1996-12-03 Council Packet. »+'`�
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DECII��IBER. 3, 1996 - SsQt1 P�
1. Call to Oxder
2. Roll Call
3. A enda Ado tion Vl. � � � �' � � `�`� `�
g P
4. Approval. of Navember 6, 1996 Canvassing Board Minutes and Novem � r 19th/
14iinutes (Available Monday) �„/
5. +.Cnnss�nt �a1en ar
a. Acknowledgment af the November 13 Auport Relatian Cammission Minutes
b. Acknawledgment of November 26 Pl�uuzi.ng Commissian I�rinutes
c. Acknowledgment of Novemher Building Activity Report
d. Acknawledgment of Communication from US West
e. Accept the Resignation of David Olmstead, Police Officer
* f. Approval of the Aequisitian of an Engineering Vehicle
g. Approval of Request for Private Street Designation
h. Approval to Purchase PEIP Group Health Insurance for 1997
i. Approval of List of Contractors '
j. Appraval of List of Clai�ms
** k. Acknowledgment of NDC4 Minutes.
** l. Certify Delinquent Utility Charges -� e 50 � ��'� a� �� ��' ``� Z'"
Ei pSl � �pri,�;gdi� C'-aiendar
�i. $�ji� C'pmm .n c
i i i^ r , i� \• � i:.
* a. �as� No_9� Beckman-Antenna Tower Height Variance
b. Mendota Mall Sign Policy Amendment
c. �as� Nn_9�-3'�� SBA,Inc. - Conditional Use Permit
d. � N� 9E-34� Tha,raldson Development - Subdivisian, Canditianal Use
Pazmit, and Vai7ances - Resolutian Na.96-93
*** e. Revision in Building Pernut for Manna Freight - Request to table until
December 17, 1996
* f. Request for Community Development Block Funding
$, �unCil C:nmmpntc
9. A�nuru Adjourn meeting to December 4, 1996 7:30 P.M. Truth In Taxation
Hearing �
Auxiliary aids for disabled persons are available upon request at least 120 hours in
advance. If a notice of less than 120 hours is received, the City of Mendota
Heigb.ts will make every attempt to provide the aids, however, this may not be
possible on short notice. Please contact City Administration at 452-1850 with
December 3, 1996
TO: Mayor and City Council
FROM: Kevin Batchelder, City Ad , s tor
SUBJECT: Add On Agenda for December 3 City Council Meeting
One item has been requested to be removed (***) from the agenda, Item 7e - Manna
Freight. Additional Information (*) is submitted for Items Sf - Engineering Vehicle;
7a. - Beckman Variance; and 7f. - CDBG Program. New items (**) on the agenda are Items
Sk - NDC4 Minutes and 51- Delinquent Utility Bills.
3. Ag�enda Adagtian
It is recommended that Council adopt the revised agenda printed on blue paper.
5f. Annr�val Qf the Acanisitinn Qf � Fnagineerina Vehicle
� Additional information is provided.
5k. Acknnwledge �411Zinut�
Please see attached minutes
•r 1• i� •i � i, i�:. : . � YY �► �� '� '
Please see attached memo and proposed resolution.
7a. �ckman Ant.�nna Ta�er Height Variance
Please see attached additional information
7e. Manna Fr�igl� Suilding Permit Revicinn
Applicant is requesti.ng this item be tabled until December 17, 1996. Please see
attached memo.
7f. �I?B� �ogram
� Please see attached letter from Dakota County HRA providing Additional information.
December 2, 1996
TO: Mayor, City Council and City A
FROM: Lawrence E. Shaughnessy
SUBrTECT: P.ngineering Vehicle
On tonights agenda is a proposal to purchase a vehicle for the Engineering
This velucle is included for purchases in the 1997 budget, from available
enterprise funds.
We do not anticipate Equipment Certificates for this purcliase.
Y �►
None. Information only.
1101 Victoria Curve • Mendota Heights, MN • 55118 (612) 452-1850 • FAX 452-8940
Page No. 1
November 6, 1996
1Vlinutes of the Election Canvassing Boazd Meeting
Held Tuesday, November 6, 1996
Pursuant to due call and notice thereof, the Election Canvassing Board meeting of the City Council, City
of Mendota Heights, was held at 5:00 o'clock P.M. at City Hall, 1101 Victoria Curve, Mendota Heights,
Mayor Mertensotto called the meeting to order at 5:00 o'clock P.M. The following members were
present: Mayor Mertensotto, Councilmembers Huber, Krebsbach and Smith. Councilmember Koch had
notified Council that she would be absent.
The City Council, acting in its capacity as Election Canvassing Boazd, accepted the results of the casting
and canvass of votes in the November 5, 1996 General and City Election, as presented by the City Clerk
and as follows:
Precinct 1 Precinct 2 Precinct 3 Precinct 4 Precinct 5 Total
1,017 787 503 733 829 3,869
346 319 269 306 305 1,545
242 124 102 141 133 742
4 10 6 4 9 33
2 0 1 0 1 4
200 146 86 72 127 631
1 0 0 0 0 1
1,812 1,386 967 1,256 1,404 6,825
Precinct 1 Precinct 2 Precinct 3 Precinct 4, Precinct 5 Total
964 699 474 773 763 3,673
730 653 512 621 697 3,213
777 596 376 447 582 2,778
10 9 11 12 5 47
0 0 0 2 0 2
1,141 815 561 657 761 3,935
2 0 0 0 0 2
3,624 2,772 1,934 2,512 2,808 13,650
Ayes: 4
Nays: 0
Page No. 2
November 6, 1996
Councilrnember Smith moved t.hat the Canvassing Board find that
Jo�n Huber and Sandra Krebsbach are elected to the City Counci�
far four-year terms and that Charles E. Mertensatto is elected Mayor
for a two year term.
Cauncilmember Krebsbach seconded the motion.
ADJOURN There being no further business to come before the Council,
Councilmember Huber maved that the meeting be adjaurned.
Councilmember Smith seconded the rnotion.
Ayes: 4
Nays: 0
T�IUIE 4F ADJQURNNSENT: 5.30 o'clock P.M.
Charles E. Mertensotto
Kaihleen M, Swanson, Ciiy Clerk
NOVEMBER 13, 't99�
The regular meeting af the Mendota Heights Airport Refations Commission was
held on Wednesday, November 13, 1996 in the City Hall Large Conference Raom,
11 C}1 Victoria Cu�ve. The meeting was called to order at ?: fi 1 p.m. The #ollowing
members were present: Beaty, Leuman, Stein, Gross and Olsen. Commissioner
Fi#zer �was excused. Commissioner Surrisi was absent. Also present were City
Administrator Kevin Batchelder and Senior Secretary Kim Btaeser.
;Commissioner leuman moved approval of the Clctober 9, 1996 minutes.
�Cammissioner Stein seconded the motion.
� � .
�Commissioner Stein informed the Commission that Mr. Brian Addis,
�instructed at Inver Hills Community College, is interested in speaking at
future Airport Relations Commission meeting.
�Commissioner Beaty suggested that Bruce Wagoner, FAA, be invited ta their
December meeting. City Administrator Batchelder stated he would inquire
lwith Mr. Wagoner.
City Administrator Batchetder informed the Commission that on October 28,
�1996, the MAC adopted the MSP Noise Mitigation Program based upon the
iwork of the Mayor's MSP Mitigation Committee. Batchelder explained that
�a redlined copy of the recommendation and a copy of the program have
been submitted for Commission review.
. a
Batchelder expiained that at the October 17, 1996 MSP Mitigation
Committee meeting the Committee made some final changes to their
recommendation since the Airport Relations Commission last looked at a
draft in October. He explained that item IV - Runway Use was redrafted to
address Bloomington's concerns about noise insulation for homes impacted
by the expanded use of the Runway 4/22.
The Commission discussed the use of Runway 4/22 for noise mitigation
purposes and that the taxiways be utilized as much as possib�e. The
Commission noted that construction of the north/south runway should begin
as soon as possible.
The Commission discussed the MSP Mitigation Committee's
recommendation that the Part 150 Sound Insulation Program be expanded
after the completion of the current program to incorporate the area
encompassed by the DNL 60 contour for the year 2005. It was discussed
that the Committee recommends that the 2005 DNL 6Q contour be based on
ANOMS data. It was discussed that Mendota Heights is promoting
increased FAA and MSP funding to advance the completion of the present
Part 150 program. It was noted that without additional funding, the
probability that additional Mendota Heights homes would be insulated is
very small.
The Commission discussed Airport Operations and how the MSP Noise
Mitigation Program included modifying the night hours to 10:30 p.m. to
6:00 a.m. and limiting the activity during these hours to State 3 aircraft.
The Commission felt that Mendota Heights should be kept up-to-date on
airport operations.
The Commission felt that MASAC should request specific information from
MAC on how and when the MSP Noise Mitigation Program will be
implemented. Administrator Batchelder stated that Councilmember Smith
will be unable to attend the December 3 MASAC meeting. He inquired if
Chair Beaty could attend that meeting.
City Administrator Batchelder stated that the FAA Great Lakes Region finally
responded to the City's request in January 1996 to implement Proposal #1
regarding non-simultaneous departures off of Runway 11 L. He stated that it
appears there will be further delays in implementing this requested
procedure. He informed the Commission that the City is attempting to
discuss this delay with officials at the MAC, the local Tower and the FAA.
I The Commission reviewed the FAA letter and discussed how the letter
� explains a dispute over magnetic headings and that until the magnetic
� heading issue is settled, Mendota Heights' request to implement Proposal #1
� is delayed. The Commission discussed how Mendota Heights should
' emphasize the use of centerline headings and not tracking degrees. The
� Commission stated that magnetic headings change annually and that the
magnetic headings have not be updated at MSP. It was discussed how the
�FAA is unhappy with he MAC in changing these headings on the runways.
,The Commission felt that Bruce Wagoner should be invited to discuss this
specific issue at their December meeting. The Commission discussed
informing Senators Wellstone, Vento and Oberstar about not getting an
reasonable response from the FAA. City Administrator Batchelder stated
�that the City needs to confirm if the local FAA agrees with Great Lake FAA.
.The Commission was of the consensus to remove the reference to degrees
;within the MAC Corridor Refinement Proposal #1. Chair Beaty directed staff
�to send a letter to FAA informing them of tfie Commission's amendment.
�The Commission acknowledged receipt of a letter from Mr. Jeffrey Hamiel,
MAC, responding to a recent article in the StarT�ibune about "unsafe" homes
�that were an outcome of work done by MAC contractors in their efforts to
�noise insulate homes.
�Commissioner Stein, whose home was insulated through the Part 150
�Sound Insulation Program, stated he was unhappy with his contractor due
to poor workmanship.
City Administrator Batchelder informed the Commission that the City, in
�accordance with the 1995 Land Use Planning Act, will be updating its
comprehensive plan. He stated that City is reviewing which undeveloped
�parcels of land will be impacted due to the air noise zone changes. The
Commission discussed how Noise Zone III will be expanded east of Dodd
Road - which would make residential land uses inconsistent.
� �
City Administrator Batchelder informed the Commission that the Mayor and
himself will be meeting with MAC Attorneys and Minneapolis Attorneys to
finalize the contract on the third parallel runway.
The Commission acknowledged receipt of the MASAC agenda for October
and September 24, 1996 minutes. Chair Beaty noted comments made by
John Richter about the 12 percent nighttime traffic over Minneapolis and
whether or not better use of the head-to-head operations would have
helped. Chair Beaty discussed Mr. Richter's request for the MASAC �
Operations Committee to investigate straight-out departures.
The Commission made note of Mr. Hamiel's comments regarding planning
the north/south runway and how it points to growth at MSP.
The Commission acknowledged receipt of the MASAC Technical Advisor's
Report for September 1996. The Commission felt that the MAC needs to
provide more staffing and funding to staff the ANOMS data retrieval system.
It was noted that there have been numerous technical malfunctions.
The Commission acknowledged receipt of the Part 150 Buyout Update -
Issue 34.
The Commission acknowledged receipt of the MSP Construction Schedule.
The Commission acknowledged receipt of the Eagan Airport Relations
Commission Agenda for November 12, 1996.
The Commission acknowledged receipt of the MASAC Operations
Committee Minutes of October 16, 1996. The Commission discussed Jon
Hohenstein's motion to recommend to MASAC to recommend that MAC
investigate redesignating the existing runway headings to the true magnetic
headings as required by FAR 139 and that MASAC examine existing noise
abatement procedures as they relate to magnetic headings and develop
recommendations for modifications to those procedures to minimize the
effect of the possible designation change.
There being no further business, the Airport Relations Commission moved to
adjourn its me.eting at 9:15 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Kimberlee K. Blaeser
Senior Secretary
The regular meeting of the Mendota Heights Planning Comunission was held on Tuesday,
November 26, 199b, in the Council Chambers at City Ha11, 1101 Victoria Curve. The
meeting was called to order at 7:33 PM.
The following members were present: Dwyer, Koll, Lorberbaum, Tilsen, Duggan, Betlej,
and Friel. Also present were Public Works Duector Jim Danielson, Planner Meg
McManigal and Administrative Assistant Patrick C. Hollister.
Comrmissioner Tilsen maved ta approve the October 22, 1996 Minutes with corrections.
Commissioner Betiej seconded the motian. �
David Hagen, Tim Dean, Chester Colby, and Dale Runkle af SBA were present ta tliscuss
their applicatian before the City to install PCS communications antennae on the roof of
Henry Sibley H'igh School.
Mr. Hagen began by passing out copies of three photographs of the site.
Commissioner IDwyer framed the issue for the viewing audience by saying that these
gentlemen were appiying to place up to twelve antennae on the roof of Sibley I-�'igh
School, beginning with faur on the east wall and faur on the west wall, and that they
wauid like ta get permission in advance ta put four antennae on the north wall at same
future date. �
Mr. Hagen canfirmed that SBA was only seeking to place eight antennae on the raof at
this time, and that they would place an additional 4 on the North Side eventually.
Commissioner Dwyer asked if SBA had already secured a deal with Sibley High School
far these antennae.
Mr. Hagen confirmed that this was the case.
Commissioner Dwyer asked if US West had already erected their cellular apparatus on the
roof of the H'igh School.
Mr. Hagen said that yes, they had set up their system in May of 1996.
Commissioner Dwyer asked if Mr. Hagen had read Planner McMonigal's report on the
application and if he concurred with her recommendation.
Mr. Hagen said that yes, he had read it and accepted the conditions stipulated by Planner
McMonigal in her report.
Commissioner Dwyer then opened the discussion up for questions from other
Commissioner Tilsen asked on how many other sites SBA wished to locate
communications apparatus in the City of Mendota Heights.
Mr. Hagen replied that the High School and the Water Tower were the only two sites
desired by SBA, and that the water tower equipment was already installed.
Commissioner Tilsen remarked that he was under the impression that Woodbury currently
had a moratorium on communications antennae.
Mr. Hagen said that many communities in the Metro Area currently have moratoria, and
that SBA's policy was to co-locate wherever possible, or at the very least build
independent structures on which co-location is possible.
Commissioner Duggan thanked SBA for referring to "meeting demand" in their
documentation rather than using terms like "essential service". Commissioner Duggan
said that he did not feel that cellulax and PCS services met the criteria for an "essential
service" at this time. Commissioner Duggan then asked about page 3 of the proposed
Developer's Agreement, in which reference is made to interference with other
communications systems. Commissioner Duggan asked how the City or SBA could
determine the cause of interference if the City started receiving complaints of interference
several months after the'installation of this new equipment.
Mr. Hagen said that if such problems arise, SBA will study the problem.
Commissioner Duggan asked if the language of the proposed Developer's agreement in
this case was exactly the same as in the previous Developer's Agreement for Sprint on the
Water Tower.
Mr. Hagen responded that the language is almost the same, with some minor changes, but
that he was under the impression that discussion of the Developer's Agreement was more
of a Council matter than a Planning Commission matter and that he had not prepared to
discuss the Developer's Agreement with the Planning Commission.
Commissioner Dwyer said that the Planning Commission was also interested in the
Developer's Agreement.
Commissioner Duggan asked if the Intermodulation Study to determine if any interference
would occur within 1 mile had been finished.
Mr. Hagen said that he did not know the answer.
Commissioner Duggan asked if that study had been initiated.
Mr. Hagen responded that it had been initiated and will be completed.
Commissioner Duggan said that the neighbors would be concemed about potential
interference with television or messages from outer space.
Commissioner Duggan asked for clarification of the search ring map. Commissioner
Duggan asked if the Henry Sibley site was selected mainly due to height and sight lines.
Mr. Hagen responded that there were many considerations which went into the selection
of the Sibley site.
Commissioner Duggan asked why mention of a 250' guide tower was included in the
documentation submitted by SBA.
Mr. Ha.gen said that SBA has no intention of erecting such a tower in Mendota Heights,
and that such structures were predominately used in rural areas.
Commissioner Betlej asked what changes had been made to the Developer's Agreement
from the version approved for the water tower.
Mr. Hagenaresponded that the main change was the deletion of a clause that gave the
City's own communication priority in the case of interference over anyone else. Mr.
Hagen said that SBA did not feel that that was fair, and that instead they have merely
agreed to f�c any problem that arises.
Commissioner Duggan pointed out some typographical errors in the proposed
Developer's Agreement, such as the word "property" which should read "properly" on
page 6. Commissioner Duggan remarked that there may be other errors in this document
and that it needed to be reviewed thoroughly.
Commissioner Betlej remarked that in the Developer's Agreement, it appears that the
burden of proof of interference and its cause would lie with the City. Commissioner Betlej
said that the Planning Commission had previously asked the Council for an ordinance on
Cellular/PCS antennae to provide a basis from which to review this and other antenna
applications. Commissioner Betlej asked if one of these locations had a communication
range of about 2 miles.
Mr. Hagen said that the range depends on usage.
Commissioner Betlej asked if people two miles north of the antenna would be unable to
use it to communicate.
Chester Colby responded that the range for a single site could vary from 7-8 miles to'/a
mile depending on the amount of use at any moment. Mr. Colby continued that the entire
metropolitan system was designed as a whole, and that an automobile driver gets "handed
of�' from one tower to another depending on circumstances. �
Commissioner Betlej asked what the basis for varying ranges of antenna was.
Mr. Colby responded that the two variables involved were Power and Usage
Commissioner Betlej asked if increased use in the future could ever require another
antenna location in Mendota Heights.
Mr. Colby responded that that will not happen.
Commissioner Betlej remarked that the school may have to be renamed Sibley High
School and Antenna Tower. Commissioner Betlej predicted that the High School could
someday be wrapped in antennae, because there will be other companies who will wish to
locate there.
Mr. Hagen agreed that more companies will wish to locate at Sibley, but that attaching
antennae to the side of buildings looks much better than monopoles. Mr. Hagen continued
that the FCC requires cities to allow cellular antennae, and that the best answer to
proliferation was co-location.
Commissioner Friel said that in the American West monopoles were currently proliferating
Mr. Hagen said that this was true, but that out west SBA deliberately builds monopoles
with co-location in mind.
Commissioner Betlej asked about the photographs provided by SBA that evening.
Mr. Hagen replied that the photos reflect the existing situation at Sibley with US West's
apparatus on the roof.
Commissioner Lorberbaum asked when the photos were taken.
Mr. Hagen responded that they were taken last week and during the summer.
Commissioner Lorberbaum remarked that it appeared that one of the photos showed more
antennae than the others.
Mr. Hagen said that that impression is created by the fact that the third picture was taken
at a different angle than the other two.
Commissioner Friel said that he shares Commissioner Betlej's concern about the lack of a
City ordinance on communications antennae. Commissioner Friel predicted that the City
will be bombarded with such applications in the future, and that the City was currently
considering these applications in an "ad-hoc" fashion through separate agreements.
Commissioner Friel also asked how the City could treat this application as an"essential
service", since the H'igh School was in the R-1 zone.
Planner McMonigal confirmed that Sibley High School is in the R-1 zone.
Commissioner Friel asked Planner McMonigal where in the R-1 zone description would it
regard these antennae as an essential service. Commissioner Friel continued that the
description of "essential service structures" listed in the R 1 zone do not contain anything
resembling these antennae.
Planner McMonigal answered that no portion of the Zoning Ordinance specifically
addresses antennae of this type, and that even though it might not be a perfect fit, the City
had set a precedent of regarding these antennae as Conditional Uses.
Commissioner Duggan said that he had expressed concern about the lack of a cell tower
ordinance a year ago. Commissioner Duggan remarked that the Ordinance in place
appears to exclude such antenna if they do not include their�own building. Commissioner
Duggan said that he shares Commissioner Friel's concern about the City's lack of an
ordinance on this matter.
Commissioner Dwyer remarked that the Council does not appear to be concerned about
the lack of a specific Ordinance on these type of antennae.
Commissioner Friel said that someday a citizen may sue the City and say that our
Ordinances do not cover such antennae.
Commissioner Dwyer said that the Council has looked at the issue before and has not let a
lack of an specific Ordinance on this matter stop them from approving antennae.
Commissioner Koll asked what an Intermodulation Study was.
Mr. Colby responded that it is done to see if there is a possibility of interference with US
West. Mr. Colby continued that the study would be performed on the existing antennae
before the new antennae are turned on to predict whether or not there would be a
problem. Mr. Colby continued that there will be no interference with televisions or other
similar household appliances, because the frequency at which cellular operates is 1900
megahertz, which is far beyond any frequency used by such appliances. Mr. Colby
continued that with Digital technology, it is impossible to hear someone else's
conversation on one's own telephone.
Commissioner Dwyer stated that SBA might not be considered an objective source for
such information.
Mr. Colby said that it is a near-universal practice that the last person to co-locate on a site
has to adjust if there is any interference. Mr. Colby added that such adjustments are not
difficult because one can always filter or modify.
Commissioner Duggan asked if US West could be invited to the test for interference.
Mr. Colby said that that would be fine.
Commissioner Duggan asked whether the information from the Intermodulation Study
would be available to the City in time for the Council meeting.
Mr. Colby responded tha.t the Intermodulation Study is computer work and would take at
maximum a couple of days.
Commissioner Duggan said that the results of the study should be submitted to the City in
time for the next Council meeting.
Mr. Hagen said that SBA has committed to remedying any problems that occur, and that
SBA will not commit to completing the Intermodulation Study in time for the next
Council meeting. Mr. Colby said that the Intermodulation Study would be completed
after the Developer's Agreement had been signed.
Commissioner Duggan asked how long it will take for the study to be finished.
Mr. Colby said that it may have already been finished.
Commissioner Duggan said that the motion from the Planning Commission should contain
the caveat that the Intermodulation Study be finished before the next City Council
Commissioner Koll asked what effect airplane noise and vibrations had on the functioning
of these antennae.
Mr. Colby replied that they had no effect.
Commissioner Duggan asked if in an emergency SBA would be able to access the roof of
Sibley High School.
Mr. Hagen said that this depends upon the School District, but that in most such locations
SBA has been able to access the roof.
Commissioner Dwyer asked who wrote the PCS Site Standazds in the Developer's
Mr. Hollister responded that those specifics were provided by Sprint for their water tower
Mr. Dwyer said that SBA were the experts on tlus technology, and that there is no one at
the City who really understands how this equipment works. Comrnissioner Dwyer
continued that the Council should realize that if the City enters into the Developer's
Agreement it will be accepting the company's standard rather than its own, which may
harm the City. Commissioner Dwyer said that the Council had the choice of either
trusting these SBA "experts" or spending money on its own consultant.
Commissioner Friel said that these issues should be addressed in a cellular/PCS ordinance,
and that the City was a victim of a knowledge gap between City officials and cellular/PCS
Commissioner Dwyer said that the Council apparently disagrees with the Planning
Commission on the status of the City regarding these antennae. Commissioner Dwyer
asked if SBA planned any more antennae for Mendota Heights.
Mr. Hagen responded that they did not, but that there will be other companies after them
who will. Mr. Hagen added that SBA is not often required to sign Development and Site
Agreements with cities, and that Mendota Heights has already exercised more control than
most cities over these antennae.
Commissioner Dwyer said that the City has to strike a balance between accommodating
this technology and protecting the City's interests. Commissioner Dwyer then asked if
there was anyone in the audience who wished to speak about this application.
Mr. Tom Bushee of 576 High Ridge Circle said that he had received the letter of
notification on the Public Hearing and that he wished to ask SBA about these antennae.
Mr. Bushee said that he agreed that the City should draft an Ordinance on this subject,
because he felt that the City will soon be inundated with requests for cell tower and PCS
sites and that the City should be careful to set the proper precedent.
Commissioner Dwyer said that unfortunately the Planning Commission seemed to be alone
on this issue.
Mr. Bushee said that what the private sector wants most from government is a level
playing field for fairness and predictability. Mr. Bushee also informed Commissioner
Duggan that residents of Mendota Heights don't typically receive messages from outer
space. Mr. Bushee asked SBA what would happen to him if he touched the antennae
while in operation.
Mr. Hagen said that it would be unwise to either touch it or stand in front of it, and that
SBA follows all FCC safety regulations.
Commissioner Duggan said that SBA should inform the school about these dangers.
Mr. Colby clarified that someone who touched the antenna while it is in operation would
not receive a"jolt", but would be exposed to an undue amount of RF Radiation and that
one should avoid prolonged exposure to such radiation. Mr. Colby continued that the
main power of the antennae is directed away from the roo� and thus someone up on the
roof would not necessarily be in danger.
Commissioner Tilsen asked if up to 3 companies could possibly co-locate on a single site.
Mr. Colby said that when SBA builds monopoles, they are built to accommodate up to 3
antennae through "spatial diversit�'. Mr. Colby said that three antennae, for example,
could be placed on the same pole but at 160', 140' and 120' above the ground. Mr. Colby
said that in addition to US West and Sprint on the top of Sibley H'igh School, it would be
technically feasible to have two or three more carriers on the roof of the building and still
avoid interference if the City would allow it.
Brian Marshall of 623 Callahan asked whether the antennae would be on a monopole or
on the roof of the building.
Mr. Hagen said that'the antenna would be on the roof.
Mr. Marshall asked how high the antenna would be.
Mr. Colby responded that they would be about four feet high.
Mr. Hagen said that some of the antennae would protrude above the roof and some would
Commissioner Lorberbaum asked how soon the antennae would be up and running if they
were approved.
Mr. Hagen responded that SBA would like to have them up and running by mid-March.
Seeing no other residents who wished to address the issue, Commissioner Dwyer asked
for a motion to close the public hearing.
Commissioner Betlej so moved.
Commissioner Duggan seconded the motion.
Commissioner Dwyer asked for a motion on the application itself.
Commissioner Duggan said that the City appeazs to be bent on accommodating these
antennae, but that he would offer a motion recommending that the Council deny this
application until an Ordinance can be written and approved covering cellular/PCS
antennae. Commissioner Duggan warned that the high school may soon be bristling with
Commissioner Friel offered to second Commissioner Duggan's motion with a friendly
amendment recommending that a moratorium on all new cellular/PCS antennae
applications be imposed until said Ordinance is written and adopted.
Commissioner Duggan accepted Commissioner Friel's second and amendment.
NAYS: 2 (Dwyer and Lorberbaum)
Commissioner Dwyer told the SBA representatives that the Planning Commission was
merely an advisory body the Council, and that their application would now proceed to the
Council for their final decision. Commissioner Dwyer directed SBA to attend the Council
meeting next Tuesday, and said that the Council will be provided all the same materials
provided to the Planning Commission and will also have the benefit of the 1Vlinutes from
the proceedings this evening. Mr. Dwyer added that it is possible that the Council will
approve the application despite the Planning Commission's recommendation.
Commissioner Duggan clarified that he has nothing against Sprint or SBA., but that he is
interested in preventing the High School from resembling a porcupine, and feels that the
High School will soon be bristling with antennae if the City continues down its current
Mr. Hagen expressed his disappointment with the Planning Commission's
recommendation. Mr. Hagen said that the City has already allowed one carrier on the
school, and that SBA is being penalized for being honest and having worked closely with
vExBai, xEv�w
Commissioner Betlej said that he had to leave the meeting at this point, and thus
Commissioner Friel suggested that he at least have the benefit of the Verbal Review before
he left.
Public Works Director Danielson said that the Council had approved Acacia Cemetery's
bell tower and the City's own land reclamation project on H'ighway 110 and Dodd Road.
Mr. Danielson added that the Beckman application for a ham radio tower had been tabled
to gather more technical information, particularly in regards to safety.
Mr. Hollister added that the City had received a letter from Mr. Beckman and his attorney
consenting to a waiver of the 120-day review period to provide more time for this
technical review.
Ken Scheel of Tharaldson Development introduced his application by saying that
Tharaldson and United Properties had worked closely together with Staff to make sure
this expansion would be high-quality. Mr. Scheel continued that his application should be
self-explanatory. Mr. Scheel added that the project involves straightening out the Eastern
Driveway and changing the retention pond to make it shallow.
Commissioner Dwyer provided some background information for the viewing audience,
saying that the application was in regards to Heritage Inn, which currently has four stories
and about 125 rooms. Commissioner Dwyer added that the hotel is currently exclusively
used by Northwest Airlines, with the exception of the restaurant within the Hotel, and that
this has been a good arrangement for Northwest Airlines.
Mr. Scheel verified Commissioner Dwyer's comments and added that Northwest is now
willing to commit to occupying 65 additional rooms, but that Tharaldson has decided to
double the size of the hotel because they anticipate that Northwest will actually use more,
and at any rate they can easily fill the rest of the hotel with guests of the Business Park.
Commissioner Dwyer added that the new wing appears to be almost a miiror image of the
existing hotel, and that Heritage Inn will receive a 10 year commitment from Northwest
for the new rooms.
Commissioner Koll asked why the new wing will be more expensive than the existing
Mr. Scheel responded that most of the increase in costs results from higher quality
building materials.
Commissioner Dwyer, referring to a Staff memorandum provided to the Commission that
evening, said that United Properties wishes both the existing roof and the new roof to be
Charcoal Gray, and wishes the new wing to be all brick exterior and the front facade of the
old wing to be converted to brick.
Mr. Scheel verified Commissioner Dwyer's statements and showed a color rendering
demonstrating these changes. Mr. Scheel added that United Properties and Tharaldson
may still need to discuss whether to place fake windows in the stair tower, since the Fire
Code may prohibit real windows.
Commissioner Dwyer opened the discussion up to comments from other Commissioners.
Commissioner Tilsen asked Mr. Danielson if the City Fire Marshall had reviewed these
plans, and whether there was enough room around the building for fire-fighting purposes.
Mr. Danielson said that the building would be required to meet fire codes.
Mr. Scheel added that the new drive will help fire access considerably.
Mr. Tilsen said that the second wing would reduce access to one side of the e�usting
building, and that he was concerned about a potential "chimne�' effect or drafting effect.
� Mr. Scheel said that this would not be a problem.
Commissioner Tilsen said that he was no expert, but that this might be a problem.
Mr. Scheel said that the proposed development actually takes precautions above and
beyond those required by the fire code. Mr. Scheel added that there has never been a fire
in a sprinkled building except by explosion.
Commissioner Tilsen said that the Fire Code is more stringent than it use to be.
Commissioner Tilsen asked Mr. Danielson if the City requires the NURP standard in
Mr. Danielson said that this proposal is in an existing subdivision, and that the drainage in
the entire Business Park represents a pre-NLJRP storm drainage design. Mr. Danielson
continued that the City had hired an engineer for the whole Business Park, and each lot
has its own recommendation. Mr. Danielson added that Engineer Marc Mogan has looked
at the drainage and has made some small recommendations.
Commissioner Tilsen commented that the Tharaldson application contained a lot of
material, and that the applicant had done a good job at trying to be thorough.
Mr. Scheel wished to make a few minor corrections in Planner McMonigal's report on the
application. Mr. Scheel said that the requirement for a Parking Variance is not needed,
because what Ms. McMonigal interpreted to be three parking spaces is really a sidewalk
36' long in front of the handicapped parking spaces.
Commissioner Dwyer said that this sidewalk encroaches on the landscaping.
Mr. Scheel also wished to make a clarification of page three in regards to Site Lighting.
Mr. Scheel said that the Tharaldson Hotel in Eden Prairie is experimenting with reducing
total wattage, and that if it works in Eden Prairie, it will be implemented in Mendota
Heights as well. Mr. Scheel said that he is willing to work with Staffto reduce the
amount of lighting, and that if successful the system in Eden Prairie would make for a
substantial reduction in light and much more even light.
Commissioner Lorberbaum asked where in Eden Prairie the Thaxaldson Hotel was.
Mr. Scheel answered that the hotel is next to Viking Center, north of H'ighway 35. Mr.
Scheel added that the Hotel will be open in one month, and that the Superintendent of the
building would be happy to give anyone a tour.
Mr. Scheel said that they could not claim a hardship for the variance for the trash
enclosure, but that the Hotel would like to have it further from the building for aesthetic
reasons, and that he imagined that the City would feel the same way.
Mr. Danielson added that the Fire Marshall also prefers that the trash enclosure be further
away for fire safety reasons.
Mr. Scheel said that it was the intent of the Hotel to keep the dumpster area clean, and
that the Hotel's profitability would plummet rapidly if that area were allowed to fall into
Commissioner Duggan complimented Mr. Scheel on a well-presented application, and
wondered if the Fire Marshall would have any concerns about ease of egress,
Mr. Scheel said that there will be more doors on the Hotel than before and that the fire
safety will be excellent in the expanded Hotel.
Commissioner Duggan asked what interior changes will have to made in the existing wing
in order to make the link between the two wings.
Mr. Scheel said that the changes would be minor, such as removal of the spas and a
complete glass exterior on the north.
Commissioner Duggan asked if the hotel will have to meet ADA requirements.
Mr. Scheel answered that there will need to be si}c handicapped spaces for each wing for a
total of twelve spaces. Mr. Scheel added that there will be a handicapped ramp in the
center. Mr. Scheel said that the Hotel intends to segregate Northwest customers from
non-Northwest customers by floors.
Commissioner Duggan asked if Northland Insurance will use any of the rooms.
Mr. Scheel said that yes, this was the case.
Commissioner Duggan asked for a clarification of Planner McMonigal's table on page
three of her report.
Ms. McMonigal explained the table.
Planner McMonigal pointed out that the building is wider at a certain portion which
causes the parking stalls at that point to be only eight feet from the building.
Mr. Scheel said that it would be possible to shorten the pool room.
Commissioner Duggan asked about borings and whether or not the soft soil should be
Mr. Scheel responded that the EPA says that this is a clean site.
� Commissioner Duggan asked about drainage and doubling the size of the pond. Duggan
commented that the report says that no pond is needed.
Mr. Scheel responded that the soil is coarse and sandy, and that no storm has even caused
any problem.
Commissioner Lorberbaum recalled that at the time Tharaldson received pernussion to
construct the original Hotel, parking was a big issue. Commissioner Lorberbaum asked if
the addition to the restaurant will require any more parking spaces.
Mr. Scheel answered that the restaurant addition will require 48 more spaces, and that
these were already accounted for. Mr. Scheel added that 90% of traffic at the hotel is by
bus. Mr. Scheel added that the Hotel has provided proof-of-parking which is still in effect
and that these new plans have put in more parking than is required.
Commissioner Lorberbaum asked Staff if the hotel had been a frequent source of police
Mr. Danielson responded that it had not.
Mr. Scheel commented that the restaurant currently loses money and is being subsidized
by the hotel operation.
Commissioner Lorberbaum asked if it would be possible for her to stay at the hotel once it
is expanded.
Mr. Scheel said that that would be possible.
Commissioner Dwyer asked if there had been any major police calls recently.
Mr. Scheel said that a few nights ago someone in a ski mask had committed robbery, but
that generally such things do not happen.
Commissioner Dwyer asked Staff if they knew of any other significant calls.
Mr. Danielson replied that Staff did not.
Commissioner Lorberbaum asked what type of liquor license the hotel currently had and
whether the hotel would be applying for a different type of license.
Mr. Scheel answered that the restaurant had a beer and wine license and that they would
not be asking for any other type of license. Mr. Scheel added that Northwest originally
insisted that the hotel not serve alcohol, but had later decided that it was better to allow
people to drink in the hotel than to have them leaving the hotel for such purposes.
Commissioner Friel said that if the proposed expansion had more than enough parking, the
applicant should consider getting rid of some of the pazking in order eliminate the need for
a variance.
Mr. Scheel said that this would be possible.
Commissioner Koll asked to see the brick samples that Mr. Scheel had brought.
Mr. Scheel showed the Commission the color renderings and brick samples.
Commissioner Koll said that this will be a nice addition to the hotel, and asked about the
cost of the indoor pool.
Mr. Scheel said that the indoor pool was actually not as expensive as one might think.
Mr. Scheel elaborated that the pool would cost about $75,000-$100,000. Mr. Scheel
added that the general public will have access to the pool. Mr. Scheel added that the
Northwest crews preferred a basketball court and a pool to the e�sting spas.
Commissioner Dwyer asked if there were any members of the audience who wished to
speak on this application.
There were none.
Commissioner Dwyer than proclaimed the public hearing to be closed.
Commissioner Dwyer asked for a motion to recommend approval of the variances for the
trash enclosure and the landscaping.
Commissioner Friel asked Mr. Scheel whether or not he now intended to eliminate the
excess parking in order to eliminate the need for the parking variance.
Mr. Scheel said that he would prefer to have a choice between shrinking the pool room
and eliminating the spaces.
Commissioner Duggan moved to recommend that the Council grant the requested
variance for the trash enclosure and correct the parking lighting and landscape
Mr. Scheel said that Tharaldson is held to strict conditions on the timeliness of landscaping
implementation by United Properties, and therefore the City had nothing to fear in this
regard. Nevertheless, Mr. Scheel said that he is perfectly willing to provide a landscape
bond to the City if the City prefers.
Commissioner Friel asked if Commissioner Duggan's motion would entail a variance for
Commissioner Duggan said that it would.
Commissioner Tilsen asked if the trash enclosure was an accessory structure.
Commissioner Tilsen asked how big the trash enclosure was.
Commissioner Dwyer said that the trash enclosure was 10 feet by 20 feet.
Commissioner Koll seconded Commissioner Duggan's motion.
Commissioner Koll asked Mr. Scheel about signage.
Mr. Scheel said that the Hotel has no intention of putting up signs at this time, but would
like to reserve the right to do so in the future. Mr. Scheel said that any sign put up in the
future would conform to the Zoning Ordinance.
Mr. Danielson said that any sign would require a Conditional Use Permit.
Commissioner Dwyer instructed Mr. Scheel to attend the December 3, 1996 Council
meeting to discuss his application. Commissioner Dwyer said that the Planning
Commissioner takes it charge to protect the interests of the City seriously.
N1r. Scheel said that the Planning Commission's seriousness helps assure that there are no
loose ends, and that he agreed that both the City and the developers benefit from the
Planning Conunission's diligence.
Commissioner Duggan moved to adjourn.
Commissioner Lorberbaum seconded the motion.
The meeting adjourned at 9:20 PM.
Respectfully Subnzitted,
Patrick C. Hollister
Date: 11-2T-%
Mayor, City Council, and City Administrator
Paul R. Berg, Code Enforcement Officer ,� �• U•
Building Activity Report for Novertiber 1996
PERMITS: No. Valuation Fee Collected �
SfD 1 180,237.00 1,522.95 �
APT 0 0 0 �
CONDO 0 0 0 I
MISC. 27 256,856.00 5,071.33 �
C/I 11 1,081,701.00 7,130.08 �
Sub Total 39 1,518,794.00 13,724.36 �
Plumbing 3 220.00 �
Llater 4 20.00 �
SeWer 2 35.00 I
Heat, AC, '
& Gas 24 750.00 '
Sub 7otal 33 1,025.00
No. Valuation Fee Collected �
14 2,891,259.00 23,423.42 �
1 4,987,281.00 18,998.93 ,
6 716,278.00 6,868.14 �
0 0 0 �
370 3,708,276.00 56,093.9G �
92 19,581,096.00 98,915.04 �
483 31,884,190.00 204,299.49 �
225 3T,827.00 'i
380 50,607.00
No. Valuation Fee Collected
27 5,433,082.00 44,328.09
0 0 0
10 1,247,416.00 11,988.11
0 0 0
324 2,545,094.00 43,386.62
76 3,755,182.00 33,145.48
437 12,980,774.00 132,848.30
194 11,203.50
379 16,081.00
Licensin9• � I
� �
Contractor's � �
Licenses 24 600.00 � 391 9,775.00 � 376 9,400.00
Total 96 1,518,794.00 15,349.36 �1254 31,884,190.00 264,681.49 �1192 12,980,774.00 158,329.30
NOTE: ALL fee amounts exclude Sac, Wac, and State Surcharge. Artaunts shown Will reflect only permit, plan check fee, and
valuation amounts.
,y�! ! ��l��!!.�l7�V�:! � : �
Ir►� 1 �!►t !
November 27, 1996
To: Mayor, City Council and City Ad ' tor
Fram: Kevin Batchelder, City A
Subject: Acknowledge Communication from US West
Attached please find a comm.uaication from Kathy Kolbo, Comnnunity Affairs Manager
for USWes� �reganling recent decisions by the Minnesota Public Utilities Com�mission about
campe�itian in the telecammunications industry.
� � � �� a��
Nane. This item is incladed far your information only.
U S WEST Communicatians Group
�pcal Markets
240 South 5th Streei Roam 390
Minneapolis, MN 55402
j`�.� .�c.,t�:,. ! �.+ �'`1
- �� � �
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November 22, 1996
Mr. Tom Laweil
City Administratc�r
City of Mendofia Heights
11Q1 Victoria Curve
Mendota Heights, �viN 55118
DEax Tom,
�i,�•'`.�/� �r
You may have rea� in the newspapers over the weekend about a decisian made by ihe
Miitnesata �Public Utilities Cornmi.ssion #hat will allow U S WEST's competitors tfl
buy service from us at about a third of whai it costs us to pravide.
The decision is very obviously a dis-incenHve for us or others to further invest in ihe
telecommunications infrastructure in Minnesota. We believe ihe decision will have
a drama�ic and negative impact on the telecommunications infrastructure in this
state. I've attached the news release we used in talking with reporters aboufi the issue.
I will cantinue to keep you informed on this important issu� as i� moves farward. In
the meantime, please don't hesitate to call me an 612-663-5730 if you have q_uestions.
Kathy Koibo
Community Affairs Manager
NevuS Release
,+� • �
November 15, 199fi
Mary Hisley, 612-663-5992
A decision made today by the Minnesota. Public Utiiities Commission
will devastate the vitality of Minnesota's telecomrnunicatians network
harming consumers, cammunities and ecanamic deveiopment.
The Commission's order specifies the tenns and conditians under
which new locai telephone service providers -- AT&T, MCI and MFS —
will interconnect with U S WEST's netw�rk, The decision mandates
that U S WEST seil a fully equipped telephone line far a monthly price
of $15. 54. (That is $ i 2.43 for the line plus $3.50 for switching and
transport.) A pnce substantially below what it actualiy costs U S WEST
ta provide a telephone line.
"If the cammission's decision stands, it is clear U S WEST will have to
reevaluate the nature and extent of its business activities in
Minnesota," said Jim Smiley, U� WEST Communications Vice
President-Minnesota, "At $I5.50 per access line, U S WEST
anticipates it can generate approximately $440 miilion in annual
revenue. That is iess than half af the company's expenses in
Minnesota each year. For �ample, U S VVF',ST pays its 6,1 Q(}
Minnesota employees $207 million in wages. U S WEST paid taxes of
$85 mil.lion, and paid local vendors $304 million. The Commission's
decision will not :parovi.de U S WEST with enough cash to maintain its
current level of operations."
"The Commission's decision is bad public policy," said Smiley.
"Businesses, schools, hospitals and consumers all across Minnesota
depend on continued reliable telecommunications service and new
advanced services. That requires a state-of-the-art
telecommunications network, which won't exist withaut massive
investments. It's a huge job --- last year alane, U S WEa`.ST invested
$256 million in the state's locai network, and we've invested $2
billion in the network aver the past seven years."
- more -
U S WEaT News Re�ease
I'�tge 2
"New local service providers will have absolutely zero mot3vat3on to
build their own ne�works to provide ielephone service when they can
use our network at a price below cost," said Smiley. "And U S WEST
will have no reason to continue invest�ng in the netwark when we're
farced to let campetitors use it at prices that do not begin to recover
our investment, Minnesota consumers are facing the worst of both
worlds — no new investment by new competitors and no new
investment from existing providers."
"T'he promise af telecommunications competition was that numerous
companies would be in local markets, investing in network facilities to
bring the benefits of the Information Age to customers all over the
siate. Today's Commission order will desfiroy thai promise. While
some companies — such as AT&T, MCI and MFS -- will still have an
attractive profit oppartunity by riding the existing U S WEST netwark
at belaw-cost prices, their business strategies will not provi.de
11�:innesotans with the new invesf.znent needed ta fully benefit from the
Informatian Age."
`"Throughaut aur 100-year history in Minnesota, we have been
committed to providzng quali�ty service to our customers and building a
vigoraus telecommunications infrastructure to serve their needs. We
will not stand by idly while ihe vitality of the netwark is undemuned.
We intend to aggressively fight this decision on every possible front,"
stated Smile�.
To promote universal service, local home telephone service has
hi.storically been priced below what it actuaily costs a telephone
campany to provide. Ta stay in business, U S WES'T has priced other
sezvices — such as business and long distance service — abave their
actual costs.
`"I'he historic subsidy ta � local home telephone service simply cannot -
be maintained in a competitive environment," stated Smiley. "The
Commission's decision gives the benefits af subs�dized prices to
telecammu�caiians giants like ATc4f�`, MCi and MFS — massive billion
dollar companies. It is an outrage that U S WEST and our customers
should be forced ta subsidize fihese campanies."
�� �
November 27, 1996
To: Mayor, City Council and City Administrator
From: Kevin Batchelder, City Adminis�
Subject: Accept the Resignati.on of David Olmstead, Police Officer
Police Officer David Olmstead has tendered his resignation to the City of Mendota
Heights, effective October 29, 1996. David has not worked for the City since September 14,
1995 when he underwent arthroscopic surgery on his right knee. Because David's knee injury
was work related, he has been on Worker's Compensation and Sick Leave benefits since that
ti.me. It was determined that David's knee injury was tao severe to allow him to return to
work as a Police Officer. Recently, Berkeley Administrators has settled Officer Olmstead's
workers compensation claim and he has submitted his formal resignation.
Officer Olmstead has been a Mendota Heights Police Officer since 1967, a period of 29
years of service to the community. He will be sorely missed by the department both for lris
experience and lus professional demeanor.
City Council should formally accept the resignation of Police Officer David Olmstead,
effective October 29, 1996.
i 1" i • ' !:�
November 27, 1996
TQ: Mayor, City Cauncil and Cit�r A tor
FROM: James E. Danielson, Public Works Direc
SUB,TECT: Acquisition of F�gineeriug Vehicle
The acquisitian of a secand engineeriug vehicle was included for punchase within the
1997 Engineering Budget. The vehicle is intended to be used primarily by Tam Knuth for his
inspection and surveying duties. Tam needs a van sized vehicle in order to Garry all his plans
and surveyirng equipment. Tom currently uses hi.s own van and is reimbursed mileage. Tom's
van has very high mileage, burns o�. badly and needs replacement soan.
Tom knew that the City desired to have him convert to nsing a Gity owned vehicle in
lieu of paying him mileage, so he was attempting to make his van last until next year, and then
dispose of it and canvert to using a City vehicle. Tom recently learned that a private party
was selling a 1991 Plymouth seven passenger Voyager with anly 2'7,000 miles for $8,040.
Tlus was just the type of vehicle we needed and an excellent value (we had budgeted $13,000).
He, therefore inquired if the City would be willing to purchase the vehicle this year in order ta
take advantage af the opporlunity. La,rry Shaughnessy said the vehicle would be purchased
with equipment certificates, and they are available naw, so funding early wauld nat be a
I recommend that the City take advantage of this opportunity and acquire tl�is used
Plymouth Vaa that is 1ow mileage and in excellent condition (was inspected by the City
Mechanic) to be used by the Engineering Department as their inspection and surveying
: � � � � : .f �_������
If Cauncil desires to implement the recommendation they should pass a mot�an
� autharizing the expenditure of $$,000 to Warren and 7ean Olson, 120617elaware Avenue, for
the purchase of their 1991 Plymauth Voyager.
• �' � • ' �:� �
1:� •
Navemlaer 27, 1996
TO: Mayor, City Council and City Adm�
FROM: James E. Danielson, Public Works '
SUBJECT: Request for Private Street Designation
Northland Insurance Companies owns a campany named 7upiter Holdings. They desire
to have a segarate mailing address for this company (see attached letter), and have reqnested
City Council to designate a portian of the Northland Insurance's properiy as a"private street"
to be named "Jupiter 17rive". Northland Insurance will reeimburse the City for all expenses
related to the preparation and installatian of the street name si,gnage, Tlus praperiy is within a
City approved PUD District.
I recommend that the City grant Northland Insurance Company's request and allaw
Northland Insurance Company to designate a private street through their property ta be named
Jupiter Drive.
IT�Mi �!�`i .i 3�! i �'� � !�
If Cauncil desires to implement the recommendation for a private street on praperty
belonging to Narthland Insurance, they should approve the street narme as requested and diurect
staff ta mad.ify existing City base maps to include the new "priyate" stre�t.
� r r '---� _
J .
�-� ( ( i I 1 �
; � ' � Li--.-�
1101 Victoria` Curve
Mendota Heights� Minnesota 55118 •(612) 452-1850
. • ►
; ` —,� – —
11 /9ti [:K
NOU 2� '96 15�08
�� ��
� Insuran�e Comp�nies
Nor�h�arui bcssa�a�ue Comp�ny NmfhJatid �'aswtlty eam�xiny Nvrth ft�ri huurm:ce Cam� Nf�,u%�a Insurvnre G°mPQrry
rIovember 2'7,1�96
�2'I� O� �GIlC�O� H�3.�f1tS
Attn: Mr. Jim Dani.elson, Public Warks Dir�ctor
1101 Victaria C:urve
Mendota Heights, MN 55118
Dear Mr. Dtuuelson,
Northland Ins�rarice Companies wauld like to request that the City of Mendata f-Teights
desi�rt�te a portion of Natti�and insurance's property as a t`private°' street. This desigaation is
being requesteci in arder to establish a unit{ue street address for our parent holding company,
Jupiter �Ioldings, Tnc., that will be s�parate from #he Northland Insurance street ac�dress.
Th� area we desire to desi�aate a.s a private street is the drive•lan� on the East end of our privat�
parking lot, Conaecting Northla�nd Dzi�ve a�td Mendota .E%ights Drivc (see attached. site plan).
1�'orthland Insura�ace asswmes all responsibility for care, maintenanc�, and upkeep of this stxeet.
Furthermore, Narthland Insuranc� releases th� City of Mendota Hei�hts from any such
1�Torthland Insuranc� would lik� to request the designation of the street as "Jupiter Drive," In
additian, we wo�ld request that the City establish a street address on 7upiter Way ia order to
provide the US Pastal Service with a street maiiing address. We waulci also request street
signa�e in order ta clearly mark anci identify lupit�r Drive, iJ1e GOSE t}� `UV�IIGJI Will �%C �18 S4i�
responsibility ofNortliland Insurance.
Shouid you have any questions conc�rning this r�quest, please contact rne at the number below.
If necessary, I wii� be more than happy ta �.ttend ihe City Cauncii meetin� ��t which this
proposai will be present�d. Thank yau for your cooperation and prompt attention to this matter.
�, ��
�i►` t'
J.P. Pawlvk
Office Services and Facilities Mana�er
1295 Northlanci Drive St. Pau1,14SN 55120-1246 �z2lsss-��ao
, • i•,
:� :;j�t�iv�,
� ��
i � ' �
November 27, 19�6
City of Mendata �Teights
1 i O 1 V'�ctoria Curve
Mendota Heights, MN 55118
Dear �ir. Danielson:
This is to in£orm you that United Properties has approved Northland Insurance Compan;es'
request that the City of Mendata Heights designate a portion of Northfand Insurance's �roperty
as a"private" st�eet vv�th the name of "Jupit�r Way," The area they desire to designate as a
private stree� is the drive lane on the East end of the private parking iot connecting Narrhland
Drive and Mendota. Heiglits Drive {see attached site plan - Exlubit A}.
United Properties/Northland Tnsurance wiil assume all responsibility for care, maintenance, and
upkeep of t.his street. Furthermore, United Properties/Nocrthhland Tnsurance releases the City of
Mendota Heights from any such responsibi�ity, We would aIso request street sign�e in arder to
ciearly mark and identify Jupiter Way, the �cost of vcrhich will be the sale responsibility of United
Properties/Nort.hla.nd lnsarance.
Should you have any
Very t iy yours,
George . Burfcards
(612) 8 "-$836
concerning tl3is request, ptease contact me at the number below.
cc: J. P. Pawluk, Northland Insurance Com�anies
;�5fH1 Wast. 4(lt.ti Ctreer Minnean�lis_ Minnesoc� i54�1 C�12 R�I-If�f)i) F.ix: 612 49a",4QO-'�
�'` x
I I �III� ' ` M
November 27, 1996
To: Mayor, City Gouncil and City Administrator
From: Kevin Batchelder, City Ad ''`� r
Subject: Group Health Insurance Provider far 199'7
The group health provider for the City employees has been MedCenters for 13 years.
Over this time period, the City contribution far health insurance coverage for employees has
been nutstr�ipped by rate increases for health insurance premiums. In 1996, the group's health
insurance premiums increased by 17 �. MedCenters {to be known as Health Partners in 199'7}
has proposed anather ra.te increase of �.38 � in 1997, Given these rate increases, Gity
administration has sought out more competitive rates from other pmviders.
Public Employee's Insurance Program (PEIP) has offered a program to Mendota
Heights tha.t provides the same coverage of insur�.nce that we have had in our plan with
MedCenters (Health Fartners). F.�ch employee submitted aa Health History request so that
PEiF' could formally underwrite the premiums far our group and PBIF came back with rates
much lower than Health Pariners is pmposing for 1997, (Please see attached rate sheets.)
Because the PEIP rates are much better than those Health Partners has offered, Iarry
Shaughnessy, City Treasurer and myself are recommending ttiat the City of Mendota I�eights
switch to PEIP's group health insurance plan in 1997.
PEIF is a statewide group that includes apparoximately 90 pnblic employers in their
gmup health plau, including appro�cimately 40 municipaiities. Under the PEII� p1an, each
employee would have an individual chaice among three providers, Medica, Health I�'artne�rs,
and B1ue Plus (B1ue CrosslBlue Shield.) Because these are the three largest providers in
Minnesota, most, if not all, emplayees will not have to change doctors. Those that wish to
remain with IIealth Partners will be able to da so, at better rates than wauld be available
withaut belanging to a large group such as PEIP.
Ovex the last month, an employee subcommittee has considered a11 possible concerns
and compared the plans that bave been affered. The benefits and coverages are the same as
currently provided. {I'lease see attached sumrnary of benefits.) Several emplayee meetings
have been held with PEIP representatives to answer all the employee's questions and to
address concerns abaut this new program.
Copa�ption Plan and High Option Plan
Both PIIP and MedCenters (Health Partners) offered a$10 Copay Option Plan that
reduces the amount of the monthly premium for health insurance. Under a$10 Copay Option
Plan, a visit to the doctor for illness or injury requires a$10 payment, as opposed to full
coverage under the High Option Plan. Tlus item was discussed among the employees and a
vote was taken to determine if the group wishes to switch to a$10 copay option plan (as
opposed to the e�cisting High Option plan). There was an overwhelming majority (23-'� in
favor of the $10 copay option plan.
Because the $10 copay option plan inhibits unnecessary visits to the doctor, it is
expected that the group's long term experience ratio will be improved. Thus, over the long
term, this option may keep rates down for the City and its employees.
PEIP's Agreement
PIIP requires a two year commitment in order to participate in their group health plan.
Because they are a much larger group, Mendota Heights, as a member, would experience less
volatile rate increases. PIIP would review our group experience once every two years, as
opposed to the annual review we receive under our cunent plan. This is a benefit in terms of
budgeting. As a large group, PIIP has been able to keep their rate increases at a lower level
than individual providers can offer a small group such as Mendota Heights.
PEIP can provide the same level of group health insurance coverage and benefits at
reduced rates for our employee group. This significantly reduces out-of-pocket expenses
through payroll deductions for employees on family plans. Individuals would have a choice of
three different providers for health insurdnce to fit their individual needs. The PEIP plan may
also ease our Accountant's administrative workload. For these reasons, the City Treasurer and
myself recommend that City Council authorize Mendota Heights' employees to purchase group� --�-� �
health insurance, under the $10 Copay Option Plan, with Public Employees Insurance Program
in 1997 and 1998.
If City Council agrees with the recommendation, they should pass a motion to
authorize Mendota Heights' employees to purchase group health insurance, under the $10
Copay Option Plan, with Public Employees Insurance Program in 1997 and 1998.
! ;
Renewal f or
City of Mendota Heights
Effective January 1,1997
HealthPartners Health Plan (former MedCenters �lan)
(7.38°/o increase)
Employee Plus One
HealthPartners Health Plan
with $10 office visit copayment
(1.09% increase)
Employee �
Employee Plus One
/�s : ,
y � � : �--.
'�i -�'
� �
1. High Option Plan
Single $195.00
Plus One $417.00
Family � ' ' $581.00
Heaith Partners
' ' $624.00 �
2. $10.00 Copay Option Plan
Single �$197.00
Plus One $421.00
Family . _ .$587.00
C�+-�� b�l- ��� � 3s�
Public Employees Insurance Program
Medica Heaith Partners Blue Cross
$178.00 $207.00 $217.00
$465.00 �$538.00 $566.00
. �3`7� (Pti�o�v ,�.b���-��
� � � l c� l vi G Y"�'G!—�s2.
�\ \
• ' �``� \
[:iltuit))'t t'ti
CaU 1•800-828•5B0! or(6!2) 85l-560i tormore,. �.natton. �
$10 Office VisiU (Servtces must ba reaeivad imm or (Serv/ces must be rece/ved fram or Tter 1 Services Tier 2 Services
i 00°Io Hosptt811zation dJrecfed by your dasignated B/ue d/rected by your destgnated (Servicas racelved from or d/rected (Servlces recelved fram ar
Pius pdmary cere clln/c) NeafthParfisrs primary care clinic) by your des/gnated pdmary care directed 6y a self-referraf nerivork
� clinlcJ provlder)
Preventive Care 100% covera e 100�fl cavera e 100°!o covera e See certlflcate
Physician Servlces
Office Visit $10 copay $14 copay $10 copay $25 copay
Urgent Care $10 capay �i 0 copay $10 copay $25 oopay
Surgery/Delivery 10d% coverage 100% caverage 3 00°lo caverage 80°!o coverage
Hasptial Servtoes �
InpatienUOutpatient 100%covarage i0Q%COvBrdge iQ0°locaverage 80%coverage
Prescrtp2Eon tJrugs $8 ct�pay $8 copay �8 copay Refer to Tier 1
Mental Nealth
InpatienE 100% coverage 100% caverage 1Q0°lo caverage Rsfer ta iier S
Outpatient $10 copay $10 capay $10 capay Rsfer to Tier 1
Chemical tteaith
Inpatiant 100°!a caveraga 100% coverage 100°!o coveraga Refer ta Tier 1
Outpatien# $14 copay $10 capay $i 0 copay Refer to iler !
Emergency Room °
At pian hospital $4Q copay, walved tf admltted $40 capay, waived if admitted $d0 copay, waived if admlttad � Refer to �'ier 1
Out-of-area 80% of flrst $2,500 then 100% 80°to af fi�st $2,5Q0 than 104°lo Sd°!n af flrst $2,560 than 100°lo Refer to Tier 1
Flan Maxtmum
Annuai 4ut-of•Pocket $1,000 per parson $1,400 per person $1,000 per person Cambined with Tier 1
$2,040 famlly max. $2,d00 family max. $2,000 famfly max.
Th/s Is a summary of beneflts. Refer to each plan'a certiflcele af caverage for a camptefe descrlptlon of benefits end exc/uslans or contact the plan's customer serv/ce department number.
' ,
,� - July, 1996
Gas Pi��'�n9 Can�rae�ar
Steinkraus Plumbing and Heating Inc.
S& S Plumbing and Heating Inc.
AiTAC Coatractor
S& S Plumbing and Heating Inc.
General Cantraetor Lieense
Rayco Cons�.ruc�ion, Inc.
Tawn and Country Fence
.�•,•,;; ••, .:..�,� L;s;� ' �:::�;;'. ,:tc, •� s�.:,,;^r��,���°��' ,�>�.�;,::�::'a.•F'<• ....:. • •<>.,a,:. =,...
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December 2, 1996
TO: Xayor aad Ctty CoanciZ
Significant CZ�imc
Health Partners
Hughes & Costello
IInvsaal• clafms
Lenfer Transmission
Medical Insurance
rprs police car
.. - .r
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29 Nov d
Fri i0a35 RM
:7 .
$� �'� _ , . , � - ' ,
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12.13/96 Cl�ims List
City of htendtrta Hef ohts
uept 10- Adm
Dept 50-Roads
60-Utilities p�oe 1
70-Parks -
-� -90-Animal-Control
_..__._ .
--__�_._.__-- -___�._..___ ...__.__..__..__ __.__.__..�..._---._.. _.. -•---...._. _ .._ .__________..�..—y:__.__._
Number Vendar Name Account Cod'e Carnrnents., Rmaunt =
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___..__.._...�_..._._ .�_-____.___ .___..,__. ._._.....__ ._----... ._.. ..._.__._ .
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f-r ' Temp Cherk lVumber 4 ..
4 Apache "�"�____._�_..._..--.-_-----01-433@-490-50 -. . parta � 29.91 , � ._.._- - .-
� 4 Rpaehe 0I-433Qt-4�0-50 P�rts , 64_30 �xti�+
— :.6.
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7emp Cheok Nurnber 5 � ' •L
� f 5 Arcade Bady S:'t4A II11-433fd-49Q�-5Qt rprs 250. 0Qt • __ _
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Tem Check Numher 6
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4 Number Vendar^ tJame Acecunt Code Carnmeiits,. Amour,t� siS
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a 8 Kevin Hatchelder 01-4415-110-10 dea allow _�� � 120.00 �� _ �pi
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�x� " 10 Husiness Farm� & Acetg i.5-4300-060-60 w 2's 11.16 .,,
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10 8usiness Farms & Acctg 01=�►307�=1�� 1@-"""""'�..__..._.�_... ._. _.... .... _ ..._�.___
10 Business Farsns & Rcetg 0i-4s0Qs-�t20-2iB w 2's 2�.5fIl ,T4
,. ,
10 Husiness Forms & Acetg __ 01-430fb-030-30 w 2' s , 29. 50 �;,,
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x 11 Cool Air Mech ._._..._. __.. __._. .. .. _01-4335-310�-5@ ..._. .. . . .. . � _rors.. . �18.50 . .. , ...
» il Gaol Rir Mech 01-4335-310-70 rors 218.50 '�'
'� 21 CGol Air Mech IS-4335-3f0-6@ rars 228.48 :,
7 �_ .... _...... ""_"'" ' . ' ����...� •
;z;��•i.?a.;..33, x: � . 655.48 ° J
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29 Nov .o
Fri f0s36 AM
: "�
Temp Check N
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Clairns �.i�t _. Page 3
City af Mendota Neights �
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tr . .. .
�Q Tem Check Number _ 16 _..,...___._„e...�.._._.__.___......._. °•
�o , —_ __ _ ---- _ _ .. .. ...... . .. � .._ _ _.._.... __�_. . _ .. _ , _ _......�.... _. _ . ..-�•---.......----_ ._—_
. zO ,±� ' ifs I}a`r,ko Emgcy Eq � 01-4s0S-03Q+-3@ hydra test • 33.00 :.':-+.
^, � ---.»_
-- _�_ .___�._..___._�____._..._..__.__.---.___._____ .__. ..�.__._._.-..._.. - --...___. __ . ... . __._....---... _.
16 33. 0Q� .. _. _ . . _ __ .. ___
Totals Temp Ct�eck Nwnber 15 ,'
.__----._..,�_._. ._ --•-•--.,_�__�_._-_�.._._ .._._----..._... .._ _.. ._ _ _.._.__..--•.._...._, . . _. .
� Temp Check Number 17 � '
7. 17 Dennis Delmont._.w_�___.__�____,.,,. 01-441S-02Q!-20 _, _ , __, dec ai law l2Q�. @Q
� 0 17 3 �tIl. 00 >
�N �
Tatals Tern� eck Number 17
� ._....__..,_,..---..._—_.._._ ____._.___._..,,----....._-•- ----___ ___...._.. ._._.__._�_.___._,_.. ..,._---_..._.-----.__.. __._ ._. .._.. ... _....._ .._. _._.____ .
�3z ' = Temp Check lVumber 18 •
3 . ..
18 D J's MunicipalW�aupply M. 15-430�-060-60 solys 36.71 �•
18 _._ . �• _ . . 36.71 _
' r Totals Ternp Check Nwnber 18
iy�' ' : '
. ;y'r,°.:;s;�y;:, .. {,.��.. ;�... .
r�=�Y. mber ' 9 _ .
.o �
� 19 Fortis Benefits Ins Co 01-4132-@31-30
;. 19 ----- -
'" �'�:�;,�bx�7ot,aln�zTernp Check Nwatrer i9 ,
,w ,� w'.;�:• : �.� .
Temp Check Number 2Qt
• 7
2Qt Oraham Mf R� Esruce Camrne�^s Qfi-4131-02tD-20 - �--
4p . . ... � , '•!+"
;�r� ���y;�;cco.�;�k ;>��;-. ,�:. , .;� .,.,
? :'�`.°� �Tata s 'Tetn +�Ch..e�
Temp Cheak Nurnber
n:;� 'y .� �1 C.�reat Western
.�.; ,�.„ � , ,,� . <
�... .x ��. , ....
�,� . ,
aec prem
i'.�It" }
._._...d__._ ._....... `:�
166. 50 �;'.:�
i- :
..166.50-- ----•------ •-------:-si
prem,_ g�r 2 ack ____ __..__._.._�. _--- -- 54. ?5 i�, �
�J�i. IJ ,`�
29 Nav �
Fri f 0 a`sts RM
Temp Check N
,.�. ; , $ -� �`,�"
x .,r;,�s,p ;'.,x�.��� ;�'�,�.�;
;p;� •, TemP ^��»�;�
� ,<���-CFieck",. n xt
4 Number VendQ
Ci'airns List . .... Page k �
City af Mendota Neights �
nber 21 �
�.. , «�, .,:s.,1"�, �±`,. T�n'•"�:��;:y��;�s��','�'i'��;�; :Y�r.`t' ..<_"_. ;:,`t'; ' 4a`�'::�..,�':r. . „ r . . . , . y�
, .x - �, - " • ��k x <'f.�,; . ` ; �
zx. »v ' ;Y'x }zj �".ir��'�"�:.rew o t� , ' . I��~i
, .. ., „�,, � °� �, a � `• r,� �„�, �':r . '� , - . .
'�:arne Accou»t Code Commer�ts„ _.��,__ r._._.__._.....�._ Arriour'it _...�.�-- -- —=:-�f
�� },-�
_ �
21 �,reat Western Recycli,ng 01-4330-490--50 parts z5.56 ��
„��.�:: ��.�re��z.: ..e '_ :.�_, �^� x;.+. ..s.t,,:�,., k.'r 'a`'>�>'a['i;.ti . . , ' . _ ,. ����� • ;9
z. '� ..a . r, .; � .. • _ ,. ..r�:.
�'�vf �:' . .N Y�'� �,�*:4,.;'. ';. . ' } t s"' '04"..:zd.:,?a ....� ,....,.= . .k�,t.;" . .. , x. , . . ., x ' 70 �+
����• `�?::42:�rn.:m,�>�wiax���v:. >�.;..�g_ _.;,:.... - „, , �ii..'°�� . � � Sf. 12
> �.v� t S;.i
��.�`� ;'��n`Total�'�Temp Check Number � 21.=�� : • _ � _ � �._. Y.,_ .__.___._._�...___ �.�_._..__-•--_ ,-- --_ ... ..._ _- -.� _ ..._..-------...._..__.. ._ �,?
. ��
Tenp Check fiturrtber � 22 . ' .
�__�_._ . .._... -------._.._._.._ ._______ _ . _.�.._.._..._....__..._...._.__._..___. �
.v• :. 22 Oroup Health Inc -�`�-���� 1�-""—__.._____., ...---_. .-_.. dec prem _..� . ` - 165.35 `.
'xaw`.U,k�'^^i ' f -� K 3• , ����....� : f � .
' � 22 165. 35
° ' � ��.---.,,..____...,.___._._..._..---------•--------------__ ___..... _ _--
Tatals' Temp Cherk Nua►ber , 2� � � �'� �� � " . ��� •
Temp Check Number 23 �
L:. .x.
�*r�`',° ,23 Health� Aartners
t 23 Health Rartners
� 23 Wealt P�rtriers
23 Health Partners .
23 Health Rartners
eal ar ners,
� �� 23 liealth i��rtners
� 2s Heaith Rartners
23 Health Partr�ers i�
207 �
.� . Totals Ternp Check Number
24 Hughes 1F Castell,o
24"____.._._ _.. . _. _. ._ .
,, �, Totals Teap Check lVumber
.`^t=:i�::ti:;�;,;¢r,.. ;,�,`« �r�.'. . .
01-z074 dec prem 3, 246. 46 - V��; •�
01-4131-110-10 dec prem 1,658.22 '
.___. . _. .. ___ . . ___. .__.___.._ _.._�_.._. � �
—���fi-�rf�i=�1i�'fD=20--•----_.__.... _..._.,_. dea prem .. . - •• -3�'385.40_.___. _ ---..__. --- ----,__.. _
@I-4131-040-40 ' dec prern 552.74 „
01-4131-4�5Qr-50 dec prem 1, 623. 74 '
- - -. ._._. .. ,..
. �.� —.03=433�1=@70=70_ .___..._ .._._.,__..dec"prern�-----._..---.- .. .._._. _ . _.._ _..391': -.._.__.._.._._.,._..._. ....___._.._
05-4131-ifA5-15 dec prem 1, 98td. 74
08-4131-0Q0-00 dec prem 195.74 . .,
__._....__1�5=4��3-@fi�=�@ •_.._.... .._ ._.... _._.._ -�dec prern.._--- - ----.. . _ 391.46 --._... .. ..._. . _. .... _
� iK:t.:.,
13y 426. 00 ;,�
�_..+�.� ...._�.__.�.___�__. .._____.. ..__�..._ __.__._.._.. _...---._._ . . ____ .. ..----. ...... _.._. .. ..---...___----•�.__ . _. _. __ _.._._..__. . .
@t-422c�-12Q--�CQ�, .� act praz 2a 94i. 90 •'
. . ' 2y 941. 90 . _ .. .
24 i"•�� }
. , � -_... '- '._.�-.,_.,�_.,.___-._ �-'i
;�=; ,
r:ea�tnzerstiaze uaesei
�-' r<: A. ��x> . , , � 4
:�=�j'--':`', . . . „
Tot21s Temp Check Number
mp Chec4c iVumber 26
� �26 Ir�ternet
�jh:?: Ya d .'r . '"". . '?: • "
Totals Ternp Check Nuanber
mp Check Num er
, :._.
;. 27_>J .&aA �Clea»ers . � ..
OSl -4330-44?a-20
__�__�.. Parts
par�s "
, subs
aug sept cl
36. Qt3
36: 03�
19. 99
��, ��.
�_ .__. I�
�F@fd, 55 ___� � J
.. ,.
29 Nov � , Claims �ist Page 5 �
Fri 20s3b AM Gity uf Mendgte Heights • '
Temp Check NuMber 27 �
;a3lv.+':,,��s;� -„�._ ..�y� ., .�.'-><. s�x ��;•� 's �,;.._ ,��*2 .. ':. o-�' __ . , , `d�G£�":�>,. . . . . -, _ -» . .. . �
��,t� �,:1. ;8. "x"r�,�.y�fias;[ � ���:.d.'�' . - . .> .s"�:� , ., , i,..&: . .;��� . .. e�g . . _
�F.,; " . J . �:'r � >jr,:. �, " " ;� _ ._ s .
..�}? '�t'�z xt;,�,�a'.:.,.,. ..,�i. . �'�[`'�"� �;'�,
���:.Temp•,-�.�?+,"a; i.���''� . . ."tiA,`-� . - �:t �d�y�':' � n=':,� ; . ;.a .� - • . ,. ^ " ' ' , : . , , ' " ,� � '
;�"`.Checli'.h.i��::w�' •' a
µ..• Number Vettdar Neine � Rccaunt Cade � Camraents� _ �'��_.!."�Rmcrunt � '
" � ,-,
Z7 � k00.55 9 �
�-�':' �,>Totala :Teinp Chectt Number • > .•27 '�„ Y�: � < ` : .: > . . ' ry . , . . . . . y '°;� - . •�, - �°
��.��;"i.3 � c ^ ,�� " .w� ....,. ��"�< �H':,�::£..•:;...':,�:y.c: °�' :.;..c.:;'� . . . .. <.,}�
":a,�`r..,'.Y,��r,�;;��!„;s*�.x:a.�s:�<w.' , . , . ,, :�q*. ia.�:�., zh?� Y, v�:�-�<vy";w` - J � «;;:: „.v.v,�a: • ��i.>'•, > .4. s:' . - . • " ' , . - io
4:. �tena�Check �Numtier ` •�$^ , �� .. . • .__,_-_.._-------_----- ---.�._..�___._.--•-- '.. _..•--�- �-�- -. _ . . ._.. ___a�..�__r�......._. �'���
28 Kampa Tire 01-4330-440-20 t ires 694. 82 ,'_ :' ,
� -------
2$ _____._._.__._.r_�,_.__.__.._�_._._.__ _.__._.._._.---.._----_._-•-.___...._-....---.--_..__.-____-.---_._.._�.__...._.__�____�_...._�_�__694.8���---_.._______...��-- :_:
�'`,_�, ;�Totais,,T.emp Gheck Number 28 '"�'-,
,_�... .
�. � _..._��___.....__._ �..--...__— _.__._�_._. ---_._ .... .. ..... ....__._ _.... ._ _ _. _. __ _. ..._. _ _ ._.. _ ._.. .. _. _. •
Temp Check Number 29 - . � . ..._. .�.._.__..,.._.._____. .
29 Paul Kaiser 01-4268-150-30 nav svc 1,�50.13
�9 �
Totals Tern Check Num,ber_�,.__�,,_,__ 23 _,,.,,___^,,,,_ _„�,,.__,__., _.,
Ternp Check tUum�er 3@
30 Keye Qroductivity Cntr�v__.__ . --•- �1-44@0-110-10� � '
30 .__,______....._. ._,._.._._.._.-----.__._..----_.___.._ .--
Totals Ternp Cheak Number 30
M Temp Check Number---•---,-• .- 31 .�r._._ �._._—._�---_..�._.._
31 Thamas K»uth 15-4220-062t-60
31 TI-tornas Knuth-----.._.---•---._ ___.....__�. �7_44k�,-720-00 ._.___ _.. .
31 Thomas Knuth� 27-4415-722-00
31 Ttsarnas Krsuth 27-4415-723-0� �
_���3.1,_.7hcsm�s Knuth Q+5-4415-#05-15
31 Thomas tCnuth , 0�-4415-105-35
, � . ---
..,.,,.�.f .,,..:
�:,*=_^�f=::,'u�86 ••� x•�. ,: . <<
Totala Temp Check Number 31
32 L E,L 8
� fi . � �
Totals Ternp Check Number
; f.. Temp Check Nurnber 33
"t.b•`y}iL�'9 ... Y.r .>
'° 33 L M�C � T
s3L.MC I T
t"�'=�'� �»'7ata2s Temp Check Number
;t.;��''a�,�'���; , . �
0 i, -41"37. -ID2@--20
i, 250. 13 �.;���..3
•: n
i.• .
' . _regr_ . _.. ..._ ., .__ _ .. _ 139.00 . ......._. .__.. _
._ . __ .. ._ .. _ . 139.�t0 .... .
� !_� �3
exp �^eimb 22.9Q+ "
__ exp_reirnb _ _ _ _ _ 1i.7�
exp reimb �15.�0 '
exp reirnb i5.60 `�
exp reirnb 8.10
dec �llaw 10.00 <<,
_���� °Uit
-._�.�_..'.,�-- --'_..____�.».�.____.....�__...%3..d0 __. .___.._. ����'
• },,.'
dec dues 363.00 j;;�
t�_-_____�.__ _�_...—__..._—.___..�__ 363. 00 � � ^��!"!
. }`�i
_�__._.�._..�.___�-----.._ ___.__._.____ .. —__._ �-.---_ __ ... ._._,._—_...._._�___�.�!'�
.�, dec_,_prern � 50b.99 _..v �__.��_�`:J
dec orern 526.93 ;_'�j
29 Nov �
Fri i@s:��s RM
Tem Check Number
�:;r� �;�.;���'�;e: �.�`_. .
x �,:7emp. ,� .
� Ctieck"
' ,.Number Vendar hlame
• 34 l.a4erquist Cary
� 5. Y�T;K.��'r�X�`i (` `„���i,'� ,? . i� .. ..
• sw- •�«Totala Tem Check J
Clairns List
City of Mendota Fteights
' . :�' , „ `, .��r�.< �;'� � �� � . , . . ,. . � ° .'� .
, .. .. » � t ''� .. , . . . � . : � ' . '
Accaunt Code Camrnerets_
08-4335-0@0-00 nav svc
�er. < �4 . ...r,s �,.- aw.. . , ; r � , , . , ... s .
page 6
. �
. `�f
�s ; � - .::-�.:.;.�s• . ;f fi _ .., � > ,
. � .�r . ; 3 i I
Amount -
` '"'�
97.5c� �, � .
�wp 9
. .. . , � ` �7�JG. • .�10
, r . i1 1 �
r...._.__�M�.. .._ _._ ...___._ —.,_... _.__. _____._.__�...._..._�_.._�:17
s� Ternp Check iVurnber 35 �''� �
,s �
..._.--------------•--� .._._..._ ----_ ----_._,... _�_...._..—.�_.•--___..�._._...---._.._.�-----,._..----------�- -- -- .._..—...�_�.�.
+� 35 l.enfer Transmission @i-433fd-440-20 �'µ � rprs �� 1,"`786.-�m_""�__ ___._..._._�.... .
