2000-04-12 Airport Relations Commission MinutesCITY OF MENDOTA HEIGHTS DAKOTA COUNTY, MINNESOTA Airport Relations Commission Minutes April 12, 2000 The regular meeting of the Mendota Heights Relations Commission was held on Wednesday, April 12, 2000 in the City Hall Large Conference Room, 1101 Victoria Curve. Chair Beaty called the meeting to order at 7:10 p.m. The following members were present: Commissioners Beaty, Fitzer, Leuman, Roszak and Stein. Also present was Administrator Batchelder. Commissioner May was excused and Commissioner Petschel was absent. APPROVAL OF MARCH 15, 2000 MINUTES Commissioner Roszak moved approval of the February 9, 2000 meeting minutes as submitted. Commissioner Leuman seconded the motion. AYES: 5 NAYS: 0 MINNEAPOLIS RESOLUTION ON PART 150 INSULATION City Administrator Batchelder stated that the City of Minneapolis had submitted a resolution to the Metropolitan Airports Commission that states Minneapolis' priorities for the Sound Insulation Program, including the existing sound insulation program based on the 1996 contours. The City of Minneapolis desires MAC to sound insulate multi-family residential structures within the 1996 DNL65 and greater noise contour prior to completing any sound insulation for single family homes in the new 2005 DNL65 and greater noise contours. Administrator Batchelder stated that the Metropolitan Airports Commission had requested that each community provide MAC with our city specific sound insulation priority recommendations. According to the MAC's geographic information system database, the City of Mendota Heights does not have any multi-family parcels in the 2005 DNL65 contour. The Commission discussed the Minneapolis resolution 99R-406 that outlines their specific priority recommendations as follows: 1. Complete the sound insulation of eligible single family and duplex homes that fall within the 1996 DNL65 and greater DNL noise contours; 2. Complete the sound insulation of multi-family residential structures within the 1996 DNL65 and greater noise contours; 3. Complete the sound insulation of eligible single family and duplex homes that fall within the 2005 DNL65 and greater DNL noise contours; 4. Complete the sound insulation of multi-family residential structures within the 2005 DNL65 and greater DNL noise contours; 5. Complete the sound insulation of eligible single family and duplex homes that fall within the 2005 DNL60 — DNL64 noise contours; 6. Complete the sound insulation of multi- family residential structures within the 2005 DNL60 -DNL64 noise contours. Administrator Batchelder stated that Minneapolis and Bloomington, and to some extent Richfield, have a significant number of multi - family dwellings within the existing Sound Insulation Program. Administrator Batchelder stated other communities such as Eagan, may desire to have the Part 150 Program proceed directly to the 2005 single - family homes at the same time the multi - family construction begins under the existing program. The Commission discussed continuing with the single - family home insulation at the same time the multi - family insulation occurs. The Commission wanted a clarification from the Metropolitan Airports Commission on how the current Part 150 Sound Implementation strategy is different from the priorities proposed by the City of Minneapolis. The Commission directed Administrator Batchelder to write a letter requesting this clarification. UPDATE ON THE PART 150 STUDY Administrator Batchelder provided the Commission with an update of the runway use discussion that had occurred at the March 24, 2000 meeting of the MASAC Operations Committee. Administrator Batchelder reviewed the existing runway use system and the five alternatives that HNTB had used in analyzing runway use alternatives that might provide noise abatement. Administrator Batchelder stated each of these runway use alternatives was reviewed to create noise contours that could then be examined on whether they add population and households to the total noise contour when compared to the 2005 base case contour. Administrator Batchelder stated that the recommendation made by MAC's consultant was that the analysis indicates that the base case (the unmitigated 2005 contour), which is based on the assumptions of the Dual Track FEIS, provides the most benefit to communities as a preferred runway system to any of the alternatives that were analyzed. In other words, the consultant is recommending that the best runway use system is that which is based on the runway use percentages contained in the environmental impact statement for the 2010 NSP Comprehensive Plan. The Commission discussed the different alternatives that had been analyzed by the Metropolitan Airport Commission and their consultant. The Commission directed that alternatives No. 2, 4 and 5, in that order, are preferred by our Airport Relations Commission. Those alternatives are as follows: Alternative 2 • Maximize use of Runway 17 for departure and Runways 30L /30R for Arrivals • Second priority — depart Runway 12L/12R, arrive Runway 35 • Head to head operations when needed and operationally feasible • Third priority — balanced use of Runway 4/22 • Depart Runways 30L and 30R, and arrive Runways 12L and 12R, at all other times. Alternative 4 • Maximize use of Runway 17 for departure, and Runway 35 for arrivals • Second priority — depart Runways 12L/12R, arrive Runways 30L/30R • Head to head operations when needed and operationally feasible • Third priority — balanced use of Runway 4/22 • Depart Runways 30L and 30R, and arrive Runways 12L and 12R, at all other times Alternative 5 • Maximize balance/equal priority use of Runways 12L/12R/17 for departure, and Runways 30L/30R/35 for arrivals • Head to head operations when needed and operationally feasible • Second priority — balanced use of Runway 4/22 • Depart Runways 30L and 30R, and arrive Runways 12L and 12R, at all other times AIRPORT RELATIONS COMMISSION BROCHURE The Airport Relations reviewed the final draft of their brochure and provided staff with some minor corrections on wording. The Commission felt that a cream or buffed colored paper stock would work best. The Commission changed the brochure's title to "The Mendota Heights Air Noise Flyer". UPDATE ON NOISE ABATEMENT DEPARTURE PROFILES Administrator Batchelder reviewed the Part 150's discussion on Noise Abatement Departure Profiles and informed the Commission that Mr. Roy Fuhrman, Technical Advisor for MAC, had visited with the Mayor and Administrator Batchelder to review in detail the information that had been provided by MAC Consultants regarding Noise Abatement Departure Profiles. Administrator Batchelder stated that the information provided by MAC demonstrated that while Close-In departures were significant in getting airplanes at higher altitudes, under a Close-In departure procedure an airplane such as a DC9 or 727 is moving at a much slower air speed and therefore creating more noise on the ground below it. Administrator Batchelder stated that the information provided by MAC demonstrated that the area of benefit for Close-In departure procedures would essentially be over the river bottoms, in other words just on the other side of the fence from the airport. Administrator Batchelder stated that the benefit area for the Distant departure procedure began at about four miles from brake release and this is the area where you start to get into Mendota Heights' residential neighborhoods. The Airport Commission stated that their desire all along on Noise Abatement Departure Profiles was to do a test of Close-In procedures for a six-month period in order to discover if it indeed is quieter than the Distant departure procedures. The ANOMS noise measuring system would provide actual data for this type of a six-month test, as opposed to modeled contours. ACKNOWLEDGE RECEIPT OF VARIOUS REPORTS/CORRESPONDENCE The Commission reviewed the Technical Advisors Report for the month of February. The Commission discussed the ten loudest noise events and their desire to see a comparison of the ten loudest noise events in the year 2000 to five years worth of data on the ten loudest noise events from previous Technical Advisors Reports. The Commission felt that July of each year would be the best month to look at this information. Administrator Batchelder stated that he will be submitting a request form to MASAC regarding several complaints he's received from people living North of the Eagan/Mendota Heights corridor about a perceived increase in noise in their neighborhood. Administrator Batchelder stated the MASAC request form was designed to allow communities to submit these types of requests so that MAC staff can analyze the specific issue and respond with a report. The meeting adjourned at 9:15 p.m. Respectfully Submitted, Kevin Batchelder City Administrator