2000-02-09 Airport Relations Commission Minutes( ) CITY OF MENDOTA HEIGHTS DAKOTA COUNTY, MINNESOTA Airport Relations Commission Minutes February 9, 2000 The regular meeting of the Mendota Heights Airport Relations Commission was held on Wednesday, February 9, 2000, in the City Hall Large Conference Room, 1101 Victoria Curve. Chair Beaty called the meeting to order at 7:15 p.m. The following members were present: Commissioners Beaty, May, Petschel, Roszak. Commissioners Fitzer, Leuman and Stein were absent. Also present was Administrator Batchelder. APPROVAL OF JANUARY 12, 2000 MINUTES Commissioner May moved approval of the January 12, 2000 meeting minutes as submitted. Commissioner Roszak seconded the motion. AYES: 4 NAYS: 0 PART 150 STUDY UPDATE Administrator Batchelder noted the report of the 1987 Part 150 Measures Analysis report that had been distributed to Commissioners. The last 11 pages highlight each item of concern as received in each city's scoping letter. The report shows that each concern will be addressed in the corridor analysis. The City is also requesting an analysis of head-to-head operations during the nighttime hours and that they be restricted to the new runway 17-35. Chair Beaty noted that a narrower corridor with a boundary of 95 degrees is not included. Administrator Batchelder stated that issue was rejected by the FAA. The FAA has stated that documented letters of support were received. The City has requested to see the letters, but none have been provided for review. When the DGPS reviews the separation standard, it may at that time be possible to narrow the corridor. However, it won't happen in the next decade because of the cost and the fact that it would require the FAA to adopt new rules to mandate that it be done. AIRPORT RELATIONS COMMISSION BROCHURE Administrator Batchelder reported that Commissioner Petschel had submitted a draft Commission brochure for review. Commissioner Petschel stated that the brochure is a rough draft in the format of frequently asked questions. She believes the statements to the questions should be short, with basic infounation in a lay person's terms so everyone can understand. „ ) Commissioners reviewed the brochure, reordered the questions with the following text under each question: 1. What is the Airport Relations Commission? Given the multifaceted and ever changing nature of the Minneapolis-St. Paul International Airport and its impact on our community, the creation of a citizen's advisory body to assist the City Council was deemed important. The Commission advises the City Council on matters pertaining to airport noise and operations. This is accomplished by monitoring proposed airport rules, procedures and progranis which impact air noise levels within Mendota Heights. The Commission makes regular recommendations to the City Council on strategies that will mitigate air noise exposure. Members also address non-noise related issues arising from increased operations and expansion at the Minneapolis/St. Paul Airport. This includes land use in communities adjacent to the airport. Why, When and How was the Commission Formed? The Airport Relations Commission was established in 1993 and its membership consists of seven Mendota Heights residents. Members are appointed by the Mayor with the consent of the City Council. Commission members are volunteers who serve three-year tem.'s. The Commission meets at 7:00 p.m. on the second Wednesday of each month. All meetings are open to the public. 3. What are the Commission's Priorities? Mitigating the effect of air noise in Mendota Heights is the Commission's primary concern. To this end, members have defined the following issues as important priorities: ® Equity of the current runway use system. ® Aircraft take-off noise reduction through alternative departure techniques. e Ensure proper use of the established air corridor over Mendota Heights. ® Restriction of aircraft operations during nighttime hours. ® Accelerated conversion of j et fleets to quieter manufactured (non-hush kitted) stage III aircraft. o Monitor long-term comprehensive plan issues at Minneapolis-St. Paul International Airport. • Expansion of noise monitoring technology in communities adjacent to the airport. For further information, refer to the 2000 Plan of Action which can be obtained at City Hall. The remainder of the brochure lists the Commissioners by name, with Commissioner Roszak's phone number corrected, and provides information for residents to register complaints or have questions answered. It was the consensus of the Commission to request a new draft with the above-amended language in a tri-fold format that would be easy to mail. THIRD PARALLEL RUNWAY CONTRACT REVISIONS Administrator Batchelder referred Commissioners to the City/MAC Contract Pertaining to Limits on Construction of a Third Parallel Runway. The copy shows new and stricken language. Commissioner Roszak suggested that the relevant session law be attached to the agreement when it is submitted. The following edits were made: 1: After the parentheses in the first sentence of No. 1, the following was added: "is attached hereto and incorporated herein as Exhibit A." 2. Add the word "runway" after the word "parallel" in the first sentence under I'LL 3. Add the section number after "Ch. 464" in 111.3. 4. Change the second "that" to "the" in the second sentence of 111.4. 5. Delete "community", the last word under 111.5. and 'change it to "metro area." In relation to land acquisition restrictions, Commissioner Roszak suggested that the City Council request the City Attorney to put this document in recordable fog The document should be filed against all property that is parallel to or would be affected by further acquisition of land by the airport. UPDATES MAC Retirements and Promotions in Aviation Noise Program Administrator Batchelder reported that Mr. Roy Fuhrmann, Manager of Aviation Noise and Satellite Programs, will be replacing Mr. Richard Keinz as MAC's representative at MASAC meetings. Mr. Keinz is retiring. Also, Mr. Chad Leg-ye, who has extensive ANONIS experience and noise abatement knowledge, has been promoted to the position of MASAC Technical Advisor. IVISP Year 2000 State 2 Operations Report Chair Beaty reported receiving calls about Stage 2 aircraft noise. Administrator Batchelder stated that MAC has reported that MSP is in full compliance with the Stage 3 deadline and all airlines are in compliance. MAC has an ordinance in place prohibiting the use of Stage 2 aircraft. Violations are charged as misdemeanors. Documentation must be presented to MAC for an investigation. .3 ACKNOWLEDGE RECEIPT OF VARIOUS REPORTS/CORRESPONDENCE Administrator Batchelder distributed the Villager which reports St. Paul's increasing interest and activity regarding airport issues, although Holman Field is not a reliever airport. Also distributed was the Governor's Airport Community Stabilization Funding Task Force report. A bill has been introduced in the legislature that would allow Richfield and other impacted cities to create an airport impact zone that would be eligible for funding from sales taxes for redevelopment and replacement housing. It would allow cities to create TIE' districts and convert land uses in impacted areas to uses more compatible with airport activity. There is not negative impact to Mendota Heights, and the Mayor has indicated support of the bill. The Commission may review the bill at the next meeting. The meeting adj durned.at 9:22 p.m. Respectfully submitted, Deanne Gueblaoui Recording Secretary 4