: � ' t � '
March 4, 1997- 7:30 P.M.
1. Caii to Order
2. Rolf Cait
3. Agenda Adoption
4. Approvat of February 18 Minutes.
a. Acknowledgment of the February 25 Ptanning Commission Minutes.
b. Acknowledge Receipt of an AMM Bil! Tracking Report.
c. Acknowledgment of the Building Activity Report for February.
d. Approvai to Purchase Turf Sweeper for Use by the Parks Department.
e. Approvai to Participate with City of Eagan to tns#ail Emergency
Vehicle Preemption System on the Signals Located at l-494 Ramps at
Dodd Road and Pitot Knob Road.
f. Acic�owledge Receipt of Information Regarding Prajected 1998 Sewer
Rates. -
g. Appraval of Extension fior Certificate of tJccupancy - Ziggy's
h. Approvai of Successfut Completion of Probationary Period and � �
Authoriza#ion to Appoint Regular Status -(Recreation Programmer
Position). �
i. Approval of Resolution to Support Dakota County Legislative Efforts
on State Noise Standards - RESOLUTION NO. 97-09
j. Approva! of the List of Cigarette Licenses.
k. Approva( of List of Contractors.
I. Approvaf of the List of Ctaims.
� 1 � i � ' � ' � 1
• 1 �ll ll'1
1 1 !' M % 1� \' i 1'
a. Case No. 97-Q2. Mendakota Country Club - CUP and Variance -
RESOLUTIt�N NO. 97- �0
b. Case No. 97-03: Mendata Heights United Church of Christ - CUP and
Variance - RESOLUT/ON NQ. 37-1 �
c. Gase o. 97-04: Bjorkiund Construction - Concept Plan for a Holiday
Station at Mendota Heights Road and Dadd Road.
d. Appoint Selection Pane! for Assistant Fire Chief interviews.
* e. Consideratian of Appea! for MPRS �awsuit - RESOLUT/ON NO. 97-12,
: � � +ttu•i
9, Adjourn
Aux�t�ary a�ds for d�sabled persons are avai[abie upon request at teast 120 hours in
advance. If a notice of less than 120 hours is received, the City of Mendota
Heights will make every attempt to provide the aids, however, #his may nat be �
possible on short notice. Please contact City Administration at 452-1850 with
March 4, 1997
TO: Mayor and City Council
FROM: Kevin Batchelder, City Administrator
SUBJECT: Add On Agenda for March 4 City Council Meeting
One new item has been added to Unfinished and New Business section of
the agenda. Please see item 7e (*).
3. Aaenda Ado t�
It is recommended that Council adopt the revised agenda printed on blue
7e. Consideration Qf AW��1 fQC MPRS Lawsuit•
Please see attached informafiion.
March 4, 1997- 7.3Q P.M.
1. C�tl to {�rder
2. Rot! Cail
1 4' f w i f�� �
� 4. Approval a€ February 18 Minutes.
•t `� -�t.
a. Acknowledgment of the February 25 Planning Commission Minutes.
b. Acknowledge Receipt of an AMM Bill Tracking Report.
c. Acknowtedgment of the Buitding Activity Report for February.
d. Approval to Purchase Turf Sw�eper for Use by the Parks Department.
e. Approvai ta Participate with City of Eagan to Instati Emergency
Vehicle Presmption System on the Signals Located at I-494 Ramps at
Dodd Road and Pilot Knob Road.
f. Acknowledge Receipt of Information Regarding Projected 1998 Sewer
g. Approva! of Exter�sion €or Cer#ificate of Qccupancy - Ziggy`s
Restaurant. �
h. Approval of Successfu! Completion of Probationary Period and
Authorizatian to Appoint Regular Status -(Recreation Programmer
i. Approval of Resolution to Support Dakota County Legislative Efforts
on State Nase Standards - RFSOLUTION NO. 97-LT9
j. Approval of the List af Cigarette Licenses.
k. Approval of List of Contractors.
I. Approval of the List of Claims.
�� � »� •� •��:
. � � � � i i• �
1 1 1•� % 1 M 1 , !•
a. C�se No. 97-02: Mendakofia Country Glub - CUP and Variance -
b. Case No. 9�-03: Mendota Heights United Church of Christ - CUP and
Variance - RESOLUTlQ/V NQ. 9�-11
c, Case No. 97-Q4: Bjorklund Construction - Concept Plan for a Holiday
Station at Mendota Heights Road and Dodd Raad.
� d. Appoint Selection Panel for Assistant Fire Chief Interviews.
: � � � �ui�•�
9. Adjourn
Auxiliary aids for disabled persons are available upon request at least 120 hours in
advanc�. If a notice of I�ss than 120 hours is received, the City of Mendota
Heights will make every attempt to provide the aids, however, this may not be
possible on short notice. Please contact City Administration at 452-1850 with
'+�,-"� ?yr
Minutes of the Reg�ezlar Meeting
Held Tuesda.y, February 18, 1997
Page No. I
February 18, 1997
Pursuant to due call and notice thereaf, the regulaz meeti.ng of the City Council, City of Mendata
Heights, was held at 7.30 o'clack P.M. at City Ha11, 1101 Victoria Curve, Mendota Heights, Minnesota..
Mayor Mertensotto called the meeting to arder at 7.4U o'clock P.M. The following members were
present: Mayor Mertensotto, Cauncilmembers Huber, Koch, Krebsbach and Smith.
Ayes: 5
Nays: 0
Ayes: 4
Nays: 0
Abstain: 1 Mertensoiia
� • _� �.l� . - �� r � .
Cauncilmember Krebsbach moved adoptian of the revised agenda
for the meeting.
Councilmember Kach seconded the motion.
Councilmember Smith moved appraval of the amended minutes of
the regular Council meeting held on Febz�zarY 4, 199'7.
Councilrnember Koch seconded the motian.
Councilmember Krebsbach moved approval of the cansent calendar
far the meeting, revised to move items c, g h, I, k, n and o ta the
regular agenda and to deiete item j, alang with autharization for
execution of any necessary documents contained therein.
a. Acknawledgment of the Fire Deparhnent monthly report for
b. Aclrnowledgment of the Treasurer's manthly report for
c. Appraval of the amended minutes of the Febn.iary 1, 1997
joint City CaunciUPlanning Coinmissian meeting.
d. Acknowledgment of the minutes af the February 1 l, 1997
Parks and Recreation Commission meeting.
e. Acknowledgment of receipt of the minutes of the January 30,
199'7 CDBG District 2 Committee meeting.
Page No. 2
February 18, 1997
f. Approval of an amendment to the minutes of the January 14,
1997 joint City CounciUParks and Recreation Commission
g. Aclrnowledgment of a memo from Fire Chief Maczko
regazding the city's ISO Fire Insurance Rating.
h. Acknowledgment of the 1996 Annual Report for Community
Landfill Abatement Program.
i. Adoption of Ordinance No. 313, "AN ORDINANCE
AMENDING ORDINANCE NO. 109," as amended, to
provide for the waiver of a monthly Pazks and Recreation
Commission meeting for sufficient cause.
j. Acknowledgment of a memo from the City Clerk and
authorization for the issuance of a purchase order to Copy �
Sales, Inc., in the amount of $16,247.00 plus sales tax for the
purchase of a Mita DC 6590 copier, with the condition that
responses to reference checks are positive.
k. Approval of the List of Claims dated February 18, 1997 and
tota.ling $160,014.40.
1. Approval of the list of contractor licenses dated February 18,
1997 and attached hereto.
Councilmember Smith seconded the motion.
Ayes: 5
Nays: 0
DISCUSSION ON CONSENT Council considered and discussed the items which had been
ITEMS removed from the revised consent calendar for the meeting.
Fire Chief Maczko was present, and responded to Council questions
on the Fire Department issues.
Council aclrnowledged memos from the Fire Chief regarding
donations from Dakota Bank and Koch Refining. Council also
aclaiowledged a memo on recruitment of an Assistant Chief and two
fire fighters for daytime response.
There was lengthy discussion on how donations to the Fire Relief
Association/Fire Department should be handled. Council directed
Chief Maczko to work with the City Administrator to develop draft
guidelines for Council review.
Page No. 3
February 18, 1997
With respect to recnutment of an Assistant Mayor Mertensotto
stated that appointment of an Assistant will not be effective until the
retirement of current Assistant Chief creates a vacancy in the
position. He pointed out that there can be only one Assistant Chief,
and the successor will not receive Assistant Chief pay during any
transition period.
Chief Maczko informed Council that two firefighters aze needed to
bring the department to fu11 complement. He explained that there
will be contingencies on da.y time response, and that the new people
will be required to be able to respond during the day.
Chief Maczko briefly discussed Emergency Vehicle Preemption
(EVP) costs to the city. Public Works Director Danielson was
directed to research operating costs for EVP.
Councilmember Krebsbach moved approval of the following items
which had been removed from the consent calendar:
g. Acknowledgment that Firefighter Dave Dreelan will attend a
three-day training session in Corpus Christi Texas.
h. Acknowledgment of the donation of a ventilation fan from
Dakota Bank to the �t't�` ssP�' ocia�Z�n.
�t k4-Q=1� b� w a. � a� �
i. Acknowledgment of a memo from Parks Project Manager
Kullander regarding Ivy Hills Park and authorization to enter
into a Management Contract for 1997 with Prairie
Restora.tions, Inc., for restoration services at Ivy Hills Paxk for
a cost not to exceed $1,500 (to be funded by the Storm Water
Utility Fund).
k. Aclalowledgment of the posting of the Assistant Fire Chief
position which is necessary because of the forthcoming
retirement of the Assistant Chief and authorization to advertise
for two fire fighters.
n. Adoption of Resolution No. 96-07, "A RESOLUTION OF
ISSUES," along with direction to staff to invite Mendota city
officials to participate in the discussions.
o. Adoption of Ordinance No. 312, "AN ORDINANCE AMEND-
Page No. 4
February 18, 1997
ING ORDINANCE NO. 113," to designate High Ridge Circle
and Sibley Court as stop streets at their intersections with
Warrior Drive.
Councilmember Smith seconded the motion.
Ayes: 5
Nays: 0
, MIDDLE SCHOOL Council acknowledged a letter from Ms. Lois Rockney, Assistant
Superintendent (Business Services) for School District 197
requesting safety unprovements for the middle school. Council also
aclaiowledged an associated report from the Public Works Director.
Ms. Rockney was present for the discussion.
Ms. Rockney explained that the requests are for a reduced speed
school zone along Mendota. Heights Road, construction of sidewalks
on the north side of Mendota Heights Road, from Dodd to Delaware,
and ten additional crosswalks.
Mayor Mertensotto stated that there is a statutory provision for
school speed zones, which he believed set the speed limit at 20 miles
per hour. He informed Ms. Rockney that Council will direct staff to
make application to the Commissioner of Highways to establish a
school speed zone. He sta.ted that sidewalk construction would cost
about $100,000, and that staff can be directed to determine if the
construction would be eligible for MSA funding. He informed Ms.
Roclaiey that there was considerable opposition from abutting
property owners when the sidewalk was installed at Dodd and
Mendota Heights Road and there will likely be opposition to the
school district's request. He stated that Council could direct staff to
notify the owners of properiy abutting Mendota Heights Road and
conduct an informational meeting. He informed Ms. Rockney that a
wetlands permit would be required since the sidewalk would be
within 100 feet of a wetlands.
Councilmember Smith stated that children's safety is a concern of
Council as well as parents, but that the children coming to the school
would be in middle school, which means they would be from ten to
fourteen years old. She stated tha� the city certainly needs to work
on the speed limit and needs to make sure that appropriate
intersections and crosswalks are designated to make sure children
can safely cross streets, but that ten year old children should know
how to cross streets safely. She also pointed out that there is a trail
that runs the full length of Mendota. Heights Road akeady on one
side of the street, and that the district's request included maintaining
the trail. She felt that the city should make a more concentrated
Page No. 5
February 18, 1997
effort to make sure the sidewalks are safe for Y1ie students to walk,
and if city sidewalks were to be added on the north maintenance
would be more costly.
Ms. Billie Slater, 2464 Pond Circle, stated that her children have to
cross streets twice to and from school, once where the school zone
azea will be. She did not feel that optimum safety will be provided
for the children, because the speed limit on Mendota Heights Road
is 35 miles per hour. With respect to the sidewalk, she stated that
she is concerned that something be done so that it is safe for her
children to walk to school.
Mayor Mertensotto responded that Council will make a request to
the Commissioner of Highways for the school zone and could
couple that request with a request to reduce the speed to 30 miles per
hour for the remainder of Mendota Heights Road from Dodd Road
Councilmember Smith agreed, stating that perhaps now is the time
to again request the state to reduce the speed limit on Mendota.
Heights Road to 30 mph from Dodd to Delaware. She felt that the
speed limit reduction would go a long way towards improving safety
Responding to a question from Councilmember Huber regarding
school patrols, Ms. Rockney stated that school patrols aze currently
only used at the Moreland School. She stated that there has been no
discussion about safety patrols at the middle school, but that it
would be possible to use sixth graders for safety patrol.
Ms. Roclaiey responded to Council questions regarding the
proposed crosswalk at Hampshire Drive. She stated that the school
district wants to make conditions as safe as possible for the students
who will be crossing Huber to get to the ballfields. She explained
that there will be a path on the school properiy along Mendota
Heights Road from Huber Drive, and the district will be building
sidewalks on its property.
Mayor Mertensotto suggested thatthe city use MSA funds to assist
the school district in building the sidewalks, and perhaps the school
district could help with the crosswalks.
Councilmember Krebsbach suggested that the district might want to
add a trail on the west side of Huber if the city saves the school
district money by using MSA funds.
Page No. 6
February 18, 1997
Mayor Mertensotto informed Ms. Rockney that the city will contact
the Commissioner of Highways regardi.ng the school zone, and will
couple that request with a request for a 30 mile per hour speed limit
on Mendota Heights from Dodd to Delaware. He further stated that
the city will conta.ct the MSA division regarding participation in the
cost of the sidewalk on the school district property on the north side
of Mendota Heights road. .
Public Works Director Danielson sta.ted that the city would have to
put together a state aid project, including prepa.ration of the full set
of plans and bidding/contract procedure. He further stated that state
aid will cover the cost of crosswalks.
Ms. Roclrney responded that if the cifiy does the project, the school
district can issue a change order to remove the sidewalk construction
from its construction contract.
Mayor Mertensotto sta.ted that if for the first yeaz the crosswalks are
mazked, and if the speed liinit reduction and speed zone are
approved, and a problem can be demonstrated, Council can make a
determ.i.nation on the sidewalk request.
Councilmember Smith suggested that the school district look at
other areas where there should be crosswalks as well as those that
have been proposed. She stated that children will be more at risk on
the side streets than they will be on �ta e'ghts Road.
CASE NO. 96-16, BECK:MANN Council acknowledged a memo and oposed resol ' of denial
with respect to the Beckmann antenna to ance application.
Mayor Mertensotto excused himself from the discussion. �"�� �
u v��•,..� a„� �'c.-.� r-Q.S a l ���. o�
Councilmember Smith informed the audience that at the last Council
meeting, Council expressed its intent to deny the height variance
application for a free standing tower a.nd radio antenna and directed
staff to prepare a resolution presenting findings of fact for Council
discussion this evening.
Council discussed draft resolutiomand found that it was consistent
with the testimony with the exception of paragraph 13, which was
Councilmember Krebsbach moved adoption of Resolution No. 97-
Page No. 7
February 18, 1997
Councilmember Koch seconded the motian.
Ayes: 4
Nays: 0
DAKOTA BANK Council acknowledged a memo. fram Public Warks Directar
Danie2son reiative ta a request from Dakata Bank for au#horization
far issuance of a building permit far its new facility ta be located at
T.H. 110 and Lelcington Avenue, and a request for the vacation of
unused city right-af-way. Cauncil also aclrnowledged a copy of the
"Site Plan and I}evelopment Agreernent," far the project, site plans,
landscape plan and building elevatians. Mr. Jahn Seidl, Dakota.
Bank President, and Mr. Jack Boarman, project architect, were
pxesent for the discussion.