,m ;,�;, .-�35 ' � 1,786.30 �. �
-----_.... ._-------._.___._..._....—.w._._�._._.v_._....,----_..�__._._---__..._._,. _. ._ .__-___---..,_._----..,... ___. .�.�
14 Totals Ternp Check Number 35 ....__... _...... __.... _. . ...._.__ .. ._ _. ...-.---._.._
» . .. �
�a Tern Check Number 3f� � �
----•---_-__�._._ ._.__.._.�------•-----------._.__.._----._..... __.._ .�.
10 —.."_ __M1. . ..... .__'._....'__"_.,_._'_._,....._"...._._'_'_".'
...,. _ ...._.._. „ ."_' ' '"__..�_._..�._._.....«._....._..... _2t
,=0 36 Leef En^c+s 02-4335-33@-50 nav svc !3. 89 ���' ��
36 Leef Hros 01-433�-310-70 nav svc 13.89 "• '
--..��._..�__�._..______---__,.._---.__.._._..___ .. ____._. ...._..---__ .,.. .__.____.___.. _ . . _._---._ ._..__ ..___ .... ............_. .. _..... _... _.
36 Leef Hros 15-4335-310-6@ �nav svc 13.89'-""� �' �'�"�'�'-" -'- "�---""" -
_ ----- �''' � t
108 41. 67 '' �
._�... . _.... .-• -� - --- •--� •--•-_._... ._ ..... _ _ _...... _ . �..
Tota�s-Ternp ��ieck Number • 3B"---".____.__.... .. _� .. . ._... �_..._ _.---_.�__ ..,_, __ ._. ._ _.. �. _ ..__.___.
Temp Cfieck Number 3� �
37 l.incaln &e�tefi# 01-4132-11@-10 dec prern 138.10 {' u,
37 �inco2n Henefit 01-4f31-@20-20 dec orern 272.64 1" "'�
7tt 4i0.?4 •-
Totals 3ernp_Check Number 37 �
Tesnp Check Number 38
y�, 39 �ucent Technologies
r':��.;�=38 l..cicent Technologfes
Totals Temp Gheck Number
p�Cherk Number 39
39 Mac Queen
otals Temp Check
,;� �'Se..•.r:a^ � .. '� .
Check IVurrtt�er
40 Mer�ards
4� . --
'oteis.Temp Check Nurnber
; �^,�; : .
40 J� .
Q� 1-433@-49@--50
dec svc
dec svc
dec svc
pat^t s
11.26 . .
11.'d'6 icc: 't
11. �7 '' �
_�..... .____ __. __..._ ...________�_�_:� /
33.79 - - (t°~ .
----.._ _._.r._.._._.._.__....___ ..�_ _,.�;
. ��P�. ,
"'�►9: �89--' �e+ '
����w 62� s
49. 83 �`„�'j
_ _..__ _.._.....-..."__ ._........._ _.�..,... __..._.....____` _'_' _'y
_�, �t F�
54. 96 �'
_..__ ��= � _ I':1
r: �
29 Nav n Claitns List
Fri i@:3fi RM City of Mendata Heights
Temp Check Number 41 �
As.s`��%.ti:;y}�.��,�.�x':;�2"�Y s '".A;. . . , . , „ ,_ y . , < . � . , e �,. ..4£;�t, ;M. <
y,. ,�,,� � ���
��:�,T�rrip. q`s'.��� , . . , , .
z; •Check �: . , „ , , . ,
h �
Numtrer +Vendor htarne Rccau»t Code `-'-- -.'�_� Comrnents^
. �
Page ? "
• fr'S'
* ��'N. . .. ' ,. a...a .'s,; � - t +.i.�,.�m. . :.xa��:= .�r:�:, � �
., -.
' � - " - ' , �'�* ' . , . .:'s; . . , , :* µ"' � �� 1
41 Medtox 01-4220-@50-50 oct svc 138.00 B�
,"r>�s�� y� —_-: r;r`�,. y� � <u , :.;�' a . ------ -:
���L ��i. 'v': \-�x6:� �k ' - �'$�. q`x.g. �. . ' ' . - .. nCr .. , . �. �f.i Jwn` *o: . ^ r�£: • 3r � . ,��.w O
��}�r^i.jW'bia'?^f�?►,1'�,��:�:.'s;�yst�;i^�,?i,rH.. .,� 'r:, t , `, ,i�.• . , . i , , . , . , • � ' o . 3 . `,`��tr'`�'n"`oo� }��< ��:��,^�;��'`:
�;.F. �:3 , "�l 8: 01D �, �
��� <�'Totals�Tem,p Check Number �41 ' ..__.......Y.__....__----_..___� _____. _..--- ,Y_--•--.__ _�.__._......,�_.__...�- •----- ..,_.---_��...�___.:_.=_.:�.._ '"'�� ,�
Temp Check Numbet^ 42 � jM1;#: s
. ,. ,.
_.__....�.__......�_. ....._._ _._........_---_....__._.. ..._ . . .__.__ ..._ .- -• --• -- _.. _... _:..._. _..-•--.__...�-----�.. _______.__._.__.._ . . _. _ _�_._...__.____ ..-i�
� 42 Metra Counezl Envira»rnentSvc 15-4448-Q�60-6@ dec svc 71s610.0tD�" �%t
,o ,. 42 Metro� Cannci 1 Envira��rner,tSvc 17-3575 � dec svc 2, 796. 00cr '' �.�^,
, ,� ____----- ��,;i
84 "'-____..___._.__..---_.,._ �___.._.._._..-.---.___. _. _-•---.._. _..._____...._ .._.._. ._.__.._.---_._r_..... ___.__..-..._......__68�f'$14.0@._..._ _.�_. __..__._�.��._...-�._
t: :;
Tatals iemp Check Number 42 ':;':
E2, �
_._ _...,___,._- _---� -•- ---._..___._.. ._._-- --- - ---. _. . .....----_._e... __. _-_ �-----------_.-----__ ... _._ ._____......_._� _. _.-------- --
, Temp Check lVumber 43 . �='€
. ?fi1! �j
� �..
43 Mn COP Assn.._�_.._v._.�_..__.---,•01,4404-0�0-�0_... .._�_. _ _.. .... ...._ ..,. dues _ ._ _.�.� _.__ __ 120.00
...._____�...._....__.. .._ . _.__........._._.__ _. ,---- %�
-- ------ "�;�
43 12fA.00 � .
,, :.
Totals Temp _Cherk..Number. � _. „43 _._ ,_., _ •..
Terop Chec#c IUumber 44 �
44 Minn Mutual Life Ins 01-2@�k dec prem � � 190.27 � �
k4 Minn Mutual Life Ins 01-�+i31-110-i�k dec prern 9.5� �`
44 Minn Mutu�l Life Ins .... ._ 01-4131-@2Q�-20 dea_prern�__._� .� .._ ,.._W ' . ,.�,. ..... .. ^46.'75 �'a�
. -.___._.__._---...._--- - - ----.,._.... __ .. . _..._ __, .. .___ _._.. _.._.._. ..___ ___...
44 Minn Mutual Life Ins 01-4131-050-50 dec prem � 3.80�� -"+� '-���""' •-.
44 Minn Mutual Life Ir�s 02-4131-Q�7@-70 dec prem 5.70 "
44 Minn_Mutual Life Fns 08-k131-�00-00 dec prem 1.�0
44 Minn Mutua] Life Ins 01-4131-04@-40 dec prern � � �� �� 16. 15 � � ��,
3Q�8 C74. 07 �
� Tatals�Temp Check Number 44 � •
"_ ��.J���.
' ' 7 v,•.�
t �„ �''� /
'w"-� Temo Chec}c Number 45
__._.____..__�_ .... ._____., _�._... _.`.__...�____._�.�_ _._ _ _._...---._...._._._ __..,_.._. �i
jb� 45 Minnesata �+enefit Assn 01-2074 dee prem 179.66 �°;'
�^� 45 Minne�ota Benefit Assn 01-4F31-02@-20 dec recn_!� 355.96 ���
_...___._._,...,.-�-------_�...._—.__-----..._P._,_ _--__._------- -----._.._ _._ __.-__...-•------�-----__._�Y�
4O '> '�' >• 45 Minnesc�ta Henefit�Assn 01-4131-050-50 dec prem 58. 23 -�"�
�+ �' 45 Mirme�ata Henefit Assn 01^4131-070-70 dec prem 356.67 "`
�}�'�•.q,-� �� . . ��P�
�'�'_ ��` 45 'Minnesata Benefit Ass» Qi5-4231�ii�5-15 �..--___. .._.. dec _prem _ _......._.__.. __ 152�5Q� .'
� 45 Minnesota Henefft Assn i�-4131-060-60 dec prem 44.5� � • °1�
•y 45 Minnesc�ta &enefit Assn 01-4131-110-10 dec prem 24.Q18 ;'_
� _�...�M_._.� �e,n�
.�.,....__..__ �....__ _. _..... __"_'_..._._
♦O 315 _._ �_...,.._.. _._._.....---__�.___...,._._._ _ .---- ____._ _ .... -- -1 � 1�71�. 6�C
e__ _ •.------•---......_ t..
•�.�"�, � Total� Ternp Check Nu�nber 45' �°`�
a�'��» z.., . . -
r f : . . _..__ _ . ....... . . . . . _ �.� .
--------- --------
= Temp Checic iVumber 46
s+ 46 Minn Baokstc+re
aa :x:,,,` , __ >. • _.. ' _
Sa �'� �:,, 46 � .;: •
..,__�__.__� , so2ys ..�.�
197i @3
197. @3
29 Nov , Clai�ns L.ist
Fri i�t`sa RM City c3f Mendata Heights
Ternp Check Number 47
�+,�^-� � �,��: r ^, tis '�` < . , ,. , . �: � � ��q, $i �.;.,> - . . . . .
�"�.�ir'�,:.���,��;� . . • . ,. , : - • •
�Temp. � +� � g`" , � ._ . .,. . . .
:�1'M::�..w1i:5NR�i�a,�i�$ir�t�` , , � nJ .. .. .. ,,�,:.�
i1jUtAfS2Y' V2i1ti4Y` NdFflE HCCOUri'$ COdQ
47 Minn F'olice 6 Peace Offc Assn 01-4404-020-2@
�y�a� �;,�, �:itr--�s >:�^�: •� s�„m,,; • �, , - ,, ,` , ' � -
�*'?F'tm� ,?� '_' -� t 'a.4' ' % , f.: . ".`.xAYi:: . :
'y�`.; Y�M,.h�9`.1}�.l�,a.'4P.�:;�',i'�?:.�;'c,Zti,`,���'»'S.bK�r � ; ri" �d+:: , l, . , e.w. . . >
�����:„Total�$Temp Check Number � �� 47'!•
_ Rage 8
=w� �:;
- � . , , r,r„;�, ,.:;�`•" ,�.�'• - �`�;„d:�,.;, �: �
, ', ,'{•, . , w' , , , ;.x,<; � ' �
S ---- �i(t#QUYt� s
p . 6 ��
�1�J. rD0 a � .
- ' . ` ; --- �,.h: s... :� ,. ; ..,z�. ,a�. ,= a
e,. �
" � � ' ,. ` 45.0GJ .. ; �€.':tw. ,`�r,'=;�;��ir��:a::�,a:�±�' , �o
.a '.W ; . iy�.�"Y.y✓yi�„'� It
... ....___......____..��..�.�_�� �..- .__�..��.�__.. 12
Temp Ctsecic Numher 48 . "
�„� �. :
_....._ .._.. _ ---..__ . ._..---._.._.�_..__ .�___..._....�.__...____..__ _ _.._,,. ___.__ i,cl
4S- a'F!'rme�sa£a i'�eamsters� Loc 320. _... OS=�CQ�75 ---� .�".�_��_ dec di�es 270.00'-' ;+�;
� �� ''y',�•; f pg " - "�' 70. Pa0 �: c �.
:. .....�.�—_. �_.—.._�� ___. ____...._ .._.__... . ... . ---.._ .....�._ . ____._...___.._._ ____._.. _...- ---...._...--- .-•--.._._..._..__,.�_-----___---------------- '
Tatals Temp Check 1Vumber 48 � � iry"f
Tem Check Nurnber 4'� � �`�
P _— � .�_________....__..___�__..__._._..._._....--•-• _ __ .. . _ _---_._.__._..__--•---...._._._...__.__ ..__.___..._-•--._....,.�_.......___......__.
49 Mobile Phone Co 0i-4330-44@-2@ squad phone rprs i@C.55 ',4;.•y
------ ''
-- >�,�
------__�--...._.�__.__...___._.__._ .. . . .. .. _ . ._ _ • - - _ _. . . .. ....__--••-- -.. �_.._.._ .._..__. ___... ---
49 __ _ 102: 55.._......._ ._ .r__..----. __. _�_.._._.:;.
Tatals Temp Check 1�lusnbe�^ 49 °"
' i;
__.._w._.._._...�_ . .._._._._�__...,_.._....�...._ _. "
Temp Check Nurnber 50�- -._. . .. . . _ r _... ._. ._ ._ ..... _._ ..._--. -----.______. _ _.---_._�_�.__.__
50 Needels Co 01-4305-030-30 splys i7.kk �
50 17. 44
�� �
Tatals i'emp Check iVumber 54� ' r,,;
_. - ------___ .. . _._____.____..�.---._.__._ ...._ . _, . ., .. .._. . .. ._.--•--._.._. ....._... _ ...._ .....,._.___ _._.._. .,,.�,___..._.__._Y___ ,`_
Temp Check kVurnber 52 �
51 Nextell Ec?rnrn- ---� . . .. 01-4330-46@-3Q� parts �� -� � .s33.5k. ." . �. ` .. .'... •
51 Nextell Caorra 01-4330-46@-30 parts 333.54 � '^
---'-102 � � 667.4& -
Totals Temp Check Number 51 S4}� �
-- .�__,_.�....._____._____---._.._.__......__._ _..._.__�__—�...___.....------�_...---.�__ __.. __ ���i~
�•_�l . _. � _.._- - -,.._
52 Narihern
,r �i �. � . 52
Totais Terop Check iVumber
Temp Check Number 53
��s":` 53 Nnrthern St�te Pcawer
�,�°�-•,,a,� v�.5,3,IVorthern State Power
�,� �; �,53 Marttiern _St�te Rawer �
53 Narthern Staie Power
53 Ncarthern State Power
53 Nc+rthern State Rawer
;�x �,:;: < � 53 Northern St�te Rawer
, ;a L;' ' �" � ..
K��,y;�:c�' ?n,,,;,_
Y.�is�'_ � . a ...I.'��.`.rY. •
@1 �430��050-SQt
01-421�=s15-30 �
._ ._.�..._..___._,.�.sc�lys__.._
-�---+-•�dec svc� �
dec svc
dec svc
dec svc
dec svc
tiec svc
`- "`�--'�ec svc�
99. 64
99. 64
�'.' I ••
,_ 1...�' �
_" 284.-28�.,...__��_�-._._.._._.�,.�
41. 33 �'�
41. 34 ��
' 4i�4 ,�F�
34. 0C I� ° ,
17.73 "
�,___.-k76:7@---__�_... .,, �;sj
29 Nov � .,
Fri i@s36 AM
Ciaims �iat
Gity af Mendata Heights
�, hr. .�"t�a 3A '.�'�. ' .a...t : e .w y � �. *� � -
SY't$Tu .�.k . �''' rS � '_ ._. .��� . xe-.. .� ' ^ �t�.'� „i.
g�w£.�;"�-„a_;��-.�3„>s���g_.�+ :.:�:�:n>;,�;'',;�:a� ,�rY;,.,.y��;.�.���:�,�`��°� ;�;„.,'?�
IYj �"a� v � m• $ s �;,,.�a>• �„�,;;�:- " � ' s* 'rhf . , , �
eck�°�'� ��,�,�.� �r ;�,���.s;,� � � :�'.o � r�� � � � <�, .��. x. u�, �:�^ „. :' . . ` ..._�
_�. � a: I"�
ber Vendor Name Account Code
5s Northern 5tate Rawer 01-4211-318-30
:�53z.NortFsern'Btate�`i?c+wer ;� �_;;";�:.'„4 ;=01�4z2.2-310-5@ .. , ,_ . .
�, � � � ri�.�.r,.<..,,..= � 01=421,'1=310-70 • rv� � s'.�, . *' .
�`8�:,"'hior�hern .S�a�e-.Rawe'r °� �> �.�>� -.�`: � .
� � . -
•.b3.Norbhern'-State'pawer `� y t�-4211�=310-60 _`__,_„__, �_.,
33 fitort herrs St ate Power ^c8-42 i 2-Q�@0-OtL±
636 T �._.___.�..�----....___�...._..__...._.,_.__._._.___ ..
Tatals 'femp Ctteck Number � 53
<:. � �-s' �; �" ' ` ' .
��P, g` ir r:� e .
o�.Check Number 54
54 Northern State Pawer
54 1'Jorthern State Pawer
54 Narthern Stmte Pawer
; " ;'S4 NortherM S�ate Power
54 IVorthern State Power
� Page 9 '
' r-
' l.�
., , . . T , . � .. . . * .r:av.: .. .. � :f, t. ':z.>. . t��vsa^"`c'� :.:5>� ''i'g"r" >`.N'��::- t
.. . n .+S �: . .. t,� '
,. .. � . . � ��,j • ,p. . .r'e% ' �Wt' a s��s ,,, � �
Gamments_ r�mount �
" r,
dec svc 368. 19 8�
dea svc , ' . 53 .2 � ,;. ;;;::• o
deC �svc ' , . . . " 531: $9 ` �` `.'e `" .,. s:t' ''e'<.'::'� �s ,o �
. , ,., . . . .
?. ,.. . ; -- :� • � :� .� � „
dec svc " 533.30 „
-•.. _ ._ _. ._ _ _ . ---.___.._ _.__....-•--- --•------...___.. _.. ---.__ ._---_ .._ ___ __..—___,___
dec svc _�741_12 I+�
3, 691. 93 ��,,'4 ;
. � i; � r-''
.__ . ._...._ ___. ».....,._._......._.._._..... .. --- .. _.. . .... .___. . _......_ ... .......... . . . '... ._ .. .. .. ._ ... ._ ___.. ...' • --..._"-"—_"•'-�.-�.._.- �: ii
tbi-42i 1-30¢�-50 dee svc 44i.24 �"z�' i
01-4211-420-5� dec svc 320.�8 ;�;;
_ _.._._�_--•_-•-•- •--•-._._,..._. _ .__. ... __ _ . _ . _ ._._ _ . _-•-- --. .. ._ �,.__---- ._ . _ _. _.__.,.--•-- __ _ . -. _-
01-4211-320-70 dec svc 19�.38 ---���-�-�---- ,�,
08-421 f-�€Qt0-tII0 • dec svc !, td46. i� t'°�f'�
15-4211-400-60 dea svc 440.�C -
Totals Ter�_Check_Number , 54
Temp Check hlusnaer 55
_._�__. _..___ . _ . _ ._..... _.._...._---__. _.._._._..._ �
55 0 f f i ce �ia x 01-430Q�-050-50
55 Off3ce i�tax 0i-4300-Q�70-70
55 Of�ice M�_x i5-4300-060-60
' � 55 Office Max � �! �� �M 01-4300-110-10
' S5 Office l�ax f1�2-43@0-f�4@-I�
55 qffice Max_„_,._ _ , .. i5-4300-060-60
55 pffice Max �01-4300-640-12
5.�, Office f+'iax 0f-4300-640-12
., Tatals Temp Check Numaer 55
1 �� ��..��
Temp Check Number 56
° 56 Oxygen Service Ca
�` �i 12 ' �
Total� Ternp Check Nurnber
�• ; � �
�'`�` ' k�3 S7 PUbS � C Ernpl Ret Assn
��`�F�''�� �7 PubLf� Emol _ Ret Rssn
57 Public Empl Ret Assn
`'�F.`,<�Totals Temp Check Number
,-��� #;:� �" - " � � � -
� 08-4335-0@0-00�....__ _.._,.._.---____�__
56 ---._..�•-- -----�----._ _.-..__.
, 01-20'7k
02-413i-I1Ql,,,�k0 ___.
Qi1-4133 -4�20-�0
,.�.._ _--------� - -.._...---._�_...___._....
� 2, 439. C5 �''t .
sQlys 28.2�
sp 1 ys 28. 8c^ i,o Y,,`�}
s p 1 ys 28. 22 i,�r
�_._---. , .__ __..___ ._ ,. _ __�.__
sp�ys .... __ ...�._ ..... .._.._ ._ .120.,50 -'
sp2ys 69.16 � .
sp i y 27. 65 _ . . . . .. . ..� - •----- _._
splys , 42. 50 '- •
spiys 47.87 "
392.3k . .. ^.
. . �_2�:.:�
_.__._..---... .-----�....__ ._._.....___... __.-------_____._. ._..� ___.___. ��_
i�'�. �^-
act ihru 10131 13.50 ;��,'
_oX�.____....__ _.....---_ _.--•�-•---._. _._ .._,__.... .E3.%�. ...._— �- —. —,iij
. � (�8'
---- -,------._...._.___.,._._.__._._e_ _ ._�_.___._37. 22 _.__ ;��
dec prern 108.0Q�
dec ._prern __.. � ._ ----� ---- � -�� ------
dec pr-ern �12.00
.-_..M__..- • --------._.._�--._.._.�.__�.__1�9. Q10 _ .....� _
29 Nov �
Fri ItD.36 RM
Temp Check N
;����,��"� �. , -�,: .
`��`° ,�s�
, a ,a. '1" mo_`s,,;'e'� �3:�
Ternp Check iNumber
� ���e SS emarkabl e
ro���.t �'i.
'�; $�„ ,: rJ9"' ;`i :%5=z. >
a 7ntals Temp Ch
Temp Check Number
C1'aitns List
Ci�y af Met�dota iieights
.,rkc„�: �.�����:.r:"<�r*p: • ;,��r: `�_, <
�„r '�.. �.w ^ .e.
Tnc 01-4330-490-70
�:�� �>..K: : .. �, :�,, ��.,;. n. �n€�k ,,;, ,�, .. :�,r. . ,,. :. � e
'��°;.'�^'nr''ti°''a`�;: *�.�z.s'�'^.Cx`e.NPp,"`'w't�`:.�f:'^si't"'w�n','`° i'✓";•.�q::Ye�:���t. ` . � ..
ck Number�a • " � � 5A =�`�
s ^
Y �`A' �.
. . "'60 8even Corner� Ace Hdwe
60 Seven Carners Ace Hdwe
--�i=4�42+=i10=3�A•-____ �_...._
����_..._..._____.._�..� _
Rage 10
x � , . � , , . , , , _ ,.' � . . '� . T . . � � a ,
- –_.._. ..__.__ �—?imouri 'a
� !. 1
263. 79 ,
. _ • 263.79 :.. • .: • -'.,3� .. -:���10�
•---.__.._._..____—_..__.__. _. .. _ . --• __ _ _._._...._.._ .._�..___.�_ ,_
�..'r ,
i,.l. �
._..__.__----... ..__ S��Y� .. _... ..._._ ___ _ ___ . _ . --- . _ .. _ -. 44. f!� .. _. _. . ..--------------- ::' �
���..... Yh� �.�y,
,,f� .
44. 85 �
__.___r_.._.__.. _.__.___ _ .._.__...�.__. ___._.__,.. ...._.
01-433Qs-490-5tA rprs
01-433Q�-490-50 rprs
12@ • .
Totals Temp Check Nurnber 60
. , Temp Ghecic � Nurnber 6k
�`�1 L"�� aug r�essy..__. ___._ .._.. ....,. - �1=4220-13�=1@ - ._
61 � E Shaughnessy 05-4220-132--25
61 L E Shaughnessy 15-k220-132-60
�3 G �Shauglirressy _._..__..._ __..---.�.._�_.29-�i�20=132=�00 - - --... .__.. .. _
.� 61 � �E Shaughnessy �1-4220-132-0¢�
61 L E Sh�ughr�essy 03-4220-132-00
61 L��E �Sh�ughriessy��� � � �� � �16-42^c�0-13^c-thQ�
� Tota].s Temp Check Number 61
. Temp :Check fVumber 62
nav svc
nav svc
nav svc
" naa svc "' ' � "
nav svc
62 S K B • 01-4490-@50-50 waste disp fee
b2 5 K B 01-44�3rIt-070-7@ waste d isp fee
__�__ �_ _.�___�—_.. _.^. .._.. _.----
62 ^� K b iS-4450=0f0�f�0 ---v_T ..�- ---"��-waste-disp'�fee
s:�- `����'186' < ' .
Totals Temp Checii IVumber�� 6^c �' �v�
Semp Check idumber 63
�," . ,, 63 �tate Mutual Ins �1-2@74
:�<.•"`�"��x�"53 State tYiutua2 ins 01-4i31-020-2Q 4
126 _
7ot�ls-Temp Check Number 53 _ _ _ _
E4 �sqYki.e'',f.r°:x;J� "r .5'.
�+';�;�,;Temp Check, Number 64
� t",v;�= , ., x,,. � : -.. =
�� 64 Twin Gities Svc Cer�ter t�i-4330-45@-30 �
dec prem
dec` prern
..-r �
.._ ._.__ __ _.. ----. ___..._...—•-.._=.j;
i�.62 :t': s
24. 52 '
1 � 544. 8.�i " "' .
i 65. 85 :: ,
236. 95 ``'�
80:55"-�--� -- �----.�....__._�_;_
18@. @5 �
2,331.4i ' .•
4, 738. 75
. . ',�'.t
. ��..
_..___._.�_._.__...._��__ __._—_..��,
255. @5 �':I
.� .
�55. Q3'Si 7_ _ �
_ ..__._._�_._ _
- 255.0�0------.�'.. __.s. ______�_�_.___:;�
� ------ ��
765.10 �•n3 ♦
_�..__..�__._.—._.. ��
i .�
�...._. _. __, '—'--.__.._ __._...."-- ' '—._�_.,..--'_._..,. �.--' �'�'`� .
143. 11 ���
2� s95. ?2 �,.Ft
..._. ------__ -._ .�_.M _ ;�
2� 538. 83 l,��,
• t7: !
__.v.�._...__�_..,�.___s_�__ « 73'
__ 1�5.-50 �T�
29 Nav .i
Fri 10:36 AM
Temo Check Num6er
Claims �ist ,�
Gity af Mendata Heights
Y=�> s'���`'�k'>az°��'oi:'B�.�i��tt�'re;��,`#o�"^>"'�'"'�tx. ;,.^Y�i.�k:,. , >�rt .�C�n4,'i",,.'i:�.,.
' ,A '.7' ;n'�'c� < i'.! `'7t ,'s.• .F F��r," . yt'.'` s: ie;. y.fi�,kb. .
x� ..> �eb.j*�ti�„r;� `.J�'. " ...t
�H: >.L:,%;`xx0,4.�y��„S4"s S�;Pi.s"�t��f7x�t.s'+��.�''"j'"�''n' `:i,�% ... '"r . . ' , .
r L' k �
R�ge il
x:s:i:cr � , "' > .. , . .. � � F s.. . . ;.a� � .
s � ,
tvumoer venaor svame . taccaunz �.aoe �arnrnenss t-tmouns �� !
' 6 �`
� i� i�
--, ------ �+ �
ak��°�y�;d�'�},�.�5ji,.�xi'?S��%�'y� ��;�'�� a`'� m.�:'��. s' l• �•. � ,,a.sa; �::L.:�.y�":.� S::Fttr.�. ' � ;'a�,�. .,, r .. � . � .. , , �J�.—�JQ.i x . , .. . 7
'�,'�.'i,�'sY'� _ �,`�... �v., ,� "�t +. ` y..�,�isz p .< �''�'`'4:1.,�.,' e . ' , 110
�,;� 7'ctals�"iemP. Ctieck Number- � =.��'�,r=°:64a^�.�x.g�;'i�':<�'.; < �= . „
�,� � . -��., e . . w . �.,. �,st, I . �
'rac.o�,x��;�:r`�z, :�: " ._ �.—.� _ _ �
, , ,.. .« � r • .< .. �
. __ _ __ __. ...____.._.�_< ____-_-•-.._ ____. .. .. _ . _ ._.__. _ .. _._. ..s_.._._.._...___..._.____,
'Temp Check }Vurrther 6S j:=;
65 U S We�t Communicatians 01-4210-110-1@ nav svc 343.43 ''
�..,.____�_�..________._..__..__—_ �._.__..__.._.._._.__..._..___ ._,. ____ __. ..__.._�_.....�__.__._.,._.- •-.---... _ .. .-•--------•---•�-
65 U S We�t Cammunicatians 01-421{A-@20--20 ncv��sva ���� ����� �� 5f0.4� -�
-�*��>�;p�>:65 UqS, West Cornmur�icatia»s tDi-4210-04Q+-4tb nav svc £r2.�31 �
�i< . ;p..>. , '
`' �'""' '• 65 U S West Cammunication� ____05-422Q�-10S-IS , _ _ _ _nov svc_ _ _ ^_ 187.7�
65 U S West Carnmunicat ians 15-4zi0-¢i60-60 v�� � . nov svc � ��"�� M �433. 95 �� `� .'
fi5 i1 S West Communia�tions �ti-42f0-tB30-s0 nov svc 139.�5 •��
65 U S We�t Carnmunicatians @1-42I0-050-50 nav svc 38.35 �
---�_.� _. �.-----•---------------..__.. _,........__ _ _
65 U 8 We�t Cammunicatians 01-421�-070-70 nav svc... " .... _.____.... __..__ ._._ ___. . , .. _ .. g�` 3� .. . ..___ _ _..._.._ _ . _..._._...___�;:
� _
° ` =-- -------- -*'.
> � - �
• 520 ,,.,._.-------__..�----_ .._�. _. _.--_.,..-- - - - - ---.. __ . .. _ ' - - -- . _.-•-- - .. .. .. 1, 806. 90 . , .
Totaas Temp Check Number . 65 . � ����-
Ternp Check Number _. 6fi
66 !1 8 Post Office � 0f-4318-110-10 permit 6266
66 ""'---___.-•-.- - -..._ .. ..___. _ ._�.._._
Tatals Terap Check Aiumbe�^ 66
------ ------..__.._.�.._.—__.....--------.__--__...._. .. ..._ .. _ _._. .... .
Temp Cheok Number 67
17Q1. 0f7.�
170. Q�0
:-. �::y
��3 67 Uniyer^s�i _Life 02-413i-�40-G0 dec prern 145. il
" � 67 Urriversal L.ife 01-4131-050--50 dec arem 179..a�1 .�
13� 67 Uriiversal 4ife 15-4231-t�60-6@ dec prern 366.40 ..
��` 67 Uniyer,sa2 �i.fe 01-4231-0�0-70 dec orem 409.@5
�»T �~V67 Universal L3.fe 05-4131-105--15 dec prern 219.84 -�
34 ...��
____�_ •
, s �-t. I
�o .� 335 �i..._ _ _._.�..._—•---....---_._ ..__... ._ 1� 319.71.._... . .. ._' _.._._.. ._..._.._�____'�. .
!*' Totals Temp� Check Number ...._.__ 67 _.._ _._.�..._...-•---..---__._...._.__.__ ...•--.- ,.t,
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� 5845 Blaine Avenue
—T 612/450-98 1eighFAX 612/450-94297�1TDD 612/552-9675
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TO: City Mayors and Administrators/Clerks:
- Inver Grove Heights
- Lilydale
- Mendota Heights
- South St. Paul
- Sunfish Lake
- West St. Paul
FROM: 7odie Miller, Executive Direc
DATE: 27 November 1996
Enclosed are copies of the UNAPPROVED minutes from the October 2, 1996, full
Commission and the November 6, 1996, Executive Committee meetings. Please distribute
copies of these minutes to your city council members. ,
Also enclosed is a copy of the Agenda for the next NDC4 Executive Committee meeting on
Wednesday, December 4, 1996.
Please feel free to contact me at 450-9891 with questions or comments regarding any cable
'� ,, � Y . . ` . . .. . '.,-
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4 � n 4
Northern Dakota County Cable Communications Commission
Wednesday, December 4, 1996 - 5:30 p.m.
Conference Room
5845 Blaine Avenue
Inver Grove Heights, MN 55076
NDC4 Executive Committee meetings are open to tlie public.
A) Approve List of Claims 11/7/96 to 12/4/96
A) NDCTV Board Appointments
B) Activity Update
6. ADJOURN 6:10
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Northern Dakota County Cable Communications Commission
Executive Committee Meeting
November 6, 1996
1. Cail to Order/Adopt Agenda - The November 6, 1996 NDC4 Executive Committee
meeting was called to order by Ghair Tourville at 5:45 p.m. in the Conference Room.
Members Present: Lucille Collins, John Huber, Jodelle Ista, Mike Sokol, and George
Tourville. Others Present: Jodie Miller and Joy Curtin (NDC4 sta�.
Motion 11-�96-1 to adopt the Agenda as presented was made by M. Sokol, seconded by
L. Collins, and unanimously carried.
2. Approve Claims - The List of Claims for 10/3/96 - 11/6/96 was presented for approval. J.
Miller explained that US West/Continental will reimburse Moss & Barnett directly for
legal costs incurred during review of the system transfer. Motion 11-6-96-2 to approve
the List of Claims for 10/3/96 - 11/6/96 was made by J. Huber, seconded by M. Sokol,
and unanimously carried.
3. Officers' Reports - No officers' reports were given.
4. Staff Report - J. Miller reported that a proposal to conduct the 1996 financial audit from
Tautges, Redpath & Co., Ltd. was distributed in the meeting packet mailing. It is staffs
recommendation to accept the proposal which has increased by approximately 2 percent
over last year. 1Kotion 11-t�96-3 to accept the proposal� from-Tautges, Redpath & Co.;
Ltd. to conduct the 1996 NDC4 financial audit for $4800 and to authorize the Chair and
Executive Director to execute the acceptance document was made by M. Sokol, seconded
by J. Huber, and unanimously carried.
The MACTA Fall Conference will take place Thursday and Friday, November 7 and 8.
Any Commissioner wishing to attend the special Thursday evening session sponsored by
the LMC may register at the door.
On October 18, the FCC issued a decision approving the US West/Continental request for
a temporary waiver. The Department of Justice approved the waiver, as well. The FCC
has required US West identify the buyer of the "in-region" systems by August 15, 1997.
Some Metro area cable commissions believe the FCC blatantly ignored language in the
NDC4 Executive Committee Meeting
November 6, 1996
� r
1996 Cable Act that requires local franchising authorities to approve these waiver. requests
and are planning to send comments to the FCC expressing their displeasure with the , �'
October 18 decision. It is staffs recommendation that NDC4 draft comments to tlie FCC
with copies to federal representatives po'inting out`the FCC's lack of recognition of local
franchising authority in.such matters as granted�by the` 199`6 Cable Act. Chair Tourville
added that while in the process of sending comments, clarification of the NDC4 name
should be made since it is often refened to in official letters and documents as "North
Dakota!" Staffwas directed to follow through preparing and sending the comments.
J. Ista inquired whether placing the Odyssey (formerly Faith & Values) channel
programming on the Multi-Faith Channel is within the rules of channel use. J. Miller
explained that she believes the only legal restrictions on use of the access channels are in
the Franchise and other docuements with Continental. Plans are underway to carry the
channel directly:�offthe satellite onrChanne134 when local--programming�is=not being
played. Continental will be paying a fee per subscriber for this service which can be
passed through if they wish under FCC rate regulations. It is likely rate adjustments will
be made at the beginning of 1997 to take into account the completion of Phase I of the
rebuild and added channels that occur as a result.
5. Unfinished Business -. J. Miller reported that stafftraining on the A1phaChannel will
:='��, °�, resume shortly following an interruption as staff focused attention on election coverage.
Pictures of city halls, schools, etc. will be used as background for appropiiate messages.
�-�' ;,�_;..�A :question was r.aised on whether the older�Scienfific."Atlanta`boxes�will='woik with�tlie ��,�
new 750 MHZ system. Staffwas directed to obtain this information fro"m Continental.
6. New Business - Discussion took place on the upcoming Commission meetings. It was
agreed to hold an Executive Committee meeting December 4th at 5:30 p.m. unless activity
during the month demands the full Commission meet. Because the first Wednesday in
January falls on the 1 st, it was agreed to hold a brief business meeting in conjunction with
a special appreciation event in January off site. Staff was directed to research appropriate
places to hold the appreciation event. .
7. Adjournment - Motion 11-6-96-4 to adjourn the meeting was made by M. Sokol and
seconded by J. Huber. The meeting adjourned at approximately 6:15 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Joy A. Curtin . . . . . . � : �
NDC.4�:Administrative Assistant
� �a.nd Recording Secretary.� :: -`
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Page - 2
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. Northern Dakota County Cable Communications Commission
�� � y Fuil Commission Meeting �
� � October 2, 1996 � � �
, .
1. Call to Order/Pledge -' The October 2, 1996 NDC4 meeting was called to order by Chair
,_ =George Tourville at 7:00-p.m.; The Pledge-of Allegiarice.was�recited. � � � � .'r�=r ��
� Members Present:. Lucille Collins (8:15 p.m.), Joe Conlon, Henry Hovey, John Huber,
Jodelle Ista, Richard Jackson, James Levy, Mike Sokol, Jim Sullivan, George Tourville,
and 7ames Zacharski. Members Absent: Alvin Boelter, Laurence Jung, and Richard
Vitelli. Others Present: Steve Baker - Engineer, John Gibbs - Legal Counsel, Cheryl
;. Olmstead - Customer Service:Manager,,and Fran Zeuli - General Manager (Continental �::
,-�;; Cablevision); Brian-Grogan.(NDC4, legal�counsel); arid Joy�CUl�lll��and Jodie Miller (staf�.
-r J��..j ,.'i� ;z(� '� � ;j rt � ` 'IC, ��� ^ cr! ' .�i. •:r,...l._, �'✓..* ry;.r � J21:: �
..:. . iii._i: ... t�T ♦ Li; t: . ..f7t_._1�,7:�.1 . ...r:i7 v•.i i�t4" .r'n�. �G. ... 1^: _ la::.:_ . . _� •,��'7 -
2. Adopt�Agenda -:. Motion �10-2=96-1 �to�adopt�the�Agenda.was inade by J..Lev.y;=seconded by
.:r..:J:�Gonlon;-andurianimously'carried: ^�r��•_.�c:���-e,`�. ..�,°c' .:A._ ��'��:;�r.��•..• J�.i9i
3. Consent Agenda -
A) Approve Minutes: The September 4, 1996 NDC4 Commission Meeting minutes
were presented for approval. Motion 10-2-96-2 to approve the September 4, 1996 full
Commission meeting minutes was made by J. Ista, seconded by H. Hovey and
unanirlously car.ried. �
B) Approve List of Claims: The List of Claims for 9/5/96 - 10/2/96 was presented for
approval. Motion 10-2-9�3 to approve the List of Claims for 9/5/96 - 10/2/96 was made
by J. Huber, seconded by J. Conlon, and unanimously carried. �
4. NDCTV Update - 7. Miller reported that the NDCTV annual membership drive is:=:'� `- .;t>�
underway. She thanked Angelo's Pizza of South St. Paul and �Continental Cablevision for:
providing incentive gifts for members who sign up early. She also°thanked�.Lucille �Collins
for being the first member to renew as a Patron member. Commissioners were
encouraged to support the membership drive.
NDC4 Commission Meeting
October 2, 1996
� � f
Applications are being taken for three mini-grants of up to $250 apiece. Grant recipients'
,�,�,, ,will be chosen toward the end ofNovember.� . ,,, - . _ �_ . , : -., ;� . . _ . .. :
; ' ' � ,.,.._. �.,r�..� r.r..,���:
•..:� � w. ...•Y.• . • �.1� �l�.. ..\.] . . . -��.. v�t. ♦ � .i .. �
A committee has been formed to develop a business plan to raise the $61,000 needed by
, :,� „ ND,CTV in 1997. �'.: .. .. .. . . . ... ... .. . . . .. : �,' .. .. .. .. . •� _ ,R :� = ., .
NDCTV Personnel Policies are being reviewed to determine whether employees' status
should be defined as "at will" or "for cause." NDC4 may review its Personnel Policies if
changes are made in NDCTV's Policies.
The NDCTV Board Development Committee will be looking to fill at least one vacancy
on the Board of Directors. Interested NDC4 Commissioners should contact sta.ff.
, .. � `. - � ., • .; . : . �� � - ,f. . . . . ._�- ,.
5. Citizen Comments - Chair Tourville announced that the public is welcome to address
their comments and/or questions to the Commission via telephone throughout the meeting.
6. Staff Report - � � � � �
, . � • -t .. . . . , _, . ,- ..
.�A) Execut'tve Dire.ctor: J: Miller reported that`a meeting will lie held October 8th at
1:30 p.m. with representatives from a riumber ofDakota°County'cities;=tfii-ee'school
districts, and the Metropolitan Council to discuss cities' plans and needs for data
iriteconnec�ion witliiri arid befween cities; "courity`governrrient; scliools',' and� o`the'r�'• •'
• -- institutions: _" ..... _ : . •. . .: . , ,. . _ :.. • : � : . . . .. : . , , .. . ,� , .. ...,.
The City of South St. Paul has registered interest in being able to cablecast certain
government meetings only to subscribers in South St. Paul on a Government Access
Channel. This "narrowcasting capability" was envisioned in the original Franchise. South
St. Paul would like the narrowcasting capability to be designed into the 750 MHZ rebuild
currently taking place. Continental has been advised of this request and will respond as to
its feasibility. �
� . . �.. .. . � � . . -. - . . . �,. . . - _ . . _ . �-_ . __ _ ,
The MACTA Fall Conference will take place November 7th and 8th in Minneapolis. This
year a special session sponsored by the League of Minnesota Cities (LMC) will take place
Thursday evening to update city officials on the Right-of-Way Issues Task Force.
Commissioners interested in attending any or all sessions should contact staff soon.
� News articles concerning issues related to wireless services, dishes, and PCS (personal
���'�' �`�communications service) towers were distributed iri the meeting hand-outs., ',.: �'"
�' :a... �; i: . . ,r�r.., ",_.,: . ., , ' ... 4.' . ' .�� <.., . . .: ...,. . , .. ,.., . .. . ,.
'' �-''" `"' Staffis in�process'of beirig trained on the"riew'AlphaCliannel bulletiri board system and
`�developing�the cliarinel "look." A contest will be held'to nairie the channel and'anyone
'�� ' with ideas on where to solicit prizes for the contest should contact staff. ' '
Page - 2
, r � �
NDC4 Commission Meeting
October 2, 1996
::: � Copies of tapes frorri a Channel 2 show concerning the Redwood Falls Rights-of-Way
controversy are available for Commissioners -to°share with their'respectiveilcities. Audio
cassette tapes from the NATOA Conference are also available to be checked out.
�'r r. ��• •Y .� '� - coi;. i . ,,� -.. .y.:;���: :"�� .:'.�.���5;'`�'.��r.Y� �
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Upcoming programming was highlighted including severallive Caiididate Forums;'Insight
7, the second installation ofMeet The Candidates, and Jock Talk.
. � Continental's monthly report appears in a slightly different format, but includes the same
information. Subscriber numbers seem to be steady. ��' ,• � � �
7. Legal Counsel Report - Lega1 Counsel, B. Grogan provided historical perceptive on the
Transfer of Ownership issue which is now before the Commission to either grant or deny.
The potential merger of Continental and US West was first made public in Maxch 1996. �
NDC4 received the formal.Request for-Transfer of Ownership in form of FCC Form 394
: and accompanying documents in May. -The Commission embazked upon its official review
of US West's legal, technical, and financial qualifications to operate the system. Time
frames were established and extensions were granted by Continental in order to fit the
Commission's monthly meeting schedules. By mid-June, the Commission requested more '
information from Continental. That information was received by mid-July, and the
_:, Commission decided to hold a public hearing_ in late_ July to �help �determine;whet.her, a
transfer,would adyersely�impact�cities;;residents;�,or°subscribers: -F.��<-� ��� �� ��- �
-.,:�._... _.. _a.. .. . _... y.. .'.'. � ... . __ .._ . _. ._ . .. ..i_y.F.. .J.. '� .�i� ti: . i
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Compliance issues•�concerning�three;variances:(high.speed;data;�I-net,services;,a.nd;E
interconnection) were resolved satisfactorily last month. Continental agreed:to upgrade
the NDC system to 750MHZ.
. . - • _ • . . • �- �': . �' :.� ' . .'i_ .'.�
B. Grogan went on to describe the current and envisioned legal structures of the
transaction. Currently Continental Cablevision of St. Paul, Inc.; is the Franchise grantee
which operates the NDC system. It is a�wholly-owned subsidiary of its parent company,
Continental Cablevision, Inc. If the transfer closes as proposed in mid to late November,
there will not be a change in the name of the grantee (Continental Cablevision of St. Paul,
Inc.). Instead, however, it will be wholly owned by Continental Merger Corporation '
which is wholly owned by US West, Inc. which is divided into a couple of operating units.
Legal Qualifications: Legal qualifications to own and operate the NDC4 Franchise were
summarized. Continental Cablevision of St. Paul, Inc. will continue to hold a.nd operate
the NDC4 Franchise, and is qualified to transact business in the State of Minnesota, as is
.._US West, ,Inc. Because the.FCC prohibits cross ownership of cable service by., a local
� telephone carrier sucli as is the,case with,US West„Inc. a temporary,waiver. was requested
by US West�azid Coritinental that would a11ow temporary ownership �until a buyer is found
,,,for t�e NDC, system ;, The�request.for,waiver_was,submitted;to•the,FCC.,in,Julyjand,NDC4
� 1 submitted a response in August a�'rnurig�its�desire�for,local franchising;authorities;to
.^.tF �� � ;:• .�, •.. . �• �,._.. s.:�,,,-, ;,.�. ._;� . , .. , . ,..,,� . �•,,. ,
retain ultimate control over the decision.. �>The-FCC.is expected to„respond within�the next
few weeks. . � � . ' . . . . . . , . _ _ . . .. .. _ . . . . . .
Page - 3
NDC4 Commission Meeting
October 2, 1996
L r t
... - _ . " .. . . . � . .� 5 . . . � .. . .
:;, ;L,• r B, Grogan adyised that based on the.review conducted to-date and provided the FCC ���
.:��i��ri�rz�rants,.the waiver, NDC4�has_no grounds:to deny the tr`ansac'tion�based�:on 1ega1 �•���,���`�
�.._. qual.ifications:_. �+:.. ., ..-- " .. ....:'� .� �;:r .•r��.. . . .. ':..:,_. '. .�.��.. :���. ; ;:. .�, _..-� s��" r.,�:,�
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Technical Qualifications: Expertise in operating and maintaining the�system constitute
Technical Qualifications. The Franchisee, Continental Cablevision of St. Paul, Inc. will
retain its technical, customer service, and management staff. Additionally, US West, Inc.
has some experience operating one of the largest cable systems in the country in Atlanta,
B. Grogan advised that NDC4 has no reasonable grounds to deny the transaction based on
technical qualifications.
Financial Qualifications: Review of the financial qualifications focused primarily on US
West, Inc. and Continental Cablevision, Inc. US West, Inc. is clearly financially qualified
to operate all Continental systems, and certainly the NDC system. Concerning Continental
Merger Corporation's (CMC) strength to stand behind its obligations, NDC4 requires by
resolution a corporate guarantee from CMC securing a11 obligations of Continental
Cablevision of St. Paul, Inc. under the current system and making certain CMC complies
with all :obligations�and to upgrade the system.' � � � � " � ' `�- `:�
. .,,.- �� c- - . .,, i._. �,.a ..�a.,_, ..,. • �...,�, ,J,,, ,
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Although there -are se.`veral�other issues important-to NDC4 such` as right=of-way • .
�':.proceedirigs,-none can be.used as�-grourids�for'denying the tra.risfer: rThere islariguage in
:�� ��the current Franchise whicli clearly states that NDC4 will be reimbursed for all associated
�costs for-this review ofthis transaction. Initially the costs�were'estimated at $7,500, but
` most recent estimates are�closer to $9,000.
B. Grogran advises that NDC4 has no grounds on which to deny the transfer based on
financial qualifications.
Legal Counsel prepared a resolution approving the transfer of ownership based on a
number of conditions including: • �� ' " � - • ° '
. The transaction closing exactly as it was represented to NDC4
. Receipt by Continental Cablevision of St. Paul, Inc. of all Federal government
. Reimbursement of NDC4 for all associated costs for this transaction
. Notification in writing of the completion of the merger and transfer of control
'� .- Providing NDC4 with a Guaranty within 30 days of closing the transaction
B. Grogan stated that representatives from both Continental and US West have seen the
Resolut'ion �and�Gua.Tarity� and to hi"s knowledge ai'e agreeable with� the terms. B: 'Grogan �•
answered questions and provided clarification regarding the transfer�issue. � In response to one
question, it was noted that in Spring 1997 the Commission will likely receive a request for
Franchise renewal followed in approximately six months by a request for transfer, during which
NDC4 Commission Meeting
October 2, 1996
time the cities and Commission will be in midst of resolving the composition of the Joint Powers.
A typographical error, was pointed�out iri the proposed�Resolution.urider Point 2:c:'=-�the'word
"Petition";should�be::changed:to;."Resolutiori. °�� Cliair.Tourville�irivited�`questioris��and/oi�comments
from Continental Cablevision. F. Zeuli responded that, although he is obligated��t`o`review the
details of legal costs, Continental has no problem with reimbursing up to $9,000 in legal fees to
NDC4. Motion 10-Z-96-4 to approve Resolution No:� 10-2-96. approvirig the merger�of �
Continental Cablevision, Inc. with US West,_Inc: with the correction rega.rding the typographical
error as noted above, was made by J. Huber, seconded by J. Conlon, and unanimously carried.
Chair Tourville thanked a11 who dedicated time and energy toward resolving the transfer issue. It
was agreed that Lega1 Counsel will submit detailed invoices to Continental for payment of costs
involved in the transfer negotiations. F. Zeuli expressed appreciation on behalf of the corporate
and local Continental of�ces for all the hard work and patience exhibited throughout the transfer
discussions. �.� � � - ' •
8. . Continental Report - Cheryl Olmstead, Customer Service Manager invited questions and
� comments from Commissioners. A problem with audio during a live feed during the
, Mendota Heights City Council meeting the previous evening was brought up and briefly
� discussed: � , ' � _ - � . � • � , - _ - -_ � � - � � - �
_.. .• .'.. .� : � : ,�:.. • �._.. .. _ �. . ...�-........1.'�� _ .� -. � ... ..�
� J. Miller asked Legal Counsel to explain ND.C4's�limited role�:in coritrolling 'rates;�r,�
particularly equipment rates, which were recently raised. B. Grogan stated that by and
large:the.FCC;and_federal:law regulate.rates,�and=NDC4's-role is,to,enforce:the;+,�".
;;; �r,; regulations.;;`The _recent e,quipment;increase can be.attributed to new FCC,�regulations
�.._�...�-.wluch allowacable_operators�to�spread costs,�:of all types oftheir�equipment throughout
i%,r..ls. .. . _ . . .
:y�� �,their,�operating�system across_the.country: Lega1 Counsel reviewed.the�accuracy.of
calculations for the increase allowed by federal law and found that all the numbers were
correct. Under the FCC regulations, operators have a great deal of flexibility to increase
equipment costs and NDC4 must abide by these rules. � . .
J. Ista inquired about the lack of programming and incorrect dates and times showing on
chazacter generated information on the access channels a week ago. S. Baker explained
that a tower in St. Paul went down causing this interruption. � -•� ��, -
9. Unfinished Business - J. Miller noted that the resolution that was passed at the last
meeting concerning the variances was included in the hand-outs and should be filed in
Commissioner's notebooks. A larger version of the map showing the three phases of the
system rebuild construction is available for each city council representative to bring to
their respective cities. �
,i: tir.�t: %..f. '.� 7 `r :+t.. . _..":: ri� �'-... ..a.!.. C_ ....a...._. _„�sr��'.. .�.�, . . _. . :i..i .�i
Several copies o£a technical journal-which were ayailable at the�NATOA.Conference�are;.
4.r,t availabley£or.Commissioners:,7 Subscription to,this j'ournal is' free.,, ��,r�,, ;,;��;; _. ..,� ���� �j�,, .
. .. : . , . , , , ,.. � . : • �. .. , . ` - � � .. . . � . ��. : .:'.- . . , • .. . _' . . ..
'_ , • -,. ' � ` . � � . . .. � ° � . �_ � . � . ��. � . - . . . : ,��.. �• � r .
Page - 5
NDC4 Commission Meeting
October 2, 1996
J. Ista thanked the Commission for the opportunity to participate in the recent NATOA
Conference in Pa1m Beach, Florida and reviewed some of the information she had learned
while there. She stated that the LMC is urging cities to get telecommunications
ordinances in place and include planning for telecommunications in their comprehensive
plans. She suggested a glossary of abbreviations be posted during Commission meetings
to help viewers better understand terminology. Chair Tourville suggested the map
showing phases of the rebuild also be posted during meetings.
After brief discussion it was agreed to hold an Executive Committee meeting November
6th at 5:30 p.m., unless activity during the month demands a full Commission meeting.
10. New Business - Chair Tourville reported that he has had discussions recently with a
developer in Inver Grove Heights who is interested in having cable available at the
development. The matter of line extension in Inver Grove Heights will likely need to be
discussed again with Continental.
11. Adjournment - hlotion 10-2-96-5 to adjourn the meeting was made by H. Hovey and
seconded by J. Huber. The meeting adjourned at approximately 8:10 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Joy A. Curtin
NDC4 Administrative Assistant
and Recording Secretary
Page - 6
s �'
� /
December 3, 1996
TO: Mayor, City Council, City A str r
FROM: Kathleen M. Swanson j�(�
City Clerk
SUBJECT: Delinquent Utility Bills
The City Council annually adopts a resolution to authorize the certification of unpaid .
utility bills to Dakota County for collection with the following year's real estate tax payments.
In order to meet the County's deadline for certification of the delinquencies, a resolution must be
adopted by Council this evening.
There are currently sixty-seven delinquent sanitary sewer accounts on the attached
resolution. Notices were sent to all property owners whose bills were past due for two or more
quarters. Those property owners were notified that unless payment is received by December 13,
their past due bills would be certified to the county, along with a$25.00 per account certification
fee and 10% interest charge. The account balances shown on the attached resolution include that
fee and the interest amount.
Payrnents which axe received prior to the December 13 deadline will be removed from the
certification list prior to its submission to Dakota County.
Council should adopt that attached "RESOLUTION CERTIFYING DELINQUENT
Dakota County, Minnesota
WHEREAS, under the provisions of Ordinance No. 803 adopted by the City
Council of the City of Mendota Heights on August 6, 1974, it is provided that if sewer
rental charges due to the City for the use of the City's sewer system are not paid within
thirty (30) days after the mailing of a statement thereof, the same shall be collected and
the collection thereof enforced in the same manner in all respects as county and state real
estate taxes subjects to like penalty, cost and interest charges, and
WHEREAS, the City Clerk has advised the City Council that the total sewer
rental charges due to the City as of November 30, 1996, for sewer service furnished the
properties hereinafter described situated within the City has not been paid, and
WHEREAS, the City Clerk has furthered advised the City Council that a written
statement for said rental charges due to the City as of November 30, 1996 has been sent
to the last known owner of said properties and that more than thirty (30) days have
elapsed since the mailing of said statement, and
WHEREAS, said properties are all situated in the City of Mendota Heights, in
Dakota County, Minnesota and the legal description of said properties, the name and
address of the last known owner thereof, and the total amount of sewer rental charges
due for each of said parcels through November 30, 1996, are more particularly described
as follows;
►�u� a►I� :��; .
Judi Hanson
522 West Annapolis
Bernard Abramson
688 Arcadia Drive
Laurence Anderson
1066 Avanti Drive
P. Divine
1391 Cherry Hill Road
L. Bye
1 , : IJY � ►
27-44955 130-03
: ►� � 1►Y 1 1
1052 Chippewa Avenue
John Nepote
979 Delaware Avenue
Robert J. �ery
1183 Dodd Road
Roger Quick
1281 Dodd Road
Gerald Deeb
1780 Dodd Road
Carl Seivers
956 Douglas Road
Janet Duckson
1805 Eagle Ridge Drive #8
David Hathaway
1418 Farmdale Road
F. Casillas
528 �emont
Neil Baker
680 South �eeway Road
J. Isaac
662 Fourth Avenue
Wendy Van Netter
546 Hiawatha Avenue
L. Mrozinski
595 Highway 110
H. SloboF
1016 James Court
D. Mehl
1687 James Road
Bruce J. Davidson
1750 LansFord Lane
$224.76 ,
Kerry Kern
531 Marie Avenue
Eugene Engelmann
1779 Overlook Lane
R. Holman
1791 Overlook Lane
Donald L. Rutman
1043 Overlook Road
Gary R. Lovich
1088 Overlook Road
Roy Henderson
1095 Overlook Road
J. Samelian
920 Rae Court
Jack Gohl
924 Rae Court
John Bathker
699 Second Avenue
David Marruffo
537 Simard Street
�ank Miller
604 Spring Street
R. Powers
983 Stratford Road
Milton Nichols
1794 Summit Lane
Ronald Clevanger
1848 Summit Lane
G. Cosgrove
649 Sunset Lane
Hans/Carolyn Jensen
1334 5ylvandale Road
Paul Larson
717 Third Avenue 27-81300-045-00
Paul Austin
1054 View Lane 27-42100-080-05
James L. Heroff
1456 Wachtler Avenue 27-17150-060-05
709 Woodridge Drive 27-37600-070-02
David Koziol
2535 Arbor Court 27-48460-040-01
Steven Krey
2231 Apache Street 27-27800-080-07
R. Erickson
832 Cheri Lane 27-74700-120-02
Michel Rauache
880 Cheri Lane 27-74700-050-02
Arnold T. Hanzal
771 Creek Avenue 27-27800-030-01
Mary Jane Mossow
2335 Dodd Road 27-64500-010-00
William C. Gove
755 Hilltop Road 27-71050-450-00
Mary Grant
796 Hokah Avenue 27-27800-210-05
Jeff Hussman
2370 Lemay Lake Road 27-04100-016-36
Howard Fisk
2226 Le�ngton Avenue South 27-16400-052-00
Pat Stead
849 Mendakota Court 27-48225-010-01
Mrs. D. Anderson
751 Mohican Lane 27-27800-190-19
Charlene Steele
780 Mohican Lane 27-27800-080-20
S. Koecheler
738 Navajo Lane 27-27800-070-12
K. Saffold
2454 Park Lane 27-31800-010-03
A1 Paterson
606 Pond View Court 27-18301-060-OS
Michael Regan
2345 Peublo Drive 27-27800-201-21
Jerome Peterson
2066 Theresa Street 27-19100-220-03
B. Carlson Jr.
2091 Theresa Street 27-19100-080-04
Saleh Canavati
2166 Timmy Street 27-19150-090-00
M.E. Sterling
810 Wagon Wheel Trail 27-45300-020-00
Mark Peterson
838 Wagon Wheel Trail 27-45300-060-00
B. Randall
954 Wagon Wheel Trail 27-16400-160-00
P. Donovan
611 Watersedge Terrace 27-18302-040-05
Gary Ash
815 Westview Circle 27-15151-040-01
John McNeill
1455 Perron Road West 27-03300-050-03
Tempco Manufacturing
2475 Highway 55 27-44800-102-00
840 Sibley Memorial Highway 27-01400-010-76
� � r
NOW THE:REFORE IT IS HEREBY F�ESOLVED by the City Covncil of the Ci�y
of Mendota Heights, Minnesota as fallows;
1. That the total of said utility charges set farth above is hereby adopted and
conf"umed as the proper unpaid utility charges due for the abave described
properties through Navember 3Q, 1996 for each of said lots, pieces and
parcels of land respectively, and the current charge against each such parcel
af land shall be a lien cancurrent with the general taxes upon such parcels
and all thereof.
2. That the total amount of said utility charges shall be payable with general
t�es for the year 1997 callectible in 1997 {now designated Statute as real
estate t�es payable in 1997.
3. That the City Clerk shall prepare and transmit the County Auditor a certified
copy of this resaiutian with the reques� ihat e�ch of said amaunts shall be
e�rtended upon the properly tax lists of the County to be thereafter collected
in the manner pravided by the law,
4. That a$25.00 service charge will be added to each deiinquent utiliiy account
in accordance with Ordinance No. 1S7 amending Ordinance No. 803.
Adopted by the City Council of the City af Mendota Heights this 16th day of December
Kathleen M. Swanson, City Clerk
Charles E. Mertensotta
Mendota Heights City Council
Mendota Heights City Hall
1101 Victoria Curve
Mendota Heights, MN 55118
Re: Height Variance for Paul Beckman, 1882 South Lane
Dear Council Members,
November 29, 1996
r�c`c� 12-3-- ��
We are aware of the dilemma you are confronted with in deciding on Mr. Beckman's
application for a height variance to erect a 43 ft. amateur radio tower and antenna. The
overwhelming opposition to this structure from the Ponds of Mendota residents must be
weighed against the "reasonable accommodation" ruling of the federal government.
Both the written and oral arguments presented by the residents against this tower provide
convincing evidence for a rejection of the variance. As convincing as these arguments are
however, they have represented the "feelings" of non-expert individuals. Though these
"feelings" we are sure have an impact on your decision, an expert's opinion on these issues
would provide you with greater support in your decision process.
At the Nov. 19th City Council meeting councilwoman Jill Smith stated that the city does have
a mandate to protect the "health, safetv, and welfare" of its citizens. In pursuit of this mandate,
there is° a council initiated study in progress to assess the impact that Mr. Beckman's
tower/antenna might impose on the safetv of the residents. We applaud your efforts to employ
professional opinion in this area of protecting our safety. .
At the Nov. 19th council meeting another aspect of the city's mandate to protect its citizens
was reenforced by professional opinion. That aspect is welfare. In looking up the definition of
welfare in a couple of dictionaries, two terms appear: prosperity and happiness. By extension
therefore, the council's mandate is to protect the prosperitv and happiness of its residents. The
results of the professional study, performed by Blake Davis of the firm Davis & Lagerman,
strongly af�irmed that Mr. Beckman's proposed structure would have a significant negative
impact on the property values. of many of the surrounding properties. We cannot think of a
better example of how the city council could guard our prosperity than to protect us from the
loss of our property values.
In summary, Mr. Beckman's proposed structure, has been professionally shown to harm the
welfare of his neighbors. If the professional safetv study should also provide proof of potential
danger, the council would have two conditions for denial of his variance. However, we believe
that the welfare aspect of your protection mandate alone should provide sufficient proof that it
would be very unreasonable to accommodate his request for variance.
S' erely,.: . • r -� .. . . , . .
f ��s�� ' ; �, . .
. �1'1� �/
Dennis and Bonnie Finn / .
645 Wesley Lane
Mendota Heights, MN 55118
�; �
�:� •
� November 27, 1996
TO: Mayor, CI� COUIlCI� aIl{I C1L`� A{�IT112115 �tOI'
FROM: James E. Danielsan, Fablic Works Direc ""l
SUB.iECT; Beckman - Antenna Tower Height Variance
Case Na. 96-26
At the November 19th me�ting, Council discussed the Beckman vanance request
concerning an amateur radio antenna tower. Council had ta.bled consideration of the reguest
pending a sixuctural review of the tower and antenna by Mr. �illson the City`s forensic
engineer. Mr. Beckman had been unable to produce all the information required by Mr.
Jillson in order to complete his review. Consideration of the request was, therefore once again
tabled #o this meeting. It was made clear at the November 19th meeting that the 120 day
review periad would run out on Uecember 12th and that actian had to be taken at this meeting
or "automatic" approval would occur. The only way to extend consideration beyond the 12Q
day period is for the applicant to request it.
Mr. Beckman was unable to submit the inf'ormation requireci by Mr. Jillson far his
xeview, however he did submit a request for an extension af the 120 day review period to
allow for consideration of the reqnest at .the second meeting in January (see attached).
Consider the request fram Mr. Jahn Bellows, Mr. Beekman's a#torney, to extend the
120 day review period and allow for consideration of their variance request at the January 21,
199? meeting.
; ,..�� :�
f;�� ;�?
c�a� 2 5 �9�
�� t'�" t
'.'� ' ✓
{612) 227-8751
Mayar Charies E. Mertensotto
City Cauncil of i�ltendota Heights
110'i Victoria Curve
Mendata Heights, MN 55118
November 22, '1996
Re: Beckmann Antenna Tower Height Variance
Case Number. 96-26
Dear Mayor Mertensotto and Council Members:
On November 20, 1996, Mr. Pau( Beckmann, 1882 South Lane, Mendota Heights,
Minnesota, the appiicant in the above matter, received a letter from James E.
Danietson, professional engineer. Public Works Director, City of Mendota Heights,
oufiining the comments of the cit�s forensic engineer as to the design information
submitted an November 13, 1996. The letter of November 20, 1996 stated that
because the upcoming week is a holiday and a short week, the city would require all
engineer design information ta be submitted no later than Tuesday, November 26, '! 996
in order to allow Mr. Jillson time to review and comment on it prior to the next meeting
of the council, Mr. Beckmann and I have discussed this matter and we are concerned
that there may not be adequate time to get a full and complete response to the city by
the November 26th date.
!t is our understanding that the city is concemed that ur�der the applicable statute, the
120 day period in which the city must act on this application would run if the ma#ter is
not acted upon by the city at its December 3, 't 996 meeting. 1# is our undersfanding
that under the statute, Mr. Beckmann may request an extension af the 920 day periad
and #he council must ihen determine whether or not to consent to such request.
This letter is a farmal request ta extend the period of time within wi�ich ta act to the end
of January, 1997 io enable the parties time to complete the necessary caiculations and
evaluation priar to #he cauncil action on this matter. Shouid yau require any additional
information, please advise. �
Yours truly,
1� . : .���1�, .
`�� �r
November 29, 1996
TO: Mayor, City Council, and City Administratar
FROM: Patrick C. Hollister, Administrative Assistant
SUBJECT: Planning Case No. 96-26: Paul Beckmann, 1882 South Lane
Mr. Matchell A. Rassman of 1891 South Lane has submitted the attached letter and
documentation to the City containing the follouring:
I. Mr, Rossrnan°s objections io the ham radio tower proposal
2. A series of aiternative arrangements ta the proposed tower which Mr. Rossman claims
would allaw Mr. Beckmann adequate communications capability while being less
visually conspicuous than the proposed tower.
I recommend that the Council consider examining the alterna.tive antenna azrangements
described in the attached documentation from Mr. Rossman as a possible means of
satisfying any "reasonable accammadation" requirement whiie minimizing the visual
impact Mr. Beckmann's ham radio operation. Since Mr. Beckmann and his attorney have
submitted written cansent to waive the expiratian of the review period to the end of
January 1997, there would be adequate time to investigate these alternatives if the Council .__
were so inciined. �
Council Actiqn Required
Consider the ianformation submitted by Mr. Rossman and advise Staff on a caurse of
1891 South Lane
Mendota Heights, MN 55118
25 November 1996
Mayor Charles Mertensotto
City of Mendota Heights
Mendota Heights City Hall
1101 Victoria Curve
Mendota Heights, MN 55118
Dear Mayor Mertensotto and the City Council:
I am writing in regard to the proposed Ham Radio Tower in The Ponds of
Mendota. development. I live directly across the street from Mr. Beckmann
and would be most directly harmed by the effects of his proposed radio
tower. Therefore, I would like the City Council to deny the variance request
on the following grounds: (1) the documented proposed loss in our home's
property values would impose a severe economic hardship upon myself and
my neighbors [1]; (2) the tower would be an attractive safety hazard for the
children of the neighborhood for they would be likely to climb it; (3) the _
tower would be a deadly hazard for the ducks and the geese which visit y
Warrior Pond; and (4) the tower's transmissions would interfere with my
consumer electronics. [2]
I understand the FCC dictates the City Council must "reasonably
accommodate" Mr. Beckmann's request but must it be at the documented
detriment of his neighbors? If I may put this issue into proper perspective,
Mr. Beckmann can lead a very active life as an amateur radio operator
without his proposed antenna by utilizing several much less offensive
alternative antennas such as (1) the DDRR antenna; (2) the Sloping Dipole
antenna; (3) the Vertical antenna; and (4) the Delta. Loop antenna.[3] If
after due consideration, the City Council disagrees with my assessment and
grants the proposed variance, I hereby request the City Council to instruct
the Dakota. County Assessor to reduce my property tax assessment by the
appropriate amount. Thank you for your attention :on this difficult topic.
Mitchell A. Rossman
1. (a). Please see the opinion of Davis & Lagerman, Inc ; November 8,
1996; (b). Mr. Beckmann's attorney, Mr. Bellows, in his testimony on 19
November 1996, alluded to the drop in property value of the Mayor
Mertensotto's daughter's property as the grounds for The Mayor to recluse
himself from this case.
2. Please see the enclosed Chapter 39 on interference from The ARRL
Handbook fo� Radio Amateurs, published by The American Radio Relay
League, Newington, CT 06111, USA, 1993
3. Please see the enclosed Chapters 17.and 33 from The ARRL Handbook
for Radio Amateurs, published by The American Radio Relay League, � ��
Newington, CT 06111, USA, 1993
� _ �.
• Y
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ip � R
Published by:
Seventieih Edition
The American Radio Relay League
Newingtan, CT 06111 USA ,.
Robert Schetgen. KU�G
' : Aaaistatrt Editars � . • .
• • - Gerald L. Hall,. K1TD�
.. Joet F. IC�einr»art, N1BKE
', � [,ucic Hurder, KY1T -
John Hen�essee.. }Gl4KB
Cover photas
A— A# the W30K Fiefd Day site in eastern
Pennsylvania, N2LAU fastens the beam to a mast
with the heEp of many friends. {phofa by lU3CWR)
B— 7he Chip7aiker project is new to this year's
Handbook. Look for this voice memory keyer
in the Digital Equipment chapter.
C— Here's a view down the barrel of a 1296-MHz
loop Yagi antenna. {Don't do ihis with a transmitier
connected!} In the background is the site of the
1992 West Caast VHF/UHF Conference and the
Pac'sEic Ocean. (phofo by Gary Jue, N&G?OA)
Deborah Strzeszkowski �
.loe Shea , . .
Qianna Roy
Oavid Pingres, N1NAS
Steffie Nelson, KA11FB
JtadiMorin. KAIJPA
Sue Fagar�, Cover
Mlchelle Btoom, WBIENT
Doug Bainbridge, N47HPK
John Belrase, VE2CV
Bert Seyt, W5ZR
Dennis Bodson, W4PWF
6il! de Car1e, VE2tQ
Warren Dion, N1B6H
Martin Emmerson, G3QQD
Bill English, N6T1W
Ed Hare, KAiCV
Oick Jansson, WD4FA8
Joe Jarrett, KSFOG
R'oy �ewalten, W7EL
Wiltiam E. Sabin, WOIYH
Oick Stevens, W1aWJ
Glenn �. Wiiliams, AFSC
�hapter 17
ntenna Fundamentais
n antenna system is comprised of all
Athe componenu used hetween the
transmitter or receiver and the
actual radiator. Therefore, such items as
the antenna proper, transmission line,
matching transformers, baluns and
Transmatch qualify as parts of an anten-
na system.
In a well designed system, only the anten-
na does the radiating. It is noteworthy that
any type of feed line can be utilized with
a given antenna, provided the following
conditions are met. A suitable matching
de�ice must be used to ensure a low
standing-wave ratio (SWR) between the
fced line and the antenna, and another be-
tw•een the feed line and the transmitter (or
Some antennas possess an input im-
pedance at the feed point close to that of
certain transmission lines. For example, a
half-wavelength, center-fed dipole, placed
ac a correct height above ground, will have
a feed-point impedance of approximately
'S ohms. [n such a case it is practical to
use a 75-ohm coaxial or balanced line to
{eed �he antenna. But few amateur half-
w•a�•elength dipoles actually exhibit a
'S-ohm impedance. This is because at the
loa•er end of the high-frequency spectrum
:he [ypical height above ground is rarely
�nore than % wavelength. The 75-ohm
:haracteristic is most likely to be realized
:n a practical installadon when the horizon-
:al dipole is approximately one-half, three-
.;uarters or one wavelength above ground.
�: lo�ver heights the approximate feed-
:oinc resistance may be obtained from Fig.
�• bu[ values may vary at different loca-
::ons because of differences in ground
F�B• 1 shows the difference between the
''�acts of perfect ground and real earth at
�4' antenna heights. The effect on the
'-sis�ance of a horizontal half-wave anten-
a is negligible only as long as the height
'� the antenna is greater than 0.2
'1�'etength. Below this height, while
{: easing rapidly to zero over perfectly
��daaing ground, the resistance decreases
�� �apidly with height over actual ground.
�' lower heights the resistance stops
'�easing at azound 0.15 wavelength, and
�=-�'Cafter increases as height decreases fur-
''er. The reason for the increasing
'�sistance is that more and more of the in-
`'`��o� field of the antenna is absorbed by
Fig. 1— Curves showing the radiation
resistance of vertical and hortzontal half-
wavelength dipoles at various heights above
ground. The broken•Iine portion of the curve
for a horizontal dtpole shows the resistance
over real earth, the solid line for perfectly con-
ducting ground.
the lossy ground as the height drops helow
% wavelength.
For a half-wave vertical antenna, the
center of which is �/a wavelength or more
above the surface, differences between the
effects of perfect ground and real earth on
the impedance is negligible. The resistance
of a vertical dipole at various heights above
real and perfectly conducting ground is
shown in Fig. 1.
The Antenna Choice
The amount of available space should be
high on the list of factors to consider when
selecting an antenna. T'hose who live in
urban areas often must accept a com-
promise type of antenna for the HF bands
because the city lot won't accommodate
full-size wire dipoles, end-fed systems or
high supporting structures. Other constric-
tions aze imposed by the amount of money
available for an antenna system (including
supporting hardwaze), the number of
amateur bands to be worked and local
zoning ordinances.
Finally, the operation objective comes
into play; to dedicate one's self to DXing,
or to settle for a general type of operation
that will yield short- and long-haul QSOs
during periods of good propagation.
Because of these influences, it is impos-
sible to suggest one type of antenna system
over another. A rule of thumb might be to
erect the biggest and best coliection of
antennas that space and finances will allow.
If a modest system is the order of the day,
then use whatever is practical and accept
less than optimum performance. Practical-
ly any radiator will enable the operator to
make good contacts under some conditions
of propagation, assuming the radiator is
able to accept power and radiate it at some
useful angle respective to earth.
In general, the height of the antenna
above ground is the most critical factor at
the higher end of the HF spectrum — 14
through 30 MHz. This is because the anten-
na should be clear of conductive objects
such as power lines, phone wires, gutters
and the Gke, plus high enough to have a
low radiation angle. This is not neazly as
important at 2 to 10 MHz, but lower fre-
quency antennas still should be well away
from conductive objects and as high above
ground as possible in the interest of good
performance. The exception is a ground-
mounted vertical antenna. Ground-plane
verticals, however, should be installed as
high above ground as possible so their per-
formance will not be degraded by co�iduc-
tive objects.
Antenna Polarization
Most HF-band antennas are either ver-
tically or horizontally polarized, although
circular polarization is possible, just as it
is at VHF and UHF. The polarization is
determined by the position of the radiating
element or wire with respect to earth. Thus,
a radiator that is parallel to the earth
radiates horizontally, while an antenna at
a right angle to the earth (vertical) radiates
a vertical wave. If a wire antenna is slanted
above earth, it radiates waves that aze be-
tween vertical and horizontal in nature.
During line-of-sight communications,
maximum signals will exist when the anten-
nas at both ends of the circuit have the
same polarity; cross polarization results in
many decibels of signal reduction. During
propagation via the ionosphere (sky wave),
however, it is not essential to have the same
polarization as the station at the opposite
end of the circuit. This is because the
radiated wave is bent and it tumbles con-
siderably during its travel through the at-
mospheric layer from which it is refracted.
At the far end of the communications path
Onfanna F��nrlamcnialc i7.i
� ' .
i the w�ve may be horizantal, vertical or
somewhere in between at a given instant.
On multihop transmissions, in which the
signal is refracted mare than onc� from the
atmosphere, and similarly reflected from
the earth's surface during its uavel, con-
siderable palarizatian shift witi accur.
Therefore, the main consideratian for a
good I?X antenna is a Iaw angie of radia-
tion rather ihan the polarization. It shauld
be said, however, that most DX antennas
far HF wark are horizontally polarized.
The major exceptian is the ground-plane
vertical and phased vertical arrays.
The impedance at a given point in the
antenna is determined by the ratia of the
voltage to the current at that point. For
e�ple, if there were 140 RF vaits and 1.4
amperes of current at a specified point in
an antenna and if they were in phase, the
impedance would be appro�mately 71
The impedance is significant with regard
to matching the feeder ta the feed paint:
Maxirnum power transfer takes place under
a perfectly matched condition. As the mis-
match increases, so daes the refiected
power. If thc feed line is nat too lossy or
long, good performance can be had at HF
when the standing-wave ratio (SWR} is 3:1
or less. When the feeder loss is very low —
as with apen-wire iransmission iine —
much higher SWR is noi detrimental to per-
formance if the transmitter is able ta work
into ihe mismatched condition satisfactori-
ly. In this regard, a Transmatch (matching
netwark betwcen the transrnitter and ihe
feed line) is aften emplayed to compensate
for the mismatch candition, enabling the
aperatar ta laad the transmitter ta its full
rated power. �
Antenna impedance can be either resis-
tive or complex {containing resistance and
reactance). This will depend on whether or
not the antenna is resonant at the operating
frequeacy. Many aperatars mistakenly
" believe that a mismatch, hawever small, is
a seriaus matter, and that their signals
won't be heard well even if ihe SWR is as
low as 1.3:1. This unfortunate fallacy has
cost much wasted time and money among
some amateur groups as individuaIs at-
temptcd to obtain a perfect match. A
gerfect match, hawever ideai the concept
may be, is nat necessary. The significance
of a perfect match becomes more pro-
naunced only at VHF and high�r, where
feed-line losses are a'majar problem.
Antennst Bandwidth
The bandwidth af an antenna refers
generally to the range af frequencies aver
which the antenna can be used to obtain
good performance. The bandwidth is
usually referenced to same SWR vaiue,
such as, "The 2:1 SWR bandwidth is 3.S
to 3.8 MHz." Some more speci�c band-
width terms are nsed aiso, such as the gain
bandwidth and the front-to-back ratia
1T-2 Chapter 1T
1.6 4
, � �;
H• x� r �ti'. %t�
!I ! V �
_ ✓��
k �� �
a.s�-4�- ---
� I�
; t ,H-a.ia
o.a� 11 '
a.z —
; '� � � �` 1
!�.. w�.. - -- � , I
, ,' � s
—�---fl i- � �
I I � Ij
� t s I
��� j I
t`I � !
