2017-02-07 Council MinutesCITY OF MENDOTA HEIGHTS
Minutes of the Regular Meeting
Held Tuesday, February 7, 2017
Pursuant to due call and notice thereof, the regular meeting of the City Council, City of Mendota
Heights, Minnesota was held at 7:00 p.m. at City Hall, 1101 Victoria Curve, Mendota Heights,
Mayor Garlock called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. The following members were present:
Councilmembers Miller, Petschel, and Paper. Councilmember Duggan was absent.
Council, the audience, and staff recited the Pledge of Allegiance.
Mayor Garlock announced that at the request of the applicant, Item 9b; Resolution 2017-17, Approving
a Lot Split for 697 Wesley Lane, has been continued to the meeting of February 21, 2017.
Mayor Garlock then presented the agenda for adoption. Councilmember Petschel moved adoption of the
agenda with the removal of Item 9b.
Councilmember Paper seconded the motion.
Ayes: 4
Nays: 0
Absent: 1 (Duggan)
Mayor Garlock presented the consent calendar and explained the procedure for discussion and approval.
Councilmember Petschel moved approval of the consent calendar as presented and authorization for
execution of any necessary documents contained therein, pulling items B) Approve January 17, 2017
City Council Workshop and Closed Session Minutes and E) Approve Repairs to Heating, Ventilation,
Gas Monitoring Systems at the Fire Station
a. Approve January 17, 2017 City Council Minutes
b. Approve January 17, 2017 City Council Workshop and Closed Session Minutes
c. Acknowledge January 24, 2017 Planning Commission Minutes
d. Approve Resolution 2017-16 Granting a Permanent Easement to Dakota County
e. Approve Repairs to Heating, Ventilation, Gas Monitoring Systems at the Fire Station
f. Approve the Purchase of a John Deere Mower and Broom for the Public Works Department
February 7, 2017 Mendota Heights City Council Page
aavd nounoD rtu vJopuaJ4r L [OZ `L eCiondRal
atTS •utatla Jo auo sBm OVAH ata •auauzaaedap aag atla aoj uOT1001100 Jo paau 31t?Tpaurtuu ui aJOM
SWT Io a1aJ TsuT Io pua °TT T1 tstI pantaoaa ITounoJ 43 atm imp paapaataa Iatlosaad aaqutaumJTounoO
°algtssod si uoos auop aq oa papaau 3pom stq Titla pup aag atla Io uotutdo am St u imp plus IITalloJA
•2uta0}Tuotu su2 puu OVAH oT alma' paauasaad sansst atly •spaau Apses a}mpaunutt ssaapp1 oa aa2pnq
LIOZ 01H oauT 000`09I$ and of aptaap pip JTounoO am `aanamoH •auija tam u 1-e ssnosTp aTejd s,ITouno3
am uo st mid uuaa-ia2uol aqj •j, g$ oa yds. I$ pa2uta suopdo aqj •2utpitnq am aoJ atam suopdo
014T imps autuump oa ua)I1aaapun sum ipms Iampautlate `Tem oa aotad seaf atm Imp plus aH •s2ujaaN
122png LIOZ 2utmp Itouno3 ATO atm xq passnostp sum tlottlm 2unlaautos sem 2utpunq uoiams
0.1g atm JO uompuoo IT1Jano atg1 •.tatpo atm uetm ssal Apu ogr2Ts sum alonb auo se NoatTo oa anal
mom aq tem tnq `satut dutoo suamO pug °Tux Tmoq TTM dTgsuoi.-eIaa n purl srn JtT3 au •papaau uagm
0011l?1sTss1 T.MM )Iaom UAW sit scop Tuatt at1daU amid atm `.zanamoH °.1oaeurpaooD aaueuaturew satttuaed
atm s1 paSolduta st own Ienptntput Xat3 atm Imp. paTldaa TITalloYAI 3I11Lv .Jo}t?aasTutmpy ATO
•s2utpItnq s,43 auk
sung otlm puI `1T uo )Iaom auoiu1 ueo `}uatudTnba Aimauzdoad at st `saTonb atm uaamtaq Alut?dsTp am Ictlm
loafoad satin zo3 .io}oazmoo Tape -pout am aq (N. uasotlo uaaq °ISA s14 itlm 'pax!' 2utaq St ti qm `uaAozq
st -etlm `°a•t tsiTndat asatla 2utpae2aa uogeuuojut punot23Io-eq autos aoj pa}Isi Jaded aaquzautJTouno3
(ui22nQ) I :auasgV
b : saiy
•uopow atm papuooas Jaded aaguTautlTounoO
sainum uotssas
pasoiO put? dotls3poA1 ItounoO i t0 LIOZ `LT atm anozddE 01 panouz Iatlosaad Jogm u L uno3
.uotssas pasolo tem 2utmp ITounoO 43 atm Aq ump. sum uogot? ou Tem paounouuu
aH •ansst uottE294 t ssnostp sum uotssas pasola amp asodand aqj •ITounoO'cup atla Aq ppq
uotssas pasola n sum atom Outaaaw ItounoO X1 -11i LtOZ `Li X°Tnnuir atla. oa aotud aem pat -els )loop D aoti1JA
(u122nU) I :tuasgV
O :skein
b :saky
•uoTaout atm papuoaas JJJm aaquzautJTouno3
ast'I SLUTD 3o IT/middy •}I
1IJodag maznsua ti anoaddy • f
9TOZ JagTu oaQ fol aaoda)J La.TATaOV 2utpitng a/middy •T
luautaaedaQ aotiod uto°zI ict.tadald 43 Io IisodsTQ anoaddV q
ata-etlomS aatt?A, 2utp.zu2ag aaauA, In'd °15 ITM tuautaaa2V 2utpuauIV •2
believes this is the ventilation in the room where the gear is stored, which is not functioning properly.