Mr. Boazman reviewed the plans and showed Council samples of the
exteriar building materials. He informed Councii that the final site
plan daes not requize any variances. He explained that when he was
Iast before Council, the iaank was praposing a one stary building
with a 1'l2 stary atrium, but now proposes a two story 18,70Q square
foot stxucture with a iittle over 9,000 square feet on each flaor. He
stated that one driveway has been eliminated sa that a low
monument-type sign couid be installed in front af the building. He
explained that the sign would be ground lit at night and no variance
is required.
Responding to a question from Mayor Mertensotto regarding the
visibility of roof top mechanieal units, Mr. Boarman responded that
the units will not be visible. He stated that the heating and air
canditianing has nat been designed yet, but they wili either be fiz1ly
screened by the parapet or they will be set back 20 to 30 feet from
the edge of the raaf, but in any event rooftop screening will toially
soreen the units. He also stated that the mechanical units will nat be
higher than the screening that will be between the bank and the
neighbarhood to the south.
Mayor Mertensotta stated that Council must be concerned about the
residential area #o the soufih. He gointed out that Council has told
the residents that the residential decor of City Hall would carry aver
to this corner, and if a iwo story building without a residential style
roof is approved and it has visible raaftop units, the residents will be
NSr. Boarman responded that the bank wants to provide a high
quality building that has no obtrusive elements and daes not want
A •:•
Page No. 8
February 18, 1997
something on the roof to detract from the entry rotunda area. He
sta.ted that the original design had a section of the building that was
at least two stories high. He explained that one reason why the
exterior design is for brick on the first floor and metal and glass on
the second is to soften the look of the building. He stated that he is
trying to use different means to take a commercial building and give
it a residential look. .
Responding to a question about development of the residential lots,
Mr. Boarman sta.ted that the original agreement between the bank,
SuperAmerica and the city was that everything on the site plan
would be constructed and completed before the lots develop, and
that is still the plan. He explained that the lots will not be opened
for development until the bank and SuperAmerica sites aze
developed, and the trees and wall will not be disturbed until all of
the development is completed. He informed Council that the bank
hopes to occupy the building by Christmas.
Councilmember Krebsbach asked that as many trees be saved as
possible when the residentiallots develop. She stated that she does
not want to see blanket removal of trees.
Mr. Boarman responded that the bank does not want to take out any
of trees that do not need to be removed to develop a lot.
Mr. Boarman reviewed the retaining wall (monument) sign. He
explained that about 31h to four feet of wall will be seen from the
front, a.nd from the back it is about two feet high. The wall will be
about 30 feet wide. He stated that it is his understanding that no
variance is required because it is really letters on a reta.ining wall
rather than a sign, and it will be 30 feet from the property line. He
explained that the bank will apply for separate permits for the
building and the signage.
Mr. Seidl informed Council that there will also be a drive-up ATM.
Mr. Boarman reviewed the building concept and materials, sta.ting
that the brick color is neazly identical to City Hall, and the stone will
either be Kasota stone or tinted roek face masonry, or a combination
of those materials. He explained that dark brick in a band at seven
feet will create a belt course around the building. He stated that the
bank wants to make it clear that it is still in budget discussions
regarding the stone, which costs about four times more than
masonry. He explained that the working drawings for the project are
not yet completed, so the projected cost is not yet clear. He sta.ted
A. �
Ayes: 5
Nays: 0
Page No. 9
February 18, 1997
that the rock face material looks very nice and he has used it very
successfully on other structures.
Councilmember Krebsbach stated that she would like the ret�ining
wall to be stone. a-4 �-� (�-�-�` � w�-" �"- ��
�,..c. � �-s�-�4"�"� o�--f' .
Mr. Boarman stated that the first eight inches of the building wa11
may be stone and the rest rock face, and if that works, perhaps stone
could be used on the reta.ining wall.
Councilmember Smith felt that perhaps there aze too many elements
in the design (the different color bricks, copper, etc.), and questioned
the need for the black brick.
Mr. Boaxman stated that he is asking for approval of the masonry
tinted rock face units, and if the bank can fit the stone into its
budget, it will use stone. He stated that he would recommend that
the signage wall be committed for stone. He explained that the
current bid includes rock face block, and that Kasota Stone is an
alternate if it fits the budget.
Mr. Seidl informed Council that the bank will go with the look
versus cost.
Mayor Mertensotto suggested that Council should approve the use
of the stone and give the bank the option to c back if stone is
totally out of line with its budget. He stated at i is the stone that
gives the structure class. He agreed with Councilmember Smith that
the black brick is superfluous.
Mr. Boarman stated that the he will commit to pursue the building
design with stone, reserving the right to come back to request
masonry units if stone is not possible.
Councilmember Krebsbach moved to authorize the issuance of a
building permit for Dakota Bank, subject to review and approval of
the plans by the code enforcement department, consistent with the
applicant's representations and the documents and materials on file
with the city. .
Councilmember Huber seconded the motion.
Mayor Mertensotto stated that the bank reserves the right to come
back if the cost of stone is totally out of reach.
Page No, 14
February 18, 1997
CELL TOWER ORDINANCE Council acknowledged a memo frorn Administrator Batchelder
regardimg scheduling a joint workshop with the Planning
Commission for consideration of cellular tower/antenna regulations.
It was the cansensus of Council to conduct the workshop an
Saturday, April 19 fram 8:40 a.m. to Noon.
Ct�UNCIL C{aArIMENTS IVlayar`Mertensotto sta.ted #hat he appreciates that Su erAmerica has
� changed the bulbs in the lights at its facility� e expects
��►,q,y.�'� them to put baffles on the lights '
�� .
banlcs i�t�s--
w� ��
�t G�4� �,,�- s .
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Councilmember Smith informed Council on a telephone
convezsation she had with a MAC staff inember on the noise
camplaint line, wherein she was told that the 55120 zip code is fair
game for air noise. She asked that sta.ff communicate to the I4IA.0
that this attitude e�sts and is a concem for Council.
Administrator Batchelder was directed to work with Councilmember
Smith to structure a letter ta I��AC Chair Sandy Grieve and members
af the MAC, alerting them of the cavalier attitude that exi.sts with
respect ta air naise
ADJOI;�ZN There being na fia�:�ther business ta came before the Cauncil,
Councilmember Koch moved that the meeting be adjourned.
- Cauncilmember I�uber seconded the motion.
Ayes: 5
Nays: 0
Charles E. Mertensatto
TIME OF AD►JOURNMENT; 10:55 o'clack P.M.
Kathleen M. Swanson, City Clerk
�. :w
: , �.
FEBRUARY 25, 1997
The regular meeting of the Mendota Heights Pianning Commission was hetd on
Tuesday, February 25, 1997, in the City Hall Council Chambers, 1101 Victoria
Curve. The meeting was calted to order at 7:3p p.m. The fattowing members
were present: Duggan, Koll, Betlej, Lorberbaum and Tilsen. Commissioners Dwyer
and Friei were exc�sed. Also present were Pubtic Works Direcfior Jim Danielson,
Planning Consultant Meg McMonigal, Administrative Assistant Patrick Hollister and
Senior Secretary Kim Blaeser.
Commissioner Lorberbaum moved approvat of the January 28, 1997
Commissioner Koll seconded the motion.
CASE Np. 97-02:
Mr. Robert McKinney, representing Mendakota Country Club, located at
2075 Mendakota Court, was present to discuss their request for a
Conditional Use Permit and Variance which would alfow the construction of
one immediately a�d allow for a second one in the future restroom and
refireshment building, "half-way" house, on the goif course.
Mr. McKinney explained that there are three portable restroom facilities
currently located on the golf course. He stated that the existing "halfway"
house is too smatt and is not located in the proper area of the golf course.
The Commission reviewed the golf caurse map and determined the locations
►� �
of the restrooms. Mr. McKinney stated the new facility will be located just
west and north of the fourth green. He stated that another hole, number
five, will be constructed. He stated that the topography in this area is high
ground and will allow a septic system to be constructed.
Vice Chair Duggan inquired if there will be water and electricity available.
McKinney responded yes. Duggan inquired about adding one additional
restroom facility for the ladies. McKinney stated he would inquire with the
Commissioner Koll stated that most country clubs have facilities similar to
that which Mendakota Country Club is proposing to construct. She stated
that this is a good idea. She inquired about the color of the block material
to be used on the new facility. McKinney explained that there is tan colored
rock in front of the clubhouse and that they will try to tie in the components
of the clubhouse materials with the new facility materials. He stated that
the Club intends to discuss the type of materials to be used on tha new
facility with the City.
Commissioner Koll inquired about additional landscaping. Mr. McKinney
stated that they do not have a landscape plan and that their thoughts are to
plant flowers with some shrubbery. He stated that the Club wants to create
a nice viewing area for their clients.
Commissioner Betlej stated that he would like to see the materials to be of a
consistent palette of color with the clubhouse. McKinney stated that the
clubhouse materials consist of wood, stucco and block. He stated that the
club is concerned with maintaining the new structure as well as
constructing a building that may prevent vandalism.
Commissioner Lorberbaum asked for clarification regarding the Planner's
map submitted within the Planner's report. Planner McMonigal confirmed
that the zoning of the Mendakota property is R-1.
Commissioner Tilsen inquired about the number of individuals playing the
course on a daily basis. He noted concerns about constructing a septic
system that will be capable of handling the number of people using it on a
regular basis. Mr. McKinney estimated about 30,000 rounds of golf on an
annual basis. He stated that the golf course is pretty busy and that on peak
days, roughly 100-150 people play a round of golf. McKinney stated that
the Club intends to hire a septic system engineer to determine the
appropriate size of the system. Tilsen inquired about the soil type.
McKinney responded that he is not aware of the. soil type since the plans for
r �i
this project were just approved by the Mendakota membership. He stated
that the Club is waiting for approval from the City before they contract with
engineers who will determine soil type, septic system specifications, etc.
Commissioner Tilsen inquired if there will be electricity and water at the
second site. Mr. McKinney responded that water will have to be piped into
the building. McKinney explained that the facili�y will be open into the fall
and closes when it gets too cold or when the snow falls. He stated that the
seasons typically begins around April 15. Tilsen inquired if the building will
be heated. McKinney stated that typically small heaters are used to warm
the building. Tilsen felt that heating should be considered to prevent
freezing of pipes.
The Commission discussed the square footage of accessory structures, both
existing and proposed, on the Mendakota site. The Commission asked for
clarification regarding the number of accessory buildings allowed on the
property. The Planner sited information from the Zoning Ordinance and
informed the Commission that a variance is needed for both the size and
number of structures to be located on the property.
Vice Chair Duggan opened the meeting to the public.
Ms. Miller, of 1021 Wagon Wheel Trail, informed the Commission that her
property abuts the south edge of the golf course near the fifteenth tee. She
inquired about the number of restroom facilities available and the number of
refreshment stands available. She inquired about the types of beverages
the Club will be selling. Miller noted her concern with the lack of restroom
opportunities between holes 12 and 18. She stated there is a current
problem with improper use of restroom facilities and that the improper use is
a real nuisance to her family.
Mr. McKinney stated that there is a beverage cart that travels the course
throughout the day. He stated there will be three restrooms available on the
course including the clubhouse. He stated there will be a stop at the 13th
hole and then after the 14th, 15th and 16th holes. Miller felt that the
number of facilities is inadequate. Vice Chair Duggan inquired if a facility
could be moved to the 15th hole to accommodate Ms. Miller's concerns.
Ms. Miller stated that she does not want to advocate a port-a-potty near her
backyard. She noted that her concerns are more along the line of
consumption patterns and the type of people this may generate.
Commissioner Tilsen inquired if the Miller's have informed the Club of their
concerns before. Ms. Miller stated that they have had several "chats":
Commissioner Tilsen stated that the Club should make sure that people are
encouraged to use the proper restroom facilities as provided by the Club.
He stated that he does not feel that the consumption pattern will change
with the construction of the new facility since the pop cart will continue to
serve the Club's clients as in the past.
Vice Chair Duggan suggested that Mendakota Country Club and the Miller's
need to work together to determine a compromise. It was suggested that
signage be erected informing the Club's patrons about the location and
number of restroom facilities available. This way people will use facilities
before entering a stretch of golf course that may not have facilities
In response to a question from the Commission, Planner McMonigal stated
that port-o-potties are not considered a permanent structure because they
have no footings and no foundation.
Mr. Courtney Pince, of 945 Wagon Wheel Trail, informed the Commission
that he had not been notified of the Conditional Use Permit process. He
stated that this has happened before and wondered if he is not within the
radius of the required notification boundaries. Public Works Director
Danielson stated that City staff would review the abstract. Mr. Pince
inquired if the proposed building will be constructed within the NSP
easement. Mr. McKinney responded no.
Mr. Miller, 1021 Wagon Wheel Trail, inquired if a special liquor license is
needed for the refreshment cart to be dispensing liquor on the golf course.
Planner McMonigal responded that the Club's liquor license includes the
remote liquor sales.
Commissioner Betlej moved to close the public hearing.
Commissioner Lorberbaum seconded the motion.
Commissioner Tilsen asked for clarification on the number of structures
located on the golf course. McKinney responded that there will be two
port-o-potties, one halfway house which includes restrooms and
refreshment operations, a rain shelter (converted halfway house), clubhouse
and maintenance garage.
Commissioner Bettej moved to recommend that the City Council grant a
Conditionai Use Permit and Variance which woutd ailow the construction of
a halfway house (restroom/refreshment buildingl subject to the following
1. That plans be submitted for the proposed septic system.
2. That a landscape plan be submitted.
3, That materials be compatible with #he ma�n clubhouse.
4. That allowance for heat be inaluded in the plans.
5. That a signage campromise between Mendakota Country Club and
the Miller's be reached.
Commission�r Tilsen seconded the motion.
The Commission recommended that Mr. McKinney prepare a map showing
current facilities and proposed facilities on the golf course for Council
review on Tuesday, March 4. Mr. McKinney agreed to prepare the map.
CASE NO. 97-03: �
Mr. Rick Kellior, architect representing Mendo#a Heights United Church of
Ghrist, tocated at fi8C1 Highway 110, was present to discuss their request
for a Conditional Use Permit and Variance which would allow the
construction af an addition to the existing church and aliow parking within
the front yard setback area.
Mr. Keillor explained that the church counsel has been planning an addition
ta their church for sometime. He sta#ed they feel that the addition wili
make a strong visual impact. He explain�d that the church property abuts
the Dodge Nature Center property. He informed the Commission that the
church's parking lot is placed in the front yard af the property to help
prevent drainage onto the nature center property.� •� He further stated that
this is why there is no curb around the exteriar of the parking lo#. He stated
the church understands the nature center's concern about drainage impact
to their property.
Vice Chair Duggan stated that the new structure will be 144 percent large
than the existing structure. Mr. Kellior concurred and stated that the
proposed seating will total 234. Mr. Kellior explained that the existing
worship area will become a fellowship hall and that additional music rooms,
a choir room and a lounge will be added to the building.
Commissioner Tilsen inquired about parking calculations. Mr. Kellior stated
that there will be close to 100 parking stalls available. He stated that the
existing parking exceeds the zoning ordinance requirements. Mr. Kellior
explained that the proof-of-parking becomes a master plan for the future
planning of the church. He explained that they do plan for a small amount
of overflow parking since they do not want parking on Highway 110. Tilsen
stated that the purpose of the future parking is for the church to plan a"big
picture". Mr. Kellior concurred. Tilsen stated that the topography of the
future parking area is very steep. Mr. Kellior stated agreed that it would
take a lot of work to accomplish the construction of the parking lot. Tilsen
suggested that the master plan for additional parking not be included in the
Conditional Use Permit approval process.
Tilsen inquired about the existing septic system and if it will be expanded.
Mr. Kellior responded that the current design has never been a problem. He
stated that he would like to have an engineer review the existing system.
He stated that the church experiences only intermittent use. Tilsen stated
that they should plan for a system with a high demand usage. Tilsen
suggested that during construction, the septic system area should be fenced
in. -
Tilsen inquired if there will be fill brought into the site. Mr. Kellior
' responded yes. He stated that he is unsure as the amount, but hopes that it
will be kept to a minimum due to a tight budget. Public Works Director
Danielson informed Mr. Kellior that if more than 400 cubic yards of fill is
brought in, a Conditional Use Permit for Land Reclamation is required.
