1982-11-16CITY OF MENDOTA HEIGHTS Dakota County, Minnesota Agenda November 16, 1982 1. Cal�. to Order. 2. Roll Call. 3. Approval of Minutes, October 19, 1982. (Tabled from November 4th�) 4. Approval of Minutes, November 4, 1982. 5. Consent Calendar: a. Approval of the List of Claims. b. Approval of the issuance of General Contractor Licenses to Ha mon Glass Company and Worwa Construction Company. c. Acknowledgement of the Code Enforcement, Fire Department and reasurer's monthly reports for October. _ 6. Bid opening and award: 1982 Equipment Certificates. 7. New Business Public Mayor -� City Administrator a. Proposed resolution calling for hearing on housing bond progr . b. Discussion on A.M.M. Legislative Policies. (Distributed with Nov. 4th AgendaC) Council Members City Attorney City Engineer Public Works Director City Clerk a Request for uthorization for execution of easement amendment 8. A�j o�n ."a�o 4>' �es 6/�r r`i o n e n K Q�d d e r ���.��,7` �� dh �� C'.o (Oral report.) �% i C • + Page No. 1737 November 4, 1982 CITY OF MENDOTA HEIGHTS DAKOTA COUNTY STATE OF MINNESOTA Minutes of the Regular Meeting Held Thur�day, November 4, 1982 Pursuant to due call and notice thereof, the regular meeting of the C ty Council, City of Mendota Heights, was held at 7:30 o'clock P.M. at the City Ha 1, 750 South Plaza Drive, Mendota Heights, Minnesota. Mayor Lockwood called the meeting to order at 7:30 P.M. The followin members were present: Mayor Lockwood, Councilmembers Hartmann, Mertensotto a d Witt. Councilman Losleben had notified the Council that he would be out of own. APPROVAL OF Mayor Lockwood directed that discussion on approv 1 of the MINUTES minutes of the October 19th meeting be delayed un il later in the meeting. ' CONSENT CALENDAR Councilman Hartmann moved approval of the consent calendar, as submitted and recommended for approval as part of the regular agenda, along with authorization for the executio of all necessary documents contained therein. Ayes: 4 Nays: 0 1. The adoption of Resolution No. 82-88, "RESOLU ION ACCEPTING WORK AND APPROVING FINAL PAYMENT (1982 SEAL C ATING)", authorizing final payment of $34,018.91 to Bi uminous Roadways, Inc. 2. Approval of the List of Claims dated November I4, 1982 and � totalling $102,543.67. ' - 3. Acknowledgement of the minutes of the October 26th Planning Commission meeting, the minutes of the October 20th NDC4 meeting, and the agenda for the November 3rd N 4 meeting. 4. Acknowledgement of the Engineering Status 5. Approval of the List of Licenses, granting li Carlson Masonry Lyle Norman Northland Concrete Masonry Co. Sauve & Parenteau Sewer & Water Biagini Brothers, Inc. J & D Builders, Inc. Jim Konold Construction J.S. Vong Construction Earl Arneson, Jr. Htg. & AC Concrete Li Concrete Li Concrete Li Excavating General Con General Con General Con General Con Heating & A Councilman Mertensotto seconded the motion. for October. ses to: �ense �ense :ense �icense �racting =racting :racting :racting Lr Conditioning r . ' Page No. 1738 November 4, 1982 CASE #82-14, GRYC Mr. James Gryc and his planner, Mr. Jim Hill, were present to SUBDIVISION request approval of the preliminary plat for Evergreen Knolls, a proposed subdivision located on the west side of Dodd Road, north of the Par 3 Golf Course. In response to a request from Mayor Lockwood, Mr. Hill reviewed the history of the platting process, including meetings with neighbors of the subject plat area, the City staff and the City Planning Commission. Mr. Hill advised that the Gryc's, along with Mr. George Lowe and Mr. Lyle Lewis, propo'se to plat their properties into 43 single family lots. Mr. Hill stated that he was not aware of any neighborhood objection to the platting, but that there has been a considerable amount of discussion over access to the site, particularly the potential for construction of Wachtler Road. Mr. Hill stated that to go from Dodd Road through Evergreen Knoll to the Shaughnessy property on the westerly boundary of the proposed plat would constitute a very long cul-de-sac and would provide no other access for emergency vehicles. He stated that his clients have looked at the extension of Wachtler from Bachelor to Wentworth, but there is considerable neighborhood objection. He stated that the developers do not require the connection from Bachelor to Wentworth, and he suggested that the southerly construction of Wachtler, from Bachelor along the proposed plat, would be best, since 100� of the right-of-way along the plat would � be dedicated for Wachtler, and 50� is already dedicated along Par 3 Golf Course. He proposed that this portion of Wachtler be con- structed during the platting process. Mr. Hill advised that the Planning Commission has suggested that there be no construction on the proposed Lot 15 until such time as development of Par 3 Golf ,_ Course occurs, and that Mr. Gryc has indicated he would honor that ' request. --- There was some discussion and concern over the developers concept of developing the plat, and