The money is in the budget for this year to address immediate fire, life, safety, and HVAC concerns;
those were identified and prioritized by the fire department itself. HVAC is one of the first items on that
list to be addressed. Various other issues will be identified and brought forward to the City Council later
this year.
Councilmember Paper moved to Approve Repairs to Heating, Ventilation, Gas Monitoring Systems at
the Fire Station as recommended.
Councilmember Petschel seconded the motion.
Ayes: 4
Nays: 0
Absent: 1 (Duggan)
There were no public comments.
No items scheduled.
Public Works Director Ryan Ruzek explained the process for specially assessing a project as well as
estimated project costs, funding sources, and estimated assessments. The feasibility report for this
project, as required by Minnesota Statutes Chapter 429, was authorized by the City Council when they
adopted Resolution 2016-80 on November 1, 2016. That feasibility report was accepted by City Council
and called for a Public Hearing to be held this evening. This project includes rehabilitation to Bedford
Court, Claremont Drive (reconstruction), Concord Way, Lockwood Drive, Stockbridge Road, and
Whitfield Drive.
If the City Council desires to order the project at this public hearing, the next step for City Council
would be to approve the plans and specifications for the project in March and order advertisement for
bids and accept /open bids in April, award the contract in May, begin construction in late May or early
June, and complete the base course of asphalt in August 2017. Assessment hearings are held after the
project is substantially completed, typically in October. Assessments can be paid in full at City Hall
within 30 days, any unpaid assessments would roll onto the residents property tax roll for a period of ten
An informational neighborhood meeting was held on January 18, 2017, which was attended by
approximately 30 residents. Details from that meeting were in the February 7th City Council packet.
Mr. Ruzek then shared a map of the proposed construction area and provided details of the proposed
plans for each section.
February 7, 2017 Mendota Heights City Council Page
j7 advj
ppounoD r1j!D s;z/BtaH v1opuaW L IOZ `L davngaJ
rieuT 1r `Janamoii `.auo SUIT Se 0wiwT1 OWLS 31111e sTaoCoid J01110 uo 21.1131Jom pun 2ulppTq mo j JoTaeJTUoa
aril TIum pinom Tap s1oannoo o u pinoo alp TEITT parldaJ 3Taznj •ij, •Toafoud aril alaidutoo o1
Jautuzns TTn a1n1 lou pinoTis 11 `Alloauuoo paJnlonJTs aJam luaumoop piq aria. J. TNT Jaip.nj pawls Tpurs •J1\i
•uoTTonJTsu000i alaldtuoo
n op oT soNe11r oulq am pun `1ooloid riuJJano pun iiTuT u op o1 sa3pul 1T auTT1 aTi1 uT aauaJaJJTp e sT OJaTi1
Imp TRT oris •uosuudutoo ienba un lou sum 1r brim patidoi TatiosTad JoquTauzTrounoa •,XpooJJoo paunloniTs
sI 1ommoo gip JT, sq uouT oosql o1 oml a3iu1'quo molls 1T Tem 2uiundo `ZxuNT'I 1111m aouoTuadxa
s1Ti o111 paJndutoo pun `Toafoud slap. Tomisuoo o1 uaumms iin a3ina. pinom 11 iiiim pauoTTsanb osln all •sauTOTJ
AItumj-o urs pun `ATrutuj-r1Tnuu Jo suaquTnu aria. pauot1sanb `aAUJQ PToJ1RIIM Ss z `1puTs TaetToTJA[ mi
•luudn000 aT{T ST
Jaumo aria. =Tim sarj odoud o1 /quo Xidde pinom 11 Tem patidaJ uuuunjj um' Xauuoaly AID •sop.TodoJd
patdn000-JauMo su Ham su sajauadoud Two.' o} saridde uoj1do Tnuapap amp pa3lsu uaiil ituno %ITN
•pauu3 dxa 3iazn�I
•JTAT Tiatgm `sum gino aiquaunouuns e 1eTim uo uopnoTymio Joj pa3TSn until itnna 'ITN •3u1ns affil uTnutaT
pinom iurualeuT X3rltln affil lnq sapuJ21aaJ1s mau aria. TioleuT oa. Tonal aouj1ns arii uo sluauTlsnfpu oq IITm
=ILL utuuT Ja1em puu Jamas Animus aTi101 sluauzanoJduTT pasodoud ou 0113 auaiil Tem panda' 3laznj •JAv
•loafoud sTTi1 icq paToojJe aq pinom Ja1em Jo Jamas AJelruus ri1To.It pa3ise `poom3loo7 8LSZ o.TD %TN
•spun so2uego iiaaadoud
aril sn Qum Tuns itTun 1i anuT1uoo Jo ` ITOUIssassn 0TI11 [[0O 01. Jaiilra 05001T° Anal 40 NT auTT1. Tem Jo
pun aria 1y •pound 1uautiiedoJ Je0X-u01 aJT1u3 aria Ti0noJg1 uo iiu1s here sienojap asoijj •pouopap aq uuo
sluautssasse moods auaiim (iiaiadoud padoianapun un Jo `suazT io uoruas 'wow/Co-pap XunTlqui) suoj1do
autos apinoJd scop Jr3 an Trio. pautuidxa 3laznj •ITN `TaTioslad JaquTauTirounoD Jo TsanbaJ aTT11y
•uoTlonulsuoo affil 2uTunp sog.lodoud Jtag1 ssaoon o1 aiqu 2uTaq sluaprsaJ 1i1rm suuaouoo ou oq
molls auaTil `uotlu1uasaud s,3Taznr> •Thi 2uunp pauoT1uaut sy •Xaaadoud Jaq o1 ssaoon ogi 1111m pauJaouoo
