2007-06-12 Parks and Rec Comm MinutesApproved
June 12, 2007
The June 2007 meeting of the Mendota Heights Parks and Recreation Commission was held on
Tuesday, June 12, 2007, in the City Council Chambers at City Hall, 1101 Victoria Curve. The
meeting was called to order at 6:30 P.M.
The following Commissioners were present: Chair Richard Spicer, Commissioners Tom Kraus,
Missie Hickey, Raymond Morris, Paul Portz and Larry Craighead. Absent was Commissioner
Brian Hallman. City Staff present were; Teresa Gangelhoff, Recreation Programmer, Guy
Kullander, Operations and Projects Coordinator, Jake Sedlacek, Assistant to the City
Administrator, and Nancy Bauer, Recording Secretary.
Commissioner Morris moved approval of the May minutes and seconded by Chair Spicer.
Chair Spicer went over the May Parks and Recreation report. Safety camp was opened for 10
more registrations for a total of 60 kids. Tennis started June 11th at Visitation with 150 kids.
Some sessions still have spots open. The parks celebration had the largest crowd ever, even last
year's 50th celebration. It was estimated that there 1,500 hundred people in attendance on June
Commissioner Portz commented that there were new things at the park celebration this year and
asked if there were two bands this year.
Ms. Gangelhoff responded there are always two bands at the parks celebration.
Commissioner Portz complimented Ms. Gangelhoff saying she did a good job with the park
celebration, there was a good turn out and it was really enjoyable. There were a lot of families
from Mendota Heights and they seemed to enjoy the celebration.
Ms. Gangelhoff said there is a pizza and ice cream cake luncheon on June 20th for the park
celebration volunteers at City Hall.
Chair Spicer complimented Ms. Gangelhoff on a wonderful job she did with the parks
Chair Spicer announced the youth trips that are offered for summer trips. The Cliff Timm
Fishing Derby is full and is held on July 11th. The fishing derby is supported by a $500.00
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donation from the Clifford Timm's trust and Ira Kipp donated $75.00 which opened up 10 more
spots for the fishing derby. Every Monday the summer playhouse, a traveling variety show, is at
Marie Park at 1:30 P.M. and Friendly Hills Park at 3:00 P.M.
Chair Spicer announced the perfonuances in the parks. The skate board camp is to be held at
Roger's Lake Skate Park and is being held in August. Registrations are still being taken for the
skate camp. Dakota County sponsors a program for adults called "simple steps walking
program ". Residents can walk city trails, log their minutes walked and win prizes. Minnesota
Thunder soccer is at Kensington Park. The trucks and travel show is tomorrow night at 6:15 —
7:45 P.M. at Henry Sibley High School parking lot.
Ms. Gangelhoff announced there is park and recreation t -shirts on sale for $6.00 at City Hall.
Mr. Doug Vanosick, coach of the 13 year old traveling team for MHAA, Assistant Coach Brian
Mullan and team members took a break from practice at the Civic Center field to say thank you
to Mr. Kullander, staff, the Parks and Recreation Commission, and City Council for the great
work that was done at the Civic Center field.
Chair Spicer said Mr. Kullander deserves most of the credit for the improvements to the Civic
Center field.
Mr. Kullander responded that the credit should really go to the Parks Crew at Public Works —
Terry Blum, Mike Maczko and John Boland. These guys take pride in their work and take care
of the fields. They redid the irrigation system, grading, restored the turf, and put in a lot of hours
to make the finished work look as well as it does.
Coach Vanosick said it is a beautiful park and wanted to stop by and say thank you.
Chair Spicer replied that the Commission appreciated them coming in because they do want to
maintain nice facilities for the users.
Commissioner Morris said it is nice to see the users who saw an improvement come in and thank
the Commission and staff.
Commission Portz told Mr. Kullander that the fields look nice and was impressed with how fast
the work got done.
Mr. Kullander responded that contractors were available to do the work. The Parks Crew put in
a lot of time and George Noack from the street crew helped with the bobcat work and Rich
Burrows, the utility leadsperson, helped cut the pipes off the old concrete polls so the metal posts
could be recycled. The Public Works guys put in a lot of effort to help this project move along.
