Included as Attachment B is the grade rt for tita- ide si- in- �nd step matrix developed for ordering and classifying City positions. All of these component garts and attachments are more ful3y discussed below. The Organization Chart It was my feeling tha� I could not adequately classify City positions without first develaping an organization chart whzch details levels of authority/supervision and establishes lines af accountabililty. My proposed chart is included as Attachment A. There are several policy issues embedded in the proposed chart. First and foremost, is that all department heads, as well as consultants, are shown as reparting to the City Administrator. There are two reasons for this. First, is my Napaleonic complex {probably due to my sma21 size)! pn a more serious vein, the Cauncil resolution establishing the �osition of City Administrator states that the Administrator shall 'exercise control and supervisian over all department� of'the Village and coordinate the activities of consul�ants and advisory bodies." Orvi1 has been reluctant to adopt such a chart because of the statutory language far Plan A municipalities, dictating that the Council must retain both legislative and administrative authority. However, Stan Feskar, attorney for the League of Cities, feeZs that such a chart would not violate the intent of the statutes, provided it is adapted by the Council as their organizatianal arrangement for carrying out ad- ministrative functions. Also, Council wauld retain fu�l authority in those adminstrative areas specifically assigned to it by s�atute (ie., formal personnel actions), and iull authority to override any decision made by �he Administrator. The City of Eagan, which also operates as a Plan A, city with the pasitian of Administrator adopted by resalution, has such a chart. Other significant decisions made by Orvil, the department heads (Police Chief, Public Works Director, and City C1erk) and myself in designing the chart include: 1. That the full-time positions of Palice Chief, Public Works Director, and City Clerk would be cansidered as department heads wi�h aIl other emplaye�s reporting through them; 2. That the volunteer Fire Chief should also report to the City Administrator; 3. That the palice patro2 officers should all report to the Sergeant, who in �urn reports directly ta the Police Chief; 4. That the Police Captain is responsible far investigating both criminal and fire cases,and for assisting in the development of depart- mental policies, and far acting as Chief in the latter's absence. 5. That the administrative clerical and accaunting s�aff should report to the City Clerk; and 0 6. That Public Works have three sub-divisions, Engineerin , Main- tenance, and Code Enforcement. The Code Enforcement Officer, p evious- ly reported directly to the City Administrator, but under the p oposal would report to the Public Works Director. The issue of the Fire Department is one which I feel Council ne ds to study and address in some length. I would suggest we not try t do so at this workshop, but as part of a goal setting session early n xt year. The P� Matrix Attachment B is a pay matrix, which is the heart of the propose position and pay classification plan. The matrix increases 5 p rcent in both directions. Individual positions are recommended for c assifi- cation on a vertical Grade, I through XXV. As discussed below, recom- mended classifications are based primarily on external and inte nal comparisons. The horizontal axis provide seven pay "steps" within each class fica- tion grade. An employee in a position of particular grade coul be placed at any of the seven steps. The basis for step placement is detailed below. Step E, the fifth step, is what I call the "ta get salary", that being the compensation for a fully trained, compe ent employee, usually after some length of service with the City. The matrix was started by determining an appropriate salary for the Grade I position, Clerk/Receptionist. Based on external compar son, that is $12,370 at the target level. The 5 percent steps and g ades were then extended from that figure. It was my original intention to reduce the number of grades to pproxi- mately 15 after assigning positions based on the comparables. nfortu- nately, at the upper levels it becomes necessary to provide onl 5 percent increments between grades. Otherwise, much larger and u justi- fiable salary adjustments would be required to fit everyone on �he schedule. Comparables The next step of placing each position on an appropriate salary grade required that some comparable information be generated. As dis ussed more fully below, it was determined that we should compare Mend ta Heights to similar positions in other cities, and compare withi City positions to each other. It should be emphasized that in making the comparisons and reco a classification placement, we are addressing positions, not in holders of those positions. This analysis is based strictly on job, not the performance of the person in it. Possibilities fo for performance are addressed below. ending umbent the pay 0 External Comparison For the most part, Mendota Heights' positions compare easily to job classifications in the Twin Cities Metropolitan Area Salary Survey, more commonly referred to as the Stanton report. For all flaws that may be attributed to it, one is not likely to find a more sophisticated or complete source of comparable salary information. Interpretive judgement is, of course, required in applying it to particular situa- tions. In deriving an external comparison salary, two comparisons were made. First, to Stanton Survey VI cities of 5,000 to 10,000 population. Second, to the four larger Dakota County cities of West St. Paul, Inver Grove Heights, Eagan and Apple Valley. These cities were chosen based on their proximity and similarity of organizational structure to Men- dota Heights. This second comparison was made due to some precedent the City has used in arguing that size of City may be irrelevant in determing the difficulty, and therefore level of compensation, for many City positions. Also, this latter comparison gives some indication for market comparability in surrounding cities. Each individual position analysis in Appendix B provides the 5-lOK city comparable, the Dakota County City comparable, and an average in most cases. The average figure is used for determining the approp'riate comparison. In selected cases, primarily department heads, the impact of the larger communities is discounted in favor of comparison to cities of similar population to Mendota Heights. Internal Comparison Included as Appendix A is the sytem that was used for computing a quantitative measure of the relative difficulty and level of responsi- bility for each City position. I designed the system, modeling it after one I developed in Coon Rapids. The system is based on a point assignment for four factors used in weighing the relative compensation that should be paid for each City position. These factors are: 1. Minimum education and experience required for position entry. 2. Independence of judgement expected, and level of import on the organization for judgements made. 3. Interpersonal or public relations skills required. 4. Level of supervisory responsiblity. These are the primary four factors that have been identified by per- sonnel "experts" as important determinates in establishing relative compensation. The reader should consult the Appendix for a discussion of how a position is rated on the system. 0 I initially scored each position, with review and some amendmen made by a staff working group of Orvil, the Police Chief, the P Works Director, the City Clerk and me. Our ratings range from points for the position of Clerk/Receptionist to 32.5 for the P Works Director. A detailed analysis of the points for each pos included in the individual position profiles in Appendix B. Since it was determined that $12,370 would be an equitable targ salary for the Grade I position of Clerk/Receptionist, and that postion should earn 10 points on the internal comparability rat each point was thereafter considered to be worth $1,237. Our i nally "equitable" salary is shown for each postion by multiplyi number of points by $1,237. For example, the position of Senio tary, at 15 points, shows an internally equitable salary of $18 Process of Review At a department head meeting (Orvil, Public Works Director, Po Chief, City Clerk and me) I presented my proposed process for sifying positions. The entire group rated each of the 15 non- positions, using the point evaluation system included in Appen The details of our ratings are included under each position de tion. The group also reviewed and came to consensus on the ap job classification comparisons with the Stanton report. being blic 0 blic tion is t that ng, ter- g the Secre- 555. ce as- ion x B. rip- �priate We then carefully considered both the external and internal comp�arisons for.each position, as well as any other relevant information th t had to be taken into account, such as supervisory relationships or istori- cal committments. Taking all this information into account, we came to a consensu recommended grade level on the proposed matrix (Attachment B), position, It was not possible to be totally consistent in our proach. In some cases we emphasized comparability to other cit in other the internal comparison. Maintaining adequate salary ation between levels of rank (ie., the Police Department) dicta modification of emphasis, based on still other factors. In oth cases, historical precedent and committments had to be honored grading a position. I have clearly presented our justification each position analysis. on a r each s, and par- d a under Attachment C, Summary of Recommended Placements, presents an easily readable summary of the placement of the 15 positions on the twe ty- five grades. Within Grade Steps _ Longevity versus Performance The horizontal axis of the proposed matrix (Attachment B) provid s the within grade salary progression for individual positions. It to is a 5 percent increment scale. Seven steps, A through G, are provided. An individual's progre sion along those steps could be based on longevity, or on merit (pay or performance). , ' If we go with a longevity system, I would propose the following increments. Step A- beginning, at minimum qualifications Step B- 6 months (end of probation) Step C - 1 year Step D - 2 years Step E- 3 years, and the final step This approach assumes that most employees are fully trained and at close to peak performance at three years. Steps F and G would not be used for those employee's covered by a longevity system. The above time lines would be guidelines, a"rule of thumb", but not mandatory. An employee beginning with qualificatioiis beyond the mini- mums in the job description would be eligible to start at a higher step upon recommendation of the department head and City Administrator, and ratification by the Council. Similarly, an employee whose performance was not at an expected level could be placed at a lower step than would be indicated by length of tenure alone. As an alternative to longevity, the City could choose to implement a merit or pay-for-performance system. Each employee would be subjected to a rigorous performance review (on a structured, predictable system) and placed on any of the seven pay steps, based upon that performance review. In this case, Steps F and G become available merit steps for compensating performance beyond the generally expected. Merit sytems are very attractive, and I considered it seriously for the 15 non-union positions. However, they are also hard to administer, and can create morale problems. Because of the recent discontent surroun- ding pay issues in Mendota Heights, I do not feel that this is the time to institute merit pay, and therefore, I am recommending a longevity system. Possiblities for merit pay could be considered in the future. However, I am most firm in my feeling that department heads should be compensated based on performance, and that it would be preferable for all supervisory employees. Therefore, I recommend that at a minimum, , the positions of Police Chief, City Clerk, and Public Works Director be put on a merit sytem as described above, and that :W���� .t,}�e Ser- � geant, Captain, City Engineer, and Public Works Superindentent be�on � , it. It would then be the responsiblity of the City mini'"""str or to annually recommended to the Council the step placement for these posi- tions. Cost-of-LivinQ for 1984 All analyses and charts in this report are at 1983 dollars. All fi- gures would have to be elevated by an appropriate cost-of-living amount for implementation in 1984. Five percent is included in the proposed 1984 budget and seems to be the emerging trend in the metropolitan area. Financial Impact • In the individual position analyses (Appendix B), I have descri salary impact (in 1983 dollars) of instituting each recommendat Attachement D presents a summary of those costs. � the The total direct salary cost is $20,260 (in 1983 dollars). Assu ing that variable fringe benefit costs are approximately 12,5 %, the gross cost becomes $23,265. Futher assuming a five percent cost-of-li ing adjustment on January 1, 1984, the 1984 cost becomes approximate y $24,430. It would normally be my recommendation that we put the adjustmen in effect as of January 1, 1984. However, because of previous Coun il discussion and the precedent established by the five October adj st- ments, some may feel that the proposed adjustments should be ins ituted retroactive to July 1, 1983. That decision is up to Council and I have no recommendation. The 1983 cost to do so would be approximatel $11,600, including fringe benefits. BudQet Impact Implementation of the recommended adjustments retroactive to Jul 1, 1983 would result in approximately $10,200 additional salaries ( ot including fringes). The following chart compares expected salar sav- ings by department to the cost of implementating the recommendat on: �Sf Department S�� s Cost of Net B lance Retroactive Administration Police Engineering Public Works Code Enforcement $ 6,910 $5,106 ( 1,100) 1,366 490 �h�/ 1, 636 26, 230 --� ? 