Tilsen stated that this CUP for Land Reclamation can be included with the
current CUP request. Tilsen suggested that Mr. Kellior work with an
engineer to make exact calculations.
Commissioner Lorberbaum stated that she is interested in hearing from a
Dodge Nature� Center representative regarding this request, in particular, the
proposed height of the spire. She stated that the Dodge Nature Center was
concerned with the height of the senior housing complex.
Vice Chair Duggan inquired if the spire will be lit. Mr. Kellior responded that
they have plans to light the steeple.
. '+,
Duggan stated that the Pianner has suggested additional landscaping.. He
inquired about the large trees. Public Works Director Danielson informed
the Commission that the tree moratorium has expired. Mr. Kellior stated
that the church intends to do their own tandscaping.
Commissioner Betlej inquired about the proposed construction materials.
Mr. Kellior responded that originally brick was planned but that that was
determined to be too expensive. He stated that they intend to install a high
quality seamless siding that looks like boards. He stated that they are still
considering adding brick to the exterior. He informed the Commission that
they will try to match or blend the new material with the existing material.
�" Commissioner Koll inquired about parking lot lighting. Mr. Kellior responded
there will be five, 30 foot, shoe box style lights which will cast a 1 or 2 foot
candle light downwards. He stated that this lighting will be just enough
lighting for an individual to unlock a car door. Mr. Kellior stated there is an
existing NSP light 9n the property. He stated that the proposed lighting will
be of the same intensity as the NSP light but shielded. Commissioner Koll
inquired about lighting time. Mr. Kellior responded that the lights will be
turned off at 10:00 p.m. except when there are special occasions. He
stated there will be security lighting on the property.
Commissioner Koll inquired about traffic control, particularly about ingress
and egress traffic to the church parking lot and from Highway 110. Mr.
Kellior responded that the current traffic situation will be maintained. He
stated there has not been a problem. Commissioner Koll inquired about
services and extra functions the church offers. The Pastor of the church
responded that there are Sunday services, Wednesday evenings during the
Lenten season and occasional special events. The Pastor stated they have
never experienced traffic congestion.
Vice Chair Duggan inquired if there will be any changes in signage. Mr.
Kellior responded that the signage will stay the same. Duggan suggested
that the Church consider painting the sides of the sign to match the church.
Commissioner Koll inquired about landscaping the parking lot area. Duggan
stated that the entrance should be left open as there is a concern for
obstructing site lines. Duggan stated that softening the structure with
landscaping should also be considered. �
Vice Chair Duggan opened the meeting to the public.
Dr. Greg Lee, representing the Dodge Nature Center, informed the
: .
Commission that he is representing the DNC's Board and that he and his
family are members of the church. He stated that the Board is concerned
with lighting that may hamper evening activities on the DNC's properry. He
stated that the Board is concerned with additional parking lot and the
drainage associated with the hard surface along with additional traffic that
may generate gas and oil runoff. He stated that they realize there is not a
lot of traffic, but that drainage is a concern because it can be harmful to the
environment. He further stated that he and the �Board need to review the
proposed plans indicating the height of the steeple. He stated that they
have not seen these plans. Commissioner Koll inquired about the total
height of the structure. It was determined that the total height is about 48
ft, which is in compliance with the Zoning Ordinance requirement of 52 '/Z
r� feet maximum height.
Commissioner Lorberbaum moved to close the public hearing.
Vice Chair Duggan seconded the motion. �
Commissioner Tilsen noted his concerns with lighting of the property. Vice
Chair Duggan stated that the Church plans need to include light pole
locations. Commissioner Lorberbaum suggested that the steeple not be lit.
Mr. Kellior stated that this is a possibility and that they will discuss these
issues with the Dodge Nature Center. Dr. Lee stated that the Board was not
aware that the steeple was going to be lit. Mr. Carl Bohlmeister, Chair of
the Church Counsel, stated that the light will probably be placed on the roof
and shine it upwards.
Vice Chair Duggan suggested that an engineer prepare a drainage plan.
Planner McMonigal informed the Commission that the City Engineer has
reviewed these plans and has concluded that the drainage for this site is
Vice Chair Duggan suggested that the church prepare a landscape plan, for
Council review, which will include plans for softening the building and
parking lot and also indicate which trees will be removed from the property.
He inquired if the trees could be transplanted to another area. Mr.
Bohlmeister stated that that has been considered.�
Commissioner Tilsen suggested that the Commission's recommendation
should not include the master plan for future parking since it is unnecessary
and that it will encroach the Dodge Nature Center properiy and create a
grading/drainage concern.
Cammissioner Betlej stated the plans should indicate how far the parking lot
wiii be encroaching into the 50 foot setback on Highway 114. Mr. Keliior
stated that there will be abaut a 20 foot encroachment.
Vice Chair Duggan inquired about the existing structures on or near the site.
Mr. Kellior responded that the farm house is not a part of the church
Commissioner Lorberbaum inquired about the trash enclosure. She stated
that she woutd Eike to see the trash stored internaEiy. Mr. Kellior stated that
this would not be a problem.
Commissioner Betlej moved to recommend that the City Council approve a
Conditional Use Permit #or an addition to #he church, a Conditional Use
Permit for Land Reclamation for over 400 cubic yards of fill, and a Variance
of 25 feet into the 50 foot setback for parking purposes subject ta the
following conditions:
'! . That the church provide a landscape plan showing additional plantings
along #he parking iot on Highway 110 and additionai piantings
between the building and Qodge Nature Center which wil! soften the
impac# of the new improvements.
2. - That the Church etiminate the outdoor trash enclosure and continue ta
store trash as they currently do.
3. That the tighting plan be submitted to the City which demonstrates
that the lighting standards will not exceed 20 feet and #he light will
not spiil onto adjoining properties.
4. That the future partcing master plan not be part of th�s
Commissioner Lorberbaum seconded the motian.
Vice Chair Duggan called a recess at 9:15 p.m.
Vice Chair Duggan reconvened the meeting at 9:20 p.m.
Mr. Dave Bjorklund and Mr. Dick Bjorklund, representing Bjorklund
Construction, were present to discuss a proposal to construct a Holiday Gas
Station and Store on the southwest corner of Highway 149 (Dodd Road)
and Mendota Heights Road. The Bjorklund's are requesting direction from
the Planning Commission and City Council on the proposed use of their site.
Mr. Dave Bjorklund explained that they have owned the property located at
2511 Dodd Road since 1989. He stated that they purchased this property
with the intent to develop it. He explained that the Holiday Store franchise
is interested in locating a store on the 1.2 acre parcel. He explained that
they intend to save the oak trees on the property and that they intend to
create a large landscape area. Bjorklund stated that they want to create a
residential look using stucco as the main building material.
Bjorklund explained that there are three existing homes on Condon Court.
Vice Chair Duggan inquired if the Bjorklunds have conducted any
neighborhood meetings. Mr. Bjorklund responded that they intend to meet
with the neighborhood to get their feedback. He stated that they realize
they have some hurdles to overcome during this process.
Bjorklund explained that they realize that the Comprehensive Plan designates
this land as LB-PUD and that they are considering amending the
Comprehensive Plan to B(Business). He stated that they are looking to
rezone the property to B-2 and that a Conditional Use Permit and
Subdivision will also be needed.
Vice Chair Duggan inquired about the grade of the property. Mr. Bjorklund
responded that the drop in grade occurs at the northeast corner of his
property. Duggan inquired about soil conditions. Bjorklund responded that
there has been nothing unusual and that there is a well on the property
which serves as a"community well". He stated that City water will need to
be stubbed in. Public Works Director Danielson stated that the City water
will need to come in from the north side of Mendota Heights Road and could
be a real challenge to bring onto the property. Bjorklund stated that the
property is served with NSP gas. He stated there is no City sewer service.
Commissioner Tilsen inquired whether or not a market study had been
completed. Mr. Bjorklund responded that Holiday has completed a study
and has found this to be a viabie site to construct the stare. Duggan stated
#hat the City nesds to be provided with a copy o€ this study.
Vice Chair Duggan stated that the site is not too visible from the highways
and that a pylon sign is likely needed. Mr. Bjorklund disagreed by stating
tha# this location can be seen from the highways. Duggan noted his
concern for drawing additional traffic to the carner af I-494 and Dadd� Road.
Duggan stated that a current traffic study needs to be completed. He
stated he is concerned with increased back up of traffic on the I-494 ramps
leading to Qodd Road. Duggan stated there is a lot of tra�c generated in
this area which includes studenfi traffic from the private schoals on Mendota
Heights Road. Commissioner Koll reminded the Commission of the
increased traffic that will be generated from the new middle school.
In response to a question from Commissianer Tilsen, Mr. Bjorklund stated
that Bjarklund Construction is a custorn home builder. Their inten# is #o
construct a quality building with a residential look. He stated they do not
want to canstruct a standard laoking franchise cammercial building. He
stated they would tike to use materials including stane, stucco and brick
combina#ions with a gable roof. Tilsen inquired if there will be a canopy
over the pumps. Bjorklund responded he does not know at this time.
A discussion ensued regarding the comprehensive plan designation and
whether an amendment is needed. Planner McMonigal cited the LB-PUD
definitian from the Zoning C?rdinance. She stafied that with this proposal, it
will ehange the land use for which this praperty was planned for.
Commissioner Tilsen s#ated that he sees this praposal as an asset to the
community and that he does not see #his as a contradiction to the use ofi
the property. Vice Chair Duggan briefly discussed the past history of the
southeast area and how the City vision interprets this area to be a
"gateway" into Mendota Heights.
Duggan suggested that the Bjorklund's consider speaking with the
surrounding neighborhoods which include Candon Cou�-t residents, Mendota
Meadows and Friendly Hills.
Duggan stated his concerns with lighting, hours of aperation and
ingresslegress traffic flow. He stated the Bjorklurid's need to address these
concerns. He stated that traffic speed is a real concern especially with the
schools in the area. He suggested that perhaps the State could consider
reducing the spe�d in this area.
Commissioner Lorberbaum stated she does not feel that this site is as visible
as Mr. Bjorklund believes. She noted her concern for adding tall signage in
this area. She stated that she agrees this is the "gateway" to the
community. She noted her concern for the competitors in the area (Fina,
Amoco and SuperAmerica). Lorberbaum stated that she is interested in
hearing more about the proposal but that she is skeptical in believing that
Mendota Heights needs another service station.
Lorberbaum inquired about what percentage of the station will be deli
service. She inquired if the Bjorklund's have considered limiting the number
of students allowed in the store area. She noted her concerns with the high
amount of student traffic, both vehicle and pedestrian.
Commissioner Betlej noted his concern with the low grade. He concurred
with the other Commissioners in stating that he does not want to see tall
signage in the area. He stated that he does not see this service station as
being a complimentary addition to the vision and future of the site. Betlej
noted his concern with traffic in the area and whether there is enough room
to handle additional stacking of vehicles, especially in the morning hour.
Mr. Bjorklund discussed the land purchased by MnDOT to construct the I-
494 ramps. Duggan noted his concern with turning right to head north on
Dodd Road and the fact that the vehicle must cross over three lanes of
Commissioner Betlej stated that there is a possibility of a larger scale "
development to the west of this property. He wondered if future service
stations are planned for this area.
Commissioner Lorberbaum was excused at 9:52 p.m.
Vice Chair Duggan'stated that he believes this development will have a
dramatic impact on existing businesses and he wondered if there will be
enough business to justify the construction of this service station. He
stated that he does not want to draw highway traffic to the station because
there will be no civic benefit to the City.
Mr. Bjorklund informed the Commission that Bjorklund Construction has
been a part of the community since 1950 and that'�they should have the
same opportunity to build as other companies have in the area. He stated
that by constructing this service station, money is being spent in Mendota
Heights. He stated that Bjorklund Construction supports business in the
community and that they have a real interest in serving the residents of the
a ,
City. He further stated that they do not believe that they need a significant
visibility using signage and I�ghting ar�d that they prefer to have a low site
Commissioner Koll no#ed her concern for traffic safety. She stated that she
does not see a service station as an asset to the community as it creates
more noise, pollution and lights. She further nated her concern for
aesthetics. She briefly reviewed Richard Putnam`s past proposals in the
area and reminded the Commission that the City purchased properiy in this
area to keep the area "spacious".
Bjarklund briefly discussed the amount of traffic that coutd be generated
with the construction of a hntel verses a service station, claiming that the
farmer wauld generate more traffic. �
Commissioner Tilsen wondered what type of uses the City envisions for this
area. He stated that accarding to the com�rehensive plan, ps�tentially a
hotel cauld be constructed on this property. He stated that the site is iower
and that he feels #his is an advan#age as it creates a natural buffer area
between residential and commercial develapments. He stated that he has a
positive feeling about this concept. He inquired how this proposa! will tie in
with the residentiat area. Mr. Bjorklund responded that he believes the
residents wifl realize that there is a commercial vaiue to their lo#s.
Mr. Bjorklund stated that they would like fio be given a fair chance in
developing this proper#y.
Duggan inquired about the number of pumps being considered. Mr.
Bjorklund responded four dual-side pumps.
Commissioner Tilsen suggested that Mr. Bjorklund consider polling #he
community because maybe this would give the Bjorklund's the potential to
explare other opportunities for #heir site.
Vice Chair Duggan moved to table the etection of officers until March.
Commissioner Tilsen seconded the motion.
Public Works Director Danielson briefed the Planning Commission on recent
City Council action on previous planning cases.
There being no further business, the Planning Commission adjourned its
meeting at 10:25 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Kimberlee K. Blaeser
Senior Secretary
� :�
� �
AsSocia�ion of
DATE: February 21, 1997
TO: Legislative Contacts
City Managers
Board of Directors
FROM: ��''
AMM Staff
Enclosed Bill Tracking Report
FEB 2 41997
�'�1�' � i�r`�L -a n�e�r���r
For your information, enclosed is an AMM Bill Tracking Report. The report outlines
brief descriptions and status of bills that are of AMM interest which staff is
We will initially provide an updated tracking report every two weeks or so. As we
approach the May 19 adjournment date, the report will likely be provided to you more
Please share this Bill Tracking Report with your city staff and elected officials. As
always, do not hesitate to contact Vern Peterson and Roger Peterson at 215-4000 if
you have questions or have particular concerns regarding any bills.
� Unirmiry �vrnu� Hat
Sairtt Pa�d, Minnesot� gto;-to44
(btt) t�5-4o00
Faz: ti nqq
AMM Biil Tracking Report Page 1
Policy HFile HAuthor SFile SAuthor Title/Summary HStatus SStatus Lobbyist
i-B 639 Rest Hottinger Praperty Tax Refarm. State wiii fund basic education. Property tax is split inta two Taxes ' Roger;
pieces: 1) iocai services far city, town and county and 2) state property tax for Monitoring
schools. Class rates are compressed. Local services sates are 0.5 (agr}, 1.0 (res), Support or
1.5 {apt) and 2.0 {C!(}. State rates are 1.2 (res over $115,Od0 MU} and 2.4 (C/i over opposition
$60,Oq0 MV). HACA is eliminated but county and town amoun#s are basically based on
canverted to �GA for those units while ciiies gain onty $16 million in LGA #o replace addi#ional
the $200 million HACA lass. LGA caps and the grandfather is eliminated. TIF is analysis.
protected and F.D. COtl�fl�UtlOit I5 �BCiUCBd �O 2O%. An additional$10 milEian is
provided for cities with a large amount of state-owned facilities. Afl current and
ftature school referenda become income tax surcharges instead af property tax.
Circuit breaker is increased by $174 million. State takeover of school'operating
costs and the other programs increases are $2.122 billion, while state property tax
and HACA are only $1.765 billivn. An additianal $357 miilion per year must came
from ather sources as yet to be determined.
E-C 685 Rest tnnovaiion and Efficiency Aid. Increases the abilit}r to get 1 to 4 years af aid from �ocal & Roger;
� #he Board of Governmen# Innovation to provide a more e1`ficien# or increased local Metro Monitaring
service which ultimately saves tax ievy. $50 million far the biennium is pravided. Govt.