� �j
n• �.iz �� I
� � � � � � , � �
14• 20• 30• 40• 50• 60• 70• 60• 90•
F3g. 2— Effeot af ground on the radiatian af harizantat antennas at veRicai angies far four
antenna heights. These data are based on perfectly conducting ground.
bandwidth. The gain bandwidth is signifi- wavelength at 14 MHz, and preferabh
cant because the higher the anienna gain, three-quarters ar one wavelength. At :.�
the narrower the gain bandwidth will be for MHz the height shon2d be at least oae
a given gain-bandwidth product. waveleng#h, and preferably higher.
For the most part, the lower the The physical height required for a gi��es �
operating frequency of a given antenna height in wavelengths decreases as the frc-
design, the narrower the bandwidth. This quency is increased, so that acceptabk
follq�vs ihe rule that the bandwidth of a heights are nai impractical; a haIf �a��o-
resonant circuit doubles as the frequency length at 14 MHz is only 35 feet,while c�c
of operatian is increased by one octave (or same height represents a full wavelength t
doubled}, assuming the Q is the same for 28 MHz. At i0 MHz and iower, the hi�
each case. Therefare, it is often difficult to radiatian angles are offective, so a usetd
obiain suf�cient bandwidth to caver all of antenna height is nat difficult ta attain. �
the 160- ta 80-meter bands with a dipole greater height is important at IO MHz a�
antenna cut for each of those bands. The below when it is desired to work DX c�'
situation can be aided by applying braad- sistentiy. Heights betwan 35 and 7Q f� ;
banding techniques, such as fanning the far are suitable for the upper bands, the hip.b� ;
ends of a dipole ta simulate a canical type �gures being preferable. It is WeU °D :
of dipale. remember that most simple harizan�` �j
Rxdiation Angle PQlarized antennas do not e�chibit the diro�' .:
tiviiy thay aze capable of unless the� �"
The vertical angle af max'smum radiaiion one-half wave2ength ar more �b°'�
is af primary importance, especially at the ground. Therefore, with dipole-type ��
bigher frequencies. it is advantageaus, nas it is not important ta choos� a fa�'� ;
therofore, to erect the antenna at a height broadside direction unless the anten���:
that will take advantage af ground reflec- icast onG-half wavelength abave PSO� "
tion sa as to reinfarce the sgace radiatian � �
at the mast desirable angle. Since low j�P���et Groand
angles usually art most effective, this Fig. 2 is based on graund havin8 �
generally means that Ehe antenna should be conductivity, whereas the earth is �sj
high. The height should be at least one-half perfect conductar. The prinap� eff�
i`�u� ground is to make the curves inac-
�1e at the lowest angles; appreciable
�-frequency radiation a[ angies smaller
�� a few degrees is practically impossi-
bk to obtain over horizontal ground.
��ve 15 degrees, however. the curves are
�curate enough for all practical purposes,
�d may be taken as indicative of the result
ta � e�cpected at angles between 5 and 15
'['he effecdve ground plane — that is, the
p�ane from which ground reflections can
K considered to take place — seldom is the
��Kual surface of the ground. Instead, it is
x�•eral inches to a few feet below it, de-
p�nding on the characteristics of the soil.
Carrent aad Voltage Distribution
�1'hen power is fea to an antenna, the
�vrrent and voltage vary along its length.
The current is maxi�num (loop) at the
ren[er and nearly zero (node) at the ends.
The opposite is true of the RF voltage. The
current does not actually reach zero at the
�vrrent nodes, because of the end effect.
Similarly, the voltage is not zero at its node
because of the resistance of the antenna,
ahich consists of both the RF resistance of
che wire (ohmic resistance) and the radia-
rion resistance. The radiation resistance is
the equivalent resistance that would dis-
sipa�e the power the antenna radiates, with
a�urrent flowing in it equal to the anten-
;ia �urrent at a current loop (maximum).
The ohmic resistance of a half-wavelength
an�enna is ordinarily small enough, com-
pared with the radiation resistance, to be
aeglected for all practical purposes.
Conductor Size
The impedance of the antenna also
:epends on the diameter of the conductor
:n relation to the wavelength, as indicated
:n Fig. 3. If the diameter of the conductor
s increased, the capacitance per unit length
=��eases and the inductance per unit length
:e�reases. Since the radiation resistance is
1=tected relatively little, the decreased L/C
�;io causes the Q of the antenna to de-
=:ase so that the resonance curve becomes
� sharp. Hence, the antenna is capable
�► w'orking over a wide frequency range.
:ais etfect is greater as the diameter is in-
=:�ed, and is a property of some impor-
'yzce at the very high frequencies where the
`a�elength is small.
j jundamental form of antenna is a
��� «�ire whose length is approximately
`-a1:o half the transmitting wavelength.
��:he unit from which many more com-
��t •'orms of antennas aze constructed and
` �i°'�'n as a dipole antenna.
�•'•z fength of a half-wave in free space is
�rnh (ft) = 492 (Eq 1)
f (MHz)
�" 3ctual length of a resonant half-
wavelength antenna will not be exactly
equal to the half wavelength in space, but
depends on the thickness of the conductor
in relation to the wavelength. The relation-
ship is shown in Fig. 3, where K is a factor
that must be multiplied by the half wave-
length in free space to obtain the resonant
antenna length. An additional shortening
effect occurs with wire antennas supported
by insulators at the ends because of the
capacitance added to the system by the in-
sulators (end effect). The following for-
mula is sufficiently accurate for wire anten-
nas for frequencies up to 30 MHz.
Length of half-wave antenna (ft) _
492 x 0.95 468 �Q 2�
f (MHz) f (MHz)
Example: A half-wave antenna for 7150
kHz (7.15 MHz) is 468/7.15 = 65.45 ft,
or 65 ft 5 in.
Above 30 MHz the following formulas
should be used, particularly for antennas
constructed from rod or tubing. K is taken
from Fig. 3.
Length of half-wave antenna (ft) _
492 x K (Eq. 3)
Length (in) = 5904 x K �Eq. 4)
f (MHz)
Example: Find the length of a half-
wavelength antenna at 28.7 MHz, if the
antenna is made of %z-inch-diameter
tubing. At 28.7 MHz, a half wavelength in
space is
492 = 17.14 ft
from Eq. 1. The ratio of half wavelength
to conductor diameter (changing wave-
length to inches) is
(17.14 x 12) = 411
0.5 in.
From Fig. 3, K= 0.97 for this ratio. The
length of the antenna, from Eq. 3 is
492 x 0.97 _ 16.63 ft
or 16 feet 7�/z inches. The answer is ob-
tained directly in inches by substitution in
Eq. 4
5904 x 0.97 _ 199.5 inches
The length of a half wavelength antenna
is affected also by the proximity of the
dipole ends to neazby conductive and semi-
conductive objects. In practice, it is often
necessary after cutting the antenna to the
c6mputed length to do some experimental
"pruning" of the wire, lengthening or
shortening it in increments to obtain a low
Y ,.00 I� � �
�.•i! i
� o.ee `
< , K I �.,
LL 0.96 � .
_ �,�
j 0.94 � � �
a i.i; �'i �
� o.sz ,
� '�iil � �i i
SS �
so �
�S w
so zoo . ,000l s000.
wo soo z000 �oaoo
Fig. 3— Effect of antenna diameter on length
for half•wavelength resonance, shown as a
multiplying factor, K, to be applied to the iree-
space, half-wavelength equation (Eq. t of text).
The effect of conductor diamQter on the center
feed•point impedance is shown here also.
Fig. 4— Response of a dipole antenna In free
space, looking at the plane of the conductor,
solid Iine. Ii the currents in the halves of the
dipote are not in phase, some distortion of the
pattem will occur, broken Ifne. (Pattern
calculation courtesy of "Annie."�)
SWR. This can be done by applying RF
power through an SWR indicator and
observing the reflected-power reading.
When the lowest SWR is obtained for the
desired part of an amateur band, the anten-
na is resonant at that frequency. The value
of the SWR indicates the quality of the
match between the antenna and the feed
line. With feed-line impedances of 50 or 75
ohms, the SWR at resonance should fall
between 1.1:1 and 1.7:1 for antennas of
average height that are clear of nearby con-
ductive objects. If the lowest SWR ob-
tainable is too high for use with solid-state
rigs, a Transmatch or line-input matching
network may be used, as described in
Chapter 16.
Radiation Characteristics
The classic radiation pattern of a dipole
antenna is most intense perpendicular to
the wire. A figure-8 pattern (Fig. 4) can be
�Annie, a commercially available program for
plotting antenna pattems on the APple II series
of computers, is available from Sonnet Soft-
ware, Dept. �H, 4397 Luna Course, Uverpool,
NY 13088.
Antenna Fundamentals 17•3
.��� /�►�.
� �
:�`��� �����; '
►a�•� �� f�i�� .
Fip. 5— At A, elevation-plane response of a
dipole antenna ptaced Yz wavelenpth above a
perfectly conductinp pround, and B, the pat-
tem for the aeme mntenna when It is raised to
one wevelenpth helpht. C ahows the ezimuth
pattems of the dipole for the two heiphts at
the most favored elevatlon anple, the solid•Iine
plot for the L4•a helpht at an elevation anple
of 30 deprees, and the broken•Ilne plot for the
1•a helyht at en elevatlon anple of 15 deprees.
(Pattem calculation courtesy oi "Annie.'7
assumed off the broad side of the antenna
(bidirectional pattern) if the dipole is
r4 wavelength or greater above earth and
is not degraded by nearby conductive ob-
jects. This assumption is based also on a
symmetrical feed system. In practice, a
coaxial feed line may distort this pattern
slightly, as shown in Fig. 4. Minimum
horizontal radiation occurs off the ends of
the dipole. This discussion applies to a half-
wavelength antenna that is parallel to .the
earth. If the dipole is erected vertically,
however, uniform radiation in all compass
directions will result in a doughnut pattern
if it could be viewed from above the
Many beginners assume that a dipole
antenna will exhibit a broadside pattern at
any height above ground. In fact, as the
antenna is brought closer to ground, the
radiation pattern deteriorates until the
antenna is, for the most part, an omnidirec-
17-4 Chepter 17
f (MHz)
asz x vF�{
� f (MHz) I
� ,
300—Q Twin—lead
« F�ostfo
Open—wire Line �Sondwich'
(up to 6' spacing) Bloek
300-0 Twin Lead
(any length)
Fig 6—Construction details for a folded-
dipoie antenna. N twin lead is used as the
dipole and feed line. Two pieces of plastic
form a"sandwich" center insulator to hold
the conductor junction secure. When twin
lead is used for the flat top, the two
flat-top conductors shouid be shorted at
�/z � x VF, as shown.
�s-r. LINE
Fig 7—Method of affixing feed line to the
center of a dipole antenna. A plastic block
is used as a center insulator. The coax is
heid in place by means of a metal clamp.
Use a balun to feed dipole antennas. See
text about "Baluns."
tional radiator of high-angle waves. Many
aze tempted to use any convenient height,
such as 20 or 30 feet above ground, for an
80-meter dipole, only to learn that the
system is effective in all directions over a
relatively short distance (out to 500 or 1000
miles under good conditions).
It can be seen from this that height above
ground is important for a host of reasons.
Fig. 5 illustrates clearly the advantage
gained from antenna height. The radiation
angle of Fig. SA is 30 degrees, whereas at
a height of one wavelength (Fig. SB) the
lobes split and the lower ones provide a
good DX-comTnunications angle of 15
degrees. The directivity of the antenna at
the two height�is shown in Fig. SC. The
solid line shows the azimuth pattern at a
radiation angle of 30 degrecs for a%z-A
dipole height, and corresponds to the plot
in Fig. SA. The broken line shows the pat-
tern for a radiadon angle of 15 degrees and
a 1-� height, corresponding to the plot of
Fig. SB. Fig. SC illustrates that there is
significant radiation off the ends of a low
horizontal dipole, even at the most favored
elcvation angle. For the �/z-� height (solid
line), the radiation off the ends is only 7.6
dB lower than that in the broadside
The higher angle lobes of the pattern of
Fig. SB (50 degrees) are useful for short-
haul communications and compare
favorably in practice with the lobe angle
shown in Fig. SA. At heights appre; -
lower than �/z wavelength, the lobe �
becomes higher. Eventually the cH•o ;,
converge to create the discrete ��b �
radiation" which has a very high-�
nature (poor for long-d�s:���
Feed Methods
Most amateurs use either coa�ia; ;t.,�
(coax) or open-wire transmission line. t�
is the common choice because: (1) it•�•�
ily available, (2) its characteris;i; -.
pedance is close to that of the anten; ��x
(3) it may be easily routed through o: �,,�
walls and among other cables. The e;s,�;,
vantages of coax are: increased RF 10;; �
low working voltage (compared to t;:Z y
open-wire line). Both disadvantaees r..i,�
coax a poor choice for high-SV�'R s�•s:r�
Take care when choosing coa�. ;•x
1/4-in foam-dielectric cables onl�• fo: '►,�,.
power (25 W or less) transmissions. 5�,,,,.
dielectric 1/4-in cabies are okap for?;r, �•
if the SWR is low. For high-pow•er i:.s.�;
lations, use 1/2-in or larger cabies. T�' �
is generally unsuitable for amateur us; 4.
cause appropriate connectors are exper.sK
and �ifficult to procure.
The most common two-wire trans�;;
sion lines are open-wire line and t��•in le� •�
Since the conductors are not shielded, nr �
wire lines are affected by their.: en�i-a� i
ment. Use standoffs and insulators to 1�y
the line several inches from structura a
other conductors. Open-wire line t�°
almost no loss (twin lead has a little ma�d, `
and it can stand very high voltages (S��t.
so long as the insulators are clean. A foiir.
dipole and its feed line can be made entiej`
of 300-i2 twin lead as shown in Fig 6. .'
?wo-wire lines are usually balanced. •
they shouid have a balun at the transi�•
to an unbalanced transmitter or coa:. L
Transmatch will probably be needed t'
match the line input impedance to �t.
Baluns �'
Because dipoles are balanced (electri��
symmetrical about their feed poinul. ,
balun should b� used at the feed poinc
a dipole is fed with coax.
When coax feeds a dipole directl�� 1�
Fig 7), current flows on the outside of �`
eable shield. The shield can condu�
onto the transmitter chassis and induc�
onto metal objects near the system. �
currents can impair the function of �
ments connected to the line (such as
meters and SWR-protection circuits � '
transmitter). The shield current
produces feed-line radiation, w'h��'
changes the antenna radiation pattera. .
(2) allows objects near the cable �a
the antenna-system performance.
The consequences may be neg��t��•
slight skewing of the antenna
usually goes unnoticed. Or, the>' �
significant: False SWR readings ma>
the transmitter to shut down or d��
I i
�— �
fEEDER gp•
(A) ' \
Caax Feeder
Fy, g— Center fed Zepp antenna (A) and
�n end•fed Zepp at B.
output transistors; radiating coax near a
T�' feed line may cause strong local inter-
faence. Therefore, it is best to eliminate
(eed-line radiation whenever possible, and
i balun should be used at any transition be-
c.cen balanced and unbalanced systems.
(P.x Transmission Lines chapter thoroughly
�cribes baluns and their construction.)
E�en so, balanced/unbalanced systems
.ithout a balun often operate with no
��parent problems. For temporary or
csnergency stations, do not let the lack of
i balun determine your course of action.
h�ctical Dipole Antennas
A classic dipole antenna is 1/2 �
��a�•elength) long and fed at the center.
T1e feed-point impedance is low at the
xs.�nant frequency, fo, and odd harmon-
'cs :hereof. The impedance is high near
r•en harmonics. When fed with coax, a
=:i;sic dipole provides a reasonably low
��'R at fo and its odd harmonics.
�t'hen fed with open-wire line (see
'? 3�) and a Transmatch, the classic
=�`!e should be usable near fo and all haz-
'�ni,: frequencies. (With a good Trans-
'atch, it may work on all frequencies.) If
= t; e are problems (such as extremely high
'U R or evidence of RF on objects at the
=�:ating position), change the antenna
i•� or feed-line length by ± 1/8 � at the
`�'�iem frequency. A few such adjust-
"��s should yield a workable system. Such
' ���tem is sometimes called a "center-fed
�'�•" but that is a misnomer. We'll talk
���: about multiband-dipole systems later.
���ZzPP" antenna is an end-fed dipole
�� �s matched by 1/4 a of open-wire feed
•'= tsee Fig 8B), The antenna was origi-
�-�!' used on zeppelins, with the dipole
'i'�S horizontally from the feeder, which
'="B from the airship cabin. It is intended
�' 1sz on a single band, but should
� lsable near odd harmonics of fo.
Direct—ron� _
Fg 9—Example of a sloping half-wavelength
dipole, or "full sloper." On the lower HF
bands over poor to average earth,
maximum radiation is off the sides and in
the "forward direction" indicated here, if a
nonconductive support is used. A metal
support will aiter this pattern by acting as a
parasitic element, depending on its
electrical height. Use a balun to feed
dipole antennas. See text about "Baluns."
Most dipoles require a little pruning to
reach the desired resonant frequency.
Here's a technique to speed the adjustment.
How much to prune: When assembling
the antenna, cut the wire 2-3% longer than
the calculated length and record the length.
When the antenna is complete, raise it to
the working height and check the SWR at
several frequencies. Multiply the frequen-
cy of the SWR minimum by the antenna
length and divide the result by the desired
fo. The result is the finished length; trim
both ends equally to reach that length and
you're done!
Loose ends: i-iere's another trick, if you
use nonconductive guy lines. When assem-
bling the antenna, mount the end insula-
tors in about 5% from the ends. Raise the
antenna and let the ends hang free. Figure
how much to prune and cut it from the
hanging ends. If the pruned ends are very
long, twine them around the guy line for
Dipole Orientatron
Dipole antennas need not be installed in
a horizontal straight line. They are gener-
ally tolerant of bending, sloping or droop-
ing as required by the antenna site.
Remember, however, that dipole antennas
aze RF conductors. For safety's sake,
mount all antennas away from conductors
(especially power lines), combustibles and
well beyond the reach of passersby.
A sloping dipole is shown in Fig 9. This
antenna is often used to favor one direc-
tion (the "forward direction" in the
�gure). With a nonconducting support and
poorearth, signals off the back are weaker
than those off the front. With a noncon-
ducting mast and good earth, the response
is omnidirectional. There is no gain in any
direction with a nonconducting mast.
A conductive support acts as a pazasitic
� 9f
TO �
son swR
^ 5000 .
�sooF � ocF
Fig. 10 — At A, details for an inverted V,
which can be used for multiband HF
operation. A Transmatch is shown at B, •
suitable for matching the antenna to the
transmitter over a wide frequency range.
element. (So does the coax shield, unless
it is routed at 90 ° from the antenna.) The
parasitic effects vary with earth quality,
support height and other conductors on the
support (such as a beam at the top). With
such variables, performance is very difficuit
to predict.
Losses increase as the antenna ends ap-
proach the support or the ground. To pre-
vent feed-line radiadon, route the coax away
from the feed point at 90 ° from the antenna,
and continue on that line as far as possible.
An Inverted V antenna appears in Fig 10.
While "V" accurately describes the shape
of this antenna, this antenna should not be
confused with long-wire V antennas, which
are highly directive.
The inverted V is widely used by
amateurs, but it is seldom used in military
or commercial applications. This is curious
because the antenna is a simple and effec-
tive radiator. The conHguration offers
several advantages over a horizontal dipole:
• Only one tall support is needed.
• The feed-line weight is carried by the
center support rather than the antenna
• The feed-line configuration is symmetri-
cal with respect to the dipole legs.
• Water drips off the antenna readily (less
frost buildup).
• Additional dipoles aze easily connected
in parallel for multiband use. The ends
can be separated to minimize interaction.
Antenna Fundamentals 17-5
� � FE£O � �
Fig. 11 — When limited space is available
for a dipole antenna the ends can be bent
downward as at A, or back on the radiator
as shown at B. The inverted V at C can be
erected with the ends bent paraitei with the
ground when ihe availabie supporting
structure is nat high enough.
The radiation patiern and dipole im-
pedance depend on the apex angle, and it
is very important thai the ends do not come
too c2ose to iassy ground. The inpui im-
pedances of antennas with apex heights of
0.2 a and apax angles of 127 ° and 90 ° are
50 and 36 it, respectively.
As far ali i12-1. dipoles, the eurrent an
the two arms is in phase. Since the arms
are sloping, the vertical components of thc
currents on the arms are oppositely direet-
ed. Therefore, if you wish to achieve a
dipole-like pattern, it is important to use
a balun, so that the arm currents are
balanced and their vertical camponents
cancel at the mast. T�is applies even with
a nonconducting mast becausc the coax
shietd acts tike a grounded mast (it's
graunded via the Transmatch or trans-
Contrary to statements in previaus edi-
tions of this Handbook, and by variaus
radia amateurs, the inverted V is an effi-
cient radiator. Its gain and pattern are very
simiTar to a horizontal dipale at the same
height as the apex, when the apex angle is
100 ° ar more.
The best arrangernent for multiband
operation is to parallel cannect severat
resonant dipoies, one for each bar.8.
A current balun is recommended if the
antenna is fed by coa,x, and that is the most
convenient feed methad.
Bent digales may be used where anten-
ia space is at a premium. Fig I1 shaws
several possibilities; there are many mare.
Bending distorts the radiation pattern
sornewhat and may affect the impedance
as well, but compramises are acceptable
17�8 Chap#er 17
_'�'--C U _� U'-"` Gt �`-�,,,�
Fip. 12 — Exampte of a trap dipote antenna. L1 and C1 can be tuned ta the desired freq�
means af a dip meter before ihey are instaited in ihe antenna
when the site demands them. When art an-
tenna bends back on itself (as in Fig 11 B)
some af the signal is canceled; avaid this
if possibie. Fig lIC shaws an inverted-V
antenna bent ta compensate far a low
center support.
In generai, remember that current
groduces the radiated signai, and current
is maximum at the dipole center. There-
fore, performance is best when the central
area of the antenna is straight, high and
clear of nearby objects. Be safe? I�eep any
bends, sags or hanging ends well clear of
conductors (especially pawer lines), cam-
bustibles and beyond the reach of persans.
Multiband Dipoles
There are several ways to construct coax-
fed multiband dipole systems. These tech-
niques apply to digoles af all orientatians.
Each method requires a little more work
than a single dipole, but the materiais don't
cost much.
Para!!e! dipales are a simple and can-
venient answer. C�nter-fed dipoles present
Iow-impedances near fo, ot odd har-
monics, and high impedances elsewhere.
This lets us construcz simple multiband sys-
tems that automatically seIect the appropri-
ate antenna. Cansider a SO-ft resisior
parallet connected with a 5-k12 resistar. A
generator connected across the two resis-
tors wiIl see 49.5 SZ, and 99% af the cur-
rent wi21 flaw thraugh the 50-ft resistar.
When resonant and nonresonant aniennas
are parallel connected, the nonresonant
antenna takes tittle power and has little
affecc on the iotat feed-paint impedance.
Thus, we can conneci several aniennas
together at the feed point, and power natur-
ally flows to the resanant antenna.
There are same limifs, hawever. Wires
in close proximity tend to couple and
produce mutuai inductance. In parallel
dipa2es, this means that the resanant Iength
of the shorter dipoles lengthens a few per-
cent. Shorter antennas dan't affect longer
anes much, so adjust far resonance in order
fram iongest to shartest. Mutual induc-
tance also reduces the bandwidth of shorter
dipoles, so a Transmatch may be needed
to achieve a useful SWR acrass ali bands
covered. These effects can be reduced by
spreading the ends of the dipoles. Paralle!
dipoles are typically separated by 2-4
Alsq the power-disiribution mechanism
requires that only one af the parallel dipol�s
is near resonance an any amateur band.
Separate dipaies far 80 and 30 meters
should not be parallel connected because
xhe higher band is near an add hz,..,.�
of the ]ower t and {80/3 = 30) an,: �
fed dipales h. ve law irnpedance: n;� �
harmonics. (I�he 40- and i5-meter p,�
have a similar relationship.} �'}��� �.�
that you must either accept the loN- �
formance of the law-band•antennx cr�
ating on a harmonic ar erect a sc�„�
antenna far those odd-harmonic �.�
For example, four parallel-conn-,.�
dipoles cut for 80, A0, 20 and 10 m�[en ty
by a single Transmatch and coa.�iai �
work reasonably an all HF bands frms�
through 10 meters.
Trap dipates provide rnvitiband c,,m
ation fram a coax-fed single-u•ire dr, ot
Fig 12 shows a twa-band trap antenr.�, �
trap is a parallel-resonant circuit ch� /
fective(y discannects wire beyond th� c�
at the resonant frequency. Trapc mzs �
canstructed from coiled sections of mui
from discrete LC camponents. LC coa�pi
nents are mare difficuit ta procure.l�
they can perform better than caax trr�[
Choose capacitors (C1 in thc figurc)di1
are rated for fiigh current and voicage. �if
transmitting capacitors are gaad. Cermi
transmitting capacitors may work, but tlM1
values change with temperature. Useh+�
wire for the inductors ta reduee loss. AN
reactance {X� and X�) above 10012 t�t�
will work, but bandwidth increases
reactance (up to severai thousand oh�
Check trap resanance befare instalt�
This can be done with a dig meter �
receiver. To construct a trap antenn�.+�
a dipole for the highest frequenn' �
eonneet ihe traps to its ends. It is f�
complicated to calculate the additioc�al•i�
needed for each band, so just add e
wire to make the antenna 2I2 � and
it as necessary. Repeat the procedun
each pair of traps until the antenna is .
plete. Because the inductance in ta�
reduces the physical length needed
resanance, the finished antenna W� �
shorter than a simple 1/2-� dipo�e.
Shortened Dipoles
Inductive loadrng inereases the ele�
length of a conductor without inc�
its physicai length.l"herefore, we c� �'
physically shon digole antennas b�' P�
inductors in the antenna, These az't d
"loaded antennas," and The ARRL �
tenna Boak shows how to desi8n tb°
There are same trade-offs in�'o�`'�
ductively loaded antennas are less e�"��'
and have narrower bandwidths t��
size antennas. Generally they sho�d �p0
shortened more than SO�Io.
:� antenna will be resonant so long as
;��t�al number of standing waves of
i�d voltage can exist along its
'�CA � other words, so long as its length
���� integral multiple of a half wave-
�, When the antenna is more than one
gth long it usually is called a long-
� �enna, or a harmonic antenna.
�t pnd Voltage Distribution
��g. 14 shows the current and voltage
��uuon along a wire operating at its
�damental frequency (where its length is
pdal to a half wavelength) and at its sec-
� third and fourth harmonics. For ex-
�pie, if the fundamental frequency of the
�enna �s 7 MHz, the current and voltage
�Scnbution will be as shown at A. 'The
�me antenna excited at 14 MHz would
y�e cunent and voltage distribution as
�qwn at B. At 21 MHz, the third harmonic
� 7«iz, the current and voltage distribu-
p� would be as in C; and at 28 MHz, the
(ourth harmonic, as in D. The number of
de harmonic is the number of half waves
eoacained in the antenna at the particulaz
oQerating frequency.
'[he polarity of current or voltage in each
tsading wave is opposite to that in the ad-
j�eat standing waves. This is shown in the
fgure by drawing the current and voltage
cnn•a successively above and below the
�atenna (taken as a zero reference line), to
cdirate that the polarity reverses when the
aurent or voltage goes through zero. Cur-
«ats flowing in the same direction are in
p�ase; in opposite directions. out of phase.
It is evident that one antenna may be
eud for harmonically related frequencies,
uch as the various amateur bands. The
bag-wire or harmonic antenna is the basis
of muldband operation with one antenna.
rlFsical Lengt6
The length of a long-wire antenna is not
m exact multiple of that of a half-wave
mtenna because the end effects operate
�aly on the end sections of the antenna; in
xher p�s of the wire these effects aze ab-
��, and the wire length is approximately
�at of an equivalent portion of the wave
a space. The formula for the length of a
°pB-w•ire antenna, therefore is
�eth (feet) = 492 (N — 0.05)
f (MHz)
�'r,e Y is the number of half waves on the
�nple: An antenna 4 half waves long at
•i•= `tHz would be
i��� — 0.05) _ 492 (3.95)
14.2 14.2
'��6•9 feet, or 136 feet 10 inches.
�t is appazent that an antenna cut as a
'�`�'ave for a given frequency will be
`'�I�Y off resonance at exactly twice that
E �
E �
' ic�
E �
Fip. 14 - Standinp•wave current end voltage
distributlon alony an antenna when it is
operated at various harmonics of Its (un-
damental resonant frequency.
frequency (the second harmonic), because
of the dxreased influence of the end effects
when the antenna is more than one-half
wavelength long. The effect is not impor-
tant, except for a possible uabalance in the
feeder system and consequent radiadon
from the feed line. If the antenna is fed in
the exact center, no unbalance will occur
at any frequency, but end-fed systems will
show an unbalance oa all but one frequen-
cy in each harmonic range.
Impedance s�nd Power GaIn
The radiation resistance as measured at
a current loop becomes higher as the anten-
na length is increased. Also, a long-wire
antenna radiates more power in its most
favorable direction than does a half-wave
antenna in its most favorable direction.
Tlus power gain is obtained at the expense
of radiation in other directions. Fig. 15
shows how the radiation resistancx and the
power in the lobe of maximum radiation
vary with the antenna length.
Directionxl Characteristics
As the wire is made longer in terms of
the number of half wavelengths, the direc-
tional effects change. Instead of the
doughnut pattem of the half-wave anten-
na, the directional chazacteristic splits up
into lobes which make various angles with
the wire. In general, as the length of the
wire is increased the direction in which
maximum radiation occurs tends to ap-
proach the linc of the antenna itself.
Direcdonal chazacteristics for antennas
1 a, 1�/z 1�, and 2� aze given in Figs. 16,
Fip. 15 — Curve A shows the variation in
radiatlon resistance with antenna lenpth when
the antenna Is ted at a current maxlmum.
Curve 8 ehows power fn the lobes of maxi-
mum radlatlon for Iong-wire antennas as a ,
ratlo to the maximum radiation for a hali•wave
Fiq. 16 — Horizontal patterns of radiation
irom a full•wave antenna. The solid Iine shows
the pattem for a vertical angle of 15°; broken
Iines show deviation from the 15• pattem at
9• and 30'. All three patterns are drawn to the
same relative scale; actual amplitudes will de-
pend on the height of the antenna
17 and 18 for three vertical angles of radia-
tion. Note that, as the wire length increases,
the radiadon along the line of the antenna
becomes more pronounced. Still longer
antennas can be considered to have prac-
tically end-on directional characteristics,
even at the lower radiation angles.
When a long-wire antenna is fed at one
end or at the current loop closest to that
end, the radiation is most pronounced from
the long section. This unidirectional pat-
tern can be accentuated by terminating the
far end in a(oad resistance to ground. The
load resistor will dissipate energy that
would ordinarily be radiated toward the
feed poin[. Depending on the pattem sym-
metry of the unterminated antenna, this
resistor must handle up to half the power
Antenna Fundamentals 17•7
Fi�. 17 — Horizontal patterns of tadiation
fram an antenna three half•waves long. The
salid tlne shows the pattem for a vertical
angte of 15'; broken tines show deviatian from
the 15' pattem at 9• and 30°. Minor iabes
coincide for aN three angtes.
F(p. 18 — Ho�izontat paitems at radiatian
from an antenna 2 wavelengths long. The sofid
Iine shows the pattem for a verttcal angle of
15•; broken lines �how deviatfon fram the 15"
pattern at 9' snd 3fi`. The minor Iobes nearly
caincide far atl three anpte&.
delivered to the fted .point. 'I'he euact
resistance mrast bc determincd empiricallY,
but the voitage-to-current ra6o at a current
node is a goad starting'value. A quarter-
wavelength wire beyond the resistar can
serve as a pseudo gound for the system.
Low-anglt radiaiion from a lang wire can
be enhanced by slopin$ ihe wire down
toward th� favored direction.
Methods of Fteding
In a lang-wire antenna, the cunents in
adjacent haif-wavo sect3ons must be ant of
phase, as shown in Fig. 14, Thc feeder
system must not upset this phase relation-
ship. Ttus is satis�ed by fceding the anten-
a at either end or at any current loap. A
.wa-wire fceder cannot hc inserted at a cur-
rent nodc, howover, because ihis invariably
brings ihe currents in two adjacent half-
wave sections in phase. A tong-wire anttn-
17-8 Chapter 17
na is usually made a half wavelength at ihe
lawest freqvency and fed at the end.
Long-Wire Directive Arrays
Two long wires can be cambined in the
farm of a harizontai V, in the form of a
horizontal rhombus, or in paraIlei, to pro-
vide a lang-wire directive array. In the V
and rhombic antennas the main lobes rein-
farce alang a line bisecting the acute angle
between the wires; in the pazallel antenna
the reinforcement is along ihe line of the
labe. This reinforcement provides both
gain and directivity alang the line, since ihe
labes in ather directions tend ta canceI.
When the proper con�guratian far a given
length and height abave ground is used, the
power gain depends on the length (in wave-
Iengths} of the wires.
Rhombic and V antennas are narmally
bidirectional alang the bisector line men-
tioned above. They can be made unidirec-
tional by terminating the ends of the wires
away from the feeQ poini in the proper
vatue of resisiance. When properiy termi-
nated, V and rhombic antennas of suf�-
cient iengtia wark weti over a three-to-one
ar four-to-ane freqvency range and hence
are useful for multiband operation.
Antenna gains of the order of 10 to IS
dB can be obtained with properly con-
structed long-wire arrays. The pattern is
rather sharp wiin gains of ihis order,
however, and rhombic and V beams are noz
used by amateurs as commonty as they
once were, having been displaced by the
rotatable mvitielement Yagi beam. Further
information an these antennas can be
found in the The ARRL Antenna Book.
By combining individual half-wave
antennas inta an array with suitable spacing
between the antennas (called elGments) and
feeding power ta them simultaneously, it
is possible to make the radia6on from the
elemenis add up atong a singie direction
and form a beaFn. In other direcctions the
radiation tends to cancel, so a pawer gain
is abtained in one direction at tho exponse
of radiation in other directions.
There aze severaI methods of arranging
the elements. If they aze strung cnd to end,
so that all lie on th� samc straight line, tho
elemonts are said to tx collincar, If thoy aze
paralle! and all lying in ihe same plane, the
elemonts aze said to bc broadside when the
ghase af th� current is the same in at2, and
end-fire when the currents are nat in phase.
Gollinear ArrAys
Simplo forms af collinear arrays, wiW
current distributian, are shawn in Fig. 19.
1"he two-element array at A is popularly
known as a Franklin array, two half-waves
in phasc or a dpublo Zepp antenna. It wiU
be recognized as simply a ctntor-fed dipole
operatsd at its second harmaaic.
By extending Ehe antenna. as at B. the
aclditional gain af an extended doubie Ze,pp
antettna can be abtained. Carrying the
l�ngth beyond that shawn wiil re��.
X-shaped pattern that no longet �
maximum radiation at right an�a �
ColIinear anays may be moun�� �
horizontalIy or vertically. Ho,-�
mounting gives increased azimuth�; �
dvity, while the vertical directi��it+• r�
the same as for a singlt element at ti� y
height. Vertical mounting gives cb; L
horizontal pattern as a single elem� ,
improves the low-angle radiation.
Broadside Arrays
Pazallei antenna eiements with cu_�
in phase may be cambined as shoHn ��
2A to form a broadside array, s4 a�
because the direction of maximum �
tion is broadside to the planc concaini�
antennas. Th� gain and directitirit�� d�
on the spacing of ihe elcments.
Broadside arrays may be suspe�
either with the elements ali vertical a �
them harizantal and one above the oc
(stacked). in the case of vertical elea�e
t6e horizantal pattem becomes quite �+y
while the verti,cal pattern is the sune �s;
of ane element alonc. If the arn,
suspended horizontaUy, the horizanuv�
tern is equivalent ta that of one elem
while the vertical patiern is sharp`ca
giving low-angle radiatian.
Sroadside arrays may he fed eithe
iuned open-wire iines ar through qcun
wavc matchiag sections and flat Iina.
Fig. 20B, note the crossing over oi .
phasing scction, wbich is necessary to br
the eiements into proper phase relatiorui
End-Fire Arrays
Fig. 21 shows a pair of parallel hali �
elemenis with currents aui of phase.'!
is known as an end-fire array bcrawi
radiates best along the plane af thc aaa
nas, as shown. The end-fire prinapk �
fust demonstrated by Jahn Kraus, R'�
and 2-element arrays of this type a.re oE
,calItd "8JK" antennas.
The end-fuc array may be used dd
vertically or harizontally (elcmcnu u �
sarae height), and is well adapted
aznatour work btcause it gives ma�'
gain with relatively close elemenc sspa�
Fig. 22 shows how the gain varia "'
spacing. End-iue elements may bt �
bined with additionat coIIinear and biw
side etemenis to give a further incre�
gain and direccivity.
Either taned or untuned Iines �=t
used with tivs type of array. Untune� �
preferably are matched to t�ha ��!
through a quarter-wave macchinS �
or phasing stub.
Unidirectional End-Fire ArraYs
Two parallci elements spaccd
wavelength apart and fed e9ua�, �
90 ° aut af phase wiIl have a direcu°�
tera in the planc of the array at rip,�� �
ta tho eIements. The manimum ��
is in the direction from thc element � a
�, �g — Colllnear antennas In phase. The syatem at A Is known as two half waves in phase
� has s pain of 1.8 d8 over a half-wave antenna By lenflthenlny the antenna aliphtly, as in B,
� yain can be increased to 3 d8. Marnimum radlation is at right anyles to the antenna The
mtenna at A is sometlmes called a doubie Zepp antenna, and that of B is known as an extended
aouDie Zepp.
q9• 20 — Simple broadalde array uslnp horizontal elements. By making the spaciny S equal to
Y� •«avelength, the antenna at A can be used at the corresponding frequency and up to twice
�+n trequency. Thus when designed for 14 MHz it can also be used on 18, 21, 25 and 28 MHz.
''v �ntenna at B can be used on only the deslyn band. This array is bidirectlonal, w(th maxl-
�+um radiation broadside or perpendicuiar to the antenna plane (perpendicularly through this
�ei. Gain vaMes wlth the �pacinq S, runninp from 21z to almost 5 d8. (See Fiq. 22.)
�' �� — Top view of a ho�izontal end-fire array. The system is fed with an open•wire Ilne at X
� �� the Iine can be of any lenpth. Feed polnts X and Y are equldistant from the two In•
�0�� and the feed Ilne ahould drop down vertically from the antenna The flaln of the system
r'a+Y with the epacinq, as shown In Fip. 22, and ia a maximum at 118 wavelenpth. By ualnq a
Ch of 33 feet and a spaclnp of 8 feet, the antenna will work on 20, 17, 15, 12 and 10 meters.
Fig. 22 — Gain vs. spac(ng for two parallel
half-wave elements combined as either broad-
aide or end•flre aRays.
�}�—ua —�,�
Mq�� 1J2 / � r �
� �
u� �
Fip. 23 — Unldirectional two-element end-fire
aRay and method of obtainfng 90• phasing.
the current lags. In the opposite direction
the fields from the two elements cancel.
One way in which the 90 ° phase dif-
ference can be obtained is shown in �g. 23.
Each elemeat must be matched to its
transmission line, the two lines being of the
same type except that one is an electrical
quarter wavelength longer than the other.
The length L can be any convenient value.
Opea quarter-wave matching sections could
be used instead. The two transmission lines
aze connected in pazallel at the transmitter
coupling circuit.
When the curreats in the elements are
neither in phase aor 180° out of phase the
radiation resistances of the elements aze not
equal. This complicates the problem of
feeding equai currents to the elements. If
the curreats are not equal, one or more
minor lobes will appeaz in the pattem and
decrease the front-to-back ratio. The ad-
justment process is likely to be tedious and
requires field-suength measurements in
order to get the best performance.
More than two elements can be used in
unidirecdonal ead-fire arrays. The require-
ment for unidirectivity is that there must
be a progressive phase stuft in the ekment
currents. The shift must equal the spacing
between the elements in electrical degrees,
Antenn9 FundamenfAlc 17.Q
and ;he current amplitudes alsa must be
property related. 'I'his requires binominal
current distribation — i.e., the ratios af the
currents in the elements must be prapor-
tionat to the coefficients af the binominal
series. In the case of three elements, this
requires that the current in the center ele-
ment be twice that in the two outside ele-
ments, far 90 °(quarter-wave) spacing and
element current phasing, This antenna has
an averall lengzh of 'h wavelength.
Combined Arrays
Broadside, collinear and end-fire arrays
may be combined to give bath horizantai
and vertical directivity, as well as additiona2
gain. The Iower angle of radiation resu2ting
fram stacking eiements in the vertical plane
is desirable at tho higher frequencies. In
gencral, doubling tha number of elements
in an array by stacking will raise the gain
from 2 ta 4 d8, depending on tht spacing.
Although azrays can be fed at one end
as in Fig. 7AB, it is not cspecially desirable
in thc case of 2azge arrays. BcYier distribu-
tion of anergy betwan tlements, and hence
better averall perforatance, will resutt when
the feaicrs aro attachcd as nearIy as possi-
ble to the center of the array.
A 4-eIement azray, known as the lazy-H
antenna, is a popular configuradon. This
arrangcment is shawn with the feed point
indicated, in Fig. 24. (Compaze with Fig.
7AB.) For best results, IZiC �}Oti0212 SCC�i4A
should bc at least a half wavelength abave
It wil3 usuaily suffice to make the 2ength
of each element equat to that given by the
dipote formula. The phasing iino bctween
the parallet elements shouid be of open-
wire canstruction and its length can be
calculated from:
L,sngth of half-wave line (feet)
� f (MHz)
Example: A half-wavelength phasing line
for 28.8 MHz would bc
480 `��.b7 feet = 16 feet 8 inches
The sgacing betwan elements can be made
equal to the length af ihe phasiag tine. Na
speciai adjusunGnts af line or ciement
length or spacing are necdod. pravided the
formulas are followed closety.
(?ne af iht more populaz amateur anten-
nas is the vextical type. With ihis styla of
antenna it is possible io obtain low-angie
rarliatian for ground-wave and DX work.
Addiiionally, vertical antcnnas occupy a
elativeIy smalI amount of space, making
.um ideal far city-Iot property and apart-
mont buitdings. Tho principal limitation in
performana is thc omnidircctional pattcm.
7fiis moans that QRM can't be nulled out
from the diractions that aro not of interest
f7•i0 Chepter iT
Fig. 2d — A fourelement combinatian broad-
sfde ooilfnear array, popuie�ly known as the
lazy-H antenna A closed quarter-wave siub
may be usasi at the feed point to match into
an untuned transmissian Iine, or tuned feaders
may be attached at the point indicated. The
gain over a half•wave antenne is 5 to 6 d8.
at a given periad. The exception is, of
rnurse, when arrays of venGical elements are
used. Despite the iimitation of a single ver-
tical etement with a ground screen or radi-
at system, cost versus performance is an
incentive that inspires many antenna
Far use on the Iower frequency amateur
bands — naiably 160 and 8Q meters — it
is not always practical to erect a fuli•size
vertical. in such instances it is satisfactary
to accept a sharter radiating element and
emptoy same form af Ioading to abtain an
electricai length of one's choice. Most con-
structors design a system that cantains a
�/,-wavelength driven element. However,
good results and lower radiation angles are
sometimes realized when using a 3t8- ar
lt2-wavelengih vertical. AL the lower
amateur frequencies the larger V6TtiC8IS
became prohibitive, especially in urban
areas where zoning ordinances may exist,
and where timited acreage may rute out the
instalIation of guy-wire systems.
Fig. 25 provides curves for the physical
height of verticals in wavelength versus
radiation resistance and reactance. The
plats are based on perfectly conducting
ground, a conditian seldom realized in
practfcal installations. It can be seen that
the shorter ihe radiator, the lower the radi-
atian resistance — with 6 ahms being iypi-
cal for a 0.1-waveIength antenna. The
Iower the radiation resistance, the more the
antenna efficiency depends on ground con-
ductivity. Also, tho bandwidth decreases
markediy as the length is reduced taward
the left of the scale in Fig. 25. Dif�culty
is also txperienced in developing a suita-
ble matching netwark when the radiation
resistanee is very low.
IAustrations of varfous vertical-antenna
radiatian patierns are given ia Fig. 26. The
exampie at A is for a quarter-wavetength
radiator over a theoretically ideai ground.
The dashed lines show the cunent distri-
bvtion, including tht image portion below
ground. The image can be equated to ane
half of a dipalc antenna, with the vertical
radiator representing thc remaining dipole
Fig. 25 -- Radiatfon reststance (solid curvel
and reaciance {datted curve� ot veritoal anten.
aas as a lunction oi physica! height.
z The illustration at B characterizes th;
gattcrn of a half'-waveleng2h vertieal. It cac
bo sc�n that #he radiation angle is somex�ha:
lower ihan that af ihe quarter-wavelengtt
versian at A. The lower angtes enhance ch:
DX capability of th� antenna. Two hatr
waveIengths in phase are shown in Fig. 2�
at C and D. From a practical point of vieu,
few amateurs could erect such an antenna
unless it was built for use on the tugher HF
bands, such as 20, 15 or 10 meters. Th�
very low radiatian angle is excellent fo�
DXing, hawever.
Full-Sixe Yertica! Antennas
Whon it is practica2 to er�crt a full-sin
vertical antcnna, the forms shawn in F'�.
27 are worthy of considcratian. The exam-
pla at A is the wGll-known verticaI ground
plane. The ground system consists of fo�u
or moro above-ground radial wires aB�
which the driven element is worked. Th
length irf the radiaLs and the driven elemea
is derived fram ihe standazd equatian
L (fett) = 234
f (MHz)
It has bcen established generatly that ��
four eQtridistant radiai wires drooped a� �'
proximattly 45 °(F'�g. 27A) the fecd-P�
impedance is raughty 50 ohms. Whea �
radiats aze at right angles to thc rad�
(Fig. 27B) the innpedance approaches �
ahms. The major advantage in tius ri7x°�
vertical antenna over a gound-mou°�
type is that the system can be elevated "�
abovc neazby conductive objects iPa'a
lines, trces, b�ildings, etc.). When �
ing radiats aze utilizcd #hey can bz'u0d
guy wires for thc mast that supFa� �
antcnna. The caaxial cable shield b�
connectc�i ta the radiais, and �e �
conductor is cammon to the �
otement. �'
Tho Marcani antenna shawn in ����',,,�.
is ths classic form takcn bY a��t�
mounted vertieal. It can be grounde� �
.��ound, aseshownt and seri s1 fed.
� antenna depends on an effective
-�d system for efficient performance.
� subj�t af ground screens is treated
� l�t�dcbe owrthe antenna,tthe feed
�dance would be neaz 36 ohms. In a
��1 case, owing to imperfect ground,
��a►pedance is more apt to be in the
�ry of 50 to 75 ohms.
,� g�n►ma feed system for a grounded
�.,,�avelength vertical is presented in Fig.
rp, Some rules of thumb for arriving at
�orkable gamma-arm and capacitor di-
�aus are to make the rod length 0.04
p 0.05 wavelength, its diameter %3 to %z
�yt of the driven element and the center-
p.center spacing between the gamma arm
� the driven element roughly 0.007
.a�•elength. The capacitance of C1 at a
�p..ohm matched condition will be some
- pF per meter. Thc�bsolute value at Cl
s�71 depend on whether the vertical is
Ksonant and on the precise value of the
�diadon resistance. Generally, b�st reselts
aa be had when the radiator is approxi-
mately three percent shorter than the
«sonant length.
Amateur antenna towers lend themselves
rell to use as shunt-fed verticals, even
though an HF band beam antenna may be
mounted on the tower. The overall system
should be close to resonance at the desired
operating frequency if gamma feed is to be
oxd. The HF-band beam will contribute
somewhat to top loading of the tower. The
nacural resonance of such a system can be
�ecked by dropping a no. 12 or 14 wire
down from the top of the tower (making
a common to the tower top) to form a
folded unipole (Fig. 27E). A four- or five-
:urn link can be inserted betwcen the lower
ead of the drop wire and the ground
s�nem, then a dip meter inserted in the link
:o observe the resonant frequency. If the
:ow•er is equipped with guy wires, they
should be brokea up with strain insulators
:o prevent unwanted loading of the vertical.
(a such cases where the tower and beam
mcennas aze not able to provide �/.-wave-
�ength resonance, portions of the top guy
sires can be used as top-loading capaci-
'ance. It will be necessary to experiment
;ich the guy-wire lengths (using the dip-
neter technique) while determining the
�oper dimensions.
� folded-unipole type of vertical is
=�Picted at E of Fig. 27. This system has
�e advantage of increased feed-point im-
%�dance. Furthermore, a Transmatch can
x:onnected between the bottom of the
��A wire and the ground system to per-
ait operation on more than one band. For
�mple, if the tower is resonant on 80
aeters, it can be used as shown on 160 and
� meters with reasonable results, even
�hough it is not electrically long enough on
'�• i'he drop wire need not be a specific
�S�ance from the tower, but spacings he-
��een 12 and 30 inches are suggested.
ria ,
� j�— IMAGE
�� i
�ia � �
STUB � ��
+a �
' `
Fip. 26 — Elevation plane responses for a quarte�-wavelenpth vertical antenna (A), a
�fz-wavelength type (B) and two half waves In phase (C and D). It can be seen that the examples
at B and D provide more radiated power at low radlation angtes than the version at A.
i— �eon
� �
I � NO.B
� f
H•�/4 N.�/4
(D1 lEl
� �,1.
�.�, �
� i30C1
RADIALS L•7l/3.9 T7�7')777
ce� �c�
Fig. 27 — Various types of vertical antennas.
The method of feed shown at Fig. 27F
is commonly refened to as "slant-wire
feed." The guy wires and the tower
combine to provide quartor-wave
resonance. A matching network is placed
betwcen the lower end of one guy wire and
ground and adjusted for aa SWR of 1. It
does not matter at which level oa the tower
the guy wires are wnnected, assuming that
the Transmatch is capable of effecting a
match to 50 ohms.
Physically Short Verticals
A group of short vertical radiators is
presented in Fig. 28. Illustrations A and B
are for top and center loading. A capaci-
tance hat is shown in each example. The
hat should be as large as practical to in-
crease the radiadon resistance of the anten-
na and improve the bandwidth. The wire
in the loading coil is chosen for the largest
gauge consistent with ease of winding and
coil-form size. The larger wire diameters
will reduce the IZR losses in the system.
The coil-form material should be of the
medium or high dielectric type. Phenolic
or fiberglass tubing is entirely adequate.
A base-loaded vertical is shown at C of
Fig. 28. Since this is the least effective
method of loading in terms of antenna per-
formance, it should be used only as a last
choice. The primary limitation is that the
current portion of the vertical exists in the
coil rather than the driven element. With
center loading the portion of the antenna
below the coil carries current, and with the
Antenna Fundamentals 17•11
. �
� t' — HAT
HK A/4
777�, .7�"'�!":*-
i<7�/9 U
H<]� /A
t7'"•'�7 s i = +++!
' "`T
L, �
. ,
Fig. 28 — Verticai antennas that are less
than one quarter wavelength in height.
top loading vcrsion the entire vertical ele-
ment carries cunent. Since the current part
af the antenna is responsible for mast of
the radiating, base loading is the least ef-
fecctive af the three methods. The zadiation
resistance of the coil-laaded antennas
shown is usually less than 16 ohms.
A meihod for using guy wires ia top load
a short vertica2 is illustrated in Fig. 28 at
D. T'his system works well with gamma
feed. The Iaading wires are trimmed to pra
vide an electrical quarter waveIangth far the
overall system. This method of loading will
result in a higher radiation resistance and
greater bandwidth than the systems shown
at A through C of Fig. 28. If any HF band
or VHF array is atop the tower, it will sicn-
ply contribute to the top loading.
A iri-wire unipole is shawn at E of Fig.
28. Two na. 8 drop wires are connected to
'he top of the tower and brought to ground
vel. The wires can be spaced any can-
venient distance from the tower — normal-
ly 12 to 30 inches from one side. Cl is
adjusced for an SWR of l. This type af ver-
dcal has a fairly narrow bandwidth, but be-
1T•i2 Ghapter i7
�_'���� 3/8�X 24 THREAQ
6� OF 1'3/0� �
t-3J8`00 C
ROD 20"
1"316�Ib �
12� 40NG
INCMES %25.4�mm p
FEET X 0.3048+m
Fg. 29 — A# A are the detaits far the tubing section ot ihe laading asserr�bly. 1tlustration E
shows the tap hat and its spokes. The longer the spokes, the better.
cause CI can be moEor driven and
controlled from the operating positian,
QSYing is accomplished easily. This tech-
nique wiit nat be suitable far matching ia
50-ohm line unless the tower is less than an
electrical quarter wavelength high.
A different method for top loading is
shown at F of Fig. 28. W9UCW described
this system in "The Minaaka Special,"
December 1974 Q,ST. An extension is used
at the top of the tawer to effect an electri-
cal quarter-wavelength verticai. L3 is a
loading coil with sufficient inductance to
provide antenna resonance. This type af
aatenna lends itself nicely to operation an
160 meters.
A meihod for effecting the top-loading
shown in Fig. 28F is illustrated in the draw-
ing af Fig. 29. Pipe section D is mated with
the mast abave the HF-band beam anten-
na. A loading coit is wound on solid Plexi-
glas rod or phenolic rod (item C), then
ciamped i�side the collet {B}. An aluminurn
slug (part A) is clamped inside item B. The
top pari of A is bored and threaded far a
318 inch x 24 thread stud. 'f'his witI ger-
mit a standard 8-foot stainless-steel mobile
whip to b� threaded inta item A abave the
Ioading coil. The capacitance hat (Fig. 29B)
can be made from a�/ -inch-thick brass or
atuminum plate. It may be round or
square. Lengths of 1/8-inch brazing rod
can be threaded for a 6-32 format to per-
mit the rods to be screwed into the edge of
the.aluminurn piate. The plate contains a
row af holes along its perimeter, �ach
having been tapped for a 6-32 thread. The
capacitance hat is affixed to item A by
meaas af the 8-foot whip antenna. The
whip will increase the effective height of the
vertical antenna.
Cables and Cantrol Wires on Towers
Most vertical antennas of the type shown
in Fig. 28 cansist of tawers and HF or VHF
beam antennas. The rotatar contral wires
and the eaalciai feeders ta ihe tap of th:
tawer will not affect antenna performana
adversely. In faet, they became a part of
the composite antenna. To prevent umrant•
ed I2F currents from following the H�ire�
into the shack, simply dress them clase ce
the tower legs and bring them to,ground
level. This decouples the wires at RF. The
wires should then be rauied along the eanh
surface (or buried underground) ta the
operadng position. It is not necessary to us:
bypass capacitors ar RF chokes in the rc�
tator control leads if this is done, e��eo
when maxir�um legal power is emgia,red.
Variations .in Verticals
A number af con�gurations quaIif}• for
use as vertical antennas even though the
radiators are fashioned from lengths of
wire. Fig. 30A shows a flat-top T vertical.
Dirnension H shauld be as tall as possibk
for best results. The horizontal section, L.
is adjusted Eo a lengih which provida
resanance, Maximum radiation is polariz�d
veriically despite the horizontai tap-IoadinF
wire. A variation af the T antenna is depia-
ed at B af Fig. 3Q. This antenna is com•
moniy referred ta as an inverted L. Verticst
member H shouId be as long as possible.
L is added to provide an electrical quarta
wavetength overall. Somc amateurs betic►ti
that a 3/8-wavelength version of this an-
tenna is rnare effective, since the cun�
partion af the wire is elevated higher afx"Y
ground than is the case with a quar��'
wavelength wire.
HaCf-Sloper Antennas
Haif siogers have been contraversiai fc�
many years. Many hams found them �'�
successful, while athers had terrible resul�`
Work by ARRL TechnicaI Advisor J°�
S. Belrose, VE2CV, has resolved the cb�'
troversy through computer modeling "?�"
ELNEC and antenna-range tests. Th's i�
formation is taken from VE2CV's Tech�"
� L `�
� �
H 7l /4
. ��i/rrl777lT-
Fg 30 — Some variations in vertical
antennas that offer excellent performance.
D is the vertical radiation pattern in the
�lane of a half sloper, with the sloper to
che right. E is the azimuthal pattern of the
half sloper (90° azimuth is the direction of
:he sloping wire). Both patterns appiy to
t60- and 80-meter antennas described in
�h@ text.
:al Correspondence in Feb 1991 QST,
pP ?9 and 40. Essentially, the half sloper
s a top-fed vertical antenna worked against
3 3round plane (such as a grounded Yagi
intenna) at the top of the tower. The tower
3CI5 35 $ i2f]eCiOr.
For half slopers, the input impedance,
:!�e resonant length of the sloping wire and
�tie antenna pattern all depend on the tower
�eieh[, the angle (between the sloper and
��u�er) che type of Yagi and the Yagi orien-
�ation. Here are several configurations ex-
::acced from VE2CV's work:
.-ir 160 meters—use a 40-meter beam on
��o of a 95-ft tower with a 55 ° sloper apex
Liele. The radiation pattern varies little
+ith Yag� type. 'The pattern is slighdy cardi-
=�a with about 8 dB front-to-back ratio ac
_=� = takeoff angle (see Figs 30D and 30E).
•�put impedance is about 50 S2.
•at 80 meters—use a 20-meter Yagi on
�=p of a 50-ft tower with a 55 ° sloper apex
�:ete. The radiation pattern and input im-
=r'ance are similar to those of the
•`�-meter half sloper.
•�t �0 meters—use a 20-meter Yagi on
�=� of a 50-ft tower. The impedance and
=diation pattern depend strongly on the
�muthal orientation of the Yagi. Im-
=��ance varies from 76 to 127 SZ with Yagi
Hctl Sloper with 20-m Yagi on Tower
Freq � 3.95 MNz 90
60 60
30 I= }0
0 0
Outer Ring : 3 d8i Elevation Plot
Mox Galn = 2.71 d8i Azimuth Angle = 0.0 Deg
Ground Systems
The importance of an effective ground
system for vertical antennas cannot be em-
phasized too strongly. However, is it not
always possible to install a radial network
that approaches the ideal. A poor ground
is better than no ground at all, and there-
fore the amateur should experiment with
whatever is physically possible rather than
ruling out vertical antennas. It is often pos-
sible to obtain excellent DX results with
practically no ground system at all.
Although the matter of less-than-
optimum ground systems could be debat-
ed almost endlessly, some practical rules of
thumb aze in order for those wishing to
erect vertical antennas. Generally a large
number of shorter radials offers a better
ground system than a few longer ones. For
example, 8 radials of 1/8 � are preferred
over 4 radials of 1/4 �. If the physical
Half SloOer with 2C-m Yogi on Tower
Freq m 3.95 MHz
Outer Ring = 2 tlBi Azimuth Plot
Mox Cai� = 1.63 09i Elevatio� Angle � 25.0 Deg
height of the vertical is an eighth
wavelength, the radial wires should be of
the same length and dispersed uniformly
from the base of the tower.
The conductor size of the radials is not
especially significant. Wire gauges from no.
4 to no. 20 have been used successfully by
amateurs. Copper wire is preferred, but
where soil is low in acid or alkali, alumi-
num wire can be used. The wires can be
bare or insulaced, and they can be laid on
the earth's surface or buried a few inches
below ground. The insulated wires will have
greater longevity by virtue of reduced cor-
rosion and dissolution from soil chemicals.
If time and expense are not prime con-
siderations, the amateur should bury as
much ground wire as possible. Some oper-
ators have literally miles of wire buried
radially beneath their vertical antennas.
Antenna Fundamentals 17•13
Fiq. 31 — A twaband trap verticai antenna.
The lrap should be re�onated as a peralte!
resonant circult at the center oi the oparating
ranpe tuz ihe hipher frequency band; iypicai
camponent reactances range from 100 to 300
ahms. At #he iower frequency the trap witi aci
as a Iqading lnductor, adding electrical IenQth
to the totai antenna
When praperty dimensians do not allow
a classic instaliation of equally spaced
radial wires, they can be placed in the
ground wherever space will permit. They
may run away fram the antenna in aniy one
or two compass directians. Res�ilts witt stiIl
exceed those of when no ground system is
A singlo graund rod, ar group af them
bonded together, is seldom as effective as
a collection of random-length radial wires.
In some instances a group af short radial
wires cati be used in cambination with
ground rods driven into the soil near thc
base of the antenna. Bear in mind. though,
that RF currents at MF and HF setdom
genetrate the earth more than sevaral
inches. Tbe powor campany ground can be
dod in, and if a metal fena skirts thc
pFO�Clijr lt {�II 8YS8 �iC i3SCt� 2S �8fi O� i�iC
ground system. A gooc3 rule is to use
anything that will serve as a ground when
devetaping a radial ground system.
Alt radial wires must be conn�cted
together at the base of ihe vertica] anten-
na. The eiectrical bond needs to be of low
resistancx. Best results wiIi be obtained
when the wirts are soldercd togeiber at the
junction point. When a graunded vertical
is used, the gound wires should be afiixed
seeurely to the base of the driven otement.
'� lawn edging taol is excellent for cutting
Gts in thc sail when laying radial wires.
Trs►p Verticats
Although a full-siu, siagle-band anten-
na is more effective than a lump�d�onstant
ane. therc is justification for using trap
17.id CF��nfar 17
types af multiband antennas. The concept
is especially useful to operators who have
limitcd antenna space on their property.
Multiband campromise antennas are alsa
appeaIing to persons who engage in por-
table operatian and are unwilling to
transport lazge amounts of antenna hazd-
ware to the �eld.
Thc 2-band rrap vertical antenna of Fig.
31 operates in much the same manntr as
a trap dipole or trap-style Yagi. The
natable difference is that the verticaI is one
haif af a dipaic. The radial system (in-
ground or above graund) functians as a
ground plane for the antenna, and
repr�sonts the missing half of the dipole.
Tt�erefore, the more effective the ground
system, the better the antenna
Trap vcrticais are adjusted as quarker-
wavelength radiators. The poriion ai the
antenna below the trap is adjusted as a
quarter-wavelength radiator at the higher
proposed aperating freqnency. That is, a
20/15-meter tsap vertical would be a reso-
nant qnarter wavelength at 15 meters from
the f�ed paint to thc battom of the trap.
The trag and that portion af the antertna
above the trap (plus the IS-meter section
betaw the trap) constitute the complete
antenna during 20-meter operation. But
because ihe trap is in the circuit, ihe overall
physical Iength of the vertical antenna will
be slightty Icss than that of a singte-band,
fuil-size 20-meter verricai.
The trap functions as the name implies:
Ft traps thc 15-meter energy and canfines
it to thc part af thc antenna below the trag.
During 20-meter operatian it allows the RF
energy ta reach all of the antenna.
Therefore, thc trap in this e�mpie should
be tuned as a pazallel resonaat circuit to
2I MHz. At this frequency it divorces the
tap section of the vertical from the lawer
section becausc it presents a high-
impedance (barrier) at 21 MHz. General-
Iy, the trap znductor and capacitor have a
reactana o�100 ta 300 ohms. Within that
range it is not cridcal.
The trap i� built and adjusted separate-
ly fram ths antenna. it shautd be resanatcd
at the centor. of the gartian of tb� band ta
be ogerated. Thus, if onds favorite part of
the 15-meter band is betwan 21,OW and
21,100 kHz, the trap woutd be tuncd ta
21,OSQ kHz. - -
Resonance is checked by using a dip
meter and detacting the dipper signal in a
calibrated receiver. Once the trap is ad-
justai it can be installed in the antenna, and
no further adjustment will be required. It
is easy, hawover, ta be misted after the
system is assembiai: Attempts to chxk the
trap with a dip meter will suggest that the
trap has moved much lower in frequency
{approximately 5 MHz lowtr in a
24t15-meter vertical}. This is because tho
trap has become absorbed into the overall
antenna, and the r�suitant resanance is that
of thc total antonna. Ignore thi:
j Multiband operation for three or fo�.
bands is guite practical by using the aF
�propriate number af traps and tubing se;.
tions. Thc caas2ructzoII and adjusim�r�
pracedure is the same, regardless of th;
number of bands c:overed. The highesc fre-
�quency trap is aiways cIoscst ta the feed en;
'af the antenna, and the nea�t to lowest fre-
qucncy trap is always the farthest fram th:
feed paint. As the operating frequenc}� i:
pragressively lowered, more traps and mar;
tubing seMions become a functional p�_
of the antenna.
j The trap shou2d be weatherproofed t;
prevent moisture from detuning it. Sever�
coatings of high dielectric compounci, sucf.
as Polystyrene Q Dope, aze effective. Alte�.
natively, a protective sleeve of heat-shrini
tubing can be applied to the cail after con-
pletion. The cail forrn for the trap shoulc
be of high dielectric quality and be rugg�
enaugh to sustain stress dnring periods a:
� The trap capacitor must be capable o:
withstanding the RF vaitage develope�
acrass it. The amount of vo2tage presen:
will depend on the operating gower of th:
transmitter. Fixed-valae ceramic transmit-
ting capacitars azc suitable for most pow�r
2evels if they arc ratsd ai SOQO to IO,QOC�
volts. A length of RG-5$/U or RG-59l1'
coax cable can be used successfuily up tr
200 watts. {Chcck to see how man}
picofarads per faot your cable is rated a:
befare cutting ic far the uap.) RG-8/U o*
RG-IIJU cabie is recommendcd for th:
trap capaciiar at powers in �ccess of 2a
watts. The advantage of using coax cabk
is that it can be trimmed easily to adjus
thc trap capacitance.
! Large-diameter eapper magnet wire u
suggested far the trap coil. The heavier th�
wire gauge the lawer the trap losses and [ba .
highar the Q. The Iarger wire sizes �� '
rcduce cail' heating. � ,
I j
� Most of ihe antennas dexcribed earlia m
this chapter have unity gain or just sli��•
ly mare. For the purpost af obtaining 8�
and direciivity it is convenient to uso �
Yagi•Uda or cubical quad types of HF'
band beam antennas. Tha former is co�'
monly eallod a Yagi and the latter is n'
ferred to as a quad in the amate+�
vernacular. • .
Mast operators prafer to erect �
antennas for horizontal polarizationi b�
th�y can be used as vertically patarized ��
rays as woll mercly by rotating the elem�
by 90°. In effcct, the baam antenna �
turnai on its sidt for vorticai polaritY• �
number of elements emgloyed will dep�
on We gain des'ued and the capabili�Yd
the supporting structvre to contain �� ¢
ray safely. Many amataurs obtain satisf�
tary results with only two eloment� ��
beam antenna, while athcrs have se�
t Ya{
tfiC t
in va]
aad �
�1y, 32 — Elevation-piane response of a three-
�Iement Yapi placed Yz wavelenflth above a
perfect ground (A) and the same antenna
spaced one wavelenpth above yround (B).
Pattem calculatlons courtesy of "Annie."'
dements operating for a single amateur
Regardless of the number of elements
used, the height-above-ground considera-
dons discussed earlier for dipole antennas
«main valid with respect to the angle of
radiation. This is demonstrated in Fig. 32
at A and B where a comparison of radia-
aon chazacteristics is given for a three-
element Yagi at one-half and one
a•avelength above a perfectly conducting
ground. It can be seen that the higher
antennas (Fig. 32B) has a lobe that is more
favorable for DX work (roughly 15 � than
che larger lobe of Fig. 32A (approximately
30�. The pattern at B shows that some
useful high-angle radiation exists also, and
che higher lobe is suitable for short-skip
�ntacts when propagation conditions dic-
tate the need.
A free-space azimuth pattem for the
same antenna is provided in Fig. 33. The
back-lobe pattem reveals that most of the
power is concentrated in the forward lobe.
The power difference dictates the front-to-
back ratio in decibels. It is infrequent that
�0 3-element Yagis with different element
spacings will yield the same lohe patterns.
�e pattern of Fig. 33 is shown only for
�lustrative purposes.
Puasitic Excitation
In most of these arrangements the addi-
�onal elements receive power by induction
'�� radiation from the driven element and
'nadiate it in the proper phase relationship
�0 give the desired effect. These elements
�� called parasitic elements, as contrasted
-0 che drivea elements, which recxive power
�►rectly from the transmitter through the
Jansmission line.
The pazasitic element is called a direc-
:or when it reinforces radiation on a line
�S� footnote 1 earlier In thts chapter,
pointing to it from the driven element, and
a reflector when the reverse is the case.
Whether the parasitic element is a d'uector
or reflector depends on the pazasitic-
element tuning, which usually is adjusted
by changing its length.
Gain vs. Spacing
The gain of an antenna with parasitic
elements varies with ihe spacing and tuning
of the elements. Thus, for any given
spacing, there is a tuning condition that will
give maximum gain at this spacing. The
maximum front-to-back ratio seldom, if
ever, occurs at the same condition that
gives maximum forwazd gain. The im-
pedance of the driven element also varies
with the tuning and spacing, and thus the
antenna system must be tuned to its fmal
condition before the match between the line
and the antenna can be completed. The
tuning and matching may interact to some
extent, however, and it is usually necessary
to run through ,Ehe adjustments several
times to ensure tfiat the best possible tuning
has been obtained.
Two-Element Beams
A two-element beam is useful where
space or other considerations prevent the
use of the lazger structure required for a
three-element beam. The general practice
is to tune the parasitic element as a reflec-
tor and space it about 0.15 wavelength
from the driven element, although some
successful antennas have been built with
0.1-wavelength spacing and director tuning.
Gain vs. element spacing for a two-element
antenna is given in Fig. 34 for the special
case where the parasitic element is resonant.
It is indicative of the performance to be
expected under ma�cimum-gain tuning
Three-Element Beams
A theoretical investigation of the three-
element case (director, driven element and
reflector) has indicated a maximum gain of
slighUy more than 7 dB. A number of ex-
perimental investigations has shown that
the optimum spacing between the driven
element and reflector is in the region of
0.15 to 0.25 wavelength, with 0.2
wavelength representing probably the best
overall choice. With 0.2-wavelength reflec-
Fiy. 33 — Azimuth-plane pattem of a thre9�
element Yagi in free space. Pattem calculation
courtesy of "Annie."
Fip. 34 — Ga(n vs. element spacinfl for an
antenna and one parasltic element. The
reference point, 0 d6, fs the fleld strength
from a half•wave antenna alone. The greatest
gain is in the directlon A at spaclnps of less
than 0.14 wavelength, and in direction B at
flreater spacinfls. The fro�t-taback ratio is the
dl(ference In decibels between curves A and
B. Varlation in radtatton reslstance of the '
drlven element Is also shown. These curves
are for a self•resonant parasitic element. At
most spacings the gain as a reilector can be
increased by slight lengthening of the
parasitic element; the flaln as a director can
be Increased by shortening. This alao im-
proves the front•to•back rat(o.
tor spacing, Fig. 35 shows that the gain
variation with director spacing is not
especially critical. Also, the overall length
of the array (boom length in the case of a
Fig. 35 — General relationship of gain of three-element Yagi versus director spacing, the
reflector being fixed at 0.2 wavelength.
Antenna Fundamentals 17-15
� soo
= ftnsx:��`� �' � —�"'�'T' i
F I � :
: �
'� 490 � ( ' I � �
o lt�sH27 , �;�
� i , ! �
J ; _'�'�� i
W �80 � �..1�..�
� fiMHz)6.t 0.15 02 p.25 0.3
Ftg. 36 — Element te�pihs for a#hree-etement
beam. These lenpths wlll hold closely for the
tubinp efiemants supported at or near the
ratatable antenna} can be anywhere be-
tween 0.35 and 0,45 wavelength with no ap-
prcciablo differtnce in gain.
Wide spacing of both elements is
desirable not only because it results in high
gain but also because adjustment of tuning
or eIement length is less critical and the in-
put resistance of the driven element is
higher than with close sgacing. A higher in-
put resistance imptoves the efficiency of the
antenna and maikes a greater bandwidth
possible. Howevez, a toiat antenna Iength,
director ta reflector, of more than Q.3
wavelength at frequenaes af tlic order of
14 MHz introduces considezablt difficalty
from a construct9on standpaint. Lengths of
0.25 to 0.3 wavelength are thcrefore used
frequently for Lhis band, even though they
aze less than optimum:'
In general, the antenna gain drops off
less rapidly when the reflector length is in-
creased beyand the aptirnum va2ue than it
does for a correspanding decrease below
the optimum value. The opposite is true of
a direetor. It is therefare advisable to en,
if necessary, on the long side for a reflec-
tor and on the short side for a director. T'his
also tends to make the antenna per-
farmance less dependent on thc exact fre-
quency at which it is operated. An increase
abave the design frtquency has the same
effect as increasing the Iength of bath
parasitic e2ements, while a decrease in fre-
quency has th� same effect as shortening
both elements. By making the director
sIightly short and the reflectar slightip iang,
ihere will be a greater spread between the
upper and lower frequencies at which the
gain starts to show a rapid decrease.
Whan the overall length has been decided
on, the element lengths can be founQ by
referring to Fig. 36. The lengths detern�ined
by these charts wiil vary slighdy in actuai
practice with the element diameter and the
method of supporting the elemenis. The
tuning of a beam should always be checked
after installatioa. However, the Ieng¢hs ob-
tained by the use of the charts will be close
to carrect in practically all cases, and they
can be used without checking if the beam
is difficuit ta access.
Table 1 can be ustd io determine th�
lengths needed for 4-element Yagis. Bath
CW and phone lengths aze incIuded for the
three bands, ?A, 25 and i0 meters. The
Q.2•wavelength spacing will providc geater
bandwidth than the 0.15 spacing. Anten-
na gain is essentiaily the sanne with either
spacing. The element lengths given wiil be
the same whether the beam has two, ihree
ar faur elements. It is recommended that
pIumbers deliglit type canstruction be usa3,
where all ihe elements are mounted direct-
Table '!
Element i.engths Eor 20, i5 and 10 Meters, Phone and CW
,ly an and grounded to the bpom. �,
ihe cntire azray at dc graund pfft�a�
fording bettar lightning protecu�
gamma section can be used for �
the feed line to tht array.
Tuning Adjustments
i Tht preferable method for chec •'
beam is by means of a field-stren�� �
or the S meter of a commu� �=
'receiver, used in conjunction ��ith �
antenna located at least 10 W���•�;�
away and as high or higher than th; �
that is being checked. A few watts o( p�,
fed into the antenna will give a useful,pp�
at the observation point, and the poR� �
put to the transmitter should be ht�d p�,
stant for all the readings. ,
Preliminary matching adjustmenu �
be done an the ground. The beam strc�
be set up so the reflector element ress �
the earth, with thE rernaining elemerz��
a vertical confi�,nuation. In other wor�s,�
beam should be aimed straight np. h
matching system is then adjusted for i 2=
SWlt between the feed line and drn•en,dr,;
rnent. When ihe antenna is raisod to �
operating height, anly siight tauch-up #
the matching network should be requis�,�`
� A great deal has been printed abousdt�
need for tuning elements of a Yagi�tqrt�
beann. However, experience has shoxa tlt:
for Yagi arrays made from metal tubi;?
the Iengths giv�n in Fig. 36 and Tabk I ai:.
ctose enough to the desired Iength t� �:
further tuning should be required. �
Simpie Systems — T6e Rot�r} &ra
� Twa- and three-eiement systems
popular for rotary-bearn antennas, Ri
the entire antcnna system is rotatod, co',
mit its gain anci directivity ta be utiliacd
any compass direction. The aniennas �
be maunted either horizontally (with
piane containing thc eIements paralld u
earth} or verticatly.
A faur-elemrnt beam wil! give sti� a
gain than a threc-element one, provided
snppart is sufficient for abaut
wavekngth spacing beEween eIements-�
Freq. (kHz) Or/ven Rellector fJrst i Secand
Eteme»t Dlreotor Direotw
A 8 A B A I B A �
14�050 33' S�318" 33� S•• 35' 2-1l2" 35` 5-tt4' 3!' 9•3t6" 3!' 11�5t8" 31' 1-1/4,• gt':
14,250 32' 11-3/4" 33' 2-1/4" 34' &1/2" 34' 11•1/4" 3i' 4" 31' 6�3/8" . 30' 8" �� �
2i.450 22' 4" 22� 531g" 23, 6,� 23' 7-3t4" 2f' 2-t12" 21' <" 2d' 9�1/8" 20 1
21,300 22' 3/4" 22' 2318" 23' 2•5/8" 23' 4-1l2" 20' t!•tt2" 21' t" 20' 6-1/4" p� �
28,050 I6' 9" 18' 18•1/4" 17' �•5!6" 17' &7/B" 15' 11" 18' 15' 7" t5'�
28,800 18' S-1I4" 16' 8,918" !7' 3-1l2" 17' 4-3l4" 15' 7-tt;" 15' &112" , i5' 3�3t8" �5''�
`2 Q2 Q.2 0.15 O.tS 8.15 These ienpths are for d.2• or p.15•wavelenpth eiement sI
To convert ft to meters muttiply ft x d.3048.
Convert in to mm by mulilplying tn x 25.4.
17-iS Chapter 17
�g for maximum gain involves many
��a e�d complete gain and tuning
.� �lements in close-spaced arrays (less
� y._wavelength element spacing)
�rably should be made of tubing of
� 1��h diameter. A conductor of lazge
��ter not only has less ohmic resistance
��y�O has lower Q; both these factors aze
��ntin close-spaced arrays because
��pedancx of the driven elemcnt usually
� quite low compazed to that of a simple
�pole antenna. With three- and four-
�ment close-spaced arrays the radiation
�tance of the driven element may be so
pr that ohmic losses in the conductor can
�me an appreciable fraction of the
��ng the Rotary Beam
Any of the usual methods of feed
(described later under Impedance Match-
� caa be applied to the driven element
of a rotary bean►• 'The populaz choices for
t�ding a beam aze the gamma match with
xries capacitor, the T match with series
ppaators, and a half-wavelength phasing
xcrion, as shown in Fig. 37. These methods
ue preferred over any others because they
pemit adjustment of the matching and the
nse of coaxial-line feed. The variable
c�acitors can be housed in small plastic
cvps for weatherproofing; receiving types
�rith close spacing can be used at powers
ap to a few hundred watu. Maximum
npacitance required is usually 140 pF at
14 MHz and proportioaally less at the
higher frequencies.
