1972-06-066 VIL�AGE 0� �ENDO�'A NEIGH�S D�KOTA C011Na�9 �IN'NESO�Fi Agend� Ju�e 6, 1972 1. Call to order. 2. R011 �511• 3o Approval of minu�es, may 16s 1972. 4. Appso�al oF �iinutes, �lay 23, 19?2. 5. Bid Award: Park Equipment a. Tractor ba Pick—up 'fruck {Seo 63d Tabulation) 6o Uari�nce: mra 8�rglund — Gar�gep � (5ee Plann.�ng Commissaon minutes) 7. O�CI ${l81fyBSSs a. Rogers l�ake �,r��eel Cor�trol. P�esentation by a�partment of Natussl Resos�rces nn �heir inicerests and car�cernsa bs Considsr written abjections. Sp 9. 0 Pu� c. Pagel Raa�l YmpreaVemente do San�erse���i9 C�sm�n TuminellYa Builciing #2 � Builcizng Permit � New Businesso a. U,���or C�;mp�om��e�r �- Sagn Permat. bo Name �Qr F'�o��age Rosd Deleu��re to �'. H. #49 ) . f �� �v.-,�er�et Y1eN/ Stree7� {�efi`fiorr _..�.e. Adminis��aior � eo Offici�l 15�� Census — Changed from 6165 to 65b5, {Qral �xplanation}a • bo mel�ni� Kur-�h Resign�tion. c. Citizen� LoG. ye Rrticle (1971 Pro�,er�y Tax Classification)a d. Zoning ,�d:nir� strsa�ion Costs �g��e �le,�c). eo �u�ga�t;�� Res�lution (Dakota Caun�y Rvsds)s f. �u�me,r���:s �d�ninistrat�ve interna �, '�H n�em� d �" T x- �/f� o�r 7"6iars �P/H � e J�t % /1•j�P v O " MTU8�ee�8 .� Villscae At#:�x�e Uillage Enc�inee �� App�oval ofr the List o� Claimso Approval of Li�enses: Sae At�ached. Adjournment. - List of Cont,rsc�ors Apgl�rin��ice�nses � June 6th,. I9?2 Don Anderson Company 83orklund Construction Cop Bream Homes, Inco C$pp Homes JOS o E � �'oh�son & SOlt1 o TAC o Icaiutsoa Construc�ion Company Tumiaeiiy� anco All Season Comfort Iiarris Mechanic83. Contracting Northern Propane Gas CoA The Snelling Comp�sny Twin Ci�y Furnace Co� Harris Mechan�;cal Contracting �iaplewood Se�rer & Water, Inc o Wm, I�iurr Plumbing, Tnco Sun Excavating� Inco Bituminous S�arfaee Treating Co� C & H Excavating Company City Clean�Up Harris Mechanical Contract�ng Northern Ai�: e Pool�s Stromath � Theis Co�czstruction General Cor�tractor ° s L�.cense General Contractor°+s License General Con�raetos°a L$cense Geners3 Contractor°s License General Cora�ractor°8 License Gene�r�l Con�ractor°s License Gea�eral Gor��Cractor ° s Lf cense Heati.ng L�cense He�,ti�ng Licerase is�eamfitt�.ng) He��ing L�.cense Egs$ insta�.lation; He�t3ng Licemse Heating Licea�se Exca�ating L�,c�r�se Excavating L�,cense Exc�vating Licernse Excavat$ng Lieer�se Asph�Xt �urfac3.ng License DemoZition Lice�ase Rubbiah Hauii:ng Lieense Plumbing License 5taimming Pool Contracting G��3era1 Contractor°s LicenBe � VILLAG� OF MENDOTA HEIGHT$ DAKOTA COUNTY STATE OF MINN�SOTA �Iinutes of the Regular Meeting �Ield Tuesday, May 16, 1972 -• Pursuant to due call and notice ther�o�, th� �egular meeting of the - Village Council, Village of Mendota Heights, was held at 8:00 o'clocic P.M. at the Village Fiall, 2010 South Lexington Avenue, Saint Paul, A�innesota. l�cting Mayor Lockwood called the meeting to order at 8:00 o'cloc)c P.M.. The folloWing member_s were present: Acting Mayor Lockwood, Councilmen Wahl, Gutzmer and I31air. M�yor Huber had notified the Council that he would be out of town. APPROV� . Acting b�ayor Loc3cwood moved approval of the minutes MINUTES of the regular meetinq held Tu�sday, April 18, 1972. r4otion seconded by Councilman Wahl; Ayes - 4 Nays - 0 Ayes � 4 Nays - 0 HE[�,RING - VACAT I OI� OF HAZ�L STREET Ayes -- 4 Nays � 0 " Counc�lman Blair moved approyal of the minutcs of the regular meeting held 'i'uesday, May 2, 1972. Motion seconded by Councilman Wahl. �cting I�Iayor Lockwood called to order the �iearing on the pxoposed vacation of a portion of Hazel Street located in the Pagel Road ar�a. Councilman Gutzmer moved the Hearing be closed at 8:10 o'ciock P.r1.. Motion seconded by Councilman Blair. AUTHORIZING Councilman Blair moved adoption of R�SOLUTION NO. 487 VACA'�ION - entitled "RLSOLUTIUN 1�UTHORIZI�TG VACATION OF A PORTION I�iAZEI, STREET OF HAZEL STRE�T" . P�otion seconded by Councilman Wahl. Ayes - 4 Nays - 0 , PARK EQUIPMEIQT I3IDS Ayes � �4 NaXs - 0 Bids Were received on parlc equipment on May 10, 1972; no txucic bids were received and only two tractor bids. Councilman Blair moved the bids for the park equipm�nt be rejectedr � Motion seconded by Counci'lman Gutzmer. d 0 ,� � V ADV�RTIS� Councilman Gutzmer moved the Council author�.�e the FOR BIDS I-�dministrator to advertise for bids for park equip- ment. Such bids to be opened on Friday, June 2, 1972, at 11:00 o'clock A.M.. �� Motion seconded by Councilman Wahl. Ayes - 4 Nays - 0 .. B�LLFT�T,D The following bids were received on May 10, �.972 for �• IMPROVEMEIdTS th� proposed ballfield improvem�nts: Bidd�r W& G Rehbein Bros., Inc. Hugo, Minnesota El t�iac Landscaping, Inc. Anoka, Minnesota A. J. Ryan Landscape Supply Co., Tnc. St. Paul, Minnesota Amount $ 9,053.50 $15,567.90 $18,665.00 The W& G Rehbein Bros. bid proposal form omitted the folloWing line from the contract documents: "... equipment, and material and perform all duties called for by said document...". This biddex was informed of the omission and of the Village ,�ttorney's suggestion of Submitting a letter acknowledging the omission. To date, no letter has been received from the low-bidder. Councilman Gutzmer moved the matter be tabled until the special meeting to be held on Tuesday, May 23rd, 1�72 at the Mendota �lementary School. i•lotion seconded by Councilman Blair. Ayes - 4 Nays - 0 BID AWARD,S - Councilman Blair moved adoption of RESOLU�r�ON 1v0. 