osie sum alis •sautoouT pa1TTUTT TiJJm asoiil o1 suapunq TeuoTllppn asneo Siem Tuautssasse sTTia 1131
Pres alis 'EOM ail} ut suazJTTO Joruas JIo Jaqutnu e 011301014 1. T . suuaouoo Jati paluls otim `Jiern pJoouo3
9ZSZ `asnge-1 up -pled •sfAi iiq unq 01. uanT2 1uauILuoo e pa1uasaJd 3Taznu uuii2T Joa.aaJTQ s3TJom oggnd
(ue22nU) T :Tuasgy
p : skeN
i, :saiiy
•uoT1ouJ au1 popu000s Togoslad Jogmo uJTouno3
•Ouunaq otignd aril uodo 01 panouT Jaded JagTnomJtouno3
•31Jom 1uuualJnddu pun `uoT1euolsaJ pos `luautaoeldal Jaajn2 pun quno apniouT
s1soo ri1T3 •(ogod 1113 Jad 1uowssassn 1run pa1eurgsa affil umTi1 ssOT 1g•££1b$ st tiottim) }run Jad OS6`£$
113 padduo aq pinom asno1i iJtuJeJ-apuTs e JoJ Tunoutn 1uauTssasse pasodoud aria pee `Tran Jad Z6.8 T £` I $ sI
sautoq AumeJ-ra.InuT oquo Tinea JoJ 1unouT1 1uaulssasse posodoid aTJZ •spun) X-1111113 pee `spuoq IedTotuniu
`s1uautssasse moods iiq paoueug oq pinom Tiorgm OZ9`17SZ`I$ sT 1oafoud 0Ti1 Jo 1soo pa1euWT1sa Iu1o,I,
limit the amount of contractors bidding on the project, which could drive up the cost. He also referenced
the timeframes for performance once the contract is assigned, and provisions for sub -contracting.
Mr. Sindt asked if there was a written criterion on the curbs for replacement, Mr. Ruzek replied that,
based on an initial drive through the neighborhoods, approximately 30% of the curb would need to be
replaced. Staff will mark the curb to be replaced throughout the neighborhood. He described the criteria
used in determining whether or not to replace the curb
Mr. Howard Gleeman, 2593 Bedford Court, asked for clarification on the senior citizen deferment, by
asking if both residing parties need to be over 65 years of age. Mr. Lehman replied that only one
property owner would have to be over 65 years of age. He also questioned whether the assessment
would be charged an interest rate of 6% per year, and how the contract amounts had already been
determined, even before bonds had been sold? Mr. Ruzek explained the estimate amounts, and said that
the City has been reconstructing roads annually for a number of years; unit prices are tracked on all of
the materials that are going to be involved in the project. Staff also includes a 20% contingency in the
estimated costs. He said that the dollar amounts shared today should be a worst-case scenario --it is
anticipated that actual costs of the project would be less.
Mr. Sal Lopiano, 2462 Whitfield, asked for the anticipated end date of construction. Mr. Ruzek replied
that the contract has not been bid yet, so the final construction date is unknown. He said that if the
project were to be ordered by Council this evening, the contracted consultant would complete the design
plans and specifications. He said that the consultant should be able to turn the plans around relatively
quickly. Staff therefore anticipates that in about 30 days the plans may be ready for Council to approve
and authorize bidding. The City is required to advertise for three weeks. After the bids are received,
Council would determine if they will accept or reject the bids.
In regards to the anticipated assessment amount for a single family home plus the 6% interest rate, Mr.
Lopiano asked if that would be prorated over the entire ten years. Mr. Ruzek replied that at the
participants at the informational meeting had been provided a packet of materials which showed an
estimated repayment schedule. He said that the principal payment for a single-family home would be the
same every year; however, the interest payments will be reduced as the principal balance goes down. He
said that a single-family home would be assessed no more than $3,950, resulting in total interest
payments of $1,364.94.
In response to the question regarding the 6% interest rate, Finance Director Kristen Schabacker stated
that this has been the rate the City has consistently charged for assessment projects for the past 20 years.
The previous City Councils had directed this, so that there was consistency in rates across neighborhood
projects. Mr. Lopiano stated that this seems to be a bit high considering the current interest rates.
Councilmember Petschel commented that if a resident wanted to obtain their own loan privately, the
assessment could be paid in full within 30 days of the assessment hearing, and that no City interest
would accrue. If the assessment is not paid in full within those 30 days, the assessment is then added to
the owner's property tax statement.