1, 763 610 720 City Total Balance = $ 1,8 4 ( 2,4�6) ( 1,1 6) 24,4 7 ( 1 0) $22,.$49 As can be seen, while individual departments will not be able to pick up more salary cost without exceeding budget, excess overall sal ry� appropriations are more than sufficient, without use of continge cy funds or fund balances. 1984 The 1984 cost for implementing the recommended adjustments would be approximately $24,430, $21,700 in direct salaries and $2,730 in ar able fringe benefits (ie., FICA, PERA, and Worker's Compensation . The specific additional cost to each department would be : Administration - $12,000 Police = 3,200 Engineering - 3,330 Public Works - 4,200 Cade Enforcement = I,700 $24,430 Although a final budget has no� been adopted, Council has reviewed and approved a preliminary budget. I project that the Administrative and Police Departments will have more than sufficient apgrapriations to caver the extra eost, and in additian can cover the deficit (about $2,000 each) in the Public Works and Code Enfprcement budgets. The net result for these four departments combined would be approximately $1,500 af excess appropriation, which is extremely close budgeting�, No personnel budget has been prepared for the Engineering Department. If Council accepts the recommendation, the final budget will be modified to place needed appropraations in the correct departments. Fringe Benefits and Cafeteria Salary Approach With individual needs and family lifestyle changes, many employers, includzng municipalities, are considering changes ta �heir fringe bene- fit plan. It would be my recommendation that over the nex� year, we take a comprehensive look at our benefit gackage, to determine needs for change. These could then be implemented no later than January l, 1985. One "freebie" benefit that I recommend we institute far 19$4, is a cafeteria approach for payment of the emplayeeTs share of the cost af dependent health insurance. IRS Code, Section 125, authorizes the reductian af gross salary sufficient to cover all costs of a fringe benefit �hat would otherwise be taken as a payr� 11 deduction. The gayment f ar that benefit then becomes tax-free for bath the employer and the emplayee. " An example may be easier to follow. Assume employee John Doe earns $20,000 per year, and enrol.ls in a health insurance plan with a mon�hly premium of $2b0. Since the City cantributes up to $I201month toward health insurance, John is ].eft with a personal contribution of #`� $40/month, or $480 ger year. Under the cafetera.a apgroach, John and the City would agree that the "" � City wau2d pay his entire health insurance contributian of $Ib0%month, and that in exchange, his gross salary would be reduced by the $480 needed to cover the exCra premium; his g�ass pay becomes $19,520. The � $480 is then a non-taxable fringe benefiC, so tha� John pays no federal or State incame tax, and neither the City ar John pay FICA and PERA . payroll costs. . I wauld emphasize once again that this approach has been specifically � authorized by the IRS, We used it in Coon Rapids and found it rela- --�•-r � tively easy to administer, and a popuiar and cheap benefit for em- ployees. )YM• � Comment The proposed pay plan as presented is certainly not perfect. 0 neces- sity, it entails numerous compromises and deviations from a pur ly � objective approach. I feel that it does, however, provide a de ensible method of compensating Mendota Heights employees that will be p edict- able and stablizing. One of my management philosophies or approaches is to be very d and to share information with those who will be affected by it. quently, I have met with all the non-union employees to review process used in developing this plan, and the specific recommen for each position. Since this memo becomes public information as it is sent to the Council,.I felt there was little to be gai keeping its contents secret. In all my meetings, however, I ha it very clear that Council has full authority to accept, reject modify the recommendations as they deem appropriate. In genera employees have been supportive and appreciative of the approach compensation embodied in this system. rect, Conse- he ations s soon ed by e made or , the to Council should also be aware that while this is a defensible sy tem that should serve us well for several years, pay is never a clo ed issue. As the community needs change, the jobs done by City em loyees change, and compensation ought to change as well. Under the sys em as I envision we would adopt it, there would be a time at least annu lly (probably at budget preparation time) when an employee and/or s�per- visor could request that a job be reviewed to determine whether the changes in actual job duties justify an amendment to the job de crip- tion and to the compensation grade. Implementation Steps and Timeline 1. November 29 - Council review, comment and possible plan ame�jdment. 2. November 30 - December 2, or December 16 - staff preparatio of finalized plan for Council adoption, including recommendation o� speci- fic salaries for 1984. 3. December 6 or 20 - Council considers resolution formally pay plan and establishing 1984 salaries. 4. January 1, 1984 - Adopted salaries implemented. Council Action Required at November 29 Workshop I. Review, comment, and amend as desired: l. The organization chart; 2. The grade and step pay matrix; 3. The process and philosophy of comparables a. External b. Internal 4. The placement of individual positions on the matrix, a justification therefore. ppting the II. Determine the desireability of longevity vs m�rit pay for: l. Department Heads - Police Chief, Public Works Director, and City Clerk. 2. Supervisors - Police �ergeant, Police Captain, City Engineer, Public Warks Superintendent. 3. All o�her nan-union employees, III. Determine the date for implementation of recommendatians: July 1, 1983 or January 1, 1984 IV. Consider whether to implement the cafeteria concept for payment of fringe benefits. Respectful submitted, �� ��� Kevin D. Frazell City Administrator Designee ATTACHMENT A - ORGANIZATION CHART Ci:TI ZENS -�_ COUNCIL PARKS & RECREATION COMMISSI CITY ADMINISTRATOR HEALTH OFFICER TREASURER � � FIRE CHIEF POLI E CHIEF (�DLUNTEER) SECRETARY SERGEANT CAPTAIN/ I DETECTI VE/ PATROL OFFICERS FIRE MARSHALL PLANNER ATTORNEY PUBLIC WORKS DIRECTOR CITY ENGINEER t ENG. TECHNICIANS SECRETARY PUBLIC WORKS SUPERINTENDENT l MAINT'ENANCE WORKERS CITY CLERK CODE ENFORCE^1ENT OFFICER RECEPTIONIST ACCOUNTING ADMINISTRATIVE CLERK SECRETARY GRADE A AT'TACHMENT B GRADE AND STEP PAY MATRIX STEP B C D I 10,177 10,686 II 10, 686 ' 1,'L20 III 11,220 11,781 I V 11,781 12,370 V 12,370 12,988 VI 12,988 13,638 VII 13,638 14,320 VIII 14,320 15,036 IX 15,036 15,788 X 15,788 16,577 XI 16,577 17,406 XII 17,406 18,276 XIII 18,276 19,190 XIV 19,190 20,149 X V 20,149 21,157 XVI 21,157 22, 215 XVII 22, 215 23, 325 X VIII 23,325 24,492 IXX 24,492 25,716 XX 25,716 27,002 XXI 27,002 28,352 XXII 28,352 29,770 XXIII 29,770 31,258 XXIV 31,258 32,821 XX V 32,821 34,462 * Target Salary 11,220 11,781 12,370 12,988 13,638 14,320 15,036 15,788 16,577 17,406 18,276 19,190 20,149 21,157 22,215 23,325 24,492 25,716 27,002 28,352 29, 770 31,258 32,821 34,462 36,185 11,781 12,320 12,988 13,638 14,320 15,036 15,788 16,577 17,406 18,276 19,190 20,149 21,157 22,215 23,325 24,492 25,716 27,002 28,352 29,770 31,258 32, 8 21 34,462 36,185 37,994 � E 12,370 12,988 13,638 14,320 15,036 F G ,988 13,638 ,638 14,320 ,320 15,036 ,036 15,788 ,788 16,577 15,788 6,577 17,406 16,577 7,406 18,276 17,406 8,276 19,190 18,276 9,190 20,149 19,190 0,149 21,157 20,149 1,157 22,215 21,157 2,215 23,325 22,215 3,325 24,492 23,325 4,492 25,716 24,492 5,716 27,002 25,716 27,002 28,352 29,770 31,258 32,821 34,462 36,185 37,994 39,894 7,002 28,352 8,352 29,770 9,770 31,258 1,258 . 32,821 2,821 34,462 4,462 36,185 6,185 37,994 7,994 39,894 �, 9,894 41,889 j 1,889 43,983 � GRADE 11 III IV ATTACHMENT C Summary of Recommended Position Placement on the P� Scales TARGET 12,370 12,988 13,638 14,320 15.036 15,788 16,577 17,406 18.276 20,149 21,157 �� �,� POSITION RE Clerk/Rece Secre countant NDED ist XIV 23,325 XV 24,492 XVI 25,716 �Engineerin Technician Code Enfor ement Officer XVII 27,002 XVIII 28,352 IXX 29,770 �Public Wor s Supt. City Clerk XX 31,258 Police Sar ent XXI 32,821 �Police Cap ain City Engin er XXII 34,462 XXIII 36 185 � Police Chi f Public Wor s Director XXIV 37,995 XXV 39,894 Positions Clerk/Recpt. Secretary(Engr) Secretary(Police) Sr. Secretary Accountant Engr. Tech. Sr. Engr. Tech. Code Enf. Off. Pub. Works Supt. City Clerk Police Sgt. Police Cpt. City Engineer Police Chief Public Works Dir. Current Salary $11,100 14,760 14,760 18,000 16,248 21,068 26,160 24,276 26,244 22,896 30,540 32,040 32,880 35,220 33,720 ATTACHMENT D Summary and Financial Impact of Recommendations Recommended Grade I V V IX X XIII XVI XVI IXX IXX XX XXI XXI XXIII XXIII Recommended Salary $11,220# 15,036 15,036 18,276 19,190 21,157# 25,716 25,716 29,770 29,770 31,258 32,821 32,821 36,185 36,185 TOTAL SALARY COST = #Due to short tenure, these employees are not at the target step. Recommendation is for a lower step. Consult individual position description for future salary potential. Deviation of � Rec. from Currer $ 120# 276 276 276 2,942 89# 0 1,440 3,526 6,874 718 781 (59) 956 2,465 $20,680 APPENDIX A INTERNAL COMPARABILITY POSITION EVALUATION SYSTEM � _ , �INTERNAL COMPARABILITY POSITION EVALUATION SYSTEM This system provides a quantitative measure of the relative vali each City position, based on four factors: I. Minimum Education and Experience Required. II. Independence and Impact of Judgement. III. Interpersonal and Public Relations Skills Required. IV. Supervisory Responsibility. There are a total of 35 possible points, 10 each on factor I, I IV, and 5 on factor III. Factors I and II are subdivided into parts, each worth up to 5 points; the two subparts are combined derive the total factor rating. For each facto� or sub-factor, the position earns the number of corresponding to the phrase most nearly describing the level of qualification or responsiblity required. FACTOR I- EDUCAT�ON AND EXPERIENCE REQUIRED Education: 1. High School 2. High School, supplemented by some post secondary tr 3. 2 year A.A. or technical certification degree. 4. Bachelor's Degree. S. Post graduate education. Experience: 1. No previous experience. 2. 1 year previous experience. 3. 2 to 3 years previous experience. 4. 4 to 5 years previous experience. 5. Over 5 years, increasingly responsible experience. Score - Add the two FACTOR II - INDEPENDENCE AND IMPACT OF JUI}GEMENT Independence• 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Carries out routine duties under close supervision; 1 independent judgement. Some independent judgement within well-defined,limits procedures. Independent and interpretive judgement required to ex duties within general administrative guidelines. General independence to carry out responsibilities wi broad City policies: Responsible to address, define and recommend broad Ci policies. of • , and wo to points �ng. tle ute in � � rr. � Impact of Judgement (Decisions Made : 1. Neglible 2. Limited 3. Important 4. Substantial S. Strategic Score - Add the two FACTOR III - INTERPERSONAL AND PUBLIC RELATIONS SKILLS 1. Minimal or no contacts 2. Contacts requiring courtesy, and exchange of routine information. 