2005-01-21 Friday News The Friday News January 21, 2005 NEWSLETTER The City’s first quarter 2005 edition of the Heights Highlights was delivered to the residents this week. We used a different mail house company this time to help us with the processing and mailing. The mail house company receives the newsletter from the printer, prepares the labels, bundles the newsletters and delivers them to the post offices for mailing. With this change in place we are seeing a faster delivery time. If you are not receiving your newsletter or you have any questions or concerns about it, please contact Emmy Foster at City Hall. SKATE WITH THE MAYOR The Mayor is having his first annual “Skate With The Mayor” event tomorrow (Saturday) at Friendly Hills Park. The event is scheduled for 11a.m. to 1p.m. Anyone who has time and likes to skate please join him. GUN CLUB LAKE UPDATE Board Members from the Gun Club Lake Water Management Organization attended this Tuesday’s City Council meeting to provide an overview of their organization and their projects. Mendota Heights is in three watersheds, besides the Gun Club, we are also located within the Lower Mississippi Water Management Organization and the Lower Minnesota Watershed District. Storm water drainage does not respect municipal boundaries, and until these watershed organizations were formed in 1985, city storm water projects would end at city’s borders. At that point it became the next city’s problem to deal with the water from there on, and without any funding from their neighbo rs whose water it was. These watershed districts now provide a mechanism for funding of storm water projects that flow across municipal boundaries. Since they were formed the districts also began dealing with many other surface water issues, now including water quality. XCEL UPDATE Collette Jurek, Xcel Community Relations Manager, attended this Tuesday’s City Council meeting to provide a brief update to the Council on an upcoming Xcel project. Xcel will need to upgrade their transmission lines that ext end from the Rogers Lake Substation to their High Bridge Generation Plant. The design for this project is in it s early stages, so Collette attended the meeting to receive input or comments for use in the design of the project. Collette promised to return to future City Council meetings and provide updates on a quarterly basis until the project is complete. FIREFIGHTERS FIGHT A HOUSE FIRE The Fire Department responded to a house fire on Tuesday, January 18th at 8:30p.m. in Mendota. The fire was brought under control quickly and structural damage was kept to a minimum but smoke damage was extensive. The homeowner did a very good job saving his home by shutting off the gas, electrical and making sure all the doors and windows were closed. This prevented air from feeding the fire. Unfortunately, the cause of the fire was a result of the homeowner who had brought a snowmobile and generator into the basement of the home, drained fuel out of the gas tank and the water heater pilot light ignited the gas fumes. No one was injured and the estimated damages are $20,000 mostly to contents and the electrical system. Respectfully Submitted, Jim Danielson City Administrator Attachments: Planning Commission Meeting Agenda, Just the Facts, The Pipline, Sun Current Articles “ MH City Honors Employees, Volunteer Commissioners, St Paul Pioneer Press Article, Dakota County Notes, Tom Malchow, St Paul Pioneer Press Article, “Airport Design Funding Ok’d, LMC Friday Fax.