488 SEAL COATING entitled "R�SOLUTIUN ACCEPTING BIDS ANll AWARDING STR�ET OILING� CONTRACT FOR 1972 SEAL COA`PING." The contract was awazded to Bituminous Roadways,Inc. of Nlinn�apolis - Schedule I. Motion seconded by Councilman Wahl. Ayes - 4 Nays - 0 Ayes - 4 tlays - 0 Council.man Walil moved adoption of RESOLUTION N0. 489 entitlecl '�RESOLUTTON ACCEPTING BIDS AND AWARDING CONTRACT FOR 1972 STREET OTLING." The contract was av�arded to Solberg Co�struction Compar�y of South Saint Paul - Schedule II. �Zotion seconded by Councilman Gutzmer, .---------- _�_-_----� - �--- � - - - •-- , . - - , - - .__ - . - . .. .r .. ,` * �"� �`� 0 f� 1 . � � MICHA�I, Acting Mayor Lockwood moved adoption of RESOLUTION POSNANSKY - NO. 490 entitled "Resolution Adopting and Confirming CORRECTED Corrected Assessment for Parcel #28703, Improvement ASSESSMEN'� No. 69, Project No. 2(Sanitary Sewer Extension) Tilsen's Highland Heights, Plat #3, Pt. Lots 10-11, Block 3 and Defer the assessment for Parcel #26025-Ji, Section 23." . Motioz� seconded by Councilman Gutzmer. � �yes - 4 Nays - � COMPLAINTS- George Linafelter of 810 Wagon Whe�l Trail and Mrs. RESIDENTS Gerald Nelson of 894 [4agon Wheel. Tr�ail were present to inform the Council of grade problems by their homes due to s�wer and water installation. The Village Administrator will have th� problems�checked out, URB�N SYSTENIS Urban Syst�ms Development Corporation presented D�VELOPMENT revised site plans for the second phase of Ivy I�iill CORPORATION `i'ownhouses and requested approval of the plans. The ���-,�„��� 4-bedroom units were increased by enlarging the �`�� foundation. The cost of the proposed units �.s to be between $52 & $55,000. APPROVING Councilman Blair moved adoption of RESOLUTIO}V NO. 491 PLANS entitled "R�SOLUTION APPROVING MODIFICATION (JF IVY HILLS PLAPdNED UIQIT D�VELOPI�lENT" . Motion seconded by Acting Mayor Lockwood. Ayes - 4 Nays - 0 � RE;ZONING At the Council meeting o€ April 6, 1971 the property ORDINANCE - south ot Eagl� Ridge was rezoned from R-1 to R-3A, SOUTH RTDG� but due to an oversight an ordinance providing for an amendment to the Village Zoning Ordinance was not adopted at that time. The Council desired to maintain the same setback as for Eagle Ridge. Councilman�Gutzmer moved adoption of Ordinance No. 101 entitled "AN ORDINANCE AMENllING THE VILLAGE ZONING ORDIIVANCE" . Motion seconded by Councilman Wahl. Ayes - 4 Nays - 0 ROG�;RS LAKE LeRoy Hanson, one of the developers for Rogers Lake SIDE EAST - Side East, r�ported that the final plat had not been BJORKLUND/ received from the County and requested to be placed HANSON on the age�da for the June 6th meeting. Councilman Gutzmer moved adoption of'RE$OLUTION NO. 492 enti�led "RESOLUTTON ACC�PTTNG ENGTNEER'S R�PORT AND CAT,LING FOR Ii�ARING ON PROPOSED CONSTRUCTTON OF A WA'1'ER DISTRIBUTTOIQ SYSTEM, SANITARY AND STORM S�W�R SYSTEMS, - �- - —r - - --�-- -�-- '�- ' ' _ _"'__'"_' ^ " ` _ . - _ . ._ __.. - . . . Y . �. :. . " _ _'�- _' '__' " ' "" " _. _ - . " h 0 � PETITION - A p�tition for street improvements was received from SOMERSET VIEW residents in the Somerset View area. The residents involv�d are to ask for a more specific request. AC�CIA PARK Acting Mayor Lockwood moved the Council table any AREA consideration pf a se�a�r and water feasibility hearing for ninety days pending the outcome of the ti1AC IIearing. Motion seconded by Councilman Gutzmer. � Ayes - 4 PJays - 0 lst MEETING Acting Nlayor Lockwood moved the Council estahlish IN JULY the first meeting in July to be held on July 11, 1972; due to July 4 being the first Tuesday. A7otion seconded by Councilman Wahl.� Ayes -� 4 Nays - 0 FURLONG - Acting Mayor Lockwood moved adoption of RESOi,UTION ASS�SSI�lENT I�O. 493 entitled "RFSOLUTION CALLING FOR HEARING HEARING ON THE PROPOSED ASSESSr2ENT FOR IMPIZOVEMENT NO. 68, PROJECT N0. 3, FOR FURLONG AVENUE STREET IMP,ROV�M�NTS". Motion Second�d by Councilman Gutzmer. Ayes - 4 Nays - 0 LIST OF cLAzr�zs 0 Ayes - 4 Nays - 0 Councilman Wahl moved the Council adopt the following � motion: RESOLVED that the claims Submitted to the Village Council for payment, a summary of which is Set forth on the list attached hereto and identified as List of Claims submitted for payment, P'Iay 16, 1972, having been audited by the Village Council, be and are hereby allowed and the Mayor and Clerk-Treasurer of the Village of Mendota Heights are hereby authorized and directed to issue Village checks in payment of said claims. Motion seconded by Councilman Gutzmer. B�ER Councilman B1air moved an "Off" Sale Malt Beverage LTCENSE License be granted to I�Iannigan's K�vik Shop, Motion s�conded by Acting Mayor Lockwood. Ayes - 4 Nays - 0 CIGARETTE LICENSE AyeS - 4 Nays - 0 -�---- • -- -- . Councilman F31air moved a Cigarette License be granted to Hannigan's Kwik Shop. � Motion seconded by Councilman Gutzmer. ' ' '_ '_ ' ' ' . M ' m � CIGARE�'TE LICENSE Ayes - 4 , Nays - 0 Acting I�Iayor Lockwood moved a Cigarette License be granted to Shattuck Dairy. NIotion seconded by Councilman Blair. GEIJERAL Councilman Gutzmer moved licenses b� granted to: 'LICENS�S �gan & Sons Air Conditioning Heating License Suburban Taping Service ,Drywell Construction Licens Gordon E. Berg Plumbing & �xcavating License Heating NZotion seconded by Councilman Blair. �JOURN There being no further business to come before the Council, Councilman Blair moved the meeting be adjourn�d. Motion seconded by Councilman Gutzmer. ' Ayes - 4 ' Nays - 0 Time of Aajournment: 12:53 G. M. I2adabaugh, Clerk-Treasurer �T�r�s�r : Robert G. Lockwood, Acting Mayor -- - - - - . - --- -- - - - -- ►. �a � 'A�in7 �. � �.. ,� �.9 F �� �, f�� � VILLAGE OF MENDOTA HEIGHTS DAKOTA COUNTY STATE OF MINNESOTA Minutes of the Special Meeting Held Tuesday, May 23, 1972 .. Pursuant to due call and notice thereof, the special meeting , of the Village Council, Village of Mendota Heights, was held at 8:00 o°clock P.M., at the Village Hall, 2010 South Lexington Avenue, 5aint Paul, Minnesota. � Mayor Huber called the meeting to order at 8:00 oaclock P.MA The following members were present: Mayor Huber, Councilmen Blair, Gutzmer, and Wahl. Councilman Lockwood had notified�� the Council that he would be delayed. HEARING Mayor Huber opened the Hearing for discussion on the Simek Addition for Sanitary Sewer, Water Mains, ' Bituminous 5urfacing of Streets, Concrete Curb and Gutters and Storm Sewers. Mayor Huber turned the Hearing over to the Village Administratorr Orvil J, Johnson. The Village Administrator gave a brief presentation of the estimated costs as follows: Ayes - 4 Nays - 0 Sanitary Sewer $24,200.00 or $11,52 per front foot Water Mains $30,500.00 or $13.40 per front foot Street,Curb and Gutter $11,120.00 or $13056 per front foot Storm Sewer $ 2,200,00 or $ Oa02 per square ft, The Council may consi.der paying 10/ to 15/ of the Water main connections, since the water mains will cross Highway 49 and will need oversize pipingo Mayor Huber stated that anyone objecting to the project should give their name, along with their written objections to the Village Clerk, Interested property owners asked about assessment pro- � cedures and various other questions pertaining to the Improvement Th�re being no further discussion on the project, Mayor Huber moved the Hearing be closed. Motion. seconded by Councilman Gutzmer. Hearing closed at 8:27 o'clock P.M. � > OBJECTIONS The following individuals came forward to register their names in objection to the improvement. Douglas Rohrer Neil MacRorie, oral sicatement - could not afford to pay the assessments ' Joe Majesky - send in a letter of opposit�.on dated May 25, 1972. .. � � HEARING Mayor I�uber called the Hearing on the Roger°s La'ke Drainage - Level Control Project to order at 8:28 o'clock P.Mo and turned the Hearing over to the Village Administrator, Orvil J, Johnson, for pre- sentation and discussion. The Village AdminiStrator gave a brief outline of the project, also stating the estimated cost at $1.43,OOOe00 or $Oo0125 per square foot and the � estimated area that might be assessed at 11,514,].42 square feet. The question was raised on whether the Village had contacted the Department of Natural Resources. The Administrator replied that we did not have any agreement with the Department of N'atural Resources and that the level control for Roger's Lake had not at this time been determinec�. Mr. Jim May, representi�g the Minnesota State Highyaay Department, commented that before the State of Minnesota could enter into any agreement, that plans and specifications would have to be approved by the Federal Highway Department. The estimated cost of the project for the State of Minnesota at this time would be 28.6� or $41,000.00. Mayor Huber commented that the level of Roger's Lake would have to be established by the State of Minnesota. Mayor Huber also pointed out that at the present time Wagon Wheel Trail is a county road and after Highway 35E is finished the county will iurn the road back to the village. At some time in the future Wagon Wheel Trail wi11 have to have storm sewerso Also, at this time, everyone will be assessed at the same rateo Mayor Fiuber asked the audience if anyone would like to make any comments? OBJECTION5: Mr. William Al1en, Chairman of the Wagon Wheel Trail FOR AND Association, submitted a petition in opposi.tion to AGAINS� - the project With %9 signatures of which 36 signers were in'the proposed assessment district. Mr. Allen pre- sented maps of Roger's Lake, stating that he had made various tests, such as soundings and depth, also stating that the lake had dropped 2%" in the last dry season. The depth in the South area is only 9 to �.0 feet, and requested what the village would like the level'to be or what controls the village would propose, Councilman Lockwood arrived at 9:05 o'clock PoM. Other residents participating in the discussions were as follows: Joseph Kulhanek, would like to see every one in the Village pay a share in the projecto � _ --�. ._ _ ------- �- . - ---- -� . --- -- - -- -- . - -- .- -- - - - - � .r . . Ayes -- 5 Nays - 0 x David Pace, Jr., what 1eve1 r,+zould the village like the lake to be - will there be another meeting or hearing and if so will the Wagon Whee1 Trail Association be notified? Jerry Nelson, the lake is full of muck - promised a swimming beach by the Park Commission - golf course pumping water into their half of the lakeo George Linafelter,'lower the cost of the project, chemicals draining from Highway 35E. � Ernie Willenbring, who works for MECCA of Ramsey County, have culverts built by the State Highway Department for water run off. • Dr. Westover, do not drain to much water off, as we need water in the lake - trees are in 2 feet of water, need to lower water somewhat, Courtney Pince, why isn't the assessment area larger. Henry Baxtz, tax on land under the lake on the valuation. Joseph Stef ani, have the Department of Natural Resources make impact study on the Valley run off al1 the way to the rivero Mrs. Dale Peterson, the people wi11 have to petition the Department of Natural Resources to hold a hearing. Mayor Huber