Mr. Lopiano asked for clarification on the driveway and street access during construction. Mr. Ruzek
replied that the contractor's typical working hours are 7:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m. throughout the
neighborhood; however, the contractor is not necessarily on every street every hour. However, if the
February 7, 2017 Mendota Heights City Council Page
9 a8nd ppufoD ((ij3 S' 1/ 11ag n;opualY L [o 'z Ltn�a rgad
•suaaouoo asoy
ssaappr aalorgrgog ualslax aoloaJTQ aouruTJ qTM own r alnpattos oa pa3Isr sum ails ` woutssassu
uo saaua Tsaaaaut pur '2u-!puoq `2ulaaOpnq uo uogeoTduurto aoji slsanbaa surd •sysI aattpnj of asuodsaa uI
•sluautonoaduzi aoj spaau pun spans ay pazpuoud rind aqj •saotnosaa ao pnq s‘kin aua uo Tordtut NT
pur `spans amp spaau NT ssaappu of urtd auaJJ-anJ r padolanap ItounoI alta `bila •suotatpuoo
annoadsaa alar} pur mons a1J4 jo IIr Tr pro! pur `ua)Iraaapun sum Apnns r Visa' sy •aanaonaasatjut
2upiroap Tnoqu pauaaouoo ifaan uaag pug Itounop atp `oar sauak xTs ITounop alp uo araii aaTJ
21Ta-Q •Sarah 0Z ism atp aoj Toojjv LH wog suit s}uatussassr uo poRtugo aqua asaaaaut %9 otp Try plus Ns
•aoualstxa ut wog silt Xtj a p Trig ataA'lora saaaaas 2utorldaa puu 2unuititgrttaa wog suit AHD alta Tulp
pawls IattosTod aoltounoa `suuld araJi 01 of g ur Suwon mid auaii-s alta Tnogr uoisanb atp oT aouaaajaa uI
•JTudaa palls jo pup! stip aoj pasrgoand
puoq asul ay. aoj swautaaras Irtourug alt} saogg2Iou aatl puu urd •syAI aoj aptnoad mom ails Trig plus
oqg To aoj spuoq panssl TO Tou silt AHD alta Trig palldaa aa)IorgrttoS •sJ, •panssT wog silt auo
�t `Toafoad siq toj ouo puu `spuoq atpUo auauIaara.s molt gsro waoaa Isom aTJ aas oa palsu urd •sy\I •icTID
atp.jo suonuaado Iuaaua2 2uTztptsgns aou ST aI •spuoq Nip ajll atla JOAO Tgap ay umop rind oa posn
sT pun punj aOTAaas agop aTp uT suTrutaa `praasui •punj Iuaaua5 alta oT paaaaJsurn aou sT poRrego 2uTaq
%9 alta pun `panssT aar spuoq NT ttoTtlm au alma asaaalut alta uaamaaq aouaaaJJTp atl Tuna Pius of uo Guam
ails •oaua TsaaaluT 049 atta ulsn paanponaas air spuoq atla Trig patldaa aaprgrttoS uTastax aoaoaaTQ 00urut3
•aualoun aaam panTaoaa putt oqs 1utta saamsur alt} Tioj puu ` utourug atp anogr aaTlara aaprqugoS
•sy\I oa !Tun ur auas putt at1S •pauaaouoo aaTt putt gatgm `uuld a1OJJ 01O g uu of Jaw! pre `urld Toaals
auaii-s r oa aatlsua aouaaajaa r uooq putt wail Trip plus aqg •kTt3 alta jo suoTaraado ay 2uTztptsgns oq
mom staad puoq `aaojaaagj •purtd Iraauop ay out pa uojsuun aq mom poRautto oq o} pasodoad %9
ay puu `arra asaaalur aa)Iautu atla sum ilaj alts Tram uaam1aq %r jo aouaaaJJtp alta a m alai aqg •saogg2Iou
aatt tJTM uoirsaanuoo 5uunp poste.' suaaouoo Iraanas paargs `puox o pugijools £6t' `uud 0.11-8)1 •Sy\1
•aamod alalia. UHpTM saolougTuoo-qns
alta jo uogrutpa000 utpnlouT `suonrogloads iornuoo oq 2utmolloj oq uatpa. mom aoaoraauoo lraaua2 Tutta.
`ao1ounuoo Iuaaua2 r oa papnumu oq pinom aoua}uoo NT bila plus ipznjl •ay\I •aouo au Hu Toofoad sly, op
mom H Tutla. os palnpatlos oq saoloraauoo-qns gig paprnoad ./fiourgorut maul an Trtta pa3Ise ouutdo7 %ITN
•sasuadxa poTudToiuuun aanoa 01 sanaasaa JO spunj aattao JO spunj
i(lTJgn aztltan pinom AHD atta 1.utp parldaa 3Iaznj •ayAI 1,palpuutt oq mom sosuodxo uT sunaaano i uu molt
po Isu uatta. alt :paddro oq of aaam saunoutr sauautssassr oq Try pooasaapun alt iutp paaou ouutdo7 %ITN
•swaptsaa alta. poatugo 2utaq saunourr auautssassr alta Toojji aou pinom Tutu •aopao aurtto u 2unsanbaa
itouno0 /fats amp won ul louq oq pinom alt `dn autoo oa aaam OuTq otuuos JI *sada Itos ur sasudans �fuu
mud -pp -ire aou soop puu `soijipan pa)Iool on. -eq `s utaoq TSOT ouop sett Alta alta Gutta patldaa •ayAI
•sumou*lun aattao puu solotpluts aoj vol o} ouop uaaq putt aauo Tltp anp jo pup! Guam pa3Isr ouutdo7 •HAI
Hoy jo won ut Maud oa aura pinoo }uaplsaa atp 'own Tutt} OutanQ •atotttan aauassud r aaoddns oa tp2uags
Tuatojus 'peal of ship L of y wan oNuT JJTM kIiunsn at 'poor -pot oq sl iiumanup t jo puo otp re uoadu
oTaaouoo amp `aanamoH •2uTuana tiara sIfumanup Hap ssaaar oa alqu oq ifllunsn pp -tom sauaplsa)l •SanoTJ
awnkep alta uunp aorld a)Ira AIluaTdAT pH -tom imp `panoum oq of paau Sara JO pa)Ioolq oq oa spaau prow
Ms. Pan stated that she understands that the City has to have policy based on Minnesota Statute of the
share of the projects. She stated that she and her neighbors have concerns about policy requirements, and
that the assessments would match the established policy.
