Ord 490 Amend Code Title 11 Subdivision RegulationsCITY OF MENDOTA HEIGHTS DAKOTA COUNTY, MINNESOTA �� � � �.r_:�c��.c�xslr, AN ORDINANCE AMENDING TITLE 11, CHAPTERS 1, Z, 3 AND 6 OF THE CITY CODE OF THE CITY OF MENDOTA HEIGATS, MINNESOTA, DAKOTA COUNTY, CONCERNING SUBDIVISION REGULATIONS The City Council of the City of Mendota Heights, Minnesota, does hereby ordain: Section l. Title 11-1-5-C is hereby amended as follows: Exceptions: When requesting a subdivision, if either of the ��e-��} following conditions exist, �e-e-� the planning commission and citv council ��""� shall review said request in same manner prescribed in section 11-2-1 of this title. � 1. Lot line adjustment T� *'�� ���� �� � request to divide a lot which is a part of a recorded plat where the division is to permit the adding of a parcel of land to an abutting lot �r +� �•���+�'�-��''"'�+� and the newly created property line will not cause the other remaining portion of the lot to be in violation with this title or the zoning ordinance. The owner(s) or subdivider(s) shall prepare and submit a certified surve�p containin� the followin� information: a. Location setbacks and building hei�ht conti�uous to the side yard measured based on applicable definition for existing structures on both parcels. b. Proposed property boundarv lines, includin� dimensions. c. Lot size (acres and square feet). d. Lot width measured as the maximum horizontal distance between the side lot lines within the first 30 feet of the lot depth. e. Front rear and side vard setbacics includin� a description of the applicable zonin� district standards. £ Existin a�nd proposed leg;al descriptions. g. Date, scale, le�end, and north-point. h. Certification statement and si�nature of a licensed survevor in the State of Minnesota, includin� license number and contact information. i. Such other information as mav be requested by the Engineer, Survevor, or Plannin� Commission. 2. Lot split request to divide a lot which is a part of a recorded plat where the division is to create two (2) lots and the newl�created property line will not cause the other remainin�portion of the lot to be in violation with this title or the zoning ordinance. The owner or subdivider shall prepare and submit a certified survev map containin� the following information: a. Existing first floor elevations for principal structure and a� ra�e• b. If existing�rincipal structure is to remain, buildin��ht conti�uous to the side yard, measured based on the applicable definition. c. Location and setbacks for existin� structures on the subject parcel and immediately adiacent barcels. d. Proposed property boundary lines, including dimensions. e. Lot size (acres and square feet). £ Lot width measured as the maximum horizontal distance between the side lot lines within the first 30 feet of the lot depth. g. Front rear and side vard setbacics includin� a description of the applicable zonin� district standards. h. Size (s�c uare feetZof proposed buildin�pad(s). i. Existing and �roposed le�al descriptions. j. (�uantity ty�pe and size of existing trees/si�nificant vegetation to be removed. k. To�o�raphic data including contours at vertical intervals of not more than two (2) feet, includin eg xisting slopes over thirt� three �ercent 33% in rg ade. 1. Wetlands and water resource-related areas including 100-foot and 25-foot buffeis. m. Required draina�e and utilitv easements as in 11-3-4 of this title. n. Date scale legend, and north-point. o. Certification statement and signature of a licensed surveyor in the State of Minnesota, including license number and contact information. p. Such other information as may be re�uested bv the Engineer Smvevor, or Plannin� Commission. Section 2. Title 11-1-9 is hereby amended as follows: Variances from the strict a�plication of the provisions of this title can be requested under the reauirements ofsection 12-1L-5 ofthis code. Ord. 490 Page 2 of 7 . .�f:s!rs��e:es!es. . . � . �.,_�:.:.:,.,.:.:,.��.��.,.a,:.z�:_•..,...,:.