asked that anyone objecting to the project to register their complaints in writing to the Village Clerk. There being no further discussion on the project Councilman Blair moved the Hearing be closeda Motion seconded by Councilman Wahl. Hearing closed at 9:38 o'clock P.M. LETTERS Courtney Pince, Joseph J. Kulhanek, Sr. and the Wagon Wheel Trail Association submitted letters of protest. We received a letter from the Parks and Recreation Commission dated May 13, 1972, , approving the concept. BID AT�TARD Mayor Huber called the meeting to order again at 9:45 o'clock P.M. to award the bid for Project One - Park 5ite Development - Ballfield Improvements. The Village Attorney, Sherman Winthrop, advised the Council that the village could not accept the bid proposal of W& G Rehbein Bros., Inc, because of irregularities and omissions in the bid proposal form, Mayor Huber moved adoption of RESOLUTTON N0. entitled "RESOLUTION ACCEPTING THE BID AND AWARDING CONTRACT FOR FURNISHING ALL MATERIAL AND PERFORM ALL OF THE WORK FOR COMPLETTON OF THE PARK SITE DEVELOP- MENT." The contract was awarded to El Mac Landscaping, Inc, of Anoka, Minnesota. The accepted bid was in ' . • � - � the amount of $15,567,90, Motion seconded by Councilman Wahl. Ayes � 5 Nays - 0 There being no further business to come before the Council, Councilman Blair moved the meeting be adjourned. Motion seconded by Councilman Wah1. Ayes - 5 Nay� - 0 Time of Adjournment: 9:50 o'clock P,M. , Attest: Donald Lo Huber, Mayor 0 G. M, Radabaugh, Cle'rk-Treasurer � t/ILLAGE 0� i�'I�NDOTA N�IGNT� �1 � �10 u �ur�� 2, ,1972 `�Qs �1ilZ��� �ou�cil F�OE�: qru�.1 �, �o�ir��on U�1],age Adminis�rai;or �uP7��T� P�rk �quipmc�I1� 8ids H�.��qJ��d is a bid �ak�ula�iotl o� b�d� r�cei.ue� q� i.rid�Y mor�.i��, A r�ore complp�� sut��tary ar�d re�o�t�erldat���t u►il1. be s�b{�i�'��d a� T�a�sd�y ever�ing' � Cout�cil t�eet�.r�g. , 8:i d d°e:r Tra:ctor° Bid:s: Va11e:y Eguip�me.nt. C.ompany A: & m° Indust.rial Tract.o.r, Inc�. CarTs�on Tractor & Egu�ipmen=t C:omRa�n Tru:ck B.ids Int.erna�ion�al Harvestor C'omPanY Westdal'e Ford Sau�hview Clievrolet Ro:semount Dod��e G�and Ave�n.ue. F�ord` f VILLA.GE m.EN.DO:TA. H.ELGN.ZS Park Eguipmen:t. Bids. JJu�n.e= 2` x. 19 7. 2 B�id Sec.u:ritv Pick—u:p Bid Tracto�r� B"id DeTiv-ary Dat,e 389.50. 400.00 430.0�0 3 , 455•. 0"0� 3, 59"?. 0�0' 3'i 6 5 4. 0 0' 3:,'T8:0.50` (1973 4,2�.0.00` Z" , 7�9°0 . O Q� 7i8:3;I . 0:0 8`..526. 00 6��� — 7.5. days 6 0 d`ay s- 3`0' —• 4 S dav s S�e at:.. � T2Q — T5:0. da 1' ��LL,R�E OF m�NDOTA H�?GH1'a P4ANNTNG COmf�ISS�ON mTNu�r�� 1'h� ���N?,�� m���a�n� �� �h� men.d.4�a H�i�h�� P�.ann�n� ��mm���?��n w�� Aa2,�,�d �A q��es bv Gh��-rman RiQha�d ��nd at �;�A P,m�� �Al�I1�Sd�Yr m�Y ��+t ��72, , Th� Fq?�?,pwxn� m�m���� wa�e P����nt�: �:.und� I��n�f�P�, �����nq�Fr � ����, S�hn��m�n. A�,�o P�asan�: 4���1 a• aohns4n� ��,�.?���� Adm�,n�-s�r��n�� RiAh��� �wine��, u�,�-?,a�� PZann�r, R��an�� ��,QW�r�: �l���i9�1� � 1,,7�n�l�u�.�, • cRG� �"72�� �NPR�S�N ���� ��� �A� ��n� �n� �h� ��p��z��y �I�� h�A��n� d���4 �Qn�2:d � • am�,�h � �e� aaminol�, W��� �� � P�u? � �PP�a�Qd ��A pz�esQnt e,pplicet,iqn fo� �Ps?,Pnce 1'q� ��� �72� and PFop�r�Y SP�,�,�. R h��F�,n9 1 28 �nd ����,Py�,ation wae mada th�� m�� �ndre��n Au�n�Pe �,����d o� �h� ab��TaG� b� nq��-f �-�d pf G�S� �72,?�� mT, H�I�lb�?'� �nd �.e.�tY HTms�ro�g wprp ��cBse��. HuRLe�RT mr. I-�u�lber� a�ked �o��idera�iqn for a�priance �o by?,7.d on q 60� �.p� p� �hp cqr�pr of Dodd Roac� �fld Gh�P�AW�, (��• H�r�,b�F� rqqu�stq� � s�d4����:Pf1 in th� si.d��.ot r�qu?���m�nt� from ,�o� �A �' �nd PF�Proy�l of th� Fon��p� �f bu�,�d�nq � ��ra�� �nd �qarpo�� b�h?.nd the build2�n� �:?-n�� `fhQ �-p� A�ns�s�,� oF �pm��uh�t �,�e� �h�n g,00p sqyare fe��: �h� �iz� Af th� h�us� ?,� �� b� 2�t' by A4' t��,z� Pfi �ha Aaz�pp�t an� ���P��� ���� �lqkl�d o�mb�,fl� �q 2(]! by �p� . I��� Aw�,n��� PqXn��d 9�� �I1P� ��AQrdin� t�o �h� qs��-n�n��� �ha �x�,9��,n� s�anc���'�I i§ 7A f���� An�th?�ng ��ss �tha� 7o F��t r�qt�a:��� a u���-�np� �nd ��P?,�f1A�� R�Q �f11y g�a���c� Ullder hardsh�� �on�i�iq��: h� �lso ��ked ,�F mr. Hu��,p�s� haa �pn�ul�ed wi.th �hQ ���.�hk�pi'�� and s1�99Ps�P� �h�� �h� n��,�h��Fs �� pe�,z�a,4n�d oT nq�3F�.ad. mr� Hy�:��ar� PA�.n���` Au� �hat ha ha� nA� �ani;���ad �h� n��-�h�pFs, ��,no� �f�� own�� ��' th� qo���z� �,o� 12ve,� Ay� �f �qwn �rl�l �h� o�her h�ma �,� ����n� � m�: !��n� ��A�mm�n��d �ha� D�.�I� ��,in�?�� ��k� � �-pok �,� �h� �?,�� �nd apn�i��� �h� �Qqu��� an� ��tu�n t� th� n�x� m����n� wa-�h � �aQ�mm�n�a�a-qn � m4T��N a� l��n�fiqPd� ��A�nd by ��ri�99�? �h�� 1�h� m����� I�� P��a�r�d �� midw��� Pl�nn�.n� Fq� ��,�4a qb���v��?,An �n� ��h�� a r���mm�ndata��n �� m��� �Q �h� �omma,ss�.pn a� �h� �yn� 2� m����,n� � Ryes: 4 N�v��4 —..r..,. , . -. _ _ , __. . w , . _ � - .. � Plannin� Gomr�is�a,on 4 --2— may 24, ].�72 GASE �7�-1;2 mr.' �qrglUrld requ�sted a vqria�pe �q ��ild a; BEFiGLUND doyi�lQ garags. 'His prQ�e�t 9ara9Q i� 16� bY 28' and he would like to extend it to 22' by ���, I�q sta���d th�� thi.s is a 70' lot end that ther� i,s � dista�oq of .