2006-09-29 Friday News The Friday News
September 29, 2006
This Tuesday at about 4:30 in the afternoon, I received a call from Jessica Miles of Channel 5 Eyewitness News
(not related to Pat) asking questions about the latest Hoffman Homes Development (LeMay Lake Shores).
Channel 5 had received an e-mail from one of the Furlong neighborhood residents telling them of the Planning
Commission meeting that night, where the issue was to be addressed. She informed me that they may do a story
on it. Well, they did, and Sue got some air time. She did a great job by everyone’s account (I do have the link
to the video if anyone wants to see it).
The city’s new Assistant to the City Administrator started work on Wednesday, September 27. Jake Sedlacek’s
first days have included a tour of the city, a Noise Oversight Committee meeting, conversations with staff and
even a few calls from citizens on recycling. In between organizing his work space and learning about all things
in Mendota Heights, Jake has managed to find a new notepad, figure out his phone and computer. Jake is
excited to be a part of the organization, and looks forward to serving the citizens of Mendota Heights.
On Tuesday of next week Kathy will receive the ballots for the general election, and next Friday the City Hall
will begin issuing absentee ballots (one month before the general election). Kathy is currently recruiting some
new judges to replace those who only wanted to work the primary election.
This past Thursday evening was the private party celebrating the opening of Sage Market. Saturday at 11:00
a.m. is the official ribbon cutting and grand opening. It is a beautiful store.
Respectfully submitted,
Jim Danielson
City Administrator
Attachments: Pipeline, Just the Facts, City Council Agenda, Pioneer Press Article “Oppose telecom bill, support local
access” and “Mendota mayor wants to keep his job, but there’s a problem…”