utilities, in stages. Public Works Director Danielson advised 'that staff has not thoroughly explored the public development of streets and utilities since no petition has been submitted as yet. In response to a question from the Mayor relative to future Wachtler Road construction, Public Works Director Danielson advised that staff recommendation has been to construct Wachtler from Wentworth to Bachelor. He pointed out that Wachtler has been shown.on all City plans to be constructed straight through. He stated that studies may show that it could not be extended all the way through but at this point, staff believes it can. He stated that staff perceives the extension of Wachtler as being more of a residential street in character, meandering and with relatively steep grades, so as not to encourage through traffic. Mrs. George Ziemer, 730 W. Wentworth, pointed out that the developers have included Outlot A in the proposed plat. She stated that the proposed Outlot abuts against her property and that past suggestion was that it be used for future access to Wentworth. She objected to the Outlot being included in the plat. r l � Ayes: 4 Nays: 0 Page No. 1739 November 4, 1982 , Mr. Hill sta�ed that it is not the developers int nt to take anyone's praperty, that they are not proposing po ential right- of-way, only proposing to deed the Outlot to the ity for what- ever use it sees fit, and that if at some time in the future the City were to choose ta build a pedway or road thr ugh the plat the Outlat would give the City �hat ability. He tated that the develaper would delete the Outlot if the City did nat wish ta retain the future accessability. Publia Works Di ector Danielson painted out that both he and Flanner Dah3gren da ot feel �hat the Outlot is necessary. There were several questions and comments from th audience, par- ticularly as the plat relates to the potential fu ure extension of Wachtler. Planning Commission member Janet Blese er, present for the discussian, reviewed Planning Commission disc ssions on the praposed plat and access. After a cansiderable amaun� of,discussion, Mr. Hi developers are as}cing simply far preliminary plat time, but that if the City Council does not fee2 necessary it would be dele�ed, and �hat if the Co tha�. the proposed Evergreen Knoll should be moved accammodate cancerns from Mr. Kladis, an adjainin the developer would do�so. He pointed out that t a decision on Wachtler Raad ex�ension a� some po but �hat that would really be more af a aonsidera the feasibility study is prepared. Mr. Hill advi that the preliminary plat includes several lots w lot width vara.ances. 1 s�ated tahat the approval at this he Outla�. is ncil determines southerly to property owner, ere needs to be nt in the future ion at the tirne �d t22e Council ich would require Aftear discussion, Mayor Lockwood'moved approval o the preliminary plat far Evergreen Knalls as presented. Councilman Hartmann seconded the motion. � Mayar Lockwood call.ed a recess at 9.32 P.M. The at 9:44 P,M. . FIRE DEPARTMENT The Gouncil acknowledged reaeipt of a le�ter from ment advising the Council of the results of an aI� for ].983. Members of �he department who were pre meeting advised the Cauncil tha�. Dal.e Pe�ersan ha as Assistant Cliie� until his re�irement and that fidence for Gene Lange as the successor Assistant at the meeting. TRANSMITTER Fire Marshal Gene Lange was present to request the acquisitian of a remote transmit�er to be 1 Somerset School. Ayes: 4 Nays: 0 eting reconvened he Fire Depart- ttian of affic�rs nt for the been elected vote of con- hief was given cil approval of ed at the Mayar Lockwood moved to authorize the purchase and installation of a remote transmit�er from Nelson Radion Service fa a purchase price of $2394.50, the acquisition to be charged a ainst the equipmen� certificates fund. Gouncilwaman Witt seconded the motion. ! C Page No. 174Q November 4, 1982 TANKER TRLTCK fihe Fiare Department Truck Committee members were present to • request Council approval of the acquisition of an oval emergency water tank to be installed an the recently acquired 1977 Ford LN- 80QQ truek chassis, along with painting of the cab tank etc., to camp].e�e the �ire department tanker truck unit. After a brief discussion, Cauncilman Mertensotto moved ta accept the quotation submitted by 0'Day Equipment Company, Inc., for an oval emergency water tank and painting in accardance with the ravised quota�ian dated October 28, 1982, for a total cost of $?,930.00. Councilman Hartmann secanded the mation. Ayes: 4 Nays: 0 WATER SERVICE City Administrator Johnsan reviewed h�s memo relative to neg- CONTRACT otia�ian on a new water service contra�ct with St. Faul Water Department. It was the concensus of the Council that no actian be ta3cen an the matter at this time. PLANNING ASSIST- 4n the recommendation of the City Administrator, Councilwoman Witt ANCE moved the adoptian ot Resolutaon No. 82-$9, °RESOLUTION APPR.QVING APPLTCATSqN FOR LOCAL PLANNING ASSISTANCE". Councilman Hartmann seconded the motion. Ayes: 4 Nays : 0 SPECIAL MEETII3G Administrator ,7ohnson reviewed his mema relative to a praposecl wor3c meeting ta c3iscuss stree� maintenance and rebuilding po2icy ..