2003-01-08 Airport Relations Commission MinutesCITY OF MENDOTA HEIGHTS
January 8, 2003
The regular meeting of the Mendota Heights Airport Relations Commission was held on
Wednesday, January 8, 2003, at 7:00 p.m., in the Large Conference Room at City Hall,
1101 Victoria Curve, Mendota Heights, Minnesota.
The following Commissioners were present: Scott Beaty, Vern Edstrom, Gregg Fitzer,
Liz Petschel, John Roszak, and Joseph Leuman. Staff present: Cari Lindberg, City
Administrator, Administrative Assistant Patrick C. Hollister, Council Member Jack
Vitelli, NOC Representative; Chad Leqve, MAC; Cindy Green, FAA; and Recorder
Bonita Sullivan. Ms. Sullivan took the minutes.
Not Present: Commissioner Ellsworth Stein.
Approval of Minutes
A. Approval of the November 13, 2002 minutes.
Chair Beaty referenced page 1, fourth paragraph, noting Council Member Krebsbach's
attendance to the ARC meeting and requested that everyone present at the meeting be
included in the Attendee section of the minutes.
A motion was made by Commissioner Petschel, seconded by Commissioner Leuman, to
approve the minutes for November 13, 2002 as amended. Motion Carried 6-0.
B. Approval of the December 11, 2002 minutes.
Commissioner Petschel noted that both sets of minutes covered very lengthy discussions
that included a lot of technical information. She expressed her appreciation stating that
both sets are excellent.
Chair Beaty referenced page five, third paragraph notes that Council Member Vitelli
asked if Mr. Heide was an attorney and Chair Beaty clarified that Mr. Heide is not an
A motion was made by Commissioner Leuman, seconded by Commissioner Edstrom to
approve the minutes for December 11, 2002 as amended. Motion Carried 6-0.
Commission Meeting — January 8, 2003
Mendota Heights Airport Relations Commission
Unfinished/New Business
A. Crossing in the Corridor Analysis - Chad Leqve, Metropolitan Airport
Commission (MAC).
Chad Leqve, Metropolitan Airport Commission (MAC) stated that he would like to
provide the Commission with an insight into the multiple variables that affect the ability
of air traffic controllers in their use of the procedures and what considerations have to be
made throughout the process. He introduced Clinton Ind, an ANOMS Specialist for the
MAC stating that he would provide a presentation to the Commission on the Crossing in
the Corridor Analysis.
Council Member Vitelli asked for further clarification of the purpose for this segment.
Chair Beaty reviewed previous Commission discussions and studies that were done with
regards to the crossing in Mendota Heights with Council Member Vitelli. He explained
that three years ago and after a long struggle, the process was finally implemented. He
further clarified that the Commission requested a status report and asked Mr. Leqve to
provide them with an update on how things are working since the first study.
Mr. Leqve clarified that the first study was to assess how often the procedure is actually
used. He explained that the reason for the study was due to concerns expressed that the
procedure was not being used as often as it should be. He stated that they also did a
follow up study to assess the improvements made from first study.
Mr. Leqve commended the Commission on the Airport Noise video. He stated that he
sent copies of the video to his counterparts at other airports around country as an example
on how to improve the baseline understanding of the Community. He explained that it
assists in the learning curve and raises the understanding of the technical levels of the
process. He stated that the video turned out very well noting that the video provides
some very technical information in very easy to understand terms.
Mr. Ind referenced the Eagan/Mendota Heights corridor and reviewed procedural
operations they have worked to implement within the MSP with the Commission. He
provided the Commission with an overview of the Eagan-Mendota Heights Corridor that
included a background history of its creation in 1968. He explained that it was created to
define the operation parameters. He reviewed the parameter locations with the
Commission stating that the crossing procedure has had many modifications and
adjustments to the corridor. He stated that the Crossing in the Corridor Procedure was
implemented in 1995. He reviewed its purpose with the Commission stating that it was
intended to direct departures from I2L and I2R to the center of the corridor for the best
mitigation of noise for Eagan and Mendota Heights.
Mr. Ind reviewed the six basic categories for variables affecting the implementation
stating that they include runway use, aircraft performance, weather, separation criteria,
pilot discretion and FAA staffing.