She said that they are also concerned the City is reducing the amount of the levy for other operating
costs of the City, and felt that people being assessed were subsidizing and therefore reducing the taxes
being paid by everyone else in the City. They are concerned that this violates the special assessment
statute financing. She cited recent St. Paul city assessments which were later determined to be taxes.
She feels that she and her neighbors are concerned about this. She questioned Councilmember Petschel's
suggestion that a homeowner take out a personal loan. She said that a special assessment is intended to
benefit the property, and not necessarily the owner. She said that they are missing the point of special
assessments. Ms. Pan stated that she is happy that the senior citizens are being taken into consideration,
as this was a concern of the neighborhood group. However, she and her neighbors believe that this is an
example of bad public policy. She said that she does not understand where the previously stated 4%
difference is going; she said that in the past 6% was probably justifiable, but did not feel that it was
anymore. She questioned whether she is paying for a plan that was put into place as referenced earlier,
where there might have been a loss to the City — she said that that should not have been placed on the
taxpayers. She and her neighbors are concerned that the City is exceeding its authority, and said that if
this plan moves forward, they may contact the State Auditor. They feel that there is a discrepancy
between what they are being charged and what the City is being charged for the bonds.
Mayor Garlock stated that he personally would sit down with Ms. Pan and her neighbors to discuss these
issues. He asked that she make an appointment with Finance Director Kristen Schabacker and that he
would attend. Also, he would be willing to discuss this at a City Workshop Meeting if issues remain
Ms. Pan said she would issue an email with the questions and concerns tomorrow.
Mr. Sindt returned and stated that he had been an attorney with the Attorney General's office for over 20
years, and was now semi -retired. He recalls that the 6% amount is the statutory maximum that the City
can charge. He asked that the staff identify themselves when addressing the Council. Additionally, he
said that there is a legitimate point about the fact that the City has done this in this matter for 10-20
He said that Councilmember Petschel mentioned that the City has contractors that they have worked
with in the past and with whom they have been satisfied. There is a public bidding system; the City may
impose standards in the contract, and so keep the contractor in line. He said if the City staff is not
prepared or not knowledgeable enough to supervise these contracts, then they should be replaced. He
urged the Councilmembers and Mayor to become involved. He questioned the need for a consultant,
and referenced the work that the MNDOT construction office had done with few staff. He said that City
staff did not appear to be100% prepared for the project, and seemed to want to push this off onto
consultants. He said that that is not necessarily good public policy.
Councilmember Paper noted that this is a busy neighborhood with a soccer field in the middle of it; he
asked if it would be possible to work this contract so that work is substantially completed by the middle
of August, when soccer season will impact the neighborhood. Public Works Director Ryan Ruzek stated
that staff could put restrictions on the contract. He said that the first course of asphalt that would be put
February 7, 2017 Mendota Heights City Council Page
8 a20J pouno3' 1? slt[2iaHVWopual4f Lroz `L iLmnatia4
•uorssTTuuad ITounoa /cq oq /quo mom sknpTloTq pun sicupuns `.Anpimus uo -are 00:6 aaojoq
]Jugs map. moue lou icjlnoldXT mom jjEms `pooipJogi.pou IEpuapTsaJ E Jo alppTTu gip uT ST oq ST 3IJ0m
01J1,JT `JanamoH *XVRITIIVS uo '111'd 00:c •ury 00:6 puu `iupud TI2nonpa. AnpuoJ, 'and 00:L •u n 00:L
oq Timis SJnoTI )IJom S WEJTuoo JT0q1 01111 S01UM iJlunsn AIT otp. `JanamoH •aounuTpJo asTou scicoua0-I
IoquoD uoT}nllod sasn pip pogdai Iaznw TIN `uoijsanb aounuTpao asrou asuodsaJ uI
•Jolonziuoo ay.