��..:.:,._:.:..•�:.�.� .:: ;��....�:�,:.'..�.,..:...�� ,... . . . . . •� � • �::.<.z: - - - Section 3. Title 11-1-10 is hereby amended as follows: Fees and deposits for processin�subdivision a�lications will be collected in accordance with the requirements of section 12-1L-10 of this code. �• - .• � �. . _ _ � � � �. �. u, _ - Ot^d. 490 Page 3 of 7 _ � ii!�:�TS'�!fFT.flTT��!�!!!ET� . � • - �- - _ • � •• � Section 4. Title 11-2-1 is hereby amended as follows: A. Filing Of Plat; Fee: ���+„ ., ii c� ,.,,i :o ,.��i.,, �i;.., ,�i„� �t,,,ii �, �;� a •,�, �i, •,..::��.��. The \ ���TLI<T.i�'Y�llll Llll• l tt � required application s) and su�ortin� information shall be submitted in accordance with the current application submittal schedule. The required filing fee as established in section 11-1-10 of this title shall be paid �eq�rtr•e�-€ee before the proposed plat shall be considered officially filed. ^" „'�+� �'��"'�� ��^^m^^^;�a � , , � � B. Hearing: Upon receipt of said application, the city clerlc shall establish the date for a public hearing by the planning commission and shall be responsible for the �ublication of hearin� notices and mailing to the owners of the pro�erty in question and the owners of all �ropei�ties situated within three hundred fift�feet ,350') of the boundar�of the propertv in question. �ra ���'�'������� ^�'��^°'��a ,.+;,, �� D. Review By Other Commissions Or Jurisdictions: �x"� �+� +''� ":'" "''„ ;";"+'.'+".. ''"" �''� � i uaauii iiiv ee�es-e€The preliminary plat shall be distributed to� the parks and recreation commission, �r�e� Dakota County. or the State of Minriesota for their review and cominent when a�ro�riate, as determined bv the c� administrator and including but not limited to the following circumstances: L The proposed plat includes dedication of lands for public use as in section 11-5-1 of tlus title. 2. The proposed plat is adjacent to county or state ri�ht-of-wav or proposes to access a countv or state road. 3. The proposed plat is within the Critical Area OverlaX District as re�ulated bv section 12-3 of this code. Section 5. Title 11-2-1-F-4 is hereby added: Effective Period Of A�roval• The a�roval of a�reliminaiy plat shall be effective for a period of one year (1) or lon eg r as s�ecified bv the cit� council At the end of this time final �lat approval on the subdivision shall have been obtained from the city council. Anv preliminar�plat not receivin� final Ord. 490 Page 4°f � approval within the time period set forth herein shall be null and void, except as provided by Minn. Stat. & 462.358 subd. 3c. or if an extension is granted by the City Council, and the subdivider shall be required to submit a new a�plication for preliminaiy plat approval subject to all new zonin� restrictions and subdivision regulations of the ci existing at the time of submission of the new application. Section 6. Title 11-2-3-A-2 is hereby amended as follows: £ Topographic data, including contours at vertical inteivals of not more than two feet (2'), includin� existing slopes over thi three percent 33%) in r�ade; watercourses, marshes, rock outcrops, power transmission poles and lines, and other significant features.; Trc�c a.,+.. ��,.,>> �.o ,,.,oa �,. .,ii +,,,,,,�,..,,,�,;,. „�,�..o � .,�:�.�o h. A survey prepared by a qualified person identifying tree coverage in the proposed subdivision in terms of type and size., �'..a..,,,, m,.,,,,.: �-, ;.�,o��;..� �.���:a r� �,-.,�:� .,r,,,. ao__�;,�, ra ��,,,,;�,. . ...... �� ..... .. ..� : .� .... ::� ..'-o�' � �- -�✓ � - �r------a• Section 7. Title 11-2-3-B-2 is hereby amended as follows: b. Location by section, township, range, county and state, and including descriptive boundaries of the subdivision, based on an accurate traverse; giving angular and linear dimensions which must �e mathematically close. 'i'�, " �.' � ' - ""'.