If physically possible. it is better to ad-
just the matching device after the aatenna
hu been installed at its ultimate height,
sina a match made with the antenna neaz
t6e ground may not hold for the same
�atenna in the air.
Sharpness of Resonance
Peak performance of a muldelement
puasitic array depeads on proper phasing
or tuning of the elements, which can be
aact for one frequency only. Close-spaced
urays usually aze quite sharp-tuning
baause of the low radiation resistance. The
frequency range over which optimum
�sWcs can be obtained is only of the order
of one or two percent of the resonant fre-
4►+eucy, or up to about 500 kHz at 28 MHz.
Hawever, the antenaa can be made to work
utisfactorily over a wider frequency range
b" �dlustiag the director or directors to �ve
��imiun gain at the highest frequency to
�:overed, and by adjusting the reflector
'� ��e optimum gain at the lowest frequen-
�i'• This sacrifices some gain at all frequen-
aa but maintains more uaiform gain over
i �ider frequeacy range.
The use of large-diameter conductors will
�roaden the response curve of aa array,
�Cause a larger diameter lowers the Q.
�is causes the reactances of the elements
''O �hange rather slowly with frequency,
�1�h the result that the tuning stays near
� c, c2��
70 C2
Fig. 37 — Illustrations of gamma and T
matchlnp systems. At A, the gamma rod is ad-
Justed alonp wlth C untll the lowest SWH Is
obtalned. A T match ia shown at B. It is the
same as two qamma-match rods. The rods and
C1 and C2 are adjusted altemately for a 1:1
SWR. A coaxlal 4:1 balun transfortner is
ahown at C. A toroidal balun can be uaed in
piace of the coax model shown. The toroidal
version has a broader frequency ranpe than
the coanial one. The T match is adjusted far
200 ohma and the balun steps this balanced
value down to 50 ohms, unbalanced. Or the T
match can be set for 300 ohms, and the balun
used to step this down to 75 ohma un-
balanced. Dimensions for the gamma and T
match rods are not given by formula Their
lengths and spacing wiil depend on the tubfng
slze used, and the spacinq of the parasitic
elements of the beam. Capacitors C, C1 and
C2 can be 140 pF for 14MHz beams. Some-
what leas capacitance will be needed at 21
and 28 MHz
optimum over a coasiderably wider fre-
quency range than with wire conductors.
Delta Loops And Qaad Beams
One of the more effective DX arrays is
called the cubical quad, or simply, quad
antenna. It consists of two or more squaze
loops of wire, each supported by a bam-
boo or fiberglass cross-arm assembly. The
loops are a quarter wavelength per side (full
wavelength overall). One loop is driven and
the other serves as a parasitic element —
usually a reflector. A variation of the quad
is called the delta loop. The electrical pro-
perties of both antennas are the same,
generally spealdng, though some operators
report better DX results with the delta loop.
Both antenaas aze shown in Fig. 38. They
differ mainly in their physical properties,
f140pF FOR 20.1
OR 101
N0.12 W�RE
o.,s To—�, 1
o.z �. i
' �j STUB
� � u
� �s-n
L(FT1• ��MHz)
Fig 38—Information on building a quad or
a delta-loop antenna. The antennas are
electrically similar, but the delta-loop uses
plumber's delight construction. Because
the feed method on the cubical quad is
balanced, use a 4:1 balun.
one being of plumber's delight construc-
tion, while the other uses insulating sup-
port members. One or more directors can
be added to either antenna if additional
gain and directivity is desired, though most
operators use the two-element arrange-
It is possible to interlace quads or
"deltas" for two or more bands, but if this
is doae the formulas given in Fig. 38 may
have to be changed slightly to compensate
for the proximity effect of the second
antenna. For quads the length of the full-
wave loop can be computed from
Full-wave loop (ft) = 1005
f (MHz)
If multiple arrays are used, each anten-
na should be tuned sepazately for maxi-
Antenna Fundamentals 17•17
�• �' .v
mum �farward gain, as nated on a fieid-
strength meter. The reflecior stub an the
quad shauld be adjusted for this condition.
The deIta ioop gamma match should be ad-
justed far a 1:1 SWR. No reflector tuning
is needed, The delta loop antenna has a
broader frequency responsc than the quad,
and hoids at an SWR of 1.5:I pr better
acrass the band far which it is constructed.
'The resonance of the quad antenna can
be found by checking the frequency at
wluch the lowest SWR occurs. The ctement
iength (driven element) can be adjusted far
resonance in the tnast-used portion of ihc
band by lengthening or shartening it.
A two-eIement quad or delta loop anten-
VH F and U H F Antennas
Improving an antenna system is one of
the most productive moves apen to the
VHF enthusiast. it can increas� transmit-
iing range, improve rxeption, reduce inter-
ference problems and bring other practical
bene�ts. The work itself is by na means the
least attractive part of ihe jab. Even with
high-gain antennas, experimentation is
greatly simpIified at VHF and UHF
because an array is a warkabie size, and
mueh can be learned about ihc nature and
adjustment af antennas. No largc invest-
ment in test equipment is necessary.
Whether we buy or build our antennas,
we soon find that there is no one "best"
design for all purposes. Selectin� the anten-
na best suited to our needs invo2ves much
mare than scanning gain figures and prioes
in a manufacturar's catalog. The �rst step
should be to establish priorities.
Shaping the pattem of an antenna ta
concentrate radiated energy, or r�ceived-
signat pickup, in some directions at the ex-
gcnse of others is the only possible way to
develop gain. This is best explained by
starting with the hypotheticaI isotropic
antenna, which would radiate squally in all
directions. A paint source of light i!-
luminating the inside of a globe uniform-
ly, fram iis centcr. is a visual anatogy. Na
practicat anienna can da this, so all anten-
nas have gain ovcr i�otrapic (dBi). A half-
wave dipale in free space has a gain of
2.2 dBi. If wa can piot the radiatian pat-
tern of an antenna in all plancs, we ean
compute its gain, so quoting it with respeck
to isotropic is a logicat base for agreement
and understanding. Tt is rarety possibk to
erect a half-wave antenna that has anything
approaching a free-space pattem; this fact
is rtsponsible for much of the confusion
about true antenna gain.
Radiation pattcrns can be controllefl in
various ways. One is to usc twa or more
driven elements, fed in phase. Such coI-
linear arrays provide gain wiihout marked-
�v sharpening the frequency response, com-
u�ed ta that of a single eiement. More gain
_,�r element, but with a sacrifia in frcquen-
cy covorage, is obtained by piacing pazasitic
eiements, longer and shorter than the
driven one, in the pianc of the first element,
but noi driven from the feed line. The
'i7•18 Chapter 1�
reflector and directors of a Yagi azray aze
highIy frequency sensitive and such an
antenna is at its best over frequency
changes of less ihan one percent of tho
operating frequency.
Frequsncy Response
Ability to work over an entire VHF band
may be important in some type of work.
The response af an antenma element can be
broadened somewhat by inereasing the con-
ductor diameter, and by tagering it to
something approximating a cigaz shape,
but this is dane mainly with simpie anten-
nas. More practically, wide frequency
covorage may be a reasan to select a cal-
Iincar array, rathcr than a Yagi. On the
ather hand, the growing tendency ta chan-
neliu aperatians in small segments of onr
bands tends to place broad frequency
coverage law on the prianty list of mast
VHF staEions.
Radiatian Pattern
tlntcnna radiation can be made omni-
G�liCCt10A81, bidirectionat, practicaily un-
directional, or anything betwan these con-
ditions, A VHF net operator may �nd an
omnidirectiona2 system atmost a necessity,
but it may bt a paor choice atherwise,
Noise pickup and other interference prab,l
iems tend ta bc grcater with such antennas,
and ihose having same gain are especially
bad in these respects. Maximum gain and
low radiatian angle are usually prime in-
tertsts af the weak-signai DX aspirant. A
ciean pattern, with lowest passible pickup
and radiation aff the sidos and back, may
be impartant in high-activity areas, ar
where the noise Ievel is high.
Height Ga[n
In general, the higher an antenna is in-
stalted, the bettor in VHF antanna installa-
dons. If raising thc antenna cleazs its view
aver nearby obstructions, it may make
dramatic improvcments in covorage.
Within reasan, greater height is almost
always worth its cost, but heighi gain must
be balanaed against inereased transmission-
line loss. Line losses are cansiderable at
VHF, artd they increase wiih frequancy,
The best available Hnc may be none too
goad, if the run is long in terms of
waveitngth. Give line-Ioss information,
na compares favorably with a thre��
Yagi array in icrms of gain {see �}� �
� 1963 and January 1969, for add�u�
formation). 1"he quad and dei;�.;
antennas perform very weli at �p �
MHz. A discussion of radiatior. �
and gain, quads vs. Yagis, w�as pr�
by Lindsay in May 196$ QST.
showa in table form in Chapter ib, a
scrutiny in any antenna planning.
Physical Size
! A given antenna design for 43? �iHi
have thc same gain as one for 14i �
but being only ane-ihird the size �c a�
iercepi onty one-ihird as much tnes�
receiving. Thus, to be equal in comm�
tion effectiveness, the 432•MHz x
shouId be at ieast equal in size u
144-MHz one, which will require roq
three times as many elements. V�'ith �&
extra difficu2ties involved in going i�y
in frequency, it is well ta be on thc bif i
in building an antenna for zhe !�
� Having sorted out objecdves in a gm
way, we face decisions on specifia, a
as polarization, type of transmissiaa i
matclung meihods and mechanical desi
'• Whether to positian the anta
elements vertically or horizontally has b
a moot point since early VHF pionaci
Tcsts show iittle evidence on which t�
up a uniform polarization potic}. (1n:
paths there is �no consistent ad��a�
either way. Sharter paths tend to p
higher signa2 Ievels with hoarizanta3 in �+
kinds af ierrain. Man-made noise. esp�
ly ignitian interfercnce, tends to be 1a
with horizontal. Verticals are marta
simpler to use in omnidirectianal s3'�
and in mabile work.
Early VHF cammunication was 1u1
vcrtical, but horizontal gained favot�
directional arrays became widely usa�- �
major trend to FM and repcaters, p�
larly in the IA4-MHz band, has UPI�'
balance in favor of verticals in sno��'.*
and for repeaters. Horizontal predom�
in'other communication on 50 M�i
higher frcquencies. It is weU to ch�s�
vance in any new-area in which y°u �
to aperate, however, as some locaLa��
use vertical almast exclusively. A�
Ioss of 20 dB or more can be exP�`� y
Transmission Lines
There are twa main cateS4n�
��ission lines, balanced and un-
�Balanced tines include open-wire
�p�ated by insulating spreaders, and
��yd, m which the wires aze embedded
���d or foamed insulation. Line losses
�t from ohmic resistance, radiation
� the line and deficiencies in the insula-
� Large conductors, closely spaced in
�s of wavelength, and using a minimum
� msulation, make the be5t balanced lines.
�pedances are mainly 300 to 500 ohms.
�Slanced lines are best in straight runs. If
�cis are unavoidable, the angles should
k�s obtuse as possible. Caze should be
�kcn to prevent one wire from coming
�r to metal objects than the other. Wire
�ng should be less than 1/20 wave-
� operly built open-wire line can operate
�rith very low loss in VHF and even UHF
�cstallations. A total line loss under 2 dB
per hundred feet at 432 MHz is readily ob-
niaed. A line made of no. 12 wire, spaced
� inch or less with Teflon spreaders, and
tunning essentially straight from antenna
to stadon, can be better than anything but
tbe most expensive coax, at a fraction of
the cost. This assumes the use of baluns to
macch into and out of the line, with a short
fength of quality coax for the moving sec-
oon from the top of the tower to the anten-
na. A similar 144-MHz setup could have
i line loss under 1 dB.
Small coax such as RG-58/U or -59/U
should never be used in VHF work if the
run is more than a few feet. Half-inch lines
(RG-8/U or -11/U) work fairly well at
SO �iHz, and are acceptable for 144-MHz
runs of 50 feet or less. If these lines have
foam rather than solid insulation they are
about 30 percent better. Aluminum-jacket
5na with large inner conductors and foam
asulation are well worth their cost. They
ue readily waterproofed, and can last
�Imost indefinitely. Beware of any
"bargains" in coax. Lost transmitter power
�n be made up to some extent by in-
�uing power, but once lost, a weak signal
an never be recovered in the receiver.
Eifects of weather should not be ig-
�red. a well-constructed open-wire line
`orks well in nearly any weather, and it
aands up well. Twin-lead is almost useless
a �za�y rain, wet snow or icing. The best
Cades of coax are impervious to weather.
+��)' can be run underground, fastened to
�al towers without insulation, or bent
=tJ any convenient position, with no
��'erse effects on performance.
�Pedance Matching
� heory and practice in impedance
natching aze given in detail in eazlier
�pcers, and theory, at least, is the same
•or irequencies above 50 MHz. Practice
=d}' be similaz, but physical size can he a
�lor modifying factor in choice of
��'+�versa! Stub
•�5 its name implies, the double-
(a) I
-- �
Fig. 39 — Matching methods commonly used in VHF antennas. The universal stub, A, combines
tun(ng and matching. The adJustable short on the stub and the points of connection of•the
transmission Iine are adjusted for minimum retlected power in the line. In the delta match, B
and C, the Iine is fanned out to tap on the dipole at the point of best Impedance match. Im-
pedances need not be known in A, 8 and C. The gamma match, D, is for direct connection of
coax. Ci tunes out inductance in the arm. Folded d(pole of uniform conductor sfze, E, steps up
antenna impedance by a factor of four. Using a larper conductor in the unbroken portton of the
folded dipole, E, gives higher orders of impedance transfortnation.
adjustment stub of Fig. 39A is usefui for
many matching purposes. The stub length
is varied to resonate the system, and the
transmission line and stub impedances aze
equal. In practice this involves moving both
the sliding short and the point of line con-
nection for zero reflected power, as in-
dicated on an SWR indicator connected in
the line.
The universal stub allows for tuning out
any small reactance present in the driven
part of the system. It permits matching the
antenna to the line without knowledge of
the actual impedances involved. The posi-
tion of the short yielding the best match
gives some indication of how much reac-
tance is present. With little or no reactive
component to be tuned out, the stub will
be approximately a half wavelength from
load to short.
The stub should be stiff baze wire or rod,
spaced no more than 1/20 wavelength.
Preferably it should be mounted rigidly, on
insulators. Once the position of the short
is determined, the center of the short can
be grounded, if desired, and the portion of
the stub no longer needed can be removed.
It is not necessary that the stub be con-
nected directiy to the driven element. It can
be made part of an open-wire line, as a
device to match into or out of the line with
coax. It can be connected to the lower end
of a delta match, or placed at the feed point
of a phased anay. Examples of these uses
are given later.
Delta Match
Probably the fust impedance match was
made when the ends of an open line were
fanned out and tapped onto a half-wave
antenna at the point of most ef�cient
power transfer, as in Fig. 39B. Both the
side length and the points of connection
either side of the center of the element must
be adjusted for minimum reflected power
in the line, but as with the universal stub,
the impedances need not be known. The
delta makes no provision for tuning out
reactance, so the universal stub is often
used as a termination for it, to this end.
Once thought to be inferior for VHF ap-
plicadons because of its tendency to radiate
Antenna Fundamentals 17•19
af ad�usted improperly, the delta has come
back to favor now that we have good
meihads for measuring the effects oi
matching. It is very handy far phasing
muldple-bay arrays with open lines, and its
dimensions in this use are not particuIarly
critica2. It shauld be checked out carefuIIy
in applications Iike that of Fig. 39G which
have no tuning device.
Gamma Match
The gamma match is shown in Fig. 39D,
There being no RF voltage at the cenier of
a half-wave dipole, the outer conductor of
the coax is connected ta the etement at this
point, which may aiso be the junction with
a metallic or wooden boom. The inner con-
ductor, carrying the RF cunrent, is tapped
ont an the eIement at the matching point.
Induc[anoe of the arm is canceled by means
of Cl, resulting in electrical balance. Both
the point of contact with the Clement and
the setting of the capacitor aze adjasted for
zero reflecied power, with a bridge con-
nected in the coaxiat line.
The capacitor can be made variable tem-
ParariiY� then replaced with a suitab2e iixed
unit when the required capacitance vaiue
is found, or CI can be mounted in a water-
proof box. Maximum capacitance should
be about I00 pF for 50 MHz and 35 to
SO pF for 144. The capacitor and arm can
be combined with the azm connecting io ihe
driven clement by means of a sliding clamp,
and tho inner end of the arm sliding iaside
a sleeve connected to the inner canductor
af ihe eaax. One can be constructed from
concaatric pieces of tubing, insulated by
pIastic sloeving. RF voliage across the
capacitar is iaw, once the match is adjusted
properly, so with a good dieI�ctric, insuIa-
tion presents no great problem, if the in-
idal adjustment is made with low power.
�...1 `,:
� �,%Ii
Fig. 40 — Conversion fram unbalanced coa�c to a baianced toad can be dane with a half•wave
coaxtal balun, A. Electrlcai tength of the looped sectian shouid be checked with a dip meter,
with ends shoRed, B. The half-wave balun gives a 4:1 impedance step up.
� �
�,r No coxr�Ec7roN
� t
n �
a � (A)
� coaxia� ��rac
! i
T �
4 i {B)
� !
i I
I '
� � \
Fig. 41 — The balun convers(on tunctfon, wlth no impedance ohanpe, (s acoompllshed w}th
quarter•wave �tnes, open at the tap and connected to the coa�c outer conductor at the boftom.
The coartiat steeve, A, is preferred. ',
A clean, permanent, high-conductivity half-wavelength. The physicai lcngth
bond between azm and element is imgar- depeads on thc prapagation faciar of thc
tant, as the RF current is high at this point. line used, so it is weii ta check its resonant
Folded Dipole .
The impedance of a half-wave antenna
brokon at its center is �2 ohms. if a singIe
oonductor af unifarm size is foIded to make�
a hatf-wave dipolc, as shown in Fig. 39E,
the impedance is stepped up four times.�
Such a foldcd dipole can thus be fed di-
rcctly with 300-ohm line with no ap-
preciable mismatch. Coaadal line of 70 to'
TS ohms impedance may also bc us�d if a
4;1 balun is added. {Sce balun information
ia Chapter 16.} Higher impedance step-up
caD be abtaiaed if the unbroken partion is
made Iargar in cross-section than thc fed
portion, as in Fig, 39F. For design infar-
mation see Chapter 16. _
Baiuns and Trsnsmatches
Conversion from balanced loads ta un-
lanced lines, or vice vorsa, can be per-
�rmed with electrical circuits, or iheir
equivalents made of coaxial tine. A balun
made fram flcxibte coax is shawn in Fig.
40A. Tho laopcd portion is an etectrical
1T-20 Chapter i7
frcquency, as shown at B. The two ends aze
sharted, and the Iaop at one end is coupted
to a dip-meter caiI. This type of balun gives
an impedartce step-up of 4:1 in impedance,
SO to 200 ohms, or 75 to 300 ohms
Coaxial balu:as giving a l;l imgcdance
transfer aze shown in Fig. 41. The coaxial
slave, open at the top and connectcd to Lhe
oaier canductar af the line at the iower end
{A} is the prtfened typa A conductar of
appraximatety the same size as tht Iino is
uscd with the outer conductor to form a
quartor-wave stub, in B. Anothcr piece of
caax, nsing only the outer conductor, will
serve this purpase. Bath baluns are in-
tended ta present an infinite impedance to
any RF current that might otherwise tend
to flow on the outer canductar of the coax.
The functians oi the balun aad the im-
pedance iransformer can be handlat by
various tuned circuits. Snch a device, cam-
manly calied an antenna coupler or
Transmatch, can provide a wide range af
impedance transfarmations. Additional
setectivity inherent to the Transmatch as
reduce RFi problems.
Stscking YAgis,
Whert suitable �rovision can bo m�'
far. supporting thtm, two Yagis mounca
one above tho other and fed in phase mti
bc preferable so one long Yag'1 havin8 �'
same theoretical or measured gain. The P='
wilt requirt a much smaller t�min& sP�'
for ihe same gain, and their tower rad�'
tian angte can pravide interesting ra�'
On lang ionaspheric paths a stack�d P�
occasionatiy may show an apparent ps
much greater than the 2 to 3 dB th�t +�
be measured. lacally as the gain f�
stacking. '
Optimum spacing for Yagis of �
elements or more is one wavelenS�� d'
this�may be too much for manY build �;
50-MHz antennas to handie. Worcb s
results can be obtained with as littk ��''
haif wavelength (id itet}, bu� ,�,�
wav�Iength (22 feet) is markcdiy bci�
difference between 12 and ?A fact �a$f °'��
be worth the added structurai Prob7� �,
volvtd in tht wider spacing, at Sd ��
Ieast. The claser spacings give 10�'�
�2 —
/ ^
�,y[.al Y SO"OHM UNE.
M "� ``. �
� ODD a��
F�, +e2 — A method for ieeding a stacked
r�i artay.
measnred gain, but the antenna patterns are
dcaner (�ess pawer in the high-angle %bes}
�san will be obtained with one-wavelength
s�acing. The extra gain with wider spacings
is usualiy the objective an IA4 MHz and
digher bands, where the structural prob-
laas aze not severe.
4ne method for feeding two 50-ohm
wt�nnas, as might be used in a stacked
� agi array, is shawn in Fig. 42. The
aansmission lines from each antenna to the
x�mmon feed paint must be equa! in length
and an odd muItiple of a quarter wave-
,cngch. 'fhis line acts as an impedance
�aasfarmer and raises the feed imgedance
af rach antenna to 100 ohms. When the
:�'o ancennas aze connected in pazallel at
:hc caaxial T fitting, the resulting im-
7tdance is ctose to 50 ahms.
Information given thus far is rrtainly on
�'asitic arrays, but the collinear antenna
=3s much ta recammend it. Inher�ntly
"road in frequency response, it is a logical
�oice where coverage of an entire band is
'�t�. This toIerance also makes a col-
�ar array easy ta build and adjust for any
��F aPplication. The use af many rlriven
�mencs is popuIar in very Iarge phased ar-
��s. such as may be required for moon-
�cunce {EME} communicatian.
�+r`ge Collinear Arrays
Bidirectionai curtain af arrays of four,
g'� and eight half-waves in phase aze shown
� fi�8= �3. Usually reflector etements are
�`��d, normaiiy at about 0.2 wavetength
��ack of each driven element, for more
�'n �� a unidirectional patteru, Such
Fi�. 43 — Element arrangements Eor 8, 12 aad 16�elemeni collinear arrays. Parasitic reflectors,
am3tted here for clarity, are ftve peroent Ionger and 0.2 wavelength in back of the driven
elements. Feed points are indicated by black dots. Open circles are recommended support
points. The elements can run thrpugh wood or metal booms, without insulation, if supported at
thelr cenfers ia fhis way. tnsulators at the element eads (poirts oi high RF valtage) tead to
detune and unbalance the system.
� �
..-,z-,iz_�! :.._zz-vz'_...s � tz-u2•_..: —tz-vz'-•-
�' :.r:�— ss•vz• ---�-1
. � .
� �
3t4" MAX.
Fig. 44 — Large callinear arzays should be ted as sets of no more than eight driven elements
each, intercannected by phasing ifnes. This 9&element array for 432 MFfz {Aj Is treated as if it
were four 12-element collinears. Reflector eleme�ts are omitted for clarity. Phasing harness is
shawn at B.
parasitic elements aze omitted fram the
sketch in the interest of ciarity.
Whcn pazasitic elements are added, the
feed impedance is Iow eaough far direct
connection to open line or twin-lead, con-
nected at the points indicated by black dots.
With coaxiai line and a baiun, it is sug-
gested that the universal stub match, Fig.
39A, be used at the feedpoint. All elements
shauld be mounted at their etectricai
centers, as indicated by open circles in Fig.
43. The framework can be meta! or in-
suiating materiat, wiih equalIy gaod resuits.
The metal supporting structure is entirely
in back o€ the plane af the refleetor
elements. Sheet-metal clamps can be cut
from scraps of aluminum to make this kind
of assembly, which is very light in weight
and rugged as well. Collinear elements
should always be mounted at their centers,
whero RF voltage is zero — never at their
ends, where the voltage is high and insuia-
tion losses and detuning can be very
Collinear arrays af 32, 48, 64 and even
128 elements can be made to give out-
standing performance. Any coilinear
shauid be fed at the center of the system,
for balanced eurrent distribuaon. "This is
very impartant in large arrays, which are
Antenna Fundamentals 17-21
•treaied as sets of six ar eight driven
clements each. The sets are fed thraugh a
balanccd harness, each section af which is
a resanant length, usually of open-wire line.
A 4&-clement coitinear array for 432 MHz,
Fig. 44, itiusuates this principle.
A refl�cting plane, which may be sheet
metai, wire mesh, or even ciosciy spaced
etements af tubing ar wire, can be used in
pIace of pazasitic reflectors. Ta be effec-
tive, the plane reflector must extend on all
sides to at least a quarter wavelength
beyond the area occupied by the driven
elements. The plane reflector pravides high
froni-to-back ratio, a clean pattern, and
samewhat more gain than parasitic ele-
ments, bui iarge physical size rutes ii out
for amateur nse below 420 MHz. An in-
teresting space-saving possibiIity lies in
17•22 Chapter 17
using a single plane reflector with elomsnts (
for two differtnt b.ands maunted on
apposite sides. Reflector spacing fram
the driven element is nat critica2. About
Q.2 waveIength is comman.
Circnlar Polarization
Polariza6on is described as "horizontal"
or "vertical," but these terms have no
meaning once the reference af the earth's
surface is lost. Many propagation factors
can cause polarizatian change — reflection
ar refraciion and passag� through magnetic
�elds {Paraday ratatian}, for example.
Polarizatian of VHF waves is aften ran-
dam, sa an ant�nna capable of accepting
any palarization is useful. GircuIar
po2ari2ation, generated with helical anten-
nas or with crossed elements fed 90 degrees
� out of phase, will respond to anp Iinr�•
� patarization.
' The circularly polarized wave, in effe;
! threads its way thraugh sgace, and ii ��
� be teft- or right-hand polarized. Th;..
, polarizauon senses are mutually exclusi�-
I but either will respond ta anc pi�.:
I polarizatian. A wave generated a�ith ri��;•,
� hand palarization, when reflected from t;�
� moan, comes back with lefc-hand, a fa;
� to be borne in mind in setting up EivIF �.
�cuits. Stations cammunicating on dir�;
paths shouid have the same polarizacio:
� Both senses can be generated H�;.
� crossed dipoles, with the aid of a swicchabz
� phasing harness. With helical arrays, bo;:.
� senses are provided with two antenna
wound in opposite directians.
: �:� ° .
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� � THE ARRL ;
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F�'.... ;�;. ;�" �� � f
� Published by:
Seventieth Edition
�� _ � # ; �,
:�:,. �-�.'�' The American Radio Re1ay League
r'`..';� . NeWlf19t017, CT O6� � 1 1.� "'�••+.�/� ,
S- t �
a: .:_ rv. .� � .. .. � i
� �
Robert ScFtet�etr. KU7G
- : Aasistan# Editors • .
�' C'aerald L Half,. K1TFJ �
.Joet P. lC3einmart, N1BtCE
, C.ucic Hurder, KY1i -
Jahn t�le+nnes�+ae.. KJ4KB
� � �,
�I I
Cover photos �
A— A# the W30K Field Day site in eastern
Pennsyivania, N2LAU fastens the beam to a mast
with the heEp of many friends. (photo by N3GWR)
B— The ChipTalker project is new to this year's
Handbook., �oak for this voice memory keyer
in the Digital Equipment chapter.
C— Here's ,a view down the barrel of a 1296-MHz
loop Yagi antenna. (Don't do this wiih a iransmitter
cannected!} In the background is #he site ofi the
1992 West Caast VHF/UHF Conference and the
Pacific Qcean. (phoFo by Gary Jue, N6QOA�
� ,. Deborah Strzeszkowskl �•�
� Jae Shea .
� Dianna Roy
� � David Pingree, N1 NAS
Steffie FJelson, KA1 i�B
.Fodi lirtorin. KAIJPA
Sue Fagan, Cover
Micheile Btoom, WBi EM'
Doug Bainbridge, NF3HPK
Jahn 6elrose, VE2CV
Bert Beyt, W5ZR
Dennis Bodson, W4PWF
BiEi de Carle. VE21Q
Warren Dion, N1BBH
Martin Emmersan, G30oD
Bilt Engfish, N6TtW
Ed Hare, KA1CV
Dick Jansson, WD4FA6
Joe Jarrett, KSFOG
Roy Lewailen, W7EL
Wil(iam E. Sabin, W�Y(YH
Dick Stevens, W1pWJ
Gtenn �. Wiiiiams, AFBC
', a
ti �
�hapter 39
I nte rfe re n ce
Radio Frequency Interference (RFI):
It is a jungle out there! No[ a jungle
of wildlife and tangled undergrowth,
:owever. It is a jungle of electrical and elec-
:onic equipment, each piece of which is a
^otential source or victim of RFI, or both!
ioday, a host of new devices are creating
� increasingly complex RF environment.
=ach new gadget brings with it a new set
�i problems to the residential community.
ihe Electronic Home
Let's look around a perhaps "not-so-
;�•erage" home. In the kitchen the blender
rhirrs and the microwave oven digital
'_mer counts down to the blinking of the
?ublic Service scanner. The wireless inter-
:om emits a mild protest to the electronic
arivity. In the bathroom a family member
s using a hair dryer and a portable radio.
3oth items are plugged into a ground-fault
i[errupter outlet.
In a quiet room supplied with mood
:¢hting from an electronically controlled
=mp, a color TV set is showing a movie
'iat is delivered by cable. A video cassette
':corder (VCR) records another program
'�r later viewing.
One of the older children is in a bedraom
:oing homework on a microcomputer.
�fusic is coming from the stereo record
:!ayer in the corner. In the next bedroom
� }'ounger family member finds amusement
: the video game connected to a portable
1% set.
[n the hall a pager sits in the battery
•:arger just below a smoke detector. Some-
�ae had decided to place a call on the cord-
=ss telephone from this secluded spot.
Down in the basement, the water heater
';s [urned on under control of the ther-
'ostat. Another thermostat, located
•�stairs, has called for hot air. The fuel oil
��n is running in the furnace (as is the con-
•�uous ignition system) — the air is just
'��w hot enough that a sensor starts the cir-
��lation blower. Mounted on the wall next
� the power distribution box is the
�oorbell transformer.
Out in the garage'the power tools and
lawn mower silently wait for someone to
use them. The garage door opener waits for
a signal to be decoded by the receiver. Out-
side a loud sound will activate a fixture,
turning on an outdoor light. When the
family is away, the premises are guarded
by an electronic security system. The
system has a microwave intrusion detector;
alarms are electronically reported over the
telephone line.
Every device mentioned in this account
has the potential of being either a source
or victim of RFI — or both! Many other
possibilities exist in the residential environ-
ment these days. Even the plumbing and
wiring can conduct, radiate or rectify RF
emanations from whatever source. And
every month some new electronic "whiz
bang" �nds its way into our homes.
A Technical Problem
Interference is a technical problem. The
causes and cures aze often straightforward,
but they can be mysterious and com-
plicated. Interference side effects have
economic and political impact. Experience
has shown that nearly all RFI problems ex-
perienced with home-entertainment devices
result from basic design deficiencies in these
devices. The few small components or
filters that would prevent RFI aze often left
out of otherwise well-designed products as
manufacturers attempt to reduce cosu, and
hence to reduce the prices of their products.
Interference is primazily a matter of
emanation (sending) and interception
(receiving). Unwanted emanations occur by
radiation (as from an antenna) or conduc-
tion (as along a wire). How and where to
treat unwanted emanation or interception
will depend on where and how it occurs.
If interfering harmonics are generated in
a transmitter and are radiated by the sta-
tion antenna, usually a filter in the feed line
will solve the problem. If a TV set lacks im-
munity to the radio frequency environ-
ment, various types of filters can be used
to cure the problem.
The•source of the energy is not always
the cause of interference; the actual cause
is sometimes difficult to determine. In-
terfering harmonics or spurious emissions
of an Amateur or CB Radio signal may be
generated in the transmitter, in a bad (recti-
fying) connection in the antenna system, in
the affected receiver RF amplifier (pre-
amplifier) or in any poor metallic connec-
tion in the vicinity of the transmitter anten-
na. For that reason, the cause is usually
discovered through a process of elimina-
tion. Usually, more than one action will be
necessary to cure the problem.
The usual procedure for dealing with
harmonically related interference calls for
filters to be installed at the transmitter and
the receiver. That treatment usually solves
the problem; if it doesn't, try using
direction-�nding techniques on a harmonic
of the offending signai.
Radio amateurs have traditionally been
involved with the analog world — a realm
of sine waves and distinct frequencies.
Digital equipment can be found in almost
every home and ham shack. The digital
domain is a realm of square waves.
The frequency spectra of sine and square
waves of the same fundamental frequency
are quite different, as shown in Fig. 1. The
sine wave is ideally represented by a single
frequency. In contrast, an ideal square
wave consists of a fundamental frequency
plus an infinite series of odd harmonics. It
is these harmonics that require proper treat-
ment in digital circuits to prevent RF
emanations. Treatment, which must be ap-
plied to the digital circuit and enclosure,
generally consists of proper shielding,
filtering and bypassing. The measures that
help minimize the possibilities that a digital
device will be a source of interference will
also protect it from being a victim of
What's Being Done About RFI?
Along with the growth of new appliances
in the electronic home come new regula-
tions to deal with accompanying RFI
I..�n►inrnwne 9�_i
(G) . (D)
Fig. 1— Time domain (oscilioscope} dispiays ot a sine wave jAj and a square wave (Bj. Frequencydornain ar spectrai (spectrum-anaiyzer} displays
af a sine wave {G} and a sauare wave {D�. Verticaf divistons in ihe spectral displays are 10 d8. With second•harmonic energy down 67 d8, ihe sine
wave Can be considered spectrally clean. By contrast, the square wave shows considerab�e energy in odd-4rder harmonics.
traubles. FCC ruies naw deal specifically
with such services and devices as CATV,
computers, cordless telephones and security
devices. Althaugh Pubiic Law 97-259 gives
the FCC authority to set standards %r
hpme-entertainment de��ices, the current
approach looks toward voluntary com-
pliance in piace of legistation. Television
sets and Amateur Radio equipment of re-
cent vintage are, for the rnost part, superior
to earlier models, Some VCRs still shaw a
lack of RF immunity.
Cabie teievision (CATV} is regulated by
Parts 15 and 76 of the FCC rules. The
Cammission defines a CATV system as a
"nanbraadcast faciiicr" — a pSant can-
sisting of cables that carry televisian pro-
gramrning to subscribers. Cable television
offers the amaieur sen•ice severai advan-
tages over canventional reception. Signai
levels on the cable are at a higher level Ihan
normally received "oi'f air." 7"his ef-
fectively eiiminates fringe area {weak
39-2 Chapter 39
signai) receptian. In additian, these signals
are supplied on a shielded cable, which
!'urther reduces the susceptibility to
interference. �
In the field, however, signals may leak
frorn these ostensibly "closed" systems:
When this leakage occurs, harmPul in-
ter%rence to aver-the-air services can oc-
cur. The FCC has sgecified the maximurri
allowable leakage from cable systems. i
Sectian 76.613 ragulates interference
from CATV systems. Paragraph (a} de-
fines harmful interference as "any emis-
sion, radiation or inductian which
endangers the functioning of a radio-
navigatian serviee or of ather safety
services or seriously degrades, obstruc[s or
repeatedly inrerrupts a radiocommunica-
tion service operating in accardance with
thrs chapter" {ernphasis added). Paragraph
(b) says "the operator of a cable television
system that causes harmfui interference
shali pramptl�� take appropriate measures
to eliminaze the harmful interference."
Section 75.6Q5{a){12) sgells out the limics
for allowable radiation from a CAT�'
Frequencies Radiatian Distance
" Limit (Feet1
' (�c Vtm1
tJp ta and
54 MHz IS 100
Ot�er 54 up ta
and including
216 MHz 20 10
Over 2I6 MHz 1S l00
RF emanating fram digital devices such
as computers, and other incidental radia-
tion det�ices such as power lines, industriai
machines and electrical fences, are regu-
lated in Part IS of the FCC rules. Gom-
munication devices such as cordiess
te3ephones, FM wireless microphones and
oci er low-pawer appliances are also
covered in Part 15. These devices may not
cause harmful interference to other radio
service communicaEions. In addition,
$peci�cations for limits on amounts of RF
energy emanating from a given device are
included. For exampte, the wireless micro-
phones rnentioned earlier in this paragraph
may not exceed certain field strengths.
Alsa, units (such as most I.7 ,'l�fHz cord-
less telephones) that operate under a waiver
of the �etd strength req.uirements are con-
trolted in another manner: These units must
not exceed standards far RF curreni in the
power and telephone lines.
Itadiation limits also apply ta personal
camputcrs manufactured after January 1,
1981. In many cases, tabeting, indentifca-
tion and FCC certi�cation are required for
devices covered in Part I5. These require-
ments heIp ensure that the device aperatar
understands the nature of the unit, and his
or her obligations under the rules. For ap-
piicabie excerpts crf Part i5 or Part 76 of
the Cammissian's rutes, contact the Reg-
ulatory Infprmation Branch at AItRL HQ.
Gavernment regulation is not a panacea,
hawever. We are in a period af shrinking
government involvement in the life of the
society it governs. Thus, we have seen
deregulation on the part of an FCC deter-
mined to let marketplace t'orces resotve
[heir differences. And, with the FCC
bud$et greatty reduced, we are witnessing
a Commission iess ahle to enforce the rutes.
Gavernment rules are a help, but not the
sale solution to RFI.
Help is available from okher quarters as
ivell. Manufacturers and professianal trade
associations are aware of the RFI phe-
nomenon. While these organizations are
not in positions to dictate policies to
members, they can promote the need for
responsibility in manufacturing and opera-
tians. Associatians often publish pamphlets
and manuats for their members expiaining
how ihey can make praducts iess suscepiible
�o RFI problems. The same associations
lobby the gavernment on behalF of their
The ARRL, as the principat cnembership
organization of the amateur community, is
ready to assist in RFi matters with a three-
pronged approach: publicatians, represen-
tation, and local aid through the ARRL
Field Organization. ARRL publishes or
�istributes several books about RFI and
radio direction finding. QST provides
:imely information about the evolving RFI
ARRL representation of amateurs includes:
` interaction with industry grougs such as
the Electronic Industries Association and
the National �able Televisian Assacia-
• participation in committees af the
American National Standards Institute,
Society of Automotive Engineers and
' representation to the FCC — and to
Congress when appropriate.
Local RFI Aid
Local aid is rendered through two areas
of the ARRL Fieid Organization. Inter-
ference inside the amateur bands is handled
by the ARRL Amateur Auxiliazy/Official
Observer (00) program. In 1982, Public
Law 97-259 authorized the FCC to format-
ly enlist amateur volunteers in monitoring
the airwaves for rules discrepancies or
viotations. As a resuit, the PCC formed an
Amateur Auxiiiary (similar to those of the
Civil Air Patrol and Coast Guard) to be
compadble with the amateur organizational
structure (ARRL}. The ARRL 40 pro-
gram began in 1926 ta "hefp fellow
amateurs by calling attention to violations
of good practice...in the right way...in
betier aperating. . .and ham enjoymen�.:'
The Amateur AuxiliarytOQ program is
administered by the League's Section
Managers and 00 Coordinators, witf►
support from ARRL HQ. Far more infor-
mation about the Amateur Auxiliary, see
"The Amateur Auxiliary for Volunteer
Monitoring," in Aagust 1984 QST, :pp
When RFI involves equipment operating
outside the amateur bands, help is avail-
able fram ARRL Technical Coordinators
(TCs) and their assistant Technical
Specialists (TSs). These volunteers are
appointed by ARRL Section Managers as
locai representatives. They assist hams with
technical questions or EMI/RFI problems,
represent the ARRL at technical sympo-
siurns in industry, serve on CATV adviso-
ry committees and advise municipal
governmenu on technical matters. You can
contact your ciosest TC or TS through your
Section Manager, whase address appears
monthly on p 8 af QST.
What Can Yau Do?
Be informed, read, report, experiment,
test and be cooperative. QST and other
ARRL publications contain a weaith of in-
formatian about EMIIRFt, Radio Fre-
quenry Interference: How to Find It and
Fiat It is the best resource far solving
EMIIRFI prablems. You can also get an
EMIIRFI Tips package from Bax RFI at
Report — Xour reports help us spot
widespread RFI prablems and track down
a cure. Similarly, if you experience a
problem and �nd a cure, let your League
know about it. The ARRL 12FI Task
Graup needs a compiete and accurate pic-
ture of the ever-changing RFI scene so it
can make appropriate policy recommenda-
tions to the ARRL Board pf Directors.
Send yo�r reports to Box RFI at ARRL
HQ. Report farms are available from the
same address for an SASE.
Experiment and test — RFI probletns
and solutions are not always simpte. Try
the usual; then try the unusual. It is also
possible that more than one actian will be
necessary ta cure the probtem. This chapter
will help you with ideas.
Be cnoperative — the first step is to
ensure ihat your station is assembied and
operated according to "good engineering
and amateur practice." Check your trans-
miiter, try asing a tow-pass #ilter. Then,
check your awn TV set for problenrzs. Fut
your own house in arder before checking
on your neighbor's.
When approaching your neighbor, bear
in mind that he or she likely knows little
of radio or RFi. Proceed accordingly.
Exptain yavr interpretadon af the sitvation
in simple terms. 'Then, palitely make your
recommendations. Neighborhood TLFI dis-
putes are settIed when a caoperative
atmosphere exists.
Be communicative — contact ihe manu-
facturer of the offending equipment. Many
responsible manufacturers have a poIicy of
supplying filters for eliminating television
interference when such cases are brought
to theix attention. You may persuade a
manufacturer to hetp by writing directly to
the manufacturer; send a capy of that ietter
to the Electranic Industries Association
SimilarIy, if the probiem lies with a
CATV operator, public ntility or other
facility, let the responsible party knaw
about it. Yau wiit often find assistance in
your efforts to track dawn an RFI saurce.
If an RFI problem appears to be a
violation oi FCC rules, and there is no
respanse to your requests for corrective
action, contact your nearest FCC diszrict
offce. See The FCC Ru/e Book publishad
by ARRL, for the address.
Dealing With interference
Many interference problems are caused
by harmonics. Pig. 3 is a chart shawing the
frequency relatianships between broadcast
channels and amateur harmanics.
The visibte effects of interference vary
with ihe type and iniensity of the inter-
ference. Blackaut, where the gicture and
sound disappear completely, leaving the
screen dark, occurs only when the trans-
miiter and receiver are close together.
Strong interference ordinarily causes the
picture to be broken up, leaving a jumble
of Iight and dark Iines, ar turns the picture
"negative" — the normally whiie parts af
the picture turn black and the normally
bIack parts turn white.
Cross-hatching — diagonal bars or iines
in the picture — often accurs as well, and
also represents the most common type of
Iess severe interference. The bars are the
result of the beat between the harmonic
frequency and the picture carrier frequen-
cy. They ar� broad and relatively few in
nnmber if the beat frequency is compara-
tively low — near the picture carrier — and
�Electronic Industries Association, 2001 Penn-
sylvania Ave, N.W., Washington, dC 20006.
Attention: Director af Consumer A#fairs.
Interte�ence 39-3
� �
l. � � AMA7tUK � ¢ AMATEUR
�MHZ� < �,�i 3.5 7 10.1 14 1&068 21 24.E9 26 50 144 222 420 �MH2� < � gp 1�4 222 420 ��MHZ) < � 144 222 42C
0 V p MHz MHx MHx MHx MHz MHx MHx 41Hi MHx MHi AIHx MHx Z'O U O MHx UHS MHx MHz I540 U O NHx MM= Mh=
F N � n
n r.
F ! I �
10 � > F 280 "�� � I� 550 ^�
° y F i
� � p n c 2 j 1 n i �
20 � N 3 2 f F 290 n � � 560 � ?
� 4 2 F M 6 � I;
30 ~ 3 300 ' S70 �
� u 5 Z h v � 4 �
a `o
40 � � 6 4 3 2 310 n � 580 m �
v �
n c rn o �
� J n o m I
50 7 5 3 Z F 320 Y o 590 m '
4 2 I
N � a °o+ �o `
60 N 6 3 330 0 600 � �
n v; � Z � �
U �
70 '� � � 5 4 3 340 < 610 m
� m
� m
80 i° � 6 4 3 350 Y � 620 �
5 a m
90 360 630
~ E °i
700 � � 4 2 370 � �' 640 �
5 °
rn t� a
6 a , �
110 � 4 380 � 650
� � n
120 0 ' 390 660 �
~ � 7 6 5 uNi � 3
a � n "
130 400 � 670 �
� Y c
� o c
5 r
140 ^ N F 410 N v 680 �
, �, z
°° 6 3 h F =
150 420 690 �
o� n
u �
160 N � 430 � 3 700
N � 6 v°'i
170 N � 440 � 2 710
�` �c 5 I,
180 ,. 450 N 720
m � o
^ a
190 Q' i 460 � � 730
o n 7 r c
4 `D J
200 � 470 � 740
N � IO
210 480 750
� �
220 N F 490 � 760
� m �
N �p
230 N 500 0 � .770
N • n ~
z4o r'Jio q ieo
N c n U �
w E 5 n �
250 N � 520 �` 4 790
m o `r �
N V n
260 n 530 ^ 800
n % �
270 �� 540 810
39-4 Chapter 39
Fig :;-7his chart shows GATV and
,broa'�cas; channels used in the United
States and their relationship to the
harmonics of MF, HF, VHF and UHF
amateur bands.
are numerous and very fine if the beat
irequency is very high — toward the up-
per end of the channel. Tygical crass-
hatching is shown in Fig. 4A.
Whether or nat cross-haiching is visibie,
an amplitade-madulated transmitter may
canse saund bars in the picture. These are
shawn in Pig. 4B. They resutt from the
variations in the intensity of the interfering
signal when modulated. Under most cir-
cumstances modulation bars will not accur
if the amateur transtnitter is frequency- or
phase-mad�,lated. With these types of
modulation the cross-hatching will wiggle
from side to side with the modnlacion (see
Fig 4C). �
Excepi in the more severe cases, there is
seldom any effeeE on the saund reception
when interference shows in the picture,
anless the frequency is close ta the sound
carrier. In this event the sound may be
interfered with even thaugh the picture is
Reference to Fig. 3�rill show whether or
nat harmonics of the frequency in use wi!!
fail in any television channets that can be
received in the tocaliiy. it should be kept
in mind that not only harmonics af the finai
frequency may interfere, but also harmon-
ics of any frequeneies that may be present
in mixer or frequency-multipiier stages. In
the case of 144-MHz transmitters, fre-
quency-muitipiying combinations that
require a doubler or tripler stage tp operate
on a frequency in a low-band VHF channel
in use in the locality should be avoided.
Fig 4D shows the effect of electrical
interference. Electrical interference results
from RF generated by arcing. The culprit
is often a motor (drill, sewing machine, hair
dryer and sa on), thermostat (aquarium
heater, heating pad, furnace and so on) ar
poor connection (ac outIets, arcing at a
utility pole). Electrical interference is
covered thoroughly in Radio Frequency
!nterference: How to Find It and Fix It,
irom ARRL.
Harmonic Suppression
Effective harmanic suppression has three
separate phases:
i) Reducing the ampiitude of harmonics
;enerated in the transmizter. This is a
matter of circuit design and operating con-
2) Preventing stray radiation from the
:ransmitter and associated wiring. This
-pquires adequate shielding and �ltering of
afl circuits and leads from which radiation
.an take place.
3) Prevencing harmonics from being fed
:nto the antenna.
It is impossibie to buiid a transmitter that
witi nat generate same harmonics. It is
advantageous to reduce harmonic strength
Fig. 4—Af A, cross-hatching caused by the beat between the picture carrier and an
inierfering signai inside the TV channei. Ai B, "saund bars" ar moduia#ian bars
accampany amplitude mottu}atian ot an interfiering signai, irr this case, the interfering
carrier is strang enough io desiroy the picture. !n mild cases, the picture is visib(e through
the horizanta! taars. Sound bars may accompany modulatian even though the
unmodulated carrler gives no v�sible cross-hatching. C shaws haw an FM transmiiter can
cause a wiggling crosshatch pattern. The wiggling keeps time with the informatian (usually
voice or music) on the FM signal..D shows the effects of electrica! interference irom
appticances or pawer lines.
through circuit design and choice of
operating conditions befare atternpting ta
prevent harmonics from being radiated.
Harmonic radiation from the transmitter
itself or from its associated wiring obvi-
ously wiIl cause interference just as readily
as radiation from the antenna. Measures
taken ta prevent harmonics from reaching
the antenna will not reduce TVI if the trans-
mitter itself is radiating harmonscs. But
once it has been faund that the transmitter
itself is free fram harmanic radiatian,
devices for preventing harmanies fram
reaching the antenna can be expected ta
praduce resuits.
Reduciag Harmonic Generation
Since reasonably efficient aperation of
I2F power amplifiers always is accompanied
by harmonic generacion, good judgment
calis for operating all frequency-multiplier
stages at a very !ow power level. When the
finai output frequency is reached, it is
desirabie to use as few stages as possibie
in building up ta the final autpvt power
teve! and to use devices that require
minimam drive power,
Crrcuit Design and Layoul
Harmnnic currents of considerable
Fig. 5— A VNF resonani circuit is formed
by the tube capacitance and the tead
inductances through the iank and blocking
capacitors. Regular tank coils are not
shown, since they have little effeat on such
resanances. C1 is the grid tuning capacikor
and C2 is the plate tuning capacitor. C3
and CA are the grid and plate blocking or
bypass capacitors, respectively.
amplitude flow in both the inpnt and out-
put circuits of RF pawer amplifiers, but
they wilt da re2ativeIy Iittle harm if they can
be efficiently bypassed to the cathode,
emitter or saurce of the active device. Fig. 5
shows the paths followed by harmonic
currents in an amplifier circuit. Because of
the high reactance in the tank coil, there
is little harmonic current in it, sa the
Interference 39-5
harmonic currents simply f7ow through the
tany capacitor, the input or output b}ock-
+ ing capacitor and the device interelectrade
capacitances. The lengths of the leads
forming these paths is of great importance,
sinee the induetance in this cireuit wili
resanate with ihe intereleetrode capacitance
in the VHF range. Generally, only the
interelectrade capacitance is considered in
this respect, because of the relativeiy large
values of capacitance contained in the
blocking and tank circuitry. Yf such a
resonance happens ta falt near the same
frequency as or�e af the uansmitter
harmonics, the effect is the same as though
a harmonic tank circuit had been de-
liberately intraduced; the harmonic at that
frequency wautd be tremendously increased
in amplitude.
Such resonances are unavoidabie, but by
k�eping the path fram piate io cathade and
from grid to cathode (and betwcen corres-
ponding terminals in solid-state devices) as
short as possible, the resonant frequency
can usuaily be raised above lIX? MHz in
ampli�ers af inediuin power. This places
the harmonic energy where it will cause
minimal interference.
It is easier to glace grid-circuit VHF
resanances where they will do no harm
when the amplifier is link-caupled zo the
driver stage, since this generaily permits
sharter leads and more favorable condi-
tions for bypassing the harmonics than is
the case with capacitive coupIing. Link
caupiing alsa reduces thc coupiing between
the driver and ampli�er at harmonic
frequencies, thus preventing driver
harmonics from being amplified.
The inductance of leads from the tube
to the tank capacitor can be reduced not
oniy by shonening but by using flat strap
snstead of wire conductars. It is alsa better
ta use Ehe chassis as the return frpm the
blocking capacitor ar tuned circuit to
cathode, s'rnce the chassis path wi}t have less
inductance than almost any other farm af
The VHF resonance points in amplifier
tank circuits can be fannd by caupfing a
dip meter cavering the 50-25Q MHz range
to the grid and plate leads. If a resonance
is faund in or near a TV channel, methods
such as those described abave shauld be
used to move it well out af the TV range.
The dip meter alsa shauld be used to check
for VHF resonances in the tank coils,
because coils made far 14 MHz and below
usually will show such resonances. In
mal�ing the check, disconnect the coil
entirety from the transmitter and mave the
dip meter caii along it while expioring for
a dip in the 54- to 88-MHz band. lf a
resonance fatls in a TV channet that is in
use in the locality, changing the number of
turns will move it ta a less-traubiesome
Operating Conditions
Grid bias and grid current have an
important effect an the harmonic content
39-6 Chapter 39
of the RF currents in both the grid and
plate rircuits. In general, harmanic output
increases as the grid bias and grid currern
are increased, but this is not necessarily true
of a particular harmanic. The third and
higher harmanics, especially, wiil go
through fluctuations in amplitude as the
grid current is increased, and sometimes a
high value of grid current will minimize one
harmanic as compared with a law value.
This characteristic can be used to advantage
where a particular harmonic is causing in-
terferenee; however, operating cpnditians
that minimize one harmonie may greatly
increase anather.
Suppression Practices
Camplete elimination of TVT is aften not
a simple process. It seldom happens that
a single rneasure such as installing a high-
pass filter at the TV set wiii cure the
problem. Rath�r, a number of rnethods
must be applied simultaneously. The
principal factor in any TVF situatian is the
ratio af TV signai strength to interference
level. This includes interference of all types
such as ignition noise, randonn or thermal
noise (which isn't reatly interference but
sets the minimum signa! that permits snow-
free reception), and unwanted signals that
fatl within the TV channei. A signai-to-
interference FBtId greater than approxi-
mately 3S ta 40 dB is required for goad
picture quality. • �
in this regard, an area frequentiy over-
laolced in TVI difficulties is the TV
antenna. A poor antenna with little gain in
tF�e direction of the TV station, oId and
corraded wire, and eannections (which can
cause the harmonic gsneration by rectifi-
cation of a clean signal generated in a
nearby amateur transmitter), may resuit in '
a TVT situatian that is impassibie ta solve. �
Generally speaking, if the picture quality I
on the TV set experiencing the interference �
is paor to begin with, even saphisticated �
suppression measures are likely to prove �
futile. In such cases,- the only solution is ;
replacement of the defective TV antenna i
system camponents. Carroded and cracked �
lead-in cables shauld be replaced, and the '
antenna terminals cleaned. If the TV �
antenna shaws signs �af corrosion andlar j'
deterioration, it should alsa be reptaced. '
Note: The amateur hlts no legal or financial �
respansibility to pay for the replacement of �
the antenna system — such repiacement is
the responsibility af the TV owner. '
Graunding of' �quipment has lang been;
considered a first step in eliminating inter-
ference. While the method is very effective;
in the MF range and below, for alt practicai
purpases it is usetess in suppressing VHF;
energy. This is because even short lengths
of wire have considerable reactance at
VHF. Far instance suppose a iength of wire
by itseif has an snductance of i µH. At
550 kHz, the reactance would be about
3.4b ahms. 4n the ather hand, the same
wire wauId have a reactance of over 30{�
ohrns at 56 MHz, which is in the frequencr
range of TV channel 2. (Actually, the
impedance of a wire becames a more
'complicated entit} ta define at VHF. The
delay effects along the wire are sirnilar to
thase on the surface of an antenna. Con-
sequently, the wire might even appear ac
an apen circuit rather than as a ground a:
� the electrical length approaehes a quarce:
� wavelength.)
� From a shock-hazard paiat of vieu�,
graunding is important. However, neti•e:
� connect a ground for any reason to th�
' chassis of a TV set. This is because mam�
� TV sets derive their operating valtage;
i directly from the ac-service line. Althaueh
I a schematic diagram of a TV sec ma�
� indicate a pawer transformer is being used,
� cautian shauld be exercised ta be sure i� u
actually being emplayed for this purpbse.
i Often, the only voltage the ti�ansfarmer i;
; svpplying is far the TV p�cture tube
� �lament.
i '
i Shielding
� Effective shielding is perhaps The single
� most imgartani measure in preventing or
� curing any iiFl problem. However, un•
i wanted RF energs� must be tiissipated. Thc
� task becomes harder ta perform when the
� spacing between the source of energy and
� t6e boundaries of the shield diminish.
�Consequend}�, the use of a dauble shield
is one way of reducing residual radiation
� from the primary shielding surface.
In order to obtain maxicnum effecti�•e-
ness of a particular shielding measure, na
breaks or points af entry should be gerrnit-
ted. Small holes for ventilation purposes
usuatly do not degrade shieiding effectice-
ness. But even here, a honeycamb type af
duct is �often emplayed when maaimum
isalation is required. (A parallei bundle of
small tubing has very high attenuatian sznce
each tube by itself acts as a waveguide
below cutoff.)
The isalation of a caaxiai cabie can be
degraded cansiderably uniess the ends of .r
the shield are terminated groperly. A braid'
shauld be soldered sa it completely enclase�
the inner conductor(s} at the connector
junctian. Far instance, the practice of tt3'ist-
ing the braid and point soldering it ta ch�
base of a connector may result in a 20-dB
dcgradation in isoiation. Narmally�, this
effect is not seriaus if the cable is run
through an area where sensitive circuic�
dqn't exist. Hawever, the isolation af-
farded by a fiiter can be reduced consider-
ably in eircuits where such cable .break� ,
One instance where a shield break rause:
a serious prabiern is in the connection be-
tween the antenna terminals an a T�� cet
and the tuner. Newer sets have a 75-ohm
coaxial input along w'sth a balun �or
3QQ-ahm line. However, because man}' T��
sets have direct connections to the ac tine.
a decaupiing network is used. The shieldet!
the {
o the
�er is
�g ot
. �m-
' The
� the
:, I10
K of
le of
n tx
.5 OT
i tht
dr. -
; bc�
Fig. 6— Steel wool stuHed into a cardboard
tube can be used to dissipate RF current on
the shield of caaxiat cable. Notice that the
cable jacket was removed so that the steel
wool contacts the shieid braid. This tube
(about 4 inches x 18 inches) was selected for
photographic purposes, but to be effective,
the device should be about twice as long.
Fig. 7— Winding the cable on a ferrite toroid
is an effective shield current suppressor tn
some cases. Reversing the winding as pic-
tured altows more turns with tess shunt
capacitance. RG-58 will sufftce for moderate
power appilcations. The most important
property of the cable is complete shielding —
avoid "bargain" cable having fess than
95•percent braid coverage.
/ � a
/� �� > a
5����,, p
' ':, _ /
i � //
i i�
Fi9• 8— A large metallic baffle inhibits waves
�ropagating on the outside of a coauial cable.
�or VHF TV channel 2, the smaflest effecUve
baffle is a 9•foot-diameter circle, but the re-
quired size decreases Ifnearly with frequency.
lead to the tuner is broken and a capacitor
is connected in series with the braid. This
provides a low-impedance path for RF
energy while presenting a high impedance
at 60 Hz. Consequently, because of the
cable break, high-pass filters at [he antenna
input terminals are not as effective as those
built into the tuner itself.
As mentioned previously, VHF currents
flowing on the outside of coaxial cabtes are
frequently the cause of RFI. Figs. 6, 7 and
8 show techniques for reducing or elimi-
nating conduc[ed chassis radiation from
coaxial cables. The cardboard tube stuffed
with steel wool in Fig. 6 works on the
absorption principle. The steel wool is very
lossy and dissipates the RF energy on the
shield. The tube pictured is 18 inches long.
A longer tube would be even more effective.
Fig. 7 shows a choke wound on a ferrite
toroidal core. Another coax radiation-
suppression device is illustrated in Fig. 8.
If the plate is at least a half wavelength (at
the harmonic frequency to be suppressed)
on its smallest dimension, it wi11 provide
a very effective barrier. Large pieces of
sheet metal are expensive, so the baffle can
be made from a shee[ of cardboard or
Masonite° covered with aluminum foil.
The ideal placement of any of these chokes
will vary with the standing wave pattern on
the coax shield, but in general they should
be close to the transmitter. Like all RFI
remedies, the effectiveness of these devices
varies widely with each interference situa-
tion. Therefore, one should not expect
miracles. A coax shield choke installed at
a TV receiver prevents signals picked up on
the coax braid from reaching the tuner.
Capacitors a1 RF
Capacitors are common elements found
in almost any piece of electronic gear.
However, some precautions are necessary
when they are employed in RFI-preventive
devices such as filters and in bypassing
applications. In particular, lead inductance
may be sufficient to resonate with the
capacitor and cause the entire combination
to have a high inductive reactance rather
than the desired capacitive reactance.
The effect is illustrated in the accom-
panying photographs. Fig. 9A shows a
response curve for a 10-MHz, pi-
configuration, low-pass filter. Very large
capacitance values were chosen to accom-
plish the task, and lead inductance made
the capacitor series resonant at approxi-
mately 15 MHz. As a result, there is a sharp
dip in the response curve at 15 MHz and
attenuation is poor above that frequency.
When a similar filter was designed in a"T"
con�guration, smaller capacitance values
resulted, series resonance was moved well
out of the operating range and the response
curve at Fig. 9B resulted.
When designing a filter, avoid large
capacitance values if possible. If large
capacitance values are unavoidable, use
Fig. 9— Capacitor-lead inductance degrades
performance of a pi-configuration filter (A)
from that available with a"T" configuration at
B. See text for details.
---- �
c+ �
Fig. 10 — Additional lead filtering for har-
monics or other spurious frequencies in the
high VHF TV band (174-216 MHz).
C1 — 0.001•kF disc ceramic.
C2 — 500- or 1000-pF feedthrough bypass
(Centralab FT•1000. Above 500 volts,
substitute Centralab 858S•500).
RFC — 14 inches no. 26 enam. close-wound
on 3116•inch•dia form or composition resistor
body. .
low-inductance capacitors or assemble the
required large capacitance by parallet
connec[ing several smaller capacitors (this
reduces the total lead inductance).
A very desirable capacitor from an RFI
point of view is C2 in Fig. 10. Instead of
having two or more plates arranged in a
• „
Fig. 11 — The FCC specifles that the spurious signals generated by transmitting equipment
must be reduced we1l beiow the tavei of the fundamental. This graph tiiustrates exactiy how tar
the spurious oompanents must be reduced. This appltes to amateur t�ansmitters operati�g
belaw 30 MHz
parallel fashion, the conductors are coaxial
and are separated by the dieIectric. Such
feedthrough eapacitors are highly reeam-
mended far conducting leads in and aut of
circuits where the radiation of harmonic
energy is possible. Tn addition, the RFC
iliustrated in Fig. IO caald consist af eiiher
a small coil wound over a camposiiion
resistar as shown or a ferrite bead an a
straight piece of wire.
Decoupling from 1he AC Line
Direct feedback of RF energy inta the ac
pawer service is usuaily nat a prablem with
modern transmitting equipment. However,
� x o+ eaves� : a•�s+
O.00OOi D.040t
currents induced on the antenna feed line
may ftow in the transmitter chassis and
back inta the ac line. A rig hat with RF ar
even the presence af broadcast harmonics
while receiving may indicate a problem af
this sort. In the case where you are using
an antenna thai requires a ground (such as
an end-fed wire), nev�r use any part of the
ac conduits, water systems or ather con-
ductors in a building. It is aIways advisable
to have a separate ground system far the
antenna itself.
It is also good practice to use an antenna-
matching netwark with na direct con-
nection between the transmitter and
antenna feed line. Any matching nei���,_t
that uses mutual-magnetic couplinc ;�.
clusively wiii fui�li this requirem�;;:
Antenna paitern is another factor ;,
consider; try to choose a type that dir;:;.
the minimum possibie signal into o;��.
dweltin�s. Far instance, graund-movn;:;:
vertical antennas have considerak�le Iti,�.
angle radiation, while a dipole dir::;,
energy at angles beiau� the horizontai pia:;;
A' graund plane or beam mounted or. a,
high a tower as practical will generall} �;
better from an RFI and TVI scandp��;;,•
than antennas claser to the graund.
l +
FCC Rutes Concerning RFI
�§97.347(a) through (e) of the US FCC
Ruies and Regutations specii'ies ;�;
amateur's responsibility for signal pu-i:�:
§97.347 Emission standards.
(a) No amateur station transmission shall o:•
cupy more bandwidth than necessan• for chc
infarmaiian rate and emission type berng
transmitted, in accordance with good
amateur praczice.
(b} Emissions resulting fram madulatian
must be con�ncd to the band or segmen+
available to the control operator. Emissions
outside the necessary bandwidth musc noc
cause splatter or keyclick interference to
aperations an adjacenc frequencies.
(cj AU spurious emissions from a station
transmitter must be reduced io the greatesz
extent practicable. If any spurious emission.
inciuding chassis or power iine radiation.
�causes harmfui interference to the recepcion
af another radia station, the licensee of the
interfering amateur station is required to take
steps ta eliminate the interFerence, in ac-
�cordance with gaod engineering prac[ice.
�(d) The mean pnwer of any spuriouz
emission fram a statian transmitter or
' external RF power amplifier transmitting on
a frequency below 34 Mkiz must not er;ceed
'; S4 m W and must be at least 44 dB belox� the
I mean power of the fundamental emission.
i ,
� �
I X � POWER ( Wt1TT5) �
X < O.t WATT 50+tOL4fa+tl{X}d6
o.� war7 � x s o.zs warr roae
0.25 WATT < % � 25 WATTS �6ti040GM1X}dH !{
I %>23WG7t$ 60tlB �
- r-- -� -
a o..a a c+�s� x a. s �vsa x a• e�•'•
,o ,00 aoc
Fig. 12 —'fhis graph iiiustrates ta what tevel spuriaus-autput energy must be reduced for equtpment designed to operate in the 34- to
225-MHz range. ,
39•8 Ghapte� 39 ;
M or a transmitcer of inean power Icss than
* 5 W, the attennaiian must be at teasz 30 d8.
A transmitter built btfore April IS, 1977, or
first marketed before lanuary 1. 197$, is
exempt from this reqnirement.
(e) The mean power of any spuriaus
emission from a statio� transmitter or
external FtF pawer ampEi�ec transmitting on
a frequency between 30-225 �lHz must be at
teast 66 dB below the mean power of the
fundamental. For a transmitter having a
mean power of 25 W or less, the mean power
of any spurious emission supplied to the
antenna iransmissian line must nat exceed
25 µW and must be at least �30 dB belaw the
mean power of the fundamen[ai emission,
but need nat be reduced below the power of
10 µW. A transmitter built before April 15,
i977, or First marketed before January 1,
1478, is exempt fram this requirement.
The numerical limits cited in §97.3Q'7 are
interpreted graphically in Figs. 11 and 12.
�tote, however, that paragraph (c) goes
beyond absolute limits in defining the
amateur's obligation.
Filters anc! Interference
The judicious use of �lters, along with
other suppression measures such as shield-
ing, has provided solutians to interference
problems in widely varying appiications. As
a consequence, cansiderable attention has
been given to the subject aver the years
resulting in some very esoteric designs.
Perhaps the znost modern approach is to
design 6lters with a digita! compuEer.
However, there are a number of other types
with camponent values presented in tabular
form. Of these, the most important ones
are the so-called Chebyshev and elliptic-
function �Iters. (Butterworzh �Iters are
often considered a special case af
Chebyshev types with a ripple factor of
Elliptic-function filters might be con-
sidered aptimum in the sense that they
provide the sharpest rolloff between the
passband and stopband. Computed values
for a tow-pass filter with a 0.2-dB ripple
in the passband and a cutaff frequency of
30.6 MHz are shown in Fig. 13. The filter
is suppased to provide an attenuation of
35 dB above 40 MHz. An experimental
model was built and the response is shown
0.264$NM 0,402996pH O.1B996yH
t � 1 ��
52f1 S2f1
0.062291 yH 0.20096yH
l2+S9 .7 MHz ti+ 4i 2 MHx
�H4.1pF �74.HBpF
Fig. 13 — Schernatic diagram showing cam-
�onent values of an experimental elllptfc-
`unction fftier.
in Fig. i4. As can be seen, the �Iter came
ciose to the design gaats. Unfortunatety, as
with most of the designs in this section,
alignment of the more complicated filters
reqaires same sort of sweep-generatar
setup. Tt►is is the only practical way af
tweaking a�Iter to the desired response.
White buitding a sweep setup is not beyond
the tatents of an advanced experimenter,
the lack of one is nat an obstacle in the
home construction of filters.
The filter shown in Fig. 15 not only
provides rejection by means oF a low-pass
section, it aiso inciudes circuitry that
. absorbs harmonic energy. A high-pass
section consisting of L1, L2, CI and C2 is
terminated in a SO-ohm idter Ipad. This
'combination absorbs harmanics. T'he
advantages of this technique are that
-degradation of �Iter rejection caused by
antenna mismatch at the harmonic fre-
quency is not as severe, and the transmitier
is terminated in a resistive load at the
Construction and Test Techniques
If good perfarmance above 100 MHz is
nat a necessity, this filter can be buiit using
conventional �xed capacitars. Teflon° -
dielectric PC board can he purchased from
Microwave Components of Michigan, listed
in Chapter 35. Regular fiberglass-insutated
board is satisfactory for !aw power. One
such filter has been used with an SSB
transceiver running 1W watts PEP output.
Although the Q of the fiberglass capacitors
will be lower than that af Teflon� -
dielectric capacitors, this should not greatly
affect the type of fitter described here.
Test equipment needed to build this fiIter
at home includes a reasanably accurate dip
oscillator, an SWR bridge, a reactance
chart or the ARRL LICIF Caiculatar, a
50-ohm dummy 3oad and a transmitzer.
Once the value of a given capacitor has
been caiculated, the next step is to deter-
mine the capacitance per square inch of the
double-clad circuit board yoa have. This
is done by connecting one end of a coil of
icnawn inductance to one side af the circuit
board, and the other coil lead to the ather
side oF the circuit board. Use a dip meter,
coupted lightly to the coil, ta determine the
resonant frequency of the coil and the
circuit-board capacitor. When the frequen-
cy is known, the total capacitance can be
determined by warking the caIcutator or by
lookirtg the capacitance up on a reactance
chart. The tatal cagacitance divided by the
number of square inches on one side of the
circuit board gives the capacitance per
square inch. Once this figure is determined,
capacitors of almost any value can be laid
out with a ruler!
High voEtages can be deveEaped across
cagacitors in a series-tuned circuit, so the
copper material should be trimmed back at
least i/8 inch fram ati edges af a board,
except those that witl be sotdereci to
Fig. 14 — Response curve of the filter shown
in Fig. 13. Vertical scale represents 1Q dBtdlv,
and horizontal soale is 14 MHzldiv.
c, cz
� I I31 1`�l 1 141 f"'T—
�C 3
Flg. 15 — Schemaiic dlagram of tfie absorp-
ttve filter. The pc•baard used is MIL•P-13949D,
F!.•GT-062 in, G212-13417, G(ass 1, Grade A.
Polychem Bud Division. Capac(tance between
copper surfaces is td•pF per square inch.
Values are as follows for a design cutof! fre-
quency of 48 MHz and rejection peak in N
channel 2.
C1 — 52 pF L2 — 0.52 µH
C2-73pF L3-0.3µH
C3 — 126 pF L4 — Q.212 µFl
C4-15pF LS-0.55µH
�� — a.,2s,��
ground, to prevent arcing. This should not
be accomplished by filing, because the cop-
per �lings would become imbedded in the
board material and just compound the
probiem. The capacitor surfaces shouid be
kept smooth, and sharp carners shoutd be
If the filter box is made of double-clad
�berglass board, both sides shauld be
bonded together with capper stripped from
another piece of board. Stripped copper
foil may be cteaned with a razor blade
befare soIdering. To remave copper foil
frorn a board, use a straight edge and a
sharp scribe to scare the thin copper foil.
When the capper foil has been cut, use a
razar blade to lift a carner. This technique
of banding two pieces of board can also be
used to interconnect two capacitors when
canstructian in ane ptane wauld require too
Interfe�ence 39-9
much area. Stray inductance must be mini-
mized`anc'r sufficient clearance must be
maintained for arc-over protection.
Capacitors with Teflon° dielectric have
��een used in �lters passing up to 2 kW
�EP. One further word of caution: No
low-pass filter will be fully effective until
the transmitter with which it is used is
properly shielded and all leads filtered.
Thc terminating loads for the high-pass
section of the filter can be made from
2-watt, 10-percent-tolerance composition
resistors. Almost any dissipation rating can
be obtained by suitable series-parallel com-
binations. A 16-watt, 50-ohm load should
handle the harmonic energy of a signal with
peak fundamental power of 2 kilowatts.
With this load, the harmonic energy will
see an SWR of less than 2:1 up to 400
MHz. For low power (<300 watts PEP),
a pair of 2-watt, 100-ohm resistors is
This filter was originally described by
Weinrich and Carroll in November 1968
QST. The component values given here
were calculated by Keith Wilkinson,
The principal causes of TVI from VHF
transmitters are:
I) Interference in channels 2 and 3 from
50 MHz.
2) Fourth harmonic of 50 MHz in chan-
nels 11, 12 or 13, depending on the
�perating frequency.
3) Radiadon of unused harmonics of the
oscillator or multiplier stages. Examples are
9th harmonic of 6 MHz, and 7th harmonic
of 8 MHz in channel2; lOth harmonic of
of 8 MHz in channel 6; 7th harmonic of
25-MHz stages in channel7; 4th harmonic
of 48-MHz stages in channel9 or 10; and
many other combinations. This may in-
clude IF pickup, as in the cases of 24-MHz
interference in receivers having 21-MHz IF
systems, and 48-MHz trouble in 45-MHz
IFs. •
4) Fundamental blocking effects, in-
cluding modulation bars, usually found
only in the lower channels, from SQ-MHz
5) Image interference in channel 2 from
144 MHz, in receivers having a 45-Iv�iiz IF.
6) Sound interference (picture clear in
some cases) resulting from RF pickup by
the audio circuits of the TV receiver.
There aze other possibilities, but nearly
all can be corrected completely. The rest
can be substantially reduced.
ltems 1, 4 and 5 are receiver faults, and
no amount of filtering at the transmitter
can eliminate them. The only cure is to
reduce the amount of 50-MHz energy
reaching the receiver, such as by reducing
�ower. In mild cases, increasing the separa-
on between the transmitting and TV
antenna systems may reduce or eliminate
the problem. Item 6 is also a receiver fault,
but it can be alleviated at the transmitter
by using FM or CW instead of SSB.
39-10 Chapter 39
Treatment of the various harmonic
troubles, Items 2 and 3, follows the stan-
dard methods detailed elsewhere in this
Handbook. The prospective builder of new
VHF equipment should become familiar
with TVl prevention techniques and incor-
porate them in new construction projects.
Use as high a starting frequency as possi-
ble to reduce the number of harmonics that
might cause trouble. Select crystal frequen-
cies that do not have harmonics in local TV
channels. Example: The lOth harmonic of
8-MHz crystals used for operation in the
low part of the 50-MHz band falls in chan-
ne16, but 6-MHz crystals for the same band
have no harmonic in that channel.
If TVI is a serious problem, use the
lowest transmitter power that will do the
job at hand. Keep the power in the
multiplier and driver stages at the lowest
practical level, and use link coupling in
preference to capacitive coupling. Plan for
complete shielding and filtering of the RF
sections of the transmitter, should these
steps become necessary.
Use coaxial line to feed the antenna
system, and locate the radiating portion of
the antenna as far as possible from TV
receivers and their antenna systems.
A complete discussion of the problems
and cures for interference is in the ARRL
publication, Radio Frequency Interference.
High rejection of unwanted frequencies
is possible with the tuned-line filters of
Fig. 16. Examples aze shown for each band
from 50 through 450 MHz. Construction
is relatively simple, and the cost is low.
Fig. 16 — Equtvalent circuits for the strip•Iine
filters. At A, the circuit tor the & and 2-meter
filters are shown. L2 and L3 are the input and
output Iinks. These filters are bilateral, permit-
ting interchanging of the input and output ter-
minals. At B, the representative circuft tor the
220- and 432•MHz iilters. These filters are also
Fig. 17 — Interior of the 50-MHz strip•line
filter. I�ner conductor of aluminum strip is
bent into U shape, to fit Inside a standarc
17-inch chassis.
f � ,f-r'_'`
���— � ,
Fig. 18 — The 144•MHz iilter has an inner con•
ductor of Yx•inch (51&inch OD) copper tubing
10 inches lon6, grounded to the Ieft end of
the case and supported at the right end by the
tuning capacitor.
,. ,�. . , . ,
j _ � A�t.. "
A .. .��.
c �
t �+ � �� �,1�
Y •� ��-
Fig. 19 — A hali-wave strip Iine is used in the
220-MHz f(Iter. It is grounded at both ends and
tuned at the center.
Standard boxes are used for ease of
The filter of Fig. 17 is selective enoueh
to pass 50-MHz energy and attenuate the
seventh harmonic of an 8-MHz oscillator
that falls in, TV channel 2. With an in-
sertion loss�at 50 MHz of about 1 dB, it
can provide up to 40 dB of attenuation to
energy at 57 MHz in the same line.
The flter uses a folded line in order to
keep it within the confines of a standard
chassis. The case is a 6 x 17 x 3-inch
chassis (Bud AC-433) with a cover plate
that fastens in place with self-tapp�n8
screws. An aluminum partition down the
middle of the assembly is 14 inches long.
and the full height of the chassis is 3 incha.
The inner conductor of the line is
32 inches long and 13/16-inch wide, of
1/16-inch brass, copper or aluminum. '1�5
was made from two pieces of aluminum
spliced together to provide the 32-inch
length. Splicing seemed to have no ill ef-
fect on the circuit Q. The sides of the "U�'
are 2-7/8 inches apart, with the partition
at the center. The line is supported on
ceramic standoffs. These were shimmed
with sections of hardwood or Bakelite rod.
to give the required 1�/z-inch height.
"�he tuning capacitor is a daubie-spaced
' variabl�'(Hammarinnd HF-30-X) maunted
1%z inches from the right end af the chassis.
Input and output coupting toops are af no.
�0 or 12 wire� 10 inches tong. Spacing from
the line is adjusied Eo about '/, inch.
The 144-MHz model shown in Fig. 18
is housed "zn a 2�/. x 2% x t2-inch
Minibax° {Bud CU-21I4A}.