I1[11TM laauuoo ivapuadapui
un oq `JanamoH •Jopeiluoo otu. SaJTsap asouR ssnosTp moils sJaumoauzoil IEnpTnlpul
quip op &ulIllm OJE SJoTonJn.uoo autos `Janamotp :paonldaJ XEmonTJp OJpua JTOTp. an1T4 OTpm
SJaumoaurotl TI1:TM 01ET1020u JO O111Tuoo 01.15 00a0J Touuuo alp. lull, pins OH •spnaTp Jal�Iurads JTaTI�
gulp eq. suzals(s uoiji wT sTuapTsaJ /cue lsanbaJ mom .zaial sTgJ •sluapTsai of alnpaTpos palEdToiluE
alp. n "uail. pinoojpEig •al.Tsgam s,XTTD Jill uo papTnoLd oq of salEpdn Joh 2uTMoJIE `alnpailos papun sa
SIT TI}Tm J}TJ aprnoJd pinom Jolonliuoo all `gTUTI w •JoloEJluoo Ougoom uogofJisuoo
-aad u ploTl IIIm JpEms `papnnm1 pafoid Jill pun po daoon aJE spiq Jill. 2uuuznssi palms 3IaznN %TIN
•.icnp aTpl 2uunp uo 211100 )IJom Aq paginTslp
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sn alnpagpos E aATaoaJ sivaplsaJ otp Tn'pl pa)TsE a TIS •auzo1l Jot! Jo wog -ail sluapTsaJ-uou -pm aonds 2unpud
Joj aTadwoo lou scop pun `5011.100 E uo SOATI ails ingi. palms `pJoJpaH OSSZ `ouTaN auuv •sJAI
•skEpuns uo Tdaoxa `pasnun Xnsouw
AM smog pun `uo uTo0 aJE sluaurnumoi. 'atm) •J3000S 01_ spnOal uT isnal lE `)IJom pails Jo3 Jo31
isaq aq mom lsnOny of -pini of iInf-pTTu wig palms `aATJQ plaJTNA 9L17Z `uERJauo' uaalgp •sy\I
Juan XJaAa
popodsur os -in aJE slallno puod pun `spuod `SJamas WRNS SAID 011140 %0Z hill RTES J0Tp1JnJ aH sanaii
)(Is J(.Tana papnpagos 2uTsInalal. pun Ouruuapo snip 11101SJ S Jamas iJn1J11ns alp Imp pauTnldxa osln loam •JyN
•sJTEdoi aTI} Jo31 aaJnos 2uTpunj ay. aq Alan ppnom punj Jalnm TTuoTs 5,iTT3 aIll `papaau aJE sJrndaJ
jl plus aH •sknmanup ai.nAud asaTll jo ouo jo puo alp In sanssT anuTEJp lnogi 1uauiTuoo auo panTaoaJ
pulp oTI Tem plus aH •loafoad uT snare aTll jo Jaquznu u inoTpnoigl sivauuasna ATlllTn pun 32Eunnip moils
op sinld asnnoaq paumo AIoTlgnd oq Amu icaTpi. Tag sanomq aH °paumo iJoTlgnd Jo `paumo AIainnud
aJn suTsnq 'Tom Jamas Tuao)S aso1ll. JIT Jas of ga1Easa1 autos op of anmi mom ail 11141. pams )Iazn)l
Jy�I •JalnmuTEJ Jo SJamas jo sdnpnq OuTsnno `po opo 2ulaq suinui Jamas lnogE pauJaouoo oq o�
paau IIlm pooTIJogTp Tau aiJ. JT palsy aH •s 0661 ' TJE° 1pmq sum uomas aloIlm aTpi. 2uUJapTsuoo
`spJnpu1 s luauno of do lil noiq sT Jamas aTpl uatlm 01E suogEJaPTsuoo otp. intim pals1 aH
•a1.EnTJd pa1opTsuoo aJE 1.ETI1. uoTlroossy uol2uTsuax aTI1. uT malls aTpl of spinal uT pauJnlai unuz°°ID mi
°oda `2uTlnpotTos 310 suuol uT uaJOIII3
unolS Jo1EuTpJooD uol1naJoo}J TI1Tm passnosTp oq pinoTps &mug imp plus joiposlod JaquioumounoJ
loaJTR os Ilouno0 aTpl. moils `1a1J1.uoo OTpl uT suoTloTJ1.saJ
asotp apnlouT pinoo jjE}S •al.alduzoo sT uosnas Ja000s 3111 J0IVE `Jagoloo if! umop STI luug aTp1 Ind
ua1l1. pun `sAnp 0£ Jo311.Ts woman -al Imp lal nap. pinoo /coq �uopoidmoo IETiuuisgns, 'cat umop
Regarding the anticipated October end date, Mr. Ruzek noted that the project could substantially be
completed with the curbs installed, and the first lift of asphalt has been applied. Generally, the final lift
of asphalt is put down in October, at least 30 days after the initial course. Substantial completion would
include the base lift, curb and gutter, and black dirt backfill.
Vehicle speeds relating to the soccer fields being in use and high traffic volumes were discussed.
Councilmember Petschel suggested that this topic be brought to the Traffic Safety Committee. She
would be willing to forward this concern to the committee on the residents' behalf.
Councilmember Paper moved to close the public hearing.
Councilmember Miller seconded the motion.
Ayes: 4
Nays: 0
Absent: 1 (Duggan)
Councilmember Paper asked how to get the requested schedules and concerns raised by the residents
into the resolution. City Administrator McNeill replied that staff had taken notes on the issues raised.
He recommended that the City go through the bid process and include specifics in the contract.
Councilmember Paper moved to Adopt RESOLUTION 2017-14 A RESOLUTION ORDERING OF
Councilmember Petschel seconded the motion.
Ayes: 4
Nays: 0
Absent: 1 (Duggan)
Public Works Director Ryan Ruzek explained the process for specially assessing a project, including
estimated project costs and assessments, and funding sources. He noted that much of this this project
was similar to the Kensington Neighborhood Project which had been discussed. The feasibility report
for this project, as required by Minnesota Statutes Chapter 429, was authorized by the City Council
when they adopted Resolution 2016-79 on November 1, 2016. That feasibility report was accepted by
City Council and called for a Public Hearing to be held this evening.