I-E-5 545 Haas Sales Tax on Local Gov�rnment Purchase. Exempts all state political Taxes Roger; �
782 Dawkins subdivisions from saEes tax. Supports
I-H 758 Long 634 Morse Mandated Programs. Defines mandates, proposes detailed fiscal no#es, requires Local & Local & Roger;
explanation af mandate purpose and includes an effort to involve loca! politica! units Metro Metro Supports
in ihe mandate deve(opment. A division af state and local mandates is created in Gavt. Govt.
the Office of the State Auditor #p provide the detailed infarmatian on costs and
rationate and make annual reports of actual expenses by subdivision. Two c#asses
of mandates a�e created. Class A are hard mandates and Class B are optional
�� mandates with at least 90°lo funding. {Note: although the bilt does not so indicate,
the backers believe only federal pass-throughs are Class A and all other mandates
are Class B with funding.)
I 46 Murphy Market VatuelCtass Rate Changes. Market vaiue for 1°lo homestead rate Local & Roger;
� increased fram 72,000 to 80,000. Metra Monitoring
I 126 Milbert 131 Metzen Market Value/Class Rate Changes. Market value for 3% C/I rate increased from Taxes Locat & Roger;
$100,000 to $250,000. Metra Monitoring
Prepared by the Associafion of Metrapolitan Municipalifies -`�� T'rack22197.doc
AMM Bill Tracking Report � Page 2
Policy HFile HAuthor SFile SAuthor Title/Summary HStatus SStatus Lobbyist
I 636 Pugh 132 Metzen Market Value/Class Rate Changes. Class rate for apartments reduced from 3.4% Taxes Local & Roger;
to 2.5% through 1998 and then 2.0% thereafter. Metro Monitoring
I 306 Olson, E. 174 Stumpf Market Value/Class Rate Changes. Special class rafie for apartments in rural Taxes Local & Roger;
cities under 5,000 is extended to rural cities up to 10,000 population. Metro Monitoring
I 165 Rest Market Value/Class Rate Changes. Limited market value increase is reduced Taxes Roger;
from one-third per year to one-fourth per year, or 10%, whichever is greater. Monitoring
I 789 Haaskamp 247 Samuelson Market Value/Class Rate Changes. Class rate of 3% on first 100,000 C/I value is Local & Roger;
reduced to 2%. Property tax for qualifying homeowners age 65 is frozen and any Metro Monitoring
increase picked up by the state. Education aid is increased. Govt.
I 6 Wenzel 297 Beckman Market Value/Class Rate Changes. Class rate for first $100,000 C/I from 3.0 to Taxes Local & Roger;
1.5. HACA increased to offset tax capacity loss. Metro Monitoring
I 627 � Rest 493 Johnson, Market Value/Class Rate Changes. Phases apartment class rates from 3.4 to 2.8 Taxes Local 8� Roger;
DJ and 2.3 to 2.0 by the year 2000. Sets the portion of rent that is property tax at 20% Metro Monitoring
and provides uniform rules for low income rental housing class. Govt.
I 709 Rest Market Value/Class Rate Changes. Reduces class rate for seasonal recreation Taxes Roger;
property over $72,000 from 2.5% to 2.0% by 1999 and provides a HACA Monitoring
I 320 Paymar 141 Cohen Truth in Taxation. Requires a statement at the hearing on how much tax is shifted Taxes Local & Roger;
to other class of property if in aggregate a specific class of property market value Metro Opposed
has declined. The council then must vote separately to shift the tax to other Govt.
• property unless the lost tax is absorbed.
I 660 Kelso ,� Truth in Taxation Statements. Moves state education tax from school to state, Taxes • Roger;
eliminates the statement that the state does not levy a property tax, and eliminates Monitoring
the misleading and irrelevant homestead credit calculation from the form.
I 339 Rest Fiscal Disparity. Eliminates one year lag in calculating F.D. levy. Uses current Taxes Roger;
year rates calculated by February 10. • Monitoring
I 595 Rhodes Elderly Tax Freeze. Freezes property tax for ages 65 and older. Taxes Roger;
I 744 Garcia This Old Apartment. Freezes increases in value of rental apartment property at Taxes Roger;
least 30 years old for improvements in excess of $5,000 per unit for 5 years that is Monitoring
located in a metro city with shortage of affordable rental housing. After the initial
period, value is added at 20% per year for the next 5 years.
Prepared by the Association of Metropolitan Municipalities �� -� Track22197.doc
AMM Bill Tracking Report . Page 3
Policy HFile HAuthor SFile SAuthor Title/Summary HStatus SStatus Lobbyist
II 647 Jefferson 637 Morse Omnibus Retirement Bill. Adopts a number of provisions to achieve more Govt. Govt. Roger;
uniformity among the state p.ension plans. Contribution rates are adjusted with Ops. Ops. Monitoring
public employer offset through increased HACA, retirement benefits are increased
and retirement interest assumption is set at 6%. Char.ges are also made to
provisions for legislators, constitutional officers, first class city teachers and
Minneapolis police and firef�ghters.
II 515 Stevens Essential Public Employess. Adds dispatchers to the category of essential Govt. Roger;
employee. Ops.8� Monitoring
II-G 322 Jennings 442 Novak Public Right-of-Way. Establishes city right and criteria for control of public right-of- Reg. Jobs, Roger;
way for utility services and what fees may be charged. Gives PUC oversight and Indust. & Energy & Supports,
authority to establish rules. (This will probably be the primary vehicle.) Energy Com.Dev with
II-G 451 Jennings Public Right-of-Way. Basir,ally declares that telecommunications companies . Reg. Roger;
. cannot be denied public access and may only be charged cost of handfing a permit. Indust. & Opposed
II-G 743 Jennings Public Right-of-Way. Establishes municipal regulatory authority including Reg. Roger;
management, direct and indirect cost recovery, ability to recover fair and Indust. & Supports
reasonable compensation from telecommunications providers and to allocate use of Energy
the limited right-of-way. Cities may not regulate competition. Deletes PUC exclusive
authority over telephone line construction or exchanges.
III- 791 Carruthers State Grants to Rehabilitate Multiple Unit Rental Properly. Appropriates $5 Econ. Vern;
A-5, 7 mitlion from the general fund to MHFA for the community rehab program to acquire, Dev. & Supports
remove, rehabilitate and reconfigure multiple unit rental property. Priority is given to Intl. ,
, projects that result in the creation of housing opportunities that increase the tax Trade
� base and income mix within a community.
III- 601 Pogemiller Heritage and Historic TIF Subdistricts. Authorizes the creation of heritage and Local 8� Vern;
B-4 historic subdistricts within TIF districts. These districts are exempt from the Metro Supports
LGA/HACA penalty. The geographic area of this type of subdistrict shall include Govt.
only parcels that are either 1) listed in the National Register of Historic Places; 2)
contain a certified historic structure as defined in section 47 (C) (3) (A) of the
internal revenue code and; 3) are located in a certified local district as designated
by either a certified local govemment or a historic preservation commission
pursuant to the National Historic Preservation Act of 1966.
III- 679 Gunther Minnesota Investment Fund. Appropriates $6,017,000 each year for the Econ. Vern;
B-9 Minnesota Investment Fund grant program. Dev. & Supports
Intl. Trade
Prepared by the Association of Metropolitan Municipalities ��-�� -� Track22197.doc
AMM Bill� Tracking Report Page 4
Policy HFile HAuthor SFile SAuthor Title/Summary HStatus SStatus Lobbyist
III- 771 Long 319 Kelly Contaminated Soils Clean-Up. Appropriates $8 million to continue the DTED Econ. Jobs, Vern &
B-10 353 Novak grant program for grants to clean up contaminated soils. Would provide grants up to Dev. & Energy & Gene;
$50,000 toward the cost of perForming contaminant investigations and development Intl. Com.Dev Support
of a response action plan. Establishes a major new program for the redevelopment Trade
of industrial properties and provides for a contaminated site redevelopment and job
creation account in the general fund. Appropriates $60 million from the lottery .
proceeds for this program. Establishes criteria to be used by DTED commissioner
in awarding grants. Also establishes pre-conditions for use of the site when
IV-A 783 Larsen Abolishes the Met Council and Other Metro Agencies. This is a complex, 259- Local Vern;
page bill that completely re�;tructures the "metropolitan governance system," as we Govt. & Monitoring
know it today. It abolishes tlie Metropolitan Council except for advisory planning Metro
and also abolishes the Metro Parks and Open Space Commission (MPOSC), the Affairs
Metropolitan Radio Board and the Metropolitan Sports Facilities Commission
, (MFSC). Transfers the Council's transit and transpo�tation responsibilities to
various state agencies, but mostly to MN/Dot. Re-establishes the former
Metropolitan Waste Commission as an independent commission whose members
are appointed by the governor. Does many other things, as well. The AMM neither
supports nor opposes this bill based on existing policy. Due to the magnitude and
scope of this bill, it will probably not be given serious consideration this session. We
will keep you appraised if it appears to have life. �
IV- Long 738 Morse Statewide Community-Based Planning. A statewide bill that authorizes a process Local 8� Vern;
D-1, 3 and establishes goals for a community-based planning process to plan for Metro Opposes
sustainable development. Encourages but does not mandate community planning Govt. some
outside the metro area. Would provide some state grant funding for local units that � parts.
�� volunteer to prepare community-based plans. The Office of Strategic and Long-
Range Planning of the State Planning Agency would oversee this process. It also
applies to the metro area and seems to duplicate/conflict with the Metropolitan Land
Planning Act. Directs the Met Council to amend the Regional Blueprint(former
metropolitan development guide) to reflect and implement the community-based
goals and requires approval of the Blueprint (MDG) by the Office of Strategic and
Long-Range Planning. Prohibits the Met Council from acting on local
comprehensive plans after 6/1/98 until its Blueprint (IVIDG) has been approved as
Prepared by the Association of Metropolitan Municipalifies ��-��� Track22197.doc
AMM Bill Tracking Report Page 5
Policy HFile HAuthar SFile SAuthar Title/Summary HStatus SStatus Lobbyist
!V- 217 4pa#z Statewide Planning. Mandates local comprehensive plans on a statewide basis, �ocal Vern 8�
D-3 Counties defined as "grow#h counties" have additional planning requiremen#s. Govt. & John;
Counties bordering #he metro area would be defined as "growth counties" and Metra Support
wouid iae required ta coordinate their planning with Met Council. Allows local Affairs parts, but
gavernment units outside metro area #o collect impact fees. not all.
IV- 738 Wagenius MUSA �ine Freeze. Requires the Metropaiitan Council ta develop a budget that Local Vem;
D-3 identifies all costs and funding sources related to transportation through the year Govt. & Opposes
2Q40 that reflects #he Council's Grawth Management Sfrategies. Requires the Metro
legisla#ure to approve this budget and prohibits the Met Council from approving Affairs
MUSA extensions untif the budget is appraved by the legislature.
No 423 Orfieid 175 Ffynn Direct Electian of Met Cauncil Members. Sixteen Met Council members would Local Local & Vem;
policy � be elected from equally appartianed districts. 7here would be skaggered 4-year Govt. & Metro Monikaring
terms. They would be efec#ed an a non-partisan basis and pubfiic financing would Metro Govt.
be provided. The chair would be elected from among the 16 members for a one- Affairs
year #erm. The AMM has no positron on this issue.
VA 15 Lieder 262 Jahnson, Gas Tax for Major Projects. Increases the gas tax from 20 cents per gallon to 22 Transp. Transp. Roger;
JB cents per galfon far major projects of $100 miElian or more. Supports
VA 17 Lieder 261 Johnsan, Transportation Funding. Increases gas tax to 25 cents per gallon and proposes a Transp. Transp. Roger;
JB constitutional amendment to allocate 25°!o MVET per year to the transit assistance Supports
fund. Also, changes CSAH screening board.
VA 20 4ieder 263 Johnsan, State Highway Funding. Changes state highway patrol funding from trunk Transp. Transp. Roger;
JB highway ta state general fund and creates a study an how much statutory non- Supports
highway funding cames from the trunk highway fund.
VA 112 �eppik Gas Tax. increases gas tax from 20 cents to xx cents and reduces the vehicle T�ansp. Roger,
� , license fees by reducing the base value of the vehicle from year 2-9. Monitoring
VA 33? Marko 524 Kelly, S Transpartation Funding. lncreases gas tax to 25 cents per galfon. Praposes a Transp. Transp. Roger;
canstitutional amendment creating a Transpartation Trust Fund with proceeds from Supports
vehicle license fees and 2Q°!o of MVET. Distribution may be for highway or #ransit
purpases bas�d an recommendations from MN/Dat commissioner. Metro transit
properky tax is phased out ove� 3 years.
VA 240 Hausman 562 Johnson, J Metro Transi#. Pravides $46 million metra transit capital spending. Clianges transit Transp. Transp. Roger,
properky tax feathering to include "paratransit". Cities.with more than 100 haurs per Monitaring
week do no# qualif}r for tax feathering.
VA 392 Lieder State Highways. Pravides a new municipal review and dispute resolution process Transp. Roger;
for state highways within m��nicipalities. Allows substitution af ather highway Monitoring
projec#s for tali roads. Requires revisions to s#ate #ranspartation plan every 4 years
and establishes biennium MNlDot funding.
Prepared by the Associafion of Metropolitan Municipalities ����� Track22197.doc
AMM Bill Tracking Report
� , • ' •
Policy HFile HAuthor SFile SAuthor Title/Summary HStatus SStatus Lobbyist
BOD1 477 Rest Minnesota Municipai Bo�rd. Remaves the two local ex-afficio county Local Vern;
commissioners from the Minnesota Municipal Board. Current law requi�es two Govt. & Supparts
county commissioners from the affecked county to serve an the MMB when Metro
considering consolidation of twa or mare cities, annexation af unincorporafed tand Affairs
to a municipality or the incorporation af a city.
BQD2 635 Hanson Noise Standards. Exempts�irom noise standards existing ar newiy const�ucted Transp. Roger,
raads, streets and highwayG under the jurisdiction of towns, ci#ies or counties. Supparts
Prepared by the Association of MetropolitamMunicipalities �T t Track22197.doc
Oate: 2-26-97
T0: Mayor, City Council, and City wcininistrator
FROM: Paul R. Berg, Code Enforcetnent Officer i/ �� ��
SUBJECT: Building Activity Report for February 1997
PERMITS: No. Valuation Fee Collected
SFD 3 388,272.00 3,667.00
APT 0 0 0
CONDO 0 0 0
MISC. 8 40,797.00 562.00
C/I 7 255,385.00 2,T60.00
""�""'----^� �' ���"---"""""--'-"
Sub Total 18 684,454.00 6,989.00
Pltmbing 4 152.00
Nater 2 10.00
Sewer 2 35.00
Heat, AC,
& Gas 11 361.00
Sub Total 19 558.00 I
� No. Valuatian Fee Collected
� s sas,2n.00 3,�7.ao �
� 0 0 0 �
� 2 252,237.00 2,396.63 �
� 0 0 0 �
� 21 215,750.00 3,316.11 �
� 13 324,887.00 4,004.93 �
}"' - -- -" � """"-"--- -""""-"�
� 39 1,181,146.00 13,384.67 �
11 364.00 �
7 35.00 �
4 70.00 �
26 1,008.Q0 �
48 1,477.00 �
I No. Valuation Fee Collected
1 125,956.00 1,205.33
0 0 0
0 0 0
0 0 0
24 325,082.00 4,277.23
13 231,405.00 3,394.79
38 682,443.00 8,877.35
16 514.00
4 20.00
4 70.00
42 1,713.00
66 2,317.00
Licensinq• � I
� �
Cont ractoN s ( �
Licenses 49 1,225.00 � 221 5,525.00 � 196 4,900.00
Total 86 684,454.00 8,772.00 � 308 7,181,146.00 20,386.67. � 300 682,443.00 16,094.35
NOTE: All fee amax�ts exclude Sac, Llac, and State Surcharge. Amounts shoWn will reflect anty permit, plan check fee, and
valuation artaunts.