3. Contacts requiring ability to explain City programs and policies tactfully, and to take complex information accurately. 4. Contacts requiring representation of City policies tactfully and successfully, frequently in a tense or confrontational setting. S. Public representation of the City and its policies to citizens, elected officials, civic groups, businesses, and other governmental agencies. Score FACTOR IV - SUPERVISORY RESPONSIBILITY Position earns 1 point for each directly supervised position, and 1/2 point for each indirectly supervised position, up to a maximum 10 possible points. Score Scoring: Factor I = Factor II = Factor III = Factor IV = Total Points = APPENDIX B DETAILED ANALYSIS OF INDIVIDUAL POSITIONS 0 0 Position: Clerk/Receptionist (Administration) Incumbent: Kimberlee Henning Current Salary: $11,100.00 External Comparison: The position of receptionist in Mendota Heights is a hybrid of s Stanton classifications. They are: Position Job 5-lOK Dakota County Aver Title No. Cities Comparisons Clk-Typist I 41 Clk-Typist II 42 S�bd. Oper. 43 Clk-Steno II 44 �veral $10,688 $11,352 $11, 20 13,704 14,640 14, 72 None 11,166 11, 66 13,200 None 13, 00 Average of Averages $12, 89 It is proposed to use the average of the averages for the four positions, of $12,389 as the external comparison salary for the osi- tion of Clerk/Receptionist. Interal Comparison Position point value = 10, derived as follows: Factor I Sub-factor A = 2 Sub-factor B = 2 Factor II Sub-factor A = 2 Sub-factor B = 2 Factor III = 2 Factor IV = 0 Total points = 10 10 points at $1,237 each = $12,370. Classification Recommendation: Grade I, target salary of $12,370. � Justification By reference to the external comparison, .$12,370 is a reasonab. market-rate compensation for a Clerk/Receptionist in municipal g� ment. �e �vern- Clerk/Receptianist then becomes the base salary for establishing inter- nally equitable salaries far all other positions. Since this is a 10 point posztion, each paint earned is worth $1,237, and is applied to . the point ranking of all other posit�ons ta determine appropriate salaries. ' Impact The imcumbent's current salary of $II,100 is near the ane year step oi $11,220. 5he would be �laced at that level, an increase of $124 an- nually, until she becomes eligible for mavement up to the 2 year Ievel, Step C. � 0 Position: Secretary (Police and Engineering) Incumbent: Carol Bakka, Diane Ward Current Salary: $14,760 External Comparison: In making the salary adjustments earlier this year, Orvil compar d these positions to Stanton Job No. 46, Clerk-Steno II. In revie�ing the job descriptions, it is my feeling that a comparison to Job I�o. 47, Secretary is more appropriate. This is described as a position hat "normally performs secretarial duties for an executive at the de art- ment head level" which both Diane and Carol do. The Secretary, ob No. 47, comparisons are: 5-lOK Cities = Dakota Cty. Cities = Average Internal Comparison: $13,890 15,008 $14,449 Position point value = 13, derived as follows: Factor I Sub-factor A = 2 Sub-factor B = 3 Factor II Sub-factor A = 3 Sub-factor B = 2 Factor III = 3 Factor IV = 0 Total Points = 13 13 points at $1,237.00 each = $16,081. Classification Recommendation: Grade V, target salary of $15,036. Justification: A target salary of $15,036 is nearest to a compromise average external and internal comparisons of $15,291. Impact• The two incumbents are•fully trained and tenured employees. The efore, they would go immediately to the target salary, of $15,036, $276 an- nually above current compensation. As there are two employees, he additional annual cost is $552. Position: Senior Secretary (Administration) Incumbent: Mary Ann DeLaRosa Current Salary: $18,000 External Comparison: This position is comparable to Stanton Job No. 48, Senior Secretary, which is usually secretary to the Chief Administrative Officer. Job No. 48 comparables are: S-lOK Cities = $16,485 Dakota Cty. Cities = 19,664 Average = $18,074 Internal Comparison: Position point value = 15, derived as follows: Factor I Sub-factor A = 2 Sub-factor B = 4 Factor II Sub-factor A = 3 Sub-factor B = 3 Factor III = 3 Factor IV = 0 Total Points 15 15 points at $1,237 each = $18,555. Classification Recommendation: Grade IX, target salary of $18,276 Justification: The Grade IX target salary is closest to both the external and internal comparisons, and halfway between the two. Impact• As a fully trained and tenured employee, the incumbent would immedi- � ately go to the target salar.y of $18,276, $276 annually over her cur- rent compensation of $18,000. Position: Incumbent: Accountant Shirley Shannon Current Salary: $16,248 External Comparison: This position has traditionally been compared to Stanton Job No. Senior Accounting Clerk. However, in reviewing the job descript comparison to Job No. 37, Accountant I, seems defensible. City Kathy Swanson add Treasurer Larry Shaughnessy concurr. Job No. � comparables are: 5-lOK Cities = $ None Dakota Cty. Cities = 18,828 Average = Internal Comparison: �, • : . . Position point value = 16, derived as follows: •Factor I Sub-factor A = 4 Sub-factor B = 3 Factor II Sub-factor A = 3 Sub-factor B = 3 Factor III ' = 3 Factor IV = 0 Total Points 16 16 points at $1,237 each = $19,792. Classification Recommendation: Grade X, target salary of $19,190. Justification: The Grade X target salary is closest to a compromise salary of which is the average of the external and internal comparisons. Impact• As a fully trained and tenured employee, the incumbent would i ately go to the target salary of $19,310, $3,062 annually over current compensation of $16,248. 36, on, a '�lerk 7 .9,310, i- 0 Position: Engineering Technician Incumbent: Guy Kullander Current Salary: $21,068 External Comparison: The position compares closely to Stanton Job No. 15, Engineering Techi- cian III. Salary comparisons are: S-lOK Cities = $23,760 Dakota Cty. Cities = 21,836 Average = $22,798 Internal Comparison: Position point value = 15, derived as follows: Factor I Sub-factor A = 3 Sub-factor B = 4 Factor II Sub-factor A = 2 Sub-factor B = 3 Factor III = 3 Factor IV = 0 Total Points = 15 15 points at $1,237 each = $18,555. Classification Recommendation: Grade XIII, target salary of $22,215. Justification: As will be seen with all engineering positions, the internal compari- son, based on the points system, suggests a salary considerably lower than do the external comparisons. This is due to market recognition of the high demand for engineers and technicians. In order to attract and retain competent engineering staff, our salary scales will need to reflect that market. Therefore, my justification for emphasizing ex- ternal over internal comparability on this and other engineering posi- tions, is market sensitivity. Impact: The incumbent's currenC compensation of $21,068 is slightly belc two year step of $21,157. This is appropriate since he just con his two year anniversary date with the City. His salary would � ately be increased to $21,157, an $89 increase above his current and he will be eligible to move up to the target step (currentl} $22,215) in November, �984. the Ieted medi— salary m Position• Incumbent: Senior Engineering Technician Tom Knuth Current Salary: $26,160 External Comparison: The position compares closely to Stanton Job No. 16, Engineering Technician IV. Salary comparisons are: 5-lOK Cities = $ None Dakota Cty. Cities = 25,368 Average = $ 25,368 Internal Comparison: Position point value = 19, derived as follows: Factor I � Sub-factor A = 3 Sub-factor B = S Factor II Sub-factor A = 3 Sub-factor B = 3 Factor III = 4 . Factor IV = 1 � Total Points = 19 19 points at $1,237 each = $23,503. Classification Recommendation: Grade XVI, target of $25,716. Justification: As described for Engineering Technician III, salaries for engine ring personnel must be market competitive. The proposed target salar of $25,716 is very close to the external comparison of $25,368. Impact• . The incumbent's current compensation of $26,160 is $444 above th proposed target salary. Since the current salary was recently r viewed as part of the October adjustments, I recommend that we leave th t salary intact, and that Tom receives the same cost-of-living adj stment as other employees for 1984. This means that his actual salary ill be between Grades XVI and XVII. Were the position to become vacan , the new recruit would go back to the Grade XVI scale. 0 Position: Code Enforcement Officer Incumbent: Paul Berg Current Salary: $24,276 � External Comparison: The position of Code Enforcement Officer corresponds to two Stanton classifications, Job No. 20-Inspector, and Job No. 21-Chief Inspectore The purpose of this analysis, comparison is made to Job No. 20 in the larger cities, and to Job No, 21 where it is apparent that Code En- forcement is a one person operation. The comparable salaries are: 5-lOK Cities = $25,159 Dakota Cty. Cities = ' 26,156 Average = $25,658 Internal Comparison: Position point value = 18, devied as follows: Factor I Sub-factor A = 3 Sub-factor B = S Factor IT � ' `� � ' Sub-factor A = 3 Sub-factor B = 3 Factor III = 4 Factor IV = 0 Total Points = 18 18 points at $1,237 each = $22,266. Classification Recommendation: Grade XVI target salary of $25,716. Justification: This is a similar type position to the technical jobs in the Engi- neering Department, and like those poisitions requires a market compe- titive salary to attract and retain competent people. Also staff `"'"`�� concluded that the Code Enforcement Officer should be at parity with thes�ngineering Technician, since the two are highly similar in quali- ��.,..... fication requirements and breadth of responsibility. Impact• �' �� � As a fully trained and tenured employee, the incumbent would go imme- - diately to the target salary of $25,716, which is $1,440 annually above .,, .,�.,. , �. his current compensation. _.:.,�� . , Position: Public Works Superintendent Incumbent: Richard Ploumen Current Salary: $26,244 External Comparison: In the City of Mendota Heights, this position is currently tit Public Works Supervisor. Characteristics of the position make partially comparable to both Stanton Job No. 10, Public Works visor, and Job No. 11, Public Works Superintendent. The compa salaries for the two classifications are: Position Title Supervisor Superintendent Job S-lOK No. Cities 10 $24,123 11 30,880 Dakota County Comparisons $25,533 30,378 Average of Averages � per- r ble A erage $ 4,828 0,629 $ 7,729 Although the job involves first-line supervision as is descript�ve of the Supervisor classification, it also entails some of the broa �er planning and coordinating of several public works functions (ie., streets, parks, utilities, etc.) characteristic of the Superint dent classification. Therefore, it is recommended that the average igure of the two classifications $27,729, be considered an appropriat exter- nal comparable. Internal Comparison: Position point value = 26 derived as follows: Factor I Sub-factor A = 2 Sub-factor B = 5 Factor II Sub-factor A = 4 Sub-factor B = 4 Factor III = 4 Factor IV = 7 Total Points = 26 26 points at $1,237 each = $32,162. Classification Recommendation: Grade IXX, target salary of $29,770. Also recommended that the position be retitled to Public Works Superintendent. Justification: The proposed target salary of $29,770 is very close to the average between external and internal comparisons, or $29,946. It also brings the position close to the comparable average salary of the classifica- tion of Superintendent in the other cities. Impact: As a fully trained and tenured employee, the incumbent would be eli- gible to go immediately to the target salary of $29,770, which is $3,526 annually above his current compensation of $26,244. As a super- visory position, with pay based on performance rather than tenure, actual placement or a pay step would be the subject of a performance review and recommendation by the Public Works Director and City Admin- istrator. � � Posi.tzon: Czty Clerk Incumbent: Kathleen Swanson Curr�nt Salar� $22,896 External Comparison: For the sake af'a figure, comparable figures for Stanton Job No, City Clerk are: 5-lOK Cities = $22,572 DakoCa Cty. Cities = 23,244 Average = $ZZy9Q8 Hawever, the jab duties of the Mendota Heights position far exce thase decribed in Stanton Job No. 60 (ie., voCer registration, e tions, minutes, licensing, and other record keeping functions.) position here has evo3ved to more of a department head responsit central administrative services, including budget preparata.on, f eial statement preparatiore, personnel administratian, and data F sing applicata.ons. Internal Comparisan: Pd81�lOR poin� val.ue = 24 ta 2b, derived as fallows: �BC�Oi Z 5ub-factor A = 4 Sub-factar B = 5 Fac�or II Sub-factor A = 4f5 Sub-factor B = 4j5 Factor III = 4 Factor IV = 3 Tota1 Paints = 24� to 26 24 to 26 goints at $1,237 each =$29,68$ to $32,162. 