2016-08-08 Parks and Rec Comm Agenda PacketCITY OF MENDOTA HEIGHTS DAKOTA COUNTY, MINNESOTA AGENDA PARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSION Monday August 8, 2016 - 6:30 P.M. City Council Chambers 1.Roll Call 2. Approval of Agenda 3. Approval of the July 12, 2016 Minutes 4. Announcements 5.Par 3 Eagle Scout Project Presentation 6.MHAA Update from Association 7. Dodd Road Study Update 8.Review of July Meeting 9. Par 3 Report 10.Commission Comments 11. Adjourn Auxiliary aids for persons with disabilities are available at least 120 hours in advance. If a notice of less than 120 hours is received, the City of Mendota Heights will make every attempt to provide the aids. This may not, however, be possible on short notice. Please contact City Administration at 651-452-1850. Meetings can be viewed anytime on-demand at: www.mendota-heights.com. MH Parks and Recreation Commission 7-12-2016 Page 1 CITY OF MENDOTA HEIGHTS DAKOTA COUNTY, MINNESOTA PARKS AND RECREATION MEETING July 12, 2016 The June meeting of the Mendota Heights Parks and Recreation Commission was held on Tuesday, July 12, 2016 at Mendota Heights City Hall, 1101 Victoria Curve. Chair Paper called to order the parks and recreation commission meeting at 6:30 p.m. The following commissioners were present: Chair Paper, Commissioners: Pat Hinderscheid, Ira Kipp, Joel Paper, Jay Miller, Stephanie Levine and Michael Toth. Staff present: Recreation Programmer Sloan Wallgren, City Administrator Mark McNeil and City Planner Nolan Wall. Approval of Agenda Commissioner Hinderscheid added the Mendakota Basketball Court to the agenda and the Off- Leash Dog Area. COMMISSIONER MILLER MADE A MOTION TO APPROVE THE AGENDA; COMMISSIONER TOTH SECONDED THE MOTION. AYES 6: NAYS 0 Approval of Minutes from June 14, 2016 COMMISSIONER KIPP MADE A MOTION TO APPROVE THE MINUTES FROM THE JUNE 14, 2016 PARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSION MEETING; COMMISSIONER MILLER SECONDED THE MOTION. AYES 6: NAYS 0 Announcements Mr. Wallgren announced that people can still register for summer programs that are taking place and that the Mendota Heights Athletic Association is still taking registrations for fall soccer and football. Cliff Timm Fishing Derby Winner Mr. Wallgren presented the Minnesota Lifetime Fishing License to the individual that won the raffle. This year a three year old by from Mendota Heights named James Taurinskas was the winner. Dodd Road Study Update Mr. Wallgren and Mr. Wall provided the commission with an update on the ongoing Dodd Road Study. Staff has been conducting public engagement events for the project. Staff is also working with Stantec on this project. Stantec will be at the open house on October 11, 2016 to provide more information about costs and findings. MH Parks and Recreation Commission 7-12-2016 Page 2 2017 Budget Draft Mr. Wallgren presented the commission with the Draft Budget for 2017 for the Golf Course and Recreation Department. Administrator McNeil presented the commission with the Draft Budget for 2017 for the Parks Maintenance Department. The commission had several questions for staff, staff will follow up with the answers to the questions in the near future. 2016-2021 Capital Improvement Plan Administrator McNeil present the commission with the 2016-2021 Capital Improvement Plan that the city council has adopted. Administrator McNeil review the projects that are scheduled to take place over the next five years and how those project would affect the Special Parks Fund. Chair Paper asked if asphalt shingles could be used instead of cedar shakes. Staff will bring this request to the council. Par 3 Report Mr. Wallgren informed the commission that the golf course has been very busy this summer. Many of the summer programs have been filled and there has been lots of action out at the course. Mr. Wallgren stated that income at the golf course for May and June we ahead of last year. Staff is receiving many complements on the condition of the golf course this year. There are several small projects that will be taking place at the course over the next few months that should really be improvements. Mendakota Basketball Court The commission discussed the need to fix the basketball court at Mendakota Park as soon as possible. Staff informed the commission that the project is scheduled to be completed in 2017 as part of the 2016-2017 CIP. COMMISSIONER HINDERSCHEID MADE A MOTION TO AS COUNCIL TO CONSIDER MAKING THE IMPROVEMENTS TO THE MENDAKOTA BASKETBALL COURT IN 2016 INSTEAD OF WAITING UNTIL 2017. COMMISSIONER MILLER SECONDED THE MOTION. AYES 6: NAYS 0 Off-Leash Dog Area Commissioner Hinderscheid stated that he was recently up at the dog park and was glad to see that it was mowed and that people were using it. Commission Comments Commissioner Kipp thought it was a good meeting. Commissioner Miller is