He said that this project includes the rehabilitation of Mendota Heights Road from Lexington Avenue to
Dodd Road (Highway 149), and also Condon Court. Sanitary sewer is proposed to be extended to
Condon Court, and trail rehabilitation is proposed through a mill and overlay treatment.
If the City Council approves the ordering of the project at this public hearing, the next step would be to
approve the plans and specifications for the project in March, order advertisement for bids and accept
and open those bids in April, and award the contract in May. Since Mendota Heights Road bisects
properties owned by two local schools, staff proposes to schedule the improvements to take place during
February 7, 2017 Mendota Heights City Council Page
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(uu02ni) I :luasgy
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app. `°nImp uT sOuruoz aidginut aqp puu `sioogos app. 'spored podoianapun 0141 or anp puorl s1upTaH
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•panop uopuoD uo saTpaadoJd
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sum luautdoionap rump uoTliindTls v •1Jno3 uopuoa uo slop aATJ autooaq 01 slol oml jo uorSTnip-qns i
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asiq 0141 alaidutoo `aunt XiJua uT uT2aq o1 uoTlonisuoo Joj apTnoad pinom sTT1 •uosuos jjo iootps 0141
initially purchased the property was because of the quiet of the property, which made it an ideal site to
run their chemical dependency treatment program.
She said that in 2004, their neighbor to the north became interested in tearing down the houses there, and
sought to obtain different zoning in order to make that possible. She said that she has had many contacts
with former City Engineer John Mazzitello about their concerns on this project, including noise and
drainage issues. There was also communication with the developer of the property to the north.
She continued by explaining that this current project was the City's plan to do something about Mendota
Heights Road, but that Mr. Bjorklund (the developer), who had not succeeded in inducing her and her
husband to get involved with changing the sewer, was unable to get the easements. She said that he was
now coming to the City and include his sanitary sewer issues. She said that she and her neighbors are
now going to have to absorb the cost of that. She said that Mr. Bjorklund will now be able to build next
door to them, and also to tear up the road. They are very concerned about the grading and drainage
She said that staff knew how to reach her and her husband because of the conversations had in the past
with Mr. Mazzitello; they would have been objecting. She said that the first notification about this
project that they received was the notice for tonight's meeting. She said that they feel like they are being
trampled upon by the noise and impact of this project. She said that risks affecting their clients, their
business, themselves as landlords, and their group home residents. She concluded by stating that they
object to this project.
Councilmember Petschel asked for clarification that the costs of the sanitary sewer were being born by
Mr. Bjorklund. Mr. Ruzek replied that staff calculations included the group home property. The group
home property is not going to be required to hook-up, and any assessment would not be required to be
repaid until a connection to that sanitary sewer system would be made. He said that the City would
holding that debt almost as a deferment. He said that Mr. Mazzitello had never shared any concerns
about drainage issues on Condon Court.
Councilmember Petschel stated that she remembered when Mr. Bjorklund's townhome development
came forward. She was made aware, probably by Mr. Mazzitello, that concerns were raised about the
building of the townhomes possibly affecting the drainage. She ask if there was anything that could be
done to alleviate any drainage issues on the cul-de-sac. Mr. Ruzek replied that they would examine that,
but also mentioned that there is a partial storm sewer system that was constructed by MnDOT that may
impact this.
The Laughlin's were agreeable to meeting and discussing the issues and options with the City.
Mr. Dick Bjorklund, the owner of 2511, and 2525 Condon Court, stated that he has owned the properties
since 1988. He said that the problem at 2535 Condon Court is that the house is below top of the curb.
On his preliminary plat, the City has approved all of the grading that he has done and most of it drains to
the west and the southwest, which is behind the Laughlin property.
He has been trying for the past two years to get sanitary sewer to the property. As the developer he has
to do the legwork to get the easement; he said attempts to get an easement to put the sewer on the south
Februaiy 7, 2017 Mendota Heights City Council
Page 11
Z1 aav j piounoD 011,7 sltgiaH mopuaflJ z IOZ `L (f rnndga j
•Jaumo AI.TOdotd UMOIDI suogdo ant ojrnu pinom put uogLauOJut Tp Jo ire anuTl pinom kunoD
O1I1- `111v2y plan unmp otnelms t pug algiun sT JOUMO aTlt put Iruj imp smog lTmp otp sauTgautos
`.2utuudaa Tsnf jo JOutm Tou AIl1nsn St i `stuoisAs 2gdos num itTIl patldat uuiutilaq AOuJouy •utatsAs
2idas tnndat 2uTAid uutp utatsAs Jamas OM dn }loon pinom ouoAul ATIm p0uopsanb
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000`0Z$ tso2 pinom 3t put Top} It put tuatsAs aT}das p0umo aup tent pa}ou JOd1 d taqutau tTuno3
•tu0tussossu ant
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pinom AOTR JanOmotl tST TOISAs 2TTdas OT J0 Ouuoquotu Aur OntTI fou soop ./410 aTIZ •AiunoD otp Aq
pall04uo2 ate `agrutalgotd ate stua1sis ogdas MIT plus OH •slpj tuatsAs 2pdas ant Janauatlm oq pino2
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(utnnQ) I :tuasgy
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Aid mons an 'out' Jamas t SWUM JOdolanap otp Jt Imp post s `anTJQ plaTJ[ JA SSI7Z Tomp YAI •JAI
•uotstoap JTagT oq mom Impq uotp inq `oAttstUT aq mom 1t sanaTlaq on `utaIsAs Jamas
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He said that there is nothing that requires the property owner to hook into the City's sewer system. Even
if a new property owner came in, they would not be required to hook into the City's sewer system.