�' 1:� �� • 1:� �
1:� •
Februazy 27, 199'1
Mayor, City Councii and City Adu�Eiuisstratar
Tom Olund, Public Works Superintendent
Turf Sweeper Purchase
The 199'7 Parks Department Budget includes $12,500 for the purchase of a turf
sweeper, This piece of equipment will be used for picking ug lea.ves, g7ass, debris, etc. (We
currenfly borrow R�est St. P'aul's). There are oni.y two suppliers locally for this piece of
equipment, Quates came in $1,461 higher than estimated.
Tl�►►e quotes are as fallows:
Bidd r:
MTI Distributing
Plymouth, MN
Fal.fus Implement
Rosemount, MN
I recammend that the turf sweeper be purchased fmm R2TI Distributing for their 2ow
bid of $13,961. (Purchase now will ensure delivery in time :for use this summer).
If Council concurs with the recommendation they should pass a motion authorizing
preparation of a purchase order to M'TI Distributing in the amoun"t of $13,961.
_ _-. __ _.. ..__�.�..�.�.. � ��� ,� .". • ...� -��...� t.c� i i cu, i �.� � .+� u,., . ..�r r
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��� � � DISTRIBU'�'Z1�CT CO.
D�lte 2/14/97
'�U: � I��Ir. Ter.ry �aoom —+�,
Nleudota �Iexghts Parks Dept. Tern�s net 30
Mendota Heights; ��N
�'.rices quotec� arc
�phone: 454-40_59 �ax: 4s4-4o6i F.O.B. Zv.fez�do�ta H�i�tit�
We ar� p�e�Qed ta uote As %Itows: �Jeiiver 4 wee�s
Quantity Deset'i tion List Price Sell Pric�
1 I'oro Mode144020 S�FOOHL Swee�er
54" clearing vv�dth
Foot controJled hydrostatic drivc .
20 hp Onar� ez�gi�tte with elctric start
Hydraulically operated du�m.p 513,109.00
2 Post �t.0�'S £ox 5400�L, sweeper �irith se�t be�t —��0'
Sales 'I'as �.�I�T � 852: 60
Customer Si��oature �
Snlesman: Bob Frank Yho�ae: R00-362-3665 Ext. 8Z95
"(�uota�ian Goac� Far 30 �ays"
1a900 Twenty-first Avenue North • Plymouth, Minnesota 55447-4655 • Phane {612) 475-2200 • F�x (612) �73-4397
� � '� � ! � �N
�N /
Febniary 26, 1997
TQ: Mayor, City Council and City Adminisixator
FROM; James E. Danielson, Public Works D' r
SIJBJECT: Emergency Vel�icle Preemption {l?VF}
At the Febnaazy 18th meeting, Council considered a memo recammending participation
with Pagan on installing EVP systems to the I-494 rdmps in Mendota Heights, both at Dadd
Road and Pilot Knab Road (mema attached}. All construction costs far these insi;aliations
would be covered by the State, either directly, or thraugh the use of the City's State Aid
funds. Before final approval Cauncil asked me ta research if there would be any future City
costs associated with these installations.
I-494lTS 149 DODD ROAD
Because this is the intersection of two State Highways, all future costs, both for
maintaining and operatang the system will be borne by the State.
Because this is an intersection between a County Road and a State Highway, all
maintenance costs will be shared by the State and the County. Opexating costs {pawer} will be
shamd by the State, County and the City. The only pawer involved is in illuminating the
indicatar light when the system has been activated. These costs are estimated to be less than
I recommend that Mendota Heights participate with Eagan aad install EVP equipment
on the signals located at the I-494 ramps at Dodd Raad and Pilot i�nob Raad. eiry �nain� for
the project is to come from Municipal State Aid.
If Counc�l desires to implement the recommendation they should pass a motian
autharizing stafF to pmceed with the project.
t� �
Febnzary 12, 1997
L'�GrL� .
TO: Mayor, City Council and City A tor
M •
�:_ 1�•.�
James E. i�anielson, Public Warks D'
Emergency Vehiele Fc�emptzan p�P}
The Fire Chief recently contacted me to reqaest that i pursue parbicipating with Pagan
in a comprehensive Emergence Vehicle Preemptian Program (se.� attached memo). F'agan is
adding EVP equipment tai the baffic signats on their side af Dodd Road and Pi%t Knob Raad's
intezsectian with I-494. It would make good financial sense for Mendota Heights to Pjg�Y
back on their paroject and camplete EVP improvements to the� signals on aur side now.
EVP is equipment that is installed on haffic signals that, when activated, will override
normal signal operations and turn the lights greea for ancoming emergency velucles. EVP is
a safety feature for emergency resgonse vehicles. EVP is needed on the signals at I-494 to
pmvide ease af access and safety far fire and police responses an i-494, for a portion of
sauthern Sunfish Lake and far mutual aid with the City of Eagan.
MnD{JT participates with Cities in new EVP insi;allations on a cantributing leg basis, if
the City pays for the entire engineering costs. The County participates only when EVP costs
are in conjanctian with new construction. Casts for the EVP are estimated to be
$7,5401intersection for constzuction casts, and $750 for engineering costs. Mendota Heights'
costs are therefare estimated as fallaws: �
�iii 'i� � �•�
Constructian Costs
'1 • t •: •i' 11 �'�
Construction Cots
$ 7,5t}0
$ 2,50{?
'. 1 iii
Mendota Heights
$ 750 �
$ 750
'�. 11
Mendata �-Ieights' share of these casts cauld be covered by "off-system`" MSA funds.
`.�. �%!�,
► � i r a� � • �
I recommend that Mendota. Heights participate with Eagan and insta�ll EVP equipment
an the signals located at the I-494 ramps at Dodd Raad and Fiiat Knob Road. Funding far the
project is to come fr�m Municipal State Aid.
If Council desires to implement the recammendation they should pass a motion
authorizing staff to proc�ed with the pmject.
December 4, 1996
TO: Jim Danielsan
FROM: John Maczko
SUB,TECT: Qpticom Pre-emptian
7im, .Iast week I sent you a memo regarding the upgrades of the tra�`ic signals to include
emergency vehicle pre-emption at I3odd and 114. Aiso at Delawaze and 114 and freeway
ramps at 149 and Pilot Rnob. T was contacted by Fire Chief Craig Jensen from F?agan on
'I�esday, December 3rd indicating thai E=agan is currently in the process of insi�lling
emergency velucle pro-emption at 55 intersectians within their city. They have ineluded all
intersections in the city af Fagan which includes the Soath Ramps of Fi1ot Knob and 149, He
asked if the City of Mendota Heights had interest in doing the North Ramps at both of those
intersections. He indicated that they are hiring an engineering firm to design the systems and
they would be letting a canstzuctian contract in �une for the upgiades. I indicated that yes we
were very much interested in those twa intersections and I would pass this information on to
you. He indicated the possibility of us being able ta join in with Fagan to not only do those
two intersections but also Delaware and Highway 110.
As to funding, MND4T shoald pick up all the costs for Qpticom at the intersection af 149 and
494, half of the cast at Delaware and I IU and a third to fifty percent of the cost at Pilot Knob
and 494, I would anticipate that our tatal contribution an the total project to be $i0,000.00 or
less, based on my experience in. St. Paul. I would like to ask that you please pursue the
feasibility of entering into an agreement with Fagan on these intersectians.
' � cc: Kevin. Batchelder
Assistant Chief Neska
February 25, 1997
TO: Mayor, City Council and City Administrator
FROM: Lawrence E. Shaughnessy, Jr., Treasurer
SUBJECT: Projected 1998 Sewer Rates �
This week we received our sewer flow #or the year 1998. Based on the
billing procedure of the Sewer Board, the flow adjustment will be reflected in the
billir�g we receive for the year '1998. �
The actual flow for 1996 was 553mg. The biit we paid in 1996 was based i
on a flow of 610mg. As a result, we witl receive a credit in 1998 for
approximatety 565,000 which wiil a11ow our existing sewer rates to remain
unchanged thraugh 199$. The addi#ional credit along with the stable rate in 1997
witi enabie us to recoup the negative cash ftow from 1995.
' �► : � : �
. . . • .
i 1 1 1 • :1 :
Februa.ry 2$, 1997
To: Mayax and City Council
Fmm: Kevin Batchelder, City A
Subject. Consideration of Occupancy Permit - Ziggy's Restaurant
� y !�
Mr. L�ariy Mack, owner of Ziggy's Restaurant, has acquired a buil.ding permit to
expand Ziggy`s restaurant intu part af the adjoining tenant space {formerly Paint Your Plate},
The building code requires a one hour fire separation wa11 between the assembly (A3) and the
storage (S-2} portians of this space. A Certificate of 4ccupancy (C.O.), for the e�cpanded
area, cannot be issued until there is campliance with the ccxle. A C.O, exsits far the original
restaurant area,
The situation,between applicant and the City has deteriarated because the applicant
feels the costs and time deiays for making fire rated improvements to a temporary wall are
exorbitant. Mr. Mack is currently working with the owners of the Mendota Plaza to obtain a
lang term lease on this additional space and he is intending further improvements an a
permanent basis when his temporary lease expires on June 30, 1997.
Mayor Mertensotto and city staff have been working with Mr. Mack to resolve these
disagreements over the building cade. Mr. Dick Gill, Code Enforcement Off'icer, visited the
site on Febzva.ry 21, 1997 to camplete a framing inspection and detennine all the areas of
deficiency for a fire rated wall, (Please see attached memo fram Dick Gill.}
Mayar Mertensotta feeLs that because of the temporary nature af the needed fire wa11,
and the existence of a fully sprinkled tenant bay, that the deadline for complianee with code
reqnirements for a fire rated wa11 can be extended until Septembex l, 199'7, when Mr. Mack
has indicated his permanent improvements will be complete. BeGause Mayor Mertensotto has
been invalved with the resolution of this issue, he �as suggested that you may c.all him in
regards to additional background information. _
Y!� : ! lli i
If the City Cauncil agrees with NTayor Mertensatta's suggested resolution of this issue,
they should pass a motian exiencling the deadline of compliance with the building code, as
outl.ined by Mr. Gili, until S�ptember l, 199'7.
February 25, 1997
To: Kevin Batchelder, City Administrator
From: Richard Gill, Code Enforcement Office
Subject: Certificate of Occupancy for the expansion of Ziggy's restaurant in Mendota Plaza.
Back ound:
Larry Mack has acquired a building pernut to expand Ziggy's restaurant into part of
an adjacent tenant space (previously Pa.int Your Plate). The building code requires a one hour fire
separation wall between the assembly (A3) and the storage (S-2) portions of this space.
During a framing inspecrion it was noted that the wall ,as constructed, does not
comply with one hour wall requirements. The following items need to be addressed:
1. The metal stud wall must be framed from floor to roof deck and built around the north side of
the rectangular heat duct that runs parallel to it.
�ov�.� 2. 5/8" fire code gypsum board is required on both sides of the wall.
P"`'�`�< <Y 3. The spaces between the top of the wa11 and the corrugated roof deck have to be filled with a
Go`"�P�� noncombustible fire blocking material. e.g. firesafing insulation.
4. All penetrations of this wa11 have to be sealed to prevent spread of flame/smoke.
5. A fire damper is required where the round heat duct passes through the wall.
6. The openings in the wall for the inset TV's are not allowed. They have to be filled in with
metal studs and gypsum board or boxed axound with the same materials.
�t,r� v�..e 7. A door closure must be installed on the fire rated door, so that it will self close and latch.
8. A sign stating the maximum occupant load of 53 has to be insta.11ed in a conspicuous place near
the main exit. �
This business is not in compliance with the code for the above reasons. I cannot issue a
Certificate of Occupancy for this additional space until these items axe corrected, and a
reinspection is performed. Mr. Mack apparently refuses to make these changes.
Action Required:
Please provide me with direction on my next course of action.
� �':
1 1 1� ' il i
1� �
Febn.iarY 28, 1997
To: Mayor and City Councii
Fram; Kevin Batcheldex, City A ', r
Subject: Chris Esser, Recrea.tion Programmer
Successful Completion of Pmbatianary Period
Chris Esser, Recreation Prograrmmer, completes his ane year pmbationary period on
l�larch 1l, i99�. I recommend that City Council approve the successful completion of the
pmbationary period for Chris EssPr, part time Recreation Pmgrammer, and authorize
appointment to regtdar status with the correspanding wage adjustment, as per the City pay
Chris has re�ently completed his ane year performance rev%ew and during the review
process a iist of his accomplishments was generated. It is an impressive Iist aad is suppurted
by Chris' demonstration of lus cagabilities over the last year. In a11 af his assignmeuts, Chris
has demonstrated himself to be a very capable member of the City staff. He has shown that he
possesses a strang wark ethic, ihat he is capable of taking on independent assignments aad
following these assignments thraugh to a successful completian.
Chris jained the City at a ti.me when our recreation programs were just beginning to
evolve and he has not only enhanced the existing programs, but he has facilita.ied pragra�ms to
address the demand of our residents and community groups. He has praven energetic in
adm:inistering, Planning, developing and evaluating our recreation programs. Chris has
rigorously follawed the City's guidelines in providing recreation services to aur community,
an e�specially �cu1t task given the on-going policy cliscussions about levels of service for
Some of Chris' accomplishments include:
1, The administration of the City softball pmgram has been enhanced since Chris' arrival
including schedule adjustments to accommodate youth play on adult saftball fie1d.
Chris has done an exemplary job in working with the many divearse oxganiz,id athletic
pragrams to schedule the Iimited number af fields the City awns or uses. Chris has
worked hard to sa.tisfy all user groups despite their can#licting demands and he has
pmven to be a capable am.bassador for the Ciry.
2. In Chris' mle as supervisor of seasonal employees and recreation instructors, he has
instituted stronger supervision techniques and ttaining programs to ensure compliance
with City standards and procedures. Chris oversees ice rink attendants, the Nature
Camp instiuctors, skating instructors, volunteer chaperons on joint city field trips, and
other recreation instructors.
3. Updated the Parks Reservation Policy to guide the use of the pazk system and the
reservations of fields and facilities including deposits, fees, reservations and
confirmation of scheduling. �
4. Instituted first time programs such as expanding the popular golf leagues; rollerblading
lessons and safety instructions; joint and cooperative City field trips with West St.
Paul, Inver Grove Heights and South St. Paul; joint and cooperative Safety Camp with
the same cities; the Special People Incorporating Recreation in Togetherness
(S.P.I.R.I.T.) for people with disabilities; open gym adult volleyball; aad facilitated
the Rink Rats program with Dakota Bank.
5. Assumed the primary responsibility for organizing the Annual Celebrate Mendota
Heights Parks festivities including organizing a Citizen's Steering committee and
coordinating all the activities associated with this event. Chris is currently working
closely with the Fire Department to combine the annual celebration with their fifty year
6. As our community liaison to respond to citizen requests and coordinate efforts with
Mendota Heights Athletic Association, Community Education, Sibley Sting, Sibley
Girls fast pitch, private schools, and other community groups; Chris has performed in
an exemplary, cooperative and diligent manner.
7. Chris has enhanced the standardized registration procedures for all the programs to
better enable the City to incorporated risk management, accounting and evaluation
Chris has done an exceptional job in fulfilling all the duties of the position of part-time
Recreation Programmer and he has performed at a high level of competency. Chris completes
all his duties cornectly and promptly and all those with whom he works, both inside and
outside of City Hall, have indicated he is an extremely bright and personable individual who
has earned their respect as a hazdworking and conscientious employee.
I recommend that City Council approve the successful completion of the probationary
period for Chris Esser, part time Recreation Programmer, and authorize appointment to
regular status with the appropriate wage adjustment to Step C, consistent with Grade VI in the
City's Position and Pay Classificatioa at $12,984.
��I�i�� �i3i�.i i� �! 1
If the City Cauncil desires to implement the recommendation, they shauld gass a
motion to apgrove the successful campletian of the probatianuary period for Chris Esser, part
time Recreation Programmer, and authorize appointment to regular status with the appmpriate
wage adjusiment to St�p C, consistent with Grade VI in the City's Position and Pay
Classificatian at $12,984.