looking forward to seeing what comes from the Dodd Road Study. Commissioner Levine said it was a great meeting. Commissioner Hinderscheid shared some information from a recent acticle. Commissioner Toth thanked Mr. Wall and Mr. MeNeil for attending tonight meeting. He also congratulated Henry Sibley High School on win the Class AAA state baseball tournament. MH Parks and Recreation Commission 7-12-2016 Page 3 Chair Paper thanked staff for attending tonight’s meeting and for all of their hard work. He also thank the maintenance staff for all of the work that they do in the parks. The end of the year MHAA tournament was well attended this year and the park was in great shape. COMMISSIONER LEVINE A MOTION TO ADJURN THE MEETING. COMMISSIONER HINDERSCHEID SECONDED THE MOTION. AYES 5: NAYS 0 The meeting adjourned at 8:00 p.m. Respectfully Submitted by Sloan Wallgren DATE: August 8, 2016 TO: Parks and Recreation Commission FROM: Sloan Wallgren, Recreation Program Coordinator SUBJECT: Dodd Road Study Update Update As part of the $25,000 grant from Dakota County for the Dodd Road Study staff is conducting several public engagement sessions. During these sessions residents and businesses can voice their concerns and preferences about a possible walking/bike trail along Dodd Road. Staff also tries to answer and questions people may have. Staff conducted public engagement sessions at the 5K and Parks Celebration on June 4th, valuable information was gathered at both session. Next, staff will be hosting two public engagement sessions, one the week of August 22nd and one the week of August 29th at the Dakota County CDA buildings. Staff will have invited residents of these buildings and businesses located at the Plaza and the Village. In September, staff will be working with area schools to gather input on trial usage from students in our community. Staff along with Stantec, will be hosting an open house before the Parks Commission meeting on October 11th from 5:30pm to 6:30pm. The open house will provide residents another chance to voice their opinions and have questions answered by staff and Stantec. The open house in October will be advertised in the September issue of the Heights Highlights as well as on our city website. DATE: August 8, 2016 TO: Parks and Recreation Commission FROM: Sloan Wallgren, Recreation Program Coordinator SUBJECT: Review of July Meeting Background During the July meeting the commission had many questions related to the budget for 2017. Below is a list of the questions and answers to each of those questions. These questions and answers have been email to the commission at an earlier date. Safety: 1. How does the City get a crosswalk at the intersection of Wagon Wheel Trail and Dodd Road? Answer: The crosswalk issue at Decorah/Wagon Wheel/Dodd would need to be addressed by MnDOT as Dodd is a State Highway. That being said, staff has had extensive discussion about this intersection with MnDOT in conjunction with their upcoming rehabilitation project for the highway in 2018. It certainly appears from preliminary design documents that they plan on including a pedestrian crosswalk in their project. Budgeting: 2.What are the chemicals budgeted in the FY17 Budget? Answer: Budgeted is funding for herbicides for broadleaf weeds; total spectrum herbicides; crabgrass pre-emergent; nitrogen-based fertilizer; and phosphorus-based starter fertilizer (for new plantings only—as allowed by law). 3. There is $3500 for warming house repairs, but what is the source of budgeting for fixing rink lights? Answer: $3500 is the total amount for warming house and rink repairs. It would be used for furnace repairs, painting, lumber, and the like. The rink lights do need to be replaced, and we will investigate costs. 2017 has $35,000 budgeted for warming house replacement at Friendly Hills. 4.Since the Mendakota Basketball court repair is coming from the Special Parks Fund, is there a way to get those repairs done this year, rather than as budgeted in the FY 17 CIP? (Motion approved to make that recommendation to the City Council). Answer: That is possible from a financial standpoint, but there would need to be time available to seek quotes and manage the project. The City Council would need to give authorization to seek bids; we will put that on the 8/2 City Council agenda. Maintenance issues: 5. Mendakota Park Bench wood is rotted. Those need to be repaired, or replaced. Answer: Materials for the repair of these benches was ordered several weeks ago, and arrived the morning of July 12 (the City does not keep these materials on hand). There are 16 total benches; repairs will take place as time allows. 