60, tec- The le for inan- races- The range of points assigned is due to uncertainty of the rating of Factar IS, the Ievel and impact of independent judgement. The u cer- tainty is created by the fact that over the past two to three ye rs, the pasitian has been evalving fram a traditional City Clerk ta are of a broad administrative department head function. The direc�ion ver the next year will be clasely impacted by the respective respans bili- ties taken or by the City Administra�or and City C1erk, and wi11. alsa be a function of City goals and work grograms as determined by t e Council. It is recommended that the 24 point rating be used for I984 and that the position be subject to futher review in 1985. � Classification Recommendation: Grade IXX, target salary of $29,770. Justification: The proposed target salary is closest to the internal comparison salary of $29,688. This comparison is most appropriate because: 1. the external comparison of City Clerk does not recognize the non-traditional and expanded functions assumed by this posi- tion; 2. as a department head with supervisory responsiblity, the position should be compensated more closely to the other department heads; 3. the internal comparison of $29,688 may be conservative. As noted above, the position should be reviewed for appropriateness of classification again for 1985. Impact• As a fully trained and tenured employee, the incumbent would be elig- ible to go immediately to the target salary of $29,770, which is $6,874 annually over the current salary of $22,896. As a department head position, with pay based on performance, rather than tenure, the actual placement or the pay step would be the subject of a performance review and recommendation by the City Administrator. � Position:� Police Sergeant Incumbent: " Dorance Wicks Current Salary: $30,540 External Comparison: 0 The position is compared to Stanton Job No. 26, Sergeant, for tl� cities not paying overtime. I 5-lOK Cities = $30,056 Dakota Cty. Cities = 31,155 Average = $30,601 Internal Comparison: Position point value = 28, derived as follows: Factor I Sub-factor A = 3 Sub-factor B = 5 Factor II Sub-factor A = 3 Sub-factor B = 4 ' Factor III = 4 Factor IV = 9 Total Points = 28 28 points at $1,237 each = $34,636. Classification Recommendation: Grade XX, target salary of $31,258. Justification: �se A top patrol with 9% longevity, as allowed by contract, earns a salary of $29,116. The proposed target salary for the position of Ser eant is 7.3% above that, which is a minimally acceptable difference for a supervisory position. ' It is not recommended to go higher, because at this level the " ublic sector compression effect" begins. As will be detailed later, market comparability and political reality make it unfeasible to recom end that the Police Chief's position be classified higher than Grad XXIII, and the Captain higher than XXI. Therefore, Grade XX cannot be ex- ceeded for Sergeant in order to maintain a proper salary progre sion by departmental rank. Impact: As a fully trained and tenured employee the incumbent would be eligible to go immediately to the target salary of $31,258, $718 annually above his current compensation of $30,540. As a supervisory position, with pay based on performance rather than tenure, actual placement or a pay step would be the subject of a performance review and recommendation by the Police Chief and City Administrator. 0 Position: Police Captain Incumbent: Gene Lange Current Salary: $32,040 Introductory Comment: While titled Police Captain, this is a hybrid position, consisti the functions of police captain, police detective, and fire mars The incumbent also serves as Assistant Fire Chief, although thos duties are not included in the present analysis, since they are mally performed beyond regular working hours and subject to an a tional $2,000 of compensation. External Comparison: The comparables for Stanton Job No. 30, Police Captain are: 5-lOK Cities = $28,710 Dakota Cty. Cities = 33,996 Average = $31,353 • Internal Comparison: Position point value = 26.5, derived as follows: Factor I Sub-factor A = 3 Sub-factor B = 5 Factor II Sub-factor A = 4 Sub-factor B = 4 Factor III = 5 Factor IV = 5.5 Total Points = 26.5 26.5 points at $1,237 each = $32,780.50 Classification Recommendation: Grade XXI, target salary of $32,821. Justification: The proposed target is very close to the internally equitable sa maintains an appropriate spread from the Sergeant's salary, and nizes the breadth of the incumbent's duties beyond those normall associated with the position of Police Captain. n of l. ry, cog- � Impact: As a fully trained and tenured employee, the incumbent would be eligi- ble to go to the target salary of $32,821, $781 annually above the current compensation of $32,040. As a supervisory position, with pay based on performance rather than tenure, actual placement or a pay step would be the subject of a performance review and recommendation by the Police Chief and City Administrator. , Position: City Engineer Incumbent: Edward Kishel Current Salary: $32,880 External Comparison: This position may be compared to Stanton Job No. 18, Assistant ngi- neer, and Job No. 19, City Engineer. The Assistant Engineer co parison is defensible, in that the position does report to another regi tered engineer. Salary comparisons are: Position Title Asst. Engineer City Engineer Job 5-lOK No. Cities 18 $ None 19 32,650 Dakota County Comparisons $31,116 None Average of Averages Internal Comparison: Position point value = 23, derived as follows: Factor I Sub-factor A = 4 Sub-factor B = 5 Factor II Sub-factor A = 4 Sub-factor B = 4 Factor III = 4 Factor IV = 2 Total Points = 23 23 points at $1,237 each = $28,451 Classification Recommendation: Grade XXI, target salary of $32,821. Justification: As with other engineering positions, market competitiveness dict higher salary than would be indicated by internal comparison. A the recommended target salary is above the external comparison, very close to the incumbent's present level of compensation. Th current compensation should not be downgraded, due to implied co ments made to the incumbent when he abolished his own consulting to come to work for the City. rage 31,116 32,650 31,883 ztes a though 't is t �mit- firm When the position becomes vacant, it would be reviewed for possible retitling to Assistant City Engineer and likely downgraded in the compensation scale. Impact: As a fully trained and tenured employee, the incumbent would go to the target salary of $32,821. Since his current compensation is $59 above that amount, his January 1, 1984 cost-of-living adjustment would be slightly less than that extended to other City employees. As a super- visory position,,with pay based on performance rather than tenure, actual placement or a pay step would be the subject of a performance review and recommendation by the Public Works Director and City Admin- istrator. Position: Police Chief Incumbent: Dennis Delmont Current Salary: $35,220 External Comparison: The position is comparable to Stanton Job No. 31, Police Chief. comparisons are: 5-lOK Cities = $33,255 Dakota Cty. Cities = 37,500 Average = $35,378 Internal Comparison: Position point value = 31.5, derived as follows: Factor I Sub-factor A = 4 Sub-factor B = 5 Factor II Sub-factor A = 5 Sub-factor B = 5 Factor III = 5 Factor IV = 7.5 Total Points = 31.5 31.5 points at $1,237 each = $38,965.50 Classification Recommendation: Grade XXIII, target salary of $36,185. Justification: Salary The proposed target salary is somewhat of a compromise between he external and internal comparisons, but decidely closer to the e ter- nal. This is due to the "public sector compression effect." H's- torically, and for political reasons, upper level executive pos"tions in the public sector have paid less than their counterparts in the private sector, and less than a measure of internal equity might otherw'se suggest. Impact: As a fully trained and tenured employee, the incumbent would be eligi- ble to go immediately to the target salary of $36,285, which is $965 annually over his current compensation of $35,220. As a department head position, with pay based on performance rather than tenure, his actual placement on a pay step would be the subject of a performance review and recommendation by the City Administrator. � e� Position; Public Works Director ` Zncumbent: James Danielsan Current Salary: $33,720 External Comparisan: The pasitian campares �o Stanton Job Na. 12, Director af Pub2ic Comparisons are: 5-lOK Cita.es = $32,688 Dakata Cty. Cities = 40,34Q Average = $36,494 Internal Comparisan: PosiCion point value = 32.5, derived as fallows: Factor I Sub-factor A = 4 Sub-factar B = 5 Factor II Sub-factor A = S Sub-factor B = 5 Fac�or III = S Factar IV = 8.5 Tota2 Points = 32.5 32.5 paints a� $1,237 each = $40,202.50 Classification Recommendation: Grade XXIII, target salary of $36,185. Justi�ication: The recommended target salary is very close to the external comg� of $3b,494. Far the same "public sec�or compressian effect" rea� cited in �.he justification far Police Chief's target salary, that external comgarison should be emphasized over �he internal comgaz Also, it is recommended that the two departmenC head positians of Police Chief and Public Warks Director be at parity, Impact• As a£ully trained and �enured employee, the incumbent would be e gible ta go immediately to the target salary of $36,185, which i: $2,465 above his current compensation of $33,720. As a deparment position, with pay based an performance rather than tenure, acta� placement ar a pay step would be the subject oi a performance re� and recommenda�.ion by the Gity Administrator. rks. san ble. �ew m Fosition: City Administrator Tncumbent; Qrvil Johnson/Kevin Frazell Current Salary. $41,5Q8/$35,000 Intraduction: The position af City Administrator or City Manager, in most cita.es, is not usually classified in a pay g�an. Nprmally a campensata.an package is the subject of negotiation between the incumbent and the City Coun- cil. For informational purposes only, external and internal compari- sons are provided. As Council may ar may not wish to include this position in the classified pay plan, no recommendation or justification for a Grade placement is provided, External Comparison: The position compares closely ta Stanton Job Na. 63, City Adminis- tratarjCiCy Manager. Comparable salaries are : 5-lOK Cities = $35,360 Dakota Cty. Cities = 45,760 Average = $40,560 Internal Comparisan: Position point value = 35, derived as follaws: Factar I Sub-factor A = S Sub-factor B = 5 Factor II Sub-factor A = 5 Sub-factor B = 5 Factor III = 5 Factar IV = 10 Total Faints = 35 35 points at $1,237 each = $43,295. m APPENDIX C INDIVIDUAL JOB nESCRIPTIONS POSITION DESCRIPTION POSITION TITLE: DEPARTMENT: ACCOUNTABLE T0: Primary Objective of Position: December 6, 198_ Clerk/Receptionist Administration City Clerk To receive and refer tel.ephone calls and visitors promptly ar to the approp'riate person or department, and to perform genez for administration, utility, code enforcement and other depaY Duties and Responsibilities: Operates telephone console, answering and routing incoming Directs visitors to proper offices. Receives, sorts and distributes incoming mail. Issues dog licenses and maintains appropriate records. courteously clerical work ents. Lls. Performs miscellaneous clerical services for City Clerk, Cod Enforcement Officer, Public Works Supervisor and others as delegated by ity Clerk. Performs quarterly utility billing function through LOGIS Sy tem, receipts payments and calculates annual individual rates under the di ection of the City Clerk. Responds to normal questions and complaints on tiltiy billings. Issues building permits and distributes copies of building a requirements under the direction of the Code Enforcement Off record keeping and updating of records relating to permit is Issues plumbing, sewer, water and heating permits. Receipts license f ees, verifies license application requirem records of licenses and notifies licensees of expiration of forms. Assists in election process. Schedules park and community room requests. d licensing cer. Performs uance. nts, maintains icense or insura Performs other duties and assumes other responsibilities, inc$luding in other cit departments, as assigned. I Knowledge and Skills Required: General knowledge of City departments, services and personnel, so that inquiries and visitors can be referred in an expeditious manner. Ability to be tactful and courteous with the public, City Officials and other employees. Ability to operate dictation equipment and various office equipmenC. Ability to learn operation of a microcomputer. Minimum Training, Experience and Education: High school graduation, supplemented by post-secondary coursework in clerical and business courses. Some experience in dealing with the public. �bility to type 60 words per.minute and to operate dictating equipment. More extensive experience may substiture for some education. 