Y � � : .i 11: 1
If the City Council desires to implement the recammendatian, they should pass a
motion to approve the successful completian of the probationary period for Chris Esser, part
time Recr�eation Programmer, and authorize appointment to regular status with the appmpriate
wage adjustment to Steg C, consistent wiih Grade VI in the City's Fosition and Pay
Classification at $12,984. , �
February 28, 1997
To: Mayor and City Council
From: Kevin Batchelder, City Ad ''�trat
Subject: Resolution to Support Dakota County Legislative Efforts on State Noise
The City of Mendota Heights has been petitioned by Mr. John P.rar, City Administrator
of Farmington, to adopt a resolution of support for i�akota County's efforts in amending
existing state law on noise standards for county and city roadways. Dakota County is
currently working at the State Legislature to expand the exemption for county and city
roadways from state noise standards.
Please refer to the attached February 24, 1997 memorandum from Mr. John P.rar for a
detailed discussion of the issue and the reasons of concern regarding the noise standards that
have been enacted in recent years.
This past Fall, the Dakota County Managers and Administrators group spent
considerable time discussing Dakota County's transportation policy and its impact on
municipalities. One of the positive outcomes of this discussion was that Dakota County would
seek statutory revisions to expand the exemption for county and city roadways. Because the
costs of constructing noise barriers would be bome entirely by municipalities, Dakota County
is essentially fighting our battle at the Legislature. This proposed resolution is intended to
assist them in their efforts.
If the Council so desires, they should pass a motion to adopt Resolution No. 97-_, A
`ST• A PR�M�S\/
TO: Dakota County City Managers
City Administrators
City Clerks
City Coordinators
FROM: John F. Eraz, City Administrator
SUBJECT: Adoption of Resolution Supporting
Exemption of County/City Roads
from State Noise Standards
DATE: February 24, 1997
It was recently discussed by the Dakota. County/City Managers/Administrators Group that cities
in Dakota. County should take a more active role in formally supporting Dakota County's effort
to expand the exemption for county and city roadways from state noise standards.
As many cities are awaze, the cost of constructing noise barriers within our respective
jurisdictions would be bome entirely by the municipality. MNDOT has suggested that the costs
of constructing these barriers would be approximately $1 million per mile for each side of the
roadway. Ostensibly, these costs should compel all cities to actively support a change in the law
granting county and city roads in municipalities a noise standard exemption. Consequently, it is
the city's best interest to be very demonstrative in supporting an amendment to current law which
would expand noise standard exemptions to county and city road ways.
Essentially, meeting the cost challenges associated with noise barrier construction on county and
city roads should be viewed by cities as another unfunded state mandate.
It is anticipated that if the current law remains unchanged, cities can expect to see serious and
expensive legal challenges to the construction and/or reconstruction of important existing and
future regional transportation corridors. Secondly, the cost of constructing noise barriers could
potentially prevent a city from proceeding with a planned transportation improvement. Thirdly,
noise wall construction in rights-of-way on existing road ways could pose serious engineering,
easement and planning challenges, while construction of barriers on rights-of-way in
undeveloped areas could create a variety of other planning and developer-driven concerns.
Finally, the aesthetic consideration of having twenty (20) foot wa11s erected along a residential
and/or commercial strip would be an"amenity" most communities would rather not see along a
highly visible transportation gateway.
City o f Farmiagton 325 Oafc Street • Farmirrgron, MN 55024 • f612) 463-7111 • Fa,r (612) 463-2591
On behalf of the Dakota. County/City Managers Group, I urge you to bring the attached sample
ordinance to your respective governing bodies for immediate adoption. In addition, please
contact your legislative representatives and urge them to support the noise exemption for county
and city roads.
Finally, I would appreciate your sending me copies of the resolutions as adopted by your City
Council. If you have any further questions, please do not hesitate to contact me 463-1801 at your
earliest convenience.
ohn F. Erar
City Administrator
cc: Brandt Richardson, Dakota County Administrator
Dave Everds, County Engineer
Pursuant to due call and notice thereof, a regular meeting of the City Council
of the City of Farmington, Minnesota, was held in the Civic Center of said City
on the 18th day of February, 1997 at 7:00 P.M.. .
Members Present: Ristow, Cordes, Fitch, Strachan, Gamer.
Members Absent: None.
Member Gamer introduced and Member Strachan seconded the following:
WHERRAS, new and reconstructed county and city roadways provide communities with
essential transportation corridors to facilitate economic development, meet
expaiz�iny volumes oi tt�a�iic ger�ez`dte�' by irlc-tEased resirieiitial and cummercial
growth and help to reduce the trafficlburdens on major state and interstate
highways, freeways and expressways; and
WHEREP.S, the majority of county highways and high volume city roads in urbanized
areas of the metropolitan region already exceed State noise standards, and do so
only during specific times of the day! and
WHSREAS, it is sometimes not feasiblelto construct noise mitigation barriers on
county and city roadways due to a variety of planning, land use and zoning
WHSR$F,S, the cost of constructing noise mitigation barriers has been estimated
by the Minnesota Department of Transportation, where it is feasible to do so, at
approximately $1 million per mile forleach side of the affected roadway; and
WHSREAS, the cost of constructing noise mitigation barriers on county and City
roads may render a transportation imp�ovement project infeasible due to high
construction costs, anci planning, land use and zoning considerations; and
WHSREAS, the Dakota County of League
position of supporting the exemption
_^.�ise sta:i��rds; a .�
WHERSAS, the Dakota County Board of
county roads from noise mitigation s
constructing such barriers and the d
would provide; and
Governments has formally adopted the
all county and city roadways from state
ioners supports the exemption of
s due to the extremely high cost of
ina noise benefits these barriers.
WHSREAS, Dakota County cities bear th' total cost of constructing noise
mitigation barriers within their spec�fic jurisdiction which if required would
prevent the construction or reconstruition of roadways within their respective
communities . '
the exemption of all County and City
State noise standards due to the exce
barriers and the diminished value the
residents; and
� Farmington City Council hereby supports
:ransportation improvement projects from
�sive cost of constructing noise mitigation
�e barriers would provide to city
B$ IT FIIRTHFsR RFsSOLVED, that the City Council of Farmington hereby authorize�j
the appropriate staff to work with Dakota County staff to bring about the `•t
necessary legislative relief from these onerous statutory provisions.
This resolution adopted by recorded vote of the Farmington City Council in open
session on the 18th day of February, 1997.
�iJ�` J` �
Gerald Ristow, Mayor
John F. rar, City Administrator/Clerk
1 i . r � ' �1��
Mendota Liquor
Tempco Mfg. Emp%yee Party Club
Gas PiFing Contractor License
Cedar Valley Heating & Air
Donohue Mechanical
HYAC Coatractor Licease
Cedar Valley Heating & Air
Construction Mechanical Services
Managed Services Inc.
�eaeral Contractor License
McGough Construction Co., Inc.
Metro Siding, Inc.
Nordling Construction Co., Inc.
Drvwall/Stucco Contractor Licence
Hendrickson Bros. Drywall Inc.
Laadscave/Tree Service Licence
The Tree Stump Company, Inc.
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February 26, 1997
TO: Mayor, City Council and City Ad '�unl��i���
FROM: Patrick C. Hollister, Administrative Assistant
SUBJECT: CUP for Mendakota Country Club
Case No. 97-(�2
Mr. Robert McR:inney representing Mendakata Country Club appeared before the
Planning Commission at their regulazly scheduled meeting on February 25, 1997 ta discuss
the Country Club's applicatian far a Conditianal Use Pernut which would a1low the
canstruction of a"half-wa�' hause featuring restrooms and refreshment service. Mr.
McI�:inney said that the new haif-way house would enabie the Country Ciub to eiiminate
same afthe porta.-potties that currently stand on the golf course.
During the public hearing on this application, Ms.lViiller of 1021 Wagon Wheel Trail
infarmed the Planning Cammission that her properiy abuts the sauth edge ofthe golf
course near the fifteenth tee. Ms. Niiller claimed that the cunent lack of bathroom
faciiities between the 12th and 28th holes at the galf course resutted in the occasional use
afher yard as a substitute. Although Ms, Miller thought the additional bathroom facilities
in the hatf-way house wauld be a welcome addition, she was concerned that beverage
sales in the half-way house wauld exacerbate her current problem. Ms. M3ller and Mr.
McKinney agreed ta examine the possibility of providing signage warning galfers when
they have reached the last bathroom facilities before Ms. Mil1er's house.
The Planning Commission expressed concern that the building materials used far the new
building match those of the existing club hause (i.e., wood, stucca, and block.) Mr.
McI{inney said that the Country Club was concerned that the new building be low-
maintenance and Iess vulnerable to vandalism than the existing club house. The Planning
Commission alsa asked Mr. McKinney to submit a septic design anci landscape plan to the
Due to the camplex Ianguage of the zoning ordinance, there was some confusion at the
Planning Cammission meeting as to whether or not a Variance would be necessary in
addition to a CUP. Staff has since reviewed the ordinance again and feels that only a CUP
will be necessary far both the total square footage of accessory structures and the number
of accessory structures at the Country Club. (Please see Sections 7.2(7) and '7.3(10).)
� Y
Please note that Mendakota Country Club is also planning to build a second "comfort
station" in the future, but is not seeking final approval of this second building at this time.
The Country Club will have a total of s� accessory structures after both comfort stations
have been built.
At Planning Commission's regularly scheduled meeting on February 25, 1997,
Commissioner Betlej moved to recommend that the City Council grant the requested
Conditional Use Pernut allowing the construction of the half-way house (with restrooms
and refreshment service) subject to the following requirements:
1. That plans be submitted for the proposed septic system.
2. That a landscape plan be submitted.
3. That the external materials be compatible with those of the main clubhouse.
4. That the building plans contain allowance for heating.
5. That a compromise acceptable to both the Country Club and the l�ller family
regarding signage about bathroom facilities be reached.
Commissioner Tilsen seconded the motion. The motion passed on a 5-0 vote, with
Commissioners Friel and Dwyer absent..
Please see the attached materials of public record pertaining to this application.
Action Required
If the Council wishes to follow the Planning Commission's recommendation, the Council
should adopt the attached Resolution 97-� A RESOLUTION GRANTING A
amendments the Council deems necessary.
�- w
W�IEF;EAS, Mendalcata Country Ciub has requested a Canditianal Use Permit allowing
a half-way house to be constructed, all as praposed on plans on f1e in Planning Case No. 97-02;
VVHEIi�AS, The Planning Cominission of the City af MendQta �-Ieights met to tiiscuss
this application at their February 25, 1997 meeting; and
WHEREAS, The Planning Commission voted 5-p on February 25, 1997 to recommend
that the City Co�ncil apgrove �.is agplication,
NOW, THEREFQRE, IT IS HEREBY FtE,SULVED hy #he City Council of the City
of Mendota Heights that a Condi.tional Use Permit allowing the construction of a ha.lf wa.y house
{with restraoms and refreshment service) as propase�i in plans on fite in Planning Case No. 97-02
is hereby granted subject ta the fallowing reqnirements:
1, That plans be submitted and approved by the City for the praposed septic systern.
2. That a landscape plan be submitted and appraved by the City.
3, That the external materials o£#he half-way house be compatible with those of the main
clubhouse and approved by the City.
4. That the new building contain the potential for centrai heat.
5. That a comprornise acceptable to both the Country Club and the Miller fannily regarding
signage abaut bathraom facilities be reached and submitted ta the City.
BE iT �''ITRTHER RESULVED by the City Council of the City of Mendota. Heights that
the propased Canditianal Use Permit allowing a half-way house to be canstructed, all as praposed
on pians on fiIe in Planning Case Na. 91-02 will have na adverse impact an the health, safety or
general welfare of the citizens of the community and the surrounding land, and would not be
adverse to the general purpose and intent of ihe Zaning Ordinance.
Adopted by the City Co�nci� of the City of Mendota. Heights
this 4th day of March, 199'7.
Kathieen M. Swanson, City Clerk
Charles E. Mertensotto, Mayor
McCombs Frank Roos Associates, Inc.
15050 23rd Avenue North, Plymouth, Minnesota 55447-4739
�'� � I �_ : � ij��l
Telephone Engineers
612/476-6010 Planners
612/476-8532 FAX Surveyors
Planning Commissioners of Mendota Heights
Meg J. McMonigal, City Planne��
February 25, 1997
Conditional Use Permit and Variance for Restroom Facility and
Refreshment Area
Mendakota County Club
2075 Mendakota Drive
R-1, One Family Residential
Golf Course
pescription of Request:
Mendakota County Club is requesting a Conditional Use Permit to add a restroom and
refreshment building on its golf course. to serve its clients. A variance is requested as the
proposed facility is larger than allowed for an accessory building in the R1 zoning district.
Conditional Use Permit:
Golf courses are a"conditional use" in the Rl zoning district. As such, any change or increase in
usage is subject to a Conditional Use Permit.
The proposed 24' by 18' building, sometimes referred to as a"Half-way House," is common on
golf courses, and would allow permanent restrooms versus portables. A portion of the building
would be dedicated to a concession stand. The building is proposed to be constructed of colored
rock face block, wood siding and asphalt shingles. The restrooms would be served by a new
septic system and water would be extended from the club house.
A new building would be an improvement on portable restrooms. Conditional Uses are
evaluated with respect to the effects on health, safety and welfare of occupants and surrounding
An Equal Opportunity Employer
`'= City of Mendota Heights Planning Commission
Mendakota Conditional Use Permit and Variance
February 25,1997
Page 2
lands, tr�c congestion, property values and if they are in harmony with the general purpose and
intent of the Zoning Ordinance and Comprehensive Plan. This building would not impact
surrounding property or increase the use of the golf course, rather it would provide an upgraded
service for County Club members.
Variance �eguest
A variance is requested to the maximum size requirement of 1,000 squaze feet for Accessory
Structures in the "R" zoning districts. Although golf courses are an allowed use in the R-1
zoning district, this provision is very restrictive for uses other than a single family home.
The variance criteria is outlined in the Zoning Ordinance. This property is unique in that it has
an open space use as a golf course and has unique qualities associated with its use versus a single
family home use. Providing a restroom and concession facility as requested will not impact
surrounding properties or public safety, limit the supply of light and air available to adjacent
properties, have any effect on the congestion of public streets, impact property values nor impair
health, safety, comfort or morals of the community or surrounding neighborhood.
.Action Re�uested:
For the Conditional Use Permit and Variance, the Planning Commission can recommend:
(1) approval
(2) approval with conditions
(3) denial
The City Planner recommends approval of the Conditional Use Permit for the restroom and
concession building located between holes 9, 11 and 12, as this building does not appear to have
any impact on surrounding properties, traffic or general purpose and intent of the Zoning
Ordinance and Comprehensive Plan.
The City Planner recommends approval of the variance to the Accessory Building size
requirements in the R-1 zoning district, because the golf course has unique needs. As a use in a
residential zoning district, this type of use was not anticipated by the ordinance. The size of this
building will not impact surrounding properties, and be an improvement functionally and ,
visually for the golf course..
McCombs Frank Roos Associates, Inc.
15050 23rd Ave. N. Enpineers
Plymouth, MN 55447 Planners
612/476-6010 Surveyoro
Mendakota Golf Club
� 1�3T' O�
1�,ei3dota HeightS
.. � �� rro. �'�- � �' �s
. Datc of Application ��� ' �j''� ��i `,
� Fec Paid $350.00 ��-�"�'('�. L r �.
�g �.
Applicant Namc: r'� Ki nney Robert D. p�y ( 612 ) 454-1441
(Last) . (Fu�t) t2+2� �
Address: 2075 Mendakota Drive Mendota Heights, NH+1 55I20
(Numbes & Street) (C'ity) (Srate) t�P)
Owner Name: Mendakota Cauntry Cl �
(Lasc) (Fusc) . � (I�'II�
Address• 2075 Mendakota Drive Mendota Heights, NPI 55120 � •
. (Nimibcr & Streec) (Cit3►) tsta�e) (ZiP)
S tr�ct Location of Property in Question: Mendakota Country C7 ub address above
I.egal Dascription af Property: T28h1, R23Y�, Sec 26
'I�ie of Request:
Rezoning -
.�_ Conditional Use Perr.�it
Conditional Use Permit for P.0 D.