�,�.0� firol� thq house to the lir1� an the other �ide. �Q sybmitted a 7,q��,e� of' apAroyal of th� con�truction fzom his r1e��hbor. mQ`jTON by S�ringer, sego�d by La��fozd that thq �Pp�,ication fo� rqqonst�Uctio� be approved, gra�ti�g a sidelot �aria�oe ofi �wo , .f'�et, The matter is tq be refQrred to the U�.Zl�ge Coyncil o� Ju�e �. Ayes: 4 Nays: p G(�S� �72--� mr. Trazig appeared to request a v�ri;q��� to pu�ia 1'RAZIG on a sybs�andard (50 foot� lot, Hp statpd �h�t hq would �,ike to have the variarle� as a selling point. H� qWll� �h�`�9 ��,Ja�en� 1,ots and resides on tl�e p�ntQr lot. `fhe sou�h a,�d nor�h 7,ots arq v�ca�t and he woyld like tl�e vari�nce on the tlo��h lot, u�hiph h� pFaPosQs to sell. ' mr, �oh�so� sugges�ed the posSibi.lity of �pProvpl of the v�ri�nce with a six foot side yard, stipUlati�g a time limit ofi' six months for �he vari��ce, mr. Stri�ger st�ted that he woyld be very reluctant to act on such a request because qf ovqrGrowdi�� i� that area,. He suggested that mr. Trazi,g bri�� a specific p],ot plan to the CommisSion -- si�ce the Prp�erty i� 9uestiq� is a 60' lot h� woyld �ot want to pive bla�kpt ��Prova7. withou� knowi�ng wh�t tyPe of Structur� would b� built. f-ie re�om�te�ded de�ial of thq aRPlicatio� without prejudice to reappl,ic��iq�, ��� arly timq mr. Trazig chooses. mQ`�TON ay S�,ri��Q�, seqo�d by Langford� aPplip�tion dQnie�; mr, Tr��i� re�,Q��� the ri.�ht tq seaPP1Y a�Y �if�� he PhoP�PS. Ayes: 4 Ne.ys: q �RS� ,#7�_�� mr. Lu�d �e9Uested a porrectiq� �o �he �t�e�da pn mTDGQNTTNEN�` desi��atio�, �s a resUlt of �,he �as�, me�tin�, o�ve�opm�(v1� thi� case was co�t�.�ued to giue each �ide a� coRPoRRTION oPportu�ity to prese�t ecologiG��. evidenFe, mr, JosePh SummQrs, 630 Osbor� Bldg,, Rttor�ey for miaco��i�e��, state� that j�e hes submi�ted � ProPosa� for a Storm sewer drqi�la�q syst,emz �uh�,�h h� un�erstood was thq P��.flcipa'1 FQ�cern, He further �ta�e� �hat thq devql.oper's proposal �s i� comPlete a��prda��p w�.th '�h� ].9�� ComP�qhensive GUide pla� fpr th�.S area. A� �rpv�c�Qd i� th� Gu,�cJq Pl��, this area would allow �00 to 2�� .y�i�� --.. two �soposal� for yqry hi,gh de�sity ha�� bee� re�'yse�. Th� �Pplioa�� prppos�� to �yild 110 �Wo and three bed�oom townhoyse� W�,�h �� �v�z���q y��,�IQ of ��5,000 on 39 aores a��d �o dedi��t� tq thq Villac�q 14 or 1,� a,cres for ��,rl� purpqs�s � i,�' the Vil,lage so �es�:�es. Th� R1�nn�ng Cpmm�ssion �3� , mey 24�1�72 � �r�Roa�� for s�orm water drai�a�� is ��eri�s qf d�a��� �i�� ri�—r�p on �h� e�ds to p�event erosio� i� th� area: �he r��off w�ll be ���q � Gre�k. He pres��te� the Commissio� with �aX �ncome figures for th� proposed construc�io�, The dev�lope� P�opo�es olus�e� development w��h the units b�in� �ons�r.ycted �o a11ow the mos� recreation�ll'y adap�able'area for ecplp�ical pyrpoSQs, He pFoPo�es �.83 un�ts per acre. mr, D�y�d Foge�sp�� from the Ridgewood Aark As�ocia�io�� �����d , �h�� hi� g�oyp �� ponoer�ed about populetio� de�sity, tr�ffic ��� s�oT� sQwe� ��ainage. He �ugges�ed a �eed for a Fpmprehe�s�v� ' ��nv�Fonmantal stydy of 4oth the valley Q�d o� how Rp�er� �ak� d����ag� wil� a��e�� �he we�la�ds of �he U�lley. N� �ecommended � ested a d�lay q� a�y de��sion y���� a study is completed a�� s�gg ��� U,S. Soil Go���rv�t�o� Off�ce in Farm��gto�� es �� u�biased � gove�nm�ntal ag��cy, do th� study• He has cont�cte� th�s R�ency an� was �o�d �ha� � Pla�n�n� commi�sion r�pom�ende��An }s needQd. �he�e i� �o Gh�r�� fpr �hi� s�ryioe. ` mT, Ly�d s���ed that h� had al�o cont��te� �his A�Qn9y ��� r�ceiy�d �he sam� info�matiQn, The Age�oy would �ot ma�e a decisio�� but rath��, �hey woul� inform the Co�missio� what �hould or should �o� b� done. mr, SummarS state� tha� the Commissio� would h�ve to de�ide whether or no� the proposal is in accordance with the ComPrehensive Guide Pl�n• The drai�age ProPosal is the opi�ion of engineers, for the si��; th� devQ�oPer wil� do Whatever the Uill��� sugg���s �� thi� resRec�. Na furt�er st�ted that the project would dg �othing to qha�ge th� w�t�ande, o��y thQ dry'la�ds. This �s not the o�ly pT�a�G�'�eut���� the we�lands n� homes hav� bee� built �� �idgewqod �eigh�S, He p�i�ted oyt thQt it h�s pee� two ye�rs si�c� the fir�� ��oPgs�� q� �his p�oper�y and he ppuld see �o i�diF��io� Pf hoW �9�� � �4mprehe���ve ��ydy would �ak�• Th� QwnQr of ��� M?9hW�y 110 (propeFtY �4utti�Q �he ��o��TtY ��d�r co�s���ra��qn� �t�ted �ha� She �elt �h� Ridgewqpd per� A��q�i�tion h�� t�k�� the�r s�a�dPoi�t only as a cr,ysadi�� y��tyrQ, �he �oy�� 1�k:� to see th� ma�t�r �aken to Gourt. ms�. Peh��F'� 9���ddau�hter urged the commis�io� to mA�� P.� �he ma��er,i� sU4h � WaY �S to �1�4W develoPme�t aS pr��e�t�d, mr. s��n�e� Qo���n stet�d tha� �his ia �ust o�e grouP of t�x��Yers ��Y��� �o ponf�s�a�e �he ArQperty of a�other a�d th�t ��Y �XP�rt �h� Rss��iat�q� �ou1d ��nd, he oould find ano�h�r �o disa�ree. mrs. Norma B�hrer �tatQd �ha� she had SPoke� to Gyn�ar T�berg a�d �e ��a�ed tha� �he cly�ter dev��opme�� would b� my�h l��s damagi�g ecq�ogiqally �h�� homeS �oy1d b�. m�, ���d ��aA��d �o � question 4n the Z�gQli�y of s.yqh ��and �se �y s�at��� tha� �e��lly �his PnoPer�y �quld 4� ,ysed �q� p�ust�� dQvelopmen�, z � �� �+^.�*rr+� v"' "' _"' '�-ir_�._ _ " �_ �._.-.�_ _h ' .._ _ _. �.T ^� -• -n � .. . ...�.�- ^ _ _' . . _, _._.�.-�� , Planni�g Com�i�sion —4� .