-. -- and a downtown Menclota Heic3hts plan. As ths result of the discussion, the Council directed that a special work ineeti.ng be held at 7:3Q P.M. on November 23rd. FTRE STATION Qn the recommendation af the City At�orney, Councilwoman Wi�t moved to authorize execution of a contract for fire statian architectural services between tne City and TrossenjWright Associates. Cotuzcilman Mertensatto seconded the motion. Ayes: 4 Nays: 0 MANUFACTURED The Clerk briefly reviewed her memo to the Council relating �o HOUSTNG Ordinance amendmen�s for manufactured housing. Af�er a brief discussion., Councilman Nlertensotto moved that the matter be �. referred to the Planning Commission and that a public hearing be conducted on proposed amendments ta the R-I, single £amily requirements ancl propased language for an.R-4 "Manufactured Home . Park Zaning District". Cauncilwoman Witt seconded �.he motian. Ayes: 4 Nays: 0 ELECTION CANVASS Gouncilman Mertensatto moved that the City Council, acting in its capacity as Election Canvassing Board, approve the resul.ts of � . � Page No. 1741 November 4, 1982 the casting and canvass of votes in the Navember 2, 1982 General and City Election, as presented by the Ci.ty Clerk, and as follows: Prec. Prec. Prec. P ec. CANDSDATES FOR MAYQR 1 2 3 Tatal Robert G. Lockwood Charles Mertensotto, / (write-in) i� Darrell Westover, (write-in) � � Ayes: 4 � �:��� s : (? . MISCEI,LANEOUS Ayes: 4 'Nays : 0 MSA CONSTRLICTION SCFiEDLT�E Ayes: 4 Nays: 0 MZSCELLANEOUS 1027 0 a 769 i 0 625 0 i >� 0 0 3548 i i CANDIDATES FOR COTJNCIL Elizabeth Witt 848 592 534 20 2$94 John FIartmann � 772 S?0 446 ` 34 2622 Russell Wahl, w-in 0 2 2 29 33 Harriet Bailey, w-in 0 . 2 0 0 2 Kevin Howe, w-in 0 Q 1 0 1 Ken Girouard 4 0 1 Q 1 Rosroth, w-in 0 0 0 1 1 Robert G. Lockwood was declared Mayor for a two ye r term, January l, 1983, through Decembe'r 31, 1984; Elizabeth Witt and John iiartmann were dec3arecl Councilmembers far four ye r terms fram January l, 1983 through December 31, 1986. Councilwoman W�tt seconded �he motion. L ' .. '. Public Works Director Danielson briefly reviewed a memo and praposed reso2ution to apprave construction plans nd special provisions for Mn/DOT constructian af re�.ention po ds in connection with the constru.ation of I-494. Counc.ilman Mertensatto moved the adaption of Resol tian No. 82-9Q, 'fRESOLUTIQN AFPROVING PLANS, SPECIAL PROVISIONS AN SPECIFICATIONS." Councilwam�an Witt seconded the motion. Public Works Direa�or Danielson reviewed his memo a groposed five-year MSA construction sch.edule. After a brief cliscussian, Councilman Hartmann m the proposed MSA stree� construation schedule cont Public Works Director's memo dated August 30, 1982 Cauncilman Mertensotto seconded the matian. la�.ive �o to adopt in the Public Works Director Daniel.son briefly reviewed a letter from the Dako�a Caunty Highway Engineer relative to the Co ty's overlay project saheduled for 1983. 0 C - L �. Page No. 1742 November 4, 1982 ADJOURN There being no furthar business to come before the Council, Councilman Hartmann moved tha� the meeting be adjaurned. Mayor Lpekwood seconded the motion. Ayes: 4 Nays: 0 ATTEST: Robert G. Lockwood Mayor TIN1E OF ADJOURNMENT: 11:03 o'clock P.M. , Kathleen M. Swanson Gity Clerk � 11/16/82 CLAIMS CN�CK R�GtST=R AM� UN T U E NDO? 54,44 54.44 *� AMERICAN SCIENTIFIC PRODUCTS 29�.a" RICHARD BJ�JRKLUND 2 9 : . '; 4 +� 225.Z� EL �lA�KETING 225,^ � � 3C#3.�� J4NN GRUN� 30 3.3a +✓ 18(I.a� MID�iE�T N4LSL TI4E . ._ 182.88 _-_ MIDIi� ST WHLSL TIR� 162.� � NIDi�� ST bIHLSL TIRE 19.�0 MI041ES7 �1HLSL TIf?E 5 �� 2 . 8 8 +✓ 6.90 MINN SAFETY COU,dC IL _, _.__, __ 6.90,__, _ .__ _._MIfVN SAFETY COUNCZL 6.90 HIfVN SAFETY C�UNCIL 6.9� MINN SAFETY COUNCI� 5.99 NINIV SAFETY COU�VCIL 5.90 MINN,SAFETY COUNCIL 6.90 MINN SAFETY COUNCIL � b.7� . MI NiV SAFE TY COUNC IL 55.� � +►� 665.12 MIRACLE R=C { QUIP CO 66�.i2 � 12+11� ._ JA11E SALEPJ 12.17 *� 11.44 KATHLEEN SW�IPJSON 7.D4 KATHLEEN S.4IANSON i8.48 +� 147.41 RUSSEI.L tiAHL � 147.a3 *� 66.75 7UF BCTTLING CO b6.75 � 133.99 INTERSTAT� 133.99 *-- 6�.:� NID CENTRAL FIR,E IP1C S�.�L' � 43..",� CI7Y ST PAUL 4 3 . � � *� 3f,�� TAFEMARK CO 3�.�v *f � - Dept ].0-Admin.-----. 20-Police 30-Fire 40-Code ENfc IT�M DES��IP�ic�N NIiVHYORa�; STAP�OBYI�JSP1 /81-6/82 GEiVL �L�C SUCS TREE STMP R�MOVAL TIRtS TIRtS E3AL11277 i TZR�S MfIRSHP DU=S �1BRSHP DU�S ___ MBRSHP DUES MBRSHP DU�S MBRSHP DUES MBRSt�P DUcS MMMMRBSHP DUtS MSRSMP DUr S ._ PiCNIC TAHL� E�IVELOPES MMI �114 MI 11 /2 HALLCNEEy BONFIRc � Pt��HAKLOW_=�18�NFIRE RPR LcAKING OIL LINE RANG�R B�J�T TDUING CHG PIATt CH6 9� 1LABELS -Dept 60-Utiliti:es 70-Parks 80-Planning 90-Animal Cont. ACCDUtdT N0. It�V �l..q��� 5�4 �n..��'� , :.�i-4�31-) 4�,-4� �i-a22�-oa.-i� ui-4�;; J-223-7{� D 1-433�i-44L-�� ___.L.� 1'-433�-a a� - �^ ^1-433C-44R-2i � 1- 433 J-� 47 - 2i9 '�1-44� 4- i 2D- 2� . ��_-4a►�,4-�_3�-3�. t3 i- 44?.4-? 