Commission Meeting — January 8, 2003
Mendota Heights Airport Relations Commission
Council Member Vitelli asked what the acronym CRJ stood for. Mr. Leqve clarified that
it stood for 'Candidate Resource Jet'.
Mr. Ind explained that the procedure could only be implemented when all variables are
operationally feasible. He further explained that the two largest deteimining factors are
the staffing of one controller in charge of both parallel runways and the need to have non-
simultaneous departures. He stated that there are several other variables to take into
consideration that include head to head operations. He explained that when these are
being used they bring a new set of variables into the equation. He further explained that
'head to head' does take precedence over 'crossing over corridor'.
Mr. Ind stated that after a short lag of time the procedure was fully implemented in 1995.
He referenced the first study stating that the findings did show that the Crossing Over the
Corridor Procedure could be utilized more than it was at the present time. He explained
that the MAC reviewed several options to improve use of the procedure. He provided the
Commission with an overview of the options stating that at the request of the City of
Mendota Heights a second study was completed in 2002. He reviewed the findings of the
second study with the Commission. He explained that the second study included a
comparison of the Crossing Procedure analyses for nighttime and weekend hours and
reviewed the percentages of use with the Commission. He provided the Commission
with a summary of the findings stating that it establishes a continued and consistent effort
to use the Crossing Over the Corridor Procedure.
Commissioner Fitzer asked for clarification of the weekend hours. Mr. Ind clarified that
the weekend hours are from 5:00 p.m. - 3:00 p.m. Saturday and Sunday. Ms. Green
further clarified the hours and the procedures used for the controllers.
Chair Beaty asked how they know when the conditions are right and when the procedure
is being used. He noted the studies and asked if they used all periods or just the
windows. Ms. Green clarified that the times provided are Saturday from 1:00 p.m. to
3:00 p.m. and Sunday from 1:00 p.m. to 3:00 p.m. She stated that she has had
discussions with the FAA regarding compliance with the procedure and reviewed them
with the Commission. She stated that noise abatement is the number one item they teach
the controllers. She explained that it was a new procedure and assured the Commission
that they did provide the controllers with briefings to update them on the changes.
Mr. Leqve clarified that the assumption that there is a 100% opportunity to do this
procedure is not realistic. He explained that they worked to determine how to quantify
this noting that they met with MASAC to discuss and determine the timeframes. He
further explained that it is very difficult to define all the variables, stating that the most
difficult variable is the human comfort level.
Commission Meeting — January 8, 2003
Mendota Heights Airport Relations Commission
Ms. Green explained that they have one controller that manages Runway 12L and one
controller that manages Runway 12R. She explained that they have their own set of
headings and that there is no need for them to talk with each other.
Chair Beaty expressed concerns noting the small window of time to make a decision. He
acknowledged the variables to consider stating that they would still like to see 100%
implementation. Mr. Lecive stated that from an airport abatement perspective they too
would like to see 100% adding that it is not a realistic number. Ms. Green agreed stating
that it could never be 100% of the time. She acknowledged that the opportunity is
supposedly there 100% of the time adding that they would probably never see 100%
implementation. She stated that they could get closer to 100% with the procedures.
Chair Beaty clarified that they would prefer to see 100% implementation during
nighttime operations. He referenced the head to head operations and acknowledged that
he does not know all of the criteria adding that it is frustrating. Mr. Lecive agreed that the
procedure is in place to reduce the noise for South Minneapolis.
Commissioner Leuman asked if Runway 17-35 would open more opportunity for
implementation. Mr. Lecive stated that unless it is a film baseline for the runway to
operate it tends to make incremental gains in reducing the noise impact. He explained
that they would notice more than an incremental noise decrease. He stated that they
would be looking at 37% of the departures off that runway, north of the airport.
Chair Beaty noted discussions regarding a new RUS for Runway 17-35 stating that this
could be a good time to review head to head operations. He asked if it is possible to
reduce head to head operations and have more crossing in corridor procedures available.
He stated that they want to look at every opportunity to reduce noise.
