Res 2016- 02 Donations for AED'sCITY OF MENDDTA HEIGHTS City of Mendota Heights Dakota County, Minnesota RESOLUTION NO. 2016-02 1101 Victoria Curve 1 Mendota Heights, MN 55118 651.452.1850 phone 1 651.452.8940 fax www.mendota-heights.com RESOLUTION NO. 2016-002 "FORMALLY ACCEPTING A GIFT TOWARD THE PURCHASE OF AN AUTOMATIC EXTERNAL DEFIBRILLATOR (AED). WHEREAS, the City of Mendota Heights desires to provide the highest level of care at emergency medical responses; and WHEREAS, the Minnesota State Statute requires a resolution to accept gifts to municipalities; and WHEREAS, the City has previously acknowledged gifts with a resolution; and WHEREAS, the City of Mendota Heights encourages and supports citizens who wish to participate in government; and WHEREAS, the Mendota Heights Police and Fire Departments regularly respond to medical emergencies involving heart related problems; and WHEREAS, the police officers and fire fighters for the City of Mendota Heights are trained First Responders to use Automated External Defibrillators; and WHEREAS, our Medical Director Dr. Keith Wesley has advised our current Automated External Defibrillator units are no longer meeting the best practices level of care for cardiac incidents; and WHEREAS, it is the desire of the Mendota Heights Police and Fire Departments to provide the highest level of care to our citizens; and WHEREAS, in the First Responders have regularly had the opportunity to save lives using this equipment and desire to continue to provide the best care for our residents; and WHEREAS, the Medical Director recommends the same technology as is being used by our responding paramedics to assist in providing the best outcomes for our residents; and WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Mendota Heights have duly considered this matter and wish to acknowledge the civic mindedness of citizens and officially recognize their donations. NOW THEREFORE BE IT HEREBY RESOLVED that the City Council of the City of Mendota Heights accepts the donations from the following donors towards for the purchase of AED units, priced at $1100 each. NAME HONORARY OR MEMORIAL (if known) AMOUNT MARGIE SCHERZER MARVIN SCHERZER $3000.00 WINIFRED SCHUMI $ 500.00 ROBERT LINC $ 20.00 MAVIS KARN $ 50.00 PATTERSON DENTAL $4400.00 DALE JOHNSON IN HONOR OF MHPD & MHFD $1500.00 STUART SIMEK $1230.00 NEIL GARLOCK $200.00 JOHN PETERSON $50.00 THOMAS KOEPKE $20.00 Total: $11,970.00 Adopted by the City Council of the City of Mendota Heights this 15th day of March, 2016. ATTEST: By Lorri Smith, City Clerk CITY COUNCIL CITY OFIENDOTA HEIGHTS "Sandra Krebsbach, Mayor