LeMay Shores trail construction will cost about $25,000 and will link the new townhome
development with Augusta Shores townhouses.
Mr. Kullander responded that while the contractor is doing the grading work, installing utilities,
and building the new townhomes the contractor will build the trail as per the developers
agreement for $25,000.00 which reduces the park dedication by this amount.
Chair Spicer said there is a grant opportunity for Pilot Knob 1 and said grants are a good thing.
Mr. Kullander said our consultant is writing the grant and the City Council has adopted a
resolution in support of a grant from the Preserve America community program.
Chair Spicer said that the tennis courts in Friendly Hills Park, Marie Park, Wentworth Park and
Ivy Hill Park will be repaired and funding is coming from the maintenance budget. Skate park
components were installed at Roger's Lake Park with funding from the Special Park Fund.
Trails are being repaired and funded out of the maintenance budget. The sport court tiles will be
installed at the Valley Park tennis courts and will take two to three days to install in mid -July.
Mr. Kullander said the Valley Court fencing has been raised and an access gate added for better
access at the request of Public Works.
Chair Spicer said that the trail retaining wall will be replaced at Dodd Road and Wentworth
Avenue. Funds are coming from the parks maintenance funds.
Mr. Kullander responded that this work will also be done in mid -July.
Commissioner Hickey asked if there would be any excavation work done to the Valley Park
tennis courts.
Mr. Kullander responded there would not. The cracks will be fixed and the sport court tiles will
be installed over the existing court surface.
Chair Spicer reported that the NURT trail along Highway 110 — Dodd Road to Delaware Avenue
- is being put in this year. The contract is going out in August.
Mr. Kullander responded that is Dakota County's scheduled plan.
Chair Spicer commented that the plans are done for the trail on Highway 13 and construction
won't be done until next year.
Mr. Kullander said MnDOT had questions about the drainage and the consultant is addressing
those questions and it will be a 2008 project. The trail will be a state aid project with no funds
coming from the Special Park Fund.
Chair Spicer reported that the Huber Drive trail will be redone this year with state aid funds.
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Mr. Kullander responded that the trail is getting an overlay in conjunction with the street project
being done this year.
Chair Spicer reported that fourteen bleacher pads were being installed in 10 parks in 2007 with
Special Park Funds.
Mr. Kullander responded that funding will also come from the Dakota County Community
Development Agency and the Special Parks Funds. This will make the bleacher pads handicap
accessible. The County funds will fund the installation of the bituminous trails from the parking
lot to the ballfields.
Commissioner Morris asked if we had to match funds.
Mr. Kullander responded no, it just happened that the bleacher pads will cost about the same as
the trails the County is funding.
Chair Spicer said this is the only time in his 20 years on the Commission that he can remember
Mr. Kullander underestimate a project and that was for the Civic Center batting cages. Mr.
Kullander estimated $35,000 and it actually cost $39,000.
Mr. Kullander responded that there were a lot of unknowns with the Civic Center project and
can't say enough about the parks crew and the work they did.
Chair Spicer said that the "You are Here" signs have been approved by City Council.
Mr. Kullander reported that Mr. Boland is close to having the prototype done and will bring it to
the next meeting. Installation will begin this summer.
Chair Spicer asked if distance makings along the trails could be added.
Mr. Kullander responded that distances had been marked in the past. The problem is having
someone with the time to walk and paint the distances on the asphalt trail.
Chair Spicer asked if distances could be added to the map.
Mr. Kullander said that could clutter up the park map which is 11 x 17 and the small numbers
would get lost when copies are made on our copier.
Chair Spicer reported that the City is in a budget cycle right now and Mr. Kullander has put
together a basic proposal. The five year plan changed because funding has changed. Chair
Spicer asked if the current balance in the Park Fund was $206,000.
Mr. Kullander responded that it is hard to pin down an amount right now because the dedication
fees from the Summit development are not on a specific time line. The developer hopes to have
it fully built by the end of 2007.