4� - 4�: �x1-44i3.4-] 5C-5a� �1-44{��4-� 7�-7t} t�? -44i3.4-11J- lr, t? 5- 44J.4-i fl 5- 15 i5.-44;i 4-�1 b� -bG lu-�t52C-3,0?-�:' .. 23-43�: �-ui70-�;fl ?�1-4415-1I3r1{� �71-4415-b47-i�'t u1-449�-?it3-7C �1-�49Q-2J3-7u GI-433�3-4ba-3t, )1-433i�-49w; 3" v1-4�9C-:32�-2: (? 1- 43��.5-3 2�r �:.• �CHECK REGISTER �M�U�IT VENOG�R ITEM DESC�IPTION ACC�UR,�T N0. INb 58.15 B�TTY ANOrRSON GENL cL�C 11/2 t?1-425'1-54�-_v � �J � 1 .�/ � 58.15 EIl1iINA BURROWS G�NL ELFC il/2 �;1-420��-64�J-1�, �8.15 � 58.15 PATRICIA FsUROW GtNL ELt.0 11/2 ;:1-42b�-64�-1+� S�.iS +� 59.�5 MARJORIE CHEESEBROU GENL LLFC 11I2 �:1-426D-643-i� 59.Cs 5 � 6t1.'l� __ _ SALLY COUNTRYMAN _._ GENL ELtC 11/_2__.__ _. _._ _�1-.426v"-b4�-1c7 b� .u'3 � ' S8.15 LUCILLE CURTIS GENL E�EC 1? ///2 �J1-426s7-�4Q-l�a 58.15 � _4.�.75_. . �N�LF.RED D�HRER - --- - �ENL._ELLC_ lI_./2.------------- .-- €�1-42.6u.-64�-1C�.. 48.75 +� 48.75 �1FRBERT DIDIDN GENL cLEC 11 /2 �'5-426�-64�-1t 48.75 � . 42.5� RITA DOIAN GENL �IEC 22!/2 ��1-4260-64u 42.5 e i►- _ . . ---._ _ 3�.7'� EVELY� F�SCHtR GENL �LEC 21/2 C1-426=-643-iC 30 .. � i�� +� ' 5�.15 J�JAN FRANK GEAIL ELEC11/2 s1-426a-64�-I� 58.? 5 +� - - -- �- - --- ---� -- -- - - 6�J.95 RUTH GRUNKE 6tNL �LEC 11I2 �2-426C-64'.�-1°s bt� .95 +� 22�5'J MARShaA KNUTH GENL ELC 11/2 i'1-426Cr-64�J-ij� 22.5� ✓ - �- -- - _ . .. �2.�3? MA.RJORIE KOEPKF GENL ELEC 11 /2 u1-426L�-64�-1G 6 2. 8 0 i►- . _ 7$.75__ NA�CY.KRUSE GENL ELEC 1112 __ ._ '�i-4260-64J-.1�; 78.75 � 59.'i5 BEVERLY LERMAN GcNJL tLEC 21 /2 C`I-426u-64�-11 59.J5 � 78.75 RITA MACZKO GENL c:L�'C 1112 "y-426+�-64�-iil 78.75 +� 48.75 HUBFRT MEIER GEDJL ELE C 11/2 ;`1-426.�-64�-1�. 48.75 *� 58.15 BETTY MO�M �ENL ELEC 12 �2 Lf1-4260-64u�11? _ . .. . . ..... .. ._. ,. _ I CHcCK R�GISTER 4M�JUNT V�{VOC� SF.15 *' 58.15 EILcEN MULLEN 58.I S *- 58.15 ROSEMARY MURPHY 30.:i;- ROSEMARY MURPHY 2 $ .1 �_ */_... _-- - - - 50.65 MAPILYN �� LSON 5G .65 *� S�.bS JOSEPt-INE PRUSE 5J.65 _ 59.'?5 ANNAB�L RANOQL�'N 5�9 . � 5 *� 58.15 THERESA R_DDiN& 58.15 � 5t3.65 ARVID RUE� 5�.65 � - 58.15 ANNE RUSERT 5 E_.15 -'-� --�---. ._.. - -� --- - - - 28.15 MARY �HAI.'!iHN�SSI( 2 8 .15 i�- 58.15 VZRGI �IA SIMEK -5_8 . I 5 _. *i__..___. _... . _ _. _ - - - 61.9i3 JOAN SMITH 61.qp � 58.25 DOROTHY TROELTZSCH . .. . 5 8 .1_5..- *%� --..._ _ _ _. � _ - - 62.8a MMARIIYN VAN ZYL 6 2 . 8'� *� 58.15 JUNE 1JAGN► R 58.15 �^ 28.15 MARGARET �JALTER 2 S . 2 5 +►- 30.v� LAURIE WEINZ�TTEL 3Q.�� *�. . 58.15 LAURITA WEINZE7TEL 59.15 � 28.15 S°HIR��Y W�RKMAh IT�M DESCRIPTION GENL �LEC li/2 GENL �LEC 11 �2 CGRR AMT GENL �LEC 21 /2 GENL FIEC 11/2 GENL CI.EC 1:/2 GEANL ELEC 11/2 6cANL EL�C i 1/2 ACC OUn1T N 0. I �1 Gi-426�3-64J-1i? 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PRINC2985� 12-4455-J c��>-3 (� IhT29855 12-4456-� 0�-�A�l IN7CHG2985� 13-4226-;� t30-Q�� ZNTCliGS29843.. 13-�22b-3.D3.-flG INT2985�ST AIO 13-4456-30�-i?Q ___,___ _.__ _ I��.T2984£�_ST__AiO--._.____,,..__.�.3-4456-=i�73-�G,._ 2� 367.44 ARt�ES ON FUEi. OIL SVC REGULAR GAS tl1-121i3-��3� rG£� -- . _ _� 2 � 36 7 .4 4_. *.. .---____ _ ___,...-- --- �---- -- - . 23.4D B�J AUTC SPL'l MISC PARTS �1-433�-490-5G 2 3. 4 �J .�- 2.95 Bp uATER COMMISSION 2431�E� ThRU1�1�8 �1-4425-31Q-5� 2.94 8R �ATER COMMISSIOiV 2431LcX TNRtSZ:' l28 f31-�+�t25-31�-7C3 34.58 8D WATER COMMISSION 17t3t�LIl.ACTHRUI � 122 i�I-442�-47J: 7C ---- 2.95_.- --SQ_�l�T�R. CgMMISSI{3iV ._-.--,---.2431L�.X 7HRU%�_!28___ ._.i5-4�25-32�.-6.�- 43.42 *- 5«�€i. ' CITY MOTOR SUPP�Y ' F�ASF�ERS ti�l-�t33G-44�-2� ._.._.8.4.2- ,_- .--. -- C�TY.__MOTOR SUPPi.Y _ ...__----__._.CREDI_T 1.._Mt7U.fVT ____..._�. ...___�1-43.30-g„i9Qr5Cf- 38.74 CITY MQTQR SU�'PLY MiSC PARTS C1-433�-�9�-�� 14.15 CITY NOTOR SUPPL1f LIGh1TS Qi-433fl-49Q-7+J 8.5� CITY PQTCR SUPPLY GATES t31-4335-310�5�? 58.31 � . 74.I5 118.65 59.32 252.I2 +r� CGNi� L CR CflRf' C t3NTE L Cf2 CD R P CONT�' L CR CORP �lOV LEASE i�i-42.1t3-�23-2�1 N�V L�"ASE (;1-423q-11�-1n NOV LEASE `�5-4220-iG5-15 23.25 COPY EQUIP CO PAPER 55.5Q C+JPY Et�UZP CO MAYLINE RUL.E � 8 . 7 5 *�'� :35-43�.Ei-lt�5-15 G5-46�.Q-105-15 P M�UNT • CHECK R�GIST�R V�ND0�2 ITEM D�SCRIPTION 1..77 DANIEISON JAM�S E 36.30 OANIELSON JAMES E 5.�5 DANIELSOM JAMES E 4.4� DANIELSON JAMES E --�___- 4 7_-� 5 3--� --__._- _._ _ . . . FILM MI 1;1 l5-11/5 MI 1� /5-11/5 MI lu/5-11�� 23.70 DAYIS ELECTRONIC SVC RPRS/PARTS 2�.3� CAVIS ELECTRt�NIC SVC RPR ____ 2U..�� ______,DAV?S__�LEC7RflN.IC_ SVC_____ _ RPR___� 33.b3 DAUIS �tECTRt3NIC SVC RPRS/PARTS 20.3� DAVIS EIFCTRONIC SUC RPR 117.33 � - - ----- -------�-------�--- �- --____ .------� ------ -- ---- �--�--- 39.1� EIVGR.EN PAINT SUPPLY PAINT/BRUSHES 39.11 E�vGR�N PAINT SUPPLY �AiNTT/fiRUSNEs 78.21 � ! ~ 25..�0 � ��� �'IRST NATL-ST PAUL SVC CHG 3���Jt��J.^'� FIRST NAiL-ST PAUL GO EQ CERT 690.�0 FIr�ST fVATL-ST PAUL IN7 GO E� CcRT 3D r 715.7 D � 1 � .5 (? 13.5t� � FISCHcRS GAS 66 GAS 1�:/18 - -...__ �-_....—.------- -� - - -- -- --_... __- -------- --- ------- -- 2.90 GOODYFA'R SERYICE STR MISC RPRS 2.90 � 875.flJ IDS LIFE INS Ca NOV ANNUITY - - _. ..