2001-07-10 Parks and Rec Comm MinutesCITY OF MENDOTA HEIGHTS
JULY 10, 2001
The regular meeting of the Mendota Heights Parks and Recreation Commission was held
on Tuesday, July 10, 2001, in the Large Conference Room at City Hall, 1101 Victoria
Curve. The meeting was called to order at 6:30 p.m.
The following Commissioners were present: Chair Richard Spicer and Commissioners
Stan Linnell, Dave Libra, Larry Craighead, and Paul Portz, Raymond Morris, and Jay
Liberacki. City Staff present were Recreation Programmer Mary Hapka and
Administrative Assistant Patrick C. Hollister. Also present was resident Lenny Axelrod.
Mr. Hollister took the minutes.
Commissioner Linnell moved to approve the June 12, 2001 minutes.
Commissioner Morris seconded the motion.
Mr. Hollister reminded the Commission that at the Parks and Recreation Commission
meeting on May 8, 2001, Mr. Lenny Axelrod, Mendota Elementary parent, Mr. Steve
Goldade, Mendota Elementary Principal, and Mr. Richard Gray of TKDA continued their
discussion with the Commission regarding the condition of playground equipment at
Mendota Elementary School. Mr. Hollister recounted that Mr. Axelrod had told the
Commission that Mendota Elementary had very old playground equipment and that he
was searching for various sources of funding to upgrade the equipment and create a
"learning center ". Mr. Hollister added that Mr. Axelrod had also told the Commission
that he was also searching for revenue sources among the school district, the state, and
the parent PTA school committee, as well as individual teachers and parents.
Mr. Hollister said that Chair Spicer had told Mr. Axelrod that the City's own playground
needs had to take priority over assisting the school district with school playgrounds but
that in concept he was not adverse to providing assistance to Mendota Elementary for this
playground equipment. Mr. Hollister said that Chair Spicer had added that in order to
receive his support the equipment would need to meet ADA standards, the City would
have to be released from any potential liability, and the City would not contribute more
than one third of the cost of the equipment. Mr. Hollister said that Chair Spicer had also
advised Mr. Axelrod that he could not speak for the Council and that the Council would
have to authorize any contribution to this effort. Mr. Hollister said that Chair Spicer had
asked Mr. Axelrod to return to a future Commission meeting when he had a formal
commitment from the school district to contribute to the cost of the equipment.
Mr. Hollister said that if the Commission wished to recommend to the Council that the
City contribute to this project, they should keep in mind that any contribution from the
Special Parks Fund towards this project may displace or postpone one of the City's own
projects already scheduled on the Parks Capital Improvement Plan.
Mr. Axelrod submitted an update on his efforts for discussion with the Parks
Commission, including a letter indicating an $8,000 commitment from the school district.
Mr. Axelrod gave a brief presentation to the Commission and then answered questions.
Commissioner Linnell moved to recommend that the Council authorize a contribution
from the Special Parks Fund to the Mendota Elementary Playground equipment, in an
amount of $5,000.
The other Commissioners persuaded Commissioner Linnell to amend his motion to an
amount of $8,000.
Commissioner Linnell moved to recommend that the Council authorize a contribution
from the Special Parks Fund to the Mendota Elementary Playground equipment, in an
amount of the either $8,000 or one -third the total cost of the project, whichever is least.
Commissioner Libra seconded the motion.
Staff provided updates on the following items:
• June Recreation Report (Available Tuesday)
• Hagstrom -King Tennis Court
• Police Report
Commissioner Craighead asked Staff to provide an update on the Delaware Trail
discussions at the August Commission meeting.
Chair Spicer asked Staff for a review of the Parks CIP at the August Commission
Motion made to adjourn by Linnell and seconded by Libra.
The meeting adjourned at 7:30 p.m.