Ms. Green clarified her understanding stating that the runway, in either direction, is not
more beneficial than running within the corridor. She stated that it does have a
placeholder adding that it does not bump out the head to head. Mr. Lecive further
clarified that the whole concept of RUS with Runway 17-35 was to maintain the present
structure and reviewed the RUS concepts with the Commission. Chair Beaty
acknowledged that capacity is the airport's priority whereas the ARC's priority is the
Ms. Green noted that in the fringe hours between 10:00 p.m. and 11:00 p.m. they would
start coming from Runway 17-35 stating that there is opportunity for better
implementation during this timeframe.
Commissioner Petschel referenced the timeframes for each study and asked if the
difference in timeframes would significantly affect the results of the comparison. She
explained that the initial study was done during cold weather months when most of the
take-offs are in the opposite direction and the second study was done during the months
of June to September, when more flights are over Mendota Heights. Ms. Green stated
Commission Meeting — January 8, 2003
Mendota Heights Airport Relations Commission
that it would not affect the results significantly stating that it only compares the 12
Runways and reviewed the results with the Commission.
Commissioner Petschel asked what the nights are like now post -9/11. Mr. Legve
explained that after the September 11 tl' tragedy changes did take place stating that
Northwest Airlines had a scheduled bank that spilled over to the nighttime hours. He
stated that when September 11"' occurred this spill over was taken away. He stated that
they are now beginning to come back into the schedule, which does affect and change the
nighttime noise levels. Ms. Green stated that the midnight activity did not change as
much and reviewed some of the airport changes with the Commission including a new
UPS ramp and new cargo ramps. She explained that these changes are part of the airport
expansion stating that they are very likely to operate at night.
Mr. Legve stated that the MSP Airport activity is up 1.5 %. He referenced the financial
situation of the various airlines stating that Northwest Airlines is in better shape than
several of the other airlines. He stated that MSP is an airport that is figuring the
increasing activity into their maintenance operations adding that noise from this activity
would be nil, as it would be avoided by creative scheduling. He stated that MSP is
making a comeback at a greater rate than other airports and many airlines are making
very aggressive decisions regarding the older aircraft in their fleets. He reviewed the
changes with the Commission noting that Northwest Airlines has ceased operation of the
Boeing 727. He explained that the Boeing 727 was the main cause for much of the noise.
He stated that we are still in a time of flux adding that things are going in the right
Commissioner Edstrom referenced the weekend percentage of crossovers stating that in
reviewing the June through August information the numbers were doubled. He stated
that the numbers for the September through December timeframe were lower noting both
corridors were the same. He noted a 25.7% difference and asked for clarification. Mr.
Legve explained that they have a given timeframe to operate the airport in a certain flow
and reviewed the variables with the Commission.
Commissioner Fitzer referenced simultaneous and ground tracks and asked why they
can't they do more as far as ground tracks. Ms. Green said they don't have a way to
assign ground tracks to a plane and explained the process to Commission. Commissioner
Fitzer clarified his understanding stating that they could apply the headings and suggested
sharing some of the technology they used for the 320. He explained that the pilots could
provide the headings right down to the degree. He further explained that he is a pilot and
flies the 400, which has this capability. He stated that several other planes also have the
ability to provide the headings down to the ground track adding that this would be a great
tool to use. Ms. Green clarified that they cannot assign a ground track noting that they
could utilize the heading for the next plane /pilot. Commissioner Fitzer stated that this is
a capability that could be utilized within a small area of the corridor.
Commission Meeting — January 8, 2003
Mendota Heights Airport Relations Commission
Commissioner Petschel referenced the presentation stating that the heading used is 95
degrees to the north noting it is her understanding that it was 90 degrees. Ms. Green
confirmed that it is 90 degrees. Commissioner Petschel stated that she has received
several phone calls from residents living north of Highway 110 noting that the noise
complaints from this area have increased considerably over the last two years. Ms. Green
acknowledged that they are using the 90-degree headings more and more. Commissioner
Petschel agreed referencing the increase in complaints. She stated that the change is
capacity driven and that this is something new for the residents to deal with.
Mr. Leg-ye stated that this type of feedback is very good as they are trying to get the
Noise Committee pulled together. He further stated that this would be a good reason to
pull this group back together. Commissioner Petschel clarified that her intent was to
relay the feedback from Residents in the area in order to help make them aware of the
extent and degree of the noise level changes. She asked if they have any concerns
regarding the increase in traffic affecting the St. Paul Airport. Ms. Green clarified that
the 90 heading misses the St. Paul airport.