� may 24, 1�72 �ay Pa11e�� qF ApachQ �ngineering stated that during �he pas� week he has had two survey cr�ws walk the si.te to evalua�e the existi�g wa�er level in �he valley. There is no naed �o cons��uc� a�y � unde�g�ound p1P�ng a�d no controlled outlet is needed, aS the studies de�ermined surfece water from Hwy. 110 weSt oP Dodd Road and wes� of 35 � fills the creek in the valley -- the water was running �onstantly from one to two feet deep a�d 24 feet Wide. He stated tha� the developers have responded to �he Ordinan�e a�d h�ve gon� above �he �ormal operation of attempting to retain the balance of wa�e� �� the �alley. He asked for permiss�on to prooeed and tha� �he de�Qlqp�r be given some assUrance that the�F ef�or�s have not been in vain. m�, S�ringer d�d no� agree tha� the d�velopers hava Gpmplied with eve�y espeet of the Ordinance. His co�cern is t�at for the first ��me i� �h� Uillage th� ve�y basic issU� of land deue�op�ent versys 'eco�ogical Gonsideratio� has bee� broU�ht up. The matter has not bee� eoneider�d too long and he is not ready tP make uP his mind on the is�uQ. He was further ooncerned that th� Commission explor� al� asReGts of the �evQloPmen� as it affects pP�� spaG�. mOTTON by S�ri�gQ�, second by La�gford that the Soi1 Go�serv�tion O�fice be reques�ed to P�ovide the Cqmmissio� with statis�iqal informe�io� on ecolog�qal con�ideration and value to the Intersta�e pa�k at the �arliest possible date. AyQs: 3 Nays: 1 Schne�m�n mr. La�gford s�at�d �h.a� he would like to see some actiq� taken at the �ext meeti�g. 5everal members of the audie�ce also s�ated thi� opin�on, mr. Lund r�m�rked �hat the Soil Co�serv�tiqn Servip� OfFi�e indica�ed �ha� they wou�d make p�Qliminary data available within twp we�ks: more ��ve�tiga�ion cauld poss�bly take e�onth. mr. summer� re9u�s��d �hat the it�m be Placed o� the �����a for �h� nex� m��ti�g end that the Commissip� consider thQ dev�loPme�t by vo�i�g i� either yp or dow�, wheth�r the Soi1 GonseFya�io� OffiqQ dat� is or i� nq� available at th�t tim�, mrs, De���r�s attorney stated that he is prepared �q ��ve th@ papers'�or 17.� acres fq� park Proper�y to the Uil'la��, the o�ly Gos� bQi�9 t�Xes and �ssassments, o� Fr�day. mee�ing adaour�ed at 10:�0 P.m. tr�sl�a►1E:C�'� I ��������� �e������� �4�`�►������P � � �`�`�`�'�A� � ---« , ,, � , �;,� �y ' . , • � . . �` t �"'�' �� �v y � � �-���dbti`�� � ��'�� ��;�. �����,���.�p�� �:�����A ��� ��e,��d p�►,������ �s�, ��:����r��.� ���.��jtxd�,q ,�� ���YZ�1� �u� p��� �a�d��t�tc� �� ����� ��t� r,������:�� �t��u������� �u'� ��� ���t`�'���� ��, t��n.ar���t� �zi���i� ���� �o��n��� ��tu����z���ti�����p� �tirnt���l� ���rt��d� ��i�� b�t��� t�t�`��bn�z�j,�i�Y�S `�'�iti`F� � �t� �'g'"�}`�' €5K, ��i1ril+L �:tibut��'�t���i b�� .�tj ��.U't��'b"�,��tlt9b ,���i tki1� d�:'r7`��EI �'�rf��'d �iX'c� 'i��5�'d d�#'l�i�'��`�� t�tj�, tR�i ����n iiti`��:'�C��b`��:���i ,�d i�`�'��:�.�b��f��:t t���i ° €��'�� �'��"��#� � �,� u� ��.it��taud� €�s���uc piti� M��ti��x Z�'�t �.���t�.��a�� �t[`� `�'��(°� ��.t��������•��tii�v f������ ��� ����� •ttd��t�x��TTx��s� ��M�i`�xP�fi `C������� �c�� ��;�,� ��A�����u,z t�dad 'd�li� �.Db�'dt'�t� ��i��, ii� 6��.�b;�:�i'�b�it�ti `��c(�z��L 'd �f��J`��:'���,J�i.t`��;i ��'d1Ai�i`��-j `C'E��L�j�c�la' �i(�, U��C`��.' r9�.i`��1Li`C�� �tt� `�'�nf���il`�'I� ��.i'FiI'�'�'�C�fd ��,j�; {,16C�11: �:�,I� tf"�:j:�.�ii� 6`� �}:�it��t��il� '��Gc5`�'j�t't�iit���:tia'd �i�:j, if�; �,4�`��,1��ij;ti`��.���lh �� �:C�bitf�.�1#ti�i�j �''�Mi��`l'}� ��iG •��t�� �,������ ��,� �c���.�.i'�b =��i►�� o��� � �o uo-��.ar��z�,r�u�� ���b������ d��, i�� �i����r��u b�°���t�[ ,:rtt�1� �.�Q �,t�t�ia�:�z����p �Tu. �d ���i� ��i;��ui��,��.t� �tt�, ��,�t�t�.��i�a���� ��� x�`i���`C e`��t�G E�f�5dilt�b� ��`t,�� u'��� ��ri!1:�; ��t�i����«a� ��t�� �rx�;��`�fi .'�� � � i�i` �r, ��� 6 `�' b � b � � ��: ����,z �;Z��� u� � 6 6 � � � ry��s,� �ut��,r� � `�tt2�,:t � �� �ia��e�� �nu��;� u��.���;-�� d6C�� �y,t��y��1� '���Y�ttn�,x �� d��t�`C�`��A �x���x�:�`���+�t�V ���'�`��� �%�G)�L"[L(t�,C �� `�ii'��'�� ��rCW �%�6 ��� ��E��� �;�1�� iaaor��`NN�U�i ``irt'�'d1 '�.,�i ���j ��� �i;3ia�:sid oi�����d� sX�lniiia�IN �ii JLt��W,1t�'t�'dl�d `�'►1,OS��Iv�l/� �O �:.t�'�'J�� � � � ,. n v �,�� � �"�► � 1� : �4�. , : ���,r:: � � ��,�� � � . '�tl`�. �' � ����,A�� �F m��JPpTR N���I-I`�� m�ma �-, m�� ��, ���� TA; r��mA �1��,�,��� �q�n���,a� �1����,�, �, l�hn�An Il��,���� A�m�!,n�,�������� ��I���FTa �An�,n� A�m�,n��������An �A��� Th� P���� ��������, mAnl;h� h�u� ��:�:���r� m� �� A����►!� �h� �1?��(a����nc� �F �t�a���n���a AAn��.�2��n�� u�� A��m�-��:�{ R���'��,f1Q hl 1 1� M ti ��l r}i M�� ry � I k1 1 ti �P r� A� CI I� � H 1 I � t1 H' t K7 � r� Q�T: � i� H�' '""� r!� � Y�I � f" F4 i1 �' n S' �YP� R(' �A�,�;U�,�y. ��, �j��a���� `�P fn� ��il€�� �h� ���y�,r�,n� RP �ih� �f�(�,1,�,��n�� a �nd mA�� a,mPq�i;�n�� y � �h� ��sua,�a:n� Qf �hg A,�,�nn�,n� GAmmx���An and !l�,�,�-��� GA�n�i?� �Y ���('f r��r��nn��: �,� A�' � ���y �k�,m@� ������� �n �i��u��.�,� ��,1 v�ri�n��� �nd m�n� Ai;h�P �q��,�,����a�n�, �n �n�uff�,p?,�n� ��,1Ayn� pf �ni'��m���,An �� ��Aua��ad fq� �-n�q�-�a,��n�; d�G�,��qn m�k�-n�� A�7y��N��Y: 'I�h�,� �-�Ak 9F �nFqrm��,�o� ��-PR Aff�ni�� '�����, �qHn��a, �nn�i������,�n �n� �yd�m�n�� m�nY �� �h� �N��A�n��n� �RmmNn���:�� m�k� �h����� fi'�� ��ah �An�n� ��m�n�,������An ��A����:�n�: 'fh� f��-����n� Gh��4� �,n��,r�ai��� Ah��g�� m��� yy ��y��a�, qAm_mti����-�� � f�A��n��r�� �An�l�al��,an�� u�� ����; ' u���:�n�� �u�naui7,7.� Ulaa�l; 8�4, Pau�. n- ..�� ....�y.rn�� r-�r-._.., �. .�. ���� ��,�A �ia,��l ��A ��sp�P� ��-� ,�2 � �r�, ����n�+�a,a:�;� �9qua,s�� � �I�Pq��,� �� ���P �a���u� �;R �Au�r �;h� �A��; �fi' ��m�n���r���,n� �h� ��N�,�,�����,�r� fiA� ���An�,�� �r�� �Arl���,����n�?� NA�I a l '� �onin� Adt�a;nis�ratipn Costs --2- may 31, 1972 The es����lish�-f19 Rf ei��r��es sl�p�lrl ��cGom�7,isf� �� 7,eas� �w4 �h�nQs, ��mely: 1. Applieatiqns are �p� fi1�� indi�crim.inate,lY, th�t is �o �ay, the �pp,licqnt mu�t have e vali� �a�q before he W111 incur th� sPryi�e �herg�. 