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Chair Spicer said there will be a lump sum from Le May Shores development.
Mr. Kullander responded there would be a lump sum in July with these two development fees.
There will be about $400,000 in the Special Park Fund. The City is pretty much built out with a
few empty parcels left. There are no big parcels or lump sums of cash that will be coming in
future years.
Chair Spicer reported that MHAA has made requests for things to be done and they have been
discussed by the Parks and Recreation Commission.
Mr. Kullander said the budget summary is like one the Commission has seen every year. Most
amounts in the budget are carried over from year to year. The only variable this year would be
tennis courts. This year there was $18,000 in the budget and a lot more was spent and that is
coming from a different fund, not the maintenance fund. How the Council would treat the Parks
and Recreation Commission recommendation to resurface a different tennis court each year is
Chair Spicer said the Commission needs to make a motion to approve number two under the
action required and change the amount if the Commissioners feel it is appropriate. Chair Spicer
asked if the Commission has any changes to A, B, C, D, or E under number two of the action
required in Mr. Kullander's budget memo?
Mr. Kullander also asked if the Commission has any additional changes or additions they wanted
made to the budget?
Chair Spicer asked if Mr. Kullander wanted the Commission to make a recommendation to
approve A, B, C, D, & E at the levels recommended?
Mr. Kullander responded yes, and with the provision that the tennis courts be put in the 5 year
plan for replacement with the sports court tiles.
Commissioner Kraus made a motion adopting options A, B, C, E, and D with D (tennis courts)
may need $50,000 more for sport court surfacing, seconded by Commission Hickey.
Commissioner Hickey asked if it was $50,000 to put in a sport court.
Chair Spicer responded that there is $10,000 for 2008 in there for other maintenance plus
another $50,000 to do a sport court.
Mr. Kullander responded that cracks would have to be sealed and repaired on three courts and
would be about $7,500. Putting in gates at the other four courts would be another couple of
thousands dollars. The minimum would be about $10,000 for all the other courts and $50,000 to
do another sport court. This year it could be a minimum of $10,000 and a maximum of $60,000,
depending on where or how the Council wants to fund a sport court in 2008.
Mr. Kullander said now would be a good time to bring up any new or additional maintenance
issues the Commissioners may have noticed in the parks that need to be addressed in 2008.
Chair Spicer reported that the old five year capital plan was no longer serviceable as a planning
tool because of changes by residents, sport groups and funding. As a result, Mr. Kullander has
used the rankings from the Commission to put together the five year plan of park and trail
"needs" or projects. I believe there are two parks with older equipment to redo.
Mr. Kullander responded there are three parks with equipment that was installed in 1990 that still
have the arsenic treated timbers. There will be updated playground equipment around the city
once they are finished. The five year plan is the same one presented last month. It does
recognize the suggestions from MHAA for ball field improvements at Hagstrom King and
Friendly Hills Park. MHAA wants an outfield fence installed at Hagstrom King Park with a
taller back stop and netting. That would allow them to use it for baseball or women's fast pitch.
MHAA wants a better backstop and netting at Friendly Hills Park and then it could be used for
baseball. This would add another level of service for the parks and appeal to more groups. This
was MHAA number two and three priorities. There is a lot of trail work in the five year plan
with funding from MSA funds and maintenance funds. There are real needs, some safety issues
and one new field for lacrosse, football or soccer at Friendly Marsh Park.
Commissioner Morris said he didn't see any items for the Pilot Knob site.
Mr. Kullander responded that Council has funds in the maintenance budget in 2007 for
maintenance and development of the Pilot Knob site.
Commissioner Morris asked about trails on the Pilot Knob site.
Mr. Kullander responded that there will probably be a similar amount requested in the 2008
budget. There are also grants being applied for to off set the costs. That is why it is not in the
five year plan. City Council has not identified how to identify the land — should it be park or
historic open space — that will be addressed in the new comprehensive plan. The designation of
the land could influence future grant opportunities.
Chair Spicer asked if the five year plan was adopted at the last meeting.
Commissioner Kraus responded that the five year plan was not adopted.