6. Can parks be “audited” (inspected) for wear and damage on a regular basis…i.e.; monthly during peak use, or otherwise every 90 days? Answer: Playground equipment is inspected at the beginning of the season, and again at the end of the season. Other maintenance issues are checked when routine maintenance activities are performed. If the public (or commissioners) are aware of a maintenance issue, please let us know. 7.What is the City’s involvement with the Rogers Lake Aerator? Answer: The City provides an annual inspection of the pump, and pays for the electricity to operate it. Off-Leash Dog Area: 8.Off-Leash Dog Area—Are we informing people that thus facility is available when they buy dog licenses? Answer: No, but that will be started. 9. Can the city put a plastic bag dispenser at the off-leash area to dog waste? Answer: Yes, that can be ordered. The cost of the dispenser is about $200; bags are $35 for a roll of 250. It will be limited to this location. Recycling/Environment: 10.Does the City really keep the collected recycling from the parks separate? Wouldn’t it be easier if recycling plastic bags would be of a different color than the trash bags? Answer: The City does separate recycling from trash. It is easily done without having to use bags of different colors. 11. How often are garbage cans emptied in the parks? Answer: All containers are checked twice per week. Some must be emptied daily, especially following a picnic shelter reservation or other events. 12.Need recycling cans to be next to trash cans. Also, the parks need more recycling cans. Answer: This can be improved. Trash and recycling containers are obviously easier to service when located adjacent to each other. They are placed together, but occasionally, the cans get moved by users. 13. Can the City paint or put decals on storm drains, reminding residents that any pollutants drain to the river? Answer: We would welcome any volunteer assistance. This has been done in the past by Boy Scouts and Girls Scouts. Unfortunately, the stencils only last a couple of years. Contracts/Contractors: 14. Who is the contractor for the Friendly Hills hockey Board replacement? Answer: The contractor is Dakota Unlimited. The original rink was dismantled last week. The new construction should start the week of July 18th. 15. When a tree contractor is hired by the City for Emerald Ash Borer (EAB), can the same rate be extended to private property owners when they have EAB issues? Answer: The City likely won’t have a contractor specifically for EAB; it would be for general tree removal. There is also a concern about liability exposure for the City if a contractor who is on an extension of a City Council, creates a problem on private property. It will be better to do as a contract between the tree professional and the private property owner. Roof Issues: 16. Wouldn’t there be a savings in going with asphalt, vs. cedar shake shingles for the park shelters? Answer: Following the discussion at the 7/12 P&R Commission meeting, the bidder for the shake shingles was contacted. The company indicated that asphalt shingles are approximately one-half of the cost. The policy question relates to appearance, versus the degree of weather protection. That was on the City Council agenda of 7/19 to discuss and give direction. Council asked for additional quotes for different types of asphalt shingles. Once quotes are received, Council will decide what type of shingle to use. 17. How much water damage is there to the trusses? Answer: In checking further, the trusses are not a problem. I misunderstood; the replacement of the underlayment is to bring the roofs up to current building code. Truss work may be required on a case by case basis depending on the truss network strength and its ability to handle an additional load from a different shingle system. DATE: August 8, 2016 TO: Parks and Recreation Commission FROM: Sloan Wallgren, Recreation Program Coordinator SUBJECT: Par 3 Update Update The month of July was very active at the Par 3. The golf course hosted many small golf and footgolf outings. The Golf Camps that are offered continue to be well attended. The golf course has been seeing a good return on the coupons that have been sent out, Valpack and Money Clipper. The golf course will be running an advertisement with Groupon and the Pioneer Press at the end of August promoting both golf and footgolf. Maintenance The golf course remains in great shape. The greens are being treated with chemicals on a regular basis every 14-20 days, which is helping to maintain the turf health. Maintenance will be done to the tee boxes during the week of August 8th. On July 24th a new native rain garden was planted between the 6th green and the maintenance shed. The new garden will help to reduce the soggy area and promote the city’s efforts of being pollinator friendly. Budget Revenue has been slightly up each month this year at the golf course. Year to date the revenue is roughly up 6% compare to 2015. More detail financial information will be provide when it becomes available.