Commissioner Petschel asked when Runway 17-35 would be fully operational. Ms.
Green stated that it would be fully operational November 25, 2004.
Chair Beaty expressed concerns and asked if this could improve or would it continue to
go down. Ms. Green stated that they would see a continual drop on the weekends with
less and less opportunity. She explained that they could do better at night noting that the
head to head would not have as much impact. She further explained that they plan to
distribute a refresher course to the controllers noting that they would see a drop in
opportunities year to year. She stated that the nighttime operations are so small that it
does not take much to skew the facts. Commissioner Petschel expressed concerns stating
that a freighter, at high humidity, at 4:30 a.m., would impact thousands of people in this
area. Ms. Green noted it does not take a lot of head to heads to take away opportunity.
Chair Beaty asked if there was any kind of training to assist the controllers with their
personal comfort levels. Ms. Green explained that a controller's personal comfort level is
developed through experience. She stated that over the next five years they are destined
for a high turnover, as many of the controllers will be eligible for retirement. She stated
that presently they have 37 controllers in the tower, nine are new and in training. She
explained that this is a 25% changeover adding that this would continue over the next five
Mr. Lecive stated that they would continue to support Ms. Green and provide information
for the Controllers. Ms. Green clarified that the controllers do not take their
responsibilities lightly.
Commissioner Edstrom asked if they would look into the fly-track issue. Ms. Green
confirmed adding that it would be a great tool. Commissioner Fitzer explained that they
are using a more sophisticated technology noting that all of the newer airplanes have been
Commission Meeting — January 8, 2003
Mendota Heights Airport Relations Commission
equipped with CRT screens and computer generated information. He stated that at least
50% of all airplanes would have this new technology.
Commissioner Edstrom asked that they provide the Commission with an update on their
progress once they have had an opportunity to analyze the information.
Mr. Leqve referenced the discussion regarding GPS opportunities stating that from a
Federal perspective the program is taking a different direction. He stated that it would
take a large amount of money to implement GPS in addition to the need for a cultural
change. Ms. Green referenced the times we are in since the September 11 th tragedy
stating that the FAA is a bit uncomfortable knowing that the possibility of knocking out a
couple of satellites would leave all airplanes grounded. She agreed that there is a need to
develop a means to alleviate this potential issue.
Chair Beaty acknowledged the concerns with respect to safety stating that the technology
available today is more precise. Ms. Green explained that part of the problem is the
mixing of technology on the airplanes. She further explained that they have to document
the procedures to accommodate the lowest level of technology stating that it is very
difficult to encompass and include the new technology.
Mr. Leqve noted that the GAO did an evaluation of the entire LOSS program stating that
they took a very conservative approach for Federal Law Office deployment. He
explained that the GAO commented that it was not the program that was originally
) intended to get off the ground. He further explained that they did upgrade their ground
station GPS stating that it was the last step prior to the final results. He stated that they
would probably be in the top ten to upgrade adding that they are positioned well to be at
the front end of the program once it starts moving.
City Administrator Lindberg asked if the presentation this evening would be available on
the MAC website. Mr. Ind confiimed that the presentation would be available on the
Chair Beaty asked if it would be possible to provide an update to the Airport Relations
Commission on this issue every quarter. Mr. Leqve stated that they could provide an
update the first month of each quarter.
Chair Beaty stated that it is frustrating to see that there would not be much change. He
further stated that it drives home the point that operations are capacity driven much of the
Commissioner Fitzer referenced the head to head issues and reviewed the heading issues
with the Commission. He expressed his surprise that they were not aware of the
technology adding that it would be nice to be able to incorporate the technology. He
stated that it would be a great tool.
Commission Meeting — January 8, 2003
Mendota Heights Airport Relations Commission
B. Joint Council - ARC Workshop Update
City Administrator Lindberg stated that the workshop request was an item on the last
Council meeting agenda. She reviewed the Council discussion with the Commission
stating that the Council voted to attend the February ARC meeting. She stated that the
meeting would be held in the Council chambers. She stated that she would contact Mr.
Heide and invite him to the meeting.
