2016-09-13 Parks and Rec Comm MinutesCITY OF MENDOTA HEIGHTS DAKOTA COUNTY, MINNESOTA PARKS AND RECREATION MEETING September 13, 2016 The August meeting of the Mendota Heights Parks and Recreation Commission was held on Tuesday, September 13, 2016 at Mendota Heights City Hall, 1101 Victoria Curve. Chair Paper called to order the parks and recreation commission meeting at 6:30 p.m. The following commissioners were present: Chair Paper, Commissioners: Jay Miller, David Miller, Pat Hinderscheid, Ira Kipp and Michael Toth. Staff present: Recreation Programmer Sloan Wallgren. Approval of Agenda Chair Paper added a discussion of the city’s Natural Resources Plan to the agenda, Commissioner Hinderscheid added Vandilism at Ivy Hills, EAB Plan and Dog Park to the agenda. COMMISSIONER HINDERSCHEID MADE A MOTION TO APPROVE THE AGENDA; COMMISSIONER DAVID MILLER SECONDED THE MOTION. AYES 6: NAYS 0 Approval of Minutes from August 8, 2016 COMMISSIONER HINDERSCHEID MADE A MOTION TO APPROVE THE MINUTES FROM THE AUGUST 8, 2016 PARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSION MEETING; COMMISSIONER SECONDED THE MOTION. AYES 6: NAYS 0 Announcements Mr. Wallgren did not have any announcements for the evening. Natural Resources Plan Leslie Pilgrim, a Mendota Height resident attending the meeting and just wanted the commission to be aware that the city has a Natural Resources Plan. Mrs. Pilgrim wants to make sure that the city is doing everything it can to follow the plan and update it if necessary. MHAA Presentation Mr. John Masica, the Executive Director for MHAA came to the meeting to see if there was an interest in making some alterations to the field at Victoria Highlands Park. Mr. Masica said that the association would like to use the field for older kid’s games. MHAA would like to install a temporary fence in the outfield, install a fence down the first base line and see the backstop improved. MHAA is looking for an association and city to contribute money to make the improvements. Mr. Wallgren stated that he would get costs to make the improvements and follow up with the commission. Dodd Road Study Update Mr. Wallgren updated the commission on the Dodd Road Trail Study. The next step will be hosting an open house on Monday, October 17, 2016. At the open house residents will have an opportunity to ask staff and Stantec questions as well as voice any concerns or support they may have. Warming House Hours The commission discussed the current hours of operation for the three warming houses that the city operates. Some of the commissioners would like to see the warming houses stay open later at night. Mr. Wallgren suggested maybe staying open one hour later until 9:00pm Monday-Saturday and opening one hour later on Saturday mornings. COMMISSIONER JAY MILLER MADE A MOTION TO CHANGE THE WARMING HOUSE HOURS OF OPERATION; COMMISSIONER TOTH SECONDED THE MOTION. AYES 6: NAYS 0 Ivy Hills Vandalism Commission Hinderscheid mentioned that someone had recently done some vandalism at Ivy Hills Park. EAB Plan Commissioner Hinderscheid commented that the City of West St. Paul will be treating some of their ash trees and that residents can be given the same rate as the city to treat their trees. Mendota Heights residents that are interested in treating their trees can contact West St. Paul and possibly work with their contractor. Dog Park The commission discussed the mowing of the Dog Park. Staff has been directed to mow the Dog Park four times per year. The commission discussed that weather conditions may require it to be mowed more often. Staff reminded everyone to please clean up after their dogs at the Dog Park. Par 3 Report Mr. Wallgren informed the commission that things at the Par 3 are starting to slow down. The course will remain open on a day to day basis depending on weather conditions. Commission Comments Commissioner Jay Miller congratulated Vis soccer on their recent victories. Commissioner David Miller was happy with the MHAA presentation and the process that is being followed. Commissioner Toth inquired about the annual bonfire. Commissioner Kipp thought it was a good meeting. Commissioner Hinderscheid though we covered a lot of information tonight and thanked Leslie Pilgrim for attending the meeting tonight. Chair Paper thanked MHAA and Leslie for attending tonight’s meetings. Chair Paper also thanked all of the volunteers that were our removing buckthorn at Valley Park. COMMISSIONER TOTH A MOTION TO ADJURN THE MEETING. COMMISSIONER JAY MILLER SECONDED THE MOTION. AYES 6: NAYS 0 The meeting adjourned at 8:21 p.m. Respectfully Submitted by Sloan Wallgren