Plan Approval •
Compiehcnsive PIan Amendment
_� Variancc
Subdivision Approva�
'PVetlands Permit
O[her (attach explanation)
Applicablo City Ordi.nance Nmnber Secrion
Present Zo�ing, of Propert� oqen space �resent Use • Col f Course
Proposcd Zoning of Pivperty r___,_____ Proposed Usc
I hcreby decian ihat alt statcments madc ia this request and on �tfhe additional ,
materia� aFe intw .
(Sigx�nire of Applicxnt) , i
crnu� . .
{R�ecxived by - Tifle)
1101 Victoria Curve • 1Viendota Heights, IViN • 55118 452• 1850�
February 5, 1997
NQTlCE is hereby given #hat the Planning Commissian of Mendota Heights witt
meet at 7:34 P.M., or as soon as possibte thereafter, on� Tuesday, February 25, 1997
in the City Hal! Council Chambers, 'I 10'I Victoria Curve, Mendota Heights, Minnesota�
to consider an apptication frorn Mendako#a Country Club for a Conditional Use Permit
and Variance which wauid aitow the construction of a comfort station {"hatf-way
house"} consisting of a permanent {seasonal) restroom facility and a refreshment area
atong with permissian to construct a future, simitar, restroam facitity on the golf
course on the faUowing described property:
That part of Joseph's Rearrangement and that part of the SE 1 J4 of the SW
'i /4 of Sectian 26, Township 28, Range 23 lying Easterly of Min�esota
Department of Transpartation Right-of-Way Plat No. 19-38, known also as t-
35E; and
Outlot C, Mendakota Estates; and
The N'1z of the SE 1/4 of Section 26, Township 28, Range 23 and ait that part
of the S'l2 of the SE 114 of Section 26, Township 28, Range 23 lying
Northerly of the plat af Mendakata Estates excepting therefrom that part
' described as follows: commencing at the Northeast corner of the S'l2 of the
SE 1/� of said sectian; thence Westerly 33ti fee# aiang the North line of said
S%Z of the SE 9!4 of said section; thence Southerly 3�3 feet to the Northeriy
boundary of the ptat of Mendakota Estates; thence Easterly 330 feet to the
centerline of Qodd Road; thence Northerly to the point of beginning and there
terminating; and , .
That part of the NW 114 of the SW 1/4 of Section 25, Township 28, Range 23
lying Westeriy af Dodd Road. .
More particulariy, this property is tocated at 2075 Mendakota Drive.
This notice is pursuant to City of Mendota Zo�ing Ordinance Na. 4Q1. Such persons
as desire to be heard with reference ta the request for the Gonditionat Use Permit and
Variance witt be heard at this meeting.
Kathleen M. Swanson
City Clerk
Auxitiary aids for disabled persons are avaitab(e upon request at least 12Q
hours in advance. If a notice of less than 124 hours is received, the City of
Mendata Heights witl make every attempt ta provide xhe aids, however, this
may not be possible on short notice. Piease cantact City Administrator at 452-
�-� . .�:� '
January 31, 1997
City of Mendota Heights
1101 Victoria Curve
Mendota Heights, NIN 55118
Re: Application for conditional use and variance pemuts.
Mendakota Country Club is requesting a conditional use permit and certain variances for
the following:
A. The construction of a comfort station ("half-way house") consisting of a
permanent (seasonal) restroom facility and a refreshment area.
B. Pernussion to install a similar restroom facility on the golf course in the future.
Comfort stations are very common on golf courses. These structures, also known as
half-way houses, usually consist of a simple refreshment stand and a restroom facility. Their
purpose is to provide convenience to golfers. They are often seasonal amenities, only in use
during the golf season.
Mendakota Country Club is currently using portable restroom facilities at three different
locations on the golf course. There are deficiencies in this style of restroom. Our present
refreshment stand is also inadequate due to its size, location, and the absence of running water.
We would like to construct a comfort station that will amend these deficiencies. �
The proposed building will be located at approximately the center of our golf course and
will consist of ADA approved restrooms and a refreshment stand. We expect to use the e�terior
design characteristics of our clubhouse in the construction. The building will only be in use
during the golf season.
A septic system will be engineered and installed, water will be supplied via a pipeline from
the clubhouse, and electricity will come from a nearby pump station.
Within the next year we foresee the need for another permanent/seasonal restroom facility
on the golf course and wish to obtain permits for both the future restroom facility and the comfort
station at this time.
Thank you for your consideration in these matters.
Respectfully submitted,
�� �`K�
Robert McI�nney
Golf Course Superintendent
Mendakota Country Club
2075 Mendakota Drive • Mendota Heights, MN 55120 • 454-2822
•, a
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Febroary 26, 199'7
TO: Mapor, Gity Cauncil and City Ad '� ator
FROM: Patrick C. Hollister, Administrative Assistant
SUB7ECT: Canditional Use Pernuts and Variance for United Church of Christ
Case No. 97-03
Mr. Rick Keil%r, architect representing Mendota �Ieights United Church of Christ located
at 680 H'ighway 110, appeared befare the Planning Commission at their regularly
scheduled maeting on February 25, 1997. Mr. I�eillor is groposing an additian td the
Church which would require a Conditional Use Pemut, since churches are a Conditional
Use of R l, and a Variance for the parking lat setback in the front yard. After the
additian, the total seating capacity af the sanctuary will be 234 seats, and there will be a
total of 90 paurking spaces, well above the 67 requ�red by the Zaning Ordinance. Mr.
Keillor pointed out that part of the rationale for the front-yard variance for parking is ta
mi�zimize the impact to the Dodge Nature Center. "
Dr. Greg Lee of Dodge Nature Center was present at the Planning Commissian meeting to
express the Nature Center's concerns about the application. (Dr. Lee also said that he is a
member of the church.} Dr. Lee said that the Nature Center is concerned abaut the
amount of light radiating from the church and the impact that will have on the enjoyrnent
af the Nature Center at night. Dr. Lee is also concerned about expansion of the pa.rking '
lot and the increased runaff onto the Nature Center, particulazly with the possibility of gas
and oil coming from the increased traffic at the church. (Pianner McManigal noted that
City Engineer Marc Mogan had reviewed the drainage plan and had determined it ta be
appropriate.) Dr. Lee was also concerned about the height of the'steeple and the proposal
to light the steeple at night. Mx. Keillor said that the Churah would discuss these issues
with Dadge Nature Center. '
The Planning Commissian was concerned that e�cisting trees be preserved on the site if
possible. They also noted that some filling would be required and that if the filling was in,
excess of 400 cubic yards a CUP for Land Reclamation would also be required. The '
architect stated that althaugh he did nat know the exact amount af fill, it woutd exceed ,
400 cubic yards.
At the Planning Commission's regularly scheduled meeting on February 25, 1997,
Commissioner Betlej moved to recommend that the City Council grant a Conditional Use
Pernut for an additiori to the church, a Conditional Use Pernut for Land Reclamation for
over 400 cubic yards of fill, and a Variance of 25 feet into the 50 foot setback for parking
purposes subject to the following conditions:
l. That the church provide a landscape plan showing additional plantings along the
parking lot on H'ighway 110 and additional plantings between the building and Dodge
Nature Center which will soften the impact of the new improvements.
2. That the Church eliminate the outdoor trash enclosure and continue to store trash as
they currently do.
3. That a lighting plan be submitted to the City which demonstrates that the lighting
standazds will not exceed 20 feet and the light will not spill onto adjoining properties.
4. That the future parking master plan not be part of this recommendation.
Commissioner Lorberbaum seconded the motion. The motion passed on a 5-0 vote with
Commissioners Friel and Dwyer absent.
Please see the attached materials of public record pertaining to this application.
Action Required
If the Council wishes to follow the Planning Commission's recommendation, the Council
should adopt the attached Resolution 97-� A RESOLUTION GRANTING
HEIGHTS iJNITED CHURCH OF CHRIST, making any revisions the Council deems
VVI�REAS, Mendota Heights United Church of Christ has requested a Canditionat Use
Permit for an additian to the church, a Conditianal Use Pernut for Land Reclaznation for aver 400
cubic yards of fill, and a Variance of 2S feet into the 50 faot setback far parking purposes all as
praposed on plans on file in Planning Case Na. 97-03; and
WHEREAS, The Plannirtg Cornmission of the City of Mendota Heights canducte�d a
public heariug to consider this application at their Febnzary 25, I997 mceting; and
'VVI�F�AS, The Pianning Conymission vated 5-4 on February 25, 1997 {wiih�two
rnernbers absent) to recomrnend that the City Council approve this application,
NOW, THEREFORE, IT IS HEREBY RESOLYED by the City Council of the City
of Mendota Heigh#s that a Couditional Use Pernut for an addition to the Church, a Conditionai Use
Permit for Land Reclamation for aver 400 cubic yards of fill, and a Variance of 25 feet into the SO
foot setback for parking purposes all as progased an pians on file in Planning Case No. 97-03 is
hereby gcanted subject to the following conditians:
1. That the Chnrch provide a Iandscape plan showing additional plantings along the parking lot
on Highway ll0 and additional plantings beLween the building and Dadge Nature Center to
attempt to saften the visual impact afthe new improvernents, and that this plan be approved by
the City Cauncil,
2. That the Church elimin�te the outdaor trash enclosure.
3. Tha.t a lighting plan be submitted to the City which dernonstrates that the lighting standards
wiil nat exceed 20 feet and the light will nat spill onto adjoining properties, and that this plan
be approved by the City Council.
4. Tha,t the fi�ture parking master plan not be part af this approval. .'
BE iT �`URTHER RES4LVED by the City Council of the City of Mendota Heights that
said Variance is necessary to alleviate a hardship or practical difficulty and will have no adverse
impact an the health, safety or general welfa.re of the citizens ofthe cornrnunity and the
surrounding land, and would not be adverse ta the general purpose and intent of the Zoning
Ordinance. .
Adopted by the City Council of the Gity of Mendota Heights this 4th day af March, I947.
By . By
Kathleen M. Swanson, City Clerk Charles E. Mertensotto, Mayor
McCombs Frank Roos Associates, Inc.
15050 23rd Avenue North, Plymouth, Minnesota 55447-4739 Telephone Engineers
612/476-6010 Planners
612/476-8532 FAX Surveyors
Planning Commissioners of Mendota. Heights
Meg J. McMonigal, City Planner�' U
February 25, 1997
Conditional Use Permit and Variance for a Church Expansion
Mendota. Heights United Church of Christ
680 Highway #110
R-lA, One Family Residential
Nature Preserve
Descr' t� ion of Request: _
Mendota Heights United Church of Christ is requesting a Conditional Use Permit and variance to
expand its building at 680 Highway #110. Churches aze a"conditional use" in the Rl-A zone
and a variance is requested to allow parking within the front yard setback azea.
_Conditional Use Permit:
Churches are a"conditional use" in the Rl zoning district. As such, any change or increase in
usage is subject to a Conditional Use Permit. Section 5.6 of the Zoning Ordinance states that
conditional uses are those uses "which, because of their unique chazacteristics, cannot be
properly classified in any district or districts without consideration in each case, of the impact of
those uses on neighboring land or the public need for the particulaz location." In considering a
conditional use, the ordinance states the application should be reviewed in terms of the proposed
use on the health, safety, and welfare of occupants or surrounding land, existing and anticipated
traific conditions including parking facilities on adjacent streets, and the effect of the proposed
use on the Comprehensive Plan.
An Equal Opportunity Employer
City of Mendota Heights Planning Commission
United Church of Christ Conditional Use Permit and Variance
February 25,1997
Page 2
Project Descr�ption - United Church of Christ would like to expand its church from the existing
5,451 square foot church building to add 7,822 square feet, totaling 13,273 square feet. The
addition is proposed for the west and north sides of the building, with additional parking
wrapped around the west side of the new addition. It will consist of a new worship area and
lobby, as well as new offices and restrooms.
The building will be significantly taller and prominent, averaging 24.5 feet in height with a peak
height of 38 feet. The new seating capacity will be 234. Building materials are proposed to be
primarily of pre-finished metal siding, in a color to complement the existing brick building. Five
(5) new site lights aze proposed, at a height of 30 feet. The site will drain to the south and west;
curb and gutter is proposed along the building portion of the pazking lot, but not on the exterior.
An enclosed trash area is proposed on the east side of the building.
Site Evaluation - Conditional Uses are evaluated with respect to the effects on health, safety and
welfaze of occupants and surrounding lands, tr�c congestion, property values and whether or
not they are in harmony with the general purpose and intent of the Zoning Ordinance and '
Comprehensive Plan.
United Church's parcel is large enough to accommodate the expanded building and pazking lot.
Four (4) trees will be removed; however it appeazs no new landscaping is proposed. New
landscaping around the front of the building would soften the look of the large wall mass on the
front of the building, and serve to replace the lost vegetation on the site.
Curb and gutter is proposed only around the perimeter of the building; the site will be sheet
drained, meazung surface water will flow off of the pazking lot directly to the grassy areas for
percolation into the ground. This method of drainage is preferable on a site such as this because
it disperses the water rather than channeling it. In addition, the site plan shows that if parking lot
expansion is needed, it would occur to the west of the lot. If curb and gutter were installed on the
perimeter of the lot, it would have to be torn up to expand the lot.
The proposed lights are "downcast" or designed to shine only on an immediate area and not spill
off of the site. Five (5) lights are proposed however, the architect has indicated that�they may
actually install fewer lights if it is determined they are not needed. �
The proposed addition meets the setback and other zoning requirements, and will have minimal
impacts on surrounding properties.. �
Variance Reguest: ;
A variance is requested to the requirement that no off-street parking be allowed in the required
50' front setback area in the "R" zoning districts. Although churches aze an allowed use in the
City of Mendota Heights Planning Commission
United Church of Christ Conditional Use Permit and Variance
February 25,1997
Page 3
R-lA zoning district, this provision is in the ordinance to address parking in the front yard of
single family homes, versus other permitted uses such as a church. The church now has parking
within the front yard setback area and seeks to expand it to accommodate its parking needs
associated with a lazger church.
The variance criteria is outlined in the Zoning Ordinance.. Providing additional parking in the
front yard azea as requested will not impact surrounding properties or public safety, limit the
supply of light and air available to adjacent properties, have any effect on the congestion of
public streets, impact property values nor impair health, safety, comfort or morals of the 'i
community or surrounding neighborhood. Further, on this property, it is desirable to place new
parking spaces on the front of the lot versus another location, because the topography on the side
and reaz of the lot can be preserved by expanding the relatively flat azea in the front yazd.
.A�ction Requested:
For the Conditional Use Permit and Variance, the Planning Commission can recommend:
(1) approval
(2) approval with conditions
(3) denial
The City Planner recommends approval of the Conditional Use Permit for the United Church of
Christ expansion, with the condition that additional landscaping be placed azound the front of the
The City Planner recommends approval of the variance to allow the parking lot to be expanded
within the front yard azea, as this variance will preserve the existing topography on the site and
will not impact surrounding properties.
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Februazy 7, 1997
Planning Dept.
City af Mendota Heights
1101 Victoria Curve
Mendota Heights,l�2N 55118
Re: Mendata Heights United Church Christ
This letter is to inform the City of Mendota Heights that the United Church of Christ, at 680
Highway 110, has intentions of adding to their existing faciiifiy. As a result of increased
membership and a deszre ta create a more favorable environment for feliowship, they are
proposing ta add 7,$22 sq. ft. of space to their existing 5,45 i sq. ft. facility. This proposed
addition wiil include a new worship space which will seat 234 people, additional office
space, new handicapped accessibie taiiets, a lounge, choir roorn and a complete autamatic
fire sprinkier system throughaut the new and existing buiiding.
The anticipated schedule is ta camplete the design and contract documents by April 1997 and
begin construction as soon as possible. Canstruction should be completed by September of
If yau have any questions, please call me.
cc: Carl Batimeister,lVlendata Heights United Church of Christ
9211 Plymouth Avenue ♦ Minneapolis, Minnesa#a 55427 ♦ 612-541-9552 ♦ Fax 612-541-9857
Apglicant Name:
� ity ai
1��ier�dota Heights
` OF
c�Na. �`7-CJ�
Date of Ap lication -- ���
Fee Paid 1d��J •L'�C�`� `�'�-1 _lV �
'`e%�1 M,� �1 �..01�►�'-�t-1 i '�� PH; � � 1 � °� a 5'2--
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Owner Name: i`-��t�l D27'i,�4 �1 � 1(y+ �� 1�l n.t t"%�-t'a' C,,.�.1 t1t R�G3-t o� G J-1 tLi�'j"
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(Number & sueec) tCity3 tState} {Zip)
Stneet L.ocatioa af Praperty ia Questian: � P�� �-t t C� k�1 vv �1,�t 1 1 D
---� I.tgat Descripfiaa of Property: `�'7 �'��i �"'�i�#� G� �'i!