0 POSITION TITLE: DEP ARTMEN T : ACCOUNTABLE T0: December 6, 198� POSITION DESCRIPTION MENDOTA HEIGHTS POLICE DEPARTMENT Police Secretary Police Police Chief Primarv Obiective of Position: To provide secretarial, stenographic and clerical services tc of Police and other Police Staff, and assist in maintaining c accurate Police Department records. Major Areas of Accountability: Performs skilled typing duties in connection with corresponde and records. a. Prepares and types reports and correspondence from rough copy or dictating machine. b. Prepares daily posting information. c. Compiles and forwards monthly reports and annual reports. d. Prepares duplicate copies as working copies for distribut appropriate. Serves as receptionist for the Police Department: the Chief mplete and ce, reports raf t, as a. Answers telephone and in-person inquiries or refers them s necessary or appropriate. b. May be required to complete minor police information repo ts. c. Completes and distributes citizen "vacation watch" infor tion forms. d. Responds to telephone and in-person requests for copies o accident or police reports in accordance with department policy an State and Federal data privacy laws. Maintains accurate files to assure an easily��retrievable, consiste�it and complete record of department activities. I Operates the Police Department CRT Console, retrieving, entering, nd updating of State and National computer information, teletypes other agenci s as requested. Responds to requests and relays information to officers or other agencies via the Police Department radio. I 0 Prepares reports and maintains records pertaining to court action. a. Processes all citations issued. b. Prepares warkirzg copies af reports and forms for City, County and/or State prosecuCors. c. MainCains caurt f iles and records, i.e., booking regorts, mug shots, disposit3.ans. � Monitors, stocks, orders and mainCains office supplies, equipment and forms as apparent or directed. Provides and coordinates clerical work assignments of Police Interns. Performs other duties and assumes other responsibilities. Knowledge and Ski11s Required: Ability to type with speed an.d accuracy from dictaphone and �rough draft. � Abili�y to deal in courteous, tactful and busin.ess-like manner in handling inquiries from the pub3ic by telephone and in person. Ability to maintain all off ice f iles and records so that such inf+�rmation is readily available when needed. Ability ta maintain a high degree af confzdenta.ality of ali information and records of the Police Department. Minimum Training, Experience, and Educatian: High schoal graduate including or supplemented by courses in Secretarial subjects. Three years office experience. December� POSITION DESCRIPTION POSITION TITLE: Engineering Secretary Department: Engineering Accountable To: Public Works Director Primary_Objective of Position: To provide secretarial and administrative assistance to Engineering/Public Works Department. Duties and Responsibilities: 6, 1983 ie Performs normal secretarial duties for the Engineering D part- ment such as typing of specific:ations, feasibility reports, co respon- dence, memorandas etc., answering telephones and record keeping. Performs secretarial duties for Public Works Superintendqh t as needed. Performs accounting functions for the Engineering Departm nt. Compiles all time sheets and cost keeping records and bills the ity on a monthly basis for Engineering services. Periodically provides and updates the Public Works Director and City Engineer with informa ion on the current status of all engineering projects. I Performs supportive administrative assistance functions Public Works Director and City Engineer to relieve them from a trative details. Manages and controls the distribution of plans and specif tions prior to and after bidding a public improvement project. Sets up and maintains in an orderly manner all department cords (eg. files, Tax-Assessment books etc.) for prompt referral needed. . Purchases office supplies for the engineering department.l s- re- as Answers routine engineering questions for the public and �ives plumbers sewer and water locations. Assists in monitoring the Engineering Budget. Assists in the preparation and administration of assessme rolls, assessment splits, resolutions in reference to improvemen jects, payment certificateson improvements, hearing notices on i ments and assessments to affected property owners and for legal cation, and easements. , Assists in routine drafting and making blueprints. it : pro- nprove- �ubli- Assists in field surveying (when extra help is needed) as a rodperson or rear chain person, during the construction season. Performs other duties and assumes other responsibilities, inclu- ding in other City department, as assigned. Knowledge and Skills Required: Good understanding of engineering and public works functions. General working knowledge of City department functions, services and personnel, so that inquiries from the public can be handled in an expeditious manner. Ability to compose a variety of inemorandas, letters etc. and maintain detailed records with a minimum amount of instructions. In- cludes ability to apply microcomputer technology. Ability to be tactful and courteous with the public. Desireable Training, Experience, and Education: Familiar with Engineering terminology and municipal procedures. Accounting procedures. Minimum Training, Experience and Education: High school graduate including or supplemented by courses in Secretarial subjects. Three (3) years of office experience. Ability to type 60 words per minute and operate dictating equip- ment. December� POSITION DESCRIPTION Position Title: Senior Secretary/Deputy City Clerk Department: Administration Accountable To: City Clerk Primary Objective of Position: � 6, 1983 To perform secretarial duties for the City Administrator �nd City Clerk. Duties and Responsibilities: Transcribes dictation and types, from rough draft and oth r sources,letters, memorandums, forms and other material, includi g reso- lutions and ordinances, as directed by City Administrator. Com oses miscellaneous correspondence as delegated and in response to Pl nning Commission and City Council action. Schedules appointments as eeded. Relieves Administrator of clerical detail and relays orders and direc- tions as necessary. Sets up and maintains filing system for all administratio , planning and code enforcement correspondence, reports, etc., fo prompt referral as needed. Serves as Secretary to the Planning and Parks and Recreat on Commission, including preparation and distribution of agendas, ttend- ance at meetings, preparation of minutes, maintenance of case r cords, preparation and publication of hearing notices. Serves as primary secretarial support for Code Enforceme t Offi- cer, Financial Advisor, and Fire Department. Serves as primary secretary for City Clerk. Transcribes ouncil minutes as dictated by City Clerk, and serves as Council secret ry in Clerk's absence. Duplicates, assembles, types and distributes ouncil agendas. Functions as City Clerk in Clerk's absence. Schedules appointments for Planning Consultant and dictation when necessary. • Orders office supplies for Administration Department. Oversees Impressed Cash Fund and makes disbursements with val of the City Clerk. bes appro- Answers telephone inquiries on pending assessments and prepares written assessment searches. Maintains public improvement assessment books received from County Auditor and records therein payment to County of assessment balances. Assistant to City Clerk in election processes and in maintenance of voter registration, assists in training of election judges. Performs secretarial duties for Cable Commission Chairman when commission secretary is unavailable. Answers phones, issues permits and assists at counter when recep- tionist is busy or absent. Operates computer, electronic typewriter and miscellaneous office equipment. Performs other duties and assumes other responsibilities including in other City departments, as assigned. , Knowledge and Skills Required: Good working knowledge of the functions and services provided by each City department and the personnel involved. Ability to compose a variety of inemoranda, letters, etc. with a minimum of instruction. Ability to make independent decisions based on established rules and procedures. Ability to establish and maintain an effective working relation- ship with City officials, general public and other employees. Minimum Trainin�, Experience and Education: High school graduate including or supplemented by courses in Secretarial subjects. Shorthand desired, minimum typing 60 words per minute. Five or more years of increasingly responsible secretarial experience. Experience in operation of variety of office equipment. Decembe� 6, 1983 POSITION DESCRIPTION Position Title: Accountant Department: Administration Accountable To: City Clerk Primary Objective of Position: To perform accounting work, preparing financial reports, zing and implementing financial operations of the City. To perf posting and calculating operations and administer payroll funct Duties and Responsiblities: Payroll/Personnel �rgani- �rm Lons. Processes bi-weekly payroll, including all necessary mon hly and quarterly payroll tax reports (PERA, FICA, State, Federal). Monitors and makes necessary payroll changes such as rat changes, longevity adjustments, deductions, etc. Maintains vacation, sick leave and overtime records for 11 City employees. Monitors various state and federal regulations regarding enforce- ment and changes in PERA and FICA requirements. Composes correspondence relative to insurance claims, ad inisters employee health, worker's compensation and disability insuranc pro- grams. Financial Responsibilities Assists in annual audit preparation process. Assists in annual buget preparation process. Assures proper authorization and coding for all claims. erifies and processes invoices for payment, produces claims list for Co ncil approval. Prepares accounting data for entry to financial system, c�Oor- dinates with LOGIS for year-end closing of financial records. � Prepares monthly, quarterly and annual financial reports. Prepares special reports for Administrator, Treasurer Clerk as requested. Maintains and updates Chart of Financial Accounts. City 0 Makes all LOGIS and manual transactions to approximately 70 City funds and projects. Trains other clerical staff in terminal operation. Monitors and implements changes in LOGIS processes. Maintains all acounts receivable and accounts payable. Prepares monthly SAC charge reports, quarterly state surcharge reports. Responsible for overall operation and training in LOGIS system. Miscellaneous Assists in utility billing process and serves in utility billing clerk capacity in absence of Receptionist/Secretary. Serves as Administration department representative on Safety Committee. Answers phones and issues permits and assists at counter when receptionist is busy or absent. Assists in election process. Operates micro—computer and various office equipment. Performs other duties and assumes other responsibilities, inclu— ding in other City departments, as assigned. Knowled�e and Skills Required: Knowledge of basic accounting principles and practices and abil— ity to understand and apply general accounting principles to municipal accounting. Ability to make accurate arithmetic computations. Ability to make independent decisions, based on established rules and procedures. Ability to establish and maintain an effective working relation— ship with City officials, general public and other employees. Minimum Training, Experience and Education: Bachelor's Degree in Accounting, Business, or closely related field. Two to three years experience in municipal accounting work. Skill at operation of calculator and other office equipment. More extensive experience may substitute for some education. POSITION TITLE: Department• Accountable To: Primary Ob_jective: POSITION DESCRIPTION Engineering Technician Engineering City Engineer December �, 1983 To perform a wide variety of engineering related