One end of the tubing is slotted '/a-inch
deep with a hacksaw. This siot takes a brass
anSte bracket i'h inches wide, ila inch high,
with a%z-inch mounting lip. The '/e-inch
� lip is soldered into the tubing slot, and the
bracket is then iaoited ta the end of the box,
so as to be centered on the end plate.
The tuning capacitor (Hammarlund
HF-15-X) is maunted 1'/a inches from the
other end af the bax, in such a positian that
the inner conductor can be soidered to the
two statar bars.
The two coaxial fittings (SO-239) are
i tli6 ineh in fram each side of the box,
3 tz inches from Ehe left end. The coupling
loops are no. 12 wire, bent so that each is
paralteI to the center line af the inner con-
ductor, and abaut 118 inch fram its sur-
face, Their cold ends are soldered to the
brass mounting bracket.
The 220-MHz �Iter (Fig. i9) uses the
same size bpx as the 14A-MHz model. The
inner conductor is 1/16-inch brass or cop-
per, 5/S-inch wide, just long enough ta foid
over at each end far bolting to the box. it
is positioned so that there will be a 11$-inch
clearance between it and the rotar plates
of the tuaing capacitor. The 2atter is a
Hammariund HF-15-X, mounted siightty
off-center in the box, so that its statar
ptates connect ta the exact mid-point of the
line. The Sllb-inch mauntin$ hoie in the
case is 5'/z inehes from ane end. The
SO-239 coa�cial fittings are 1 inch in from
opposite sides of the box, 2 inches from the
ends. Their coupEing Einks are no. 14 wire,
1/8 inch fram the inner conductar of the
The 420-MHz �iter is similar in design,
using a I•518 x 2 x 14-inch %Finibox {Bud
CT-2113-A). A half-wave line is used, with
the disc tuning at the center. The discs are
1li6-inch brass, 1 t/a-inch diameter. The
fixect one is centered on the inner conduc-
tor, the other is mounted on a no. 6 brass
iead-screw. This passes through a thread-
ed bushing, which can be taken fram the
end af a discazded slug-tuned farm. An ad-
vantage of these is that usually a tension
device is included. If there is none, use a
lack nut.
Type-N caaxial connectars were used on
che 420-MHz model. They are 5/8 inch in
from each side of the bax, and 2-3/8 inches
in frpm the ends. Their caupling links af
zo. 14 wire are 1/16 inch from the inner
Adjustment and Use
If you want the filter to work an both
transmitting and receiving, connect the
�iter between antenna line and SWR in-
Fig. 20 — The proper method of instailing a law-pass Tilter between a transmitter and
Transmatch. The transmitter and fiiter must be weti shieided. tf a TR switch is used, it shouid
be installed between the transrnitter and low-pass filter. TR switches can generate harmonics
themselves, so the low-pass filter should follow the TR switch. If the antenna is very well
matched to the filter outpui, the Trarssmatch can be etiminated. (Any mismatch witi degrade
filter performance.)
dicatpr. With this arrangement you need
merely adjust ihe Fiiter far minimum
reflecked power reading on the SWTt
bridge. This shouid be zero, or close to it,
if the antenna is weii matched. The bridge
shauld be used, as there is no way to ad-
just the �Iter properly without it. �
When the fitter is properly adjusted (with
the SWR bridge}, you may find that recep-
tion can be improved by retuning the filter.
Don't do it if you want the �Iter to work
best far the jab it was intended to do: The
rejection of unwanied energy, transmitting
or receiving. If yau want to improve recep-
tion with the �Iter in the circuit, work on
the receiver input circuit. To get ma�cimum
gower out of the transmiiter and into the
line, adjust the transmitter output coupling,
not the �Iter. If the effect of the Fiiter on
receptian bothers you, canneci it in the line
from the antenna relay to the transmitter
The methods of harnnonic elimination
outlined here have been proven beyand
doubt to be effective even under highly un-
favorable conditions, It must be empha-
sized once more, however, that the problem
must be salved one step at a time, and thc
pracedure must be in logical arder. It can-
not be done properly withoui iwo items of
simple equipment: A dip meter and wave-
meter covering the TV bands, and a
dummy antenna.
To sumrnarize:
1) Take a criticaI look at the transmit-
ter on the basis of the design cansideratians
ouilined under Reducing Harmonic
2) Check all circuits, particularly those
connected with the finai arnplifer, with the
dip meter to determine whether there aze
any resonances in the TV' bands. If so, re-
arrange the circuits so the resonances are
moved out of the critical frequency region.
3) Connect the transmitter to the
dummy antenna and check far the presence
of harmanics an ieads with the wavemeter
and around the transmitter enclosure. Seal
the weak spots in the shielding and filter
the Ieads untii the wavemeter shaws no in-
dication at any harmonic frequency.
4) At this stage, check for interference
with a TV receiver. If there is interference,
detemvne the cause by the meihods described
previously and apply the recammended
remedies until the interference disappeazs.
More than one remedy cnay be required.
5) When the transmitter is comgletely
clean on the dummy antenna, connect it to
the regular antenna and check for inter-
ference on the TV recezver. If the inEer-
ference is nat bad, a Transmatch or
matching circuit, instailed as shown in
Fig. 20, shauld clear it up. A(ternativeiy,
a low-pass filter may be used. If neither the
Transmatch nor filter makes any difference
in the interference, the evidence is strong
that the interference, at least in part, is
being caused by receiver overlaading
because of the strong fundamental-
frequency �eld about the TV antenna and
receiver. A Transmatch andtar filter, in-
stalled as described above, will invariably
make a difference if the interference is
caused by transmitier harmonics aiane.
6) If there is still interference after in-
stalling the Transmatch and/or filter, and
the evidence shaws that it is probably
caused by a harmonic, mare attenuatian is
needed. A more elaborate �lter may be
necessary. However, it is well at this stage
co assume that part of the interference may
be caused by receiver overlaading. Take
steps to alleviate such a condition before
trying highty eIabarate fiIters and traps on
the transmitter.
Harmonics by Recti�cation
Even though the transmitter is complete-
ly free af harmonic outpui, ii is stiil gossi-
ble for interference to occur because of haz-
monics generated autside the transmitter.
These result from rectificatian of funda-
mental-frequency currents induced in con-
ductors in the vicinity of the transmitting
antenna. Rectification can take piace at any
goint where twa conductars are in poar
electrical contact, a condition that fre-
quently exists in plumbing, dpwnspouting,
BX cabtes crossing each other, and
numerous other places in an ordinary
residence. It can also occur at any exposed
circuitry in the station that may not be
shietded fram RF. Poor joints anywhere in
interference 39-11
, '� . a� 2z xz a�
� �
'fS,R 0.15� 0.135 Od57 T511
� 3 , :�1.�
O 2 f
o � .. �. i ...... ' ,,..
I � ��'' o
� .. _�_.
_ � . � �:.�
AO 90 120 160 200 240
Fig. 21 — The schematic diagram of a 75•ahm Chebyshev fiiter
assembled on PC board is shown at A. At 6, the passband response
ai the 75�ohm f€Iter. Des�gn induatances: 0.157 µFi: t2 turns no. 24 wire
on T44-0 Gpre. 0.135 µH: 11 tums no. 24 wire on T44-0 core. Turns
should be evenly spaced, with approximately +/. inoh between the
ends of the wmding. !f T37-0 cores are used, wi�d 14 and /2 turns,
the antenna system are especialiy bad, and
rectification may take place in the contacts
af anienna-changeover relays. Another rec-
ti�cation problem is caused by overloading
ie front end of the communications
:eceiver when it is used wiih a separate
antenna. This can result in the radiatian of
harmonics generated in the first stage af the
Recti�cation of this sort will not only
cause harmonic interference, but atso is fre-
quently responsible for cross-moduiation
effects. It can be detected to same degree
in most lacatians, but fortunateiy the har-
manics thus generated are not usually of
high amplitude. However, they can cause
considerable interference in the immediate
vicinity in fringe areas, especially when
operatian is in the 2$-MHz band. The
ampiitude decreases rapidiy with the order
of the harmonic, the secand and third being
the warst, It is ordinarity found that even
in cases where destructive interference
results fram 28-MHz operation, the inter-
ferencx is camparaEively mild from 14 MHz,
and is negiigible at siill lower frequencies.
Nothing can be dane at either the
transmitter or receiver when rectificatian
occurs in ather abjects. The remedy is to
�nd and ela'minate ihe poor contact either
by separating the conductors or bonding
them together. A crystal wavemeter (tuned
to the fundamental frequency} is useful for
hunting the source by showing which con-
'^�ctors are carrying RF and, compara-
eiy, how much.
Interference of this kind is frequently in-
terrnittent since the rectification efficiency
will vary with its susceptibiiity to vibration,
weather and so on. The possibility of cor-
39•i2 Chapter 39
Fig. 22 — Photo showing canstructian ot the 75-ohm unbalanced filter
I �
roded contacts in the 7V receiving anten-
na shuuld not be overlooked, especially if
it has been up for a year ar more.
TV Receiver Deficiencies
When a teIevision receiver is tocated ctose
to the transmitter, the intense RF signal
from the transmitier's fundamentat may
overload one ar more of the receiver cir-
cuits ta produce spurious responses that
cause interference.
If the overload is moderate, the in-
terference is af the same nature as har-
monic interference, it is caused by har-
monics generated in the early stages af the
receiver and, since it occurs only on ehan-
nels harmonicaiiy related ta the trans-
mitting frequency, it is difficixlt to
distinguish from harmonics actuaily
radiated by the transrnitter. In such cases,
additional harmonic suppression at the
transmitter wilt da no good, but any means
taken at the receiver ta reduce the strength
of the amateur signal reaching the first
stage will improve gerformance. With very
severe overloading, interference alsa will
occur on channels not harmonically related
to the transmitting frequency, so sveh eases
are easily identified.
Under some circumstances, overloading
wili result in cross modutatian ar mixing
of the amateur signal with that from a local
FM or televisian station. Far example, a
14MHz signal can mix with a 92-MHz FM
station to produce a beat at 78 MHz, the
difference between the two frequencies
(92 — I4 =?8), Since 78 MHz faits in TV
channel S, interference to television recep-
tion would occur an that channel. Similar-
ly,�a 14-MHz signal could mix with a T�`
broadcast station operating an channel 6
to produce a beat at 49 MHz, the sum af
the two frequencies (14 + 85 = 99).
Neiiher of �th� broadcast channeTs in-
terfered with is in harmonic relationship to
24 MHz, and both signals must be an zhe
air, for the interference to occur. Eiimi-
nating either at the receiver will eliminate
the interference.
There are many combinations of this
type, depending on the band in use and the
iocal frequency assignments of FM and'I�'
statians. As noted earlier, the interferin�
frequency is equal to the amateur fun-
damental frequency either added to, or sub-
tracted frorn, the frequency of same local
station. Whenever interfergnce occurs in a
frequency that is nat harmonically related
to the amateur transmitter frequenc�•, the
gossibiiities in+�uch frequency combina-
tions should be investigated.
I .
IF Interference
Same 1'V receivers do not have sufficient
selectivity tp prevent strong signals in the
intermediate-frequencs° range from forcin8
their way through the front �nd and gettin�
into the IF amglifier, The ihird harmonic
of 14 MHz and secand hannonic of 2t A'fHz
fall 'into the televisian IF, as do some of
ihe lacal-oscitlator frequencies used in a
heteradyne type af transmitter ar tran-
sceiver. If these frequencies are breaking
through tfie TV zuner, a high-pass filter can
imprave the situatian significantly. Even
so, the amateur is responsible for keeping
his or her radiation in the TV IF reSian
within the limits de�ned by FCC rules and
i +
. . , :. .�.. . .. .. �. ,..4n�"- �",' LL ' �e . . ,. , r W~r 1��. C� }� 1. . - . � _ .�-n.
.. . . .. -. _ �'� '. ..v. � .. . n„ ... ._..• � . . _ .. . . .w�. � � . . r..... � ` . �. •
w� �rM"•.
. _ ., , ri.•yr-.. -
raa view
�� CJI C3 C5 C7(�����_�
`''-� {�
42 44 L6
30011 300 tl
�'3�1 ' I��T
tt C3 CS CT
IN Q��
� C
1 �_
�fi mm� ' 29 mm
� 3mm
tCl c� `�' •=+ 'cs•1 '�.C.a',
StDE YIEW ---- ----�
� �t mm
� �i
q4mm� O � i
� �i
tamm O � i
32 mm ` �
Z mm i
47mm �
91 mm �
FiQ. 23 — Schematic and pictoriai diagrems of the 3Qt?-ohm baianced
eiiipticai higfi�pass fitter with PC-board capaci#ors. Shaded areas
indtcate where copper has been removed. Dimensions are given in
mlllimelers for ease of ineasurement. 12-C2 connecis between the
paints marlced x, L4-C4 con�ects between the pa3nts marked v and
L6-C6 connects between the points marked z an the pictorial. Ci =
28.0 pF, C3 = 14.0 pF, CS = 14.8 pF, C7 = 34.2 pF, C2 = 182 pF, C4
= 36.0 pF, and C6 = d6.5 pF. Design Inductances: !.2 = 0.721 uH: 14
turns no. 26 wire eveniy wound on a T44-10 core. L4 = 0.766 µH: 14
turns no. 26 wi�e bunched as required an a T4A-10 core. L6 = 0.855
KH: 15 2urns eveniy wound on a T44-iQ care. These coiis shauEd be ad-
j�sted for resananoe at #4.7, 30.3 and 25.2 MHz.
goaci engineering practice.
A form of IF interference peculiaz ta
50-MHz operation near the low edge of the
band occurs with some receivers having the
standard 41-MHz IF, which has the sound
carrier at 41.25 MHz and the picture car-
rier at 45.75 MHz. A SO-MHz signat that
forces its way into the IF system of the
receiver wili beat with the IF picture car-
rier ta give a spurious signal on or near the
IF sound carrier, even though the inter-
fering signat is not actuatly in the normaI
Passband of the IF ampli�er.
There is a type of IF interference unique
ca the 144-MHz band in Iacalitzes where
certain UHF TV channels are in operation.
Ic affects anly Ehose TV receivers in which
double-conversion type plug-in UHF
[uning strips are used. The design of these
strigs involves a first intermediate frequen-
�Y that varies with the TV channel to be
received and, depending on the particular
strig design, this �rst IF inay be in or ciose
to the 144-MHz amateur band. Since there
is comparatively little selectivity in the TV
_... ... ' --... ._..�.�.,_�.G':.C`�t:��'j
(8} ,
Fig. 24 — A top view of the 3Q0-ohm elliptic filter using PC-board
oapacitors is at A. Twin•lead is tack saidered at the 3eft and right ends
of the board. At B, bottam view of the fitter.
signat-frequency circuits ahead of the first
IF, a signal fronn a 144•MHz transmikter
wil! ride inta the IF, even when the receiver
is at a considerable distance fram the
transmitter. The channels that can be af-
fected by this type of IF interference are
20-25, SI-58, 82 and 83. If the receiver is
not close ta the transmitter, a trap of the
type shown in Pig. 25 will be effective.
However, if the separation is small, the
144-MHz signal will be picked up directly
on the receiver circuits. The best solutian
is ta readjust the strip oscillator so that the
first IF is moved to a frequency nat in the
vicinity of the 244-MHz band. This shauld
be done only by a competent technician.
IF interference is easily idencified since
it occurs on alI channeIs — although
sometimes the intensity varies from chan-
nei to channel — and the crass-hatch pat-
tern it causes will rotate when the receiver's
fine-tuning contral is varied. When the in-
terference is caused by a harmonic, over-
loading or cross modulation, the structure
of the interference pattern does not change
(iu intensity may change} as the fine-tuning
control is varied.
Hig6-Pass Fiiters
In all of these cases the incerference can
be eliminated if the fundamentaI signal
strength is reduced to a level that the
receiver can handle. To accomplish this
with signals orc bands below 30 MHz, the
most satisfactory device is a high-pass
�Iter having a cutoff frequency just below
54 MHz installed at the tuner input ter-
minals of the receiver.
Fig. 21 shaws the schematic diagram of
a fiTter designed for use with '75-ohm coa�c-
ial cable. Double-sided 1/16-inch PR-4
egoxy-glass PC board is used as a base for
the filter components. A section of capper
an the top is stripped away on both sides
of center to approximate a 15-ohm micro-
strip Gne about 3/32-inch wide (see Fig. 21).
Both sides of che top copper foil (aE ihe
edges} are connected to the ground piane
foil underneath.
Slice off ihe extruded insulatian around
interference 39-13
t "�'3QOF �
� x �i �
� �
� i
� �
304-ONM i L� � 304-pHM
IINE TO TV �----------�} LINE TO
ser � �z , aNT.
� �
, ,
� �
470D�� - �
� 3_g¢9F �
�___� _ _�
Fig. 25 — Parattef-tuned traps far insiatiatian
in the 30Q-f2 line ta a N set. Mount the traps
in a shielded enclosure with a shield partition
as indicated. For 54-MFiz use, L1 and l2 are
each 9 turns of no. 16 enameled wire cipse
waund on a�/z-inch-diameter form (air core).
For 144-MHz use, 11 and �2 are each 6 turns
of no. 16 enameied wire ciose wound on a
�/n-inch-diameter form (air core). This trap
technique can be used to avercome HF
#undamentai overioad as weA.
the solder pins on two type-F coaxial
connectprs (Radio Shack 27$-212). Butt the
connectars directly against the PC baard.
Soider the connector sheIis to the bottam
ground ptane and the center pins to the
micro-strip line. Cut the micro-strip line in
four equally spaced places. The capacitors
should be mounted across the spaces;
inductors can be connected between the
capacitor junctians anci ihe graund piane
an the tap of the board. Use NPO ceramic
ar silver mica capacitprs. laductors are
wound an taroidal pawdered-iron cores;
✓inding details are given in the captian to
.'ig. 2 i .
Fig. 23 shows the schematic and pictoriat
diagrams of a 300-ohm balanced elliptical
high-pass fiiter that ases PGbaard
capacitars. Use double-sided 1/32 inch
FR� glass-epoxy PC board. Thicker board
will require mare area for the desired
capacitances. C2, C4 and C6 should be
NPO ceramic or silver-mica capacitors. It
is easier to strip ar�•ay rather than etch
copper to form the series of capacitive
elemenis. Mark ihe edges by cutting with
a sharp knife; heating with a hot soldering
iron will help lift the strips more easily. Top
anc! botEom views af the �Iter are shown
in Fig. 24.
Neither of the high-pass filters described
requires a shielded enclasure. For mountin�
outside the receiver, sorne kind of pratec-
tive housing is desirable, however. These
�liers were presented in "Practica] 75- and
3Q0-Ohm High-Pass Filters," QST, February
3982, pp 30-34, by Ed Wetherhald,
Simple high-pass filters cannat always be
applied successfully in the case of 50-MHz
transmissions, because they do not have
sufficientiy sharp cutoff characteristics to
give both good attenuatian at 50-54 MHa
and no attenuation abave 54 MHz. A more
:laborate design capable of giving the
required sharp eutoff has been described
(F. Ladd, "50-MHz TVl — Its Causes and
Cures," QST.lune i954, pp 2I-23, 114 and
I 16, and July 1954, pp 32-33, 124 and l26).
39-14 Chapter 39
This article also contains other information
useful in coping with the TVI problems
peculiar to 50-MHz aperatian.
As an alterpative ta such a�Iter, a high-
Q wave trap tuned ta the transrnitting
frequenc�• may be used, svffering on}y the
disadvantage that it is quite selective and
therefare wili protect a receiver from aver-
loading over anly a smail range of trans-
rnitting frequencies in the 50-MHz band.
A trap af this type is shawn in Fig. 25.
These suck-aut traps, while absorbing
energy at the frequency to which they are
luned, do not affect the receiver operation
otherwise. The assembly should be
maunted near the input terminais of the TV
tuner and its case should be RF graunded
to the TV set chassis by means of a small
capacitor. The traps shauld be tuned far
minimum TVI at the transmitter operating
frequency. An insulated tuning tool should
be used for adjustment of the triminer
capacitors, since they are at a hot paint and
will shaw considerable body-capacitance
High-pass filters are available com-
mercially at moderate prices. In this
connection, it shouid be vnderstood by all
parties concerned that while an amateur is
responsible far harmonrc radiatian from
his transmitter, it is no part of his responsi-
bility to pay for or install filters, wave traps
or other devices that may be required at the
receiver to prevent intert'erence caused by
his jundamen�a! frequency. Proper in-
xtaliation usually requires that the �lter be
installed at the input terminals of the RF
tuner af the TV set and nat merely at the
external antenna terminals, which rnay be
at a cansiderable distance fram the tuner.
The questian of cost is one to be settled
between the set owner and the organization
with which he deals, Don't overlaak the
possibility that the manufacturer af the TV
receiver may supply a high-pass filter free
of charge.
If ihe fundamental signai is getting into
the receiver by way of the line cord, a line
�iter such as th,ose shown in Fig. 26 may
heip. Ta be mtist effective it shovid be in-
stalled inside the receiver chassis at the
point where the cord enters, making the
ground connections directly to the chassis
at this point. It may not be so helpful if
placed between the line plug and the wall
socket unless the RF is actually picked up
on the house wiring rather than on ihe line
card itself.
Antenna Installation
Usuatly the transmission line between the
TV receiver and the antenna will pick up
a great deal more energy from a nearby HF
transmitter than the television receiving
antenna itself. The currents induced on the
TV transmission iine in this case are of the
parallel type, where the phase of the cur-
rent is the same in both conductors. The
line simply aets like twa wires connected
together to operate as one. If the receiver
antenna input circuit were perfectly bai-
anced it wauid reject these parailei or
� ~ _!�'Y'�YYL_.�.---o
i cz
�qG 70 S,'
i.tNE Ct
�p C3
I �.
Fig. 26 — A"brute force" ac line filter Ct
C2 and C3 aan be any value from O.00i tc
0.41 µF, rated for ac•Gne service (or 1.4 ktij
dc}, Lt and 1.2 are each a 2-inch-tong wino�^�
of no. 18 enameled wire on a�/z-inch-diamete•
torm. it it is instalEed autside the equipmen,
cabinet, enclose the fitter to eliminate shoch.
common-mode signals and respond onl.� :��
ihe true transmission-line {push-pu13 ��:
differentiat mode) currents. That is, onl�
signals picked up on the actual antenn�
would cause a receiver response. Hatire�•er.
no receiver is perfect in this respect, and
many TV receivers will resgond strongl�� to
such comman-mode currents. The result is
that the signals from a nearby amateur
transmiuer are much mare intense at the
first stage in the 7�' receiver than the�
would be if the recei��er response u�ere con-
fined entirely co energy picked up on the
TV antenna alone.
�A simple comman-mode choke can be
farmed by winding severai turns of Tti'
twin-lead through an F"I"-114 ferrite care.
Best results will be obtained if you use tti�•in-
lead with an avai crass-sectional profiie.
, The situazion can alsa be improved by
using caaxial cable ar shielded twin-fead.
For best resuits, cqax Iine should temunate
in a coaxial fitting on the receiver chassis.
A balun can be used between the caax and
the 300-ohm balanced input terrninais af
a receiver having no coaxial connector. The
foil of shielded twin-lead should be can-
nected to the chassis near the antenna ter-
minals thraugh a small capaciior (470 pF)•
RF currents on the autside of the shield can
be dealt with effectively by using a shield
cfiake as described earlier in this chapter.
' ln most TV receiving instaltations the
transmission line is much longer than the
antenna itself, and is consequentiy ea�posed
to more of the harmonic fields from the
transmitter. Much of the harmonic pick-
ug, therefpre, is on the reeeivin$ transmi�-
sion line when the transmitter and recei�'er
are located close together. Shielded litte.
plus reJocation of either the transmittine or
receiving antenna to take advantage of
directive effects, often wiit reduce overioad-
ing and harmonic pickup to a levei that
does not interfere with reception.
UHF Television
; Harmonic TVI in the UHF-TV band is
far less troublesome than in the VHF band.
Harmonics from transmitters operatin_e be-
low 3Q MHz are of such high order that
they wrouId narmatly be expected to b�
Canneet XMTR
to Shielded
Oummy Load
Reconneet XMTR Mtenna NO YES
via low—Pase or 7�ry 1
Bond—Poss F�1ter
Cheek Grounding,5hielding
NO YES and RF Connectora
Cheek Antenna(e) for
Poor Con�ections
Check XMTR
Operating Conditiona,
Shielding, Grounding;
I�stdl Shield Choke
and AC Ltae Filta
� � NO yEg Dieeonnact N Antenna
NI ? at the Set. Tertninate
`./ the Input
N Ante�na
High—Pasa flter
� � NO YES
NI ?
Instail Common—Mode Choke,
Shield Choka w Wave Trap
j � No v�s
` , NI �
NO / \YES _ � Install AC
—` N� ' ��� � Line Filter
ra �
N Antenna
YES NO � �
NI ?
Possible Direct Pickup Problem;
Contact Seller or Manufacturer
for Assistance
NO NI ,�s Possble Overload Problem;
on thi� SET Contact Seiler or Manufacturer
ONLY ? for Aeaistanee
Poesible Harmonica or Parasities, Contaet Direetor of Consumer Afiairs, Eleetronie
Reeheck XMTR, also Suspeet Stray Industries Aasociation, 2001 Pennsylwnia Ave NW,
Reetifieation or Ovxloading of Washfngton, DC 20006. For Assiatonca in Contaeting
Another N Raeeiver or Booater Amp A Manufacturer.
Fig. 27 — NI troubleshooting flowchart.
s Weak; in addition, the components, circuit amateur VHF transmitters, particularly There is one highly favorable factor in
, conditions and construction of low- those working in the 144-MHz and higher UHF TV that does not exist in most of the
_ frequency transmitters tend to prevent very bands. Here the problem is similar to that VHF-TV band: If harmonics are radiated,
t strong harmonics from being generated in of the low VHF-TV band with respect to it is possible to move the transmitter fre-
. this region. However, this is not true of transmitters operating below 30 MHa. quency sufficiently (within the amateur
. Interterence 39-15
�� �
Table 1
HarmeXtic �tetatianship — Amateur VFtF
Bands and the UHF TV Channels
Amateur Fundamental Channel
9and Harmonlc Freq. Range A1/ected
144 MFiz 4th 144.0-id4.5 31
144.5�146.0 32
146.0•147.5 33
147.5�id8.4 84
5th 144.0-144.4 55
144.6•145.6 56
i45.S-14S.8 57
146.8�14$.0 5$
6th 144.0•144.33 79
144.39•145.33 80
145.33•Sd6.33 $1
,as.as-,a�.sa s2
147.33•148.00 83
220 MHz 3rd 220-22Q.fi7 45
2zo.s�-22z.sr as
222.67•224.67 47
224.57-225 48
4ttt 220-221 82
221 •222.5 83
420 MHz 2nd 420-421 75
�2j-az� 7s
424-427 77
427-430 78
430-433 79
aa�-aas ea
band being used) to avoid intGrfering with
a channel that may be in Use in the locality.
The hannonics from amateur bands
�bave 50 MHz span the UHF channels as
awn in Table 1. Since the assignment
,.�an caIls for a minimurn separatfon of six
channels between any two stations in one
locality, there is ample opportunity to
chaose a fundamentai frequency that wili
move a harmonic out of range of a local
TV frequency.
TVI Troubleshooting
Determinatian and experimentation are
essential far success in tracking down and
eliminating troublesome TVI. The variables
invaIved aze usuaIly so complicated as ta
make the task more of an art than a
science. To ensure a logical and systematic
approach, ust the TVI troubleshoating
flawchart found in Fig. 27. The best place
to begin is in yaur own hame. Lessons
learned there will assist you when deaJing
with problems elsewherc in the neighbar-
Stereo Interference
Since the introttuction of sterea receivers,
intcrference to this type of home-entertain-
meni d�vice has become a severc problem
for amateurs. Unfartunately, most af ihe
stereo equipment now being sald has little
or na filtering to prevent RF interference.
In most cases, corrective measures must be
'�en at the stereo installation.
_.ereo Equipment
Sttreo gear can consist of a simple
amplifier, with recard or tape inputs and
39-16 Chapter 39
Q ���
TERMlNAlS r '��.r—T 6tfTPUT
"7 �L0.01
Fig. 28 -- A method far removing RF current
from loudspeaker leads. The chokes should be
near the auiput terrainals, preferabty wlihin
tt�e ampiifier aabinet. The RF chokes can be
24 turns of no. 18 wire closewound on a
speaker outputs. The mare elaborate in-
stallations may alsa include a tape deck,
turntable, AMtFM tuner, ampli�er and
twa or more speakers. These units are
usually connected by means of shielded
leads, and in most cas�s the speakers are
positioned same distance fram the ampli-
�er and connected with long leads. When
such a setup is operated within a few
hundred feet af an arnateur station, there
aze two important paths thraugh which RF
energy can reach the sterea equipment and
cause interference.
The �rst stsp is to try to determine how
the interference is getting into the unit. If
the valume control has no effect an the
levei af interference, or has a very slight ef-
fect, the audio rectification of the amateur
signal is taking place past the volum� con-
tral, or on the outpui end af the ampIifier.
This is by far the mast common type. It
usually means that the amateur signal is
being picked up c�n the speaker leads, or
possibty on the ac line, and is then being
fed back inta the amplifier.
Experience has shawn that most of the
RF gets into the audio system via the
speaker leads, or the ac line, most often the
speaker teads. If the speaker Ieads happen
to be resonant near an amateur band in use,
there is likeiy to be an interference grablem.
The speaker lead will act as a resonant
antenna and pick up the RF. Qne easy cure
is i2lustrated in Fig. 28. RF chakes rated to
carry the load current are installed at the
amplifier output terminals. Capacitors may
be used on the toad side di the chokes, but
should not be placed an the amplifier side.
Mast salid-state audia am�iifiers have high
values af loop gain, which makes them
prone to supersonic ascillatian when work-
ing into capacitive loads. Such asciltation
can destroy the output transistors in short
in particutarly stubborn cases, use shield-
ed wireforthespeakerleads,groundingthe
shields at the ampiifier ehassis anti still
using the bypasses an the terminaIs. Ail
chassis used in the stereo installation should
be bonfled tagether and cannectec! to a
good earth graund if at all passible. It has
been found that graunding sometimes
eiiminates the interference. Qn the other
hand, dan't be discouraged if grounding
daesn't appear to help.
Fig. 29 shows a method for filtering the
� {�RF'yLy� �
C3-_' ` �_d
Fig, 29 — Ac line filter for sudio amplifiers.
The chokes are the same as those describe�
3n Fig. 28. The capacitors must be rated ia� a;
service (or 1.4 kV dc).
ac Iine at the input af the ampli�er chassis.
Be sure that the capacitors are rated for ac
because the dc types have been knok�n t�
short aut.
Antenna Pickup
R�' may also get into the audio equi�+-
ment by way of the FM antenna, so pre-
cautions should be taken here. A TV-tt•pe
high-pass filter can prove effective in same
Turntables and Tape Decks
in the more elaborate seiups, several
assemblies may be connected by means of
patch cords. It is a good,idea when check-
ing for RFI to disconnect ihe units, ane at
a tinne, observing any changes in the in-
terference. Not only discannect the patch
cords coanecting the pieces, bnt also
unplug the ac line cord for each item as yau
make th� test. This will help you determine
W}lIC}t StfiilOR IS tltC CUIpTif.
Patch cords are usually, but not alwa��s,
made of shieided cabic. The lines should
be shielded, which brings up another point.
Many commercially available patch cords
have poor shields. Some have wire spiralh
wrapped araund the insulation, covering
the main lead, rather than braid. This
method provides poor shielding and couid
be the reason for RPI problems.
Reeord-piayer tone-arm canneeiions to
the cartridge are usually made with smail
clips. The existence of a laose clip, par-
ticularly if a�dation is present, offers an
exceilent invitation to RFI. Also, the leads
from the cartridge and thase to the ampli-
fier are sometimes resonant at VHF, pro-
viding an excellent receiving antenna far
RF. One cure for unwanted RF pickup is
ta instalt ferrite beads, one on each car-
tridge lead. Gheck all patch-cord connec-
tions for looseness or poar salder joints.
Inferiar connections can cause rectificatian
and RFI. ;
Tape decks should be treated the same
as turntabies» Loose connections and bad
solder joints can cause trouble. Ferrite
beads can be slipped over the ieads ta the
recording and play-back pickup heads.
Bypassing of the ione-arm or pickup-head
leads is aiso effective, but sametimes it is
diffi'cult to install capacitors in the sma11
area' availablc. Disc capacitars {O.QOl µ�)
shauld be used as elose ta the cartridge or
rr ac
�r ac
a to
� of
e at
s to
� is
t is
pickup head as possible. Keep the capacitor
leads as short as possible.
One or more preamplifiers are usually
used in a stereo amplifler. The inputs to
these stages can be very susceptible to RFI.
Fig. 30 illustrates a typical preamplifier cir-
cuit. In this case the leads to the bases of
the transistors are treated for RFI with fer-
rite beads by the addition of RFC2 and
RFC4. This is a very effective method for
stopping RFI when VHF energy is the
source of the trouble.
The emitter-base junction of a transistor
is a common RFI offender. This junction
operates as a forward-biased diode, with
the bias set so that a change of base cur-
rent with signal will produce a linear but
amplified change in collector current.
Should RF energy reach the junction, the
bias could increase, causing nonlinear
amplification and distortion as the result.
If the RF level is high it can completely
block (saturate) a transistor, causing a com-
plete loss of gain. Therefore, it may be
necessary to reduce the transmitter power
output to pinpoint the particular transistor
stage that is affected.
In addition to ferrite beads placed over
the base lead, it may be necessary to bypass
the base of the transistor to chassis ground,
C1 and C2, Fig. 30. A suitable value is 100
pF, and keep the leads short! As a rule, the
capacitor value should be as large as possi-
ble without degrading the high-Frequency
response of the amplifier. Values up to
0.001 µF can be used. In severe cases, a
series inductor (RFC1 and RFC3) may be
required, such as the Ohmite Z-50 or Z-144,
or their equivalents (7 and 1.8 µH, re-
spectively). Fig. 30 shows the correct place-
ment for an inductor, bypass capacitor and
ferrite bead. Also, it might help to use a
ferrite bead in the B+ lead to the pre-
amplifier stages (RFCS in Fig. 30). Keep
in mind that Fig. 30 represents only one
preamplifier of a stereo set. Both channels
may require treatment.
F.�Ll Tuners
Much of the interference to FM tuners is
caused by fundamental overloading of the
first stage (or stages). The cure is the in-
stallation of a high-pass filter, the same type
used for TVI. The filter should be installed
as close as possible to the antenna input of
the tuner. The high-pass filter will attenuate
the amateur fundamental signal, thus
preventing overloading of the front end.
Lack of shielding on the various com-
ponents in a stereo installation can permit
RF to get into the equipment. Many units
have no bottom plates, or are installed in
plastic cases. One easy method of providing
shielding is to use aluminum foil. Make
sure the foil doesn't short-circuit the com-
Fig. 30�— Typical circuit of a solid-state preamplifier with RFI preventative measures applied
(see text). :
ponents, and connect it to chassis ground.
Interference with Medium-Wave
Broadcast Reception
Transmitter Dejects
Out-of-band radiation is something that
must be cured at the amateur transmitter.
Parasitic oscillations are a frequently un-
suspected source of such radiadon, and no
transmitter can be considered satisfactory
until it has been thoroughly checked for
both low- and high-frequency parasitics.
Very often, pazasitics show up only as tran-
sients, causing key clicks in CW transmit-
ters and "splashes" or "burps" on modu-
lation peaks in SSB transmitters. Methods
for detecting and eliminating pazasitics aze
discussed in the transmitter chapter.
In CW transmitters the shazp make and
break that occurs with unfiltered keying
causes transients that, in theory, contain
frequency components through the entire
radio spectrum. Practically, they are often
strong enough in the immediate vicinity of
the transmitter to cause serious interference
to broadcast reception. Key clicks can be
eliminated by proper wave shaping. See
Chapter 19.
BCI is frequently made worse by radia-
tion from the power wiring or the RF
transmission line. This is because the signal
causing the interference is radiated from
wiring that is nearer the broadcast receiver
than the transmitting antenna. Much
depends on the method used to couple the
transmitter to the antenna, a subject that
is discussed in the chapters on transmission
lines and antennas. If at all possible, the
antenna itself should be placed some
distance from house wiring, telephone and
power lines, and similar conductors.
The BC Receiver
Most present-day receivers use solid-state
active components rather than tubes. A
lazge number of the receivers in use are bat-
tery powered. This is to the amateur's ad-
vantage because much of the BC inter-
ference an amateur encounters is caused by
ac line pickup. In the case where the BC
receiver is powered from the ac line,
whether using tube or solid-state com-
ponenu, the amount of RF pickup must be
reduced or eliminated. A line filter such as
is shown in Fig. 26 often will help ac-
complish this. The values used for the coils
and capacitors are in general not critical.
The effectiveness of the filter may depend
considerably on the ground connecti�:
used, and it is advisable to use a short
ground lead to a cold-water pipe if at all
possible. The line cord from the set should
be bunched up to minimize the possibility
of pickup on the cord. To get satisfactory
operation, it may be necessary to install the
filter inside the receiver, so the filter is con-
nected between the line cord and the set
Cross Modulation
With phone transmitters, there are oc-
casionally cases where the noise is heard
whenever the broadcast receiver is tuned to
a BC station, but there is no interference
when tuned between stations. This is cross
modulation, a result of rectification in one
of the early stages of the receiver. Receivers
that are susceptible to this trouble usually
also get a similaz type of interference from
regular broadcasting if there is a strong
local BC station and the receiver is tuned
to some other station.
The remedy for cross modulation in the
receiver is the same as for images and
oscillator-harmonic response — reduce the
strength of the amateur signal at the
receiver by means of a line filter.
The tro�ble is not always in the receiver.
Cross modulation can occur in any neazby
Interference 39-17
C e�
r�ctif�;ir,y,�, �rcuit — such as a poar contact
in water ar gutter pipes, and ather conduc-
tars in the strong field of the transmitting
antenna. Locating tbe cause may be dif
icult, and is best attempied with a battery-
,�owered portable broadcast rec�iver used
as a probe ta find the spot where the inter-
ference is most intense. When such a spot
is located, inspeetion of the metal siructures
in the vicinity should indicate the cause.
The remedy is to make a good electrical
bond betwcen the twa conductors having
the poor contact.
Handling BCI Cases
Tune the receiver thraugh the broadcast
band io see whether the anterference tunes
lika a regular $C statian. If sa, image or
oscillator-harmanic response is the cause.
If there is interference only when a BC
station is tuned in, but not between
stations, the cause is cross modulation. If
the interference is heard at ail settings af
the tuning dial, the trouble is pickup in the
audio circuits. In this case, the receiver
vaiume cantroI may ar rnay not affect the
strength of the interference, depending on
how your signal is being recti�ed.
The elecironic organ is an R�I prablem
area. All of the techniqves auttined for
audio gear hold true in getting rid of RFI
in an argazt. Twa points shou2d be checked
— the speaker leads and the ac line. Many
gan manufacturers have special service
�ides for taking care of RFI. Hawever,
to get this information you or the organ
owner mast coniact ihe manufacturer, noE
the deater ar distribntar. Dan't accept the
statement from a dealer or serviceman that
nothing can be dane abput th� interference.
Public Address Systems
The cure far RFI in public address
systems is aImost the same as that for audio
geaz. The one thing to watch for is RF on
the leads that connect the varions stations
•in a public address system. These leads
shoWd be treated the samo as speaker leads,
39-i 8 Chapter 39
and �Itering should be done at both ends
of the lines. Also, watch for ac-line pickup
of RF.
Telephone Interference
Because of a change in FCC rules, sub-
scribers increasiitgly awn their telephone
instruments, leasing only the lines fram the
telephone company. Interference-preven-
tion measures to the instrument ase the
owner's responsibility. If a fault accurs
in the line, the teIephone company must
make the necessary repairs. Responsible
instrutnent manufacturers should provide
necessary modification to minimize RFI.
Telephone interference may be cured by
connecting a bypass capacitor {about
0.01 µk} across the micraphone unit in the
telephone handset. Telephone companies
have eapaeitors far this purpose, but will
only service their own instruments. When
such a case accurs, get in touch with the
repair department of the phone company,
giving the particulars. If you have pur-
chased your instrument fram the phone
company, yon wiil be billed far the service
call if the warranty has expired. Section
5U4-I50-100 af the Bell System Praciices
Ptant Series gives detaiied instructions; for
the General 7"elephone System, refer to
Genera! System Practices Engineereng —
Plant Series Section 471-i50-20Q, This
section discusses causes and cures of
Lelephone interference from radio signals.
It points out that interference can come
from carroded connections, unterminated
loaps and ather sources. It correctiy points
out that the RF can be picked up on the
drop wire coming inta the i�ause, and also
an the wiring within the hause, but the RF
detection usualiy occurs inside the tele-
phone instrument. The detection usualIy
takes ptace at the varistors in the compensa-
tion networks, and/ar at the receiver noise
suppressor and the carbon micraphone.
But interference suppression should be
handled two ways: Prevent the RF from
getting to the phane, and prevent it from
being rectifed.
A line of �Iters designed to �liminate
teiephone RFI generated by Amau
Radio transmitters operating in the 3-
30-MHz range is available from K-CO
Model RF-1 uses standard, modu
telephone connectars, and is intended 1
use ad}acent to an affected ielepho�
ModeI RF-2 filters can be instailed at e
point in the wiring of an affected telephc
system (service encrance, protercar housi�
inside jacks}. For more informatic
contact K-COM, PO Box 82, Randol�
OH 44265.
Additional Information
In response to the many hundreds
thousands af RFI-related complarnts it t
received in recent years, the FCC k
praduced a booklet designed ta show hot+-
to salve common RFI problems before the�•
become serious. Titled Interference Hand.
boak, it is available from the Government
Printing Office, Washingtan, DC 2040?.
The ARRL pubiication, Radio Frequener
Interference, covers all aspects of RFI and
includes relevant parts of Lhe FCC
Additional information can be found in
the sources listed below.
Cansumer Electranics Service Technicran
Inlerjerence Handbook -- Audia Rec: ifi-
ratian {Washington, DC: CES, n.d.)�
Consumer Etectronics Service Technrcian
Interference Handbook — Televisian
Interference (�'4'ashington, DC: CES,
Nelson, W. R., Interference Handbook
{Witton, CT: Radio Publications,1981}.
ZRadio Frequencylnierference. Naw to Find !f and
Fix It is the best resource for sotving EMURFI
probiems. Many experts contributed to the
baok. it provides fresh insights and new tech•
niques far satving many interference prablems.
The hook is available from AF#RL HQ and many
Amateur Radio dealers; ask for ARRL order
r�umber 3754. Prioe: $15.
3Single copies of tMe interference handbooks far
audio rectification and television interterence
may be obtained by wr'sting to: director of
Gonsumer Affairs, Consumer Eiectronics
Group, Electronic industries Association, 2001
Pennsylvania Ave, N.W., Washington, DC
:;: .
��: .::.�,:�: :
:���;:�..� �
Published by:
Seventieth Edition
The American Radio Relay League
Newington, CT 0611 � USA
Cover photos
A— At the W30K Field Day site in eastern
Pennsylvania, N2LAU fastens the beam to a mast
with the help of many friends. (photo by N3GWR)
B— The ChipTalker project is new to this year's
Handbook. Look for this voice memory keyer
in the Digital Equipment chapter.
C— Here's a view down the barrel of a 1296-MHz
loop Yagi antenna. (Don't do this with a transmitter
connected!) In the background is the site of the
1992 West Coast VHF/UHF Conference and the
Pacific Ocean. (photo by Gary Jue, N6QOA)
' � Editor � ' H^' ``� Praduction
�. � Robert Schetgen,.'KU7G -:,;�:� Deborah Strzeszkowskl ' '���' �
. r{�
} 7 Aaatatant�Edttora.` - `z�`± � Joe Shea, =. . _:� , �?
"�� �� Gerald L Na I,. - }: � .,�.... '�� Diai�na Roy ' .� .> .
- i.,� I K4T'D'�'>-,� . ;:�,�QavidPingree, N1NAS .'r,,,.`� ;
�`''Jcel P. Kleiriman,.N18KE� :. ,�'" Steffie Nelsan, KA11FB ..
t.: _ � � L,uck Hurder. KX1T �., � � •<i' �G.Morin., KAIJPA = ;�; �'
-s- ;
� .kFin Henrtessee,:lfJ41CB� `. �c"=, - . . . . .. ' c
� . . ' Sue Fagan; Cover � +r
. . .:^x.. , .: .
. � , ' Michelle Bloom, WBIENT -
Doug Bainbridge, NOHPK
John Belrose, VE2CV
Bert Beyt, W5ZR
Dennis Bodson, W4PWF
Bill de Carle, VE21Q
Warren Dion, N1BBH
Martin Emmerson, G30C2D
Bill English, N6TIW
Ed Hare, KA1 CV
Dick Jansson, WD4FAB
Joe Jarrett, K5FOG
Roy Lewallen, W7EL
William E. Sabin, W01YH
Dick Stevens, W1QWJ
Glenn L. Williams, AFSC
e 4�'
: 1 .
s ,:"
Yf :.-r
ter 33
nten na Pro'ects
ince the dawn of Amateur Radio,
hams have been fascinated by
antennas. Almost every ham has
�� at least one antenna, be it a dipole for
� of the HF bands or a directional
��nna for a VHF frequency. Through the
�rs amateurs have tried coundess possible
;;ati8urations—everything from rain-
�ner long wires, to balloon-supported
_,7es, to full-size 80-meter beams. A quick
��n of any of the ham bands will yield
' c•eral discussions that attest to the
x�pularity of antenna experimentation
: nong amateurs.
� This chapter presents projects for
na�eurs wishing to construct their own
�cennas• Related information can be
cund in Chapters 16 and 17. Chapter 36
, rls how to get antennas into the air and
K; c„p them there safely.
� The most common amateur antennas are
��Construction of Wi
; There are many different types of wire
�� etennas. The virtues of each, and the
�mulas for computing the right length for
�� � desired operating frequency, are well
�, xtvmented in Chapter 17. The purpose of
���s sec[ion is to offer informadon on the
-� �.'ual physical construction of wire anten-
��s. Because the dipole, in one of its con-
�`.r.uations (Fig 1), is probably the most
�t =mmon amateur wire antenna, it is used
t� 1�e following examples. The techniques
,� �-ribed here, however, enhance the re-
'� �ility and safety of all wire antennas.
Choosing the right type of wire for the
�ject at hand is the key to a successful
�:nna—the kind that gets out like gang-
'sters and stays up in the face of a winter
; storm or a gusty spring wind storm.
a� gauge of wire to use is the first
�scion to settle, and the answer depends
� scrength, ease of handling, cost, availa-
��)' and visibility. Generally, antennas
u are expected to support their own
���, plus the weight of the feed line,
�Wd be made from no. 12 wire. Horizon-
'�Aoles, Zepps, some long wires and the
< iall into this category. Antennas
��ned in the center, such as inverted-V
�0��s and delta loops, may be made from
Kter material, such as no. 14 wire—the
�mum size called for in the National
�+rical Code.
�e �YPe of wire to be used is the next
�Rant decision. Table 1 details several
electrically balanced (electrically symmetri-
cal about their feed points). These include
dipoles, arrays of dipoles (such as Yagis),
loops and arrays of loops (such as quads
and deltas). The most common amateur
feed line is coaxial cable, which is an
unbalanced conductor (one lead is "hot"
and the other grounded). Let's see what
happens when balanced and unbalanced
systems are directly connected.
When coax feeds a dipole directly, cur-
rent flows on the outside of the cable
shield. The shield can conduct RF onto the
transmitter chassis and induce RF onto
metal objecu near the system. Shield cur-
rents can impair the function of instru-
ments connected to the line (such as SWR
meters and SWR-protection circuits). The
shield current also produces feed-line radi-
ation, which changes the antenna radiation
pattern and allows objects near the cable
to affect the antenna-system performance.
re Antennas
ro srH.
popular wire styles and sizes. The strongest
wire suitable for antenna service is copper-
clad steel, aLso known as Copperweld� .
The copper coating is necessary for RF
service because steel is a relatively poor
conductor. Practically all of the RF current
is confined to the copper because of skin
effect. Copper-clad steel is outstanding for
permanent installations, but it can be dif-
The consequences may be negligible: A
slight skewing of the antenna pattern usual-
ly goes unnoticed. Or, they may be signifi-
cant: False SWR readings may cause the
transmitier to shut down or destroy the out-
put transistors; coax near a TV feed line
may cause strong local interference. There-
fore, it is best to eliminate feed-line radia-
tion whenever possible, and a balun should
be used at any transition between balanced
and unbalanced systems. The Transmission
Lines chapter thoroughly describes baluns
and their construction.
It is de�nitely best to use a balun at
balance/unbalanced transitions. A shield-
choke balun (described in the Transmission
Lines chapter) may tx constructed with
only some extra cable and a little adhesive
tape. Even so, balanced/unbalanced sys-
tems without a balun often operate with no
apparent problems. For temporary or
emergency stations, do not let the lack of
a balun determine your course of action.
�z-n � TO �TN.
Fig 1—Examples of simple but effective wire
antennas. A horizontal dipole is shown at A.
The legs can be drooped to form an "inverted
V," as shown at B. A sloping dipole (sloper) is
illustrated at C. The feed line should come
away from the sloper at 90 ° for best results. If
the supporting mast is metal, there will be
some directivity in the direction of the slope.
The antennas at B and C provide vertical
polarization and are predominantly
omnidirectional if they are supported on a
non-metailic mast. All of these are balanced
antennas. See "About Baluns" for information
about feeding balanced antennas.
ficult to work with. Kinking, which severely
weakens the wire, is a constant threat when
handling any solid conductor. '
Solid-copper wire, either hard drawn or
soft drawn, is another popular material.
Easier to handle than copper-clad steel,
solid copper is available in a wide range of
sizes. It is generally more expensive,
however, because it is all copper. Soft-
Antenna Projects 33-1
Tabte 1
Stressed Antenna Wire
American Recommended Fensiant (paunds) WeTght (pounds per t000 feetj
Wire Gauge
a ass
6 310
8 995
10 T24
12 75
i4 50
"t$ 3'!
18 19
20 12
tApproximately ane-tenth the breaking load. Might be increased 50 percent if end supports are firm
and the�e is na danger oi ice loading.
2"CogFerweld,,� 40 perceni copper.
-n �
Fig 2—Yartous iypes af cammerciaNy made
Fig 3--Some ideas tor homemade antenna
Fig 4—Some dipo2e center insulators have bui(t-in SO-239 connectars. Others are designed far
direct connection to the feed Iine. See "Abaut Baluns," at the beginning of this ohapter, for
information about feeding balanced antennas.
drawn tends to stretch under tensian, sa
periodic pruning of the antenna may be
necessary in some cases.
Enamel-coated "magnet-wire" is a good
choice far experimental antennas because
is easy to manage, and the coating pro-
:ts the wire fram the weather. AIthough
it stretches under tensian, the wire may be
prestretched before final ins[allation and
adjustmeni. A loca2 etectric mator rebuilder
might be a good source for magnet wire.
33-2 Chapter 3S
Hook-up wire, speaker wire ar even ac
Iamp card are suitabie for temporary in-
stallatipns. Almost any copper wire may be
used, as Iang as it is strong enough far the
demands of the installation, Steel wire is
a poor conductor and should be avaided.
AIuminum may be suitable in some cases,
although it is not usually very strong and
is difrcult to adequately cannect a feed Iine
It matters not (in the HF region at least)
whether the wire chosen is insula�e� .�
bare. However, the wire should be �;;;�,
enameled or insulated to prevent corr�;�-_
If expased, the bare copper surface Hq�; �;,
rade, causing a resistive loss in ��.r,,,,.
which flows anly on the surface du; i, t;�
effect. If insulated wire is used, a:;r <t
shartening' beyand the standa;,: ,;5;
length will b� required to abtain re;o;;w�
at the desired frequency, because o: ;n; :,
creased distributed capacitance resL:::•;�
frosn the dieiectric constant of the p;��.,;
insulating riiaterial. The actual lengci ;�-
resonance must be deternuned experim-�
ally by pruning and measuring becaus; ;,�
dielectric constant of the insulating matr.,,�
varies from wire ta wire. Portionc frx
might come into contact with humans o-
animals should be insulated to reduc; ;x
chance af shock or burns. Several supF�w.,
of wire suitable for the projects in th;,
chapter are listed in Chagier 3S.
Wire aniennas must be insulated a; ebc
ends. Gencrally, commercially a�•ailal�k
insulators are made from ceramic, glass a
plastic. Some of the marc common t}�cs
are pictured in Fig 2. Insulators like thae
aze available fram many Amateur Ra�;
dealers. Radia Shack and lacai hardW�an
stares are other possible sources.
Tn a pinch, acceptable homemade insu�
iatars may be fashioned from a vanen� o.'
material including (but not Wniced to�
acryiic shcet or rod, PVC tubing, K�oo,'.,
fiberglass rod or cven stiff plastic frorr, :
discarded container. Fig 3 shoa�s soax
hamemade insulators. Ceramic or giau
insulators will usualiy outlast tht wire, so
they are highly recommended for a saCe,
reliabie, permanent instalTation. Ocha
materials may tear under stress or bre�k
dawn in the preszncc af suniight. riaat
types of plastic do not weather we11.
Many types of wire antennas rcquire a�
insuIator at the feed point. Although thar
are many ways to connect the feed linr.
there are a few things ta keep in mind. lf
you feed your antenna with coanial cabk-
you have two choices. Yvu can install s�
SO-239 connecior on the cenzer insulatc�
and use a PL-259 on the +�pd of yaur caa�.
or you can separate the c�nter condue�a
from the braid anct conneci the feed liae
directty to the antenna wire. Althon8h tt�
latter method is initially less costl��, �'
farmer method affers several advant�a-
Coaxial cabie braid soaks up waur lite
a spange. If you da not adequately seal tt�'
antenna end of the fesd line, water wiil fi�
its way into the braid. Water in the fec�
line wil! lead io cantamination, renderiai
the co� useless lang before its norni� �fr
time is up. It is nat uncommon for µ�a��
to drip from Lhe ond of ths coax inside �'
shack after a year or so of serviee if �
antenna connection is not properly µ'a��'
proofed, Use of a PL-259JS0-234 �°'
bination (ar connector of your Ch4�`'�}
makcs the task of waterproofing �n°�
mucn e:
ihe PL-
eed line
� that b
sther y�
�a, an {
tha rae
i. Wire
ra a lot
ine is :
n will w
Fig •
It Tc
�� cit
x eic�q,
^+t! �
� �
3 t(j S� '
i �,�.
� �
�� �
:�.i t�
13CL• � ,:
� �
:r ��J'r:�.:.
:e nmF
� : ._
� tb�t
� ye.
pt� •
�d ire
t� �
r. �
s�ryspa� ^IY^i �
�IHIII�;,,:'�; " �`:a; •.��a=,��:��:�+�%�.
rnoisYuae our oF coax
coax wrtAvam
9tR4Uti0 7NSUlATOR
�coax . c x
ails of the dipole antenna. The end insulator connectron is shown at A, while B illustrates the center insulator. Part C iilustrates the
antenna. ihis is a ba(anced anienna. See "Abaut Batuns" at the beginning ot this chapter for intormatio� about feeding balanced
� much easier. Anather advaniage to
�g the PL-259/SO-239 combination is
s feed liae replacement is much easier,
cutd that become necessary.
�hether you use coaxial cable, open-
s "ladder line" or piastic-encased
:smitting-type twin lead to %ed your
:enna, an often-overlaoked considera-
a is the mechanical strength of the con-
aon. Wire antennas and feed lines tend
aove a lot in the breeze, and unless the
� 3ine is attached secur�Iy. the can-
�on will weaken with time. The result-
� failure can range from a frustrating
:.*�niftent eiectricai connection to a
❑plete separation of feed line and
»nna. Fig 4 illnstrates several di€ferent
�� of attaching the feed tine to the
�ing It Togei6er
`g 5 shaws some of the finer points of
�'�na constructian. A2though a dipole
is used %r the examples, the techniques
illustrated here apply to any type af wire
How well you put the pieces together is
second oniy ta the ultimate strength of the
materiats used in determining how weit
yaur antenna will work over the long term.
Bven the smallest details, such as how you
conneci the wire to the insulators (Fig SA},
contribute significantty to antenna
longevity. By using plenty of wire at the
insulatar and wrapping it tightly, yau will
decrease the gossibility of the wire pulling
loose in the wind. There is no aeed to salder
the wire once is ii wrapped. There is na
electrical connection here, only mechazucal.
The high heat needed for saldering can
anneal the wire, signifieant2y weakening it
at the solder paint.
Similarly, the feed line connection at the
center insulatar should be made to the
antenna wires after they have been secured
to the insutator (Fig ST3}. This way, yau wiIl
be assured of a gaod electrical connection
between the antenna and feed line without
corapromising the mechanical strength. Do
a good job of soldering the antenna and
feed line connectians. Use a heavy iron ar
a torch, and be sure to clean the materiais
thoroughty before starting the job. Proper
planning shauld allow yau to salder in-
daors at a workbench, where the best
possible joints may be made. Pooriy
soldered or unsoldered connectxons will
became a headache as the wire auidizes and
the electrical integrity degrades with time.
Besides degrading your antenna per-
farmance, paarly made joints can be a
cause of TVI because of rectification.
if made from che right materials, the
dipate illustrated in Fig SC should give the
builder years of maintenance-free service
—untess of course a tree falIs an it! As you
build your antenna, keep in mind that if
you get it right the 6rst time, you won't
have Lo do it again for a lang time.
Antenna Projects 33•3
C�nstr�ction of Beams and Vertical Monopoles
Most beams and verticals are made from
sections of aluminum tubing that have been
extruded or drawn. Compromise beams
have been fashioned from less-expensive
materials such as electrical conduit (steel)
or bamboo poles wrapped with conductive
tape or aluminum foil. The steel conduit
is heavy, is a poor conductor and is sub-
ject to rust. Similazly, bamboo with con-
ducting material attached to it will
deteriorate rapidly in the weather. Alu-
minum tubing is by far the best material
for building antennas in the HF and VHF
regions. Copper or brass may be used in
some VHF and UHF applications, and this
idea is discussed later in this chapter.
Aluminum tubing comes in a variety of
sizes, detailed in Table 2. Such tubing is
available in many meuopolitan areas.
Dealers may be found in the Yellow Pages
under "Aluminum." Tubing usually comes
in 12-foot lengths, although 20-foot lengths
are available in some sizes. Your aluminum
dealer will probably also sell aluminum
plate in various thicknesses needed for
boom-to-mast and boom-to-element con-
Aluminum is rated according to its hard-
ness. The most common material used in
antenna construction is grade 60fi1-T6.
This material is relatively strong and has
good workability. ln addition, it will bend
without taking a"set," an advantage in
antenna applications where the pieces are
constantly flexing in the wind. The softer
grades (5051, 3003, etc) will bend much
more easily, while hazder grades (7075, etc)
are more brittle.
Beam Elements
Beam elements are generally made from
telescoping sections of aluminum tubing.
The prime consideration when choosing
tubing sizes is mechanical strength. Ob-
viously, a 66-foot-long 40-mete� c�e_�
would be made from much larger mz;��
than an 18-foot-long 10-meter e�em�
Fig 6 shows generic element designs fe� ;�
15 and 20-meter elements. The exac;l�-,�
of each element will depend on th; e;;; .
cal design. "
Wall thickness is of primar�• ��,; �
when selecting tubing. It is oi ❑;;. �
importance that the tubing fics sr._�•:
where the element sections join. Sio;-,:
joints will make a mechanicall�• uns:a�C
antenna. The magic wall thickness is (..�� �
inch. For example (from Table'_), �.; ;`
outside diameter (OD) tubing H•�;� i
0.058-inch wall has an inside diamete; i1�
of 0.884 inch. The next smaller siz; ��
tubing, 7/8 inch, has an OD of O.C-s in�.
The 0.009-inch difference provides jus: ;x
right amount of clearance for a snuc f:;
Fig 7 shows several methods of fastrn:.y
antenna element sections together. The sioc
Tabie 2 ,
Standard Sizes of Aluminum Tubing
6461-T6 (61S-T6) round aluminum tube in 12-toot lengths
OD Wall Thickness ID
(in) in stubs ga (in)
3/16 .035 no.20 .117
.049 no.18 .089
1!4 .035 no.20 .180
.049 no.18 .152
.058 no.17 .134
5/16 .035 no.20 .242
.049 no.18 214
.058 no.17 .196
3/8 .035 no.20 .305
.049 no.18 277
.058 no.17 .259
.065 no.16 .245
7/16 .035 no.20 .367
• .049 no. i6 .339
, � .065 no. 16 .307
1/2 .028 no.22 .444
• .035 no.20 .430
.049 no.18 .402
� .058 no. 17 .384
.OfiS no.16 .370
5/8 .028 no.22 � .569
� .035 no.20 .555
.049 no.18 .527
.058 no.17 .509
' .065 no.16 .495
3/4 .035 no.20 .680
.049 no.18 .652
.058 no.17 .634
.0&5 no.16 .620
.083 no.14 .584
7/8 .035 no.20 .805
.049 no.18 .777
.058 no.17 .759
.065 no.16 .745
1 .035 no.20 .930
.049 no.18 .902
.058 no.17 .884
.065 no.16 .870
Approx Weight (Ib)
per R pei length
.019 .228
.025 .330
.027 .324
.036 .432
.041 492
.036 .432
.047 .564
.055 .650
.043 .516
.Q60 .720
.Q68 .816
.074 .888
.051 .612
.070 .840
.089 1.068
.049 .588
.059 .708
.082 .948
.095 1.040
.107 1.284
.061 .732
.075 .900
.10fi 1272
.121 1.452
.137 1.644
.091 1.092
.125 1.500
.�aa �.ns
.160 1.920
.204 2.448
.108 1.308
.151 1.810
.175 2.100
.199 2.399
.123 1.467
.170 2.040
202 2.424
.220 2.640
Wall Thickness
in stubs ga
.083 no. 14
.035 no.20
.058 no.17-
.035 no.20
.049 no. 18
.058 no. 17
.065 no. 16
.083 no. 14
.035 no.20
.058 no. 17
.035 no.20
.049 no. 18
.058 no. 17
.065 no. 16
.083 no. 14
'.125 1/8"
' 250 , 1/4"
.035 no.20
.058 no. 17
.058 no. 17
.083 no. 14
.508 no. 17
.049 no. 18
.065 no. 16
.083 no. 14
'.125 1/8"
'.250 1/4"
.049 no. 18
.065 no. 16
.083 no. 14
.065 no. 16
.083 no. 14
'.125 1/8"
' 250 1 /4"
.065 no. 16
'.125 1/8"
'.250 1 /4"
Approx Weight (tb)
per ft per leng+
.281 3.372
.139 1.668
.228 2.736
.155 1.860
210 2.520
256 3.072
284 3.408
.357 428�
.173 2.076
.282 3.38`
.180 2.160
.260 3.120
.3pg 3.708
.34q 4.128
.434 5.208
.630 7.416
1.150 14.823
.20fi 2.472
,336 4.032
.363 4.356
.510 6.12Q
.389 4.668
.350 4.200
.590 7.080
.870 9.�
1.620 19.920
.398 4.�
.520 6.24�
.660 7.920
.587 7.�
.740 8•�
1.100 12.720
2.0$0 25.440
.710 8.`�
1.330 15.600
2.540 31.20�
'These sizes are extruded; atl other sizes are drawn tubes. Shown here are standard sizes of aluminum tubing that are stocked by most ai�rt'�
suppliers or distributors in the United States and Canada. i
33-4 Chapter 33
sie" si�" sie' o0
�- 6� —+�-6� � 6' —►{
s�g' 3/1� 7/8� 3%4' S/9� OD
�Z��-6�--�—���6��z��j APPROX. LENGTN
3/4. 7/8' j/4' OD
�s� 6' Tr 12� • I 6� �
1-1/8' OD. !' IONG
i/�' 7/9� �� � 7/e' 3/4. OD
i+-- 5'- 7� � 6� 12� 6' � S•_7•
S--Eiement designs for Yagi antennas. (Use 0.05&inch-wall aluminum tubing except for end
�s where thinner-wall tubing may be used.)
, . ;,
7—Some methods of connecting telescoping tubing sections to build beam elements.
!ext for a discussion of each method.
;a hose clamp method shown in Fig 7A
�_�obably the best for joints where adjust-
':��s are needed. Generally, one adjust-
�: ioint per element half is suf�cient to
=•: che antenna. Stainless steel hose
{�Ps ibeware—some "stainless steel"
�:cels do not have a stainless screw and
'' � rus[) are recommended for longest
':eana life.
'3s ?B, 7C and 7D show possible fasten-
'� •:�e�hods for joints that are not adjust-
��� �t B, machine screws and nuts hold
':!ements in place. At C, sheet metal
�'^s are used. At D, rivets secure the tub-
�z :t che antenna is to be assembled per-
`=���)�, rivets are the best choice. Once
��3�=. [hey are permanent. They will
"'�ork free, regardless of vibration or
�=• It aluminum rivets with aluminum
`��:ls are employed, they will never
�Iso, being aluminum, there is no
-' of corrosion from interaction
":n dissimilar metals. If the antenna
: 'z disassembled and moved periodical-
�:her B or C will work. If machine
�`'S are used, however, take all possible
precautions to keep the nuts from vibrating
free. Use of lock washers, lock nuts and
flexible adhesive such as silicone bathtub
sealant will keep the hardware in place.
Use of a conductive grease at the element
joints is essential for long life. Left un-
treated, the aluminum surfaces will oxidize
in the weather, resulting in a poor con-
nection. Some trade names for this con-
ductive grease are Penetrox, Noalox and
Dow Corning Molykote 41. Many electrical
supply houses carry these products.
Boom Materiai
The boom size for a rotatable Yagi or
quad should be selected to provide stability
to the entire system. The best diameter for
the boom depends on several factors, but
mostly the element weight, number of
elements and overall length. Tubing
diameters of 1'/a inches can easily support
3-element 10-meter arrays and perhaps a
2-element 15-meter system. For larger
10-meter antennas or for harsh weather
conditions, and for antennas up to 3
elements on 20 meters or 4 elements on
Fig 8—A long boom needs both vertical and
horizontal support. The crossbar mounted
above the boom can support a double truss,
which will help keep the antenna in position.
Fig 9—The boom-to-element plate at A uses
muffler�lamp-type U-bolts and saddles to
secure the round tubing to the flat plate. The
boom-tamast ptate at B is similar to the
boom-to-element plate. The main difference is
the size oi materials used.
15 meters, a 2-inch-diameter boom will be
adequate. Two-inch-diameter booms
should not be made any longer than 24 feet
unless additional support is given to reduce
both vertical and horizontal bending forces.
Suitable reinforcement for a long 2-inch
boom can consist of a truss or a truss and
lateral support, as shown in Fig 8.
A boom length of 24 feet is about the
point where a 3-inch diameter begins to be
very worthwhile. This dimension provides
a considerable amount of improvement in
overall mechanical stability as well as in-
creased clamping surface area for element
hardware. The latter is extremely important
if heavy icing is commonplace and rotation
of elements around the boom is to be
avoided. Pinning an element to the boom
with a large bolt helps in this regard. On
the smaller diameter booms, however, the
elements sometimes work loose and tend
to elongate the pinning holes in both the
element and the boom. After some time the
elements shift their posicions slighdy (some-
times from day to day!) and give a ragged
appearance to the system, even though this
may not harm the electrical performance.
A 3-inch-diameter boom with a wall
thickness of 0.065 inch is very satisfactory
for antennas up in size to about a 5-element,
20-meter array that is spaced on a 40-foot-
long boom. A truss is recommended for
any boom longer than 24 feet. One possible
Antenna Proiects 33-5
saurce for large boom material is irrigation
tubi�tg sotd ai farm supply houses.
Pntting It Tageiher
Once you assemble your boom and
elements, the next step is ta fasten ihe
elements ta the hoom securely and then
fasten the boom to the mast ar supporting
siructure. Fig 9A shows thc most practical
tnethad of attaching the �lements ta the
baom. Of course, if the home constructor
bas access to a machine shop, ther� are any
number of different ways ta accornplish
this. The size of the nnounting plate will
depend on the size of the boonn and element
materials used, Be sure to leave plenty of
material on either side af the U-bolt holes.
Ttte U-bolts selected shauld be a snug fit
for the tubing. If possible, purchase the
muffler-ctamp type U-bolu that come with
The Laop Skywire
Here's a multiband HF antenna that's
easy to buiid, costs nearIy nothing and
works great—yei relativety fcw amateurs
�se it. The antenna is the full-size horizon-
tai loop—or, as this one's catled—The
Loop Skywire. T'he Skywire eliminates the
noed for muldple antennas to cover the HF
bands, is made anly af wire and coaxial
cable (or open-wire line), and often needs
no Transmatch. IYs ef�cieni and omni-
directianaI over reat earth, can be used an
all harmonics af the fundarnental fre-
quency, and fits on almost every amateur's
lat. The Skywire has been called "the best
easy-to-build, multiband antenna around,"
and to those who now use the Laap
. Skywire, it's "the best kept secret in the
amat�ur circle."
It is curious that many references ta this
antenna are brief pronouncements that it
operates best as a high-angle radiaior and
is good far only short-distance cantacts.
This is nat the case! Those who use the
Loop Skywire know that its performance
faz exceeds the short haul. DX is easy to
work. This antenna was originally featured
in November 1985 QST, and was presented
by Davt Fischer, WOMHS.
T6e Design
The Laop Skywire is shown in Fig 10.
It is simpiy a fuil-wavelength laop antenna
erected harizontai to the earth. Maxirnum
nclosed area within tht wire loop is the
�ndamental rule. The antenna has ane
wavelength of wire in its perimeter at the
design or fundamental frequency. If you
chaase to calculate Ljot� in feet, the
following equation should bc used:
33-6 Chapter 33
Thc boom-tamast pIate shown iun �g 98
is similar to the hoam-to-element plate. The
size of the plate and number of U-balts
used will depend on the size of the antenna.
Generally� antennas for the bands up
tiuough 2t} tneters require onIy twp U-bolts
each for the mast and boom. Longer
antennas for 15 and 20 {35-foot booms and
up} and most 40-meter beams shouId have
four U-bolts each for the boom and mast
because af the torque that the long booms
and elements exert as the antennas move
in the wind. When tightening the U-bolts,
be careful npt to crush the tubing. Once the
wall begins to collapse, �the connectian
begins to weaken. Many aluminum sup-
pliers sell il.-inch piate just right far this
application. Often they wiU shear pieces to
I-total = 1005/f
where f equais the frequency in MHz. {This
is the standard formula for deterrnining the
lengih of full-wavelength loops.}
Given any length of wire, the rnaximum
possible azea the antenna can cnclose is
with the wire in the sha� of a circle. Sincc
it takas an in�nite number of supports to
hang a circular loop, the square laop (four
supports} is the mast practical. Fnrther
reducing the azea enclosed by the wire loop
(fewer supports� brings the anienna closer
/ •
� L/4 •
SEE FIG if �
the carrect size on requcst. As u�ith cu�.�.'i.
the relativeiy hard 6061-T6 grad� 1S a��
choice for mountiug plates.
The antenna sttauld be put togethr. ,'�
good-quality hardware. Stainless sce�; �
best for lang life. Rust will attack p�
steel hardware after a shon while, m
nuts difficult, if nat impossible, ta rem�z
If stainless muffler ciamps are nat ac��,�
thc next best ihing is to have them pia;;� �
you can't get them plated, then az leas; �
them with a good zinc-chromate Pnrar
and a finish coat or twa. Good-q�,
hardware is more expensive initiall�•, b,s; �
yau do it right the first time, yau k�..,
hav� to take the antenna down after a f;.
yeaxs and replace the hardware. ALso, x}�
repairing ar modifying an installa,�,�
nothing is more frustrating than figh::a�
rusty hazdware at the tog af a tau•er.
to the properties of the folded dipole, uiC
botb harznanio-impedance and feed-2'sar
valtage prablems can resuit. Laap geomr
tries other than a square are thus possibk
but remember the two fundamenta] m
quirements for the Laop Skyaire—in
horizontal positian and maximum encios�
The antenna's construction is simpk.
Although the loop can be made for a�a!
3.8-Mk: i.00P SKYWtRE' �°z�2
T-Mtiz 1.08p SKYWtRE-l.=fa2�
FIG 12
� _
Fg tO--A comptete view oi the loap Sicywire. The square Ioop is erected horizontaE to t�
�s �
) f;0�
fa a4
� _�
� or frequency of operatian, the fo3low-
��w�o Loop Skywires are star performers.
� �p-MHz band can also be operated on
�j 3-MHz Loop Skywires (3.5-28 MHz),
�ta! loop p��'imeter: 272 feet. Square side
�h: b8 feet.
},�Iz I.00p Skywire: (7-28 MHz loop),
�cai loop Aerimeter: 142 feet. Square side
�: 35.5 feet.
Tt�e actual total length can vary by a few
�, as the length is not ai ati criticaI. Do
€},� wonY about tuning and pruning the
��,p to resonance. No signal difference will
x�etected on the other end.
j[nsulated, stranded copper wire-12 to
E� aauge—is usually used for the loop.
':� li shows Ehe pIacemeni of the insula-
��rs at the laop corners. Either lock or tic
,�e iasulator in place with a loop wire ue,
' f�a�cm in Fig t lA, or leave the insuiatar
;� �o "�1aat" or slide along the wire,
:�c 1 t B. Masi loop users ftaat at leasi two
'sa�lators. This ailaws puiiing the sIack out
y the loop once it is in the aur, and
s�nates the need to have a2I the sttpports
y�r1y pIaced for proper t�nsion in each
�. floating two opposit� corners is recom-
�ded. The feed paint can be pasitianed
r��•here along the loop. Most users feed
x Skvwire at a corner, however. Fig 12
a��s a method af doing this. It is advan-
�aus to keep the feed-point mechanicals
sat from the corner support. Feeding a
a� ot sa fram one corner allows the feed
�ioexit more freely. This method keeps
x feed liae free from Ehe iaap supgart.
C,�nerally, a minirnum of four supports
�-quired. If trees are used for supports,
�i at Ieast two af the roges or guys used
��pport tha insulatars should be counter-
�hted and allowed to mave freely. The
=-2ine carner is atmost always tied down,
n'eccr. Several loaps have been con-
;:��ted with bungie cords tied to three of
r:our insulatars. This eliminates the need
r :ounterweighting.
�=commended height for the antenna is
�'c�t or more. The higher the better.
�'+e��er, successful lacal and DX opera-
': aas been reported in several cases with
���p as law as 25 feet.
•� }'ou are preoccupied with SWR, the
�nS ��•�l3 depend on your operating fre-
��' and the type of feed line used.
�dal cable is sufficient. Open-wire iine
`"� weli, too. Most users feed the Ioop
�= RG-58. RG-8 is generally too cumber-
`� to use. The SWR froFn either af these
�"s is rarety over 3:1. If you are con-
�� about the SWR, use a Transmatch
=lminate a1i worries about pawer
�''tzC and rnaximum signal strength.
�� ronstructing the loop, conneci
�'`�: f zhe coaxiai feed 2ine ends directly
'� �ooP wire ends. Don't do anything
`• 3aluns or choke caiis at the fee�3 point
'`'tnecessary. Don't let anyane tatk you
, �- �oaP
,, • WIRE
"Ft Anrin�r." �ruaiu nrno
Fig 11—Two methods of installing the insulators at the corners of the loop.
C40P g --
, w�RE �No s
6�� �'�
� �,
. � � �t
_ s �ooa 'y
/ // -
� ��^"�� � COAXIAL
1/4"- 1/2" CABI.E
Fig 12—Most users feed the Loop Skywire at the comer. Oimensians shown are approximate.
This is a balanced antenna. See "About Baluns" at the beginning of this chapter for infor�»ation
abaut feeding batanced antennas.
into using them. The highest line SWIL
usually occurs at the second harmonic of
the design frequency. The i.aag Skywire is
somewhat rnore broadband than car-
respanding dipoles, and is also moze
ef�cient. Do nat expect SWR curves that
are "dummy load" flat!
Using the Laap Skywire as a Vertical
Another interesting feature of this loop
is its ability to be used as an a!I-band
vertical antenna with top-hat loadimg. This
is accomplished by keeping the feed-line
run from the shack as vertical as possibte
and clear of inetallic objects. Both feed-lin�
conductors aze then tied together {via a
shorted SO-239 jack, for e�mpte}, and the
antenna is fed against a good ground
system. This method allows excellent
performance of the 4d-meter Ioop on 80
meters, and the 8Q-meter loop on 160
meters. The feed arrangement far operating
the laop as a vertical is shown in Pig 13.
Fig 13—The feed anangement ior aperating
the loop as a vertical antenna.
Antenna Projects 33•7
A'Tre�-Mounted 30-Meter Ground-Plane Antenna
This inconspicuous, iow-cast antenna is
easy to build. lt is a good antenna for
working 30-meter DX and also makes a
great portable antenna. The antenna was
first described in the September 1484 issue
af QST by Chuck Hutchinson, K8CH.
The eva}ution af this tree-mounted
antenna began more than a decade aga. Ai
Francisco, K7NHV, was a doctoral candi-
date at Michigan State University. Ai was
living on campus and wanted to get on the
air fram his apartment. University rules 8id
nat permit autside antennas.
Ai solved his prabiem b}� using an incon-
spicuous vertical antenna. He ran a piece
of ItG-58 cabte iram a bedroam window ta
the ground. From there, he slit a shatlow
trench ta a nearby tree and buried the
cable. At the base of the tree a pair of
radiais were soldered to the coax-line braid,
then buried. Another piece of wire formed
the main radiator oi his 20-meter vertical.
Despite having only two radiats, the verticai
warked well enaugh to solve Al's problem.
The tree provided support and hid the
verEical radiatar without nullifying its
Several years later K8CH moved to a
new location. Dipoles for the 40- and
8Q-meter bands were hung in the trees. lt
was possibte ta work DX an 40 meters, but
the low dipoIe worked too well on short
skip; a vertical antenna with its low
radiation angle would be a better ai-
ternative. Experience had proved that a
vertical with I6 or more radiais wouid be
a good performer on the 40-meter band.
K8CH used a tree to support the vertical
radiator the way K7NHV had. This time
sections of TV mast, not wire, served as the
vertical radiator. A full-grown wainut tree
provided suppart far the antenna.