__ -__....._---------- --.._... - 875.�' u +►r --- ---- --.___...._ _.__ _.._.__--- 25.8G KAT KEYS MARKERSIKEYS ' - --- �- 2 5 . 8 � #�------ - ---- ----- - --- ACCOUNT N0. I NV �-5-43u5-1Q5-15 � �5-�415-105-15 62-44i5-936-f� � 78-441 5-8D1-� G ------- _. _ . _ ._�. i� 1- 433 Q-4�Qr 3� (31-433Qr45�r. 3Q CI-A33ti-450r3Q �Z-433J-4�C-3�� �1-433�-450-3t� -------_.___ ___._..----�-_ tf 1- 43u.5-1� 5J - 50 ;�1-43j 5-�.7�.-7� � N ,'a.v .� 12-4226-3 U3-t� � I2-4455-�00-�'� i2-4456-3�D-G, t�.1-432D-� 2�r20� t31-433t�-443 -2� -2t1?2-�O�-C��,'_. .._;1-43{3 5-3 70r7q� � 3.74 • kNUT�FI TON EAG PT ESC Mi Q1-2124-3J3r�f� 3.96 KfVUTH TOM TOUG ESC MI , t?1-2125-►)00,-0 � t AMOUNT V�N�OR 3.96 KNUT�i TdM _..�. 3•..�g___. ____..._._._�.�J.�T�i . T.��I 11.�? � KNUT� T4M 25.74 �-' CNECK R��ISTER ITEM DESCRIPTION ACCOUNT NO MI 1D J288-11 /8 52-4415-93t�-� � _. . _ _ ._ __ MI _1!�l2Bf3-1_2 /$ _..__.._..__,78-442 5s8_�I_'�..� MI Zs�1288-Iil8 79-4415-S�i2-T}G --_ 6.3 $_ KULt=A �'DER GUY____� __._._...._�I 8I SANZ FE AS #� �-2�,..25-�.Q..�3=-� � 1G�.7� KULLANDER Gt1Y MI IQ123-1If5 {i5-�4I5-2�5-1� 3.52 KtltlAN�ER GUY MI 2� 121-I1/5 79-4415-802•t! � 2 ii . 6 8 t- 4.80 l.ANGUl.A HD1i£ 4 . Si} �' KLEIfS ,,.� i3I-43�.5-� 30-3Q _ 4.�39 t�EF BR�S INC _ OCT SVC U1-43�-.�. •;},.,�'Sf! #.i98 LEEF �ROS INC OCT SVC t�1-4335-32�-5ti 4.�.8 LE'EF BR4S INC OC1' SVC ' �1-9335-31��70 4.�8 LEEF SROS INC OCT SVC �� u1-4335-313-?ti 4.�8_._._._..__ �EEF BROS INC QCT SVC -__ ____,_____...---..�_.25-4335-32i3-6� 4.,.9 tEE� BROS INC 4C'C SVC . 15-�33a-3i.�J: ._ ._____ 2 �+•5Q �'�'' ._.....____.._._.._.______..� . _ _ _ _ 9t#.3�1 --� --- - - NBii I NC CANON �Ri�D TONER/MTCN - - ----N.__.._ . _ , _�1-42�l.�-6i0-ifl 24.7t1 M&�I iNC CANON �R4D TONER�'MTC�i i�1-42��3-52�-2� _..__.__ 56+6Q #!&�t IR'C �ANON �PR£�il �TONER,{MTCN t��-42�;ti— .b�,�l'� 5i�»94- t+8� IiVC CANON PROD CORRECT AMT �31-42�.G-52�l-3t3 14�1.04- H8W SNC CANON pR00 CORR�CT AI�T J1-42p.fI-613-80 155.b.0..__.---.__..---.._.M83�_ i NC� _CAidON PRi�O- - .- - TGNERlMTCN --.--�..i_.___._ ....___ �,1,-4,2��4-61J-80 I9+13 if&�i Ii�C CAIVON PROD _ TONERlMTCN �l1.-430.t1-54�=20 21.1$ M&L IhC CANON PftOb TO�tERlHTCN i35-42DSI-63Sfr,2� ________..�..�•� �M&�1 �,N� �,AlV�i�l_ �?gOti._ TONERlMTCN 1,�.-420,�,-:���.-.�Q 54.G� N&W iNC CANQN PROD 70NER/MTCN 23-42�!}-D.�l1�.-fl�3 235.3 �i � 47�T.1t�' NlEO CNTR HEAl,TtS _ NQU INS k,l� tT1-2�174-iIt,1��.-�4� 645.45 MED CN'tR HEALTH NOU PREM O1-4245-ti29-2i? 214.45 MED CNTR h#EALTH NOV PREM G�1-42q�5-321-2£s 384.9'5 M�D CNTR HEALTH NQV PREM 01-4245-t�.59-5iJ _ . _ _,._____------- . .__._..m ._.._ . . . . .. .._ __.._-.--_.____ _.----_....._._. . _ ._ __. 2�h8.'3� .� NlED CNTR HEAE.TN N{}U PREM U1-4245-0?J-7Q 353.85 MEO CNtR HEALTH NOV PREM fl1-4245-12�-1t3 ._.___.�_ 41.�.45 ____.____._._MEO,_C!'�ITR_ HEALTH_.__._ ._. ._-- ----N.OY..�'REM _ _ __..____.�?.5.-..4.�4�"2�5-_�� 215.�'� M�D ClYTF2 HEALTH NOV PREM 15-4245-9fi9-6 2•813.i5 i✓ ..__....._._.1,.� � �...�._.__._._.---..__._,L'.�.(��_:N6. TS ._ R U 8 8 I S H _ _.- - - �.. U P CT__S UC �-- -- __.w_._._..._.__..._-- - ----.. �3 .3.� 42 8 Q - 3 .i {� .- 5 � CHECK REGIST�R AMOUNT VENDC� ITEM DESCRIPTION 13+34 MENd NGTS RUBBISH OPCT SVC _.._..______�� •� �..._.�.___.._._ �1.�..L� �!H G� _ R U B�_� S H--- ------0 P C T S V C- - 13.�3 MET�D tlGTS Rtl88.ISN OFCi SVC 12.30 MEND HGTS RUBBISH OPCT SVC 6?.0 G *'' ].25,Q5 MIO�lEST 4JIRE-S�EEI i71.?5 MID�iES7 ttIRE-STEEL 2 9 7. 70 *�-- 9.98 9.9$ �►~ I 40 . u � ,*,r 1U4,81 _ 20 �.82 5.8.6 9 3�t.99 192.? 9 152.'SI � 152,.3i 2i5.88 4ii.35 1{� 4.82 I; 91. b %___-- --- 1.52.31 1: 5D 5 .{3 5 �-- 8 3� � 5--- 23.74 96,53 32.ID 4C 6..2 8 62ti .7'� �-- O 7 a T t *./� MilV�+ DEPT OF REV � T PAR7S&CLIPS 7 PARiS&CLSPS OCT SPEC FUEL TAX NORTH�i3:N ST P�I�ER CO NOV SYG NORTNERN ST POiJER CO__ NOV SVC ---- NORTHERN ST Pp41ER CO NOV SVC [�QRT#lERN ST PO�fER CO NOY SVC NQRTHE_RN _ST PONER CO NOV SUC NORT�f�'AN ST PO�I�R CEi NtIY S1tC NLiRTNERN Si PONER CO NOV .S VC NORTHERN S� PDk�f{ CO NflV SVC NqRTH�RN ST PiJ�fiER CO NOV SiIG N{7RTHERN ST P(1YER CO NOV S VC NORTHE'�tN ST POI�ER CO NQV SVC NqRTHERN ST POWER C.0 NOV S UC NORTH Li�'ST�RN BELL NORiNWESTERN BEII. NORTH�iESTERN BELI. _ NCiRTN1fEStERN BELt� NpRTHNESTFRN P1ELL NO U S VC -- -..._-- - _ ... NOU SVC r�ov svc Nf}V SUC NOV SVC AGCOUNT N0. INV D 1- 428t1-31�J -7t1 . � ��:-4�8�3,�5-3t . i5-428k7-320�6G� , 15-433t�-41�-6l� i 01-442ti-fl.5�.r50 � t11-442D-3,5�-50 i .. �. � �1-432A-05t� _r5il n�..�rz�r�_nn3_ne " " T'.�,« /� '. ' " 4� 2- 42i1-31Q -5ti i32-4212-33(Ir70. fl1-42I1-315-3� �32-422I=32�-7II O1— 4211-42i�.- 5� t�1—�212-320-50 41-4212-31D-74 i31— 422 2-315- 30 OI-4212-320-7t1 15-4211�310-60 15-42i2-4t1D.-b�s 15-4212-31Q-6�D l�1-42i!?-�21-20 �i—azxo-�.�o-��a �1•4210-3?n-7t� �i5-421Q=1�5-15 15-4210-3 6q.-6tt � • aa�ai r� 2.89.44 .�RZCE ELECTRIC INC 24E! U I.IiES .. _..__... ._ �1-43�5.5-3.73-70 �C - --_..�___�_._..____._.____�.______.----_._._._�___.._.__.. ----......__...--..-----. _._._�...__.___._._�_.__.__.�......�_.._..__....._., ______..- ---___.