C. Garron/Acacia Site Update
City Administrator Lindberg provided the Commission with an update of the
Garron/Acacia site issues. She referenced the petition for the Environmental Assessment
Worksheet stating that Council voted, 5 -0, to move forward with the EAW. She stated
that there are several groups involved and reviewed them with the Commission. She
referenced Ron Clark's application for rezoning stating that the Council took no action
and that the project is on hold until EAW is done. She explained that this leaves the
developer with the question of whether or not to go forward with project. She further
explained that the developer, Mr. Clark, would like to go forward adding that the owner
of the property, John Allen, is still trying to decide if he wants to give an extension on the
purchase agreement. She stated that any future project, of a similar nature, in the next
twelve months, would have to have an EAW completed.
Commissioner Edstrom asked how long it would take to perform an EAW. City
Administrator Lindberg explained that there are no guidelines on the timeframe stating
that once the EAW is created it must be published for a 30 -day period in order to allow
time to review and provide feedback. She stated that they have contacted a consultant to
discuss the details of pulling the information together for the EAW process. She stated
that Council has directed Staff to develop a plan/process on how they would move
forward with the EAW that would be presented at the next Council meeting.
Commissioner Petschel clarified her understanding of their use for the findings. City
Administrator Lindberg explained that the findings must be published and available to
review for 30 -days. She stated that they would then respond to the feedback and
concerns received before moving forward with the project. She reviewed the
responsibilities for information gathering and the costs with the Commission.
Commissioner Roszak asked if placement of the land within the noise contours has been
reviewed. City Administrator Lindberg stated that Jeff Hamiel submitted a letter to the
Council in reference to this site. She stated that Mr. Fuhrman addressed the contours
with Council.
In regards to the issue with the Rogers Lake East neighborhood, Commissioner Petschel
stated that the MAC is generating the contours from computer fed and generated
information. She further stated that the contours are only as accurate as the information
Commission Meeting — January 8, 2003
Mendota Heights Airport Relations Commission
fed to the computer and asked if Council was aware of this issue. City Administrator
Lindberg stated that she provided the Council with the information from ARC in addition
to reviewing Mr. Heide's issues as it was addressed in the memo.
Commissioner Edstrom stated that it appeared Council was not familiar with or aware of
the wording in the ARC motion on the Rogers Lake East issue and asked for further
clarification. Chair Beaty agreed and asked Council Member Vitelli to clarify.
Council Member Vitelli clarified that Council has been advised not to get into a position
where they act as a judge with respect to whether the Rogers Lake group is correct or not.
He stated that he does not understand why Mr. Heide and Mr. Kosel do not go over to
MAC themselves and discuss this issue. Chair Beaty explained that both Mr. Heide and
Mr. Kosel have tried meeting with the MAC several times adding that they feel they have
been blocked from information. Council Member Vitelli stated that he and Council
Member Krebsbach had offered to arrange another meeting for them with the MAC.
Chair Beaty explained that Mr. Heide's concern was whether a certain public hearing was
held on 5th or 6th• He clarified that it has to do with the environmental concern sheet
noting that the group has found additional information that shows MAC may have been
in error. He explained that this would have a huge impact on the homes that should have
been insulated. He stated that this affects not only Mendota Heights but also some homes
in Minneapolis. He stated that they are meeting with Senator Metzen and Representative
Pugh next month.
Commissioner Edstrom stated that all the ARC's proposed statement is saying is that
there is some evidence that there could be a problem. He stated that the letter would
officially ask the MAC to do an investigation and report back with the findings.
Commissioner Fitzer agreed stating that it is at a point where there could be a need for a
body, such as the Council, to assist in mediating the issue and getting it off the center.
Commissioner Roszak clarified that the ARC's motion was not designed to get the City
or the Council into the middle of anything. Commissioner Fitzer agreed stating that they
are only asking for an investigation of the issues. Commissioner Petschel explained that
Mr. Heide has gone through all the right channels but that he has not received any
response or assistance. She further explained that the ARC has a high level of frustration
and expressed concerns stating that the ARC serves the citizens of the City. She stated
that they have a group of residents with a real issue adding that they have an opportunity
to bring this resolution forward and assist in moving this process along. She stated that,
in her opinion, this is what the ARC is all about.
Commissioner Roszak stated that they need more technical information in order to be
able to tell this group it is a resolved issue. Commissioner Edstrom agreed and suggested
that City Council send the letter off to the MAC requesting an investigation.
