2000-10-11 Airport Relations Commission MinutesCITY OF MENDOTA HEIGHTS DAKOTA COUNTY, MINNESOTA AIRPORT RELATIONS COMMISSION MINUTES OCTOBER 11, 2000 The regular meeting of the Mendota Heights Airport Relations Commission was held on Wednesday, October 11, 2000, in the Large Conference Room at City Hall, 1101 Victoria Curve. The meeting was called to order at 7:10 p.m.. The following Commissioners were present: Chair Scott Beaty and Commissioners Elizabeth Petschel, Ellsworth Stein, and George May. Commissioners Gregg Fitzer, John Roszak and Joe Leuman were excused from the meeting. Administrative Assistant Patrick C. Hollister took the minutes. MINUTES Commissioner May moved approval of the August 9, 2000 minutes. Commissioner Petschel seconded the motion. AYES: 4 NAYS: 0 The Commission also acknowledged the unofficial minutes from the September 13, 2000 meeting which did not have a quorum. AIRPORT NOISE VIDEO The Commission discussed the production of the Airport Noise Issues Video. Mr. Hollister announced that the Council had approved an expenditure of up to $5000 for the production of the video. Commissioner Petschel said that the actual expense of producing the video could vary widely depending how elaborate the production was and how much of the production the Commissioners themselves would be willing to do. Comrnissioner Petschel said that for example if the Commissioners took a production class on basic camera and equipment operation and used a fixed camera within the NDCTV studio to produce the video, the cost would be minimal. The Commission could also consider using Inver Hills students to produce the video. Chair Beaty said that the Commission first had to decide what they wanted in the video in terms of content and then write a script for the video. Chair Beatty said that the Commission could then plan out the production of the video and determine the cost of the video. Mr. Hollister then showed the Part 150 video sent to the City by Roy Fuhrman of the Metropolitan Airports Commission. Mr. Hollister said that Mr. Fuhrman had told him that the Commission was welcome to use all or part of the video in the production of its own video, provided that due credit was given to the MAC. Chair Beatty said that the video should provide basic information and not be too complicated. Chair Beaty said that the video should show a picture of the airport and where Mendota Heights is. Chair Beatty said that the video should then discuss the insulation program. Chair Beatty said that the video should then show why the airplanes do not fly on the centerline because Eagan is protected by the tower order. Chair Beatty said that the video should also describe the preferential runway use system. Chair Beatty said that the video should describe what the Airport Relations Commission is and what it is trying to do. Chair Beatty said that the primary audience for the video would be Mendota Heights Residents, and that it should explain why flights have increased ten fold over the last decade. Chair Beatty said that a secondary audience would be other communities. Commissioner Petschel said that the video could have more impact if it successfully combines audio and video, in other words letting the viewer hear examples of airplane noise in addition to seeing airplanes fly overhead. Chair Beatty said that it would be useful to show the day and night decibel cartoon and the color noise exposure maps shown in the MAC video. Commissioner Petschel said that the video should include a good graphic on simultaneous departures. The Commission then discussed the possibility of a video content brainstorming session from 8:00 am to noon on a Saturday at City Hall, with possible dates being November 11, November 18, December 2, or December 9. The session would include all members of the Airports Relations Commission as well as outside guests. Possible guests include Roy Fuhrman of the MAC, John Nelson of Bloomington, Ad Hoc Commissioner Jill Smith, and Dennis Raferty of NDCTV. The Commission asked Mr. Hollister to contact these individuals before the next meeting of the Airport Noise Commissioner to determine their availability on the four aforementioned dates. Chair Beaty and Commissioner Petschel also said that they would contact consultants who would be willing to facilitate discussion of the video, provided that they did not charge too much money out of the funds available for the actual video production. The Commission decided to choose which date to hold the session at their November meeting. ADJOURN Motion made to adjourn by Roszak and seconded by Leuman. AYES: 4 NAYS: 0 The meeting adjourned at 8:00 p.m.