__._.._-------� CHECK REGISTER �MOUNT VENDOR ITEM DESCRZP7ION . ACCflUNT N0. INV. 289.44 +►� _ 10�.n0 _. SSS TREE SPECIALIST _ RENT AERIAL BUCKET II1-420,D-613.s7� S' liJD.34 i- . 5.6�D S&T OFF�_C� f�RO_p� _ MRKG PENS ._..��I-430��1�D-19_� 6,03 S8T OFFICE PR00 TAPE/SHEARS 01-43J.0-64�f-1fl� S: 22.Sb S8T OfFICt PROD PENS/SHEARS D1-43DA-64�.r1Q.S: 3 5 .4 9 i►�- . - � -- --�-- - ------- ------._.._.__.__._.__ _ . _ - �- -- - - 162.DQ SAFECO LIFE INS Cfl 1b2.�L� �- ; i� NOV Pt�EM i31- 424 6-a 3� - 3a �11 _ 7.35 SEVEN �ORN�R ACE HON MISC � PARTS lZ�-4335-3� -5Q ° 7 , 3 5 +r- , 19.0� SIGNAL CAR 4)ASN OCT �JASHES (31-443fl-]2�3�-2Q S1 _.r � 9 � J � �- - - - - --- -- -��- - - - - . _. _. _ . - - - - �- - - ---- -- ---- ----- - ----- - -- - -. _ ..__ __ _..._ - - - - - - - - -- 5.97 SN1fDER DRUG STORES SAT7ERIES/FLASHBAR Il1-43�.5-J2J�-2a..67 14.49 SNYD�'R DRUG STORES FILM � 131-434.5-fl2a-2Q 67 2� �4� �r- - --�------------------ - ._..._ . _ - ---.... .. _ - � - --- - -----_ _�_.—__.._�.______.-------�- --- -- _ . _------ 9.55 SUN NEUSPAP�RS HEAR � NO7 ST THOMH a1-4240-D89-8t1 51 17.76 . SUN NEWSPAPERS` NOT �CITY EL•EC i11-424�i-64D-I�J;•51 8.b6 SUN N�LISPAPEftS � N�T PLC'..T�18 �1.3-424f�-6#�-;10..51 b'.47 SUN NENSPAPERS NOT OFF TEST 01-4240-64�-1D . 51 42.44 *' 93.45 UNI�URMS UNLIMITED BEL7ISHOES Q1-441D•�2�-2� �D Q9�5D UNIfORMS UNLIMITED SHOES Q1-4410•.►a2D-2p 43 142.95 � _.�_�. 8�=..Y_ .!!_S Q 0 S� fl F FI..� F------. �.L9 �3 P 0� A_�- P�Q.�M..� .. .��� 2.1�5- �� �1� C�.Q _.. BU.Jr� *� S�i.�1.J UNIV tiF MINN �IUNICi-PAIS WKSHP ti.l-44�.,Q-i1D-1l3 ; � r , CHECK REGIST�R � . AMOUNT VENDO►� ITEM DESCRIPTiON ___. __ ACCOUNT N0. INY, 50.3 0 +/ � 10 3.4_9 __ ..__._ YELLS FARGO TRUSTEE 32.99 W�LIS FARGO TRUSTEE 25.13 {iEI.�S FARGO TRUSTE� 1��89 ii�{ LS FARGO TRUSTE� 181.5�? �-- 3b�.32 WINTHRO�WEINSTINE&S R� VANLANDSH00T _ 1+5DU.G�3 iiINT RH OP�iEINSTINE&S 3RD fl7R RETAINER 3�134.3�.. :IiINT#iRO:��YEINSTINEbS 3R0 QTR PROSECUTIONS 225.�0 �IINTHROPiiEIAISiINE&S LE�G SVC 7/1-9l30 _ _ _ 415..�Q____._________�IINTHROi�11�IN�TINE&S _ ._ RE MAPLE.PK COURT._I__ 75.�.a l�I(VTHl�OPi�EINSTINE�S LEG SVC 711-9/30 .125.�0 1�ZNTHROP1iEINST.INEbS LE� SVC 7/1-9/3�13 125.+��� iiINTHROPYEINSTINE&S �E6 SYC 7/�-9130i]a. 5•559.b2 i- .�A AMERICAN SCIENT PRDD _ . .'� t� * _ -._ _ __ 18� 128.27 _ _ FUNO 61 TOTAL , 547.89 FUNQ 05 TOTAI 669.58 FUND 10.. TOTAL 5 51977.2 5 FUN D 12 TO T Al. _ 9�636.25 FUND 13 TOTAL 1��113.23 FUND 15 �OTAL - -66.1-� ---.-...._-_._.__ FUfVD ,23 TOTAL .. 225.'�<D FUND 37 TOTAL ° `424.fi2 ' FUND 62 TOTAL 75.!�!� FUND 75 TOTt�I� � 125.� 0 FUND 77 TOTAL 7.48 FUNO 7� TpTAL 14 .5 2 FUN D 79 T� T AL 125.� 0 FUND 81 TOTAL � 8+7•134.59 70TAL NOV L TD/L _ Y/H_ _ lVOV P.REM IVOV PREM fl1-2�74-Q�lD-LO � Q1-424b-127-2fl ] 03-42�#6-D5Q-5Q ] t��_�►�a�_n��.��a � l�.1-4220-123-8�! ��` � 2��12Dr 1 O1-4222-120-20 ( 3T-4220-12D -0 � _.62-422'`�0-i20-U_�. __ T5-4221i-12� -t?!l_ 77-422Qa12� -� �0 Ri_o��n_� �n�nR. _ . _,�-7 :. ,` ,_..M.�...._...�.�._... _ . ___-�__-----�-- MANUAL` . CHEGKS : . �..�__. _--�.-n���--�----��•.8�-----Jerrys-.._.�,__Bakery-�enr--Exec ' �_. ___��._ 101.62 63,042.00 NW Nationa].Bk Interest I Bonds 5-I-82 10163 4,880.50 Dir Int Rev FIi' WjFi 14,J29 PR ----- - --. _._10164 ---- 580. 00 St Cap Cr Un. Pr - Ded -10,j29 PR ---...-...-_.., _ _ .. ._ 10165 � 200'.00 , Dak Cty St Bk " - 10166 18,�734'.66 City Mh Pr� AcctNet Payrol.l Dep 10(29 ��1�F?.-�-----�--�SA��^� -�ak- Cty -VoTech-REgr-FF�=3 -"- 101.68 .. ..20.00 Val Action Cntr Wkshp Fee 8Z,526.9? $ 174,761.56 GRAND TOT.AL' ;;��� � � .;a�'��> _ ____�_.__._,.__.._.-- • -- •--__�._.______.___....____ � --- ---________`__.._ .,,,,�> T0: City Cauncii FRQyi: Paul R. Berg Cade E.zfarcement Ofiicer SUB�TECT: Build:;.nq Ac:ivity R�p�rt for Octaber , Ct��RR�Pd'T b�J`l`iH t�c�. VF.Lti;�'Ti0?v I'EE CC7LL,EC'?'FD B:,DG P�;: :ir•�,r� ._._ ._..__....�. � ._.. S^� 3Q $3,04'6,499.80 $13,776.75 C;'i 2 2, 550.00 62. 20 '•?ISC. 17 67,17$.Oq 1,016.96 Sub `I'a�al 49 $3,116,227.80 $14,855.91 's�.D �r��il`I`S Plbg 4 $ 67.d0 V1tr 6 I05 . 00 Swr 5 87.50 Fitg, �/C & Gas Fipe 9 _ 683.00 ____ Sub fia�al 24 $ 942.50 L�C?-:��7:vG Contractor's Lice,.ses 15 $ 375. QO T�Ti�L 88 $3,116,227.80 $16,1'73.41 MEr� 0 DAT�: November 4, 1982 YEAR T�� llATF. - 198 Z 2�I0. �I�liT3r�^_ ZOi•J F�� COLLi,CTED 62 $ 6,234,�151.13 $36,256.67 � 22 3,75Q,371.04 18,010.65 ' 143 789,032.12 $,520.32 � � I 227 $10,773,854.29 $62,787.64 48 Sl 42 72 213 � $ 1,194,00 4d5:00 735.00 5,989.50 $ 8,323.50 � 666 $10,773,854.29 $76,761.14 YEIR TO DF�TE - 1981 N0. V�'1:,'�yTIJy 39 $3,606,749.77 L7 3,181,093.02 �7 1,031,800.77 13 $7,819,643.56 5l� 4$ 52 71 222 211 Fr I: COi.LEC"�'L�."'.� $25,974.72 • 14,957.15 13,843.57 $54,775.44 $ I,159.00 348.00 909.00 3,Q17.5� $ 5,433,50 �3�1�F 3►.I.'