Council Member Vitelli asked if City Council should view the presentation. Chair Beaty
stated that is the reason they asked for the workshop. Council Member Vitelli asked if
Commission Meeting — January 8, 2003
Mendota Heights Airport Relations Commission
this is going to be part of their February 12, 2003 meeting. Commissioner Petschel stated
that they are not sure if they would do the presentation at the February 12th' meeting as
Senator Metzen and Representative Pugh are scheduled to attend in February.
Commissioner Roszak asked if the City Council received legal council advising them not
to go down any path of endorsement of the Rogers Lake East neighborhood's cause.
Council Member Vitelli confirmed that in the November/December timeframe legal
council did advise against any foiur of endorsement. City Administrator Lindberg
clarified that the City Attorney did not weigh in on this specific issue. She further
clarified that the discussion at the Council meeting involved the workshop request.
Commissioner Petschel clarified her understanding that the City Attorney felt that the
City Council should not enter into a position where they would render an opinion. City
Administrator Lindberg concurred stating that Council cannot issue the letter until they
review the presentation.
Commissioner Roszak suggested that they could remove, from their resolution, any
implication for the City that would appear as if an opinion has been expressed.
Commissioner Petschel expressed her agreement with Commissioner Edstrom in that all
they are asking for is clarification and support for the information they have requested.
City Administrator Lindberg asked if the Commission would want Senator Metzen and
Representative Pugh at the next meeting knowing now that the Council plans to attend.
The Commission agreed, by consensus, that they do not believe this would be an
appropriate forum to air these issues.
Council Member Vitelli stated that if the Commission does not want Council to attend the
February 12th' meeting that he would propose a special workshop to the Council.
Commissioner Roszak suggested including the Council in order to give them an
opportunity to hear what they have to say. He suggested providing a specific timeframe
on the agenda for their portion of the meeting.
Commissioner Petschel noted the significance of Senator Metzen and Representative
Pugh's presence for Mr. Heide's presentation. City Administrator Lindberg stated she has
not discussed the presentation with Mr. Heide yet noting that she would contact him and
update the Commission.
D. February ARC Meeting - Senator Metzen and Representative Pugh
City Administrator Lindberg asked the Commission for suggestions on the kind of issues
they would like to discuss with Senator Metzen and Representative Pugh.
Commissioner Petschel suggested a general discussion with open -ended questions that
would allow a flow of conversation. She stated that this would be a good opportunity for
Commission Meeting — January 8, 2003
Mendota Heights Airport Relations Commission
them to begin developing a relationship and as the relationship grows, incorporate a
future meeting that would include more specific issues.
Commissioner Roszak suggested providing Senator Metzen and Representative Pugh
with a copy of their Mission Statement and include a document that clarifies the airport
issues in Mendota Heights.
Commissioner Petschel suggested providing them with a copy of the Airport Noise video.
City Administrator Lindberg stated that she would be willing to include a copy of the
video with a packet of information that would include their questions and the ARC
Mission Statement and Goals.
Commissioner Roszak stated he would like to know who the key players are at the State
level and who they think would be good contacts to work with on these issues.
Commissioner Roszak asked if a list is available that shows the Committees they are
involved with. Chair Beaty stated that a list of Committees is available on the State
website. City Administrator Lindberg stated she would research this and report back to
the Commission with her findings.
Commissioner Roszak referenced Council Member Vitelli's question as to what Council
failed to do and clarified that Council did not fail to do anything. He further clarified that
their purpose was to clarify the issues.
Council Member Vitelli clarified his understanding of the legal issues and asked who the
legal entities would be to deal with this issue. Commissioner Roszak stated that it is his
understanding that the MAC is making the decision as to who gets insulated and who
does not. Council Member Vitelli asked what role the City should play on an issue
between a homeowner and the MAC. Commissioner Roszak explained that it does not
have a legal role but that it could be viewed as a political role.
Council Member Vitelli asked if Mr. Heide has actually talked with Mr. Anderson or the
MAC regarding the Public Hearing that had been held on the 511' or 6th . Commissioner
Petschel stated that Mr. Heide has issued a letter that has not received a response.
