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VILL�kGE OF ME�.VDC)TA IiEIGHITS lo C$11 t0 Osciere 2 m Roi]. call � 3 Q He,�, �fnas_: am DAKOTA CO�Y. NlIl�TESOTA AGE$TDR Septesnb�r 12 � 1.972 f� �� D �� � ��` l� � DC �0 H�ar3.ng ora Ass�ssm ne t Ro1.Is for Improveme�t �To� ?2, Projec� DTo4 3, Improvemeats to serve p�og�r�ies 2.oc�i�d imm�diately aorth of the �rie�dly Hi3.ls Rearrangemeat� b� Hearing on AssessmEat Rolis for Improvement LJo� 70m Project �o� 5� zmgrovements to serv� S�.b�.�y High School and the Fgeeway Road axea �a.d ad � �cera� area� o i 4„ NeW Bus�nes�: �' 5, Public� 6o Ad�oua�r,►o � As� Vili��e F�da�inis�s^,�r aQ 19?3 B�dget Document (will be availab3.e �taead�y evenitag ) a Tru� V$�3,aae Ea�c�f�n�er � � a�� . V +y���i4�� �Tillacx� Cleric4T�e�asurer ��._..r...�.�.., �, Le�flr �oM S,�c�c�c��� S�l✓e./s ��:�� e�c. o� �,K�. �a P�•J eG�3 . k 'i ..;;� �. .. � ' ..�,1 m RALPH STAC.KER FRED SILVEFtSTEiN THCIMAS J. BURKE STUART RADSOM HQWARO G. ST� CKER t+1QRRY N. RC7THSTEItV GEQRGE R.dLDS ROBERT J.TANSEY� JR. Sl"EVEh! M. RU61N �����a� � STACKER, SILVER�TEIN, BURKE & RADSCIM ATTpR tV EYK"a AT t_AW 1220 MINNESQTA BUILDING ST. PAUI.,MINIVESOTA 55t01 Village Counci]. Villa�;e oE Mendo�a Heights V illage IIall Lexin�ton Ave:nu� �.nd I:Cwy. 110 NIendvta Iieigh�s, Mi��r�.�sat�. Septeznber 9, 1972 A ttn: Mr. Gilbert M. Ra.dabaugh, Vil.lage Clerk . � �i.e: Proposed Ass�sszn.ents, Improvem.ent No. 72, Project No. 3 Qur File No. 570-453 G�nt].�men: ���c;�°°r�.�; ��;`;T`' �l? "'� �..�,`�`_,���' i, TELEPHONE 222 -l76! AREA GODE 6i2 MAX A.STACKER (1904-1971) � We repre�ent Sheehy Constructian Company who owns the l.and �et farth in t, ` ,yaur Natice of Hearing, dated August 15, 1972, with refer�nce ta the above improvement and project. � We have been instruct�d to advise you that Sh�ehy Con�truction Compans� o�jecis to the praposed assessment o:� its land c�esignated a� Pax cel iVo. - 26058-A and Parcel 2Fi060-U1 for canstructiarz of the watci distributi�n systezn, saniiary and storm sewer systems an� street cans�ructio�z in your notic� of hearing. Specifically, the parce].� to be assessed are a part of a sliopping cen,ter compleY lying generally narth of the i.mprovcments. A t the. time the shop�ing center ti�as buili, Sheehy Construction Com�any, with your approv�l,obtained ti�ater service ta its center from ald II'wy. 49. S�w�r service is provideci generally by trunk,line an the northerly side of the centGr and under the c�nter parking lat. Sheehy Construc�ian Compacly has no preset�t int�ntia� of hooking into the nevvly construct�d wa.t�r distribution �ystem, sanitary or storm sew�r systems, as such hoak-ups �rauld only be a needle�s d�zplication. As a result, the property which you propase ta assess is not specifically ben.efit�d by the impravem.ents, anc� ther�fore na� a praper abject far a�sessment. '" -._.'_' ._.� .._, ._ T" ` '___�_.'__ '. . �. _ ........_.. .. ._. � _.' 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