Mr. Kullander responded that the plan needs to be approved for submission to the City Council
as a guide and planning tool for addressing the park needs of the community. If Council is
agreeable with the plan, they will acknowledge it. The Parks and Recreation Commission would
still need to present each project to the City Council for approval of expenditures of funds.
Chair Spicer said one suggestion he had was, since Friendly Marsh Park is new that Special Park
Funds should not be used for the parking lot, field, etc. We are developing something new.
Mr. Kullander responded that the Special Park Funds were for capital expenditures and then
maintenance funds are used for upkeep of the parks such as mowing, etc. That's the approach
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we need to take now that the fund is getting low. There may not be enough Special Park Funds
for finishing the Friendly Marsh Park.
Commissioner Portz made a motion to approve the Five Year Capital Improvement Plan.
Commission Morris seconded the motion.
Commissioner Morris said that Mr. Kullander did a great job of putting together the five year
plan, it's laid out nice, and it looks like every area of the city is represented with the projects
Chair Spicer agreed with Commissioner Morris' statement.
Mr. Sedlacek said the bonds rates that were sold for the Par 3 referendum are lower than the
advertised rate. June 27th is when the City gets the bond money and the closing for the Par 3
property has been set for June 28th• July 4th is the biggest day for the golf course.
Mr. Sedlacek passed out a spreadsheet of Capital Improvements that was developed by the Par 3
task force. This is a draft list of improvements for the Par 3 in the next five years. In 2008,
$77,000 has been planned to improve the grounds such as getting city water to the club house.
There is a well there now. The maintenance building needs city water in order to add fire
sprinlders to the building.
Commissioner Portz said the Par 3 is going to be a great asset to the community. The Par 3 is
self operating now and is doing fme. There are a lot of good things we can do to improve the
golf course. The City wants to bring the buildings and grounds up to code, safety and ADA
standards. There are many things we can do over the next few years to improve it for the
Mr. Sedlacek said two superintendents from other cities walked the course and they both said
that the course is in great shape. Some of the big ticket items are bringing things up to code.
The Capital Improvement Plan is a very preliminary plan. The City is starting out with about
$70,000 in capital and revenue is projected to be about $30,000 the rest of 2007. All numbers
are very preliminary. Projects drop off the further you get through the years. Mr. Sedlacek
asked the Parks Commission to look over the Capital Improvement Plan and give feedback.
Mr. Sedlacek said the City of New Hope has a great business plan and it gives information about
cost structure, etc. If any one is interested in reading it, there is an extra copy at City Hall.
Commissioner Craighead asked if there would be a profit and loss statement for review by the
Parks and Recreation Commission in November or late fall. It would show how the course did
the previous year and what the plan is for the upcoming season.
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Mr. Kullander responded that the Parks and Recreation Commission would be setting the policy
and guidelines of the Par 3. The City Council is looking to the Parks and Recreation
Commission to do the research on policies. The Par 3 will be a regular issue on the Parks agenda
especially the first couple of years.
Chair Spicer agreed that the Par 3 should be a monthly agenda item to keep on top of what's
going on at the Par 3. There should also be an annual budget and fee review maybe in January of
every year.
Commissioner Craighead asked if the restrooms needed to be upgraded.
Mr. Sedlacek responded that the number one complaint of the Par 3 is the restrooms and they
need to be upgraded. It is on the list for this year. Another question is should the restroom be
made bigger.
Mr. Sedlacek asked the Commission what they thought about liquor on the course. Currently, a
3.2 liquor license is held by the Par 3. Statute defines our premises as the golf course, club
house, excluding the parking lot. The issue out there now is leagues like to have a drink before
going on the golf course with their own liquor. There are liquor liability issues, policy issues and
lost revenue issues. City Council does not have a real strong feeling on this one way or the
other. We are tallting to other courses to see how they handle this situation. How does the
Commission feel about this issue? Does the City want it to be family course with no alcohol?
Alcohol is not a big revenue source for the Par 3. We are still waiting for a quote for the liability
Commissioner Portz said a legal interpretation should be obtained in writing and go by that.