-�he vertica] mast sections were placed
into posit,i�n ciase to the tree trunk. A
length of treated 4- x 4-inc� lumber was
buried ta serve as the base insulatar. A
large nail heid the vertical mast in piace.
A shart length of clothesline rope was
wrapped around the mast at each tree
branch that was to provide suppart. The
rope was secured to the mast by tying faur
square knots, and the loose ends were then
wrapped around and tied to the branches.
By tying ihe extra square knots in the rope,
a shoek absorber w�as formed. This ar-
rangement allowed the tree to move in the
wind withaut transferring the motion into
stress on the antenna. The verticat had
32 buried radials and a length of RG-8
cable that ran ta the ham shack. Antenna
performance was very good for DX.
Un the day the 30-meter amateur band
was opened by the FCC, K8CH (at yet
another loeation) used a Transmatch and
40-meter dipole to make a few contacts.
Later, he tried an 84-meter dipole. Both
33-8 Chapter 33
Fig 14—pimensions and construCtion ot a 30-meter ground-plane antenna.
were akay, but each worked toa well on
short skip. Stations within a couple of
hundred miles were very loud—not the best
situation for DXing!
A vertical antenna would tend to dis-
criminate in favar of DX stations. (Jne
possibility was another version of the
K7NHV special. There was a serious
probiem with that idea, however. Limited
space and racky soil meant that a good
radial system wouid be alcnost impassible
to install. So the decision was made to iry
a ground-plane antenna. The vertical
radiator and two radials of the antenna
wau{d be made af wire.
The proper length of the etements is
determined by the formula:
Length 2�`�
(teet} — fMHz
The vertical portion and each radial of the
ground plane shoutd be 23 feet 13/z inches
far resonance at 10.12 MHz. Once you
have the wire and insulators, it should not
take long to assemble the antenna as shown
in Fig 14. Be sure ta solder ihe connection
of coax cable to antenna wires.
The perfect tree far supparting the
antennas was %und at the back af the lot.
Brush around the base of the tree made it
hard to work araund, but were great far
camouflage. Only one abstacle stood in the
way of speedy installaiion. How ta get a
line through the tree crotch 40 feet above
the graund?
Getting a Line into a Tree
Many methods are nsed to get an
antenna support line into Lhe "right"
crotch of a tree. You coutd use a baw and
arraw ar a slingshat. Attach an arrow to
the end oP a�shing line on a rad and reel.
(Aluminum arrows with remavable points
work great.} Retease the reel so line pulls
off freely, and shoot. You can also use a
siingshot, in which ease you tie a lead
�shing weight to the end of the iine. (A hatf
ounce ta an ounce or sa is about right.) A
reet on a fishing rod works okay, but some
people attach a reei ta the handle of tirc.
slingshot, This eliminates the need fo: �
he(per to hold the �shing rod.
There aze a few tricks you should a�ca;
learning "ihe hard way." First, make sure
there is nathing breakable within ran�x
Unless you are extremely fortunate, at las
one attempt wiil go astray. Second, sa-w�,r
the free end of the line so it does no; �e
up ont of reach in the air. This is pa-
ticularly frustrating when you ha�•e j�
managed to "hit the target."
When you miss your target, don'i cn• zc
pull the weight back over a branch. lt tata
only a few seconds to Iet the weighc fai; t�
the graund, remove the weight and.pull �c
linc back thraugh the tree. That u•ar ti•ac
gei anoiher try with ihe same weight.
Final Steps
It may take a few tries to get thr !nc
through that tree cratch at 40 feet. Aftc
that, tie the top insnlator to ihe end of c�c
line and hauT it up to just below the crat3
A douhied-up section of the do�n•haul6mc
can be wrapped azound the tree at ha�!
levet, and tied ta suppart the antaan+
Excess line can be secured in a cail � fe'
fect above ground. Tie shorter lengchs d
line to the radial ends and secure the Ims
to convenient trees at a height above ba�
The procedure described above sha=
oniy be used for temporary inscalla�
This eventuaily results in abrasion to dr
rope aztd to the tree. Over time, g��
may accur l�ading to the loss af Q� �
mare af the branch�s. For pe�
installations, use an eyescrew flr a�
through the branch to support this, a� �'
other, wire antenna.
The tree-mountcd ground-plane ani�
warks at least as weli far DX ��°
d'spale at 6Q feet. For stations icss �f
cauple of hundred miies a�'aY ��
pretty gaod rejection. (Use a h°�`
antenna to work those closer sca �
You'll like the tow cost, but p�r�'?�'
of ail, the antenna is almost in�s'�'
far a
.�.� ;�.
: t�e!
. J�
�II to
: iat
.f t�e
d iat
�s d
� ,
� �
t �
Multiband Inverted-V Antenna
ihe antenna shown in Fig IS is popular
�ong amateurs who prefer a single dipole
;K several bands of operation. Similar to
� GSRV antenna, this antenna uses only
�.wire line or 300-ohm ribbon-type feed
�. The version shown in Fig 15 is erected
� an inverted-V dipole. This is desirab(e
�use only one tall support pole, tower
x uee is needed. Also, the antenna is
.�,apvely omnidirectional with vertical
�(arization. You may, however, choose to
�e this antenna as a horizontal radiator.
;�e rules are the same for either type of
f�allation. The length of the flat-top is not
j �ucal, but should be as long as possible
, u(east 100 feet or more for best results
':n the 80-meter band). For best operation,
;ake sure the antenna is as symmetricai as
� The feed line for this antenna should be
xutered between the legs of the inverted
�.It should come straight down to ground
n•el, or nearly so. This ensures electrical
nmmetry. This is especially important
�en a metal mast or tower is used to sup-
�rt the antenna. The effects of the tower
re canceled with a symmetrical installa-
:�n. Three-hundred-ohm ribbon cable is
sable to power levels of about 500 watts.
3eyond that, open-wire line is a better
�oice. Best performance with this antenna
+ill be had when the feed point is 60 or
�ore feet above ground, but satisfactory
� 50 FT
� N0.72 ar I4 WIRE
�50 FT 300- OR 450-OHM
Fig 15—Details for constructing a multiband non-resonant inverted-V dipole with open-wire
teeders. The feed line can be any convenient length. For best efficiency, the enclosed angle of
the dipole should be between 90 and 110°.
results will be obtained if the apex is at least
30 feet high. An ideal installation would
place the feed point of the antenna between
100 and 120 feet above ground, but this is
generally beyond the realm of economic
practicality for most amateurs.
Because most madern rigs are designed
to operate into an unbalanced 50-ohm load,
a Transmatch will have to be used to couple
the transmitter to the antenna.
Universal Mounting Plate for Vertical Antennas
Fig 16 illustrates a mounting plate that
iill satisfy a host of conditions one might
�counter when operating from an un-
'amiliar place. The hole size and spacing
iill depend on the U-bolts or muffler
�amps used with the antenna. The lower
a of holes (except the bottom-most two)
:trmit using a supporting mast that is
'�her vertical or horizontal. The holes in
:e �op half of the plate pernut the antenna
� be mounted vertically or at 45 ° angle.
'o�e B is for a female-to-female bulkhead
annector. The feed line attaches to one
Jz of the fitting, and a banana plug fits
�:o the center hole of the opposite end of
�z connector. This permits easy discon-
'':tion when disassembling the antenna.
��z radials aze bolted to the two holes
'arked C, at the left and right center of
'� plate. The two holes (C) at the bottom
of the plate are for bolting an iron or
aluminum angle stock to the plate. A
second angle-stock piece is cut to the same
size as the first and is used with the
mounting hardware when it is convenient
to clamp the mounting plate to a porch
railing, window sill and so on. A pair of
lazge C clamps can be used for this
mounting technique.
The plate is made from '/a-inch alumi-
num. Brass or copper material could be
used equally well if available.
Fig 16—Layout details far a universal
mounting plate. The hole sizes and spacing
will depend on the type of U-bolts used (see
�— s-v2' —�
�' •
• a
1-31�' 1-3N' ` .
�T /
•. S/�6'
e.a,e• f J, �•i,.• x „z'',—.
�. �„• /
°� ��� nrrscH
„2• � � ,,.� e � . �'c NG�IalS
� \�
arrat� y�
B�l/2' RGDIOl4 s}Q( co�x.
� ���� � .� �«��.
�'�° � -�°
:-,,.• l.—:-,,. ��-5,.�
1-3/1' 0 ♦ ��e'
s .�� �
1 � 2,
� s�e� I /T `ve'
Antenna Projects 33-9
Si�npie 5/8-Wave Verticals for 12 and 17 Meters
Thanks to the harmonic relationships
between the HF ham bands, many antennas
�can be made to do "double duty." The
simple verticals described here cover two
bands at once, and provide an inexpensive
way to get on the 12- and 17-meter bands.
Here's how to turn a 30-meter quarter-wave
vertical into a 5/8-wave vertical for the
12-meter band, and a 40-meter quarter-
wave vertical into a 5/8-wave vertical for
the new 17-meter band. These verticals
were designed and constructed by John J.
Reh, K7KGP. The write-up first appeared
in April 1989 QST.
Construction Details
For the 30- and 12-meter vertical, an old
aluminum multiband vertical was cut to
a length of 25 feet, 3 inches. This
corresponds to a design frequency of
24.95 MHz. The length-to-diameter ratio
is approximately 460. The input impedance
of a vertical that is substantially longer than
a quarter wavelength (in this case 5/8 J�) is
particularly sensitive to the �/D ratio of the
radiating element. If this antenna is dupli-
cated with materials having a signifcantly
different a/D ratio, the results may be
After installing a good ground system
(described later), the input impedance was
measured and found to have a resistance
�f about 50 f2, and a capacitance of about
155 ft (at 24.95 MHz). At 10.125 MHz, the
input impedance was just under SO Q, and
purely resistive. To tune out the reactance
at 24.95 MHz, a series inductor is installed
(see Fig 17) and tapped to resonance at the
design frequency. The easiest way to find
resonance is by measuring the antenna
SWR. Use a good-quality coil for the series
inductor. The recommended coil has a
diameter of 2'/a inches, and has 6 turns per
inch (B & W stock no. 3029). 3'/. turns
were.required to establish resonance on 12
meters. The SWR on 12 meters is 1.1:1, and
33-10 Chapter 33
so-n coax
��"\ RADIALS �
Fg 17—The 5/6-a 17-meter / Ys-a 40-meter
vertical. A switch or relay can be used to
remove the {oading coil from the circuit for
40-meter aperation. Move the coil tap for best
SWR on the higher-frequency band. The
radial system should be as extensive as
possible. See The ARRL Antenna Book,
Chapter 3, for more information on ground
systems for vertical antennas.
on 30 meters, l:l . To change bands from
12 to 30 meters, move the coil tap to the
end of the coil closest to the vertical
element. Alternatively, a single-pole switch
or remotely operated relay can be installed
at the base of the vertical for band
The Ground System
The importance of a good ground sys-
tem Jor vertical antennas cannot be over-
emphasized. Maximum RF current
density—and therefore maximum ground
losses—for quarter-wave verticals o��;.� �
the immediate area of the base �� .,Y
antenna. Maximum ground los� f�.' j
5/S-wave vertical occurs about 1;'= a 2,:�
from the base of the antenna. It'� im;t,�
tant to have the lowest possible losses i; ;�
immediate azea for both types of �•zR,�1
In addition to a ground radial s��s•.�
6- x 6-foot aluminum �ound screen iz �;,�
at the base of the antenna. The screen m�
a good tie point for the radials and con�;,,,
ground currents efficiently. Sevenceen u�..
radials, each about 33 feet long, are spa.�
evenly around the antenna. More ra�
would probably work better. Each radib n
bolted to the screen using corrosion-resi�
no. 10-24 hardware. (Do not atiem�+: ;;
connect copper directly to aluminum. T.,;
electrical connection between the t�;
metals will quickly deteriorate.) The ra3:a�,
can be made of bare or insulated wi:�
Make sure the ground screen is bolied s,
the ground side of the antenna with hea�, •
gauge wire. Current flow is fairly hea„� a:
this point.
Adapting t6e Antenna to the 17- and
40-Meter Bands
Table 3 gives specifications for thc
5/8-wave vertica] on 12 and 17 meters. If
your existing 40-meter vertical is a fc.
inches longer than 32 feet, 3 inches, tn
using it anyway—a few inches isn't tc+e
critical to performance on 17 meters.
Table 3
12- and 17-Meter Specifications for tfie
5/8-� Vertical Antenna
Required Matching
Band Height lnductance (µH)
12 meters 23' S" 0.99
17 meters 32' 3" 1.36
ar tit
:as: H
A fl7
as. tr7'
Pt tOd
:rs. -
pn �xtended Double Zepp for 12 Meters
'1'his antenna was �rst described in
��stber 1987 and December 19$8 QST.
�e author is John J. Reh, K7KGP.
Zepp—short for Zeppelin—is a"term ap-
,�ni to just about any resonant antenna
�d.fed by two-wire transmission line. The
,n�nded version of ihis antenna, aithough
� aId-fashioned design, pravides 3-dB
�n over a dipale—quite suitable for
yodern ainateur needs. The eJctend�d dou-
,,� �pp (EDZ} cansists of two coilinear
�,�3.a elements fed in phaso. Fig 18 shows
yrreni disiributian in an EDZ antenna,
�d �ig 19 shows its horizontal directivity
�actern in free space.
�ig 20 shaws thc canfiguration of the
;:•meter version, cut for ?f1.9S0 MHz.
Fach olement is 25 feet, 3 inches lang, and
xrnsists af na. 34 siranded copper wire.
�he antenna elements aze center-fed by a
;�ort matching s�ction made of a 5-foot,
tinch teagth af 450-S1 open-wire Iine. Con-
xcraon to a S2-i2 caaxial feed line is made
� means of a I:1 batun transformer.
Hatching Section
The apen-wire-tine matching sectian is 52
aectrical degrees lang (0.145 h). The
aatching section transforms the EDZ's in-
�t impedance ta about 55 ohms, as meas-
:red with a noise bridge, The
=atching-seeiion dimension given in Fig 2Q
�ssumes a velocity factor of 0.95 for the
:�0-n line.
Trimming the matching sectian to size is
�e pnly adjustment necessary with the
�Z. ivIake the transformer a little long to
:cgin with, and shorten it an inch ar two
u a time to bring the system into
�onance. (Yau can check resonance with
;aaise bridge or by manitoring the SWR.)
�o npt change the length of the
�ements—the EDZ's gain and directivity
=`�end on its eiements being O.b4 a Iong.
•'hasing Two EDZ's for More Gain
md Llirec6vity
Properly p(aced, two EDZ antennas can
;�e improved gain and directivity aver a
�gle EDZ. Fig 21 campares the calCulated
{rizontal direciivity patterns of a single
�Z and an array consisting of twa EDZs
�a�ed at 1/$ � and fed 180 ° out of phase.
'3'-2 compazes the vertical radiatian gat-
`"�s of the singIe and phased EDZs.
'ig 23 shows the dimensians of a practi-
j �u'a-EDZ configuratian. Wiih proger
�:ustment, it exhibits an SWR of 1.3:1
�oss the 24MHz band. In the array at
' {GP, lightweight broom hand2es serve
'`•Preaders between the element ends; the
�•cer spreader is a woodea slat. I used ay-
'� rape to haul #he array up becween twa
�• This antenna system works well; the
''cacts i have made with it have been en-
''�V saiisfactory.
�e matching method shown in Fig 23
is somewhat clumsy because the combined
length of the ghasing lines is greater than
the spacing between the EDZs. The feed
method shown in Fig 24 should be easier
to build because tha cambined tength of the
phasing lines equals the spacing between
the EDZs.
Scaling fur Other Bands
Assume yau want ta build an EDZ for
7.2 MHz. "The 24.95-MHz antenna has ele-
ment lengths of 25 feot, 3 inches and the
matching-transformer line tengih is 5 feet,
5 inches. Use the following formula to scale
ihe antenna dimensions to the desired
Lz - cf1 x L1)
���\.64 T � � 0.6/4�r��
Fig 18—The extended double Zepp antenna
consists of two 0.64-� etements fed in phase.
i.2 = length at the desired frequency
fl = resonant frequency of the ariginal
LI = teagth af interest at the resonant
frequency of the original antenna
f2 = resonant frequency of the new
antenna .
Fig 19—Horizontal directivity pattern tor an
extended double Zapp antenna in free space.
Relative to a half-wave dipate, it exhiblts a
gain oi approximately 3 dB. The antenna
elements lie along the 9p°-270° line.
Fig 2q—The extended double Zepp at K7KGR, cut for 24.95Q MHz. The 450-it matchi�g section
transtorms tha calculaisd input impedance (142-J555 f2) to 55 St {measured) for connection ta
52-f� co�ial cable by means of a i:t balun. ihe etecfricat length af the matching section is 52°; ihe
linear dimension shawn in the drawing assumes 45Q-S1 line with a velocity factor of 0.95.
Anten�a Projects 33-11
Fig 21—Comparison of calculated horizontal directiviry patterns ��
one EDZ (dotted line) and two EOZs spaced a 1/8 � and fed tg, �
of phase (solid Iine). The antenna axes lie along the 0°-180° I,�E zY
the antennas are mounted 35 feet above average earth. The a�a�,. pH�
EDZs exhibit nearly 5 dB gain over a single EDZ. This is 7 tc e aE EAc
gain over a half-wave dipole. Beamwldth of the two-EDZ arra�� �� ��
The antenna axis is the same for the single EDZ and both EDZs ,�
the phased array. The two-EDZ configuration characterized here i: a• '
end-fire array because maximum radiation occurs along its axis.
90 .
Fig 22—Comparison of the calcuiated vertical directivity pattems a
the one ED2 (dotted line) and two EDZs spaced at 1/8 a and fed t80'
out oi phase (solid line). The antenna axis lies along the 0° line.
� 25' 3' � /j� 25' 3' �
EACH 4' 9-7/2' LONG X .
y CLOSED STUB 4.��. -
��2' LONG
,/ '/
i •
Fig 23—One method of phasing two EDZs far greater gain and directivity. The array is
bidirectional, with maximum radiation occurring along the •anay axis. The impedance across
points X and Y is 50 f2, balanced; with a 1:1 balun at XY, the array can be fed by means of
52-ft coaxial cabie. The stub, 1.5° long, cancels a capacitive reactance oi approximately 13.5 Q
at the feed point. This array works well, but its matching system is clumsy because the
combined length of the phasing lines is greater than the spacing of ihe two EDZs. Fig 24 shows
a proposed feed method that takes up less space.
33-12 Chapter 33
iIT1S t
! f.d '
��� �i
s' ,.
s.3: • _
, .{'..
:;: � .
r' �'x ' .
E'� {
N. ^
S3 R' �
' �' ;I
�;tr n i
j'*--- 25 3' �� 25 3�--�+�
I �
._ i �
EACH 2' S-1/2' LONG ° 4' 11'
♦ �i
� ���Z•
�" �ONG
x y
.: � BALUN
52—(l COAX,
�g 24—Alternative method of phasing two EDZs. In this anangement, the length of each
nsing 11ne is hali the EDZ spacing. Calculated Impedance across points a and b is 15—j112 D.
�e matching section-11 ° In length—trans(orms this to a calculated impedance of
cOroximately 55—j32 II(balanced) across points x and y. The stub, 4° long, cancels the
aracRive reactance (32 Q). A 1:1 balun transformer allows the array to be fed by means of
4-0 coaxial cable. See text.
Lengths for LI and L2 must be expressed
in similar units (feet, meters, and so on);
this also applies to units of ineasurement
used for fl and f2 (kHz, MHz, and so on).
Substitudng the values for element length
L2 = 24.95 �x2 25.25 _ 87 feet, 6 inches
and matching-transformer length
L2 = 24.95 x 5.417 _ 18 feet, 9 inches
This scaling technique also works for ele-
ment spacings. Velocity-factor considera-
tions can be ignored because they were
included in the initial design.
Antenna Projects 33-13
Simple� Antennas for HF Por#able Qperation
The typicat portable HF antenna is a
�ndom-length wire flung over a uee and
nd-fed through a Transmatch. QRP
Transmatches can be quite campact, but
each additional pi�ce of equipment
necessary mak�s portable aperatian,_less
attractive. The station can be simpli�ed by
using resanant impedance-matched an-
tennas far the bands of interest. Perhaps
the simplest antenna af this typc is the half-
wave dipale, center-fed with SQ- or 75-ohm
coax. Unfortunately, RG-58, RG-59 or
RG-8 cabie is heavy and bulky for back-
packing, and the miniature cables such as
RG-114 are too loss}•. A pracdcal solution
ta the coalc problem is to nse foIded dipoies
made from lightweight 1'V twin lead. The
characteristic impedance of this type of
dipole is neaz 300 otuns, but it can be trans-
formed ta a 50-ohm saurce ar load by
means of a simple matching stub.
Fig 25 iilusuates the constructian method
and imponant dimensions for the twin-lead
tlipole. A silver-mica capacitor is shown for
the reactive elemcnt, but an open-end stub
af twin lead can serve as well, provided it
is dressed at right angles to the transmission
line for some distance. The stub method
has the advantage of easy adjustment of the
system resonant frequency.
To preserve ihe baiance of the feeder, a
1:1 balun must be used at the end of the
feed line. In mast applications the balance
is not important, and the twin lead can be
cannected directly to a caaxial ontput jack,
one lead to the center contact, and ane lead
to the shell. To preserve its low loss, the
twin lead must be kept drp and frce from
bunching or coiling. Because of its higher
impedance, a folded dipale e�chibits a wider
bandwidth than a single-conductor type.
33•14 Chapter 33
� �a f — �
� s �
3.75 MHz
Lerrgth A
i24, ���„
65' S;lz"
46' 2�/z"
25' 10"
22' �lz"
1$` 9"
16' S"
tertgfh B
1Q4' 11�ls"
55, �lz °
38' 1 U'J2"
27' 9�/a"
21' 83/a"
18` S�/z"
15' 9�Iz"
1$` 83/a°
Length C Cr Stub Lengm
13' 0" 289 pF 37` 4"
6' 1Q" 15i pF 19' 7"
4' 1Q" iQ7 pF 13' 10"
3' 5�1z" 76 pF 9' 10�h"
2' 8Vx" 60 pF 7' 9"
2' 3�lz" 51 pF 6' 7"
i' 11�lz" 43 pF 5, 7,/x„
1` 8�Jz° 38 pF 4, it"
Fig 25--A twin-lead fotded dipole makes an exaeifent portabte antenna that is easily matcheC �
SO-it stations. This is a batanced antenna. See "About Batuns" at th� beginning at this chaatw
for [nfarmation abput feeding balanced antennas. �
The antennas described here are not as
broad as a standard folded dipole because
the impedance transformation mechanism
is frequency selective. However, the band-
width should be adequate. An antenna czs
for i4.175 MHz, for exampie, will praeac
an SWR af less than 2:1 over the encirc
24-rneier band.
aclwd M
.��� =
• :�.
.� �;
i pc�a�c
x mdrtrc
�esigning X-Beams
rne X-beam is a high-perfarmance
,�adband antenna thai is ideat for radio
4,�ators with limiied space, X-beams are
�nsive and easy to build.lfie X-beams
�,,-ribed here werc designed and built by
�� Anderson, W9PNE. 'Fhis� rnaterial
�� �ppeared in the ARRL Antenna
��mpendrum, I�olume 1.
the X-beam is a compact versian of the
.,���ment Yagi; its perfarmance equals ar
K�.�¢ds that of its conventional counter-
�, }{-beams are broadband, exhibit 5 ta
z3gd gain, and 15 ta I8 dB front-to-back
�as. The, formvlas presented here wiil
yable Yo� �� �Gulate X-beam dimensions
,�K any frequency.
The X-beam's name is derived from its
yape, shown in Fig 26. It consists of four
�s, oftecr built from alutninum tubing,
�:3 four wire ioading tails. Because there
s ao boom, zhe ant�nna is usually rnaaz�ted
nahorizontal plane (like a cubica! guad
r;ne on its side), atthough a vertical-plane
��sition can be usecl. X-beams are can-
�;zrably smaller and Gghter than campara-
;ie 2-element Yagis.
� square piece of heavy plywaod, treated
°,r a'eather protection, makes a suitable
:sb for 25- and 20-meter X-beams. The
rms are secured to the hub wiih pipe
:rackets, and a nylon cord is strung tightly
round the beam from tip to tip. This
:rxedure strengthens Lhe assembly actd
�:opons the tails.
an alternadve method of construction is
» use t��o pieces af aluminum angte stack
:rlied together as the X hab. The arms
:a)' then be clamped to the hub with hase
`-amps, using plastic tubing to insulate the
:��en arms. Tabies 4 and 5 show X-beam
.:�znsions for severa! amateur bands.
t�beam Types
: armutas are given for futl-size and
"w'wnum-siz� X-beams. The full-size beam
":�ides a close match to 50-ohm coax, and
'� ereatest possible bandwidth. It is
='ammended for 10, IS and 20 meters.
�', �ninimum-size beam offers similaz per-
��:nance, but the SWR is approximately
':1. 8ecause af the shorter arcns, the ends
��::e taiLs nearly touch. It is generally used
�� -0 and 40 meters.
�fany measurements on a large number
=lperimentai X-beacns were used to
^"•='og che formulas. The arms are ma@e
' :ubing with a length-to-diameter ratio
� Sbouc 200:2. Stranded no. I9 vinyI-
''''�e� �vire is used for the tails. The use
� sr_e�r tubing or larger wire will require
`�t1?' shorter tails than predicted by the
1llias, and vice versa. The arms may be
�z of w�re supparted by nonconductive
��=�als such as wood or bamboo. In this
`r• ihe tails wi21 have to be made can-
�'�ably longer.
ANO U^801.T
80TTOM �1 I
�i SIDE view
Fig 26—Top and side views of the X•beam. The arms are made of aluminum tubing. Nylon card
is strung tightly around the perimeter oi the antenna to strengthen the assembly and support
the wire taits. This is a batanced a�tenna. See "About Batuns" ai the beginning af this chapter
for information about feeding balanced antennas.
For Full-size X-beams; Arrn length {ft)
= 195/f (MHz). Each arm is approximate-
Iy 0.2 �. Total driven eiement Iength (ft} �
6(?31f {MHz}. Each X-beam driven element
is approximately 27% longer than a con-
ventional Yagi driven element. Driven
eiement tail Iength (ft) = 206.5If {MHz}
{cach tail). Total clirector element tength
(ft) = 575/f (MHz) (4.65% shorter than
the driven element). Directar tail Iength (ft)
= 92.51f {MHz} (each tail}.
Da not use azms rnuch longer than those
calculated by the full-size formula. As the
arms get tanger and the taiIs get sharter,
the pattem enanges gradually ta four braad
For Minimum-size X-beams: Arm-length
(ft} = 177I f(MHz). Each azm is about
0.18 �, Tatat driven element Iength (ft} _
6Q31f (MHz} {sa�ne as for full size X-
beams). Driven element tail length (ftj =
12SIf (MHz) (each tail). Total director
eiement iength (ft} � 575If (MHz) (4.65%
shorter than the driven element}, I?irector
tail length (ft) = 110.5/f (MHz) (each tail).
Tuning and Adjustment
The tails should be made a few inches
longer than the calculated lengths (for
tuning purposesj. Far tnning, the beam
shauld be mounted an a pole at least 14 feet
high. To determine resonance, an SWR
bridge is placed in the coaacial feed line.
Using 5 W of power or less, quickly take
several SWR measuremenu, starting at the
low end of the band. Do not cause QRM!
The towest SWR occurs at the resonant
Antenna Projeats 33-15
7ab1e 4 '
Dimensions for Full-Size X-beams
Freq Arm Drfven EJemertt Dfrectar Tait
NHz) Length Tall Ta11 Difference
7.05Q 27' 8" 15' 1�/z" 13' 1�h„ 2,
10.125 19' 8" iQ` fi" 9` t�lz" 1' 4�h"
14.100 13' 70" 7' 6�/�" 6' 6�/x" 1' .
21.100 9' 9" 5' +/z" a' 4�h" 8"
28.200 8' ti" 8' 9�lz" 3' 8jh" fi"
Table 5
Dtmensians for Minimum-Size X-beams
Freq Arm Driven E�ement Qir+ecfar 7ait
(MNz) Lengfh 7ai1 7alt DlfferenGB
7.050 25' 1�h" 17' 9" 15' 9" 2'
1p.125 17' 6" 12' 4" 1Q' 11" t' 5"
i4.100 i2' 8�h" 8' i0" 7' 10" 1'
21.100 8' 4+/z" 5' 11" 5' 3" 8"
26.200 6' 8y/z� 4' S" 3' 11" 6"
HF Mobile Antennas
Th� antenna is perhaps the mast im-
,artant item in the successful aperation of
mobilo installation, Mobile antennas,
,vhether designed for single or muItiband
us�, should be securely mounted to the
automobile, as far fram ihe engine com-
partment as possible (for reducing naise
pickup), and shauld be carefully matched
to the coaxial feed fine connecting them to
th� transmitter and receiver. All antenna
connections should be tight and weather-
proof. Mobile loading cails shoulci be pro-
tected from dirt, rain and snow if they are
to maintain their Q anc3 resonant fre-
quency. Thc greater thc Q of the Ioading
•coil, the better the ef�ciency, but #he
narrawer the bandwidth of th� antenna
Though bumper-mounted mobile an-
tennas are favared by some, it is bettcr to
place the antenna mount on the rear deck
of the vehicle, near the rear window. This
Iacates the antenna high and in the ctear,
assuring lass detuning of the system when
the antenna moves to and from thc car
bady. Never use a basedoaded antenna an
a bumper mount.
The choice of base ar centerloadin$ a
mobile antenna has been a matttr af con-
troversy for many years. In theory, the
cenier-loaded whip presents a siightly
higher base impedance than does the base-
ded antenna. However, with proper
ance-matching teehniques empioyed
t erc is no discernible differencc in per-
formancc between ihe two methods. A
base-Iaading coii requires fewer turns af
wirc than one for center loading, and this
3S-i6 Chapter 33
frequenc5. if the resanant frequenc�• is tc�
low, cut one inch from each of the four t�;;;
{%2 inch on 10 meters}. Again determ��.,,
resonance. Repeat this process until t:�
antenna resonates at the desired frequc�;,
The differcnce in tail length musz be�,
shown in Tables 4 and 5. The resonan; f.t.
quency will increase somewhat w�her. ;-r
antenna is mounted on the tower.
The X-b�am radiation pattern is sligh;i,
asymmetrical because of currents on z�.,
caan shieid. Whiie this anip slightl}• af{e; ,�
antenna performance, purists may �•�sh t;
connect a 1:1 baiun to ihe driven elemer.;
For a bal�n, the coax can be coiled imo a
6-inch-ID coil, taped together and attach�
to the mast under the beam. The coi:
should be 12 turns for 15 and 20 mecers ari�
6 turns for 10 meters.
The perfarmance of the simple k-bcar.;
is amazingly similar to larger, more cor:•
ventional antennas. Put one up an�
challcnge the "big guns."
Yable 6 �
Approximate Values tor 8-foot Moblle Whip
Base toading
Loeding RC(050J RC(Q900) RR Feed R•
t(kHz) G(pti} Qhras Ohms t7hms Ohms
1800 345 77 13 U.1 23
3800 77 37 6.1 q.35 16
T200 20 18 3 1.35 15
�a,2oa a.s �.� �.s s.7 t2
21,250 1.25 3.4 0.5 14.8 16
�,� — — — � u
Cenfer Loading
yeoo 700
3800 150
720o ao
14,2d0 8.6
21.250 2.5
158 , 23
72 - 12
36 • 6
15 2.5
6.6 1.1
0.2 34 3.7
0.8 22 1.4
3A 19 0.7
11.0 18 0.35
27'.q 29 Q.29
RC = Loadir�g�cWE rosist�nce; Rfl � radiation roststance.
`Assumin� Ipadinp cail O.�00, and fncludlnp estlmated praund-loss rpsistanca.
Sugpested cWl dimensiqns tu tha requirpo loadiny inductance ue shown M a followinp tadle.
is an electrical advantage because of
reduced coil losses. A base-loaded antenna
is more stabte during wind toading and
sway. If a homemade antenna system is
eontempiated, eiiher system witl provide
good results, but the base-loaded antenna
may be preferred for its mechanical advan-
tages {see Table 6}.
Londing Coils
Thcre are many commercially built an-
tcnna systems available for mobile apera-
tion, and some manufacturers sell the coils
as separaie units. Air-wonnd caits of large
wire diameter are excallent for use as load-
ing inductors. Large Miniductor coils cu'
be instatled on a saiid phenolic rad and
uscd as loading coils. Miniductors, btca�
of their turns spacing, are easy to adjusx
when resonating the mobiie antenna �
provide excellent Q. Phenolic-impreBn�tc+�
paper ar fabric tubing of large diamc�� a
suitable for making homemade I��a�
coils. It should be coated with liquid fibe�'
glass, inside and out, to make it weache�•
praof. Brass insen plugs can be instatie�
in each end, their centers drilled and �aFP�
for a standard 3t$ x 24 thread to acco�'
modate the mobite antenna sections• A��
the coil winding is pruncd to reson�
�Y is
st �,
i�ble 7) it should be coated with a high-
��y, low-loss compound to hold the
ymssecurely in place and to protect the
�,� from the weather. Liquid polystyrene
4�.rcellent for this. Hobby stores com-
��y stock this material for use as a
�{ecuve film for wall plaques and other
�w•ork. Details for making a home-built
�d�ng coil are given in Fig 27.
f ypedance Matching
� fig 28 illustrates the shunt-fed method
�;iobtaining a match between the antenna
�ri [he coaxial feed line. For operation on
, meters with a center-loaded whip, L2
;,•:ll have approximately 18 turns of no. 14
i,�, spaced one wire thickness between
;�, and wound on a 1-inch-diameter
rnn. Initially, the tap will be approxi-
;�ie(y �ve turns above the ground end of
�. Coil L2 can be inside the car body, at
x base of the antenna, or it can be located
t che base of the whip, outside the car
�dy. The latter method is preferred.
Since L2 helps determine the resonance
z �he overall antenna, L 1 should be tuned
:resonance in the desired part of the band
rsh L2 in the circuit. The adjustable top
avon of the whip can be telescoped until
iaaKimum reading is noted on the field-
,::ngth meter. The tap is then adjusted on
� ior the lowest reflected-power reading
�[he SWR bridge. Repeat these two ad-
<<tments until no further increase in field
.:.ngth can be obtained; this point should
:indde with the lowest SWR. The number
Y:urns needed for L2 will have to be
r.ermined experimentally for 40- and
nmeter operation. There will be propor-
xnately fewer turns required.
with an L Network
any resonant mobile antenna that has a
�•point impedance less than the charac-
=stic impedance of the transmission line
i'• be matched to the line by means of a
�•:le L network, as shown in Fig 29. The
r49ested Loading-Coil Dimensions
�f�d No. �re D/a Length
' `y1 Turns Size In In
� 190 22 3 10
i 135 18 3 10
100 16 2�/z 10
. 75 14 2�h 10
� 29 12 5 4�/s
� 28 16 2�/z 2
� 34 12 2�/z 4�/a
` 17 16 2�h 1 �/a
i. 22 12 2�Ft 23/a
° 16 14 2 2
;' 15 12 2�/z 3
i; 10 14 2 1�/a
12 12 2�/x 4
8 12 2 2
� � 8 6 2•3!8 4�/z
•� s �2 i�. 2
6 6 2-3/8 4�/z
�..� 8RA9S END P�UO
Yi view
�� o � �
� N0.6 3/0":24
SOLOER LU6 (4)6�32
�'�' � � 1/16' OR 1/8" WALL
1/4" ORAIN�
�_ PlUO
`� wiNoiHc
3/B"x 24 BRASS
�'� STUO
Fig 27—Details for making a home-built
mobile loading coil. A breakdown view of the
assembly is given at A. Brass end plugs are
snug-fit into the ends of the phenolic tubing,
and each is held in place by four no. 6-32
brass screws. Center holes In the plugs are
drilled and tapped for 318-24 thread. The
tubing can be any diameter iram 1 to 4
inches. The larger diameters are
recommended. Illustration B shows the
completed coil. Resonance can be obtained
by installing the coil, applying tra�smitter
power, then pruning the turns until the lowest
SWR is obtained. Pruning the coii for
ma�cimum field-strength-meter indication will
also serve as a resonance indication.
network is composed of CM and LM. The
required values of CI„I and Li„I may be
determined from
CM _ RA(Zo — Ra� x 109 pF
2xf (kHz) RAZo
LI„I = RA(�O — R� x 103 µH
2�rf (kHz)
RA = the antenna feed-point
Zo = the characteristic impedance of
the transmission line.
As an example, if the feed-point resist-
ance is 20 ohms and the line is 50-ohm
coaxial cable, then at 4000 kHz,
� :'I
o O �
0 o Q o
O�p �^ •, 30 OR 7511
� "
Fig 28—A mobile antenna using shunt-feed
matching. Overall antenna resonance is
determined by the combination of L1 and L2.
Antenna resonance is set by pruning the turns
of L1, or adjusting the top section of the whip,
while observing the field-strength meter or
SWR indicator. Then, adjust the tap on L2 for
lowest SWR.
20 (SO — 20)
CM (6.28) (�) (20) (5�) X 109
_ � x 104
(6.28) (4) i2) (5)
_ 24.5 x 104 = 975 pF
20 (50 — 20) X 103
LM (6.28) (4000)
_ � 24.5 = 0.97 µH
25.12 25.12
The chart of Fig 30 shows the capacitive
reactance of CM and the inductive
reactance of L,�,� necessary to match
various antenna impedances to 50-ohm
coaxial cable. The chart assumes the anten-
na element has been resonated.
In practice, LM need not he a separate
inductor. Its effect can be duplicated by
adding an equivalent amount of inductance
to the loading coil, regardless of whether
the loading coil is at the base or at the
center of the antenna.
In adjusting this system, at least part of
CM should be variable, the balance being
made up of combinations of fixed mica
Antenna Projects 33-17
� COIL \
LM �
Fig 29—A whip antenna may also be matched
� coax Hne by means of an L network. The
ductive reactance of the L network can be
"combined in the loading coil, as indicated at
the right. ,
capacitors in parallel as needed. A small,
one-turn loop should be connected between
CM and the chassis of the car, and the
loading coil should then be adjusted for
resonance at the desired frequency as indi-
cated by a dip meter coupled to the loop
at the base. Then the'transmission line
should be connected, and a check made
with an SWR indicator connected at the
transmitter end of the line.
With the line disconnected from the
antenna again, CM should be readjusted
and the antenna returned to resonance by
readjustment of the loading coil. The line
should be connected again, and another
check made with the SWR bridge. If the
SWR is less than it was on the first trial,
CM should be readjusted in the same
direction until the point of minimum SWR
is found. Then the coupling between the
line and the transmitter can be adjusted for
It will be noticed from Fig 30 that the
inductive reactance varies only slightly over
'1e range of antenna resistances likely to
�e encountered in mobile work. Therefore,
most of the necessary adjustment is in the
capacitor. The one-turn loop at the base
should be removed at the conclusion of the
adjustment and slight compensation made
33-18 Chapter 33
os ,—•-1--�--T- •�--�--t--j-
�.' --•---•;•---�...--•-- • —
��. _..�------ ---
o�' I •---_ '___� � N0. 10 OR LAROEF
i x� � ..' �__"__'_"_ WIRE
� :.� ' . �
_ __' ! — - �
. _� ,
' �� i � i
,. --
� i
u � ,
�i i � : � � �
,: •�;�
� � , � �
'io :� a o: ot •o • �'e az aa w a a ix n w
Fig 30—Curves showing inductive and
capacitive �eactances required to match a
50-ohm coax line to a variety of antenna
at the loading coil to maintain resonance.
For manufactured loading coils that have
no means for either adjusting or tapping
into the inductance, here is a simple
L-network matching method that requires
no series inductor, and needs only a
measurement of SWR to determine the
value of the shunt matching capacitor CM.
By extending the whip slightly beyond its
natural resonant length, the series induc-
tance required for the L network appears
in the feed-point impedance. At the correct
length, the resulting parallel reactance com-
ponent, XL, causes the parailel resistance
component, RA, to equal the feed line
characteristic impedance, Zp ohms. The
match is accomplished by cancelling the
parallel inductive reactance component,
XL, with shunt capacitor CM, of equal but
opposite reactance.
To perform the matching operation, first
resonate the antenna at the desired fre-
quency by adjusting the whip length for
minimum SWR without the capacitor. The
approximate value of XL with the whip
lengthened to make RA equal to Zo, may
now be found from
XL = Zp x SWR/(SWR – 1)
where SWR is that obtained at resonance.
The reactance, X�, of the shunt matching
capacitor CM is the negative of XL. The
capacitance of CM may be determined for
the desired frequency, f, in MHz from
CM = 1 x 106/2arf?Cc pF.
Form a capacitor, CM, from a combina-
tion of iixed-mica capacitors in parallel, as
needed, and �connect. the combination
across the antenna input terminals as
shown in Fig 30. Finally, increase the whip
length in small inerements until the mini-
mum SWR is reached — it should be very
If a lower SWR is desired, a trimmer
capacitor may be added to CM, and by
a(ternate adjustment of trimmer and whip
length, a perfect 1:1 match can be obtained.
Once CM has been established for a given
band, the antenna can then be matched at
� at the i
' the wh
' � hat is 1:
� `a negligit
"` from e�
' It is im:
10A01NG :;, ,
Fig 31—A capacitive hat can be used te
improve the performance of base- or cente�•
loaded whips. A solid metal disc ca.^. �e user
in place of the skeletal disc shown here.
other frequencies in the band by� simp:�
adjusting the whip length for minimu-
SWR. If an inductive rather than a capa�-
tive shunt element is preferred, replace ;h;
capacitor with an inductor havine the sa�
absolute value of reactance, and shonr
the whip instead of lengthening it from thr
natural resonant length.
Top-Loading Capacitance
Because the coil resistance vaz;:s with the
inductance of the loading coil, the ra
sistance can, be reduced, beneficially, b�
reducing the number of turns on the coil.
This can be done by adding capacitance to
that portion of the mobile antenna that is
above the loading coil (Fig 31). To achie�ti
resonance, the inductance of the coil is
reduced proportionally. Capacitive hau aa
consist of a single stiff wire, two wira or
more, or a disc made up from several wva
like the spokes of a wheel. A solid ma�1
disc can also be used. The lazger the capa�-
tive hat, in terms of surface area, t�
greater the capacitance. The greater tbe
capacitance, the smaller the amounc of
inductance needed in the loadine coil for
a given resonant frequency.
There are two schools of thought cb¢
cerning the attributes of center-loading �
base-loading. It has not been escabGst►ed
that one system is superior to the otha.
especially in the lower part of the HF
spectrum. For this reason both base s�
center-loading schemes are poPu�u'
Capacitive-hat loading is applicable �c
either system. Since more inductan�Y �
required for center-loaded whips to m�
them resonant at a given frequenc>', �Pa?'
tive hats should be particularl�� useful m
improving their efficiency.
The capacitance that is increased by' �
hat is the total antenna-to-ground �
vehicle capacitance, which provides �to
path for the antenna currents to re ob �
the generator or transmitter. To
optimum effectiveness, the hat sho��d �
nes mor�
d directl�
rect plac
ase in ha
to the di
,�nd at the top of the whip, which may
��z s�eciai mechanicaI considerations
rk�p the whip upright with wind loading.
��he hat is large enough to be effeciive,
� a�egfigibte increase in capaciLancc wi2I
,�� from extending the whip above the
�, rt is important to know ihat with
�cer_toaded whips, the hat actualty
�pnes more detritnental than helpful if
�,,,�ci directty above the toading cait. This
a.��ect piacement causes an undesirable
�e in hat-to-coil capacitance, which
�(s ta the distributed capacitance of the
coil, lowering the Q and increasing the coil
resistance — just th� opposite of thc hat's
intended purpose. Although aften seen in
this position, it is usually bccause of the
mistaken notian that increased radiatian
results from the lower resonant SWR
obtained by this incorrect piac�ment. Sach
a ptacement do�s reduce feed-Gne load mis-
match and SWIt at resanance, but for the
wrong reasan. The total antenna-circuit
load resistance is incroased, bringing it
claser to the 50-ohm impedance of the feed
line. However, since this increase in laad
resistance is from th� increased coil
resistance, and not from an increase in
radiation resistance, reducing the SWR in
tlus manner increases the loss instead of the
radiatian, It is a3so far this reason ihat
2oading coils of tho highest Q should be
favored above the coils of lower Q used by
some manufacturers to enable them to ad-
vertise a Iower SWR. The rule to follow
then, is that, since the coil with the highest
Q has the lowcst Iass resistance, the coil
that yields the highest SWR at resonance
{without any matching circuitry) will
produce the greatest radiation.
; • • � • ' - ! . . • . •
� ihis construcdon information is pre-
�attd as an intraduction ta the thrt.e
�.performance VHF/UHF Yagis that
��K. All were designed aztd bniit by Steve
� �wrGshen, K 1 FO.
t For years the design of long Yagi
;�zennas seemed ta be a mystical black art.
j �5eproblem of simuitaneously optimizing
! D or more element spacings and clement
��g�hs presented an almost unsalvable set
� �t sunultaneaus equations. With the un-
`�eceder,ted increase in camputer power
sd widespread avaiiabiiity of antenna
calysis software, we are now able ta
�:ickiy examine many Yagi designs and
�ermine whieh approaehes work and
r,�ch designs to avoid.
at id4 MHz and above, most operators
�sire Yagi ar.+ennas two or more wave-
cgchs in length. This tength (2 �) is where
�ost classical designs start ta fali apart in
ams of gain per boam length, bandwidth
ed pattern quality. Extensive camputer
sd uttenna range analysis has proven that
�e best possible design is a Yagi that has
xth varying element sgacings and varying
xnent lengths.
This logarithmic-design approach
�oneered by Guater Hoch, I3L6WU, anc2
�5orsj stazts with closely spaced directors»
��e director spacings gradually increase
�il a canstant spacing of about 0.4 a is
�:hed. Conversely, the director lengths
a�'c ouc longest with the first director and
�ease in 2ength in a decreasing rate of
�nge until they aze virtually constant in
�h. This mathod af consiruction results
� t K'ide gain bandwidth. A bandwidth of
� of the cenker frequency at the –1 dB
�''��'d-gain poinu is typical for these
�s even when they are Ionger than
�+• The log-taper design also reduces tho
� of change in driven-eIement impedance
.�nluency. This allaws the use of simpl�
'��e driven elements whilc still obtaining
�table driven-elernent 3WR over a wide
�uency range. Another benefit is that the
�nant frequency of the Yagi changes
'':ittie as the boom length is increased.
The driven element unpedance also changes
moderateiy with baom tength. The tapered
approach Creates a Yagi with a very clean
radiation paitern. Typically, �rst side tobe
ievcls of – 27 dB in the E piane, – IS dB
in the H plane, and all other lobes at
–20 dB ci� mare are possibk an designs
from 2� to more than 14 a.
The actual rata of change in element
Iengths is detennizied by the diarneter af the
elements (in wavelengths). The spacings can
be opiimized for an individual boom length
ar chosen as a best compromise for most
boom lengths.
The gain af long Yagis has been the
subject of rnuch debate. Recent measure-
ments and computer analysis by bath
amateurs and prafessianaIs indicates that
o c�
given an optimum design, doubling a Yagi's
boom tength wiII resnIt in a mauimum
theoretical gain increase of about 2.6 dB.
In practice, the reaI gain increase may 6e
even Iess because of escalating resistive
losses and the greater possibility of con-
siruction error. Fig 32 sitaws the maximum
possible gain per boom length expressed in
decibels, referenced to an isotropic radiator.
The actaal number af directors does not
play an important part in determining the
gain v boom length as long as a reasonabie
nnmber of directors are used. The use of
more directors per boom length will
normally give a wider gain bandwidth,
however, a point exists where too many
directors will adversely affect all perfor-
mance aspects.
: �-���,,,,��■��
. �-■■.,,,,.�■-■
. �������i%%����
- _-■■.,�,'..■-■
� �■■.,,,,.■■-■
, ���,,,'���-�
Fig 32—This chart shows mauimum gain per boom length for optimally designed long Yagi
Antenna Projects 33-19
Whi2e shar: antennas {< 1.5 7�} may shour
increased gain with the use of quad or loop
elements, lon8 Yagis {>21.) will not exhibit
measurably greater farward gain or pattern
integrity with loop-type elements. Simi-
lazly, laaps used as driven elements and
reflectors will not significantly change the
properties of a long log-taper Yagi.
Multiple-dipole driven-element assemblies
will also not result in any significant gain
increase per given boom length when
campared to singte-dipale feeds. Mu�tipie-
dipole feeds (such as log-periodic feeds),
hawever, can be used to increase the SWR
bandwidth af a Yagi.
Once a lang-Yagi director string is
praperly tuned, the reflectar becames non
critical. Reflector spacings between 0.15 �
and 0.2 � aze preferred. The spacing can
be chasen for best pattern and driven-
clement impedance. Multiple-reflector ar-
rangemenu will not significantly increase
the forward gain of a Yagi which has its
directors properly aptimized for forward
gain. Many multiple-reflector s�hemes such
as tn-reflectors and corner reftectors have
the disadvaritage of lowering the driven-
etement impedance compared to a singie
optimum-length reflector. The plane or
grid reflector, shown in Fig 33, may reduce
the intensity of unwanted rear labes. This
can be used to reduce noise pickup an EME
or satellite arrays. T'his type af reflector will
usvai2y incrcase the driven-element impe-
�dance campaxed to a single reflector. This
sometimes makes driven-elennent matching
easier. K�ep in mind that even for BME,
a plane reflectar will add considerable wind
a.as x
Q093 �
.. `�—
}�–� Qfi5 7� �
o a
--.�o.�e �
Fig 33--Frant and side views o# a plane-
reflector antenna.
33-20 Chapter 33
t� F'
}' J
� �
`° W
LL �
u �„
70 . —"7— ,
% �
� �r
i �
� i8� � i
�-€ � �
� � �
o.a� o.oz o.o� o.oa o.os o.o�
Fig 34—Yagi element correction v boom diameter. Curve A is tar siements mounted through a
round or square conductive boom, with the etements in mechanicai confact with the boom.
Curve B is tor insulated elements mounted through a conductive boom, and for elements
mounted on top of a conductive boom (elements make electrical contact with the boam). The
patterns were carrectec3 to computer simatations ta determine Yagi tuning. The amaunt of
element correction is not affected by element diameter. �
load and weight for only a few tenths of
a decibel af receive signai-to-naise
Yagl Construction
Normally, aluminum tubing or rod is
used for Yagi elements. Hard-drawn
enamel-covered capper wire can atso be
used on Yagis abave 420 MHz» Resistive
lasses are proportional to the squaze of the
element diameter and the squaze root af its
conductivity. Element diameters of less
than 31 i6 inch or 4 mm shonid nat be nsed
on any band. The size shouId be chosen for
reasonable strength. Half-inch diameter is
suitable far 54 MHz, 3I16 to 318 inch for
144 MHz and 3/16 inch is recommendedf
for the higher bands. Steel, including stain-
Iess steel and ungrotected brass or copper
wire, should not be used for eloments,
Boam material may be aluminum tub-
ing, either square ar round. High-strength
aluminum alloys such as 6U61-T6 or
6063-TG51 offer the best strength-to-weight
advantages. Fiberglass poIes hava been
used (whcre available as surplus). Wood is
a'popular law-cast boam material. The
woad shauld be well seasoned and free
frorn knois. Clear pine, spruce and Doug-
Ias fir are aften usod. The woad shauld be
well treated to avoid water absorption and
Elements may be maunted insuiated or
uninsulated, above or through the boam.
Mounting uninsulated elements through a
metal boom is the least desirable method
unless the elements are welded in place. The
Yagi elements will oscillate, even in
maderate winds. Over several years this
element oscillation will work open th:
boom hales. This will allow the elernenu
to rnove in the boom. This will create noise
(in your xeceivcr) when the wind blows, a�
thc eIemcnt cantact changes. Eventaaily ch:
element-to-boom junction wilt corrode
(aluminum oxide is a good insulator). This
lass of electrical contact between the boom
and element will reduce the baom's effn.
and lower the resonant frequency of th:
Noninsulated elements mounted abo�Y
the boom wiil perform fine as long as s
goad mechanical connection is made. Ia-
sulating blocks mounted above the bnom
wili alsa wark, but they require addiciona�
fabricatian. One of the most popular con-
struction methods is to mount the elemtnr�
through th� boom using insulating shaulde
washers. This method is lightweight an�
durable. Its main disadvantage is difficu�
disassembly, making this method of iim�t�
usc for portable anays.
If a conductive boom is used, elem�l
Iengths must be carrectcd for the moun�
tnethod used. The amaunt of correction �
dep�ndent upan the boom diameter u
wavetengths. See Fig 34. Elements monnte�
through the boorn and nat insulated reclwK
the greatest carrection. Maunting on i°F
of the boom or through the boom on ��'
sulated shoulder washers requires al?o�
half af the through-the-boam correc�i�R'
Insulatcd elements mounted at leasc a�
element diameier abave the boom r��'
no correetion over the free-space 1en?��'
The three following antennas ha�� �
aptimized for typical boom Iengths an �
p �ligfi-Performance 432-MHz Yagi
�'►�ls 22-element, 6.1-�, 432-MHz Yagi
� originally designed for use in a 12-Yagi
n�g array built by K 1 F0. A lengthy
;,�ivation and deve(opment process
�;,eded its construction. Many designs
,�e considered and then analyzed on the
�,ipputer. Next, test models were con-
�ucced and evaluated on a home-made
�,cenna range. The resulting design is
�;� on W1EJ's computer-optimized
?he attention paid to the design process
� yeen worth the effort. The 22-element
;� not only has exceptional forwazd gain
1-,g dBi), but has an unusually "clean"
�diation pattern. The measured E-plane
a[tern is shown in Fig 35. Note that a
�B-per-division axis is used to show pat-
�n detail. A complete description of the
esign process and construction methods
tpears in December 1987 and January
�88 QST.
Like other log-taper Yagi designs, this
ne can easily be adapted to other hoom
agths. Versions of this Yagi have been
uilt by several amateurs. Boom lengths
mged between 5.3 �(20 elements) and
:.2 ?� (37 elements).
The size of the original Yagi (169 inches
�ng, 6.1 �) was chosen so the antenna
�uld be built from small-diameter boom
aterial (7/8 inch and 1 inch round
�1-T6 aluminum) and still survive high
inds and ice loading. The 22-element Yagi
eighs about 3.5 pounds and has a wind
ad of approximately 0.8 square foot. This
lows a high-gain EME array to be built
ich manageable wind load and weight.
his` same low wind load and weight lets
e cropo operator add a high-performance
�'_-�IHz array to an existing tower without
crificing antennas on other bands.
Table 8 lists the gain and stacking specifi-
�ions for the various length Yagis. The
�sic Yagi dimensions aze shown in Table 9.
iese are free-spaee element lengths for
16-inch-diameter elements. Boom correc-
ms for the element mounting method
ust be added in. The element-length
rrection column gives the length that
ust be added to keep the Yagi's center
:�uency optimized for use at 432 MHz.
�is correction is required to use the same
acing pattern over a wide range of boom
�¢ths. Although any length Yagi will
��rk well, this design is at its best when
'ade with 18 elements or more (4.6 �).
��zment material of less than 3/16-inch
=�ameter is not recommended because
':sistive losses will reduce the gain by about
1 dB, and wet-weather performance will
�� '•�'orse.
Fig 35-Measured E-plane pattern tor the
22-element Yagi. Note: This antenna pattern
is drawn on a linear dB grid, rather than on
the standard ARRL log-periodic grid.
Table 8
Specifications for 432-MHz Yagi Family
No. Boom Gain ratio Impd
of EI length (�) (dBi) • (d8) (ohms)
15 3.4 15.67 21 23
16 3.8 16.05 19 23
17 4.2 16.45 20 27
18 4.6 16.8 25 32
19 4.9 17.1 25 30
20 5.3 17.4 21 24
21 5.7 17.65 20 22
22 6.1 17.9 22 25
23 6.5 18.15 27 30
24 6.9 18.35 29 29
25 7.3 18.55 23 25
26 7.7 18.8 22 22
27 8.1 19.0 22 21
28 8.5 19.20 25 25
29 8.9 19.4 25 25
30 9.3 19.55 26 27
31 9.7 19.7 24 25
32 10.2 19.8 23 22
33 10.6 19.9 23 23
34 11.0 20.05 25 22
35 11.4 20.2 27 25
36 11.8 20.3 27 26
37 122 20.4 26 26
38 12.7 20.5 25 25
39 13.1 20.6 25 23
40 13.5 20.8 26 21
Quarter-inch-diameter elements could be
used if all elements aze shortened by 3 mm.
The element lengths are intended for use
with a sGght chamfer (0.5 mm) cut into the
element ends. The gain peak of the array
is centered at 437 MHz. This allows accept-
able wet-weather performance, while
reducing the gain at 432 MHz by only
0.05 dB. .
The gain bandwidth of the 22-element
Yagi is 31 MHz (at the -1 dB points). The
SWR of the Yagi is less than 1.4:1 between
420 and 440 MHz. Fig 36 is a network
analyzer plot of the driven-element SWR v
frequency. These numbers indicate just
how wide the frequency response of a log-
taper Yagi can be, even with a simple dipole
driven element. In fact, at one antenna gain
contest, some ATV operators conducted
gain v frequency measurements from 420
to 440 MHz. The 22-element Yagi heat all
entrants including those with so-called
broadband feeds.
To peak the Yagi for use on 435 MHz
(for satellite use), you may want to shorten
all the elements by 2 mm. To peak it for
use on 438 MHz (for ATV applications),
30 / 32
26 / 28
25.5 / 27
25 / 26.5
23.5 / 25
23 / 24
22.5 / 23.5
22 / 23
21.5 / 22.5
21 / 22
20.5 / 21.5
19.6 ! 20.5
19.3 / 20
19 / 19.5
18.8 / 19.2
18.5 / 19.0
18.3 / 18.8
18.1 / 18.6
18.9 / 18.4
18.7/ 18.2
17.5 / 18
58 ! 55
61 / 57
62 / 59
63 / 60
65 / 62
67 / 64
71 / 68
77 / 75
79 / 77
80 / 78
81 / 79
82 / 80
84 / 82
85 / 83
87 / 85
90 / 88
'Gain is approximate real gain based upon gain measurements made on six different-length Yagis.
Antenna Projects 33-21
Table 9 •
Free-Space Dimensions for 432-MHz Yagi
Element lengths are for 3/16-inch-diameter
E/ Element Element Element
No. PosFtion Length Correction'
(mm from (mm)
rear of boam)
REF 0 340
DE 104 334
D7 146 315
D2 224 306
D3 332 299
D4 466 295
D5 622 291
Ofi 798 289
D7 990 287
08 1136 285
D9 1414 283
D10 1642 281 -2
D11 1879 279 -2
D12 2122 278 -2
D13 2373 277 - 2
014 2629 276 - 2
D15 2890 275 -1
D16 3154 274 -1
D17 3422 273 -1
D18 3693 272 0
D18 3967 271 0
D20 4242 270 0
D21 4520 269 0
D22 4798 269 0
D23 5079 268 0
D24 5360 268 +1
D25 5642 267 +1
D26 5925 267 +1
D27 6209 266 +1
D28 6494 266 +1
D29 6779 265 + 2
030 7064 265 +2
31 7350 264 + 2
�32 7636 264 + 2
D33 7922 263 + 2
D34 8209 263 +2
D35 8496 262 +2
036 8783 262 + 2
D37 9070 261 +3
D38 9359 261 + 3
'Element correction is the amount to shoRen or
��en all elements when building a Yagi of that
� shorten all elements by 4 mm. If you want
to use the Yagi on FM between 440 MHz
and 450 MHz, shorten all the elements by
10 mm. This will provide 17.6 dBi gain at
440 MHZ, and 18.0 dBi gain at 450 MHz.
Thc driven element may have to be ad-
justed if the element lengths aze shortened.
Although this Yagi design is relatively
broadband, it is suggested that close atten-
tion be paid to copying the design exactly
as built. Metric dimensions are used be-
cause they are convenient for a Yagi sized
for 432 MHz. Element holes should be
drilled within ±2 mm. Element lengths
should be kept within t 0.5 mm. Elements
33-22 Chapter 33
430 432 434 436
Fig 36—SWR pertormance of the 22-element Yagi in dry weather.
Fig 37—Element-mounting detail. Elements
are mounted through the boom using plastic
insulatars. Push-nut retaining rings hold the
element in place.
can be accurately constructed if they are
first rough cut with a hack saw and then
held in a vise and filed to the exact length.
The larger the azray, the more attention
you should pay to making all Yagis identi-
cal. Elements are mounted on shoulder
insulators and run through the baom (see
Fig 37). The element retainers are push
nuts, preferably made from stainless steel.
These are made by several companies, in-
cluding Industrial Retaining Ring Co in
Irvington, New Jersey, and AuVeco in Ft
Mitchell, Kentucky. Local industrial hard-
ware distributors can usually order them
for you. The element insu(ators are not
i.e •�
.5.t 3
.4:1 y
.o i
. ��
�, '^� ._._ 4_
i ,�
n >3
- . . -.____. _ .
e ." +��
_ " � �,M. ' � �'
..r...rl:..+.:':'L`._} s�'.'.+i.�i�la'c «_1. •.'S11+�..�1 �
.. �B�
Fig 38—Several views of the driven element
and T match.
critical. Teflon� or black polyethylene u'�
probably the best materiaLs. The YaBi in �
photographs is made with black Delr)�
insulators, available from Rutland Ar�`s
in New Cumberland, Pennsylvania.
The driven element uses a UG-58A'�
connector mounted on a small bracket•'17+�
UG-58A/U should be the type with �
:� ,
`i ��rt'�
�' + =
344 mm
�/f6"p1AM 606t-T6 0,�30"4LUM
-62 mm —+j 3!Q" WtDE 62 mm
( �—
�— � t3mm
-� / 7 W�RE:122mm ��
tENG7H 6F ��,�
INCHfS = mm z d.0394
Of T WIRE 122mm LONG;
S mm —� �+-- 233 mm --� �— 5 mm
CENiERt,tN£ 4F
aaaM n „H„
�g 39—Detaiis of the driven element and T match for ihe 22-element Yagi. Lengths are given
n millimeters to allaw precise duplication of the antenna. See teM.
7/E' 40 X OA49" WAL�
6061-T6 TUBIN4
1330mm160-t/4`) IONG
Table 10
Dimenstons far #he 22-Element
432•MHz Yagi
Element Elemen# Element Boom
Number Positfon Length Diam
(mm from (mm) (in)
rear af
REF 30 346
DE 134 340 �
D1 176 321
D2 254 311 T�8
D3 3&2 305
D4 496 301
D5 652 297
�s szs 2ss
D7 ip20 293
D8 1?26 291
D9 �a44 289
010 i6�2 288
D11 1909 286
D12 2152 285 � .
D13 2403 284
D14 2659 283
D15 2920 281
D16 3184 280
D17 3452 279
Q18 3723 278 7re
D19 3997 277
D20 4272 276 ,
4' OD X 4ASS" WAi.i, �UNTS. USE t2# OF Tlt4� QD X 0.449 fi06t
TJa' pp X 0.0+19" WAtL
( 2 PLACES) BE7WEEN 010 AND 011 CIAMP (2 PLACES) ��sO mm i62-5/18') LONd
I - o.r !
` i i4t2 mm a�r 1413 mm •�. i�75 mm
� (SS-4A6'} (SS-tt/16'1 iSE-1/16�)
; � 4302 mm
{}�g-i/ifi" )
�� 40—Boom-construction information for the 22-element Yagi. Lengths are given in miliimeters to allow prepise duplication of the antenna. See
Antenna Projects 33-23
Table 11
Dimensions for the 33-Element
432-MHz Yagi
(mm fiom
rear af
4272 ;
4554 �
EFemerrt Baom
Length Olam
(mm) (In)
press-ia center pin. UG-58s with center pins
held in by "C" clips wil! usually leak water.
Some cannectors use steel retaining clips,
which will rust and teave a conductive suipe
acrass the insulatar. The T-match wires are
supported by the UT-141 balun. RG-303N
or RG-142/LJ Teflon° -insulated cable
could be ased if UT-141 eannat be ob-
tained. Figs 38A and 38B shaw details of
the driven-element construction. Drivtn-
eiement dimensions are given in Fig 39.
Dimensians for the 22-element Yagi are
listed in Table iQ. Fig 40 details ihe Yagi's
boom layout. Elernent mazeriaJ can be
oither 3/Ib-inch 6Q61-T6 aluminum rod ar
hard aluminum welding rod.
A 24-foot-long, 10.6-�, 33-elernent Yagi
was alsa built. The construction methods
used were the same as the 22-element Yagi.
Telescoping round boom sections of l,
''/8, and 1-1/4 inches in diameter were
3. A boom support is required to keep
33-24 Chaptes 33
� � ; � �
�+.--I4b9mm ' i434mm--�++-1575mm--r�.--Sa70mtn � -1462mm—•�
i I � �--- 2932 mm ---...�
j � j►--450� mm ---+
r-- 594f mm
�410 mm
Fig 41—Boom-construction information for the 33-element Yagi. I.engths are given in miAime�e-:
to atlow precise dupticatian of the antenna.
_ 342 mm
76 mm --�+� � 9 mm
� --,/"l-�
14 mm?
40mm -+�
47 mm
9mm� ��6mm
� l�'-� T WIRE: t36 mm LENGTH OF '
N(1.i2 W�R£.STRAt$ttT PORTiBN
N0.12 WiR£ �22mm LONG.AOOtT14Nel LENGTH
f22 mm LdNG apPRBX 14mm. CONNECTS 70
40 mm -..
Fig 42—Detaits of the driven etement and T match for the 33�element Yagi. Lengths are given
in mi3limeters to allaw precise dupiication of the antenna.
boam sag acceptable. At 432 MHz, if boom
sag is much more than two or three inches,
H•plane pattern distortion will occur.
Greater amounts of boam sag will reduce
the gain of a Yagi. Tab1e i i lists the proper
dimensions.�for the antenna when built with
the previausly given boom diameters. The
boom layout is shown in Fig 41, and the
driven element is desctibed in Fig 42. The
33-element Yagi exhibits the same ciean
pattern traits as the 22-elernent Yagi (see
Pig 43}. Measured gain af the 33-element
Yagi is 19.9 dBi at 432 MHz. A mcasured
gain sweep of the 33-element Yagi gave a
— l dB gain bandwidth of 14 MHz with
the — 2 dB points at 424.5 MHz and
438.5 MHz.
Fig 43—E-plane pattern far the 33-element
Yagi. This pattern is drawn on a tinear dB
grid scale, rather than the standard ARRL log-
periodic grid.
�is 144-MHz Yagi design utilizes the
��st log-kapered element spacings and
xpgchs. It offers near-theoretical gain per
�m length, an extremely clean pattern
� wide bandwidth.
€�e design is based upon the spacings
j�( in a 4.5-� 432-MHz computer-
i�eloped design by WIEJ, It is quite
r�ar to the 432-MHz Yagi described eise-
! rhere in this chapter. Refer to that project
;�� additiona2 construction diagrams aztd
1Qathematical models do not always
�rtcdy translate into real working exarn-
��,c. Althaugh the c,Qmputer design pra-
�ided a good starting point, the author,
x�ve Powiishen, KiFd, buiTt several test
aodels befare the final working Yagi was
�rtained. This hands-on tuning included
fianging the element-taper rate in order to
�bcain the t7exibility that allows the Yagi
:o be built with different hoom Iengths.
The design is suitable far use from 1.8 �
{l0elements) to 5.1 � (19 elements). Wl�en
dements are added to a Yagi, the c�nter
irequency, feed impedance and front-to-
5ack ratio wil! range up and down. A
aodern tapered design wi22 minimize tiais
:ffect and allow the builder to select any
iesircd boom length. This Yagi's design
apabilities per boam Iengih aze Iisted in
Tab[e 12.
The gain of any Yagi buiit around this
?aign wiil be within 0.1 to 0.2 dB of the
aaximum theoretical gain at the design
`requency of 144.2 MHz. The design is
�tentionally peaked high in frequency
!xlculated gain peak is about 144.7 MHz).
tt has been faund that by daing this, the
�WR bandwidth and pattern at 144.0 to
��.3 MHz wiii be beEter, the Yagi will
Table 13
F�ee-Space Dimensions for the 144-MHz
Yagi Famity
�ement diameter is '/a inch.
Element E/ement
Posrfiorr {mm Length
/ram rear o/ boom) (mm)
'EF 0 1038
�,,. ` _f 312 955
� aa� s5s
� � 'Z 699 932
'3 1054 916
�r � _� 14$2 906
� _� 1986 897
� z ., 2553 891
:� � 3168 8S7
�, _9 3831 883
4527 879
' = 0 5259 875
`_ � 6015 87d
• '�Z 6786 $65
''3 7566 $84
='d assz ss7
: -'S 9144 $53
' � 6 9942 849
='� �a7aa sas
- �...__
�:� �
144-MHz Yagi
Table 12
Specifica#ians iar the 144-MHz Yagi Family
Beamwldttt Stacklrrg
hto. of Boom Gairr DE tmpd FS Rafra E/ H E/ H
EI Length (a) (dBd) (ohms) (dB) (°) (feet)
iQ 1.8 1i.4 27 t? 39 / 42 102 ! 9.5
1 f � 22 12A 38 19 36 ! 40 11 A 1 10.0
12 2.5 12.5 28 23 34 / 37 11.7 / 10.8
13 2.9 13.0 23 20 32 / 35 12.5 / 11.4
td 32 13.d 27 t8 31133 12.8112.0
15 3.6 13.8 35 2d 3fl J 32 13.2/ 12.4
16 4.0 14.2 32 24 29 / 30 13.7 I 13.2
47 4.4 14.5 25 23 26 ! 29 t4.1 ! 13.6
18 4.8 14.8 25 21 2? t 28.5 i4.8/ t3.9
19 5.2 15.0 30 22 26 / 27.5 15.2 / 14.4
be less affected by weather and its per-
formancc . in arrays wili be more pre-
dictable. This design starts to drop aff in
performance if built with fewer thari 10 ele-
ments. At less than 2�, mara traditional
designs perform well.
Tabie 13 gives free-space element lengths
for'/a-inch-diameter etements. The use af
metric notation aliows for much easier
dimensional changes during the design
stage. Once you become familiar witt� the
metric system, you'll probably find that
construction is easier wiihout the burden
of cumbersome English fractianal units.
For 3/16-inch-diazneter elements, len$then
aii parasitic eiements by 3 mm. If 318-inch-
diameter elements arc used, shorten ali of ��
the directors and the reftector by 6 mm.
The driven element will have to be adjusted
far the individual Yagi if the 12-element
design is not adhered to.
For the 12-element Yagi, �/e-inch-
diameter eiements were setecied because
smalIer-diameter elements become rather
flimsy at 2 meters. Other-diameter elements
can be used as described previonsiy. The
2.5-J� boom was chosen because it has an
excellent size and wind load v gain and gat-
tern trade-off. Th� size is aiso convenient;
three 6-foot-lang pieces af aluminum
tubing can be used wiihout any waste. The
relatively iarge-diameter baorn sizes (2-114
Reer Boom 5eatian Center 8oam Sectton �ront Baam Sectian
S-t/4' OQ x 8.049' walt t-3%8' W x d.458" walt t-i f4" OD x d,d49' wati
6061-T6 round tubing 6Q81-T6 round tubing 6061-76 round tubing
1829 mm (72') long 1829 mm (72") long 1829 mm {72') long
No. 8-32 Screw
(2 plaoaa) S�ot and use
� ` hose clamp (2 placea)
�++F- l 1 � I I I I�� ( ! (
Zp � Mast �
mm pamp
1735 mm _ y,E S 829 mm �;t...� 1735 mm
(68.3') ' (72') � (88.3')
Fig 44-Boom (ayaut far the i2-etement t44-MHz Yagi. �engths are given in mi3timeters ta alEow
precise duplication.
Anter�na Projects 33-25
, � .
955 mm
f N0.8 SCREW �- DRIVEN ELEMENT QS° DIAM (12.Smm) a OA35° �
83 mm�1 9,5 mm �
� t
0.032" 'T' 7u8ES
~ o o � �
3/B�i 0.035��
12.5 mm �- TO T BARS �50 mm � 361 mm WALL
�A� 386 mm
INCHES = mm x 0.0394
42 min
�'22 mm
��N0.19HOLE (2 PLACES)
64 mm
33-26 Chapter 33
✓64 m�
44 ml m `
22 mm
Fig 45—Drlven-element detail for the
12-eiement 144-MHz Yagi. Lengths are given
in millimeters to allow precise duplication.
O o 22 mm
N0. 21 + 44mm
HOLE o 0
(2 PLACESI O -� � �,
�5pmm `' 7mm
�B� 64 m�
SMIELO 664mm
750 mm
�/8•inches) were chosen, as they
an extremely rugged Yagi that does
uire a boom support. The 12-e1e-
'-foot-long design has a calculated
irvival of close to 120 mi/h! The
of a boom support also makes
polarization possible.
er versions could be made by tele-
smaller-size boom sections into the
tion. Some sort of boom support
equired on versions longer than 22
e elements are mounted on shoulder
rs and mounted through the boom.
;r, elements may be mounted, in-
or uninsulated, above or through
m, as long as appropriate element-
onections are made. Proper tuning
erified by checking the depth of the
tween the main lobe and first side
he nulls should be S to 10 dB below
t side-lobe level at the primary
ig frequency. The boom layout for
;lement model is shown in Fig 44.
ual corrected element dimensions
l2-element 2.5-� Yagi are shown in
iesign may also be cut for use at
iz. There is no need to change
spacings. The element lengths
be shortened by 17 mm for best
m between 146 and 148 MHz.
the driven element will have to be
i as required.
driven-element size (%z-inch di-
was chosen to allow easy impedance
ig. Any reasonably sized driven
could be used, as long as appro-
:ngth and T-match adjustments are
)ifferent driven-element dimensions
ired if you change the baom length.
,Iculated natural driven-element
nce is given as a guideline. A
d T-match was chosen because it's
adjust for best SWR and provides
ced radiation pattern. A 4:1 half-
oaxial balun is used, although
nce-transforming quarter-wave
Table 14
Dimensions tor the 12-Element 2.5-� Yagi
Element Element Element Boom
Number Pos1Uon Length Dlam
(mm /rom (mm) (ln)
rear ol
REF 0 1044
DE 312 955
D7 447 962 1-1/4
D2 699 938
D3 1050 922
D4 1482 912
D5 1986 904
D6 2553 898 1-3/8
D7 3168 894
D8 3831 889
D9 4527 885 1-1/4
D10 5259 882
sleeve baluns could also be used. The
calculated naturalimpedance will be useful
in determining what impedance trans-
formation will be required at the 200-ohm
balanced feed point. The ARRL Antenna
Book contains information on calculating
folded-dipole and T-match driven-element
parameters. A balanced feed is important
for best operation. Gamma matches will
severely distort the pattern balance. Other
useful driven-element arrangements aze the
Delta match and the folded dipole, if
you're willing to sacrifice some flexibility.
Fig 45 details the driven-element dimensions.
A noninsulated driven element was
chosen for mounting convenience. An in-
sulated driven element may also be used.
A grounded driven element may be less
affected by static build-up. On the other
hand, an insulated driven element allows
the operator to easily check his feed lines
for water or other contaminadon by the use
of an ohmmeter from the shack.
Fig 46 shows computer-predicted E- and
H-plane radiation patterns for the 12-e1e-
ment Yagi. The patterns are plotted on a
1-dB-per-division lineaz scale instead of the
zo_.--- zo
30 � "o -; >> 10
,ot'i.� / � i""�i_ �,.i4°
eoi�� -'� k" , .:.--j-.:� � :` � x
< ••C. '<
ao� •� •,4 `'` „�.` co
70' iC : ' � i 1 .��'�v ��•. •r . _ � �o
�ro �
,zo� � �!� �.
i i� .
,�o� � -
/� .
t{0 • 7n
,�,,1 --- ��
,so ro ,eo +� �
14i MHs F012 1A4
GAIN ae� +�.cs pe z2.n
Fig 46—H- and E-plane pattern for the
12-etement 144-MHz Yagi.
usual ARRL polar-plot graph. This ex-
panded scale plot is used to show greater
pattern detail. The pattern for the 12-e1e-
ment Yagi is so clean that a plot done in
the standard ARRL format would be
almost featureless, eaccept for the main lobe
and first sidelobes.
The excellent performance of the
12-element Yagi is demonstrated by the
reception of Moon echoes from several of
the lazger 144-MHz EME stations with only
one 12-element Yagi. Four of the
12-element Yagis will make an excellent
starter EME array, capable of working
many EME QSOs while being relatively �
small in size. The advanced antenna builder
can use the information in Table 11 to
design a"dream" array of virtually any
Antenna Projects 33-27
• " r
A .H�igh-Performance 222-MHz Yagi
Madern tapered Yagi designs are easily
pplied ta 222 MHz. This design uses a
;pacing progression that is in between ihe
12-element 144-MHz design, and the 22-
element 432-MHz design presonted else-
where in this chapter. The resuli is a design
with maximum gain par boam length, a
clean, symmetrical radiation pattern, and
wide bandwidth. Althaugh it was designed
for weak-signal work (tropospheric scatter
and EME), the design is suited to all modes
af 222-MHz operatian, such as packet
radio, FM repeater operation and cantrol
The spacings were chosen as the best
compromise for a 3.9-� 16-elernent Yagi.
The 3.9-a design was chosen, like the
12-elcment 144-MHz design, because it fits
perfectly on a boom rnade from three
6-foot-lang aluminum tubing sectians. The
design is quite eactensibl�, and models from
12 elements {2.41�) to 22 elemenu (6.2 �)
can be buiIt from the dimensions given in
Table 15. Note that free-space lengths are
given. They musi be canected for the
element tnovnting method. Specifications
far various boom lengths are shown in
Table 1G.
Large-diameter {1-I/4- and 2-318-inch-
'iameter) hoom construction is used,
l minating the need for boom supporzs.
. he Yagi can also be nsed verticalty
polarized. Three-sixteenths-inch-diameter
aluminurn elements are used. Th� exact
ailay is not critical; 60b1-T6 was used, but
hard aluminum welding rod is also suitable.