office a d field work, including but not limited to: drafting, construction sur- veying and inspection, street and utility design, easement prepa a- tion,etc. Duties and Responsibilities: Performs technical and complex drafting in preparation of con- struction drawings and working details for City projects. Helps de- velop engineering project specifications and assures timely comp etion and recording of "as-built" record plans. Assists Senior Engineering Technician with all field sur work. Acts as project inspector on public improvement construction projects in progress to insure compliance with plans and specifi cations. Takes notes and make sketches of work performed and material quantities used. Is the City's graphic expert. Prepares maps and drawing fo'r public presentations. Prepares graphic layout and design of re orts and assists other City department heads in report preparation. needed. Maintains map files in an orderly manner for prompt refe�ence as Revises and updates City utility and planning maps. Prepares easement drawings and verifies legal descript Furnishes sewer and water locations to contractors and Assists in handling inquires from public or staff re Public Improvements or location of existing city utilities. � umbers. g Communicates with property owners affected by constructi n pro- jects to inform them of timetables and respondsto inquires in a tactful and helpful manner. Purchases engineering supplies. Coordinates outside proc�uction services. (i.e. Printing, stats, reductions, etc.) I Performs miscellaneous research projects and other duties. As- sume other re�ponsibilities.as apparent ar assigned. Knawledge and Skil1 Required: Saund working knowledge of the technical aspects af municipal engineering work. Technical skills - drafting, inspections, rnathematics, etc. Minimum Trainin�, Experience and Education: Two {2) years post high schoal technical education or equiva- lent. Educational background in advanced mathematics, trigonometry, surveying, drafting and other related pre-engineering courses. Ability to communicate effectively graphically, orally and in writing. Ability to develop and mazntain pasitive and effective working relationships with consultants, engineers, contractors, other employees and the general public. Ability to read and accurately interpret engineering plans, specifications and legal descriptions. Four to five years experience in technical engineering work, ie., construc�ion inspection, surveying, drafting, and design. POSITION TITLE: Department: , Accountable To• Primary Objective: POSITION DESCRIPTION Senior Engineering Technician Engineering City Engineer December �, 1983 To perform a wide variety of engineering related office a field work, including but not limited to: drafting, construction veying and inspection, street and utility design, easement prepa etc. Duties and Responsibilities: sur- ation, Serves as party chief of the engineering survey crew; sup r- vises, directs and participates in the work of the crew and is r spon- sible for the accuracy and progress of the work; takes notes and makes sketches for work performed; and establishes line points and gr des f or streets and other construction work. Maintains field survey notes and makes computation of di elevations, etc. in line with established procedures. Is responsible for inspection of Public Improvement cons projects. Insures that projects get constructed according to p specifications. Keeps City Engineer and Public Works Director tinually appraised of progress on projects. Computes quantities and estimates costs of the public ments projects under the guidance of the City Engineer. Reduces field notes. Services the general needs of the public in making inf and records available to them, including specific information utilities, pending assessments, etc. s, ction s and e- tion public Assists City Engineer in the design and implementation o public improvement projects. Obtains field information and prepares " s- built" construction drawings. Assists City Engineer in the pr para- tion of public improvement projects by designing, elevations, 1 cations & types of streets and utilities required; and by writing first draft specifications and bid proposals. Maintains supervision over City owned survey equipment ar�d mat- erial s . Performs other duties and assume other responsibilities a�s as- signed. KnowledQe and Skills Re.quired: Comprehensive knowledge of the technical aspects of municipa2 engineering work. ` Excellent technical skills - drafting, inspectian, mathematics, etc, t Ability to communicate effectively graphically, arally and in writing. Ability to develap and maintain positive and effective working relationships with consultants, engineers, contractors other employees and the general public, Ability to read and accurately interpret engineering plans, specifications and legal descriptions. Minimum Training,_Experience, and Educatian: Two {2) years post high school technical educatian ar equi- valent. Educational background in advanced mathematics, trigonometry, surveying, drafting and other related pre-engineering courses. Ten (10) years experience in municipal engineering as survey crew chief, field inspector and project d�signer. POSITTON TITLE: DEPARTMENT: ACCOUNTABLE T0: December 6, 19�; POSITION DESCRIPTZON Code Enforcement Officer Bui7.ding Inspection DeparCment Public Works Director Primary Objective of Position: To adminster, inter�ret and enforce compla.ance with establis codes and Zaning Ordinances and regulatiorts through review o and systematic scheduling of building, plumbing and heating ' �he health, safety, property rights and welfare of the publi Duties and RespansibiliCies: ed building bui].ding plans nspections far Processes and issues bua.lding permits for construction after checking building plans for confarmity to building codes, zaning ordinances an regulata.ons. Prepares recammendations for Council consideration of perm�.t issuance on i.ndustrial and commercial structures. Confers with deveiapers, designers, citizens and cantracto stages of design and construction. Interprets codes and ordinances insuring understanding and during planning Iiance with 5chedules and perfarms required inspections on aIl permits 'ssued, including footing, foundation, framing, rough plumbing, �inal plumbing, insulation and vapar barrier, heating rough in, heating f inal and structur final. itesponsible for offical recards, permanent files, zssues ce rificates of occupancy, prepares monthly reports, prepares annual report and prepares degartment budget, Issues notices of code and ordinance violations when necess ry. Investigates camplaints and, if valid, initiates corrective actians. Participates as requested in drafting of codes and ordinanc s. Receives, files and forwards all appli.cations for appeals, �ariance, conditio use permits or other maCters ta �he designated off icial bod es. Evaluates, assi.sts, and supervises licensing of trades peo whether they shauld be recommended ta City Council for lic their respective trades. e to determine sing Co wark in May participate in revoking licenses in case of unsatisfactory performance. Performs other duties and assumes other responsibilities as assigned. Knowledge and Skills Required Thorough knowledge and understanding of the pertinent codes and ordinances, and license requirements. . Ability to interpret plans, diagrams, blueprints and specifications. Ability to camprehend and enforce ordinances and regulations tactfully, firmly and impartially. Ability to plan and schedule inspections and meetings. Ability to establish and maintain an effective working relationship with the building owners, contractors and the public, to assure their understanding and cooperation and to assure compliance with all codes, zoning ordinances and regulations. Background and experience in the construction field and experience in the daily and continuous dealing with public requiring tact, courtesy and good judgment. An understanding of the organization and functioning of City government. Minimum Training, Experience and Education: Certified as Building Official by the State of Minnesota. Two-year vocational training in construction trades. Five or more years of experience in construction inspections. Associate Degree in building inspection technology preferable. -2- � December �i, 1983 POSITION TITLE: POSITION DESCRIPTION Public Works Superintendent Department: Public Works Position Accountable To: Public Works Director Primary Objective: Supervisory position, which is responsible for the overall di supervision and administration of the street, public utility, maintenance and equipment maintenance programs of the Public Department and Public Works building. Plans and develops and ments methods and procedures which meet the maximum level of the residents of Mendota Heights. Duties and Responsibilities: Provides supervision and management support, direction a ning for the street, storm sewer, public utility, parks mainten vehicle maintenance, sign maintenance and public works building tenance crews. Establishes work priorities and coordinates per equipment and capital resourees. Responds to public inquiries and concerns regarding main and initiates appropriate action. Assists the Administrator in the recruitment and selecti Public Works employees. � Recommends and carries out disciplinary action as needed Coordinates parks and playgrounds maintenance activities the Director of Parks and Recreation. Prepares and presents annual budget recommendations to trator and Council. Based upon new or established programs, long range budget projections for the Public Works Department. .., ks s le- ice to plan- e, in- nel, of th ce s- ps Makes recommendations to the Administrator and Public Wo ks Director on the maintenance or replacement of streets and other facili- ties. Attends and participates in a variety of ineetings, such a�s city council meetings, seminars, conferences and staff workshops. I Directs a program of conformance to prescribed safety pr ctices and takes prompt corrective action concerning potential safety azards. Prepares specifications for the procurement of public wor�ks equipment. I 0 0 Performs other duties and responsibilities as assigned. Knowled�e and Skills Required: Thorough knowledge of materials, methods and techniques used to successfully repair and maintain a sanitary sewer collection system, water distribution system, public streets, storm sewer systems and city parks. Thorough knowledge of the operational functions and capabilities of light and heavy construction and maintenance equipment. Thorough knowledge of occupational safety precautions necessary to conduct assigned activities safely, General knowledge and ability in good personnel and supervisory practices. Ability to plan and schedule work so as to efficiently and effectively utilize the manpower and equipment available in the Depart- ment. Ability to establish and maintain effective relationships with City and County officials, other public agencies and the general pub- lic. Minimum Training, Education, and Experience: High school graduate or equivalent. At least five (5) years of progressively responsible experience in the administration and supervision of maintenance oriented opera- tions. Formal training in various phases of public works maintenance activities. 