�' "" " � " �:""' "' "+ "'„'" ''" " o � "+ " �. : � r r � � *� a�-�� :;�: 4:�� � �� �� ���'� The mathematical closure tolerance of the plat boundarv, .Zri Pti � i �...... �. blocks lots and outlots shall not exceed 2/100 of a foot. c. The location of monuments and a description thereo£ Locations of such monuments shall be shown in reference to existing official monuments on the nearest established street lines, including true angles and distances to such reference points or monuments. Permanent markers shall be placed at each corner of eveiy block or portion of a block, points of curvature and points of tangency on street lines, and at each angle point on the boundaiy of the subdivision. A permanent marlcer shall be deemed to be a steel rod or pipe, one-half inch (�/2") or larger in diameter. *�'' +'����+'"'�� � �� f2'` "�'^"'+''" �"''"'�"'' """''� vv� �,, � � ........ ..... �.....,...... b.....»... The license number of the land surveyor that certifies the�lat shall be affixed to all set plat momm�ents. In situations where conditions prohibit the placing of markers in the locations prescribed above, offset markers will be permitted. The exact location of all markers shall be shown on the final plat, together with accurate interior angles, bearings and distances. D + +� "'"'"'"' '""�'' �� w'='- "„",��,. t,..x...... .1.��.. .... � TT .7 .7,1 F.1 1 ..a .,lr �+L. 1.,� ii� N �h. Scale of plat (the scale to be shown graphically and in feet per inch)�and north point. �i, c* * �* a�a���*���- ^�� Draina�e and utilitv easements _ �_"__ _,_. � . + � + " +� '' .� �� �� �-� c* *��+ a��:��+;��- ^�� �_Streets, alleys and other public areas not previously dedicated. �� ��'�s � �.,,..o�.. ,. aoa;,..,,oa drd. 490 Page S of 7 �-:k. . , �ri�e-a�-t�te�ti=eet�r��Include a map showin� the location of the property being platted with sufficient information to locate the property within a section. Orient the vicinity map to match the north orientation of the plat. Section 8. Title 11-2-3-B-4 is hereby amended as follows: a. Notarized certification by owner and by any moi�tgage holder of record of the adoption of the plat and the dedication of draina,�e and utilitv easements, streets and other public areas for public use. b. Notarized certification by a registered land suiveyor, • •, to the effect that the plat represents a survey made by him and that monuments and marlcers shown therein exist as located and that all dimensional and geodetic details are correct. c. Certification showing that all taxes and special assessments due on the property have been paid in full.; ' . (1981 Code 301 § 4) Section 9. Title 11-3-4-A is hereby amended as follows: An easement for utilities at least five feet (5') wide shall be provided along the side line of lots ��• *�� '' �' +'��-��«��te-=e���., �*�~������ ::�,'.:� ���•��, . A similar easement of at least �e �"� ten feet (10') in width shall be provided �s alon� the front and rear of each line of lots. If necessary far the extension of water main, �-��� sewer lines, -e� similar utilities, or access to adjoining ro e easements of greater width may be required along lot lines or across lots. Additional easements ma, b�equired as determined ap�ropriate� the City En i� neer. Section 10. Title 11-3-8-A is hereby amended as follows: Slope Limitations: Subdivision design shall be consistent with limitations presented by naturallv steep slopes. Subdivisions excluding�reviousl}�-disturbed areas as part of a lot split request containin� an existing dweiling and associated improvements, shall be designed so that no construction or grading will be conducted on slopes steeper than �#�e thirty tlu�ee percent (�533%) in grade. (1981 Code 301 § 5; amd. 2003 Code) Section 11. Title ll-6 is hereby inoved to Title 14 under the name Stormwater Management, Illicit Discharge, Soil Erosion, and Sedimentation. Section 12. This Ordinance shall be in effect from and after the date of its passage and publication. Adopted and ordained into an Ordinance this sixteenth day of February, 2016. Ord. 490 Page 6 of 7 CITY COUNCIL CIT O MENDOTA I3EIGHTS Sandra ICrebsbach, Ma ATTEST � •,. Lorri Smith, ity Clerk Ord. 490 Page 7 of 7