�fI7 646� $7,819,643.5G $65,033.94 NOTE: 1�11 fee amaunts exclude Sac, S9ac and State Surcharqe. Anc�unts shown taill reflect �nly pezmit, plar, check fee and valuation amounts. M�NU4'1'A HLIGH'1'S 1'IRL ULPARTMENT MONTHLY REPORT Fire Galls No. 82-95 Thru 82-108Number af Ca].ls 14 Month a: FTRE ALARMS DISPATCHED Typ� NO, STRUCTURE CONTENTS MISC. TOT� Commercial , 1 Residencial Vehicle Fires Contract FiresiAlZ� 2 Vehicle Accidents 3 $ $ $ Monthl Loss To�als Men Ht s Rescue {no fire} 1 All Fires All Areas $ $ Grass, Brush&Na Va�1ue � Men Hgts Only StructjContents False Alarm Crirninal . Men Hgts On].y Miscel].aneous False ", Commercial 2 Men Hgt�s Total Loss ta Date $ False " Residencial � B2LLING FOR SE`RVIG] Good Intent Calls 2 Aqencv `This Mon� TOTAL CALLS 14 Mn : DCiT � ��' LOCATION OF FIRE ALARMS Ta Date Last Yr. Milw RR Mendota Heigh�s 10 92 -gl CNW RR Mendota � 1 Others Sunfish Lake 1 7 6 TQTALS $ ��' � Lilyaale Othex Mutal Aid TOTAL WORK P'�RF4RMED Fire Calls Meeta.ngs Drills Weekly Clean-Up Special Trai,ning �dministrative Fire Marshal TOTALS 2 . 6 11 . October � �g�2 LS TO DATE 45,000 42,400 12,400 500 .00 , 300 87,400 12,400 99 , 800 To Date 167.00 $ 167.00 1 � 1 FIRE MAR5HAL�S TTMEIFOR MONTH l� I�$ �2� Inspectians Hours Ta Date Last Yr. In�estigations 417 1829 1910 19 Eire Calls 36 320 293 , 46 479 535 Meetings 3 32 237 2�1 Drills, Trainirxg 3 24 253 333 15 Miscellaneaus 14 198 196 4p 383 380 Total 40 609 3699 3888 Remarks : See other ide o£ this shee� for monthly � �oPsi�- MON'PHLY FIRE RUNS: The department had 14 run� during October, none of the runs resulted in property loss from fire. i0e answered three vehicle accident calls and one rescue cal2. One was a fatal on the Mendata Bridga, we had to use the Lukas taol ta free the victim who was crushed in the cab of a 2 ton Mack truck. It was hit head-on by a jack- kni�ed semi trac�or and trailer. fihe secand use of the �oal was on the bridqe over Lilydale Road at Sibley Memori�� Hiway. One vehicle lost control due to the frasty condition of the br�idge deck. The vehicle went over �he center line hitting a second vehicle head-on. AIl four doors of one vehicle were jammed and the tool had to be used to force them open. TRAINING: The regular monthly training session was used to practice relay pumping. Pumper 2286 {Squrt} set up an �he new Narthland �rive and Pumper 2287 relayad to it. Tes� equipment was used ta measure �he £1ow at the end of the differant hand lines. Six men from the depart.ment toak part in a mutual aid rescue�rill on Oetober 28th in W. St. Paul. Our Rescue truck was used to transport and care �or injuried "victims" at a tornado/explosion at the Southvaew Acres Nursing Home. Inver Grave Heights Fire and police units, Mendota Heights Police', West St. P.aul Fire and palice and nivine Redeemer uni�s taok part in the exercise. MUTUAL AID FIRE CALL: On qctober 31, 19$2 at about 1240 pm the department received a mutual aid call from W. St. Paul Fire far assistance at the Husnik Meats fire. One pumper (Squrt) was dispatched to the scene along with the Rescue Truck. Pumper 2287 was dispatched ta the W. St. Paul Statian ta talce any furtheY calls in �heir city. Eagan sent one pumper to our station to assist our stand-by crew should we receive a f ire call. Our total turn out was 27 men. We ratated crews at the scene, the W. St. Paul statien, and at our s�ation severai times. AlI units were back at the station at abaut I1:00 pm. Three men stayed at the scene until midnight to assist with hand lines. Our total man-hours wi21 be 262 hours. While at the W. St. Paul station Pumper 2287 made �wo medical runs to assis� D ivine Redeemer Ambulance.� Total cost to �he city i� abaut, $1400. in wages and fuel. . r - 1'S�2E L?E�'AF2"i'hll;N'I' M�>I�i`F'iii,Y tti�t)3{K l'1:}ti'{)ith4ftNCL•: Mci th O��' � 19 �,� Cal2s for �/ Fire Fire Per- Mantr�- Cl�an i.�u�. C)ff'r Spe , Oth�r Othe Month 1Y Calis Cal.l:� cent ly i��> Mec.�t M�c;t i�t�ill 11ct'y Act� Year Total A���� Att`d Att'd I)rill � i.ng ing �S� `` � sc �a Date _� Mor�th Year Year I-irs �]-Irs Eirs � i�ir� ! rs Eirs Hrs oack � L• . Chie fS p � 2-- �- Admi �_ .��`_ C? __ __�%__..._ ,.� ... ._ ._.. . . ._ . �(.._ .._---- .--%�.--._ . __._� _ Peter�on D,Asst. C ` 3�� ��5 x ,� X,. X %!�Hrs :�-____. ._�. � ...------. .__ __ .... - - -._ � _ __. ._ _..,.__ . ..�_ _ ____ _. __ a-�.Bill Lerbs =� 3 yU 37 �-- . Will Wachtler a-�.,_ _� _ ._.__ _� _� __ ,_.., Paul Dreelan_.._�_� _ G� .�_S.Z_ .,___ � _�_._ X ._� John Maczko�_Z i� •� � _...�.�!d' �______k�_._._..?`_ _._... _ .. Mike Blechinge� ,�_ 3� X X x _� Mike Coonan � ��/ _ _ Gord Sk 'erven 5 ll' � ^X � �' Y 7 � .--- _ __ _ -----..�1.. x � Jeff Stenhau Dick 2wirn John Lapakka Stu HenninQ Jim Kilburq iCa t.Bruce Levin � i � 2y Geor e Noack S� � .c� Gerald Nelson $ ; �u � 37 � Lambert Derks ,3 ? „� ( yu Ted Husnik ; ; 5-' y� 'Jamie Lerbs � i S"'� _5 / Mike Maczko �W,2 b --- �o .C..o r,� E ! i ap . ene � r s.s s Tam Weinzettel __��__�L Marc Conna�`l � %/ � ��„ 6� Tam Olund M� � � s John Neska s"� S S/ Steve ar son a 7� Ken Noack � I f� �. .5-�' , �Aver, xuns�err�an �er MenPer Run , . _�t.��:...�..�.4Y. Y e a r X %'� ��._ _.._._ -- -----;--- � i � � � y TotalF�Attended .2 � .i, - --- ---�_.___. ~.� Tot. Man Hours __��_ ,___�' This ht n L s L�t Y�.�, -`-�...—�.�' `--�."