2016-04-12 Parks and Rec Comm MinutesCITY OF MENDOTA HEIGHTS DAKOTA COUNTY, MINNESOTA PARKS AND RECREATION MEETING April 12, 2016 The April meeting of the Mendota Heights Parks and Recreation Commission was held on Tuesday, April 12, 2016 at Mendota Heights City Hall, 1101 Victoria Curve. Chair Hinderscheid called to order the parks and recreation commission meeting at 6:30 p.m. The following commissioners were present: Chair Hinderschied, Commissioners: Stephanie Levine, Jay Miller, Ira Kipp, Joel Paper, David Miller and Michael Toth. Staff present: Recreation Programmer Sloan Wallgren. Approval of Agenda COMMISSIONER TOTH MADE A MOTION TO APPROVE THE AGENDA; COMMISSIONER DAVID MILLER SECONDED THE MOTION. AYES 7: NAYS 0 Approval of Minutes from February 8, 2016 COMMISSIONER LEVINE MADE A MOTION TO APPROVE THE MINUTES FROM THE FEBRUARY 8, 2016 MEETING; COMMISSIONER MILLER SECONDED THE MOTION. AYES 7: NAYS 0 Announcements Mr. Wallgren announced that registration is open for summer Parks and Recreation Programs and the city wide Clean Up Day is May 7th. Election of Officers Chair Hinderscheid and Commissioner Paper expressed interest in being the Chair for 2016. A ballot was held there were 4 votes for Paper and 3 for Hinderscheid. Hinderscheid will serve as the Vice-Chair Results of the Ash Tree Survey Mr. Wallgren presented the results of the Ash Tree Survey that was done in 2015. The commission discussed if it was worth the money to invest in treating the trees. The commission decided that even if treated there is a 50/50 chance for the tree to survive. Each tree would cost $400-$700 to treat and would need to be treated every 5 years. Pollinator Work Plan Mr. Wallgren presented an update on the Pollinator Work Plan. The next step is to provide information in the Heights Highlights. There will be a booth at the parks celebration on June 4th with more information for residents. Skate Park The commission was contacted by a youth resident inquiring about the addition of another skate park north of HWY 110. The commission thanked the young man of contacting them, and encouraged anyone else that is interested in more recreation facilities to contact the commission. At this time another skate park in Mendota Heights does not fit into our budget or long term plan. Mendakota Park The commission discussed the maintenance at Mendakota Park. Mr. Wallgren was not sure of all of the maintenance practices but would follow up with Public Works. Mr. Wallgren added that two season positions had just stated and that would allow more time for staff to address some issues in the parks. Winter Event Several people have asked if we could host a Winter Event. Mr. Wallgren informed the commission that if we were going to do this that planning had to take place this summer so that we could include it in the 2017 Budget. Mr. Wallgren will check with Dodge Nature Center to see when their Winter Event is so that ours would not conflict. Par 3 Report Mr. Wallgren informed the commission that the golf course opened on April 1st. The course has added several new landscaped areas that are surrounded by patio block, the area looks new and improved. The golf course was also able to add 7 new recycling containers on the golf course with a grant from Dakota County. Commission Comments Commissioner Jay Miller though it was a good meeting. Commissioner Levine thanked Pat for his work as Chair and welcomed Joel to his new role. Commissioner Toth thanked Joel and Pat for their service as Chair and Vice Chair. Commissioner Paper was glad to see all the commissioner present and encouraged everyone to get out and use the parks. Commissioner Kipp thought it was a good meeting and was looking forward to see all the changes from the top down. Commissioner David Miller thanked Pat and Joel for their work. Chair Hinderscheid thought it was a good meeting a lot of information was covered. He also welcomed Joel to his new position as Chair. COMMISSIONER JAY MILLER A MOTION TO ADJURN THE MEETING. COMMISSIONER LEVINE SECONED THE MOTION. AYES 7: NAYS 0 The meeting adjourned at 8:00 p.m. Respectfully Submitted by Sloan Wallgren