Chair Spicer said there has been no criminal activity because of alcohol that he knows of. Not
serving beer is a bad idea. A recommendation should be obtained from the city attorney on
whether or not golfers are allowed to bring their own liquor to the Par 3.
Commissioner Craighead said his personal opinion on drinking in the parking lot and golfers
bringing their own their alcohol should not be allowed.
Commissioner Morris said he his in favor of selling 3.2 beer. If it is not sold, it would be there
anyway. Selling it on site would be a better way to control it.
Chair Spicer said he doesn't know of a golf course that lets you bring in alcohol.
Commissioner Craighead believes golfers do bring it to the course. At the Par 3 alcohol should
not be consumed in the parking lot. It could be consumed in the clubhouse or patio area. The
course has to be driven as a family, fun golf course.
Chair Spicer believes problems may arise with the leagues and that is when alchohol is
consumed in the parking lot.
Commissioner Morris said National Parks allow alcohol in appropriate areas. Appropriate areas
need to be deteimined where 3.2 beer is allowed. The putting green and parking lot should be
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inappropriate areas for 3.2 beer consumption but the clubhouse would be appropriate. Whether
the course is appropriate or not is another issue. I think most users are repeat users and would
understand that the rules have changed.
Commissioner Portz said the Commission should research, review it and make a
Chair Spicer said that in the interim the recommended policy would be to continue to sell 3.2
liquor and do not permit outside liquor and do not permit drinking in the parking lot. It can be
Commissioner Craighead said if that it is legal that's ok.
Mr. Sedlacek said that is legal. We would have a policy that does not allow liquor in the parking
Commissioner Portz says if we sell the liquor we control it.
Commissioner Morris said he would not want alcohol consumed on the putting green because
there are kids on the putting green.
Chair Spicer said there are kids in the clubhouse and golf course.
Commissioner Portz said he didn't want to make a recommendation right away until there is a
legal opinion.
Chair Spicer said something has to be done by July 1st
Commissioner Morris commented that the motion should be contingent on a legal review
because this is going to need go forward before the next meeting.
Commissioner Craighead asked if alcohol would be allowed on the golf course itself.
Commission Spicer said, yes as long as the alcohol is bought from the Par 3.
Chair Spicer said the only temporarily prohibition should be that no one can bring their own
alcohol, no drinking in the parking lot and we should continue to sell 3.2 beer. This way there
would be good control over alcohol consumption. The City Attorney should be consulted
regarding this.
Commissioner Morris asked if it needed to be an ordinance.
Chair Spicer said that would make it a crime.
Mr. Sedlacek said it could be policy.
Commissioner Morris asked if the police were able to enforce a policy.
Chair Spicer said it would be in the policy that the city has the right to ask people to leave.
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Mr. Sedlacek said there have been no problems in the past.
Commissioner Hickey asked if there are signs currently up stating the current policy.
Mr. Sedlacek said there were not and it would be easy to put up signs.
Commissioner Morris made a motion to recommend a 3.2 license for the premise, as defined by
statute, and not allow alcohol beverages in the parking lot either from brought in beverages or
sales at the Par 3 continent upon the recommendation by the City Attorney, seconded by
Commissioner Hickey.
Commissioner Portz said there might be an opportunity for community involvement in the
beautification of the golf course. A suggestion is to have community members plant flowers and
trees at the golf course. There could be things done this year and make plans for things to do
next year.
Commissioner Morris suggested checking with the Dakota County Master Gardeners. They
have to volunteer their time and are experts at plantings. They are skilled and go through a
training class.
Commissioner Portz asked if they were volunteers.
Commissioner Morris said they are.
Commissioner Portz said that it would be good to have community involvement and would
create a good feeling. From an operational standpoint this is an enterprise fund with operating
expenses and operating revenue. There will be revenue generated based on the last 12 years of
history. There will be no debt service. There will be improvement with emphasis on safety and
Chair Spicer asked if there was any other new business.
Commissioner Craighead made a motion to adjourn. Commissioner Hickey seconded the
The meeting was adjourned at 8:12 P.M.