2, 1'h4 �h�r��s t,hpn R�y, or �ssis� in ��yingt thQ flecessary p�gfessiona�. and admi�istratFv� st�f�' time sp��t in inve�ti,gati�g, cqnF,irmi��g anci �i�3��,Fy.i,ng �h� �,n('orm�i,�on, and �i�bina,l;Finr� re�amm��i�d���iorls„ T �iP su�gp��;j;�g th�t � revi�ed p� adppt�c� tha�t Will accomplish the T wnuld, at �h� sam� time, suggest adviGe more gen�roysly i� ord�,r to �h� Planni�g Commissiqn and Council in�ormata,on, �ched��le of �eryice Fharges foregoing statem�ni:s. th�t we use Professional mare complete.ly supply with the neFessary � Tn order �o �]TC�VICIl3 adJitio��l f,y�ds, T r�c�mmc��d t:�i� f'ollowi�g sr,hedule pf charges. Such charges wquld be in thc� �prm of a� amer��ment to Ord.i-rlanee Numbars 58 ai�d �50, Z �'Ur�l�t�r wuNald r9comm�n�� 'th�l, tllis Pee schedule h� �dopted i� the �oar future and not wai,t for t�e final dr�ft of tho ��londi�erlts PrQse�tly unc�E.r go�sider��t.�on to tho Zor1?-ny Ord�;�a���r ��i1� a�so submi,t;�;i�g copy of th,is to th� Planrlin� Cpmmiss�;p� m9ml���'s fAr �h�;i.� e�rly oq�tsic���at.ion. pHn�o�F� F�� SCf-IEDIJLE ZC�NING F1�mINT�TRAT;LqiV R�z�n�ng Cp���i�io�a1. V?r.i;e���e P?��t �,:�.nr� Us� R•-1 Zon�,n� Di���. A],1 o�th�r Dist. ZQ lo�ts pT less ],l lots or lPs.� ��C, �Pse�> 1� �---- � 15 q So /�o 1 o n z.� �s � 5 ,75 O 7 5 • p 7-� 5� (In�:;�.u�F��01??.v.i�?.on s'D 100 of ��ci.�t�.�g Lots) A��Q+l� �'��� my�� a���m�any thF �?.9IlR� ��p�lir,a�.ioi�;; If a ArpN��r;� ;�c�ivi�y a,�vglyQs twp fees, bq�h fees sh311 I�e ��bmi��Q�. � � r ,� � ��lGG��T�R Re�o�uT�oN .. .. . , .�.. U�M��EH�� '�ha P�I���a co�.�nty Co�m�s�a.o�ars h�u� �r������ m{����-ngs �� d�,s4us� Cqun�Y road plans a�d �inancin� m��'���'s �a.�h mun�,�ip�?, p�f�-��,��-�; and WN�Fi�HS� '�h� Goun�Y has p�a��i��� a��vanu� �h���:n� ��,�n f�� ��€�� �n� ���-d�� pu�pos�� u���h muna,�����-���-��� ��� I�I�i�RF'R�� �,h� �,�'l�. �mr�i�us Tax �a.�.� p�.���� �n �����-u�,� ?�,ma�� �n �����nm�n�;a�. �a�s l��i�s; ana !�H�R�FlSa �he e�����.ng Par��,�i,p��a:An fA�mu1,� pn �A�!n�y z�l��i� �,1��41���,�i �1l-#�1���-���,�,�ies i� 1�4�t er�ta.rel�r ����,t�#��-�; ��d � i�N�ft�A�, �h� ?:�n�—r�r�g� Pz�ns for ���n�y ro�d� at�d h�-�hw�y� dR�� n�� app��� ��Jff�,G�,ent for the �nti�ipated �row�h, �14!�I THER�FqR�� �T �� HE�EBY �E�OLI�ED by th� Ua.,11��e �Q►-ltl!?�•� ��' t�t� Ila,lle��� q�' �Ie�d�t� F�ei9llts �o urge thp Co��t�� P�'�'�P�,��,5 �Q. �-• G����tlu� '�Il� A?Sa.s�a,�� rpad ��d br�,dg� rev�flt-le �h�rin� fQ�mu?�� 4�?,�hnui: �h�n�� unti.l t�e pmna-4�� T�x ��w ].ima.���Ei�ns ��� �h�n��d; �, ��,v� �'�Wrara�lq �qrtsz.der$-tio� tc� � �;rp�osa� parti�iPp#;ia� fR�mu�,� r��Amm�nd�d 4y �h� Dako�a coun�v �n��-r���rs; �� �fl�At�R � q���,ifi�,ea f irm �o �r�pPr� � lon�-rpfl8e ���(lsj��������1�1 �l�,�Fl �:� : �� H��������y h��dz� ���i���.��ted �'��;�T� ������,t ���, I�. �rqv�,d� ��-t��qu��� ini't�r�l���-4n �A ���� ��e , f�s�?,�?-�.��y pf � bandin� Arog�amz ��� � � y » _. �� r'T F�lRTN�R RE�OL11��� th�� �h� ��kot� county GA�Im�:��?�qr1�?'� �n�l s�afF �r� �� �� �om�n�n�ed �4� �I���,r l�adership �c� ���q��i�yng ��1� f�'�r�'��-flf� oU� �P�-u��,�f1s t� a!�?' �.and �r�rlsPo��a'��q� Rroblems. A�14(����# !�Y �hA �?��,�,��� �o���il o�' t�e U.i�?��� �►f 1���1�t��� Mei�h4�� �il�� d�Y R� , 19`�2, �T`�'��T � �G�.����� ,�.... '���d��la�u�� . . . . tl�,�,?.a�a ��,�Fk --..-.-,.-.---------,-- r, � . _ _ . _ � _ , 111L�,AG� �pulV�Il- ���,�-RG� o�' �i���aT� N�zG11T� �y . . . .. . . ..... .......,. , .... ��na1d !-;�� Hu��� {�ayqr M ' . � P. , �,.. � ,, � �.. _ z �ll' l�l�D��l � June Gr 1�72 � , /�, �� T0: V111age Gouncil and Pianninc� Commis�ion Village of Mendota Helghts, P�linnosota FRQM: Leo Starr ����%� 9;s -4 �' P/'� f;E: Environmental Protecti�n Critoria for Planned Unit Revelopment RroJects In responso fio a Village Park Board request, I am submitting the following profiection critoria tor your consideratton. These suggested critaria and proceduros are specifica{ly directed toward the proposed plannEd r�s�dential development near tti� Interstate 35 E- Hfgh��v�y I10 interchange, howovor, such environmental protection considerations could apply to a!I maJor futuro construction pro,Jects in P,4endota Heights. GEIJERAL: P�lajor environmentai concerns associated with I�rge dovelopment' projects relate to erosion and siftation probizms both during and afte� construction, soils suitabillty for the contemplated project, thE disposal of surface w�i�er run-off, and other impact considerations related to the modfficatlon of site tonograpny and veg�tatton. P�Qasur�s should be Imple- m�nt�d to provida tor adoquate devoloper constdertation of �-hese impact areas and for inst'itution of approprtate confi rois to assure that the contemplated project does not have an adverse environmQntal impact. This is pcjrti�ularly lnportanfi tor proJects abutting recreatfonal or open space areas. PROCEDURCS: R package of construction confirol standards should be estab- lished by ti�e Village. Such standards and construction activi-ty a�provais should be tied to the submission of an enviranmen-Fai impact statement for tho proposed developrnent. Tne environmontal impact sfiatement should cantain the foll,owing information: I. Site soifs characteristics 2. Existing sito topoc�raphy and vogeta-hion 3. Erosion and sedimentation controis proposed during and after canstruction 4. F'roposed site qrading and tho timing or sequencing of consfiruction 5. Proposed surfac� water drainage systam and discharga and water quality protectton plan. 6. Proposed environmentai protection plan and Its cost tincludinc� i�hems 3; 4, and 5.) Ur�der thesa procedures, Villa�o approval would be required for grading, vege-�atlott removal, and for surtaco water drainage disposai. Th� granting - -- - -- - - . . -.- _.