2006-05-12 Friday NewsThe Friday News
May 12, 2006
Last Saturday marked another very successful Spring Clean Up. I was there until 10:00 A.M.
and the turnout seemed much lower than normal – there was no big rush at the beginning, or at
all. But Nancy (the gatekeeper), reported Monday that it was not a slow day at all, and in fact it
had been the second largest turnout ever (only behind last year). Thank you to all the volunteers
who made the day possible.
The auditors arrived on Monday of this week for a two week stay while they complete the City’s
2005 audit. Esther, our auditor, and her two associates will be keeping Kristen hopping while
they do their research and gather their facts.
This Tuesday morning at 11:00 A.M., Ross Feffercorn held a ground breaking ceremony for his
second condominium building. Paul and Lisa Dorn who are marketing the project for Ross were
there. Paul and Lisa told me that sales were going very well with the condominium units and
that they needed the construction to go fast in order to get some of the units that they have sold
Chief Mike Ashenbrenner, Sergeant Neil Garlock, Sergeant John Larrive, and Officers Scott
Patrick, Jennifer Fordham, Eric Peterson, and a couple of Mendota Heights Firefighters attended
a day long class on Chemical, Biological, Radiological, Nuclear, and Explosives (CBRNE) this
Monday at the Rosemount National Guard Armory. This class was cosponsored by the Dakota
County Preparedness Committee and Dakota County Emergency Management. This is a
mandatory class for all first responders and government officials – in order to make the City
eligible for FEMA reimbursement in the event of a large natural or manmade disaster. The
course provided an overview on incidents that could lead to domestic terrorism, things to watch
for , and the reporting process. There is a test!!
Our sympathy goes out to Parks Chair Dick Spicer, whose brother died this week.
Respectfully submitted,
Jim Danielson
Attachments: Pipeline, Just the Facts, Pre-Application Meeting Synopsis, Spring Clean Up
Thank You, Bob Spicer obituary, article “You’re not going to believe what some animal control
officers confront”, and the Friday Fax.