Quarter-inch-diameter elements coutd alsu
be used if ail elements are shortened by
3 mm. Three-eighths-inch-diameter ele-
menis would reguire 10 znm shorter tengths,
Elements smaller than 3/16-inch-diarneter
are not recommended, The elements are
insulated and Rrun through the baom.
.Plasdc shoulder washers and stainless steel
retainers are used to hoid the elements in
33-28 Chapter 33
Table 15
Free-Space Dimensions far the
222-MHz Yagi Family
Element diameter is 3li6-inch.
f?i 1
(mm fram rear
of baom)
Tabte f 6
place. The various pieces needcC tc ;,;;;�
the Yagi may b� abtained from Ru,;�
Arrays,17Q3 Warren St, Ne�� Cum�
PA 17010. Fig 47 details the boarr. u,�
for the 16-element Yagi. Table 1`,g:, ��
dimensions for ihe 16-elem:n: �'�� �
built, The driven element is fe� v,;;r �,
match and a 4:1 balun. See FiE �f ��
caastruction details. See the 43'_-�iH< ! it
project elsewhere.in this chapcer fo• 2-,�;
tional phoLographs and cons;ru; :�
The Yagi has a relatively broad ga�� �
SWR curve, as is typical af a;�;,;.�
design, making it usable over a µ id; :.�
quency range. The example dimension� rY
intended foz use ai 222.d ta :�4.� .1��
The 16-eIement Yagi is quite usable �o mc,n
than 223 MHz. The best compromise ��r
cavering the entire band is ta shaner. sI
parasitic elemencs by 4 mm. The dri��er. eir
ment will have to be adjusted in length fa
b�st match. The positian of the T-nx-r
shorking straps may also have to be mo. �,
The alurninum boom grovides superia
strength, is lightweight, and has a Ir.
wind•load cross section. Aluminum u
doubiy attractive, as it will long ontlax
Speciiications for the 222-MHz Yagi Famity
FB QE Beamwidth Stacking
Na. of Boom Galn Ratio impd E 1 N E 1 N
EI Length (�) (dBd) (d8) (ohms) (°) � (leet)
12 2.4 12.3 22 23 37 ! 39 7.1 / 6.7 '
13 2.8 12.8 19 28 38 ! 38 7.$17.2
14 3.1 13.2 20 34 32 / 34 8.1 / 7.6
15 3.5 13.6 24 30 30/33 8.6/7.8
i 6 3.9 14.0 23 23 29 t 31 8.918.3
17 4.3 i4.35 20 24 28 / 30.5 9.3 J 8.5
18 4.6 14.7 20 29 27 / 29 9.6 / 8.9 .
19 5.0 15.0 22 33 26/28 9.9/9.3 -
20 5.4 15.3 24 29 25127 10.3 t 9.6 -
21 5.8 15.55 23 24 24.5 / 26.5 10.5 / 9.8
22 6.2 15.8 21 23 24 / 26 10.7 I 10.2
R ' �
n '
; � .,�
fiz Y
or ��
•� w
:dIII =
t0 ;
v�D e� •-s
�� �
'4 '
� �:.
♦'GK . �.
J�� h�:
��`� 2
Raar Boom SecUon Canter Boom Sectlon Front Boom Seetion
1-1/4' OD x 0.049' wal� 1-3/8' OD x 0.058' wall 1-1/4' 00 x 0.049' wall
6661—T6 round tubing 6061—T6 round tubing 6061—T6 round tubing
7829 mm (72') long 1829 mm (72') long 1829 mm (72') Iong
No. 8-32 Screw /
(2 plaeee) S�ot and u�e
hose clamp (2 placea)
� �� � � � � � � ���� � � �.
Zp I Mast
mm Clamp
1735 mm 1829 mm 1735 mm
(68.3') (72') � (68.3')
Fg 47—Boom layout for the 16-element 222-MHz Yagi. Lengths are given in millimeters to allow
,xease duplication. _
INCHES = mm x 0.0394
I 664 mm
� �Omm ji-252mm � �
�� h �� �o
I 21 mm 21 mm BiLUN
I O O � �
. 87mm UG- 58A/U
i 490 mm
� 9m� I BALUN, UT-141 OR RG-303/U
�i50LDER LUG l2 PU
�� � '
5 mm 464 mm � 10 m m
—►� �—fSHIELD)
'�g 48—Driven-element detail for the 16-element 222-MHz Yagi. Lengths are given in
'�ilimeters to allow precise duplication. �
�aubly attractive, as it will long outlast
'�d and fiberglass. Using state-of-the-art
��gns, it is unlikely that significant
xrformance increases will be achieved in
�� next few years. Therefore, it's in your
xst interest to build an antenna that will
�� many yeazs. If suitable wood or fiber-
�s poles are readily available, they may
x used without any performance de-
�dation, at least when the wood is new
�d dry, Use the free-space element lengths
'��'an in Table 16 for insulated-boom
�e pattern of the 16-element Yagi is
''°Wn in Fig 49. Like the 144-MHz Yagi,
a 1�B-per-division plot is used to detail the
pattern accurately.
This 16-element design makes a good
building block for EME or tropo DX
arrays. Old-style nazrow-band Yagis often
perform unpredictably when used in arrays.
The theoretical 3.0-dB stacking gain is
rarely observed. The 16-element Yagi (and
other versions of the design) reliably
provides stacldng gains of nearly 3 dB. (T'he
spacing dimensions listed in Table 16 show
just over 2.9 dB stacking gain.) This has
been found to be the best compromise
between gain, pattern integrity and array
size. Any phasing line losses will subtract
Table 17
Dimensions for 16-Element 3.9-�
222-MHz Yagi
Element Element Element Boom
Number Position Length D/am
(mm lrom (mm) (In)
rear of
REF 683
DE 204 fi64
D1 292 630
D2 450 615
D3 668 601
04 938 594
D5 1251 588
D6 1602 583
D7 1985 580
D8 2395 576
D9 2829 572
010 3283 569
D11 3755 565
D12 4243 563
D13 4745 561
D14 5259 560
Y M�uC n C YI fNF
2.001 �
� 80.� Yagi Coverad with �
Water Droplet'
1.709 /
1.60:1 � �
1.501 �
� 1.40:1 �
Yagi Dry
1.30:1 � ,� /
1.109 � � _ �
1.�222 223 224 225
frequency (MHz)
Fig 49—H- and E-plane patterns for the
16-element 222-MHz Yagi at A. The driven-
element T-match dimensions were chosen for
the best SWR compromise between wet and
dry weather conditions. The SWR v frequency
curve shown at B demonstrates the broad
irequency response of the Yagi design.
from the possible stacking gain. Mechani-
cal misalignment will also degrade the
performance of an array.
Antenna Projects 33-29
A .Gla�s-Mounted VHF/UHF Mobile Antenna
�Here is a neat, simple VHF/LJHF anten-
na that is pleasing to the eye as well as the
radio. Its function and appeazance are simi-
lar to antennas used for cellulaz telephones.
No special tools or skills are needed. This
project is condensed from an article by Bill
English, N6TIW, in April 1991 QST.
The Circuit
The two mounting plates and the auto
glass between them form a capacitor. If the
antenna is made sufficiently longer than an
electrica!'/a �(the long whip in Fig 50), its
inductance will resonate the mount
capacitance at the working frequency. By
inductively loading the antenna, we can
make it physically shorter than �/a � yet still
retain the needed electrica! length (the
shortened whip in the �gure).
Because auto glass forms the capacitor
dielectric, certain kinds of glass treatments
can affect the performance of on-glass
antennas. Such antennas will not work with
Instaclear. (Instaclear is a glass containing
conductive powder. At some angles and
light conditions it appears to be tinted pink
or bronze.) The mount should be placed
clear of wire traces such as in-glass anten-
nas and rear-window defoggers (although
these probably won't cause trouble). Most
,ctory tinted windows should cause no
oblem, but very dark "privacy" tints
from the factory and after-market tinu
may cause problems.
Stainless-steel is the most durable
antenna-element material, but it is difficuit
to work in sizes over 1/16 inch. (1/16
stainless-steel is good for all but the longest
antennas.) Bare no. 10 copper wire is easy
to work and sufficiently strong once it has
been work hardened. (You can straighten
and work harden the wire by clamping one
end in a vise and stretching it a few inches
by means of a lever, such as a crowbar.)
Hazden the wire bej�e making the ele-
ment. If you wish to paint the antenna,
sand the element matesial (see Fig 50) be-
fore forming any bends.
Both long and short elements require a
loop for the mounting screw. Form the
loop to ft a no. 6 screw. For the shortened
element, clamp the end without the loop
in a vise. Place the center of a%-in. dowel
six inches from the center of the loop. Roll
nine turns on the dowel toward the vise.
In the finished antenna, the element ends
should both leave the coil on the coil axis.
To accomplish this, remove the wire from
the vise. Bend the wire from one end of the
'1 across the coil diameter and then form
� A° bend along the coil axis at the center
of the diameter (see Fig 51). Do the same
at the other coil end. Trim the wire end that
was in the vise according to Fig 50. Spread
33-30 Chapter 33
Shortened Antenna Lengths
Coil Total
Band A B C Tums �re
2 m 6" 2" 7" 9 32"
222 MHZ 4" 1.5" 4.75" 6 24"
w�,d con o�,
1/2° Fortn
�� e
snort���a wn�
2 m 23'
222MHz 15'
430 Mhz 8'
Long lkhip
Fig 50—Element details. Extra length is provided; trim the installed antenna for best SWF.
ca� cc�
Fig 51—Bending fhe shortened antenna. After
forming the coil (A), bend one free end across
the coil diameter (B). Then bend up along the
coil axis (C). Repeat at both coil ends.
or compress the coil turns to get the desired
Make up the two mounting plates and
two mounting flanges shown in Fig 52, but
drill only one mounting flange. Tin the top
surface of the outer mounting plate and the
;. Rust-(
nd it w
most F
as seer
,funderside of both flanges. Solder one - oW� �.
flange onto the tinned mounting plate. (i;se � ve ur,
a large soldering iron or gun to heat tbe a near
area, and hold the flange in place µ�t� � 'screw t�
screwdriver until the solder cools.) Use tbe n is r
antenna element to set the spaang bet�'a° e: ma
the two flanges and solder the second
flange to the mount. Once both flanBa s�
soldered, use the drilled flange as a g�
to drill the second flange. Remove all burts
and solder blobs with a file.
If you wish, paint the antenna �
mounts. (Don't paint the mount faces d+�
go against the glasr!) Clean off anY rem�'
ing flux and sand all surfaces to a uniform
brightness with fine sandpaper. Bol[ �
element in the outside mount and stand Y ?
upright for painting. This makes it � i
to paint and ensures that the electrical cb°' - .
tact surfaces are not coated.
Prime the parts with an etching Pn�
such as those made especially for brass °�
aluminum. (Marine supply stores �
� ♦ �
No. 6 Bross or
Stainless Steel
Bolt and Nut
wdth of
Antenna wre
Mounting Plates
0.016' 8rass
� ��t'�,� s
20° to 30° � �
8end j
Cut Feed—Line Tab
from Mounting Plate
and Bend Down
� Outer Mount
� �/
� 5/32'
�y � /��
�/s' �. �
� �
Mounting Flonge
0.032' Brass
2, �
�/ Inner Mount
_ �=g 52—Antenna-mount parts. Center the mounting ilanges on the outer mounting plate (see
_ -, zxt). The parts are made irom brass strips available at habby stores.
:� '
^rass primer.) Cover with a paint of your
�oice. Rust-0leum Baz-B-Q Black is pleas-
�g, and it withstands high temgeratures.
. ([be
u t�t
+ii6 �`.
��., •
� �
The most popular position for on-glass
mtennas seems to be the top center of the
'�r window. Place yours near the edge of
1 window, with a thought to the glass warn-
a¢s above under "The Circuit." Place the
mtenna near a body ground point, such as
i uim screw that contacu metal body parts.
�: there is no such screw, install one.
�eware: many trim screws contact only
plastic inserts in the metal structure.) For
plastic-body cars or metal-body cars with
no convenient ground connection, use two
'/s-J� radials in place of the ground
connection. (These may need trimming for
best SWR.) The antenna won't work
without a proper ground plane or radials!
First, solder the coax center conductor
to the tab on the inner mount. Next, clean
the glass at the mount location with alco-
hol, for good adhesion. Use double-stick
foam tape such as Radio Shack no. RS
64-2361, Scotch no. Y-4950 or equivalent.
Apply the tape to each mount first, then
Car Top
Support Metal
n i Glaas
1 j Soider I
Feed L{ne / to Tab
Ground 8raid to �naide
8ody (aee text) Mount
Fig 53--Inst�Nation details. Mounting plates
are applied to opposite sides of the glass. The
element is botted to the outer mount. The
feed-line center conductor is soldered to a tab
on the inner mount. Ground the coax braid to
a metal body panei using a nearby screw.
place the mount on the glass. If you make
a mistake, remove the mount, clean away
all of the tape, and use more tape for
another try.
Seal around the edges of the installed
outside plate with a non-corrosive sealant,
such as R'TV. Route the feed line from the
inner mount to the transceiver location.
Once the antenna is installed, insert an
SWR meter between the transmitter and the
feed line. Transmit at low power and read
the SWR at the upper and lower band
edges. If the SWR is not less at the lower
edge, the element is too short; squeezing
the coil (decreasing coil length increases in-
ductance) may help. If that doesn't help,
you will need to make a longer element. If
the element is long enough, trim it
(1/8-inch intervals) until the SWR is near
1:1 at your desired frequency. For a 2-m
antenna with resonance at 146 MHz, the
SWR was 1.4:1 at the band edges.
Antenna Projects 33-31
Quarter-Wave Verticat Antennas far 144, 222 and 440 MNZ
Quarter-wave vertical antennas are nse-
ful far locai cammunications when size,
cost and ease of construction aze impor-
iant. For theoreticai information about
quarter-wave vertica2 antennas see the
Antenna Fundamentals chapter af this
baak ar The ARRL Antenna Book.
Construction Materials
The antennas shown in Figs 54 tiiz�angh
S7 aze each based on a coaxial connector.
Use UHF or N connectors far the fixed-
station antennas. BNC cannectars aze good
for mobile antennas. BNC and N connec-
tors are better than UHF connectors far
VHFlUHF outdoor use because: {1} they
provide a constant impedance aver the fre-
quencies of interest, and (2} they are
weatherproof when the apprapriate con-
nector ar cap is attached. The ground•plane
antennas require a panel jack ('tt has mount-
ing holes to hold the radials).
If the antenna is sheltered from weather,
copper wire is sufficientIy rigid for the ete-
ment and radials. Antennas exposed to the
weather shauld be made from 1116- ta
1/8-inch brass ar stainless-steel rod.
Radials may be made fram 3/16-inch
aluminum rod or tubing and mounted on
an aluminum sheet as shown in Fig SS. Do
�ot use aluminum for the antenna element
�tecause it cannat is� easily satdered io the
coaxial-connector center pin.
Where the figures ca!! for no. 4-40 hard-
ware, stainiess steei or brass is best. Us�
cadmium-plated hardware if sGainless steel
or brass is nat availabie.
Fixed-Station Antennas
The ground-p2ane antenna in Fig 54 uses
female chassis-mount connectors to sup-
port the element and faur radials. If you
have chosen large-diameter wire or tnbing
. far the radials refer to Fig SS. Gtit a metal
sheet as shown {size is nat criticat, anc3 the
mounting tab is aptianal}. Drill the sheet
to accept the caaxial connector on hand
{usua2ly l lli6 inch} and the 4-4Q hardware
for the radials and cannector. Bend the
plate or radials as shown with the aid of
a bench vise. Mount the caalcia2 connector
and radials to the plate.
Small diameter (1/16-inch) radials may
be attachtd directly to ihe mounting lugs
of the caaxial cannector with 4-40 hard-
ware (Fig S7). To instal] 3t32- or 1/8-inch
radials, bcnd a haok at one end of each
radial for insertion through the connector
lug. (You may need to enlarge the lug holes
siightly for 1/8-inch rod.) Solder the radi-
s(and hardware, if used) to the connec-
using a large soIdering iron or propane
9older the element to the center pin of
the connector. If the element does not fit
inside the solder cup, use a shart section
of brass tubing as a coupler (a slatied
33-32 Chapter 33
rig sa—a simpte ground-ptane antenna for the 144, 222 and 440-MHx barrds. The feed tine w
connectar are inside the mast, and a hase ciamp squeezes the siotted mast end to tfghtly p�ip
the plug body. See Table 18 tor etement and radia! measnrements.
l/8-inch•ID tu?� will �t over an SU-239 or
N-receptacle center pin}.
One rnounting method for fixed-station
antennas appears in Fig 54. The method
shawn is probabIy the easiest and strongest.
Alternatively, � tab (Fig 5SD) or "L"
brackei could be fastened to th� side af a
mast with a hose ctamp. Once the antenna
is mounted and tested, thoranghly seal the
ogen side of the coaacial connector with
12TV sealant, and weatherproof the con-
nections with rust-preventative paint.
Mobite ApplicaGons
In order to achieve an omnidirectional
radiation pattern, mobile verticaI antennas
should be located in thc center of the vehi-
cle roof. Practically, vertical antennas work
'Tabte 18
�/s-Wavelength Vertical Antenn�
Element and Radfal Sizes �
Srass rod
steel rod
tP t 233
144 MHz 222 MHz 4'� �
+ i t8"
�2+h" s�sna'
��� 1128�
1/i6" 1116'
t � length, in ft
f � frequency, in MHz. __��
_�':� �
-G �qr t
;7,�'.0 1
� �
,� �, �:.
,�., .
{W,w �`
* SEE TA9LE /8
�/�� =i���\�
N0. 12 WIRE SpI.�EREp TO
(s a�aces}
�,,,,'� �' BENO QOWN AT
' .`./• 45' ANCLE
� 4e �
, � ,
45' ANGI,.E
�a5—Methods of mounting 3M&inch atuminum-rod radtals to a VNF/UHF ground-piane antenna. At A and B the radiats are made
��oximately 1�/z inches longer than l, then bent (45°) and attached to a flat aluminum sheet. At C and D, the radials are somewhat shorter than
`snd the corners of the aluminurn sheet are bent to pravide the 45° angle. in bath cases, t is measured from the �adial tip to the element. The
cr of the aluminum shee# is not critical. The mounting tab shawn at D is optianai; it could i�e added to the shset in A and B, if desired.
`"� anywhero on a metal auto body
�ough the radiatian pattem is not om-
=�jectianal). In the interest af RF safe-
'• dntennas that are not maunted on the
�f should be placed as far from the
�icfe occupants as is practical.
fie mobilc antenna shown here is based
� a mating pair of BNC connectors. (You
``�d use similar techniques with N con-
�ors.) If yau plan to remave the anten-
� element, abtain a matching connector
� ta Prot�ct the apen jack from weather.
� ch cle body if youtwi h��if yo do o�,
� a body pane2 with suf�cient strength
to suppart the antcnna, aad be sure that
there is adGquate access to both sides of the
pane! for connector and cable installadon.
Most home-made VI� and UHF inabile
antannas are mounted an an 1/16-inch-
thick aluminum L bracket, w3uc3t is
fastened to the side of the hood or trunk
opening (see Fig 56A and B). If the open-
ing Iip slopes at the antenna lacation, the
lower edge of the L bracket should match
that slope. Hold the shcet against the in-
side of the opening lip, orient the sheet so
that its top edge is pazalltl with the ground,
and mazk where the apening lip crasses the
edges. Connect the marics with a straight
line, and cut the sheet an that Iine.
Drill the sheet as required far the coaxial
connector, and bend as indicated. Mount
the caaxial cannectar, and install the ca61e.
Hold the bracket against the side of the
apening, drill and secure ic with twa na. 6
or no. 8 sheet-metal screws and lock
'Tlte antenna shown here was made far
the 2-meter band. The eIement is about
19'/a inches of 1/8-inch brass rod (from a
welding-suppiy stare}. Refer to Fig 56 arid
follow this procedure to install the element
in the male BNC cannectar:
1) Prepare a spec'sal insulator fram a 1-inch
Antenna Projects 33-33
• •' 3
r ;
�' �
i—i j2' MiNi�iUiA
"-..--' �.L�.II. �
3j32' t�4• ! �j2•
iN n�is nR�
N4. $ BRASS Nt7i
sow�Eo ro �n
Fig 56—Dataits of the mobite vertical mount and BNC center-pin connection. A shaws a crqss
�ction of a rypical vehic�e hood opening with the hood clased. 8 shows the {ower edge of the L
�cket trimmsd io match the slopa of the hood {this ensures that tt►e antenna is plumbj. G
ows the SNG center pin, the speciai insuiatar made from RG-58 and the end af #he etement
shaped for connection. At D, the special insulator has been lashed to the element with fine bare
wire and the center pin positioned. The center-pin and lashing should be spldered, and the area
indicated shautd be cavered wiih hest-shrink tubing to prevent cantact with the ptug bccly when
it is instatted. The brass nut serves as eye protection.
33•S4 Chapter 33
Fig 87—A 440-MHz ground•plane artt,�
constructed usirsg oniy an SO-239 con.,�
4-4A hardware and 1/1Einch brass rrk
piece of RG-58 cable by remo�iz� sE d
the jacket and shietd. Alsa remotie t�
center-conductor insulation as sbe.s,
2} File or grind an angle on the end ot t1t
brass rod.
3) Place the specia! insulator again� �
end af the brass rod and lash �aa
tagether with fine bare wzre.
4) Salder the wire, lashing and BNC orsa
plTi iIl p�8CC. (;.TSC 8 iig�ll [412Ch: ItSf
much heat causcs the insulation to s�i
and makes it difficult to ass�mbk c�r
connecLor.) '
5) Apply heat-shrink tubing to cu�•a sl,r
special insulator and lashing. P}aa tbr
tubing sa that at Ieast 2/8 inch cf tse
spccial insulator remains exposai u cfe
Cr} Place the el�ment in the connector boct!
and fill the back of the connector rD
epolcy to supgort ih� element. insuli tfc
BNC nut before the cpoxy sets• C�'
BNC washer, clamp and gasket ar�e �r
7) Salder a no. 8 brass nut (or ocba
rounded brass abject) to the end oi c!x
etement to serve as eye protection.
This general procedure can be adapced �
all of the eiement materials recommrnd�
and to N canncctars as well.
� a�
s sbo�
. �.�
ash d
Yagis for 23 CM
! p�scribed here and shown in Figs 58
� gh 62 are toop Yagis for the 23-cm
� Several versions aze described, so tho
�u can choose the boom length and
kquency caverage desired for the task at
�, Mike Walttrs, G3JVL, brought the
�a2 2oap Yagi design ta the amateur
�anity in the 1970s. Since then, many
�sions have been developec3 with differ-
i�op and boom dimensians. Chip
�, N6CA, developed the aatennas
p*p here.
nuee sets of dimcnsions are given. Goad
�'ormance can be expectedtf yau follow
K dimensions earefulty. Recheck alI
q�psions before you cut or drill any-
�g! The 1296-MHz version is intended
x weak-signat operation at 1296 MHx,
§�� che 1270-MHz version is optimizad
x FM and Mod� L satellite wark. The
�{.,1�iHz antenna provide§ acceptable
;{ormance from 1280 to 1300 MHz.
These antennas have been built an 6- ar�d
;#oot booms. Results of gain tests at
BF conferences and by individuals
�und the cauntry peg tht gain of the
rooter at about 18 dBi, whiie the 12-foot
�ian provides about 20.5 dBi. Swept
qsurements indicate that gain is abaut
iH down from rnaximum gain at t 30
Hz from the design frtquency. SWR,
��-ve�i-�ie� f
however, deteriorates within a few inega- element sgacings for different parts of the
hcrtz on the low side af the design center band. Toleranr.ts should be followed as
frequency. closely as possible.
T6e Boom
The dirnensions given here apply only to
a 3/a-inch-OD' boam. If you change the
boom sizc, the dimensians must be scaled
accordingly. Many hardware stores carry
alaminum tabing in b- and 8-foot lengths,
and that tubing is suitablt for a short Yagi.
If you plan a 12•foot antenna, you shouid
find a piect of mare rugged material, such
as 6061-T6 grado aluminum. Do not use
anodized tubing. 'Tfie 12-foat anteana must
be supported to rninimize boom sag. The
6-faot version can be rear maunted. For
rear mounting, allow 4.5 inches af baom
behind tho last reflector to eliminate SWR
effocts from thc supporc.
The antenna is mounted to the mast with
a gussett plate. T"he plate mounts at the
baom center. See Fig 58. Drill the glate-
maunting hales perpendicutar to the
elernent-mounting holes, assuming the
antenna polarization is to be horizontat.
Elcments will be mounted tn the boom
with no. 4-40 machine screws, so a series
of no. 33 {0123-inctc} hates must be drilled
along the center af the boom to accommo-
date this hazdware. Fig 59 shows the
Parasitic Elements
� The ref�ectars and directors are cut from
0.0325-inch thick aluminum sheet and are
�/. inch wide. Fig 60 indicates the lengths
far the various e2ements. These 2engths ap-
ply only to elements cut from the spocified
material. For best resuits, the e2ement strigs
should be cut with a sheaz. If you leave the
cdges sharp, birds won't sit on the
Drill the moundng holes as shown in Fig
60. Measure carefully! After the holes are
driiled, yau must farm each strap into a cir-
cle. This is easily done by wrapping the ele-
ment around a round form (a smal! juice
can works great}.
Mount the loops to the boom with no.
4-4Q x i-inch machine screws, lack wash-, .•
ers and nuts. See Fig 6I. It's best ta use
stainless•steel or plated-brass hardware for
everything. Although the initial cost is
higher than for ardinary plated-steel hazd-
waze, stainless or brass hazdware won't rust
and need reptacement after a few qeazs.
Unless the antenna is painted, it will
definitely d�teriorate.
sra" wn NotE � i� �i4` o�a
\ I / MOIE
I. 1/4 - 20
;�""'Boom-to-mast piate detaiis are given at A. 8 shaws how the Yagi is mountetl to the mast. A boom support for long antennas is shawn in
�� a�rangement shown in 0 and E may be used to rear mount antennas up to 6 or 7 teet long.
Antenna Projects 33-35
• t .H
. . '
Driven Element
The driven element is cut from
0.0325-inch copper sheet and is �/a inch
wide. Drill three holes in the strap, as
detailed in Fig 60. Trim the ends as shown
and form the strap into a loop similar to
the other elements. This antenna is like a
quad; if the loop is fed at the top or bot-
tom, it will be horizontally polarized.
Driven-element mounting details are
shown in Fig. 62. A mounting fixture is
made from a�/a-20 x 1'/a inch brass bolt.
File the bolt head to a thickness of 0.125
inch. Bore a 0.144-inch (no. 27 drill) hole
lengthwise through the center of the bolt.
A piece of 0.141-inch semi-rigid Hardline
(UT-141 or �equiv.) will mount through this
hole and connect to the driven loop. The
point at which the UT-141 passes through
the copper loop and brass mounting fixture
should be left unsoldered at this time to
allow for matching adjustments when the
antenna is completed, although the range
of adjustment is not that great.
The UT-141 can be any convenient
length. Attach the connector of your choice
(preferably Type N). Use a short piece of
low-loss RG-$ size cable (or better yet,
�/:-inch Hardline) for the run down the
boom and mast to the main feed line. For
best results, your main feed line should be
the lowest-loss 50-ohm cable obtainable.
Good 7/8-inch Hardline measures at 1.5 dB
�er 100 feet and vinually eliminates the
�ed for remote mounting of the transmit
Tuning the Driven Element
If you built the antenna carefully to the
dimensions given, the SWR should be fine.
Just to be sure, check the SVVR if you have
access to test equipment. You must be sure
that your signal source is clean, however;
wattmeters aze often fooled by dirty signals
and can give erroneous readings. If you
have a problem, recheck all dimensions. If
they look okay, a minor improvement may
�be realized by changing the shape of the
driven element. Slight bending of reflector
2 may also help optimize SWR. When you
have obtained the desired match, solder the
point where the UT-141 jacket passes
through the loop and brass bolt.
Quite a few people believe that practices
common on lower frequencies can be used
on 1296 MHz. That's the biggest reason
that they don't work all the DX that there
is to be worked!
First, when you have a design that's
proven, copy i[ exactly—don't change it!
This is especially true for antennas. Use ihe
best feed line you can get. VVhy build an
antenna if you are going to use lossy cable?
Here are some realistic measurements of
lmon coaxial cables at 1296 MHz (loss
100 feet): RG-8, 213, 214-11 dB;
33-36 Chapter 33
01 D2 D3 D4 DS D6
+.zo2�i.�as �o.e5o�i.ezz � i.az2 � te22 ��.e2z
3.644 � 3.644
Fig 59—Boom drilling dimensions. Pick the version you want and follow these dimensions carefW�
Spacing is the same for all directars after D6. Use as many as naeded to fill up your boom,
�f— 1/2 DE 1/2 DE --�
0.144 DIA. COPPER O 0.144 DIA. 0.03? Dtx
nie �-u -.!!..-
O ALU O Q.Q6�':
DIR 12-17
DIR 18+ '� �ALL�ALUM. '
0.128� DIA. ALL ALUM. ELE. �
FREO. 1270 1283 1296
REFL 1,2 9.929 9.829 9.7U0
t/2 DE 4.752 4.70�f 4.643
DIR1—�I 8.445 8.359 8.280
DIR 12-17 8.18 8.106 8.000
OIR 18+ 7.882 T.802 7.700
Fig 60—Parasitic elements are made from siuminum sheet. The driven element is made han
copper sfieet. The dimensions given are for Y. inch wide by 0.0325-inch thick elements onty
Lengths specified are hole-to-hofe distances; the hofes are 4ocated 0.125 inch in irom eacn
element end. f
� \
1/16" WALL �
N0. 4-40 X i"
_ t
Fg 61—Element-to-boom mounting details.
1/2 inch foam/copper Hardline-4 dB; Mount the antenna(s) to keeP fe�
7/8 inch foam/copper Hazdline-1.5 dB. loss to an absolute minimua�• �
- }
� • Y;
��xs t
r.� .�
ve �.:= � �
�� �
� ��
800M ' '
i� '
63� �
n i
�ade I
enb G
n eac
1/4-20 BRASS BO�T
COAX 5211
, �P
height is less important than keeping the
Ftg s2—Driven e�ement detai�s. line losses low! Do not allow the mast to
See Fig 60 and the text tor more p� �augh the elemenu, like on antennas
intormatton. for lower frequencies! Cut all U-bolts to
the minimum length needed—a quarter
wavelength at 1296 MHz is a little over
, 2 inches! Avoid any unnecessary metal
azound the antenna.
Antenna ProJects 33-37
� :� •
ovember 27, .1996
TO: Mayor, City Council and City Ad � trator"
FROM: 7ames E. Danielson, Public Works D' o
SUBJECT: Mendota Mall - Sign Policy Amendment
At the November 19, 1996 meeting, Council discussed a request from Paster
Enterprises to amend their sign policy to allow for tenant signs to be placed on the back side or
south side of the Mendota Mall. ,
At that meeting Council expressed reservations about allowing signs on the rear of the
building, citing concerns about light level, impacts to the residential homes to the south,
precedent with other signs on the Mall building or on South Plaza Drive and size of the siga.
� Action on the request was tabled to this meeting to allow time for Councilmembers to visit the
site before taking action.
Review with Mr. Paster his request to amend the Mall sign policy to allow for a
"DENTIST" siga to be placed on the south side of the Mall.
,� ,
November 27, 1996
TO: Mayor, City Council, and City Administrator
FROM: Patrick C. Hollister, Administrative As�
SUBTECT: Planning Case No. 96-33: SBA, Inc.
Conditional Use Pernut
David iIa,gen, Tim Dean, Chest�`��olby, and Dale Runkle of SBA and Sprint appeared at
the November 26, 1996 mee�ing of the Planning Commission to discuss their application
before the City to install PCS communications antennae on the roof of Henry Sibley High
The applicants wish to place up to twelve antennae on the roof of Sibley High School,
beginning with four on the east wall and four on the west wall. SBA would like to get
permission in advance to put four antennae on the north wall at some future date. SBA
has already secured a deal with ISD 197 for these antennae, contingent on City
Please see the attached materials accompanying this application and the Nlinutes from the
November 26, 1996 Planning Commission meeting. �
The Planning Commission, at their November 26, 1996 meeting, voted 5-2 (with Dwyer
and Lorberbaum opposed) to recommend that the Council deny this application from SBA
for a Conditional Use Pernut for PCS apparatus on top of Sibley High School until an '
Ordinance can be written and approved covering cellular/PCS antennae and that a
moratorium on all new cellular/PCS antennae applications be imposed until said Ordinance
is written and adopted.
Council Action Required
Meet with the representatives of SBA and Sprint to discuss SBA's application and then if
the Council wishes to implement the Planning Commission's recommendation, direct Staff
to prepare a Resolution of Denial with the appropriate Findings of Fact.
McCombs Frank Roas Associates, Inc.
15050 23rd Avenue North, Plymouth, Minnesata 55447-4739
Telephone Engineers
612/476-6010 Planners
812I4�6-8532 FAX Surveyors
Planning Conunissioners of Mendota Hf
Meg McMonigal, City Planner`;��i`��-�'
November 19, 1996
November 26, 1996
�� �
Public Hearing far a Conditional Use Pernut far PCS Antennas and
Equipment on Sibley High School
SBA, Inc. for Sprint Spectri�m LP (SSLP) �
Sibley High Schoal, 1897 Delaware Avenue
R-1, Family Residential District
LR, Low Density Residential
1. Application for consideratian of a Pl�
signed and dated October 29, 1996.�
2. Letter from Dale Runkle, SBA-Mi
Manager, dated October 29,1996.
3. Required materials including abs�
description, descriptian of propos<
proposal, azea map and constructi�
tors certificate, legal
phota-image of
D�scr�tion Qf�e�uest �
SBA, Inc. is requesting appraval of a Conditianai Use Permit to allow placement of up to 12
Pezsanal Communicatians Systems (PCS) antennas and PCS network equipment on Sibley High
Schaol. The antennas would be an the east and west sides of the school building. A Canditianal
Use Permit (CUP} is required under Section 49(2) of the Zaning Ordinance, Essential Services.
An Equal Opportunity Employer
City of Mendota Heights Planning Commission
SBA, Inc. Conditional Use Permit
November 26,1996
Page 3
- US West properly maintain the equipment.
- US West sign a developer's agreement ensuring that there will not be any radio
interference with radio or air traffic communications systems.
- US West agreed to paint the antennas an eggshell color to match the city's water
and add the following conditions:
- all required Federal Communications Commission (FCC) and Federal Aviation
Commission (FAA) are obtained prior to construction.
- all required building permits are obtained prior to construction.
- no changes to the proposed 12 antennas and network equipment are made
without written consent by the city.
McComb�c Frank Roos Associetes, Inc.
15050 23rd Ave. N. Engineers
Plymouth, MN 55447 Planners
6f21476-6010 Surveyots
SBA, Inc. Conditional Use Permit
PCS Antenna and Equipment
WHEREAS, US West has proposed to place cellular apparatus on the�roof of Henry
Sibley Senior H'igh School; and
WHEREAS, The City Council of the City of Mendota Heights considers such apparatus
to be an accessory use to the primary use of a school; and
WHEREAS, US West has agreed to enter into a Developer's Agreement to guarantee
non-interference with other communications systems,
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Mendota
Heights on this 21st day of May, 1996 that a Conditional Use Permit be granted to US
West for the placement of cellular equipment on the roof of Sibley H'igh School with the
following conditions:
1. that US West shall properly maintain the antenna equipment and penthouse exterior
for aesthetic and safety reasons,;
2. that US West sign a Developer's Agreement with the City ensuring that there will be
no radio interference with existing radio communications systems or air traffic
communications and operations. �
Adopted by the City Council of the City of Mendota Heights this 21 st day of May, 1996.
;�-.� �- �,
Charles E. Mertensotto, Mayor
��.:�t n ,
athleen M. Swanson, City Clerk
November 6, 1996
NOTICE is hereby given that the Planning Commission of Mendota Heights will
meet at 7:30 o'clock P.M., or as soon as possible thereafter, on Tuesday, November
26, 1996, in the City Hall Council Chambers, 1101 Victoria Curve, Mendota Heights,
Minnesota, to consider an application from SBA, Inc. for a Conditional Use Permit
' which would allow the construction of antennas on the following described property:
The West 426 feet of the North %z of the Northeast 1/4 of the Northeast 1/4
of the Northeast 1/4 of Section 25, Township 28 North, Range 23 West,
Dakota County, Minnesota, except the North 40 feet thereof. AND
The West '/z of the Northeast 1/4 of the Northeast 1/4 of Section 25,
Township 28, Range 23, Dakota County, Minnesota, except the North 40 feet
thereof. AND
The South 8 acres of the Southeast 1/4 of the Northeast 1/4 of the Northeast
1/4 of Section 25, Township 28 North, Range 23 West. Dakota County,
Minnesota. AND
The Southeast 1/4 of the Northeast 1/4 of Section 25, Township 28. Range
23, Dakota County, Minnesota, except that part thereof taken for highway and
Warrior Drive.
More particularly, this property is located at 1897 Delaware Avenue (Henry
Sibley Senior High School).
This notice is pursuant to City of Mendota Zoning Ordinance No. 401. Such persons
as desire to be heard with reference to the request for the Conditional Use Permit will
be heard at this meeting.
' Kathleen M. Swanson
City Clerk
Auxiliary aids for disabled persons are available upon request at least 120
hours in advance. If a notice of less than 120 hours is received, the City of
Mendota Heights will make every attempt to provide the aids, however, this
may not be possible on short nofice. Please contact City Administrator at 452-
Scale: 1"=500'
1101 Victoria Curve
Mendota Heights, Minnesota 55118 •(612) 452-1850
�� , r,
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N, � �
Shaded area is 350' wide
area beyond property line
*__ ��
- ' 1C ity a�
.�;.,,., � 1V��ndota� �eights
OF '
. . PLATtNINC REQLTEST � . � � �
Case No. � � l�- �� '
Date of Ap lication
Fee Paid _ � �. C
ApplicantName: S�A, Inc. PH: 612-830-1555
CI-ast) tF'ust} (ME}
Owp:er Name:
7625 Metro Blvd., Suite 235, Edina, MN 55439
(Number & Street) (City) (State)
Kenry Sibley High School
CLast) ' CF'ust)
Adciress: �897 Delaware Ave. , Mendota Heights, MN 55118
{Number & Street} {City} (Staie) {Zip}
Stzeetl.oc�tionofPrapertyinQuestion• 1897 Delaware Ave., Mendota Heights, MN 55118
Legal Description of Property: �'�-ease see attached
Type of Request:
X Condidonat Use Permit
Canditianal Use Permit for P.U.D.
PIan Approvat
Comprehensive Plan Amendment
Subdivisian Appmva2
Wetlands Perrxiit
C)tb.er {attach explanatian}
Applicable City Ordinance Number 5•� Section (�)
Pr�sen#Zoning.ofPmperty Rz PresentUse Schaal� •
Propased Zoning of Fxoperry : Proposed Use . -
I hereby dee�are ihat a�� s'tatemeats made in thi$ request and on the addidona�
matezial are true. •
. � �...---
(Signature of App3icant) Dale Runkle
_ io-���, �
c�ace) � .
{Received by - Titiel '
II01 Victoria Curve • 1Vieridota Heights, .1V�N • 5511� 452 • 185U
MS03XC690V1- Henr Sv ibley High School
The West 426 feet of the North one-half (N 1/2) of the Northeast Quarter (NE 1/4) of the
Northeast Quarter (NE 1/4) of the Northeast Quarter (NE 1/4) of Section twenty-five
(25), Township twenty-eight (28) North, Range Twenty-three (23) West, except the North
40 feet thereof; '
The West One-Half (W 1/2) of the Northeast Quarter (NE 1/4) of the Northeast Quarter
(NE 1/4) Section Twenty-five (25), Township Twenty-eight (28), Range Twenty-three
(23), Dakota County, Minnesota except the North 40 feet thereof;
The South Eight Acres of the Southeast Quarter of the Northeast Quarter of the Northeast
Quarter (SE 1/4 of NE 1/4 of NE 1/4) of Section Twenty-five (25), Township Twenty-
eight (28) North, Range Twenty-three (23) West, '
The Southeast Quarter (SE 1/4) of the Northeast Quarter (NE 1/4) of Section Twenty-five
(25), Township Twenty eight (28), Range Twenty three (23), except that part thereof
taken for highway, Dakota County, Minnesota.
L 1
October 29, 1996
City of Mendota Heights �
Planning Department
Attn: Meg McMonigal and Pat Hollister
1101 Victoria Curve
Mendota Heights, MN 55118
RE: Application for a Conditional Use Permit for construction of antennas on Henry Sibley
`" High School for Sprint Spectrum's Personal Communication Services (PCS)
infrastructure. �
Dear Ms. McMonigal and Mr. Hollister,
Enclosed please find a Planning Administrative Form for application of a Conditional Use Permit to
construct Personal Communications Services (PCS) wireless communications antennas within the City
of Mendota Heights. The request is being made on behalf of Sprint Spectrum LP (SSLP) which is an
alliance of the following four major corporations; 1) Sprint Corporation; 2) Tele-Communications
Incorporated (TCI); 3) Cox Communications; and 4) Comcast Corporation. This alliance will enable
Sprint Spectrum (SSLP) to provide consumers with a variety of telecommunication services including
local telephone service, long distance telephone service, wireless communications, and cable
services. Steven Bernstein & Associates, Incorporated (SBA, Inc.), is a consulting firm specializing in
wireless telecommunications site development. SBA, Inc., has been retained by SSLP to lease, zone,
and construct Personal Communications Senrices (PCS) tower and antenna sites within 11 counties of
the Twin Cities metro area and part of eastem Wisconsin. '
Mendota Heights is strategically located within the Minneapolis Major Trade Area (MTA) and contains
several _ search areas within which PCS antennas must be located in order for. SSLP to deliver
complete service coverage to the metro area. Henry Sibley High School lies within one of these
search areas. A copy of the search ring map is attached to the Conditional Use Permit application.
The Conditional Use Permit is requested to aid completion of Sprint's nationwide PCS infrastructure.
SSLP is asking the City of Mendota Heights to consider approval of a Conditional Use Permit in order
to locate antennas and related PCS equipment on property owned by Independant School District 197.
The property contains a site which was chosen on the following criteria:
• compatibility with adjacent land uses; ..
• consideration of applicable zoning and permit requirements; ;
• a willing landlord;
• absence of topographic obstructions such as towers, mountains, hills, buildings, etc.;
• coverage and capacity requirements for the service area as identified by SSLP RF Engineers.
The specific proposal is to locate 12 antennas and an equipment panel on the roof of Henry Sibley
High School. The proposed lease site is approximately 300 square feet. Landscaping and safety
features will be provided in accordance with the Mendota Heights Zoning Ordinance. SBA, Inc., has
also submitted the appropriate applications to the Federal Communications Commission and Federal
Aviation Administration for their respective approval.
The Conditional Use Permit Application Form and required submittal materials are attached along with
several exhibits describing, in detail, the Conditional Use Permit proposal. Exhibit A contains site data
and a narrative of the PCS tower proposal. Exhibit B is a brief narrative which provides information
about SSLP and PCS Services. The other materials include a$350.00 CUP fee, CUP application
form, letter of intent, list of property owners, construction and zoning drawings, certificate of survey,
title, photosimulation, search area map, and developer's agreement. Please note that Sprint has made
changes to the developer's agreement used by U.S. West for the same location. If these changes are
unacceptable, Sprint would like to meet to find an agreeable altemative.
We hope this correspondence and enclosures explain our application and address the requirements of
the Mendota Heights Zoning Ordinance. If you have questions regarding the'attached Application for
Conditional Use Permit, or would like more information regarding PCS technology, please contact me
at 612/830-1555, extension 235. SSLP and SBA, Inc., appreciate the assistance that we have
received from the Mendota Heights staff and look forward to working with you to better serve the
public in this area.
Thank you in advance for your consideration of this matter.
Dale Runkle, SBA-Minneapolis, Zoning Manager
cc Frank Marco, SBA-Minneapolis, Project Director
Sprint Spectrum LP CUP Application
����� ,
Sexivr��ecrxurt IN;tEAP0U5
Site Information: ` ". . - . . � - ' .
Site Location
Current Zoning
Sprint Spectrum LP Minneapolis
Dale Runkle, Zoning Manager, SBA, Inc.
Henry Sibley High School, 1897 Delaware Ave. Mendota Heights,
MN 55118 �
Case History ' . � � � .., � : . . ,.� � . .. ;� • � .. . ." , . .
The subject site consists of approximately 300 square feet of land which is located on a portion of:
The West 426 feet of the North one-half (N 1/2) of the Northeast Quarter (NE 1/4) of the Northeast
Quarter (NE 1/4) or the Northeast Quarter (NE 1/4) of Section twenty-five (25), Township twenty-eight
(28) North, Range twenty-three (23) West,. except the North 40 feet thereof;
The West One-Half (W 1/2) of the Northeast Quarter (NE 1/4) of the Northeast Quarter (NE 1/4)
Section Twenty-five (25), Township Twenty-eight (28), Range Twenty-three (23), Dakota County,
Minnesota except the North 40 feet thereof;
The South Eight Acres of the Southeast Quarter of the Northeast Quarter of the Northeast Quarter (SE
1/4 of NE 1/4 of NE 1/4) of Section Twenty-five (25), Township Twenty-eight (28) North, Range
Twenty-three (23) West, - ' '
The Southeast Quarter (SE
Township Twenty-eight (28),
Dakota County, Minnesota.
1/4) of the Northeast Quarter (NE 1/4) of Section Twenty-five (25),
Range Twenty-three (23), except that part thereof taken for highway,
Iritroduction . - .. � �• . � '` � . � . - ' � �. • * �- - '.- . - �
Sprint Spectrum LP - Minneapolis is requesting a Conditional Use Permit in order to locate PCS
antennas and an equipment panel on Henry Sibley High School in the City of Mendota Heights.
The Conditional Use Permit is being requested as per� section 5.6 of the Mendota Heights Zoning
Ordinance. �
Findings - " , � � . ., � - . � � • .
The criteria required for the granting of Conditional Use Permits are listed below with findings:
Criteria #1 The use will not create an excessive burden on public facilities and utilities which
serve or are proposed to serve the area.
Finding #9 Public facilities and utilities are not required for operation of a PCS tower/antenna site.
The proposed use requires electrical and telephone service, which are both ample for
SSLP needs at the Site. SSLP will pay for all costs of actual electrical and telephone
service used at the site.
Finding #2 SSLP's PCS system will provide the infrasfructure needed to meet the growing demand
for wireless services. This will improve residential and business communications
senrices as well as providing efficient and reliable wireless 911 emergency service.
Criteria #2 The use will be sufficiently compatible with, or separated by sufficient distance
from, or screened from adjacent agricultural or residential land uses so that there
will be no deterrence to the use or development of adjacent land and uses.
Finding #1 Most of the antennas will be attached to the wall of the building and will be painted to
match. The related equipment panel will be located on the roof and will not be visible at
ground level. For these reasons, the visual impact will be minimal.
Finding #2 SSLP will be responsible for all maintenance issue that arise in connection with or as a
result of the tower/antenna site thus preventing unsightly conditions.
Finding #3 The proposed towedantenna site will not cause any hazardous or detrimental effects to
any person at the site or surrounding area. PCS transmissions operate at very low
power levels. The PCS system has been approved by the federal government and no
evidence exists that PCS transmissions are harmful to the health or safety of persons
using hand-held PCS phones or living near PCS transmission towers. SSLP engineers
have calculated the worst case scenario to be eight times below the level limit set by the
American National Standards Institute (ANSI). �
Finding #4 All equipment is self-contained within the BTS and will not create any noise, smoke,
' fumes, glare or odors.
Criteria #3
- f
Each structure or improvement is so designed and constructed that it is not
unsightly in appearance to the extent that it wili hinder the orderly and
harmonious development of the district wherein proposed.
Finding #1 There is no evidence that the use as conditioned will be injurious to the uses and the
enjoyment of other property in the immediate vicinity, or would substantially diminish or
impair property values within the area.
Finding #3 SSLP will conduct an intermodulation study to ensure that the tower/antenna site does
not interfere with existing antennas/operating frequencies. �
Criteria #4 Adequate measures have been taken to provide ingress and egress so designed
as to minimize traffic congestion, provide adequate access to public roads, and
provide sufficient on-site parking.
Finding #9 There will be no impact to City roads as of the result of construction and operation of the
PCS tower/antenna site. It is anticipated that only one or two site visits per month will
be conducted in order to conduct routine inspections and maintenance. The PCS
tower/antenna site will not generate traffic other than that required for maintenance.
Criteria #5 Adequate water supply, Individual Sewage Treatment System facilities, erosion
control and stormwater management are provided in accordance with applicable
standards. �
Finding #9 The PCS tower/antenna site does not require water supply, sewage treatment facilities,
erosion control or stormwater management improvements. During construction,
Building Code and Zoning Ordinance requirements for temporary erosion control will be
provided as required for building permit approval. �
Sprint Spectrum LP CUP Application
PCS Technology and Information '
PCS is a new set of wireless telecommunications services personalized to the individual. There is a
growing demand for improved wireless services, and a new infrastructure is needed to meet this
growing demand. The following information is provided as an overview of general PCS services
and technology. '
In early 1995, the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) auctioned licenses for the 140 MHz
band of the radio spectrum within the 51 Major Trading Areas (MTAs) of the United States for use by
Personal Communications Services. SSLP purchased licenses within 29 of these 51 MTAs. These
licenses, in combination with the licenses awarded to its affiliates and other providers, will enable
SSLP to offer seamless Personal Communications Services virtually anywhere in the country.
What is PCS?
Telephone numbers used in PCS handsets will become tied specifically to an individual, and the
types and features of services that each subscriber desires will be customized to his or her unique
needs. A PCS telephone number will belong to a person for as long as he or she wants it, and the
chosen services (for example stock quotes on selected companies, voice mail, and caller
identification) will become specific to the individual holding that telephone number.
PCS technology will allow a variety of telecommunication services, including:
• Local and long distance telephone senrices and cable services;
• All-in-one Wireless Communication Services:
• Portable phones, pagers, and fax transmission;
• Numeric paging on the phone's screen; �
• Interactive paging (2-way paging which allows the sender to track where the message is
sent, and when it has been received.)
• Voice mail service; ,
• Caller ID;
• International roaming capability;
• Reduced power needs (allows smaller units and longer battery life); and
• In the future, PCS will allow computer use and video images over the PCS network.
Assigning a unique PCS telephone number to a customer will allow the individual to place a call and
/ or send information across regional, national, and international borders. The network will do all the
work of trackirig the customer, knowing where he or she is at all times. �,
Benefits of PCS over Cellular
PCS has several advantages over existing cellular telephone service, including better service quality
through the use of digital technology, more compact radio equipment, increased mobility, enhanced
service features, and price.
Digital Techno/ogy: PCS utilizes the latest digital technology. This will facilitate
cleaner voice quality, but more importantly, clean data communication. A PCS
customer will be able to communicate through voice and data simultaneously using
the same handset without interference to either activity. In addition, computer users
will be able to run applications and retrieve data faster from remote locations using
their handset. PCS technology also provides less static and fading,' and there are
fewer dropped calls.
Improved Securify: Digital technology provides more security than analog, the
technology traditionally used by the cellular industry. Calls in digital format cannot
be overheard with the kind of simple scanners currently used to eavesdrop on
cellular calls. Although it is technically possible to overhear a call, it requires special
gear and technical skill which most eavesdroppers lack.
Improved Equipment: PCS will utilize smaller antennae and more advanced
telecommunication technology that will result in less expensive rates to the
consumer. In addition, equipment will be more compact both at the handset and at
the antenna site. Handsets will be lighter than today's cellular flip phones, and the
handsets will utilize longer lasting batteries. Because of the PCS' assigned radio
spectrum, there will be more antennas, but they will likely be less noticeable than
those used by the cellular industry. SBA, Inc. and Sprint Spectrum has been working
diligently to lease antenna sites on City water towers, existing communication towers,
and existing buildings prior to attempting to lease any sites for new ground built towers.
/ncreased Mobility: With PCS, mobility means seamless roaming across existing
cellular and land line service areas. A PCS handset can be taken anywhere and be
expected to function the same as in the coverage area of the original service
One Telephone Number: With PCS, one Personal Communications Number
(PCN) will be assigned to each individual user. Today, when a person changes their
residence, the old land line telephone number is frequently lost because these
numbers are assigned and based on geographic area. Cellular telephone numbers
are also lost when carriers are switched because cellular service companies are
provided a limited range of numbers, and the numbers have to be recycled or
reused. A PCN associates a telephone number with a person, regardless of where
he or she is focated, and regardless of who is the service provider.
Lower Cosf for Service: PCS will be cheaper in the long term because it will utilize
digital technology. Initially, the cost for the service and handsets will be similar to
that of cellular. However, with increased demand, both carriers and manufacturers
will be able to lower their price significantly. Eventually PCS service will be less than
cellular and will be close to the cost of wired telephone service. ,
Increasing Demand
Today, cellular telephone systems in the US are expanding at the rate of over 28,000 new
subscriptions a day, far beyond the growth rate of new subscriptions for wire line telephone service.
The popularity of cellular telephone service is due to the freedom, mobility, and enhanced
productivity that it provides. No longer are people tied to fixed telephones or pay phones. Yet
cellular telephone services is just one step toward another type of service, one expected to
revolutionize telecommunications. The next rung on the evolutionary ladder is PCS.
Interference Issues '
SSLP will resolve technical interference problems with other equipment located at the site on the
Commencement Date or any equipment that becomes attached to the Site at any future date when
SSLP desires to add additional equipment to the Site. Likewise, the Owner agrees not to permit
installation of any future equipment which results in technical interference problems with SSLP's then
existing equipment.
The PCS system operates on a specific set of channels licensed exclusively to SSLP by the Federal
Communications Commission for provision of high quality mobile service for the benefit of the public
good. The filtering of spurious signals is very tightly controlled via standard radio electronic filters.
PCS telephones operate within strictly regulated set of allotted frequencies. All SSLP wireless sites
must be operated in accordance with our FCC license to provide PCS service to this area. SSLP is
currently licensed to operate in over 29 major markets nationwide with hundreds of antennas. There
has not been any instance of television or radio interference reported.
Guyed Tower
A guyed tower is a slender, steel structure supported by one or more levels of braided or stranded
high-strength steel guy cables that anchor it to the ground. Guy cables are usually anchored to the
ground at a distance from the base equal to about 80% of the tower's height. For example, a 250-foot
guyed tower may require more than four acres.
Land Site ,
The site will encompass a leased landscape of approximately 2500 square feet. The leased area will
be fenced for security and safety purposes. A pre-assembled Base Transceiver Station (BTS), which
contains radio frequency transceivers and self-contained batteries for back-up power, is connected to
amplifiers, commercial electrical service and public T-1 Line service. This equipment may be sheltered
by an enclosed shed. A control unit equipped with" its own built-in HVAC will also be located on the
sire, housed by the BTS unit. The control unit will be under 24-hour security and fire surveillance by
SSLP. Up to twelve directional antennas will be mounted on the tower at 000 °, 120 °, and 240 ° from
true north.
Antennas �
Antennas attached to the tower/site will transmit and receive FCC-approved ''radio signals which carry
voice and data between the PCS system users and the SSLP central switching nefinrork. The physical
size of the antennas may vary. The antennas required for this site are approximately about 7 feet long
and 10 inches wide.
The antenna sites necessary for PCS coverage are defined by the RF engineering design.
Surrounding topography, trees and buildings also play a role in arriving at the appropriate antenna
height. SSLP engineers have determined that antenna height is 250' feet. � ..
The Base Transceiver Station (BTS) houses radio, computer and climate control equipment for this
site. This equipment is powered by NSP (using normal 120/240 volt,'single phase, AC electricity). It
will be connected to SSLP mobile switching center via traditional telephone lines. No water or
plumbing will be necessary for any of the sites which we erect, since no people are present at our sites
on a daily basis. There will only be occasional, brief visits (average about once a month, for 1 to 3
hours per visit) for routine maintenance. Fire protection is provided by OSHA approved Halon inside
the shelter (this is the same type of fire protection installed in most airplanes in our nation).
. ,
, ,
� ,
This Agreement is made and entered into effective as of this day of ,
19_, by and between the CITY OF MENDOTA HEIGHTS, a Minne`sota municipal
corporation (the "City") and Sprint Spectrum, L.P. ("Sprint PCS") and �all of its
successors or assigns. '
WHEREAS, Sprint PCS has been approved to place PCS apparatus on �the roof of Henry
Sibley Senior High School,
NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the mutual covenants, promises and obligations
of the parties hereto set forth herein, it is hereby agreed as follows: ,
1. City Approvals: Subject to the terms and conditions of this Agreement, the City
hereby grants a Conditional Use Permit to Sprint PCS for the placement of PCS
equipment on the roof of Sibley High School. .
2. Approved Plans: Sprint PCS agrees that its PCS apparatus to be erected and
operated at Henry Sibley High School shall be developed, constructed, used and
maintained in accordance with the drawings, plans and documents contained in the City's
Planning File No. 96-12 (collectively, the "Approved Plans"):
There shall be no material changes in the Approved Plans without the prior written
consent of the City. Upon completion of the installation of the PCS equipment, Sprint
PCS shall certify in writing to the City that the PCS equipment has been developed and
constructed strictly in accordance with the Approved Plans.
Sprint PCS agrees to construct the Project, subject to the terms�and conditions set forth
herein and in Appendix strictly in accordance with the Approved Plans. "Project" shall
be construed to mean Sprint PCS' antennas and all related equipment. !
3. Maintenance: Sprint PCS shall property maintain the antenna equipment and
penthouse exterior for aesthetic and safety reasons. , .
4. Radio Frequency Interference:
a. In the event Sprint PCS' use of the Premises is reasonably believed by
City to be causing radio frequency interference ("Interference"), Sprint PCS will upon
notice as provided in Paragraph 4(b) below by City to Sprint PCS, conduct investigations
and testing as necessary to determine if Sprint PCS' Antenna Facilities are causing such
interference (hereinafter referred to as "Testing"). City may, in its notice to Sprint PCS,
include a requirement that a representative of the City be present at all on-site testing and
Page 1
S rint PCS shall conduct such Testin in accordance with said re uest,� sub'ect to
P g q J
paragraph 4(d). If Interference cannot be eliminated within two business days of the
receipt of said notice from City to Sprint PCS, then Sprint PCS shall discontinue
transmitting on those frequencies which City believes to be causing interference except:
(1) if Sprint PCS is able to reasonably demonstrate to City's satisfaction, which
satisfaction shall riot be unreasonably withheld, that said frequencies are not causing or
materially contributing to Interference or; (2) for purposes of intermittent operation or
testing after performing such maintenance, repair, modification, replacement or other
action for the purpose of correcting Interference or; (3) as otherwise provided below.
b. All other provisions of the Conditional Use Permit to the contrary
notwithstanding, any notice by City to Sprint PCS of Interference that City reasonably
believes to be caused by Sprint PCS shall conform to the following requirements: (1)
such notice shall be sent by facsimile transmission, hand delivered or delivered overnight
mail where a signature is required for the receipt thereof, (2) receipt of such notice will be
considered that time at which Sprint PCS is actually in possession of such notice, or has
signed for its receipt, (3) such notice shall contain the name and phone number of the user
experiencing Interference, the frequency on which Interference is occurring, the date that
the frequency was placed into operation, the date and nature of the last modification of
any kind to that user's equipment, a complete description of the type, location and power
levels of that user's equipment and of the nature and times of the Interference, the
frequency of Sprint PCS reasonably believed to be causing Interference, and a statement
describing the basis of said belief.
c. Except as provided herein, if City notifies Sprint PCS as provided in
Paragraph 4(b) above of radio frequency Interference which is not eliminated or shown
not to be caused by or materially contributed to by Sprint PCS' frequency within thirty
(30) days of said notice, then City may terminate this Conditional Use Permit without
further obligation by either party.
d. In the event Testing requires access to and use of the equipment of other
users of the Property or the presence of City as provided in Pazagraph 4(a) above, City
agrees to coordinate such cooperative efforts as are reasonably required for Sprint PCS to
secure same. The time limits for Sprint PCS' discontinuance of frequency use in
Paragraph 4(c) above shall be extended as necessary to secure said cooperative efforts
and to the same extent as any delay in securing same. �
e. In the event Sprint PCS clearly demonstrates the primary cause of
Interference to be the equipment or property of City or of another user which is (1)
malfunctioning, (2) functioning outside of its manufacturer's specifications, (3) does not
meet FCC rules, regulations, or guidelines, or (4) does not comply with the Site
Standards (said equipment being hereinafter referred to as"Defective Equipment"), �
Sprint PCS shall not be obligated in any way to discontinue use or operation of its
Antenna Facilities or frequencies. In such event, Sprint PCS will not be held liable in any __
way to participate in the cost of correcting or modifying Defective Equipment, nor to
Page 2
conduct further testing or investigations at its own expense, nor be held further obligated
under or in default of thi� Paragraph 4, whether or not interference continues. .
f. In the event Sprint PCS clearly demonstrates that said Iriterference could
be eliminated by the modification of City's or another user's equipment and/or
appurtenances thereto which do not fall under any of the categories in Paragraph 4(e)
above and which were placed into service before Sprint PCS began transmitting on the
frequencies causing or rriaterially contributing to said Interference (hereinafter referred to
as "Non-Defective Equipment") Sprint PCS shall, at its option, either (1), permanently
discontinue use of its frequency so causing or contributing or (2), modify said Non-
Defective Equipment at Sprint PCS' expense with the consent of the City and/or other
use. City's consent will not be unreasonably withheld and City will use reasonable
efforts to obtain the consent of any other users.
g. In the event Sprint PCS reasonably determines that Interference is caused
or materially contributed to by the condition or configuration of properiy or materials not
owned or operated by Sprint PCS which aze also not considered radio equipment or any
appurtenance thereto, Sprint PCS shall not be obligated to modify or repair said property
or materials or to discontinue use of Sprint PCS' Frequencies (Band A channel
frequencies). However, if Sprint PCS' Frequencies are also a materially contributing
component of Interference and the frequency and equipment experiencing interference
was placed into service and modified or altered prior, but not�subsequent to Sprint PCS'
Frequencies being placed into service, then Sprint PCS will either discontinue use of the
frequency so contributing, provided said discontinuance causes the substantial
elimination of Interference, or will modify either Sprint's equipment or the equipment
with which Sprint's broadcasts are interfering at Sprint's expense.
h. In the event Sprint PCS reasonably determines Sprint PCS' Frequencies
are a component of Interference, which Interference is also materially contributed to by
another user's equipment or frequency which has been installed, altered, repaired, or
modified in any way that is responsible for said material contribution and said
installation, alteration, repair or modification was done subsequent to Sprint PCS'
Frequencies being placed into service, Sprint PCS shall have no obligation under this
paragraph 4, or for modification of its own Antenna facilities or their use, or to modify
the equipment of other users and shall not be considered in default of the Conditional Use
Permit even if Interference continues,
i. Any provision of the Conditional Use Permit to the contrary
notwithstanding Sprint PCS shall not be obligated to modify, replace, repair or alter the
equipment of another FCC licensed provider of PCS service whether said equipment is
Defective or non-Defective, provided that this paragraph 4(I) does not relieve Sprint PCS
of its responsibility to eliminate Interference as otherwise provided herein. ,
Page 3
j. City warrants that it will exercise its best efforts to insure that any fizture
companies providing FCC Iicensed PCS service share equally with Sprint PCS in the
burden of elimination of interference as provided herein. '
k. Except as provided in this Paragraph 4, Sprint PCS shall have no
obligation nor ba held in default of this Conditional LTse Permit for reason of or relating
to radio frequency interference.
5. Na Waiver: No remedy being conferred upan or reserved ta the City af Sprint
FCS is intended ta be exclusive of any other available remedy ar remedies, but each and
every s�zch remedy shall be cumulative and shall be in addition to every other remedy
given under this Agreement or not ar hereafter existing at law or in equity or by statute.
No deny ar amission to exercise any right or power accruirlg upan any default shall
impair any such right or power or shall be construed to be a waiver thereof, but any such
right and power may be exercised from time to time and as often as may be deemed
6. Except as atherwise expressly provided for in this Agreement, a notice, demand or
ather comrnunication by either party ta the other party hereunder shall be sufficiently
given or delivered if it is dispatched by registered or certified mail, postage prepaid,
return receipt requested, or delivered personaily, or sent by facsimile, as follows, or to
such other address as such party shall advise the others in writing as hereinafter set forth
from time to time.
(1) If to the City, to:
City of Mendota Heights
1141 Victaria Curve
Mendota Heights, MN 55118
Attn: City Administratar
(612) 452-1850 Faac: 452-8940
(2) If to Sprint PCS, to:
Sprint PGS
2900 Lone Oak Parkway, Suite I40
Eagan, MN 55121
-- 7. Indemnification: Sprint PCS agrees, that anything to the contrary herein
- natwithstanding, the City and its agents, officers, council rnembers, employees and legal
Page 4
counsel shall not be liable ar responsible in any manner to Sprint PCS, its cantractars,
material suppliers, laborers, ar to any other person ar persons whatsoever, for any claim,
demand, damages, actions or cause of actian, of any kind ar character ai-ising aut of ar by
reason of the execution of this Agreement, the transaction conternplated hereby, the
acquisitian canstruction, installation, ownership and operatian af the Praject, ar any
public impraveinents relating thereto. Sprint PCS will indemnify and save the City
harmless from any and a11 claims, demands, damages, actions or causes*of actian, or the
cast of disbuxsements and the expenses af defending the same, specifically including,
without intending to limzt the categaries of such costs, costs and expenses for City
administrative time and labor, costs of engineering and planning services, and costs ot' all
legal services rendered, and ather direct out-of-pocket expenses incurred, in cannection
with defending such claims as may be brought against the City for acts, allegedly directly
ar indirectly relating to, occurring at ar about, or resul#ing ar arising from the Praject it�
any way whatsoever, unless such claims or damages are caused solely by the negligence
or wii2ful acts of the City, its agents, officers or employees.
8. Governing Law: The City and Developer agree that this Agreement shall be
governed by and constructed in accardance with the laws of the State af Minnesota.
9. Successors and Assign: The covenants, duties and obligations of the pa.rties hereto
shall run with the apparatus and shall be binding upon the xespective heirs, successors and
assigns af the respective parties hereto. ,
10. Severability: If any provisian of this Agreement be found invalid due to State or
Federal law, such a finding shall not invalidate other provisions unless so specified.
Charles E. Mertensatto, Mayar
Kathleen M. Swanson, City Clerk
Page 5
� " ! 1
Pursuant to the Develapment Agreement dated , 1996, between the City of
Mendata Heights, a Minnesota Municipal Corporation (the "City") and Sprint PCS, a
Minnesota Carporatian. ;
1. Unless housed in a separate solid walled, closed roam dedicated to a single user,
ail equipment must be haused zs an RF tight, metal enclosure. Desk top base statians and
open racks cannot be used unless separate RF tight enclosures are provided around
individual transmitters and receivers. Additional shielding kits may be required.
2. AIl receivers must be adequately pratecfied with a band limiting device, such as
cavities, duplexers or other filters. Unprotected preamplifier devices or receivers will not
be gua.ranteed freedom from radio frequency interference.
3. Many manufactu,rers provide receivers aptions for maintaining riarraw receive
bandwidth. These devices, typically crystal filters, will be used whenever necessary to
elixninate interference problems caused by overload. �
4. At least 60 d.B of isolation for 44Q-470 MHz and 1800 - 2000 MHz transmitters
and 25 dB af isolatian for 140 - 170 MHz and 30 - 50 MHz transmitters must be
provided. A band pass cavity rnust be provided on the transmitters between. the antenna
and any ferrite device used. Additional filtering and isolation may be required and will
be considered on a case-by-case basis.
EXCEPTION: Fxequency bands not covered above will be reviewed and subject
ta proper isolation prior ta instaiiation and aperation. �
5. Ma;�imum transmitter pawer aiiowed into the antenna feed line will be 110 watts
per transmitter provided that maximum effective radiated power (ERP) will be 500 watts.
6. Only jacketed copper Heliaac cable will be permitted for transmission line at the
site. All an-site intercabiing must use RGrl9, RG/142, RG1214, l/2 inch superflex or
equivalent. RG/8 or any other single shielded cable will not be allowed. All outside
cannections must be kept weather tight at all times. AlI connectars will be N-type or EIA
whenever possible,
7. All transmitters must have band-pass cavities that will pravide at least the
following attenuation of side bank noise: '
30-50.1VIHz band: IS dB at 1 MHz --
14Q-1'T414gIz band: - IS dB at 1.5 iV�z -
Page 6
440-470 MHz band:
800-920 MHz band:
1800-1900 MHz band:
15 dB at 2.5 MHz
20 dB at 10 NIHz
20 dB at 20 MHz
EXCEPTION: Requirements for transmitters outside of these bands will be
considered on a case-by-case basis. �
8. Each cabinet must be identified by the owner's name, address and FCC station
license. It must also have the name and telephone number of the responsible service
9. Each user will inform the City of all receive and transmit frequencies in use at all
times. Any changes in frequency use or modification of any kind of equipment will be
reported to and approved by the City at least 10 days prior to the change: Where it can be
demonstrated that there is a strong likelihood such frequency use will result in an
interference problem, testing of that frequency use prior to its actual operation may be
required by the City. ,
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have caused this �greement to be executed
by their respective duly authorized representatives effective as of the date and year first
above written.
Charles E. Mertensotto, Mayor
Kathleen M. Swanson, City Clerk
Page 7
I1r►�; hi : i:
SBA, Inc. • Wire(ess Cammunicatians Cansultants National & international
7625 Metro Boulevard • Suite 235
Edina, Minnesofa 55439
FAX: (612) 830-1924 • Phone: (612) 830-1555
October 14, 1996
'� City of Mendota Heights
� 9 0'I Victoria curve
Mendota Heights, MN 55120
Ta whom it may cancern:
Sprint Spectrum has been awarded an FCC license to pravide "state-o€-the-arY' digital
wireless communication services in Minneapolis/St. Paul. Sprint Spectrum propos�s to
locate wirefess communications antenna and a base cabinet for'our new digita! Persana!
Communications Services (PCS) network on the rooftop of the Henry Sibley High
All transmitting equipment will operate within the PCS "A" black created by the Federal
Communications Commission and compEy wi#h their regtaEations, In additian, an
intermodulation study is being done ta identify any potential interference problems with
. established public safety communcations and a11 other RF carriers within one mile of the
� site.
If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me.
Sincerely, �
e�+'"" • G"''Z_�.��.,,�,��
ames J einmann
cc: Tim Dean
7582 Currell Boulevard, Suite 112 '
Woodbury, Minnesota 55125
Phone 739-8597 Fax 739-8492
October 22, 1996
Attn: Gary
Empire Title Services,
3030 Granada Avenue
Oakdale, MN 55128
North Suite F
RE: Abstracter's Certificate
Legal Description: The West 426 feet of the North �h of the Northeast �/a of the Northeast 1/a of the
Northeast �/a of Section 25, Township 28 North, Range 23 West, Dakota County, Minnesota, except
the North 40 feet thereof. AND '
The West 1/z of the Northeast �/a of the Northeast �/a of Section 25, Township 28, Range 23, Dakota
County, Minnesota, except the North 40 feet thereof. AND
The South 8 acres of the Southeast 1/a of the Northeast 1/a of the Northeast 1/a of Section 25, Township
28 North, Range 23 West, Dakota County, Minnesota. AND �
The Southeast �/a of the Northeast �/a of Section 25, Township 28,� Range 23, Dakota County,
Minnesota, except that part thereof taken for highway and Warrior Drive.
QUALITY ABSTRACT, INC. does hereby certify that it has made a search of the public record in
Dakota County, Minnesota and discloses the apparent owners and addresses of real estate within
a 350 foot radius of the above referenced property and has shown them as Entries No. 1 to 103,
inclusive, on Exhibit "A" attached hereto. .
Dated this 18th day of October, 199G.
Quality Abstract, Inc.