--- -, - - -- � - - - - - - - - � � .t t�+l�ndofi� F�!f� l r�h1's V 1 I I�!�� ��c�u r.c t I a nd P l a nn t n� CorKn i,� i c�n J un� Ci, I �72, Pac�c� TtiYo of �pprcavra I tvau I d r��u i re �n e:nv i rnnmcant� 1 prc�tect i �n n t�n mrczt 1 nq cr.�rta i n tr�inin;un crntiion contrc,l, car�din:,3, �nd surfacc� �ir�in�c!cj sfi�sn�ar���. .Rrprav41! �vc�u i Q r+�afi :�� si rr�r� i�;d ur I cs;a n ��t t sf �rtary c�nv i ronr��n�� ! nrU��.ct ( oi� � I an cau ! d t�� ;.�ro�Juc�:�c� ',ay -thr ctR:vc I c��ar. Til � S �� i an �rou I d��c� r�v i�a:cJ t,y th �� lac�i iotl (;�n�s.�rvatic�n a�ar�ic� offt:�a, thK� ti'lll��c Fr,�inca:r, �r.�+ atE�.r,r �3ff�:ct�d c-�rcu�3s such ts� thc �ark, f;oz�rd. ,'1 puhiic "c'��rir,c� cc>uid �� rF�tuirc�� ;�r ir�r t� �t'h�:� ����r,rnv� ( afi c>nv i rc�nmjn�'� I ��r�-h�c-t'i�r, � I anc, r:r'fE'L Ihi�Jl:#�; Th�� .�p�rov��ci er,vi ranr:�. n-t� t protc>ct i�n p i�n :�;��u i d!�y r�1�corcJc�d with 1•h�:r '4i I 1;����, tind p�ri�dic in��uctt�ns shcauld b� conducted to inaurc► cam�� I i��ncc�. ih��a davc� I csp;�r �hou � c! t>u ra�u i rc:d �to pc� �t ��,c�rft�r-�nz nc� t�nd fia c�vc�r �htua cn ,t� nf th� f1r17jaC��r3fj �I'C)�'�JGyic�n n�aaurc��. �; f:�c� sc:ht:c�u itim 4hau I J Z�,: e;;:�1��� I i sh<?�J wh f c�i 4r�u I d s�dc:,t�u31�;: I y ct�v�r fir�E: �1 f! I ar�' a cc,:��j� ; f�r� �s;in� t r� i:�t�:ri n� 1•� i<� �zr�crarn anfJ •��jc� n�c�s:s�ry s I�'F3 i naF��c r ions . F�fJTl1�?�: PLAEi!�i I I'� r P;C�':i 5'�f�f�,Y : 7a �u���a I c��►ent th j��r�p�a�r,t� c:nv i rarm�sn�� f pr4t�c-hion �mc��amr thte, l+l { I,�c��� siicsu{� ��r�p�rk� � ccxn�r�E��n��iv�; surf�acr� dr�inr�:�� pit�n. Fi�i�; pi�i� �hc�ul�i t;ca pr�:s��rr;d arif;� 3�propriat�:; t�yc�rn�Q;(c�i axp�rfi 1��► tar�� i�u 4i�! c�a to tP�c� �' i} i a;ac�'' :, n�Tur� I dr�z 1 nar� c:���l�� i i i t 3 t� � �i�d tutur� land u�� �ai Icic�s. ;��tth �uch �� ;;lan, tt;r: clr�+tna��; ir,���ct of r� rro- {�o��:d d_�vc� I���mr�rz�t cou i c� t�e, �►;:, �c:�ssec� f n r�� ! t��t 3�n i•a tot� I� rr:a d ra 1 n�a�er capr�b i 1 i t� i e s 4� 5�.�d.� I I as t1�� n�-hur;:� I and r.;a�-•made ;���:.���urc:� -Ftrat t�! i I I l:c: n�4ad�d t� �ccarartc�;��-t� i-;,�, rn:��r tir� i n���r� i nput . ----�------- — - - � -- - --- - � - - - • - � - p . , ' � LZST OF Ci�AIMS SU$MITTED TO THE COUD7CIL FOR APPROVAt� ADMINISTRATION 3509 3510 35 �1 �sxx 35�.3 3�1+1 �515 3516 351? 3518 3519 35�� 3521 352x 3523 3524 J5i5 `- 4flo00 8�61 ' 2n � 33l sAo� . ����oa. � ' 9 �80• 42apQ 69��4 .L �� G �M 18pL0 14364, 2a0D� 6s3�4z aiess 5_QO 5y175�00 534,70 Ur S� P+oAt Office � Nox:thwestern Sell Telepho�ce � �u� �T�wspagess : Mendota► �ei�ht.� . RubbiBh ` ThOm88 On Ctt=l+ey Giabe Pubi�shing Company .IBM Corporation t�T� A� Lang ComP�►y Oak �r�at Kenneis Bart1 �lectric Incorposmted Franzmefer� inco Seeret�y o� :st$�e �Einne�ot� Ho$�+i�ai Service Chippewa 3prin.gs Gampany Munifipal Clet�ks a o, Assnn Wilke�son,Qu�iunann,Johnson I�9.dw�at �'�.�tnq & Reae�ch POLICE DEPAR� �534 3510 3536 �554 3555 3556 355 i 3558 180�8Q 45��5 4s82 65033 x6�oo 22e�5 ?e9� 25 � 00 Fx� n$P�cr�srrr 35F.0 3526 3527 3528 9529 3530 3531 3532 356� 11?,>$2 9�Q8 3,95 z5pso 1On00 5�00 197,52 �,468n75 ?3051 RO�AD & BRIDG$ 3�ltf 3514 3533 35 �4 �533 3536 353? 3538 3539 3540 35G4 8y83 37a 60 163 � 6�1 109011 xoo,00 3�s26 237.�80 21�00 465�30 151000 24�50 June 6�hp �972 Fostaqe '� Telephone� expensee publicatioa cf Legal �iatices Rybb�.8h R�mo�a� • m June zental of Vii�.age iit�il Sypplies y punch, D3��co Fluid �qufp� maint � � typewrs.�er Ir��ranc� Dog Catchex & Pourzd Boa�ci F'e�s , Bldgo �'isin�a � ballas� �f�Fice Supplies p pt�pe� �oxrect Fede��l ce��us t�gua:e Ho�pitaliz�tion Supplies �& Equ�pa lease � Ea���x Duesq Subscsipt�.ons Accou€�tfng F�es � Su�dr� Pianaing eoard �xpeMSQs and VilYage Pl�er � re�c�inex St�ruAard 0,�1 gort'�westesn �eli 2ele;�h�ne C3ty M�tor Su�rply Co�o TACs Vikirig Induetrial Center Fisch�tc"e 56 Mituse�o�a Fize Zncorporated Fury M�tosB� xnc4 , League of Minno Muna.oip��.ities �ort!sw�etern Bell Telephone Gran� 1�ve�Au� Mo�Or Co o,, Hoi�'m�n Electrie baurit� ��Ieinzettel Th�rsa ReQ�ing �i11 %lachtles • Safeco Li% Inausance Coo Mendota Heights Fise Degto Nr•rth�rn State�s Power Company N�r�hweatern B�ll Tel,ephone G.Lobe Pubi�.�hinq Company F'�x�tell � Ozmun o K�rk & Co « : taad�.�d O#.1 Harry Kirchner C�.ty 1K�to� Supply Co p q T�nc� tTa Lo Shiely Company K�R CcmmuaiCa�ions BzTumNaix Company Olson Equigmen� Coa Dlorth4rn Stetes Power Co� Gasoline TeJ.cghone expenses Auto zepairs & soainfien�nee Suppiies - Fir�t P�id equips��*�� Auto =epairs'•� hat�ery�b�ua� I�ew Equip� -� eXtiMgu3she?:' Auto repairs & msin��na�ce LMM Conforence � Ito�hester Telephone ��cpens�s Fire equipmen� rep�i.�� � i;a�-=}�: Other equfpmen�� �epai�e & �airL;�. Radio Operator"� CiaargeG R$c�io Ogerator' � G't�arges Hook �To�k � Semi 14�,xiu31 =n�urance � d'o3.ur_teQ� �i�e��� Firemen°s Renumera��on Heat & Elect=icity T�lephone e�►er�s�m Supplies � 8usiness c�rdss an� Daily rEgorr. �arc�s DTeW Equipta�n� �asoli�ae - une Hu�ldi�ag Rei���� Equ�.p� rep�ir$' � ���.n�:+��,���� Road Fi3.i Equipa rep�irs �x raa�n�er:�.�ce As�ha�� Equ�.pmen� .r��xta3. Het�� & Electrici�y �U�LIC �T���TIE& �p83 �.6�a6a a.��.�aa ��o�C3 7� 2I ��� D FL� �sQ�� i�Qr��h��e��c:� ��I�, Te�.ep�YQng F���E:3.� � 0 ,m�n, �t�ric �'x Cc�, Li�.S(3�3 F�1�3�:T�t32a� �O a �t'a.,;I3�� E�u�pttt��� Com�3z�Y Ao�rd of ��i�.�e� �omm�.ssi��ae�s �or'cYtern Sta��� Pc�;ox Coo �OY��2P.?,'�i S�S'CB8 ��3'v7r�Y' i:t'�o �A�CS �; R�CRk"AT�(3� ..r,...., .....�..�.. 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