1973-04-10SIF i
April 10, 1973
7:00 P.M.
1. Call to Order.
2. Roll Call.
3. Special Discussion: Rogers Lake Level Control
4. New Business.
5. Adjourn.
s`. April 6, 1973
,. TO: Village Council
FROM: Orvil J. Johnson
Village Administrator
' SUBJECT: Rogers Lake Discussion
I am enclosing a letter from Ed Kishel concerning
the -several changes suggested as modifications of the
original feasibility report. Please note the estimated
increase in construction costs in addition to the
{' additional outlet ditch work of some $38,000.
The following questions are just some of the
policy matters that should be determined, or at least
well understoodprior to the official hearing on
-April 17. These questions ar,e as follow:
1. Determine elevation of outlet:
a. Application is for 873.0, but will r.
require acquisition of flowage
!' rights. 4
b. DNR in effect, says 872.2 is high
k� water level, and natural high water
` Question: Do we stick with application
at 873.0 o'r re—apply for
elevation of 872.2?
_ 2. Re—evaluate assessment determination,
in light of:
Ra. Increased estimated cost, $143,000
to $155,300.'
b. Addition of outlet improvements in
Friendly Marsh in amount of $38,000.
' Rogers Lake —2— April 6, 1973
c. Undetermined highway construction.
MHD indicates inability to
participate due to Federal refusal
to release monies on I -35E.
a. Should Village absorb the•
previously determined MHD share
of cost either temporarily
.' or permanently?
b. Should the original estimated
assessment rate of about 1.250
.,. per square foot be proposed, or
should that'be increased to
y; 1.350 as noted in Ed's letter?
'L ,
30 March 1973
• SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA 55104 • TEL. 646-2558 AREA CODE 612
A R C H'I T E C T S E N G 1 N E E R 5 P L A N N E R S
Mr. Orvil J. Johnson, Administrator
Village of Mendota Heights, Minnesota
750 South Plaza Drive
Saint Paul, Minnesota 55120
Subject: Mendota Heights
Rogers Lake Overflow
Imp. 72, Proj. 4
BTS&C Project No. 7118
Dear Orvil:
As the result of Council action, at the meeting of March 20, 1973, in establishing
a new public hearing date of April 17, 1973 for the above project, certain changes
in the scope and cost of the project are now apparent. I report on these matters
Initial studies for the project were started in the summer and early fall of 1971.
Cost figures submitted were based on unit prices as of that time. Because the
feasibility report included several suggested routes for overflow, precise quan-
tities of work were difficult to establish. We finally arrived at an estimated
cost of $143,000.00, for the recommended route. We are now in a position to be
more exact in our estimates of quantity and cost and arrive at an estimated price
of $155,315.00, as the cost of constructing the overflow facilities. This esti-
mated cost indludes fees and contingencies.'
In addition to overflow facilities, on March 6, 1973, we submitted a feasibility
study for proposed ditch cleaning and stilling pond construction in the Interstate
Valley as part of the outlet for the overflow facilities. This is a needed improve-
ment but, not necessarily one which should be financed by the overflow project.
It is estimated that to clean the ditch and to construct the ponds will cost approx-
imately $38,000.00, including fees and contingencies. Even though these costs
should come out of Village funds, it is advisable to include the work with the over-
flow project in order to complete financing arrangements.
Therefore, it has been suggested that in preparing for the public hearing, consider-
ation should be given to combining the above discussed work into one project in
order to provide a complete function for the Roger's Lake overflow.
'L ,
30 March 1973
• SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA 55104 • TEL. 646-2558 AREA CODE 612
A R C H'I T E C T S E N G 1 N E E R 5 P L A N N E R S
Mr. Orvil J. Johnson, Administrator
Village of Mendota Heights, Minnesota
750 South Plaza Drive
Saint Paul, Minnesota 55120
Subject: Mendota Heights
Rogers Lake Overflow
Imp. 72, Proj. 4
BTS&C Project No. 7118
Dear Orvil:
As the result of Council action, at the meeting of March 20, 1973, in establishing
a new public hearing date of April 17, 1973 for the above project, certain changes
in the scope and cost of the project are now apparent. I report on these matters
Initial studies for the project were started in the summer and early fall of 1971.
Cost figures submitted were based on unit prices as of that time. Because the
feasibility report included several suggested routes for overflow, precise quan-
tities of work were difficult to establish. We finally arrived at an estimated
cost of $143,000.00, for the recommended route. We are now in a position to be
more exact in our estimates of quantity and cost and arrive at an estimated price
of $155,315.00, as the cost of constructing the overflow facilities. This esti-
mated cost indludes fees and contingencies.'
In addition to overflow facilities, on March 6, 1973, we submitted a feasibility
study for proposed ditch cleaning and stilling pond construction in the Interstate
Valley as part of the outlet for the overflow facilities. This is a needed improve-
ment but, not necessarily one which should be financed by the overflow project.
It is estimated that to clean the ditch and to construct the ponds will cost approx-
imately $38,000.00, including fees and contingencies. Even though these costs
should come out of Village funds, it is advisable to include the work with the over-
flow project in order to complete financing arrangements.
Therefore, it has been suggested that in preparing for the public hearing, consider-
ation should be given to combining the above discussed work into one project in
order to provide a complete function for the Roger's Lake overflow.
Mr. Orvjl J. Johnson 2 30 March 1973
For the.purpose of determining' assessment charges, we are assuming that there
will be no change in the area to be assessed. With the same assessable area and
a new estimated project cost, the estimated unit assessable cost for the overflow
portion of the project is $0.0135, per square foot. This is slightly higher than
the unit price of $0.01242, per square foot discussed at the first hearing.
Because there have been changes, and because there are still some unknowns to be
resolved, it is suggested and recommended that there be a Council study session
conducted prior to the hearing date so that all Village authorities are aware of
as many details as possible with respect to the hearing. We should also deter-
mine as soon as possible just what exhibits or data will be needed for the hearing.
If you have any questions or suggestions, please call me.
VerC()truly yours,
Edward F. 0 el
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