Councilmember Miller asked in regards to the timeline if the sanitary sewer line installation would be at
the beginning of the project, or more towards the end. Mr. Ruzek replied that it would be done in
conjunction with reclaiming the pavement and stripping off the gravel; they would have to start working
on the sanitary sewer right away as the deepest utilities are done first. He also stated that staff would
most likely require a complete road closure between Lake Drive and Visitation Drive. A detour would
be set up from Lake Drive back to Dodd Road. St. Thomas Academy detour would be in the opposite
As for noise disturbances, he said that all large equipment used on this project will have back-up alarms.
However, they would not surpass the limits allowed by the Pollution Control Agency.
Councilmember Miller asked the Laughlins if there was a busier time of year regarding the number of
clients in house. Ms. Laughlin replied that their occupancy is pretty consistent year round. However, in
the summer months the clients tend to be outside more.
Ms. Kunkel returned and asked that the Council take into consideration all of the other road projects in
the area — not necessarily by Mendota Heights — when making decisions about their own projects to
ensure that traffic actually can flow through the areas.
Councilmember Petschel recommended that, because of the past concerns, that staff sends notices out to
the residents on Lake Drive to make them aware of the detours and that the detours were a City decision.
That way the schools would not be fielding telephone calls regarding extra traffic on Lake Drive. Mr.
Ruzek replied that letters and other means of communication would be used.
Councilmember Paper asked where the stockpiles of the millings would be located. Mr. Ruzek replied
that they are often stored on the roadway; however, that is a detail that will be determined with the
contractor during the pre -construction meeting.
Councilmember Paper then asked if temporary speed bumps could be installed on Lake Drive to slow
traffic during this construction period. Mr. Ruzek replied that the City currently does not own any of the
rubberized temporary speed bumps, but those might be possible. He said that this contract may provide
an opportunity to install temporary signage to impact traffic flow.
Councilmember Paper moved to Adopt RESOLUTION 2017-15 A RESOLUTION ORDERING OF
Councilmember Petschel seconded the motion.
Ayes: 4
Nays: 0
Absent: 1 (Duggan)
February 7, 2017 Mendota Heights City Council Page 13
I aXvd llou1zo2 C/!D slip'puv;opualyzToz `L (Civnaga, j
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(ui22na) I :luasgy
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b :saky
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aq u10 siogtj2Tau gig suzaouoo JO suoisanb TNT uotlouz zatj 2utinp palou Iatjoslad zaguzauzjTounoO
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aqi •pautquzoo azam tjoujm slot oml jo slsTsuoo Aliadozd 2utlsTxa atjZ •auL I zalunH 6I6t Tr ltutzad
Lail Iromio puL ltlds lol L zo1 sum lsanbai smT lntjl pautLldxa d3IV `uosl1LO ITud zauuLld 2utllnsuoO
it v 12I 11NCIH
Sergeant Spicer then reflected on the death of Officer Patrick, and how that was a stark reminder of the
uncertainty that law enforcement officers face on a daily basis. By remembering Officer Patrick, and all
officers killed in the line of duty, they are not dwelling on that uncertainty. Instead, participants are
honoring the certainty of the amazing things that can be accomplished when police and the public come
together and work towards a common goal.
Councilmember Petschel moved to Adopt RESOLUTION 2017-18 RENAMING THE MENDOTA
Councilmember Paper seconded the motion.
Ayes: 4
Nays: 0
Absent: 1 (Duggan)
City Administrator Mark McNeill explained that to address the mold and water issues found in the lower
level of City Hall, a drainage system was installed on the south side of the building. That should
significantly reduce the threat of further water intrusion in to the police and building storage areas. Now
that has been addressed, remodeling work can take place.
Two architectural companies were asked to submit proposals to provide design services for the
remodeling of the areas which have been impacted by mold. This would include demolition of the
impacted areas, design of new walls, ceilings, and floor coverings; assisting the city with seeking quotes
or bids as necessary, and provide construction inspection during and following the work.
It was noted that the remodeling work would most likely need to be done in phases, as most of the areas
will still be occupied during the work. Neither of the quotes received included mold investigation or
remediation. That will need to be performed by companies that specialize in that work, and will incur a
separate cost.
Staff recommends JEA Architects of Hopkins, which submitted a range for its work of between $20,250
and $22,250, which was slightly higher than the alternate proposal of $18,960. However, the City is not
obligated to take the low quote on professional services. Administrator McNeill stated that he has
worked with JEA Architects in the past and is familiar with, and very satisfied, with their work.
The proposal from JEA would provide those estimated costs prior to commencing construction
drawings. If it is determined to be too costly for remodeling to proceed now, the design contract would
be terminated and the City would owe only for the work done.
The Facilities Reserve Fund, with a current balance of approximately $30,000, would be used to pay for
the architectural services. If the decision is to move forward with the remodeling, the actual construction
and mold remediation work will either come from the General Fund Reserves or the Water Tower Fund.
February 7, 2017 Mendota Heights City Council Page 15
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Councilmember Paper moved to adjourn.
Councilmember Petschel seconded the motion.
Ayes: 4
Nays: 0
Absent: 1 (Duggan)
Mayor Garlock adjourned the meeting at 9:32 p.m.
Neil Garlock
Lorri Smith
City Clerk
February 7, 2017 Mendota Heights City Council Page 17