TT�yype of Request:
„>� Conditional Usc Fermit
Canditional Use Pcrniit far P.U.D.
Plan Appmval
Comprehensive Plan Amendment
Subdivision App�val
VtTettands Permit.
Other (attach explanation)
... Applicable City Ordinance Number Se�tion
F'resent Zoning of Px�rperE� �� Pre�sent Use ,5,� � l�l i�.�G k-�
Progosed Zoning of Property.;1-1Z- pmposed Usc � U iZ.�,�l-1 A F7� L"'1r I ON�
I herehy dedarr shat.alt stat�ements madc ia this ra;uest,�ad on iha
materiart ane frue. • (�
- .- - .---_.. _._- . _ _ � . . • - (Raoeived by - Title) � " • �
�11U1 Victoria Curve • hi�endota Heights,lVi1'�i • 55118 452 • 1$50
��nat r�a�-t �� tne r�o�-�tteast Q�,art�r u# tl�e Sc,utfi�rest Q�i�rter af Section 25, Tc,E�msiiip 2B, Range 23,
E.)akata C:ounty, Minnest�i� descrit7eti as tt�lio��s'
Co{i7f��encing at a��oir�t ai� tl�� East li��e th�r�o� distant�G1.5 feet Norih of the Southeas# corrier
ti�ereot; thence west, a# right an�les ta said east line, a dist�ncelof 209.:iU feet to the point af
beginnin� o€ the #ac# af land to be descrii�ed; thence continuing West on said iast line described
390 feet; tii�nce North, at riyhf��angies, fa ii�e (�lorih iine af said Plortheasi Quarter of ihe
Sauthwest Qu�rter of Sectic,n 25; fhence East, a�ong ihe P�lorth iine thereof, ta a puint 209.5 feet
v�est of the Narthe�st comer thereof; tt�enca South, parallel with the Easi iine thereof to the
painf of beginninc�. Suiaject to easernents fior pu�lic highway purposes.
-�gether vaith an 2asemErt cvE� the rdort� 1t)0 t�et cf th'r. V`J�S� �0 feef ci ihe fullov✓ir,r� d�scribed tract and over the �ti'est
;eef cf th�t �art of tl�e #r�lir�•.ving desc�it3ed tr�c.t 1�hich iir.;;; South rtsf fhe hJoriti i0U #eet ihereof, said iraci beinc�
ciescribed as follc�v,�s: ,
Tfiat �art of the PJanl�east �i��rier of tl�e Soutl�tiv�st Quarter of S�c#ion 2�, TownsEzip 28, i:ange 23 describ�d as
IUJIGINS: CUIllfilf:fiGlClc� 2l c1 �">Ulftl Utl 1IlC Ec�51 iitt@ i11�fE:C31 diSlc"tT3i 3C?i.J i8@i NCaCEE1 01 Sfl� SOUEItC'2S1 carner ther�f;
th�nce V'Vest at right an,yles 209.5 fe�t, tl�ence Norlh al right angl�s � distt3:ice ot o16.3 Feet, n�ore or less, ta Ei�e
southerly righi of �vay line of Statr: trunk Highway No 10J { 110}, thence scautheasterly along said righE of way line to
the easi line of Ihe Northeast Cauarter o1 tne Southwest CJua�tFr of said Sectio� 25; thence South alcang said East
line tc� the �3oint of beginning. �aid easemern heing for driveway �ur�k;ses as a means of ingress and egress to an�3
tro►� 1i�e at,}re�ai� descr�t�ed iraci cf iarid
293,G75 Sq. Ff. = 6.7� Acres
._��.1�� Sc� Ft. = 1.22 Acres
ET AREA = 2�0,53Q Sq. ft. = 5 a2 Acres
February 6, 1997
NOTICE is hereby given that the Planning Commission of Mendota Heights will
meet at 8:00 o'clock P.M., or as soon as possible thereafter, on Tuesday, January
25, 1997, in the City Hall Council Chambers, 1101 Victoria Curve, Mendota Heights,
Minnesota, to consider an application from Mendota Heights United Church of Christ,
for a Conditional Use Permit and Variance which would allow the construction of a
church expansion on the following described property:
That part of the Northeast quarter of the southwest quarter of Section 25,
Township 28, Range 23, Commencing at a point the east line thereof distance
561.5 feet north of the southeast corner thereof; thence west, at right angles
to said east line, a distance of 209.50 feet to the point of beginning of the
tract of land to be described thence continuing west on said last line described
390 feet, thence north, at right angles. to the north line of said northeast
quarter of the southwest quarter of Section 25; thence east, along the north
line thereof, to a point 209.5 feet west of the northeast corner thereof; thence
south, parallel with the east line thereof to the point of beginning. Subject to
easements for public highway purposes. �
Together with an easement over the north 100 feet of the west 80 feet of the
following described tract and over the west 60 feet of that part of the
following described tract which lies south of the north 100 feet thereof; said
tract being described as follows: That part of the northeast quarter of the
southwest quarter of Section 25, Township 28, Range 23 described as follows:
Commencing at a point on the east line thereof distant 561.5 feet north of the
southeast corner thereof, thence west at right angles 209.5 feet, thence north
at right angles a distance of 616.3 feet, more or less, to the southerly right of
way line of State trunk Highway No. 100 (110), thence southeasterly along
said right of way line to the east line of the northeast quarter of the southwest
quarter of said Section 25, thence south along said east line to the point of
beginning. Said easement being for driveway purposes as a means of ingress
and egress to and from the aforesaid described tract of land. �
More particularly, this property is located at 680 Highway 110 ;
This notice is pursuant to City of Mendota Heights Zoning Ordinance No. 401. Such
persons as desire to be hea�d with reference to the request for the Conditional Use
Permit and Variances will be heard at this meeting.
Kathleen M. Swanson
City Clerk
Auxiliary aids for disabled persons are available upon request at least 120
hours in advance. If a notice of less than 120 hours is received, the City of
Mendota Heights will make every attempt to provide the aids, however, this
may not be possible on short notice. Please contact City Administrator at 452-
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February 26, 1997
TO: Mayor, City Council and City Adminis�for ,
FROM: Patrick C. Hollister, Administrative Assistant
SUBJECT: Concept Plan for a Holiday Station
At Mendota Heights Road and Dodd Road
Mr. Dave Bjorklund appeared before the Planning Commission at their regularly
scheduled meeting on February 25, 1997. Mr. Bjorklund is interested in constructing a
Holiday gas station on his property south of Mendota Heights Road across the street from
�sitation. Mr. Bjorklund is cunently seeking Concept Plan approval for this gas station.
Mr. Bjorklund's application would be complicated and would entail a rezoning of his
property from R 1 to B-2, a redesignation of lus property in the Comprehensive Plan from
LB-PUD to B, the acquisition of the adjoining right-of-way adjacent to his properry, a
subdivision approval, and a Conditional Use Permit for a motor fuel station within the B-2
zone. In addition, sanitary sewer is unavailable to the site, requiring that an on-site system
be installed.
Planning Commission Discussion
The Pla.nning Commission had the following concerns about the proposal:
Neig,hborhood Input. The Planning Commission felt that Mr. Bjorklund should conduct
neighborhood meetings with nearby residents to solicit input.
VisibilitvlAesthetics. The Planning Commission was concerned that due to the low
elevation of this site the service station would not be visible enough without a tall pylon
sign, and that such a sign would be detrimental to the aesthetics of the neighborhood. The
Planning Commission also felt that this site is a major "gateway site" and therefore needs
to be a high-quality use. The Planning Commission was concerned about the amount and
quality of lighting on the site, as well as hours of operation. -.
Traf�iic. The Piann�ing Commission was concerned that this gas station woutd bring toa
much traffic to the corner of I-494 and Dodd Road, and was worried about the stacking of
vehicles, especially during rush hour. The Planning Commission asked Mr. Bjorklund ta
submit an up-to-date tra�c study £or the area. The Planning Commission was alsa
concerned about ingress/egress traffic flaw.
Market Feasihilitv. The Planning Gommission fett that Mr. Bjorklund shouid provide the
City with a capy af the mazket study praduced by Holiday regaxding the viability of a
Holiday store on this site. The Planning Commission was concerned about the effect of
this station an the existing gas stations in the area. Sorne Commissioners felt that
Mendata Heights does not need another service station.
St. Thomas and Visita.tion Students° Safetv. The Planning Commission asked if Mr.
Bjorklund intendecl to limit the number of students a.11owed in the store at any given time.
The Planning Commissian was also concerned about student traffic and student pedestrian
Please see the attached items of public record pertainirtg to this application.
Because ihis is not a formal application at this point, the Plam�ing Commission did not
make a formal motion with a vote. Nevertheless, Commissioner Tilsen appeared to be the
lone Co�runissioner in favor of a gas station at the site. {Conunissioners Friel and Dwyer
were both absent.)
Action Reqa'rred
Section 22.6(1) of the Zoning Ordinance describes the Concept Plan stage as follows:
The Planning Cammission and the Council each in their turn shall make
recommendations regazding the Concept Pian giving reasons for their
recommendations, but such action is nat and is not intended to be binding
on the City in any way, but simply a.dvisary to the applicant on a
preliminary basis only.
With the abave in mind, discuss Mr. Bjorklund's Concept Plan with him and provide him
and Staffwith any direction necessary.
McCombs Frank Roos Associates, Inc.
15450 23rd Avenue North, Plymouth, Minnesota 55447-4739
.NI .E 1V.f O R A 1Y D U M
Telephone Engineers
612/476-6010 Planners
61?J476-8532 FAX Surveyars
Planning Commissioners af Mendota Heights
Meg J. McMonigal, City Planne�'���
February 25, 1997
Concept Plan for Praposal for Holiday Station Store
Dick and Dave Bjoxklund
Southwest Corner of Highway #149 and Mendata Heights Road
R-1, One Family Residential
LB-PUD, Limited Business - Flanned Unit Development
�vncept PXan Review:
Dick and Dave Bjorklund would like to propose a Holiday Gas Station and Store on the
southwest camer of Highway # 149 and Mendota Heights Raad. T'hey are reques#ing directian
from the Planning Commission and City Council an the propased use on this site.
Co��rrehensive Plan and oning Designation:
In the attached letter fram the Bjorklund's, they indicated they thought the underlying zoning is
commercial. This is not the case, rather the Comprehensive Plan designates this land for LB-
PUD, which calls for zoning consistent with the B-1 �I.,imited Business} zoning uses. The uses
allowed are o�ces, banks, clinics and similar other uses.
A Holiday Sta.tion Store on this property would require a Comprehensive Plan AmendmenY
frorn LB-PUD to B($usiness) and a rezoning and a Canditianal Use Permit. Motor Fuel
Stations aze a Conditional Use in the B-2, B-4, and I zoning districts. �
.E4ction Reguested: I
Provide directian to the Bjorklunds on whefiher or not a Holiday Sta.tion 5tore is an appropriate
and desired use on this site.
An Equai 4pportunity Emplayer
McCambs Frank Roos Associates, Inc.
15050 23rd Ave. N. Enpineers
Plymouth, MN 55447 Planners
672/47$-6414 3urveyors
Bj orklund Concept
City o�
1��.er�dota H�ights
Case No. -
Date of Application
Fee Paid tVC� T-`F— �
Applicant Name• B� orklund Dick and Dave pg. 452-3434
• (I�ast) tF'�) (MI3 '
Aaa�ess: �� r( C�� Ct tJt.• �oi. YY'? 1�- ..S�Sl d�C�
(Numb�r & Street} (City) (State) ('Zip}
OwnerName: B7orklund Dick and Dave
{Last) tF'u�st) � tMI}
Address: %
{Number & Street) (citY) tstate) / fliP)
Street L�cation of Property in Question:
I.egal Descripdon of Property Southwest corner of Dodd Road and
Mendota Haights Road
Type of Request: �
Canditiona3 Use Permit
Conditional Use Permit for P.U,D.
Plan Approval
Ctamp�rehensive Pian Amendment
Applicable City Qrdinance Number
Subdivision Appmvai
Wetlands Permit �
� Chher (attach explanation)
(Concept Plan Discussion)
Present Zo�irug af•Propert� Present Use �
PFagoseti Zon�ng of Property : Ptoposed Use
I hereby dedar+e ihat alZ statenaents made i� this rer�est and on the additionat
materia� are true. ., • .
(Signaiure of Applicaut) ,
(r�ate) .
(Received by - Title) '
11Q1 Victoria Curve • 1Viendota Heights, 1ViN � 55118 452 • 185U
Dick Sjorklund, Jr. and Dave Bjor�klund life lono property
owners and residents of Mendota Hei9hts pr�opose to develop
the proper�ty they ourchased �-1-89 located at the Soui:hwest
corner of Dodd Rd. and Mendota Hts. Rd. TF►e site is zoned
Li.mited Husiness under the current Comprehensive Land Use
Plan. The site is aproximately i.� acres includino r�ioht-of-
way. We cur�r�ently use the existing far-m house as our- office
for Bjor�klund Construction and Development Company, c^S11
Condon Cour�t.
The proposed business use wiil be far a franchi,e Holid�y
5tation convenience store with Deli. The proposed store will
be �prnximately 4;�Qt0 sq. ft. with an attachnd E10�1 sq. ft. car
wash. 7he design will inciude a gable rouf with 7/�2 pitch
to accomodate aproximately 15Q�0 sq, ft. of office space under
the roof ar^ea. Fiinctiona] dormer windaws will he part of the
roof de�ign to allow natural light to this area. The design
will incorpo�^atE residential c�_►stam features to the exterioT^
for^ a unique lc,ok nat typica] of Cookie-cutter convenienc�
store designs. As part ofi our site layout we are p�^esei^ving
2 mature oak trees in the �4"+ caliper range in spite of
industry st;�r�d�r^�� which say keep the sight lines open.
I,Jher� we purchased tt-�is site we met witl-� thE planning
consuitant at the t i me, Hoo�ard Dahl gren. b1e understood thN
underlyir,g �oning to be commerciai. It h�s aiwaYs be�n our
intent to c�evelop this site far what we consicier^ its pr•ime
business location: Adjacent to the 494 freeway and across
from an exii ramp, co►�ner of a t�usy sto�ligl-�t intersec•tion,
2 itt 1 e or no i mpar_•t on permanent -•res i dent i�1 nei ghboi^hoads.
We are confident this pr�oposed Holiday �tation Stot�e th►�o�sgf,
its unique, ci�stom design and local owr�ership wi31 Ge a much
recognited asset to o�_�r city and cammunity.
Dick <<nd D�ve Rjorkl��nd
To: Mayor and City Council �
From: Kevin Batchelder, City A r
Subject: Appoint Selection Pane1 for Assistant Fire Chief Interviews
At the February 18, 1997 City Council meeting, the Council discussed the recnutment
of the new Assistant Fire Chief to replace John Neska, who is retiring effective Apri130,
1997. This position has been posted and Fire Chief 7oha Maczko is hoping to complete the
hiring process so that City Council may make an appointment at their meeting on April� 1, '
The selection process for the Assistant Fire Chief's position includes an oral exam with
a selection committee. 7�vo members of the City Council are included on the selection
committee, which will make a recommendation, through the City Admi.nistrator, to City
Council for appointment. The other members of the selection panel are the Fire Chief, the
City Administrator, the Police Chief, and two members of the Fire Department that are
appointed by the general membership of the Fire Department.
It was discussed at the last Council meeting, that the most appropriate date for the
selection panel to convene would be Saturday, March 22, 1997. City Council should pick the
two members who will represent City Council on the selection panel and they should confirm
the date of Saturday, March 22, 1997.
If the City Council so desires, they stiould pass a motion to authorize two members of
Council to represent City Council on the selection panel and to confirm the date of Saturday,
March 22, 1997 for the interviews. �