2001-05-08 Parks and Rec Comm MinutesCITY OF MENDOTA HEIGHTS
MAY 8, 2001
The regular meeting of the Mendota Heights Parks and Recreation Commission was held
on Tuesday, May 8, 2001, in the Large Conference Room at City Hall, 1101 Victoria
Curve. The meeting was called to order at 6:30 p.m.
The following Commissioners were present: Chair Richard Spicer and Commissioners
Stan Linnell, Jay Liberacki, Raymond Morris, Dave Libra, Larry Craighead, and Paul
Portz. City Staff present were Parks Project Manager Guy Kullander and Administrative
Assistant Patrick C. Hollister. Mr. Hollister took the minutes.
Commissioner Libra moved to approve the minutes from the April 10, 2001 meeting with
Commissioner Portz seconded the motion.
Ms. Colleen Naughton of the American Lung Association of Minnesota introduced
herself to the Parks and Recreation Commission. Ms. Naughton explained that at the
suggestion of Commissioner Craighead, American Lung had asked to be on the Parks
Commission agenda for May 8, 2001 to discuss possible trail linkages and other civic
amenities that may accompany their proposed new headquarters building at the east end
of the Mendota Bridge. Ms. Naughton said that this building would be a pioneering
project in the field of healthy design and clean indoor air quality. Ms. Naughton
explained that American Lung had already purchased the property and that they had
already met with roughly fifty residents of Mendota Heights to get feedback about the
project. Ms. Naughton provided an overview of the site plan and the principles of healthy
design. Ms. Naughton mentioned that as a component of clean air quality, the
landscaping most likely would be restricted to low pollen - producing plants.
Commissioner Morris said that in regards to landscaping, the DNR would not want the
introduction of exotic species, and that low pollen- producing plants may be exotic.
Commissioner Linnell said that he thought the American Lung proposal was very
exciting and would provide a lot of nice amenities for the City. Commissioner Linnell
said that he thought that this use for the site was preferable to residential. Commissioner
Linnell explained the significance of the Pilot Knob site as a lookout for boat traffic along
the Mississippi River and that the lookout for the public should be at the highest point,
which unfortunately would be close to the loading dock for the building. Commissioner
Linnell said that historically most of this area was oak savannah, not necessarily oak
woods. Commissioner Linnell said that it would be nice to plant a lot of trees, but not so
many that the "view shed" would be lost. Commissioner Linnell said that it was nice that
the American Lung development would provide a lot of open space, and that some
mechanism should be employed to assure that the public will continue to have access to it
and that it will not be "privatized ".
Chair Spicer said that he thought it was a well thought -out plan.
Commissioner Libra said that he thought that Acacia Cemetery still had left over stone,
and that this building may be able to use it.
Mr. Kullander said that he thought that the Cemetery wanted to keep the stone for future
Commissioner Linnell said that the stone was mostly sandstone and granite.
Commissioner Liberacki said that he had two comments. Commissioner Liberacki said
that firstly, since the Council apparently intended multi - family residential development
for this site, he wanted to know why anyone would want to live underneath all of the
airplanes. Commissioner Liberacki said that secondly, he felt it was ironic that the
American Lung Association, with its emphasis on clean air, had picked a site with no
available public transit service, forcing anyone who wished to visit the building to drive
his or her automobile and contribute to air pollution.
Commissioner Morris added that the air quality of this site was further compromised by
airplane exhaust. Commissioner Morris added that he nevertheless felt that this proposal
was a superior use to residential for this site.
Commissioner Libra moved to recommend that the Council approve this development
conditioned on the following:
1. That the American Lung Association install the trail connection to the Big Rivers
Trail and provide the scenic overlook for the general public, as presented.
2. That some sort of public easement or other fat of legal rights be enacted to
preserve the right of the public to use the above trail connection and overlook.
3. That the American Lung Association work with MnDOT regarding landscaping
along the freeway right -of -way.
Commissioner Morris seconded the motion.
The Commission thanked Ms. Naughton for her presentation and wished her luck with
the project.
Mr. Kullander reported on the damage to the culvert at Valley Park. Mr. Kullander said
that this year damage occurred to a culvert that has been repaired repeatedly over the
years. Mr. Kullander said that the original 36 -inch diameter culvert washed out many
times before asphalt surfacing was laid in 1990. Mr. Kullander said that since 1990 the
culvert has washed out several more times, most recently this spring, despite the fact that
a second culvert was added. Mr. Kullander said that City Engineer Marc Mogan
recommends that rather than repair or replace the culverts again, a bridge be installed.
Mr. Kullander said that the estimated cost for a ten -foot by thirty foot steel bridge is
Liberacki moved to recommend that the Council authorize repair to the bridge as
recommended by Mr. Kullander, sharing the cost of the bridge 50 -50 between the Special
Parks Fund and the Storm Water Utility Fund.
Commissioner Linnell offered a friendly amendment to recommend that Dakota County
be asked to provide for half of the cost of the repair, since the bridge could eventually be
part of the NURT trail.
Commissioner Liberacki accepted Commissioner Linnell's friendly amendment.
Commissioner Libra seconded the motion as amended.
Mr. Kullander said that it was highly unlikely that Dakota County would be willing to
contribute to this cost.
Police Officer Brian Convery visited the Parks Commission briefly to present the new
park theft warning signs to be placed in Kensington and Mendakota parks on an
experimental basis. Officer Convery reported that the City has had an increase in theft of
valuables from cars in these two parks, and that this has been a widespread problem in
parks throughout the Twin Cities area. Officer Convery said that to be safe, no valuables
should be left anywhere in the car.
Commissioner Morris said that he had been involved in law enforcement for the federal
parks system and that car theft was a ubiquitous problem nationwide.