Commissioner Edstrom stated that Mr. Heide has rather credible evidence. He explained
that the ARC Commission's proposed letter is acknowledging the information and
requesting a review of the information by Council. Commissioner Roszak stated that the
biggest issue is the map submitted to the FAA and the possible errors that were made in
the maps that were published. Chair Beaty further clarified the study process noting that
the findings ended up showing no significant impact. He reviewed the decibel
increase/decrease issues that would generate an environmental study with the
Commission Meeting — January 8, 2003
Mendota Heights Airport Relations Commission
Commissioner Petschel stated that this is not just one homeowner against the MAC but a
large group of homeowners with valid concerns. She stated that although the City may
not have a legal responsibility to get involved in this issue they do have a responsibility
support their residents. She stated that the Rogers Lake East neighborhood would like to
be seriously heard and seriously responded to by the MAC.
Council Member Vitelli stated that in a discussion with Mr. Kosel he suggested
simplifying the information so people can understand it. He referenced all the memos
from the Rogers Lake East group stating that he does not have the amount of time it
would take to read through all of their documentation. He stated that if they simplify the
information and put it into a simpler format that it would be easier to understand and
process the issues. He stated that they cannot decide, on February 12`I', who is right or
wrong. Commissioner Petschel and Edstrom clarified that they are not asking for a
decision. Instead, they are asking Council to consider asking the MAC to investigate the
issues that have been brought forward.
Council Member Vitelli referenced the map errors and asked for further clarification.
Commissioner Petschel explained the issues regarding the maps to Council Member
Vitelli. Commissioner Roszak stated that the MAC also had a different map that shows
the actual flights in addition to the map that was certified by Nigel Finney.
Commissioner Petschel stated that the map demanded for the contours to be correct and
that certain flights were to go over the Bloomington area noting that this did not happen
and it impacted Mendota Heights. She stated that all they want, at this point, is to see
their findings have a fair hearing and to be responded to. She stated that they want to see
the process through noting that ARC could provide some advocacy to assist them in that
Commissioner Roszak stated that if the Council does not want the ARC to address an
issue that is affecting the citizens they should hear this from the Council.
City Administrator Lindberg stated that she would write a letter of invitation to Senator
Metzen, Representative Pugh and Mr. Heide inviting them to the February 12, 2003 ARC
meeting. She stated that the invitation would also include the City Council.
E. ARC Commission Members
City Administrator Lindberg stated that she received a call from Betty Schuster
expressing her interest in becoming a member of the Airport Relations Commission. She
stated that Ms. Schuster would be submitting her letter of application for Commission
consideration. She asked the Commission for membership recommendations. She asked
the Commission to forward their recommendations to her by January 15, 2003.
F. Airport Plan of Action
Chair Beaty suggested moving this to the March or April agenda.
Commission Meeting — January 8, 2003
Mendota Heights Airport Relations Commission
The Commission agreed to table this item to a future meeting.
Acknowledge Receipt of Various Reports /Correspondence:
The Commission briefly reviewed the following documents:
a. Letter from Rogers Lake East Airport Noise Reduction Committee to
Commissioner Mike Landy, Metropolitan Airports Commission, dated
December 30, 2002 (with Attachments 1 -4).
b. October 2002 Eagan/Mendota Heights Departure Corridor Analysis.
c. November 2002 Eagan/Mendota Heights Departure Corridor Analysis.
d. October 2002 Technical Advisor's Report (draft).
e. What's New at the MAC Aviation Noise and Satellite Programs.
f. Airport Noise Reports
Chair Beaty stated they received a request for funding from Mr. Heide. He stated that the
Commission cannot make decisions on this issue and indicated that this request must be
made of the City Council and not the ARC. Chair Beaty indicated that he was not
comfortable recommending this expenditure. Commissioner Petschel agreed stating that
her comfort level is not very high with making that kind of recommendation. City
Administrator Lindberg stated that she could discuss the issues with Mr. Heide.
Chair Beaty stated that this was Commissioner Leuman's last meeting with the Airport
Relations Commission and acknowledged his 10 -years of service to the ARC. He and the
Commission thanked Commissioner Leuman for his hard work, dedication and support.
The Commission agreed, by consensus, to adjourn the meeting at 9:30 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Bonita Sullivan
TimeSaver Off Site Secretarial, Inc.