0 December 6, 19 POSITION TITLE: DEPARZ'MENT : ACCOUNTABLE T0: POSITION DESCRIPTION City Clerk Administration City Administrator Primary Obiective of Position: Department Head position responsible to carry out the legal � office of City Clerk, and to supervise and direct the work oi office, including financial administration. Duties and Resnonsibilities City Clerk �equirements of the' ' the administrative Acts as Secretary to City Council, prepares agendas, attends Council meetings, dictates minutes of Council meetings, notifies property owne s of public hearing as per applicable state laws and City ordinances, and mainta ns related records. Responsible for publication of legal notices required by law or ordinance. Maintains official seal, documents, ordinances and resolutio s. Administers election processes. Prepares training manuals, elects election personnel, trains and supervises preci.nct personnel, receivi g and counting center personnel and City staff assistants. Interprets and pplies election statutes and Secretary of State rules, prepares and implemen s election calend prepares computer programming cards and test decks, publishe election notices and prepares statistical analyses. Accepts f ilings and prep res ballot information. � Coordinates and supervises the issuance of licenses in accor ance with State laws and City ordinances and insures the maintenance of rela ed records. Prepares correspondence relating to City Council action. Seals, executes and certifies plats and other official City c Executes and seals certificates of indebtedness and bonds sol improvement projects and Industrial Revenue financing project Maintains and implements records retention program. Maintair of land, buildings and general fixed assest. Serves as City's Data Privacy Act responsible Authority. Notarizes documents for City residents, contractors and City ocuments. d for public s. s inventory off icials and staff Financial Administration Assists in annual audit preparation process. Prepares annual audit to budge* reconciliation. Prepares departmental budget history data for all City departments, and coordinator compilation of_de�parxment requests;.produces prel�m.iriary�budget. Prepares General Fund and Engineering Fund revenue forecasts with assistance from City Treasurer. Prepares and presents annual Adminstration and Planning budget proposals. Supervises residential and commercial utility billing processes. Handles extraordinary teiephone, counter and written questions or complaints on utility bills. Prepares annual delinquency list, collection, correspondence and certification resolution. Prepares and submits data input forms, resolutions and certifications of special assessments to County Auditor. Monitors special assessment deferments and maintains appropriate records. Assits in preparation of assessment rolls, prepares special assessment notices and prepares or supervises prepar�tion of public improvement project/assessment resolutions. Resporids to written,`counter and telephone questions and objections to special assessments for public improvements. Prepares assessment splits for single lot division and prepares complicated assessment splits with assistance from City Engineer, and submits data input to County Auditor. Answers extraordinary questions on pending assessments and normal calls on pending assessments in the absence of the Administrator's Secretary/Deputy Clerk. Researches requests for lot divisions and plat approvals for history of assessments and recommends action on unassessed or underassessed properties. Calculates fees and escrow requirements for extraordinary planning requests. Calculates principal and interest amounts due on delayed park contributions and notif ies developers of liability. Monitors_ and_approves� monthly ,engimeering bills.,aad,iestablishes improvement project numbers. Monitors adherence to Chapter 429 requirements for public improvement projects. General Administration Supervises work of the actual administrative offices of the City, providing support to the City Administration and other City departments. Determines office equipment needs. Monitors and responds to pending legislation during legislative sessions, keeps Administrator and Council advised on proposed legislation which may i.mpact City operations. Prepares draft resolutions and ordinances in response to direction from City Council and City Administrator or as perceived to be necessary or desireable. 0 Interviews and recommends applicants for appointment to admi strative staff. Trains new admiristrative personnel. Answers staff questions on employee benefits and conditions of the personnel policy. Answers extraordinary questions on planning and zoning matte s and inCerprets City Subdivisian, zaning and street vacatian regulations whe requested by the general public, City Staff, depaxtmenC heads and City F].anne . Manitors coritputer use and;.keeg� � informed, an.i availabler saftwa' e, _: hardware and training. Responsible for determining computer use potentia and use schedule. Prepares memoranda, reports and recommendations of a general�nature for submission ta City Administrator, City Council and ather dep rtment heads. Performs various duties of Ci.ty Administratar in��fiis absen�e, Provides assistance to other department heads upon request oi Miscallaneous � as s a.gnment , Perfarms other duties and assumes other responsiblities as a�parent or as delegated. Knowledge and Slcills Required: Knowledge of basic principles and practices of governmen.tal �ccounting, financia]. managemenC and budgeting. Knowledge of City ordinances and utate Statutes relating ta peration af City gavernmenC, itt part3.cular, functions and responsibiliti s of the City C1erk's office. Knowledge of the functions, organizati.ons and staffing proc various City departments. Knowledge of madern offa.ce practices and pracedures and s accourtting systems. es of the off ice and Ability ta plan, coordinate, d'elegate and�idiFect the� wo'rk'•ofI cl.erical _ subordinates. Abi1�:Cy to establish and maintain an effective working relat aff icials, general public and other employees. Minimum Training, Experience and Education hip with City Bache7.or`s Degree in puhlic business administration, or clos�ly related fielii. Five ar more years increasingly responsible admiristration wo�rk in local gavernment::, � More extensive experience may sub sti.tute for some educatio�. December 6, 1983 POSITION TITLE• DEPARTMENT : ACCOUNTABLE T0: POSITION DESCRIPTION Pol�ce Sergeant Police Chief of Police Primary Objective of Position: iZesgonsible far supervising and directi.ng patral off icers an work, work with juvenileS or other functions. Expected to m ments, to lead and mativate, train, inspect and correct suho Participates in the work of subordinates and assumes complet police situations. Duties and Respansibilities: /or invesCigation c.e work assign- ; iinates. charge of specific Assumes responsibiZity in planning th� work of patrol. affice s, assigns afficer to regular beats, makes special assignments, communicates ne policies and procedures to the off icers, and provides them with current i formation as ta police conditians that require special attention by them. Inspects and checks an woric of subardinates. Must maintain antrol and perform tasks•that allow him to ascertain that work is being perform d as he and his superiors want it. Evaluates work performance o� subardinates. This is the pri ary method by whic the Sergeant determines how well work is being done at the 1 vel af execution and which ernplopee weaknesses at the level af executi.on need correction. Motivates by meeting with subordinates to discuss evaluatian made, and to ma%e suggestions for improvement. Trains subardinates by on-the-job training and ather instruc ion. Carrys out disci.pline of subordinates as necessary, includin verbal reprimand an.d recammendati.ons to Police Chief for more severe discipli e. Communa.cates up and down chain of command, representing the and in turn, keeping Chief abreast of information and devel department. Keeps himself and subordinates in£ormed of new developments f to subordinat ts in the police profess Responds to ca11s assigned ta subordinate. Responsi.ble for esponding to calls assigned to subardintates either as a training technique, as a supervisory technique, as an evaluatian �aol, or as back-up for a seriou call. Makes decisions on proper course of action taken when Requested to by subordinate. Seriousness and/or difficulty of situation dictate that the decision be made by a superior officer. Decisions at the rank of Sergeant or above are required by departmental policy. Performs non-supervisory patrol. From time to time, the Police Sergeant may perform any or all of the routine, non-supervisory patrol duties normally performed by a Police Officer. ' From time to time, a Sergeant may perform investigative tasks which are usually performed by subordinates of Investigators. A Patrol Sergeant performs other duties and assumes other responsibilities as assigned. , . • Knowledge and Skills Required: Thorough knowledge of the principles and practices of modern police administration and law enforcement methods and techniques. Thorough knowledge of the rules of arrest, search and seizure to assure lega'' accepted procedures are communicated and practices within the Uniform Patrol Division. Thorough knowledge of, and skill in using, the vaiious f irearms, safety, and other equipment. Knowledge of first aid and ability to respond promptly in emergency situations. Ability to plan, evaluate, instruct and direct the work of subordinate officers in a.manner which will command their respect and result in a high level of performance. Ability to communicate effectively in making oral or written reports. Ability to establish, maintain and promote a cooperative and harmonious work relationship with other Police Department officers, inside and outside the department, and with the general public. Ability to perform strenuous duties arid to use sound gudgment in eme�gency situations which arise in da�-to=day activities. Minimum Training, Experience and Education: Ztao-year Associate of Arts Degree in criminal justice and certification by the P.O.S.T. board as a licensed peace officer. Minimum of five years experience as a patrol officer. � December 6, 1983 POSITION DESCRIPTION Position Title: Police Captain Department: Police Accountable To: Police Chief Primary Obiective of Position To assist in the coordination of the administrative activitie Police Department, so as to relieve the Chief and others of admini and to investigate crimes as required for crime clearance. Also, and enforces the State Fire Code, and investigates crimes related Duties and Responsibilities Captain Assumes the duties and responsibilities of the Chief of Pol absence. Participates with the Chief in the planning, coordinating, of department procedures and policies. Personally handles citizens, staff, or officers complaints a Coordinates law enforcement problems with other law enforc local, State and Federal. Keeps the Chief of Police informed.of all developments which know to function effectively as executive officer. Makes recomme staffing, organization, planning, budgeting, and other policy iss �of the trative details, �dministers o fire. in his implementation inquiries. t agencies, e will need to ations for s. Represents and serves as spokesman for the Mendota Heights Po ice Department as needed. Attends meetings of law enforcement groups for the benefi of a coordinated and enhanced law enforcement effort on all levels. Investigation Personally participates in major investigations or emergency �ituations by directing other officers or performing necessary duties himself. Investigates reported crimes for the purpose of collecting ev'dence, and identifying, locating, questioning witnesses and suspects, and mak'ng legal arrests as justified by the facts developed. Advises suspects of heir legal rights as defined by law and departmental policy. Obtains written statements which will be admissible in court alleded or actual commission of felonies. cerning 0 Collects and preserves evidence located at crime scene and elsewhere during course of investigation. Makes and retains investigative notes for future ' reference and use in preparing reports and testifying in court. Consults, as may be necessary, with superior officers, City Attorney, and the County Attorney's office concerning investigations, searches, arrests, evidence, legal opinions, and other matters for which guidance may be required. Reviews reports concerning major incidents. Ensures the completeness and accuracy of reports, and determines the need for further investigation or assignment. Serves as Fire �Iarshall, enforcing State Fire Code,�and investigating fire-related crimes. Attends monthly Tri-County and other investigators meetings for purpose of exchanging information on criminal activities in the area. Miscellaneous Performs routine patrol as required and requested. Performs any and all duties normally required of a police officer. Maintains working rapport with patrol officers. Keeps supervisory officer informed on any developments or activities which he may need to know. Performs other duties and assumes other responsibilities as assigned. Knowledee and Skills ReQuired Thorough knowledge of pertinent State, Federal, and City ordinances and traffic laws and regulations related to law enforcement in Mendota Heights. Thorough knowledge of approved practices, procedures, and techniques required in performing law enforcement duties. Thorough knowledge of the rules of evidence, arrest, search,and seizure. Working knowled�e of the function and jurisdiction of the various county, State, and Federal law enforcement agencies. Ability to use firearms in a safe manner. Knowledge of first aid, and ability to respond promptly and use good judgement in emergency situations. Thorough knowledge of identification techniques and crime scene investigation procedures, including fire crimes. � ' Thorough knowledge of approved investigative and law enforcement methods, including fire investigations. Thorough knowledge of the rules of evidence. 