_,,,�-,.. / , 7 1 _."�' o , ._./� . ��.._ �f 5; Ss �s , 03�...___ 5c�, S'o e , 0 CITY c�F• r�u:r�tx��t�n ti!?l ,ii�l�:•; T1tLASU!<1:l� FtLf�Ut<�C - October, 1982 D�zkaCa Cc�ut��r :;l,il�• It,ii:'r. Che�.k i r�q Ilccuturt savings Account C.O. Uue f2ev. Shariny Saviny�; S��ec:ial ('olicL :>.ivit���_> 4-1-83 @ 9,73'1� L1.11. 1'tl�l�j `aOl`C. �i�1V 111(j:•� 'rU'FAL Collatc:ral -- Boi�ds 150,Op0.00 Govt. CuarZ�a����•Q� Cherokee State Bank C,D. Uue 11-4-82 @ 9 3f4� 3QO,OOQ,00 C.D. Due 11-b-82 @ 13 3/4� 100,000.00 C.D. Due 11-10-82 @ 8.25�k 300,000.00 C.D. Due 2-9-83 @ ].2$ 325,000.00 S!»c. Park Savi.ngs3-8-83 @ 13,952.59 10.123$ TOTRL Cai2aterai - Bonr�s 1,340,000.00 Govt. Guar. 100,000.00 Siynal Hills State i3ank C. D. l)u�� '1'C)T�1 L C�llattral - Fsotl�i�� 6d0,000.00 , Gu��t. ��uar. 100,000.00 Miniiesc�ta State L;it7k C.'D. Uue Collaceral - CiovC. Guar. Mint�Csota �'cder.�al C�virz;s & Loar� C.t), D��E> 12-I6-$2 @ 10.5� Callateral - Gavt. t;u;�r. First National �is�nk of St. Paul C.D. ��ue I2-2�-$2 @ g•65� 100,000.00 1-12-83 @ 8.9� 300,000.00 11.-I2-82 @ I3�� 600,000.00 Collateral -- Bonds 1,000,Q00.Oq ' Govt. Guar. i00,fl00.00 U��u�2 23-83 Y@ 1��23� (87.8996) 225,OQ4.00 Repo due ; isal 3r��s, $zg,���.a� 339.73 25,400.00 55,015.99 1,038, 9.52.59 i! •�i fi 1,000,000.00 I97,774.i0 155,000.00 � �1�ci�r�.�, r�Ur�Ds n�;nIt.n�st.��:: $2, a46,742.68 Col�ateral •� 11� �� 1,400,000.00 700,000.00 1�100,000.00 ;.. Shauc�hne.��.y RESOLUTION No. Setting Public Hearing on Housing Bond Program ii'"r��-•l: .~�� N�� � � ��82 WHEREAS, the City of Mendota Heights (the "City") is intereste in developing a first-time homebuyer/senior citizen housing program along wit the Cities of West Saint Paul and Eagan and the Dakota County Housing and Redevelopment Authority (the "HRA"); and WHEREAS, the City is interested in authorizing the HRA to sell ho sing revenue bonds pursuant to Minnesota Statutes, Chapter 462C (the "Act") in ord r to provicle loans to the purchasers of housing units sold by senior citizens and oJ her housing units in the Ciiy; and � WHER,EAS, the Act requires the adoption of a Housing Bond Program (the "Program") after the holding of a public hearing, after published notice at leasl 15 days prior to the date of the public hearing; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ftESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF CITY OF MENDOTA HEIGHTS: ' 1. That a public hearing on the proposed Program is set I for December � , 1982 at �= 30 p, m. in the Council Chambers. 2. That the City Clerk is directed to publish the following notic of public hearing once at least 15 days prior to the public hearing in a newsp per circuTating generally in the City: NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING FOR A HOUSING BOND PR.OGRAM NOTICE LS HEREBY GNEN that the Mendota Heights City Council will meet in the City Hall at �:3o p.m., December 7 , 1982, and conduct a p lic hearing pursuant to the requirements of Minnesota Statutes, Section 462C.01 et seg., as it relates to adoption of a Housing Bond Program for the City of Men ota Heights. This program will describe the housing needs of the City and will desc ibe a program for the issuance of housing revenue bonds to meet said needs and o her matters required by Minnesota Statutes, Chapter 462C. ����:� ' �:, • Persons desiring to be heard on the proposed program may address CounciL Further information regarding the program will be available at the of of the City Administrator after , 1982. Attest: Adopted this day of November, 1982. City Clerk Mayor the CITY OF MENDQTA HEIGHTS DAKOTA COUNTY, MINNESC?TA RESOLLJTION N0. 82- RESOLUTION SUPPORTING METROPOLITAN COUNCIL DISTRICT REPRESENTATIVE REAPPOINTMENT WHEREAS, Mrs. Kathleen Ricid.er was sworn in as District 15 Me Council representative on March 8, 1979; and and � 7litan WHEREAS, Mrs. Ridder's term on the Caunci7. wi7.1 expire in the ne�r future; WHEREAS, the Mendota �ieights City Council recognizes her diligen e as the District representative and the success she has had in working with the various County and City qovernmental units within her distric�.; ancl WHEREAS, it is the unanimou� concensus oE the City Council �hat s. Ridder has been a very competent, knawledgeable and amiable Metrapolita Council representative who has performed the functions af her position in a hig ly crc�ditable manner; NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESQLVED that the City Council of the City o Mendota Heights firmly supports the reappointment of Mrs. Ka�hleen Ridder as Me ropolitan R "' Council Dis�.rict 15 representative; and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that a certified copy of this Resolu�ion submitted to Gavernor Al Quie as an expressian af the Council'� canfide in Mrs. Ridder and its formal endorsement of her reappointment. Adop�.ed by the City Council of the City o� Mendota Heights this �6th day of November, 19$2. ATTEST: . Kathleen M. Swanson City Clerk 0 Cl2'Y COUNCIL CITY OF MENDOTA By Rober�. G, Loekwoad Mayor