Licensed Abstracte
Address �
Bethel Baptist Church
2100 Delaware Avenue South
St. Paul, MN 55118-4710
2. Independent School District No. 197
1987 Delaware Avenue
Mendota Heights, MN 55118-4301
3. Independent School District No. 197
1897 Delaware Avenue
Mendota Heights, MN 55118-4338
4. Independent School District No. 197
1037 Bidwell Street
St. Paul, MN 55118-1333
5. City of Mendota Heights
1101 Victoria Curve
St. Paul, MN 55103-1001
6. James R. and Barbara I. Kasal
565 Marie Avenue West
Mendota Heights, MN 55118-3733
7. Michael N. and Susan Micevych
1778 Ridgewood Drive
Mendota Heights, MN 55118-3736
8. Gerald T. and Rebecca R. Petschen
1792 Ridgewood Drive
Mendota Heights, MN 55118-3736
Properly Address
Not Assigned
1833 Delaware Avenue
Mendota Heights, MN 55118
Not Assigned
1811 Delaware Avenue
Mendota Heights, MN 55118
27-02500-010-01 �
1805 Delaware Avenue
Mendota Heights, MN 55118
27-15100-050-02 -
565 Marie Avenue West
Mendota Heights, MN 55118-3733
1778 Ridgewood Drive
Mendota Heights, MN 55118-3736
. . 27-15100-040-01
1792 Ridgewood Drive
Mendota Heights, MN 55118-3736
9. Michael Krajniak
535 Marie Avenue West
� Mendota Heights, MN 55118-3732
10. Kerry L. and Lisa A. Kern
189 Moreland Avenue East
West St. Paul, MN 55118
11. Arthur F. and Nancy Partridge
1775 Delaware Avenue
Mendota Heights, MN 55118-3739
12. Vern and Rose Hildebrandt
1783 Delaware Avenue
Mendota Heights, MN 55118-3739
13. Milton and Daraliene A. Hildebrandt
1777 Delaware Avenue
Mendota Heights, MN 55118-3739
14. Leroy R. and Mary Bakewell
1846 Delaware Avenue
Mendota Heights, MN 55118-4403
15. Melvin M. and Joyce M. Boche
1864 Delaware Avenue
West St. Paul, MN 55118-4403
16. Jerry K. and Aiko H. Fisher
1820 Delaware Avenue
West St. Paul, MN 55118-4403
17. Marie Wiegner
591 Marie Avenue West �
Mendota Heights, MN 55118-3733
535 Marie Avenue West
Mendota Heights, MN 55118-3732
531 Marie Avenue West
Mendota Heights, MN 55118
1775 Delaware Avenue
Mendota Heights, MN 55118-3739
1783 Delaware Avenue
Mendota Heights, MN 55118-3739
1777 Delaware Avenue
Mendota Heights, MN 55118-3739
42-03000-013-27 _
Not Assigned
1864 Delaware Avenue
West St. Paul, MN 55118-4403
1820 Delaware Avenue
West St. Paul, MN 55118-4403
27-84300-140-00 �
591 Marie Avenue West
Mendota Heights, MN 55118-3733
18. Catherine B. Hartnett and
John D. Monto
605 Marie Avenue West
Mendota Heights, MN 55118-3733
19. Nicholas and M. Cheesebrow
594 Marie Avenue West
Mendota Heights, MN 55118-3734
20. Arthur B. and Audrey D. Ettl
599 Callahan Place
Mendota Heights, MN 55118-4337
21. Victor Aimiehinor
602 Marie Avenue West
Mendota Heights, MN 55118-3734
22. Theodore A. and V. H. Husnik
620 Marie Avenue West
Mendota Heights, MN 55118-3734
23. Timothy M. and Nancy Ryan
610 Marie Avenue West
Mendota Heights, MN 55118-3734
24. Larry W. and Diane P. Partlow
2112 Delaware Avenue
West St. Paul, MN 55118-4710
25. Thomas Irvine Dodge
1795 Charlton
St. Paul, MN 55118-3810
26. John Tocho, III and Cynthia Tocho
� 2130 Delaware Avenue
West St. Paul, MN 55118-4710
605 Marie Avenue West
Mendota Heights, MN 55118-3733
594 Marie Avenue West
Mendota Heights, MN 55118-3734
599 Callahan Place
Mendota Heights, MN 55118-4337
602 Marie Avenue West
Mendota Heights, MN 55118-3734
620 Marie Avenue West
Mendota Heights, MN 55118-3734
610 Marie Avenue West
Mendota Heights, MN 55118-3734
2112 Delaware Avenue
West St. Paul, MN 551 1 8-471 0
Not Assigned
2130 Delaware Avenue
West St. Paul, MN 551 1 8-471 0
27. Peter H. and Diane C. Welvang
2122 Delaware Avenue
West St. Paul, MN 551 1 8-471 0
28. Brian P. and Janice M. Marshall
623 Callahan Place
Mendota Heights, MN 55118-4337
29. Patrick M. and Diane M. Dooley
615 Callahan Place
Mendota Heights, MN 55118-4337
30. Dorothy J. Lapean
620 Callahan Place
Mendota Heights, MN 55118-4336
31. Paul H. and Mary Jo Binek
624 Callahan Place
Mendota Heights, MN 55118-4336
32. Karl and Teresa Esslinger
632 Callahan Place
Mendota Heights, MN 55118-4336
33. James R. and Angela R. Pirkl
610 Callahan Place
Mendota Heights, MN 55118-4336
34. William S. and Jane E. G. Fox
1851 Warrior Drive
Mendota Heights, MN 55118-4355
35. Jerrold and Gail M. Wildenauer
1859 Warrior Drive
Mendota Heights, MN 55118-4355
2122 Delaware Avenue
West St. Paul,' MN 55118-4710
623 Callahan Place
Mendota Heights, MN 55118-4337
615 Callahan Place
Mendota Heights, MN 55118-4337
620 Callahan Place
Mendota Heights, MN 55118-4336
624 Callahan Place
Mendota Heig�hts, MN 55118-4336
632 Callahan Place
Mendota Heights, MN 55118-4336
610 Callahan Place -
Mendota Heights, MN 55118-4336
1851 Warrior Drive
Mendota Heights, MN 55118-4355
1859 Warrior Drive
Mendota Heights, MN 55118-4355
36. Flavio E. and Lynne A. Mangini
1867 Warrior Drive
Mendota Heights, MN 55118-4355
37. Charles E. Hanebuth and
Cynthia M. Surrisi
1875 Warrior Drive
Mendota Heights, MN 55118-4355
38. Mackenzie Canniff, Jr. and K. A. Canniff
1883 Warrior Drive
Mendota Heights, MN 55118-4355
39. Janice A. Schueppert
1901 Warrior Drive
Mendota Heights, MN 55118-4355
40. Shirley E. Hanson �
530 Junction Lane
Mendota Heights, MN 55118-1833
41. Tasso and Becky Voulgares
604 High Ridge Circle
Mendota Heights, MN 55118-4351
42. Michael J. and Carol A. Butchert
608 High Ridge Circle
Mendota Heights, MN 55118-4351
43. Richard A. and Joann J. McMahon
612 High Ridge Circle
Mendota Heights, MN 55118-4351
1867 Warrior Drive
Mendota Heights, MN 551 �8-4355
1875 Warrior Drive
Mendota Heights, MN 55118-4355
1883 Warrior Drive
Mendota Heights, MN 55118-4355
1901 Warrior Drive
Mendota Heights, MN 55118-4355
600 High Ridge Circle
Mendota Heights, MN 551 1 8-1 833
604 High Ridge Circle
Mendota Heights, MN 55118-4351
608 High Ridge Circle
Mendota Heights, MN 55118-4351
612 High Ridge Circle
Mendota Heights, MN 55118-4351
44. Lawrence S. and Jo E. Chlebeck
613 High Ridge Circle
Mendota Heights, MN 55118-4351
Shirley E. Hanson
530 Junction Lane
St. Paul, MN 55118-1833
45. Lawrence S. and Joe E. Chlebeck
609� High Ridge Circle
Mendota Heights, MN 55118-4351
46. Shirley E. Hanson
530 Junction Lane
St. Paul, MN 55118-1833
47. Donald V. and Shirley M. Mager
2111 Delaware Avenue
West St. Paul, MN 55118-4803
48. Jerrol M. and Alleen C. Tostrud
2161 Charlton Road
St. Paul, MN 55118-4738
49. John Neumayer, Jr. and Marie Neumayer
and Eugene and Bernadine Neumayer
1775 Ridgewood Drive
Mendota Heights, MN 55118-3737
50. Paquito Frank Melendez
1791 Ridgewood Drive
Mendota Heights, MN 55118-3737
. Janet L. Wagenknecht
1791 Ridgewood Drive
Mendota Heights, MN 55118-3737 -
27-68100-200; 01
Not Assigned;
609 High Ridge. Circle
Mendota Heights, MN 55118-4351
Not Assigned
2050 Delaware Avenue
West St. Paul, MN 55118-4803
2161 Charlton Road
St. Paul, MN 55118-4738
1775 Ridgewood Drive
Mendota Heights, MN 55118-3737
1791 Ridgewood Drive
Mendota Heights, MN 55118-3737
51. Thomas P. and Wanda Barrett
475 Nature View Court
West St. Paul, MN 55118-4459
52. Michael E. and Karen Gaisbauer
485 Nature View Court
West St. Paul, MN 55118-4459
53. Douglas R. Larson and
Leslie A. Watkins
461 Deer Run Trail
West St. Paul, MN 551 1 8-441 6
54. Timothy E. and Susan M. Decker
467 Deer Run Trail
West St. Paul, MN 55118-4416
Joan Gabor
467 Deer Run Trail
West St. Paul, MN 551 1 8-441 6
55. Joseph P. and Jill P. Bonfe
477 Deer Run Trail
West St. Paul, MN 551 1 8-441 6
56. William and Christine Krebsbach
491 Deer Run Trail
West St. Paul, MN 55118-4416
57. Michael J. and Jane S. Brodie
1920 Nature View Lane
West St. Paul, MN 55118-4460
58. Mark F. and Jennifer W. Gobel
1928 Nature View Lane
West St. Paul, MN 55118-4460
475 Nature View Court
West St. Paul; MN 55118-4459
485 Nature View Court
West St. Paul, MN 55118-4459
461 Deer Run Trail
West St. Paul, MN 55118-4416
467 Deer Run Trail
West St. Paul, MN 55118-4416
477 Deer Run Trail
West St. Paul, MN 551 1 8-441 6
491 Deer Run Trail
West St. Paul, MN 55118-4416
1920 Nature View Lane
West St. Paul, MN 55118-4460
1928 Nature View Lane
West St. Paul, MN 55118-4460
59. John E. McCafl, Jr. and Kathleen McCail
1936 Nature View Lane
West St. Paul, MN �51'18-4460
60. Robert M. Olafson
'1944 Nature View La�e
West St. Paul, MN 55118-4460
61. Kurt A. and Le�ley A. Rusterholz
469 Darla Court
West S�. Paul, MN 55118-4401
62. Michael anc3 Elizabeth Thomason
479 Darla Court
West St. Paui, MN 55'118-4401
63. Carol L. Sm�th
466 Dar1a Caurk
West St. Paul, MN 55118-4401
64. William and Katherine Gross
489 Darla Court
West St. Paul, MN 55118-4401
65. Roger J. and Joyce Nielsen
472 Darla Court �
West St. Paul, MN 55118-440�
66. Kristina L. Scheid
480 Daria Court
West St. Paul, MN 55118-4401
67. Melvin S. and Beveriy J. Tomlinson
490 Darla Court
West St. Paul, MN 55118-4401
1936 Nature View Lane
West St. Paul, MN 551 �8-44fiQ
1944 Nature View �ane
West St. Paul, MN 55118-4460
42-13300-01 �-01
469 Dar1a Caurt
West St. Paul, MN 55118-4401
479 Darla Court
1Nest St. Paul, MN 55118-4401
466 Dar1a Court
West St. Paul, MN 55118-4401
489 Darla Court
West S#. Paul, MN 55'118-4401
472 Dar{a Court
West St. Paul, MN 551'i8-44�1
480 Darla Cour.t
West St. Paul, MN 551'18-44Q1
490 Darla Court
West St. Paul, MN 55118-44Q1
68. Freda C. Grainger
2040 Delaware Avenue
West St. Paul, MN 55118-4302
69. Leonard T. Dunham
1885 Heather Court
West St. Paul, MN 55118-4400
70. Esther 6. Mundt
1918 Delaware Avenue
West St. Paul, MN 55118-4406
71. Martin J. and Mary T. Buck -
469 Nature View Court
West St. Paul, MN 55118-4459
72. Thomas P. and Wanda Barrett
475 Nature View Court
West St. Paul, MN 55118-4459
73. Scott L. and Renette M. Stinson
485 Nature View Court
West St. Paul, MN 55118-4459
Michael E. and Karen Gaisbauer
485 Nature View Court
West St. Paul, M N 55118-4459
74. Pamela R. Moniza
488 Nature View Court
West St. Paul, MN 55118-4459
75. John and Lani Bennett
484 Nature View Court
West St. Paul, MN 55118-4459
V -
2040 Delaware Avenue
West St. Paul,� M.N 55118-4302
42-75850-010 �01
1885 Heather Court
West St. Paul, MN 55118-4400
1918 Delaware Avenue
West St. Paul, MN 55118-4406
469 Nature View Court
West St. Paul, MN 55118-4459
475 Nature View Court
� West St. Paul, MN 55118-4459
485 Nature View Court
West St. Paul, MN 55118-4459
488 Nature View Court
West St. Paul, MN 55118-4459
484 Nature View Court
West St. Paul, MN 55118-4459
76. Stephen H. and Marcia H. Fox
476 Nature View Court
West St. Paul, MN 55118-4459
77. Kenneth G. and Angela Canter
468 Nature View Court
West St. Paul, MN 55118-4459
78. Robert Lechner, Sr. and
Nathalie Lechner
. 490 Preserve Path
West St. Paul, MN 55118-4408
79. Edward and Christina Malloy
480 Preserve Path
West St. Paul, MN 55118-4408
80. Timothy P. and Barbara Dickie
472 Preserve Path
West St. Paul, MN 55118-4408
81. Ralph N. and Patricia Norusis
466 Preserve Path
West St. Paul, MN 55118-4408
82. Michael and Patricia Sirek
1878 Delaware Avenue
West St. Paul, MN 55118-4403
83. Walter and Hilda Glewwe
591 Highway 110
Mendota Heights, MN 55118-4320
84. Larry E. and Susannah Mrozinski
595 Highway 110
Mendota Heights, MN -55118-4320
476 Nature View Court
West St. Paul, MN 5511$-4459
468 Nature View Court
West St. Paul, MN 55118-4459
490 Preserve Path
West St. Paul, MN 55118-4408
480 Preserve Path
West St. Paul, MN 55118-4408
472 Preserve Path
West St. Paul, MN 55118-4408
466 Preserve Path
West St. Paul, M N 55118-4408
Not Assigned
591 Highway 110
Mendota Heights, MN 55118-4320
595 Highway 110
Mendota Heights, MN 55118-4320
85. Sylvia A. Glewwe-Wentworth
599 Highway 110
Mendota Heights, MN 55118-4320
86. Thomas Irvine Dodge FDN
1795 Charlton
St. Paul, MN 55118-3810
87. Thomas Irvine Dodge FDN
1795 Charlton
St. Paul, MN 55118-3810
88. Thomas E. and Lynne A. Bushee
576 High Ridge Circle
Mendota Heights, MN 55118-4351
89. William M. and Ann E. Sutmar
582 High Ridge Circle
Mendota Heights, MN 55118-4351
90. John Monahan, Jr. and
Colleen Monahan
588 High Ridge Circle
Mendota Heights, MN 55118-4351
91. Thomas P. and Janis L. Vucicevic
587 Sibley Court `
Mendota Heights, MN 55118-4352
92. Thomas J. and Sharon D. Thieman
581 Sibley Court
Mendota Heights, MN 55118-4351
93. Daniel P. and Ann Marie Nelson
575 Sibley Court
Mendota Heights, MN 55118-4352
599 Highway 110
Mendota Heights, MN 55118-4320
Not Assigned ,
590 Highway 110
Mendota Heights, MN 55118
576 High Ridge Circle
Mendota Heights, MN 55118-4351
582 High Ridge Circle
Mendota Heights, MN 55118-4351
588 High Ridge Circle
Mendota Heights, MN 55118-4351
� 27-68100-080-01
587 Sibley Court
Mendota Heights, MN 55118-4352
581 Sibley Court .
Mendota Heights, MN 55118-4351
575 Sibley Court
Mendota Heights, MN 55118-4352
94. Michael and Mary Beth St. Martin
574 Sibley Court
Mendota Heights, MN 55118-4352
95. Mark O. and Jeanie E. Brown
580 Sibley Court
Mendota Heights, MN 55118-4352
96. Ann M. Frillman
586 Sibley Court
Mendota Heights, MN 55118-4352
97. David R. and Kathleen K. Bjorklund
485 Mendota Road West
West St. Paul, MN 551 1 8-471 1
TaxpaXer: -
Richard and Dorothy Bjorklund
2311 Swan Drive
St. Paul, MN 55120-1414
98. David R. and Kathleen K..Bjorklund
485 Mendota Road West
West St. Paul, MN 551 1 8-471 1
Richard and Dorothy Bjorklund
2311 Swan Drive �
St. Paul, MN 55120-1414
99. Randall G. and Kathleen Rausch
475 Mendota Road West
West St. Paul, MN 55118-4711
100. Lorie E. Danzeisen
; 477 Mendota Road West
West St. Paul, MN 551 1 8-471 1
574 Sibley Court
Mendota Heights, MN 551.18-4352
580 Sibley Court
Mendota Heights, MN 55118-4352
586 Sibley Court
Mendota Heights, MN 55118-4352
485 Mendota Road West
West St. Paul, MN 55118-4711
487 Mendota Road West
West St. Paul, MN 551 1 8-471 1
475 Mendota Road West
West St. Paul, MN 551 1 8-471 1
477 Mendota Road West
West St. Paul, MN 551 1 8-471 1
101. �
102. i
103. i
Brad S. Ribar
1408 Knollwood Lane
• St. Paul, MN 55118-2727
Judith A. James
465 Mendota Road West
Mendota Heights, MN 551 1 8-471 1
Thomas W. and Mary J. Dzik
530 Dodge Lane
Mendota Heights, MN 55118-4802
� Michael T. and Debra S. Lawell
530 Dodge Lane
' Mendota Heights, MN 55118-4802
, --
Not Assigned
Not Assigned
530 Dodge Lane
Mendota Heights, MN 55118-4802
_ �
Oct.�l5. 1 96 3:OOPM EQUITY T1TLE � I�o, 4305_P. 2/2_
Commonwealth Land Title `��3%�C�Q���l
1. Bf;
�2. P0:
. tbi
ve Date: Sept�nber 1B, 1996 at 8:00 A.M.
or PoliCiea to bs i�8ued:
[Xx] A�A Oainer• e Policy
Propoasd Insured:
, []IX] AI�A I,o�n Po,liCy
� Propoaed Insured:
[}IX] FOriB H-ALTA Osva6z''B POliCy (4-6-90)
Proposed 2naured: Spri.nt Telecommuaications venture
i�easehold Interest-Lessee
Cesa No. 183066
� l,MOUNT �
��NT � TO BE
3. Tit�.e to the Fee 9imple eatate or intereat in the land dsacribed or raferrefl to in
this Commitment ia at the effective date hereof veated in: ,
School District No. 197, a Minnesota municzpal corporation
The lond referred to in this commitment ia described a8 followa:
The West h26 feet of the North one-half (N 1/2) of the Northeast Quarter (NE
1/4) of the Northeast Quarter (NE 1/4? of the Northeast Quarter (NE 1/4) of
Sec�ion twenty-five (25), TownshiD twenty-eight (28) North, Range Twenty-three
(23) West, exceDt the North 40 £eet thexeof; �
The west One-Half (W 1/2). of the Northeast Quarter (NE 1/4) of the Northeast
Quarter (NE 1/4) Sectian Twenty-five (25), Township Twenty-eight (2B), Range
Tw�nty-three (23), Dakota County, rrinnesota except the North 40 feet thereof;
h Eight Acres of the Southeast Quarter of the Northeast Quarter of the
t Quarter (SE 1/4 of NE 1/4 oE NE 1/4) of Section Twenty-five (25),
Tweaty-eiqht (2A) North, Range Twenty-three (23) West,
heasc Quarter (SE 1/4) of the Northease Quarter (NE�1/4) of sectian
ivs (25), Townshig Twenty eight (2B), Range 2�+enty three (235, except
t thereof zaken for highway, Dakota County, Minnesota.
I g�� �Ia.,,,�.�.Y�. -�-�.
� . v�'�2ri� o�`�l��i �j1�}s , m � , .
Equity ��itle Services
Counters�gned dt Edina, I�II�7
Authorxzed Offi or AQent Commit,ment No. 183066 -
7'hie coo�itmant is invalid unlass the Insuring provisxons and Schedulea A and B are
03/30/1996 MSP8690
SS Minneapolis
Wireless RF Engineering
Site: MSP8690
City: Mendota Heights, MN
County: DAKOTA
Site Type: Suburban
Cell Radius:
2.49 mi (4 km) . • -
Search Radius:
0.5 mi (0.8 km)
Antenna C/L:
90 ft (27.4 m)
Grnd Elev:
849.7 ft (259 m) �
Anfenna Secfors
Sector 1: 0°
Sector 2: 120°
Sector 3: 240°
NAD27 Coordlnates
Latitude: Longitude:
44°52'4.8" 93°6'26.1"
(44.868) (-93.1072)
NAD83 Coordlnates
Latitude: � Longitude: �
44°52'4.77" 93°6'26.86"
(44.868) (-93.1075)
Propo�ed Site *
N Altamete sita �
Seerch Rinp — — —
Cell Bamdery — - • — • . —
Topo Map Boundery - • • - • • • • -
Counry eoundory — —
t in = 0.�8 mi
Paaf "95
Cify of Mendota Heights - �
Conditional Use Permit Checklist
Applicant: � �
Case N�o: ' . '
_ a. Fee: ($350 Normal, $S00 for Planned Unit Develaprnent)
b. Completed Applicatian Form
c. Letter of Intent
d. Abstract Listing of owners located within 350 feet af praperty.
All applicatians far a conditional usa permit which are initiated by the petitian of the
owner ar owners of the property in question sha1l be filied with the City Clerk no Iater
than twenty-one (21) days preceding the ne� reg�zlarly scheduled Planning Commission
building. •
All app2ications for a conditionai use pernut shall be accampanied by twenty (20} copies of
a set af plans and graphics cantaining the following information and falded, where
necessary, to the size af eight and one-half by eleven (8 112 x 11) inches.
The Site Development Plan shall inciude: _ �
1. Location of a11 buildings on the praperty in question including both existing and
proposed structures.
2. Location af ail adjacent buildings located within three hundred fifty (350} feet oi
the exterior boundaries of the property in question.
3. Floar area ratio.
4. Location and number af ex%sting and proposed parkang spaces.
5. Vehicular circulation.
6. Architectural elevations (type and materials used of all e�ernal surface).
?. Sewer and water alignment, e�sting and praposed. .. �-
8. Locatian and candle power of a.11 illuminaries.
9. Lacation oi all e�sting easements.
� � �
. . � �. � .
The Dimensian Pl�n shall include: ,
1. Lot dimensions and area.
2. Dimensions of propased and e�cisting stnzctures. � �
3. "Typica.t" flaor plan and "typical" room pian.
4. Setbacks on all buildings located on property in question. �
5. Praposed setbacks.
The Grading Pian shali include: �
l. Existing contaur.
2. Proposed grading elevations.
3. Drainage configuration.
, '
4. Storm sewer catch basins and invert elevatians. �
_ 5. Spot elevations.
6. Propased road profile.
The Landscape Plan sha.11 include:
1. Location of all existing trees, type, diameter and which trees will be removed.
2. Location, type and diameter of all praposed plantings.
3. Location and rnaterial used of all screening devices.
Nate: Dated ariginals plus twenty dated copies af a11 of the above materials must be
submitted by noan on the first Tuesday of the month. All materials larger than 8'lz" x 11"
must be folded to that size.
November 27, 2996 .
TO: Mayor, City Council, and Ci A r
FROM: Patrick C. Hollister, Adzninistrative Assistant
SUBJECT: Flatu�ing Case Na. 96-34: Tbaratdsan Devetopment
Subdivision, Conditional Use Pernut, and Variances
Mr. Ken Scheel of T"haraldson Developrnent appeareci befare the Plannuing CorYunission on
Tuesday, November 26, I99b to discuss his appiication for a Prelirninary Plat, a Coaditional Uss
Permit, and twa Variances to double the size of the Heritage Inn an Narthland Drive. The Heritage
Inn currently has four stories with IZS raoms. The hotel is currently �clusively used by
Northwest Airlines, with the exception of the restanrant within tha hotel.
According to Mr. Scheel, Northwest is now willing to commit to occupying 65 additional rooms,
but Tharaldson has decided to double the size of #he hotel because they anticipate tha.t Northwest
will a.ct�uatly use more rooms. Even if this is not the case Tharaldson is confident that they can
easily fill the rest of the hotel with guests of the Business Park. 4
Please see the attached materials that accompany the'Iharaldsou application, as well as the
minutes from the Planning Commission ame�ting on November 26, 1996.
The Planning Comtnissian voted b-0 (with Betlej absent} to recommend that the Councii grant the
requested Prelirninary Plat, Conditional Use Pernut for a Hotel in the Industrial Zone, Variance to
allow the trash enclosure to be an accessary service huiiding, and 2' Variance fram the required ����•
distance between parking and the hotel on the condition that the applicant correct the parking
li�hting and landscape encraachment.
Councii Action Required
Discuss the hotel app2ication with Mr. Scheel of T1�a.raidson Develapment and George I. Burkards
of United Properties aad then if the Council desires to implement the Planning Commission's
recammendation, it shauld pass a motion adapting the attached RES4LIlTIC1N NO. 95- : A
attaching any conditions that the Council deems necessary. �
WHEREAS, Thaxaldson Development has requested a Preliminary Plat, a Conditional
Use Permit for a Hotel in the Industrial Zone, a Vaxiance to allow the trash enclosure to be in an
accessory service building, and a 2' variance from the required distance between parking and the
hotel building, all as proposed on plans on file in Planning Case No. 96-34; and
WHEREAS, The Planning Commission of the City of Mendota. Heights held a public
hearing on tlus application at their November 26, 1996, meeting; and
WHEREAS, The Planning Commission voted 6-0 (with one member absent) on June 25,
1996 to recommend that the City Council approve this application,
NOW, THEREFORE, IT IS HEREBY RESOLVED by the City Council of the City
of Mendota Heights that a Preliminary Plat, a Conditional Use Permit for a Hotel in the Industrial
Zone, a Variance to allow the trash enclosure to be in an accessory service building, and a 2'
variance from the required distance between pazking and the hotel building, all as proposed on
plans on file in Planning Case No. 96-34 is hereby granted on the condition that the applicant and
the City reach satisfactory agreement on lighting in the pazldng lot and landscaping.
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Mendota Heights that
the proposed a Preliminary Plat, a Conditional Use Pemut for a Hotel in the Industrial Zone, a
Variance to a11ow the trash enclosure to be in an accessory service building, and a 2' variance from
the required distance between parking and the hotel building, all as proposed on plans on file in
Planning Case No. 96-34 would have no adverse impact on the health, safety and/or general
welfare of the citizens of the community and the surrounding land, and would not be adverse to the
general purpose and intent of the Zoning Ordinance.
Adopted by the City Council of the City of Mendota Heights
this 3rd da.y of December, 1996.
Kathleen M. Swanson, City Clerk
Charles E. Mertensotto, Mayor
City a�
c� rr�. C� �, _ �j � .
Date of Applicatian �9 � •
F�ee Paid '-� 5 h.(�i ��Q..C,-� �� �
AgglicantName: TNA2RL.DS'�' �..! pE✓EL��'t?�N7'�"pg• 7Q 1- .�35 - JI L 7
tt,ast) t�'�) (MI}
Address: / 02 0 3� Th 5� 5 w F'A ��o, nJ p 'S �'1 D3
(Number & stre�t) tG�ty) (state) . fZip)
Owner Nazne: T� A 2A L D So /J � �r-A /� i -
{I,ast) {Frst) (NII3 � -
Address• f a 2 a�� �.. s�~ s r,�-� F'r� Q�-ca , n.� o S'$i o3
. -----�
(Numbes & Stre�t) tG'�t3►) tState} tziP)
Street L,ocation of Praperty in Qucstion: /.3.3 � N o 2�'"/�l LKl n.1� Q� �' J V'�
I.egat nescription of Propeert3►: � o� �. ,B L o c K / N o r� ru �L, p t�.�a
, �
L7G�.1 V� iq t.3DITlo�
Type of Request:
,._.�.-�'�onditional Use Penmit
Conditioaal Use Pcrmit for P.U.D.
Plan Appmvai
Comprehensive Plan Amendment ��
� Subdivisio� Approvat�
Wetlands PcYmit
(hhcr (attach cxplanation)
Applicable City Ordinanoe Number'�� �i -c�� , Section � • 1 �1 �� � �- i q • �. � t ��-'" �
Presera Zoniag c�f P�ropert� � P�esent Use � 1 r f� G�l 1v �!
Proposed Zoning of Property ,� � Pmposed Usc `'� f� !�' L_
I herieeby deda� that alt sitaLemcais madc� in tbis on the �tid' ' al
materia� are iruc. . -' -
Signafizre af Applic�at) _
1 �"' .� --` � lo
(�ived by - Titki ` .
1101 Victoria Curve � 1t�iendota Heights,lV�.N • 5511$ 452 • 1850
November 6, 1996
NOTICE is hereby given that the Planning Commission of Mendota Heights will
meet at 8:00 o'clock P.M., or as soon as possible thereafter, on Tuesday, November
26, 1996, in the City Hall Council Chambers, 1101 Victoria Curve, Mendota Heights,
Minnesota, to consider an application from Tharaldson Development for a
Subdivision, Conditional Use Permit and Variance which would allow the construction
of a hotel addition on the following described property:
Lot 2, Block 1, Northland Drive Addition.
More particularly, this property is located at 1330 Northland Drive.
This notice is pursuant to City of Mendota Zoning Ordinance No. 401 and Mendota
Heights Subdivision Ordinance No. 301. Such persons as desire to be heard with
reference to the request for the Subdivision, Conditional Use Permit and Variance will
be heard at this meeting.
Kathleen M. Swanson
City Clerk �
Auxiliary aids for disabled persons are available upon request at least 120
hours in advance. If a notice of less than 120 hours is received, the City of
Mendota Heights will make every attempt to provide the aids, however, this
may not be possible on short notice. Please contact City Administrator at 452-
McCombs Frank Roos Associates, Inc.
15050 23rd Avenue North, Plymouth, Minnesota 55447-4739
M„�1VI�RAND �I.�
Telephone Engineers
612/476-6010 Planners
6121476-8532 FAX Surveyors
TO: Planning Commissioners af Mendota Heights
Meg McMonigal, City Planner��
November 19, 1996
Navember 25, 1996
Public Hearing for a Prelirninary Plat, Conditional Use Permit and
Variance for an Addition to the Heritage Inn Hotel
Thazaldson Development
1330 Narthland Drive
I, Industrial
GUIDE PLAN: I, Industrial
Appiication for considerativn af a Planning Request,
signed and dated November S, 1996.
Letter from Kenneth Scheel, Tharaldson Develapment,
dated November 5, 1996.
Preliminary Plat, prepared by Sunde Land Surveying, Inc.
4. Site Plan, Building Elevations, Landscape Plan, Grading
and Utilities Plan, Dimension Plan, Soil and Drainage
reports and other construction documents.
Desc��ption 0��.�cest
Tharaldson Development is requesting approval of a Preliminary Plat, Conditional Use Permit
and a Variance to allow construction af a major additian to the Heritage Inn Hotel, located in the
Mendata. Heights Business Park on Northland Drive. The propased addition consists af a new 4-
story building that will mirror the existing building in size and bulk with a brick exterior. The
two hotel buildings will be connected by a watkway additian that will be 6Q-feet in width.
An Equal Oppartunity Emp(oyer �
City of Mendota Heights Planning Commission
Tharaldson Development - Heritage Inn
Preliminary Plat, Conditional Use Permit, Variance
November 26,1996
Page 2
Three (3) approvals are requested. In order that the entire complex can be considered one
building, Tharaldson proposes a Preliminary Plat, which shifts a lot line to the east to
accommodate the building on one lot. Hotels are a Conditional Use in the Industrial zoning
district and therefore a permit is required. The variance is requested to allow the dumpster to be
in an accessory service building versus in the building or in an attached stiucture, as required by
the zoning ordinance. '
Backg�ound Information t
In 1993, the Heritage Inn was built. The primary customer for the hotel has been Northwest
Airlines. Because Northwest has a demand for more rooms, the owners propose to build a new
hotel tower and connect the two with a walkway. There would still be one entrance to the
complex, from the existing hotel, to serve the entire complex.
Preliminarv .Plat Review ;
A preliminary plat has been submitted to shift the lot line between lots 1 and 2, Block 1,
Northlaad Addition to the east. The proposed plat, Northland Drive 2nd Addition, shows that the
entire hotel complex can fit on one lot. The outside boundaries of the previous platted lots have
not changed. The plat as submitted meets the requirements of the City's Subdivision Ordinance.
Conditional Use Permit Review
Hotels aze a Conditional Use in Industrial zoning districts. Conditional uses require a public
hearing to consider the impact of those uses on neighboring land, the effect on the health, safety
and welfare of occupants or surrounding lands, existing and anticipated tr�c conditions and the
effect of the proposed use on the Comprehensive Plan. As the hotel use exists on the site
presently, an addition such as proposed is typically reviewed to determine the compatibility of
the proposed use and site plan in the area in which it is located
The site plan shows the two (2) 4-story hotel towers with a 60' by 20' walkway connecting them.
New pazking of 128 spaces is shown on the east and south sides of the proposed addition. The
new tower is setback 107' from Northland Drive, the same distance as the existing tower.
The proposed addition mirrors the existing hotel in size and bulk, with a slightly different design
and different building materials. The new portion is proposed to be brick, matching the brick
that is on a portion of the existing building. In addition, Tharaldson proposes to add brick to the
front of the existing building. Tharaldson will bring samples of building�materials and colors to
the meeting.
Below is a table showing the zoning requirements in the Industrial zoning district. All of the
requirements are met, with the exception of the parking lot setback on the east side and 3 parking
spaces on the east side of the building. It appears the pazking spaces aze setback 7 to 8 feet; 10
feet is required. The setbacks must be met or a variance must be granted to the side and building
setback requirements.
City of Mendota Heights Planning Commission
Tharaldson Development - Heritage Inn
Preliminary Plat, Conditional Use Permit, Variance
November 26,1996
Page 3
An extensive landscaping plan was submitted. The requirements of the zoning ordinance are met
by this plan, including material sizes, and landscaping in the parking lot azea.
Site lighting consists of 17 new lights on 8 new poles of 30' in height. The lamps are adjustable
and can tilt to angle the light across the parking lot. Additional photometric information should
be submitted to show the effect of the proposed lighting. Lights that do not tilt up may be
preferable, to ensure the light is cast down on the site and does not spill off to other properties.
In his letter, Mr. Scheel states that there will be mall lighted entrance signs at the driveway, an
identification sign on Northland Drive and a pylon sign on the southeast corner of the property.
Sign permits will be needed for these signs. ,
Variance Review '
Requested is a variance from the zoning regulation that "all trash and trash handling equipment
shall be stored within the principal structure or within an attached structure accessible from
within the principal structure" (4.17(3)c). Tharaldson would like to have a separate accessory
10' x 20' building for its dumpster because it could be away from the building and entrances.
The building as proposed would match the design of the connecting wing and have brick veneer
on it.
Variances aze granted when there aze practical difficulties or undue hardships in carrying out the
strict regulations of the zoning ordinance. While a separate building may be a practical solution
for dumpster storage on this site, without a particular hardship, it is difficult to distinguish this
property from other similar properties.
� - � --� �--�
City of Mendota Heights Planning Cammission
Tharaidson Development - Heritage Inn
Preliminary Plat, Conditianal Use Permit, Variance
November 2b,199b
Page 4
St�{,�'f Recontmendation:
The City Planner recommends:
1. The Pxeliminary Piat be appraved, as it rneets the requirements of the subdivision
2. The Conditianal Use Fermit be approved, with the foliowing conditions:
a. Colors of building materiais and raaf shingles be determined.
b. The parking setback on the east side and building side be increased to 10' or a
variance be granted to aliow a smaller setback.
c. A landscape bond of 150% be taken to guarantee completion of landscaping.
d. Additional photometric information be submitted to show the effect of the
proposed lighting.
e, Recommendatians of the City's Engineer be incarporated inta the grading and
erosion cantrol plan and submitted priar to a building permit being issued.
f. Informaiion an signs be submitted with penmit agplicahions.
3. The variance for a sepazate dumpster building be denied, as there daes not appear to
be a hazdship related to the land in question.
.w w.,.w..w... .. �
McCombs Frank Roos Associates, tnc.
� 15050 23rd Ave. N. Ertgineers
� Piymauth, MN 55447 Planners
6!2/476-6010 Surveyors
s .._ _.._
� .., _
Tharaldson Development
Heritage Inn Additian
102036tk St• S•
��i.�,GO, J�D 58103
Planning Commission
City of Mendota Heights
1101 Victoria Curve
Mendota Heights, Mn. 55118
November 5,1996
Dear Commissioners,
pn;cent Co. �
P�fO��: (701J 235-1167
f�1X.• (701J 23� 1262
Because of the success of the business arrangement between Northwest Airlines and the
Heritage Inn of Mendota Heights, Northwest has asked us to provide additional rooms for
them adjacent to the current site. As you know, because of my many trips to the Planning
Commission and City Council for modifications to the original plan, the evolution of the
design and operation of the existing structure has been ongoing. Many of Northwest's inidal
requirements were found to be incorrect or unneeded and many new ones have been added.
Based on our operating experience since the hotel opened we feel that the new addition we
propose herein corrects all remaining problems and adds items that were not anticipated in
the construction of the first project. Features of the new addition plus proposed changes in
the existing structure aze listed below: �
The addition will be a four story building with a primarily brick exterior accented by white
columns and roof gables of white Dryvit similar to the existing structure. The size and
general floor plan of the new building will he very similar to the existing.
The new structure will contain one hundred twenty five guest rooms. Northwest has asked
that the guest rooms to be leased to them be of the same size and contain the same amenities
as the existing building. We feel that there is a need for a limited number of suite type
rooms in the area so thirty three of the remaining rooms will be larger and contain amenities
such as refrigerators and microwaves. It will also contain an ,indoor swimming pool.
The 6uiidings will be connected by a new structure which wiil form an "H" of the enEire
complex with the two main wings separated by approximately sixty feet. The smaller
connecting wing will house an enclosed ramp between the wings and an addition to the
existing restaurant. The front and rear of this wing will be primarily glass and will overlook
a sparts caurt to the sauth and an enclased courtyard to the north. The north end of the
courtyard will be enclosed with a brick wall containing wrought iron gates. �
The north stair tower of the existing building will be upgraded with the addition af brick
from ground level ta roof and glazing as shown on the rendering. AII grounc! maunted
HVAC equipment wi11 be concealed with a Dryvit covered enclosure matching existing
Tharaldson Development has worked closely with United Properties during the design stages
of this development and all exterior elevations, landscaping and site plans have been
appraved hy them. At United Praperties' request we retained their architectural firm ta
design the exterior of the building and their landscaping firm to design all of the landscaping
including the retaining wa1ls and plantings within the enclosed caurtyard.
Northwest currentiy leases the entire e3cisting buiiding an a lang term basis and proposes to
lease appraximately fifty percent of the rooms of the new addition in a similar manner with
additianal zooms being reserveci as neede�i. Based an the knawledge of the number af rooms
Northwest uses in the azea every night and tHe fact that they aze currently renting rooms at
onr Mall of America Fairfield Inn we feel that Narthwest will most likely be the sole user of
the property. Any rooms unused by Northwest will be available for use by the general
public. Far Security reasans Northwest has asked that ail guests check in through the existing
'facility. We think this is an appropriate request and will enhance the aperatian of the hotel
and security of the guests rather than deter from it.
As in the existing building, all exterior daors will be contralled by electronic locks operabla
by any registered guest's key card. As soon as a guest checks out their card is automatically
disabled and neither the room lack ar the exterior door lock wili be operable by the ald key
card. Entrance to the enclosed courtyard will be through the connecting wing. Emergency
exit only from the caurtyazd will be provided #hrough the wrought iron gates at the narth
end. The same conditions apply to the sports court to be provided to the south of the
connecting wing.
The additionat property ta he purchased will allow connection of the twa parking lots to
allow for a hetter traffic flow and for the dumpster areas to be moved to the rear of the
buildings. One hundred and thirty additionai parking spaces will be provided. The service
driveway to the existing dumpster will be eliminated and a new entrance installeci at the
northeast corner of the new praperty. The position of the proposed driveways allows a
landscape area along Narthland Drive of almost twenty thousand square feet.
While not necessary for the campletion vf the project we wauld like the City to consider
granting a variance so the dumpster azea could be detached and moved to the southern edge
af the rear parking lat. The structure would be apgroximately twenty feet wide and ten foot
; - �
deep. It would be completely enclosed and coveretl. The general design of the walls and roof
would be similar to the connecting wing and would be brick veneer. We feel that an
attractive dumpster azea away from the buildings enhances the entrances and contributes to
the overall ambiance of the project.
Proposed signage will consist of small lighted entrance signs at the driveway and a hotel
identification sign incorporated into the brick landscaping wall fronting on Northland Drive.
An idendfying pylon sign will be placed at the southeast corner of the new property. No
height or size variances will be requested for this sign and it will be placed so as not to
interfere with the view of any exisdng signage along I-494.
Tharaldson Development is excited about the prospect of doing another project in Mendota
Heights. While the Commission exercises more decision maldng power in the development
stage of a project than most cities, we have always been treated fairly and I personally have
enjoyed the experience the many times I have appearerl before the Commission or City
Council. We feel that the proposed addition and the improvements to the exisdng building
will create an impressive complex and it will in fact, be the signature hotel of the entire two
hundred twenty hotels owned and operated by Tharaldsons.
I want to thank your staff and Jim and Kevin in particular for the help you have given us to
date on this project. As we develop properties in so many areas of the country it is difficult
for us to lrnow all the requirements that will be imposed on a given project. Mendota
Height's concise check lists and willingness of the staff in assisting us during the planning
stages makes the project flow smoother than might be expected and certainly does not leave
any "loose ends" that might be difficult to deal with at a later date.
Kenneth Scheel
Manager, Technical Services
_ � • _ . .... . . ,. ,,: �_.. . ,.,. ., ....-. `
�. .
Heriteq� Znn o� Mandota
Y Heiqht�, xnc.
Glo 2'ttnrldson Entarpria�m
P.O. 8ox 9I28
, larqor ND 58206-9118
AI1 of Lot Ir Block 1.
Northlend Driv� 1lddielan.
TM.ch*r• R�etictm�nt Beptem� o! IL Lote 1 and 2, 81oCR 1,
� c/o Crpit�l A�roc. R�alty 114vi�or• !l��dota 8�iqht• Busin�r� C�nt�c.
2201 Clark St. i�. su3t• 300
Chie�go, ZL 60620-22"70
tiorthland ina. Co. Lot 8, 91ock A,
3 P-O. Hox 64816 !l�ndaQa 8sighCs ZnQuatria2 lark.
st. P�n3, !!N 55264
!l�ndata Rsai Estate Holding� Znc.
,� 3580 - BOth se. F1. .
Minneapolta, MN 55431
0%tN& :
Northland Land Co.
� 3500 - 80th st. W.
lfinneapoi3o, MN 55431
4"aaex 8ouee Condo CoCp.
6 afo lfarriott Corp. Degt.
924 13 CTYD iH4
10400 Fernwaod Rd.
B�th�sda, MD 20817-11p9
Lote 9 aad 10, Hlack 4.
M�ndot• Ntiqht• Industriel Perk.
Lot 1, 81ock 6, ExCepe part in
Parcel 225 of sTH RjH Plat 19-33
and all of Lat 4, Block 6,
Mendota �Qights Induatrlal Park.
1lND, Part of tiE� arid Dact af NW�
lyfnq No�th o� North R/W RT8 1494
Except pwart platted aa Northlend
Driv� 1►dditfan, s�etion 3•
Tawnship 2fi. Etang� 23.
Lot 2, Block 6, and the Weaterly
72.8 feCC of Lat 3r BibCk 6�
8xc�pt part in Parc�2 225 STN
R/W Plat 19-33,
Mandota Heiqhta Induatrial Park.
- _ - a �G �a � � � :�
Stata oi Minne�ota,}
.� :as. ,
Caunty of Dskot�.?
Dekotm Cou�ty Absuact & Title doe� hereby c.rtify th�t the
fo��going exttibit aonslstinp of antrtea nvmbsracf 1 to 6 both
inciusive, canstitutee e true end complete report of the �pparent
owns�ahip of all percels ot lond situ�tw within a radlus of 350 feet of:
LaC 2,
NorChland nrive AdGlition,
all aw shown by the recard� of th� County Recordsr end County
Treasurer ai said Caunty.
d�ted at Hsstings, Minnosots this Iat day of Octob�r
A.G.189d et 8 o'clock A.M.
Dakota County Abstrect & Title
bs L��
An Autho ' ed Si�nawre
Dakata County Abstrac,t & Titla accepts no responaibility as ta the
accuracy of tha addreasea in thia report ee said addresses are taken f�om
tha reccrda of the of#ice af the County T�easurer and Cour►ty Recorder oi
said Dakote County and ere not neceetarfly the most currant eddresses
of said property ownero.
/' �' � / � �' ' �.� . \ '
...� _ � . � . � �� � _ r .._. � ��
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Job Number 961041
5:i{}0 Highway lUl Souih
Minnetonka, MN 55345
Phone: {612} 4?4 7964
AD ��?1.�+�`'.E StJR 'tjEYI.1V�+� & ..EN+GINE.�'RI1�� +�'Q.
5340 Highway 101 South, Minnetanka, MN 55345 Phone 474 7964 Fax 474 $26?
October 24, 1996
Attn: Mr. Daug Zuehisdorff
Tharaldsan L?evelapement
P.Q. Box 10519
Fargo, ND 58146
Phone: (7�1}235--1167
Dear poug:
At your request, we have conducted a preiiminary investigation of
soil conditions on your site at the Iocations you specified.
The foliowing is a tabulation af data about your site:
The investigation cansisted of exploratory soil barings to aid in
identifying sail and water conditions. We have indicated the
apparaximate lacations of the borings on an attached site plan sketch.
Elevations are very approximate.
Borings were taken with a truck mounted CME 45 drill rig using
solid siem continuous—flight augers. Soils encountered in the
borings were visually and manual�y examined in the fietd by the
sails engineer. The soils are classified on the basis of texture and
plastricity in accordance with ASTM D24$7 "Uni�ied Soil
Classification System" and a chart explaining that system is attached.
The compact, brown poorly graded sand encotultered in the borings below the
soft soil is suitable for the support of the proposed structure. It is our opinion
that these soils are capable of supporting footings proportioned to exert a bearing
pressure of no more than 4000 pounds per square foot. The soft soils should be
removed form the area of the proposed stnichire. The floor of the proposed
structure shall be supported by the soils described as suitable in this report.
`Vt measure the depth of any ground water that may have
accumulat�d in the borin�s, immediatety ac completion of the.
barin�s. ��/e do not monitor the borings over a period of time.
Borin�s left open are a hazard to pedestrians, Ieave an openinb for
polutants, and quickly cavc in rend�rina any measurements of Iittie
value. Th� water levels w�. observe are thus only an indication of
an immediate and rapid flo�v o�'tivater into the borin� indicating that a
drain tile system mi�ht be over ta:�ed in such soils.ySlo�v inflolvs may
not be cietected and variations in rainfall can afEect �raund water levels.
�Vhile it is our opinion that a properlv desi�?ned and installed
drain tile system and submersible sump pump �vill keep most
basements dry and should be a standard part of all ne�v
construction, �ve make no guarantees in this re�ard.
Of necessity, Lhe area -oi the borin�s in relation to the area of
the site and the ciepth of the borinas are li�2iLed. Su�aestiort.s •
and recommendations of this report are opinions based on data
obtained from the borin�s.
If upon excavation, eonditions that are nat eonsistent tivith the
borings are revealed, it is aoreed that you �vili notify us so
that �ve may gather further znformatian and madify our opznion or
indicate that no modification is necessary in a�vritten addendum
to this report; or failing to engage our services to prepare such
written addendum, it is aQreed that you proceed at your own peril.
If we may be of further assistance in evaivatin� . this data,
kindly contact us at your convenience.
I hereby certify that this repart was prepared by me and that I am a duly
Registered Professional Enaineer under the La�vs of the State of
; Minnesota. y
Ja es H. Parker P.E. & P.S., No. 9235, President
�Vc; measur� the depth of any ground water tha� may have
acc:uznulated in thc borings, immc:diateiy ac campletion of the
borin�s. �Ve do not monitor the borings over a period of time.
�3arin�s left opcn ar�; a haLard to pedestrians, leave an opcnin� far
polutants, and quickly cavc in rend�rin� any measurements o�' little
vatue. Th� , water Ievcls �ve observe are thus anly an indication of
att immediate and rapid flo�v o� �vater into the barin� indicating that a
drain tile system rni�ht be over taxed in such soils.� Slo�v inflo�vs znay
nat be detected and�variations in rainfalI can afFect �round �vater leveis.
�y'hile it is aur opinion that a properiv desi�ned and install�d
drain tile system and submersible sump pump �vill keep r�zost
basements dry and shouid be a standard part af alI ne«-
construction, ��e make no �uarantees in this regard.
O.f necessity, the area of the borings in relation to the area of
the site and the depth of the boxinas are limited. Su�aestions •
and recommendations o� this report are opinions based on data
obtained from the borin4s.
7f upan excavation, condizions that are nat consistent �vith the
borings are revealed, it is a�reed thac you �vill notify us so
that �ve znay gather further information and modify our opinion ar
indicate that no modification is necessary in a�vritten addenduzn
to this report; or failing to engage our services to prepare such
ti�ritten addendum, it is aareed that you groceed at your own peril.
; "
Ii �ve may be of further assistance in evaluatinj. this data,
kindiy �contact us at your canvenience.
I hereby certify that this report was prepared by me and that I am a duly
Registered Professionai Enaineer under the La�vs of the State oF
Ja es H. Parker P.E. � F.S,, No. 4235, Presid�nc
1�Vc; measure the d�pth oF any ground water that may have
accumulateci in thc borin��s, immediacely at completion of the
, borin�s. �Ve do not rnanit�r che barings over a period of time.
�3orin�s left opcn are a hazard to pedestrians, leave an opcning for
poIutants, and quickl;� cave in rend�rin�7 any zneasurements oF lztcle
vaiue. Thc. water Ievcls �ve observe are thus only an indication of
an immediate and rapid fla�v of tvater into the barin� indicatzng that a
drain tite system mi�ht b� over ia:ced in such soils.4 Sla�v inflo�vs may
noc be detected and4vari�cions in rainfaIl can affect �round �vater levels.
"�Vhilc it is our opinion that a properl� desianed and instalied
drain tile system and submersible sump pump �vili keep raost
basements dry and shouid be a standard part of alI ne�c-
construction, �ve make no guarantees in this reQard.
Of necessity, the area �o� the borin?s in relation to the area of
the site and the depth of the borin�s are limited. Su�gestions �
and recommendations of this report are opinions based on data
obtained from the borin�s.
If upon e�cavation, conditions that are not cansistent �vith the
borings are revealed, it is aareed thac you �vill noti�'y us so
that �,ve may gather �urther infarmation and modify our opinion or
indicate that no modification is necessary in a tivritt�n addendum
to this report; or failing ta en�age our services to prepare such
written addendum, it is a�?reed that you proceed at your own peril.
Zf �ve may be af further assistance in evaluatin� . this data,
kindly ' contact us at your convenience.
I hereby certify that this report was prepared by me and that I am a duly
Registered Professianal Engineer under the La��s of the State of
Jartjes H. Parker P.E. & P,S., No. 9'Z35, President
(CL) I Inoraanic clays of low to medium plasticity, gravell}� clays, sandy clays, silty clays, lean clays
(SV� Well b aded sands and gravelly sands, little or no fines
(SP) Poorly graded sands and gravelly sands, little or no fines
(GW)I Well graded gravels and gravel—sand miYtures, little or no fines
(SC) Clayey sands, sand—clay mixtures
(GC) Clayey gravels, gravel—sand—clay mixtures
(SIV� Silty sands, sand—silt mixtures
(OL) Organic silts and organic silty clays of low plasticity
(OI� Organic clays of inedium to high plasticity .
(Pt) Peat, muck, and other highly organic soils
(�II.,) Inorganic silts, rock flour, silty or clayey fine sand
(C� Inorganic clays of high plasticity, fat clays
(NIIi) Inorganic silts, micaceous or diatomaceous silts, elastic silts
(GP) Poorly graded gravels and gravel—sand mixtures, little or no fines
(G1V� Silty gravels, gravel—sand—silt mijctures
� 1 41 __ JHP I 24—Occ-96 � Tharaldson Deve(opement Mendota Hei,�hts, Minnesota
i1041 JHP 2�—Oct-96 Tharaldson llevelo ement I Mendota Hei h
-lY I 24—()c�—��ti I�l haraldson Uevelapernent I Mend�ta Hei�hts, Minnesota
8Y I Dt1."I7i ; C'I.iI:N'i' � CI"IY
*W — DENOTES WA"Cf:12 LCVI:I, DI:Ti:;C"iTD tl`t' C;O�tYt.l:`t�C�N Ot� t30t2tNC�, Mt�Y RISE ?(D=DR�
'N -- STANDARD PCNI:'fltA"1'I(7N TCS'[' l3I�OW COUN"I'
' .��D VA��T C�' �1V G�'.tV�'E�'.I ��l � G.� 0 T�' C��'N�C.� L� L.J P VE �''.IN�
� 5?Cq NsGnWAY i4t S. NiNN�TC�KA, !+.t� ;,,,345 �i,G�VE i7�-7S6j FAX 474-8267
� %�% Q �` �'.A.��'
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prepared by:
James Roeder, P.E.
Tharaldson Development Co.
1020 36th Street S.W.
Fargo, North Dakota 58103
ph. (701) 235-1167
November 1, 1996
ti i
Title Page
Table of Contents
Vicinity Map
Existing Ganditian Hydroiagy:
RCN Worksheet
Time of Concentration Worksheet
Graphical Peak Warksheet
Developed Condition Hydrolagy:
RCN Worksheet
Graphical Peak Warksheet
Data for Elevation -- Storage Curve
Elevatian -- Storage Curve
� �Iydrolagy Summary
Basin Outlet Design .
Computer Printout -- Basin Routing
Summary af Detention Results
Storm Drain Design :
Runaff Coefficient Determination
Intensity / Duration Curve
Drainage Computatians
Attached: Drainage Area Map
Tharaldson Development Co. is planning a building expansion to the existing 4-story
Heritage Inn hotel on Northland Drive, in Mendota Heights, Minnesota. The proposed 4-
story expansion will be located behind the existing building, with a 1-story conidor
connecting the two buildings. A new parking lot will be constructed to serve this new
expansion, along with associated infrastructure and site work.
The Ciry of Mendota Heights requires that stormwater detention is provided to ensure that
the post-development peak discharge rate does not exceed the pre-development peak
discharge rate, based on the 100-year storm event. A detention basin is proposed within the
lawn / landscaped area in front of the proposed building. As these computations show, tliis
basin has been designed to ensure compliance -- peak discharge after development is 5.7 cfs,
whereas existing peak discharge is 6.9 cfs.
Methodology is the Soil Conservation Service Hydrologic Method (TR-55/TR-20); the
detention basin is routed using the computer program known as "Pond Pack", by Haestad
Methods, Waterbury, Connecticut.
Also included in this package is the storm drainage design computations. The on-site storm
drain system is designed using the Rational method; a 100-year design storm is used to
ensure that the storm drains have adequate capacity to convey the entire 100-year storm to
the proposed detention basin.
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1020 36TS 3'1'R�T SW. FAR60, ND 58103
�r,�Hoxa �roi� 2ss-iisr Fna �roi� 2a�-izsz
Worksheet 2: Runoff curve number and runoff
Project Location M�d� {�1�h� I'1N INen�-�� sy �� Date �� 3�(�
Circle one: resent Developed p�� � d
;__�•� .•- �..�i•- ►1
Soil name and CN 1� Area Product
hydrologic group Cover description and hydrologic acres of CN
condition table fig. fig. 0 mi2 x azea
(appendix A) 2-2 2-3 2-4 0%
� � ��sgo� s � � Z�►�
� �� 9� o
1/ Use only one CT1 source per line. Totals = 2, ('�
total product
CN (weighted) _ --------------- _ ---------- _ ; Use CN = �
total area
�5� �s r�,c-��p �S
2. $unoff
��� A% �b� �S �Nl/ijr(�6 !�"l�o'.� I N Dl(�'i�5 7lidrr
�`G` �s �M.�. 2t�ti�s��`� t��p�'. cc,��S ,
Frequency .............................. yr
Rainfall, P (24-hour) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . in
Runoff, Q ...................... ....... in
(Use P and CN with table 2-1, fig. 2-1,
or eqs. 2-3 and 2-4.)
Storm 1 Storm 2 Storm 3
� 00
�, l9
1020 36TH 3TRBLT 3W, FAR80, ND 58103
�sPHoxs �roi� z�-i is� FAx �roi� za�-izsz
Worksheet 3: Time of concentration (T�) or travel time (T�
Pro'ect Location I '� ��� � ��'� �h By � ��`' ` Date ��! ���g6
Circle one: Present eveloped '----�,
Circle one: � Tt through subarea �� ��� �
Notes: S ace�man as two se ments er flow type can be used for each worksheet.
P Y g P
Include a map, schematic, or description of flow segments.
Sheet flow (Applicable to T� only) Segment ID
1. Surface description (table 3-1) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
2. Mannings's roughness coeff.., n (table 3-1) . . . . . . . . .
3. Flow length, L (total L <300 ft) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ft
4. Two-yr 24-hr rainfall, P2 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . in
5. Land slope, s . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ft/ft
0•007 ,nI,10.8
6. Tt = P20.SS0.4
Shallow concentrated flow
Compute Tt . . . . . . . . . hr
Segment ID
7. Surface description (paved or unpaved) . . . . . . . . . . . .
8. Flow length, L . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ft
9. Watercourse slope, s . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ftlft
10. Average velocity, V (figure 3-1) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ft/s
11. Tt = 3600 V
Compute Tt . . . . . . . . . .
Channel flow Segment ID
12. Cross sectional flow azea, a . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
13. Wetted perimeter, PW . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
14. Hydraulic radius, r = � Compute r . . . . . . . . . . .
15. Channel slope, s . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ft/ft
16. Manning's roughness coeff., n . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
17. V = 1.49 r2�3 s1�2 Compute V . . . . . . . . . . .
18 Flow length, L
19 Tt = �_
3600 V
Compute Tt . . . . . . . . . . .
�' + - o
20. Watershed or subarea T� or Ti (add Tt in steps 6, 11, and 19) ............ hr �, Z�
1020 3b"iH 3TRFSi 3W, FA�GO. I�i} 581�3
msr,r�HarB �roi� z�-�icr �n1c �roi� Za�-izsz
, ,�;
Warksheet 4: Graphical Peak Discharge Method
Project Location�e,� d�� f M N���11�ti�'f�n By C.� � Date l��'� j' ��
Circle one: Present Develaped � ��
Drainageazea-•________ � —
Runnoff curve number - - - - CN =
Time of concentration - - - - T� _
Rainfall distribution type - - _
Pond and swamp areas spread
throughout watershed - - - - - _
2.1�! �(� __ mi2 (acres/640) = . 00�3 "7�- �'`4
� {from warksheet 2)
� •2-'� hr (from worksheet 3)
7L (�, IA, II, II�
Frequency --------------------
Rainfall, P (24-hour) • - -. - - - - - - - - • -
Initial abstraction, Ia _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
{Use CN with ta61e 4-l.}
�OITij�ll�8�� -------------------
� percent of Am (� acres or mi2 cavered)
Unit peak discharge, q„ - - - - - - - - - - - - csm/in
(Use T� and Ia/F with exhibit 4- )
Runoff,Q --- --- --- ----------
(from worksheet 2 ).
8. Pond and swamp adjustrnent factor, Fp --
(Use percent pond and swamp area
with table 4-2. Factor is I.0 for
zera percent pond and swamp area.}
Storm #1 Storm #2 Storm. #3
� qa
i ��
7 �"`�7
9. Peakdischarge,qF---------------- cfs %�'�
(Where qp = q�A�►QFP) .
1020 36TH STRBTT 3W, FARGO, ND 58103
TELEPHONTs (701) 235-1167 FAX (701) 235-1262
Worksheet 2: Runoff curve number and runoff
Project Location M�o�� I"l°�i I`�N /�(8/1��-� By ��
Circle one: Present Developed p�� �
: __� � � - � ._�� � -
Date �� 3ir �
Soil name and CN 1� Area Product
hydrologic group Cover description and hydrologic �acres of CN
condition table fig. fig. ❑ mi2 x area
(appendix A) 2-2 2-3 2-4 ❑ %
� ��s-g a �, s � � � .,9 $.a�
',,,,� - 98 I �� 4 I�►.'��.,
�./ Use only one CN source per line. Totals = 2� 13 I8J ��
total product � $ �'1,g �� � �
CN (weighted) _ --------------- _ ------- _ ; Use CN = �
total azea 2 ' � �
: i•�
Frequency .............................. yr
Rainfall, P (24-hour) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . in
Runoff, Q . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . in
(Use P and CN with table 2-1, fig. 2-1,
or eqs. 2-3 and 2-4.)
Storm 1 Storm 2 Storm 3
� O�
�o . b
��� �
1020 36TH 3TREhT 3W, FARGO, ND 58103
�r,�rHor�s �roi� z�-iis� Fax �roi� z��-izsz
Worksheet 4: Graphical Peak Discharge Method
Project Location e✓► �%� I� N 1��nr L�'hn By �� Date ���'� I' ��
Circle one: Present Develope Q�" �
Drainage area - - - - - - - - - - Am
Runnoff curve number - - - - CN
Time of concentration - - - - T�
Rainfall distribution type - -
Pond and swamp areas spread
throughout watershed - - - - -
= 2� �� ��� miz (acres/640) � • �� 3
= S � (from worksheet 2)
— o, � 0 hr (from worksheet 3) ����^^-"'"`' �
_ ]� (I, IA, II, III)
= O percent of Am (� acres or miZ covered)
Frequency --------------------
Initial abstraction, I, - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
(Use CN with table 4-1.)
ComputeIa/P -------------------
Storm #1 Storm #2 Storm #3
yr � O�
Unit peak discharge, q„ - - - - - - - - - - - - csm/in
(Use T� and Ia/P with e�chibit 4- )
Runoff,Q---- --- --- ----------
(from worksheet 2 ).
8. Pond and swamp adjustment factor, Fp --
(LJse percent pond and swamp azea
with table 4-2. Factor is 1.0 for
zero percent pond and swamp area.)
9. Peakdischarge,qp----------------
(Where qP — q�AmQFP)
d �I
I� -
� -
� -
1020 36TH 3TRBSf SW, FARGO, ND 58103
�Horr� �roi� z�-iicr Fa� �roi� z�-izsz
PROJECT LOCATION: �'`�-ha°� ���s' DATE: ���u�9 � BY: ,� �
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2�raral�cfson Developnr�nt, Co.
10'1Q36tk ,�. S.'h! (58203) • 2?U.`.BoXIU519 � }'argo,l�� 58It16
��r�� (To11 �s-11�7 • �x 17011 z.�s-4zzs
Date I� 1'� ���6 By; ,� �,, Sheet # i 4
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2�iaraCd �son �evelopment, Co.
102U �6� ,St. S•'�'✓ (5810j1 • 1'U.Box10519 • fargo, T(D 581UE;
7'%wrre (701J '135-1167 •'. (lO1J 235-4225
u��.o��Y S�,�rc,�
Date �� ��� By:J�-- Sheet # � �
Project: rn� � �'j� ^- �� "_� �`
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POND-2 Version: 5.17 S/N:
EXECUTED. 10-31-1996 10:55t23
* *
* Detention Basin far *
* Addition ta Heritage Inn *
* Northland Drive, Mendota Hei.ghts, Minnesota *
* *
* *
Inflow Hydrograph: a:MENDOTA2.HYD
Rating Table file: a:MENDOTAP.PND
Elevation = 867.00 ft
Outflaw - 0.00 efs
Storage - 0.00 ac-ft
(ft} {cfs) (ac-ft)
867.00 0.0 0.000
868.00 2.Q 0.008
86g�OQ 3.3 Q.02?
870.p0 4.2 0.065
871.00 5.Q 0.122
872.00 5.6 0.18'7
$72.50 5.9 p.229
8?3.00 6.2 0.279
Page 1
2S/t 2S/t + 0
(cfs} tcfs)
__ -- -------------
0.0 0.0
1.9 3.9
6.5 9.8
15.7 19.9
29.3 34.3
45.3 50.9
55.4 61.3
67.5 ?3.7.
Time increment (t) = 0.100 hrs,
POND-2 Version: 5.17 S/N:
EXECUTED: 10-31-1996 10:55:13
�nd File: a:MENDOTAP.PND
�nflow Hydrograph: a:MENDOTA2.HYD
Outflow Hydrograph: a:MENDOTAQ.HYD
12,. 300
L5 . 200
(cfs) I
2S/t - O
2S/t + O
Page 2
' 0.00
� 0.00
I 1.01
I 1.51
I 3.32
I 5.23
I 3.63
I 1.00
I 867.00
' 867.50
867.50 ,
867.00 I
867.00 I
867.00 I
------------------ ------------------------------------------------------
POND-2 Version: 5.17 S/N:
EXECUTED: 10-31-1996 10:55:13
,nd File: a:MENDOTAP.PND
tnflow Hydrograph: a:MENDOTA2.HYD
Outflow Hydrograph: a:MENDOTAQ.HYD
16.300 ,
16.500 ',
16.700 i
16.900 I
� 7 .100 I
17.300 I
17.400 '
17.500 I
17.600 i
�.9 . 600
I 2S/t - O
2S/t + O
'�, 0.00
. 0.00
� 0.00
0.00 I
, 0.00 I
0.00 I
0.00 I
0.00 I
0.00 I
I 867.00
I 867.00
' 867.00
' 867.00
867.00 ,
867.00 '�,
867.00 I
867.00 I
867.00 I
867.00 �
------------------ ------------------------------------------------------
POND-2 Version: 5.17 S/N:
EXECUTED: 10-31-1996 10:55:13
�,iflow Hydrograph: a:MENDOTA2.HYD
Outflow Hydrograph: a:MENDOTAQ.HYD
Page 4
I 2S/t - O
2S/t + O
I 867.00
I 867.00
I 867.00
I 867.00
��i 867.00
'I 867.00
�� 867.00
I 867.00
867.00 I
867.00 I
867.00 I
867.00 '
867.00 I
867.00 I
------------------ ------------------------------------------------------
POND-2 Version: 5.17 S/N:
EXECUTED: 10-31-1996 10:55:13
�nd File: a:MENDOTAP.PND
lnflow Hydrograph: a:MENDOTA2.HYD
Outflow Hydrograph: a:MENDOTAQ.HYD
(hrs) (cfs)
-------- ---------
24.700 0.00
24.800 0.00
24.900 0.00
25.000 0.00
25.100 0.00
25.200 0.00
25.300 0.00
25.400 0.00
25.500 0.00
25.600 0.00
25.700 0.00
25.800 0.00
25.900 0.00
Page 5
I1+22 2S/t - O .2S/t + O OUTFLOW ELEVATION
(cfs) (cfs) (cfs) (cfs) (ft)
--------- ------------ ----------- --------- ---------
0.0 -0.0 -0.0 0.00 867.00
0.0 -0.0 -0.0 0.00 867.00
0.0� -0.0 -0.0 0.00 867.00
I 0.0 -0.0 -0.0 0.00 867.00
0.0 -0.0 -0.0 0.00 867.00
I 0.0 -0.0 -0.0 0.00 867.00
0.0 -0.0 -0.0 0.00 867.00
I 0.0 -0.0 -0.0 0.00 867.00
0.0 -0.0 -0.0 0.00 867.00
I 0.0 -0.0 -0.0 0.00 867.00
0.0 -0.0 -0.0 0.00 867.00
0.0 -0.0 -0.0 0.00 867.00
0.0 -0.0 -0.0 0.00 867.00
POND-2 Version: 5.17 S/N:
EXECUTED: 10-31-1996 10:55:13
Page 6
****************** SUMMARY OF ROUTING COMPUTATIONS ******************
Inflow Hydrograph: a:MENDOTA2.HYD
Outflow Hydrograph: a:MENDOTAQ.HYD
Starting Pond W.S. Elevation = 867.00 ft
***** Summary of Peak Outflow and Peak Elevation *****
Peak Inflow = 16.00 cfs
Peak Outflow = 5.69 cfs
Peak Elevation = 872.14 ft
***** Summary of Approximate Peak Storage *****
Initial Storage
� Peak Storage From Storm
Total Storage in Pond
= 0.00 ac-ft
= 0.20 ac-ft
= 0.20 ac-ft
POND-2 Version: 5.17 S/N:
Inflow Hydrograph: a:MENDOTA2.HYD
Outflow Hydrograph: a:MENDOTAQ.HYD
Peak Inflow = 16.00 cfs
Peak Outflow = 5.69 cfs
Peak Elevation = 872.14 ft
(I� �
EXECUTED: 10-31-1996
' Flow (cfs)
0.0 2.0 4.0 6.0 8.0 10.0 12.0 14.0 16.0 18.0 20.0 22.0
12.3 -I
12.4 -I
12.5 -I
12.6 -
12.7 -
12.8 -
12.9 -
13.0 -
13.1 -.
13.2 -
* File:
x File:
Qmax = 16.0 cfs
Qmax = 5.7 cfs
�iaral�fson �evelopment, Co.
10'l0 i6tk 4. S•'W. (5810j) • PO.BoX1U519 • fargo, 7�D 58106
P(rone (701J �_5-1167 • `s X (701J 235-4Z25
Date «�i19� By: � (Z, Sheet # �9
Project: �?.►'le�o� �rWTs, _' �jtn���
Subject: �"'�
-]�"c.��L�' c� ��8r��a �l (�uL� t (ov -�r c��5%h S�^
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1020 36TH SZ`REBT SW, FARGO, ND 58103 + PA. BO% 10519, FARGO, ND 58106
TELEPHONE (701) 235-1167 • F'AX (701} 23r1262
---'' �U�- �i�.�J j�'�� C� .�J ""'"
Areas of �and Uses
Area {Sq. Ft.) Camposite
Area # Sq. Ft. Acres Lawn/Landscaped Woods Impervious �����
�u C— 0�'�4 �ai C_ @ C= c���
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Date: i���4 � 4"�' Sheet No.: �
FI6 B. — ONE—liOUR RASNF.4ll, IN ItVCtiES,
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Concenfrofion fimc in Exornplc
. U.S. Oe�ot, af y�ricrrtfurc, b�y L3ovra' L. Yurne.'.
� or�fin e nf; Por�f .� C'hop /, LJea 45
Tharaldsan De�elap�ent Co.
PO BU% 10519, FARGO, ND 581Q6 � 1020 3STH STREET SW, FARGQ, ND 58103
BUSINTSS. (701) 235-1167
FAg: {7Q1} 235-12�f2
PROJECT LOCATION: �'P-��� 1'Itt '�7.� �� ��� C!/�`716h -N !"iurlr ���
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December 3, 1996 �
�• �
TO: Mayor, City Council, and City Admini
FROM: Patrick C. Hollister, Administrative Assistant
SUBJECT: Continuance of the discussion on Manna Ereight
to the December 17, 1996 Council meeting.
Discussion �
Manna Freight has asked to be taken off of the agenda this evening and placed on the
agenda for the City Council meeting on December 17, 1996. Manna Freight wishes to
change their plans to add a second story to the office portion of the building, as indicated
in the packet for the December 3, 1996 meeting of the City Council. Manna Freight had
told Staff last week that United Properties had approved of this change. Sta.ff spoke with
Dale Glowa of United Properties this morning, who clarified that United Properties
approved of the concept of adding a second story to the office portion of the building, but
has not yet approved of any specific elevations.
United Properties wants Manna Freight to add some architectural relief to the exterior of
the building before they will approve this second story ad'dition. Both Manna Freight and
United Properties request that the Council table discussion of this request until Manna
Freight has improved the exterior of the building to Unite�d Properties' satisfaction.
° �,
Council Action Required � _ `
If the Council wishes to grant Manna Freight's request, it � should vote to continue
discussion of this request to the December 17, 1996 Council meeting to allow Manna
Freight and United Properties time to come to an agreement about the e�rterior of the
proposed second floor addition. a
_ _,
November 29, 1996
TO: Mayor, City Council, and City Administrator
FROM: Patrick C. Hollister, Administrative Assistant
SUBJECT: Revision in Building Permit for Manna Freight
At the November 19, 1996 meeting of the City Council, the Council voted to authorize
Staffto issue a Building Pernut to Manna Freight to change the access to the low roof
from an interior ship's ladder design to a warehouse interior wall mounted ladder to a
vertical door positioned at the lowest point on the front of the building to facilitate access
to the low roof.
Manna Freight now wishes to change their plans to add a second story to the of�ce
portion of the building. (Please see the attached materials.) Manna Freight has told Staff
that United Properties has approved of this change. Representatives of Manna Freight
plan to attend the December 3, 1996 City Council meeting to answer any questions about
this change and to provide written consent to this change from United Properties.
Council Action Required
Discuss this change with representatives of Manna Freight and then if the Council wishes
to allow this change, pass a motion authorizing Staffto issue a Building Permit to allow
Manna Freight to amend their building plans accordingly.
� � �� �� �
r=��IGF-iT �Y�TEM�, INC.
November 28, 1996
Patrick Hollister
City of Mendota Heights
1101 Victoria Curve
Mendota Heights, l��I 55118
Dear Pat,
As discussed, please find enclosed l 2 copies of the revised elevations sh�wing the second
floor aiiice additian at our new headquarters currently under canstruction.
We will either submit Unitted Properties' written approval of this addition prior the City
Councii Meeting December 2, 1996 or pravide it at the meeting.
If you have any questions please do not hesitate ta cail me.
� .
an 1l�I�ehan
J.u�. . _ _,_.... _, .._ e = —;�.:—. ,i, � .:.`.i ._.J � C' � • ._. . G: J:1Ly-_:: vk.= � _'t-�,'f. ICC: . :—, r..)ti1U^a_.i.=. , ,.Wr
°From: �'
Subject: �
�_ � �+ __M
Novembero 2'7, 1996
Mayor, City Council and City Administrator
Kevin Batchelder, City Ad ' s
Request for Communiry Development Block Grant Funding
Prior to the end of the calendar year, Mendota FIeights must make applicatian to the
Dakota County ��tA for the use af Community Develapment Biock Grant (CI3BG) funds in
1997. For the last five years, Mendota Heights has set aside our CDBG funding for land
acquisition and public unpmvement installatian in connection with the 65 unit Senior Housing
complex that is now under construction. With this large project behind us in terms of funding,
Mendota Heights needs to consider the nse af its CDBG money in 1997.
� Mr. Lee Smith, of Dakota County HRA, has estimated our 1997 funding at $44,000.
In past years, Mendota Heights has used this money for variaus pmgiams such as housing
rehabilitation loans aad for assessment abatements for seniors impacted by public improvement
projects in the North End and Furlong neighborhoods. Because of neighborhood income
levels, Friendly Hills and Curley"s Valley View Addition did not qualify for these same
assessment abatements for low income seniars.
Because past rehabilitation loan pnagrams are revoZving laan programs, there is
appro�cimately $9,30p available ta Mendota Heights residents for hausing rehabilitation laans.
Mendota I3eights has not fiunded this program in a number vf years because all our CDBG
funding has been set aside for senior housing.
This year we have received a request from Owobapte to assist with their development
of a new facility in the City of Eagan. 4wobapte is a 501{c}3 nat for-profit orgaaization that
provides support services ta empawer persons with challenges and disabilities to achieve
gainful emplayment and independence. Owabopte serves communities throughout Dakota
County, including Mendota Heights. (Please see attached letter of request, strategic business
plan and anuual repvrt.}
Mr. Louis Besser, President of Qwobapte, will be present ta discuss his request with
City Council on 'liiesday everning. City Council should consider this request and pravide city
staff with directian on preparing our application to the Dakota County HRA far CDBG
� �� ;, funding in 1.997.
Council should note that our participation in the Metropolitan Livable Communities Act
(MLCA), through the Dakota County Cluster Plan, requires that we spend at least $10,045 in �
1997 on affordable and life cycle housing. The expenditure of our a,,�`'ordable and life cycle �
housing amount (ALHOA) required under MLCA in 1997 was not a concern of the City
because our CDBG expenditures are typically much greater than this amount. Owobopte is
requesting an amount two to three times larger than our annual CDBG allotment, some of
which must be set aside in affordable and life cycle housing programs to meet our
requirements under MLCA.
City Council should consider the request by Owobopte and should also discuss housing
needs in Mendota Heights for 1997. Council should provide city staff with direction on our
application for CDBG fundi.ng in 1997, so that City Council may formally authorize our
application at their December 17, 1996 meeting.
OWOBOPTE November 6, 1996
----�_d�__o.md__.__ _ =-
Mr. Thomas Lawell
City of Mendota Heights
1101 Victoria G�uve
Mendota Heights, MN 55118
Dear Thomas,
Owobopte has reached another major huddle. For the past year, Owobopte has been
searching for a new home. Several locations and existing buildings have been looked at
but all failed to meet our needs or eacpand our all ready eausting transportarion problem
The Eagan area continues to be the best location geographically to all corners of Dakota
County and has the best road access at this time. Hence, we have chosen a site in the
Eagandale Industrial Park.
Owobopte would l�ce to make application for consideration as a recipient of Mendota
Heights Block Grant Distribution for 1996 or 1997, in which ever year is applicable. As
you know, Owobopte's service area encompasses all of Dakota County and serves a
number of residents and businesses in all cities. Owobopte serves over 250 persons in
Dakota County with disabilities. In Mendota Heights, Owobopte currently serves twenty
residents by providing transportation and the necessary support to maintain long-term
employment. .
We are in a desperate situation. We need a new facility soon. Our program enrollment is
at capacity and we can no longer take new clients in our centered-based program. Being a
service organiza.tion the majority of our revenue is committed to client services as dictated
by our state and county contracts. There is no allowance for capital funds. It is for this
reason we seek assistance from the Block Grant Program.
In su.mmary, the total building project will cost approximately $3,100,000 including land.
Operationally we are able to handle a mortgage payment up to about $15,500 per month.
Based on present commercial mortgage rates, this translates to a mortgage in the range of
$1,700,000 requiring $1,400,000 down payment. With the sale of our Lakeville Building
we will have $600,000. The remainder would come from our Capital Campaign and
To eu�/mu�er/�er.mirt u�i1h �•hulleu�;e.r and di.ruGrGtie.r !u ne%mz�e �;c�infii! en�/�lr���n�i�u und rndehendeu�e.
OWOBOPTE Industries, Inc. 3101 Sibley Memorial Highway, Eagan, MN 55121 C12-CSC-0405 Fax C12-C8C-0�12
An Cqual 0/i�ia•�iiuity C�u/�Inyer
;�- s . �,
support from the Dakota County Block Grant Program. To date, we have received
contributions and pledges totaling nearing $61,000 wluch includes: _
•$30,000 - United Way of St. Paul Area
• $20,000 - Otto Bremer Foundation
•$11,000 - Individual and Service Club Donations
In addition we have ten foundations with pending applications. Following the current
United Way campaigns, Owobopte will be making a fornial public announcement about its
building program and will be going forward with an aggressive campaiga
With our expanded facility in Eagan, Owobopte will employ nearly 100 people serving
over 200 persons with disabilities. In addition we expect our individual placement
of persons with disabilities in independent employment in Dakota County businesses to
exceed 200.
We are requesting °an investment of $100,000 to $150,000 by the city of Mendota Heights
via the Block Crrant Program Since we provide services to residents and businesses in
nearly every city in Dakota County, we will be making similar applicarions to them
I hope this gives you a better understanding of our needs and the need for your support.
Enclosed is a copy of our revised Expansion Plan. Thanks again for your time and effort.
If you need any additional data please give me a call. My number is 686-0405, extension
101. Also enclosed is some additional information about the agency.
Sin er y,
Louis E. Besser
�EC�u�-96 MON 03,32 PM DAKOTA COUNTY HRA FAX N0, 6124238180 P,02
December 2, 199G
L'ouis E. Besser, President
OWOBOPTE Tndustries, Inc_
3101 Sibley Memorial Highway
Eagan, MN 5 S 121
RE: Cornmunity Development Btock Crtant Program
Dear Mr. Besser:
�-lou;ina & Fe�it��•elc�ptnent Auth��rir�� �.�:.�;�.a>,•,�
'_{9G.Ia:ch�;.�Y%, • R,r�m.•�u,c.�f\ iSu� • T.i�.l�.t•I_.;';.•I�.. 1'4� �I; •i: .�i,�:�
Over the past couple of weeks i have had sepazate discussions with staff from the cities of Eagan and
Mendota Heights regarding a request �from your organization for funding tkrough Dakota County's
Community Development Bfock Grant Program. The funding request is in connection with your plans
far acquisitian and construction of a new facility in which io operate your programs. Dakota County
HRA administers the CDBG Pro�ram for Dakota County.
I feel that it is appropriate to outline some af the requirements of the CDBG Program that could apply
to your proposed project, in the hope that it will allow both you and the cities that participate in the
CDBG Program to plan activities more ei�ectively. The application process for the next CDBG
Program funding cycie (Fiscal Year 1y9�) is well uader way, with applications due to be returned to the
Dakota County HR1� by the end of this month (or as soon after that date as possible). AS C,DBG funds
are authorized annualty by Congress, it is not possible to take applications for or commit funds from any
year other than the ctirrent federal fiscal year.
Fiscai Year i99'�'s CDBG Pro�ram in:Dalsota County officially begins on Iuly 1, 1997, Applications
being submitted now will be reviewed, approved by tke four CDBG.District Cammittees, then included
in the CDBG/HOME Program Consolidated Plan. The Consoiidated Plan will be the subject of a public
hearing held by the County Board around the $rst of May, I997, after which the appraved pIan will be
submitied to the U.S, Department of Housing and Urban Deveiopment fot review and approval. If
HUD approves the submittal in a timely mar�ner, a Gtant Agreement wi11 be sent to the County for the
FY1997 CI?BG and HOME Prograins on �r about 7uly 1, 1997. Only afier the Grant Agreement has
been issued by HUD can funds be committed to specific projects to be carried out through the FY1997
CDBG Program. •
The key fact in the above discussion is that CDBG funds cannot be used for any activity for which a
financiat commicment is made prior to the date of the FY1997 C'rrant Agreement. Tf, for example, you
have already entered into a Purchase Agreement for a specific parcel af iand, CDBG fitnds cannot be
used for the acquisitioa cost of the parcel. Similasly, you should not enter into any construction
contract or professiona] services contract that might be fnnded thsough CDBG in whole ar in part until
the 1997 Grant Agreement has been issued.
��C=Q2-96 �OK 03�32 PM DAKOTA COUNTY HRA FAX N0, 6124238180 P,03
Use o�'CDBG funds for construction casts will also trigger certain requirements for psyment af wages
to workers groviding labor far the project. The Dakota County HRA will provide contract docnments
cancerning these requirements and wiil be responsible for monitoring camp�ance with them, should this
apply to the projecc. The key factor of which you should be awaze ia regazd to this requirement is that
if CDBG funds az'e used to caver any portion ci£the cost ofa construction cantract, all vaork under the
contzact is subject to ihs labor standards requirements af the progcam.
I want Lo stress to you that assistance ta your pragosed project is eligible for assistance through the
CDBG Program because your progtazns serve a clieia:telc that is presumed to be primarily law and
maderate income under the CDBG regulations. I am advisir�� yau af the restrictions on funding
through the pro�'am so as to avoid problems that could azise later if you were uaaware of these
Please call rue at 423-8113 if you have questions or comments about the Dakata Cuc�ty CDBG
Lea Smith
Community Development Supervisor
cc: Kevin Batchelder
Lisa Freese