Commissioner Linnell said that the simpler the message on the sign, the better.
Commissioner Linnell suggested simply, "DO NOT LEAVE VALUABLES IN CAR."
Officer Convery said that the signs had already been ordered for Kensington and
Mendakota parks, but that that he would be happy to report back to the Parks and
Recreation Commission on the effectiveness of the signs after the summer was over.
The Commissioner thanked Mr. Convery for his time and wished him luck with the signs.
Mr. Kullander informed the Commission that the Minnesota DNR has offered to conduct
a demonstration shoreline restoration project at Rogers Lake Park and would require that
the City also contribute to the project in the form of staff time to assist in maintenance of
the plantings.
Commissioner Linnell recommended that the Council authorize the DNR and Staff to
perform the work as recommended by Mr. Kullander, minimizing the tall shrubs.
Commissioner Portz seconded the motion.
Mr. Kullander reported that last winter Commissioner Libra donated his unspent per diem
reimbursement of $750 back to the City for the purpose of planting additional pine trees
behind the fencing at the south end of the Kensington Park soccer fields adjacent to
Interstate Highway 494. Mr. Kullander reported that the actual planting of the sixteen
four foot tall spruce trees was done on May 2 by about fourteen members of the West
Saint Paul/Mendota Heights Rotary Club, led by Brian Becker, with assistance from the
Public Works crew.
Chairman Spicer thanked Commissioner Libra for his donation and asked Mr. Hollister to
provide a letter for him to sign thanking the Rotary Club and to place the letter on a
future City Council agenda for acknowledgement.
Mr. Hollister acknowledged the presence of Mr. Lenny Axelrod, Mendota Elementary
parent, Mr. Steve Goldad, Mendota Elementary Principal, and Mr. Richard Gray of
TKDA. Mr. Hollister reminded the Commission that Mr. Axelrod had addressed the
Parks Commission at their regular meeting on November 14, 2000 regarding the
condition of playground equipment at Mendota Elementary School. Mr. Hollister said
that Mr. Axelrod had told the Commission that Mendota Elementary had very old
playground equipment and that he was searching for various sources of funding to
upgrade the equipment and create a "learning center". Mr. Hollister said that Mr. Axelrod
had told the Commission that he was also searching for revenue sources among the
school district, the state, and the parent PTA school committee, as well as individual
teachers and parents.
Mr. Hollister continued that Chair Spicer had told Mr. Axelrod that the City's own
playground needs had to take priority over assisting the school district with school
playgrounds but that in concept he was not averse to providing assistance to Mendota
Elementary for this playground equipment, provided that the equipment met ADA
standards, the City were released from any potential liability, and the City not contribute
more than one third of the cost of the equipment. Mr. Hollister said that Chair Spicer had
also advised Mr. Axelrod that he could not speak for the Council and that the Council
would have to authorize any contribution to this effort. Mr. Hollister added that Chair
Spicer asked Mr. Axelrod to return to a future Commission meeting when he had a more
defined plan for the facility and had secured other sources of funding besides the City.
Mr. Hollister said that Mr. Axelrod had submitted the attached update on his efforts for
discussion with the Parks Commission, and that Mr. Axelrod wished to give a brief
presentation with color displays to the Commission and then answer questions. Mr.
Hollister advised the Commission that any contribution from the Special Parks Fund
towards this project may displace or postpone one of the City's own projects already
scheduled on the Parks Capital Improvement Plan.
Mr. Axelrod, Mr. Goldad, and Mr. Gray gave a presentation with display boards of the
master plan for the outdoor facilities at Mendota Elementary School. Mr. Axelrod said
that the fundraising to implement the plan was being carried out by a committee of eight
to ten parents of school students. Mr. Goldad said that the first phase of the master plan
was the northeast playground, where the play equipment would be educational in nature.
Mr. Goldad said that future phases of the plan would include a hockey rink, and
amphitheater, and a golf putting green. Mr. Gray said that the elementary school was
short on parking for major events such as a ball game, and that part of the plan was to
expand parking.
Chair Spicer said that the City did not have deep pockets to help the school district with
its needs. Chair Spicer said that the City had contributed to school projects in the past,
usually on a one - third, one- third, one -third basis with the school district and parents both
matching the city's contribution.
Commissioner Morris said that the City had a lot of its own parks with playground
equipment that is in need of replacement.
Commissioner Linnell said that rather than contributing one -third of the cost, the City
should consider a specific dollar amount, such as between $5,000 and $8,000.
Chair Spicer asked Mr. Goldad to provide a letter from the school district indicating how
much of the cost they would be covering for this equipment. Chair Spicer said that the
letter should then be submitted to the Parks and Recreation Commission for discussion.
Mr. Goldad said that he would ask the school district for a letter along the lines that Chair
Spicer described.
Mr. Kullander told the Commission that the Parks Capital Improvement Plan for 2001-
2005 allocates $27,000 for replacement of outdated wood timber play equipment at
Roger's Lake Park and installation of a paved pathway and resilient surfacing at the Marie
Park play equipment area.
Mr. Kullander reviewed with the Commission various designs for playground equipment
and resilient surfacing for Rogers Lake Park submitted by various suppliers.
The Commission selected a design by Landscape Structures and Earl F. Anderson and
asked Mr. Kullander to inquire if a nautical theme could be added for an additional cost
of not more than $1500 for a total cost of not more than $23,500.
Staff provided updates on the following items:
• Volunteer Effort to Remove Buckthorn
• DNR Natural Resource Inventory and Plan
• Minnesota Valley State Recreation Area Plan
• May 2001 Elder Edition
• Police Report
Motion made to adjourn by Libra and seconded by Craighead.
The meeting adjourned at 8:30 p.m.