0 Ability to interview witnesses and suspects effectively, and o tain legally admissible st'atements where appropriate and desirable ta do so. Ability to communicate effectively in making oral or written r�ports. Ability to deal in a courteous and tactful, but firm and busin ss-like manner in all situations, so as to command the respect of fellow of icers and the general public at all times. Ability to perform strenuous duty as may be required in emerge�cies, and to use sound judgement as required in day-to-day activities. M inimum Training, Experience, and Education Currently licensed peace officer by the P.O.S.T. Board. Minimum of three years of successful police service at the ran�C of Sergeant or above. � Minimum of 90 colle�e credits in law enforcement related subje�ts or the equivalent. Extensive training and education, focused on the administratio�h and organization of a modern law enforcement agency. � Comprehensive training in the area of criminal investigations demonstrated ability to apply that training. Training in Fire Code enforcement, and fire investigation tec nd a ues. C December� Position Title: Department• Accountable To: POSITION DESCRIPTION City Engineer Engineering Public Works Director Primary Objective of Position: To provide the professional engineering, planning and for the City. Duties and Responsiblities: 6, 1983 ction Supervise the Engineering Department in the City; to inc ude design engineers, engineering technicians, and drafting personn l, as well as secretarial and clerical persons. Be responsible for producing construction plans and spec fica- tions for all Public Improvement projects. This includes feasi�ility studies, construction drawings and specifications, the bidding rocess, inspection and assessment roll preparation. Maintain public relations with the general public. Work with Developers regarding engineering matters in th� devel- opment of the City. Work with other public agencies concerning matters of Prepare easement documents for the City. Assumes other responsiblities as assigned by the Public 6 Director or City Administrator. Knowledge and Skills Required: To have knowledge of the basic sciences as they apply to Engineering. To know and understand land surveying and to be able to � write property descript�ions. City. Civil and To be able to design sanitary sewers, watermains, storm ewers and street construction as they pertain to normal city function . A current knowledge of all rules and regulations pertain�ng to municipal engineering. Ability to plan, delgate and motivate the work of all assigned personne]. . Ability to coordinate and coaperate with a11 State, Coun�y and Local officials. Ability to main�ain an effective and respeeted work relationship with other City Administra�.ors, Elected Officials and the general gublic. Minimum Training, Education L and Experience; Bachelor of Science Degree in Civi1 Engineering, or its equiva- 2ent, from an accredited callege or university. A� least five {5) years experience as a City Engineer or a like amount of time as a Civil Engineer practicing in a field related to City Engineering. sota. Registered professional civil engineer in �.he State of Minne- 0 0 � 0 POSITION TITLE: DEPARTMENT: ACCOUNTABLE T0: Primary Objective of Position: Chief of Police Police Department City Administrator December 6, 19F Department Head position responsible to organize, direct the and coordinate the supervision of all the activities of the which include law enforcement, civil defense and health. implementation, ?olice Department, To provide personal leadership for crime prevention and law lenforcement in Mendota Heights, which will commmand the respect and confide�iice of department personnel and the citizens at all times. � I ' Duties and Responsibilities: Directs and coordinates the administration of the Police Depiartment to assure that the desired level of service is being provided. Assists in hiring, disciplining and directs employees u der his/her contro in accordance with Rules and Regulations of the City Pe; sonnel Policy. Plans and directs, training opportunities for departme�al employees to develop their potential and ability to function in thei jobs. Review and evaluate the performance of those departmen directly responsible to him/her on a regular basis. Defines and delegates authority and responsibility to subordinates. Administers applicable union contracts and personnel the department. • employees propriate icies within Provides advice and recommendations to the City Administrator, to other management staff inembers and to the City Council. Keeps the City Administra or and appropriate staff inembers informed on important developments which may affect the administration of City Government. Maintains current knowledge of innovative id as and development and recommends changes in current operations and practices where pplicable. Prepares an annual department budget request, with appropriate ju tifications and aids in the develpment of the proposed annual City budget through service on a staff budget team. Makes public presentations and deals with the public on an indivi�ival basis. Answer citizen calls and complaints. I 0 Continually reviews and evaluates all phases of the ongoing Police Department operations and record keeping as a basis for developing improved organization, � � meb.hods and policies. Directs and oversees coordination of operations with other' law enforcement agencies. Prepares staff reports and recommends actions. Directs and coordinates the supervision of Emergency Preparedness, and develops plans to cope with potential emergency or disaster situations. Keeps City Adminstrator informed of police activities so he will be informed of present or potential problems. Keeps other departments informed of police matters which may affect the operation of their departments. Represents the City in metropolitan, state and national organizations where delegated and where the interests of the Mendota Heights community are involved. Performs other duties and assumes other responsibilities as assigned. Knowledge and Skills Required: Thorough knowledge of the principles and practices of modern police administratic and police methods. • Thorough knowledge of scientif ic methods of crime detection and criminal identi- f icat ion. Thorough knowledge of federal, state and local laws whcih are enforced by th� Mendota Heights Police Department. Thorough knowledge of types and uses of f irearms, communications, automotive, and other tools and equipment used in modern police work. Ability to plan, evaluate and direct the work of varied operations connected with public safety, and to effectively sup.ervise subordinate personnel. Ability to establish and maintain cooperative internal working relationships within the City and with neighboring public safety officials, state and federal authorities, and the public. Minimum Training, Experience and Education: A minimum of 180 college credits in law enforcement related subjects or the equivalent: Currently licensed or capable of being licensed as a peace officer by the Minnesota Police Off icer Standards and Training Board. Ten years of progressively responsible experience in a law enforcement agency of the same size, or larger than the Mendota Heights Police Department, having attained the rank of sergeant or above. Extensiue training and education, focused on the administration and organization of a modern law enforcement agency. -2- •t ,r December� 6, 1983 Position Title: Department• Accountable To: POSITION DESCRIPTION Public Works Director Engineering and Public Works City Administrator Primary Ob_jective of Position: Department head position responsible to organize, direct dinate, and supervise all public works functions, including eng: ing, maintenance, and code enforcement. Duties and Responsibilities: coor- eer- Supervises the activities and personnel of the Public Wo ks and .. Engineering Departments. Assures that required services are b ing provided on a sound business basis. Provides technical counsel to the City Administrator, Co ncil, Planning Commission and Park and Recreation Board on municipal roblems with the objective of developing solutions to meet the needs of the community in a efficient and effective manner. Oversees�budget preparation for capital and operating ex�endi- tures in Public Works and Engineering. Establishes design and maintenance standards for all engi�neering and public works projects. � Functions as a liason and advisor for the City with cons lting engineers, governmental agencies, developers, and the general pu lic for all engineering and public works activities. I Works with City Planner to assure well planned and coordi ated programs are being followed. Acts as staff liason to the Plannin Commission. Participates in long range planning for the growth nd development of the community. - Oversees the preparation of the annual budget for Public orks and Engineering Departments. Monitors expenditures to insure op ration within the proposed budget. Attends meetings of the Planning Commission, City Council� and others as assigned. � Keeps the City Administrator and other department heads i formed of developments which relate to their areas of activity within t e City. Assumes other responsibilities as assigned or delegated by the City Administrator. Knowledge and Skills Required: Knowledge of the basic sciences as they apply to Civil , Engineering. A general working knowledge of the organization and operation of all City Departments. Ability to manage the operations of the Public Works and Engi- neering Departments on a sound business basis. Current knowledge of all rules and regulations pertaining to municipal engineering. ` Ability to plan, deltgate and motivate the work of all assigned personnel. � Ability to coordinate and cooperate with all State, County and Local officials. Ability to maintain an effective and respected work relationship with other City Administrators, Elected Officials and the general public. Ability to make clear, concise presentations of information, both verbally and in writing. Minimum Training and Experience: Bachelor of Science Degree in Civil Engineering, or its equiva- lent, from an accredited college or university. Five (S) years experience as a City Engineer or a like amount of time as a Civil Engineer practicing in a field related to City Engi- neering. sota. Registered professional civil engineer in the State of Minne- Previous supervisory experience highly preferred. `" •� ,,: .� I�-�' �3 , , > 3 C7 c ^O 3 7 �-' I--i h' N Z (1 � H F+� (JI f/� 'O y N '.q �- a y � H w o � z �• � �- ^o �� o � r � � c� � m �- H H 'T7 r � w m n �r m m � d �u m E �D d r . ...____ . _ .._.._.. _ ... . .. � 0 0 0 0 0 � �- r c m � m ro m _ � .- ro �x O�o A� r �1 N N � _._. ._ . .. IiGI, , - � � �� ��-��-� O 3 v o � < N r n � o w a � ra m a a � w n ^1 f* fD C �1 � f'� 2 C!1 w .o 7 C a � a s m n �- � a. ti � � N 0. F' O N C�7 C*7 h'1 h7 .a .c .o .a c � c c r �� N r �o �o �o v 9 9 3 � fD N N N 7 7 > > r. n n R c-� n c� c� m m m �o ti r n r rt f� f� f� F,. 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FeI G94: 7H 55 co ease corporace Mn/DOT i,m:« 2. FAI JSE: south Corpora[e limits to 7N Il0 hn/DOT J. "TH I49 "Do�nco�n" Mendote Heighcs Mn/DOT/Assess/T[F 55,000,000 Councy: 1. Pilo[ Knob Road: Mendo[a Heighcs Roed co IN 13 Realigned C[y/Assess I00.000 �s�: 1. Mendoca Heighcs Road - easc of Th 1G9, Join[ vith Mn/OOT $cate/KSA 30,000 % 1, Nuber/Mendo[a Heights Rd -Link up NSA/Assess ]50,000 3. Mendota Heighcs Rd, Lex.-7N 55 !LSA IOO,WO 4, Mendo[a Heights Rd., Lez.-T.H. 149 !LSA/Assess J00.000 r�a�i:: 1. County Trails County 2. Cicy Trails '6A X (E4CINEERINC-WATER SYSTQI) I. Begin l6" Trunk Line Loop Const. ❑acer Tank to 711 1G9 Assess/Surtharge/�AC J85,000 2, lake Drive to Mendoca Hts. Rd. 3. I6" irunk on YenNerCA Assess/$urcharge/WAC Unknovn PAFK ACQUISITIOX 6 DEVElAR1FAT 1. Yachcler Sice AcQuisicion L.O. BonEs �65,000 2. ISD 1197 Site Acquisition G.O. Bonds 440,000 7. Develop �echtler Site C.O. Bonds/Special 50,000 Park Fund +. Develop ISD /397 Si[e G.O. BonEs/Special Peck Fund 50,000 T�Y INCREfENT SUPPLETIENT TO DEPTS. 1. Public Safecy Faciliry Relocation TIF ?. Induscrial Park RR Lrossing TIF 100,000 7. Gould Sice (Bridge) Lift Station 8 UciLi[ies TIF/Assess IY5,000 G. ReGe.elopmen[ of Existing Fire Facili[y $ite T1F ° 5. Furlong Area Ucility Eztension TIF/Aesess -- 6. Vater Loop to Mendoca Bridge TIF -- x x X x X % x Nemarks None in Cty 5 Yr. Plan Comple[e 7rails Along v/ liSA Pro�. (See above). Perk d Rec currently atudying reat of C1ry. Feasibilicy cospleted in 1981.